CherryChapter 21 free porn video

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Then one morning the helicopter arrived again and Sir John told Skye and me to get on it along with him. After about a 30 minute flight we arrived at what Sir John called a Country Club. Sir John told us that he’d got a job for us. We were going to be ‘Ball Girls’ for 3 important tennis matches.

“Won’t we need some clothes Sir John?” Skye asked.

“No SK, this is a private members club and the member are all very open-minded. They like the ancient Greek’s way of doing sport.”

Neither Skye nor I asked what that was, but we found out when the tennis started; the players, all men, were as naked as we were. I suddenly decided that I liked tennis.

Having said that, the tennis matches weren’t as exciting as I expected when we were told that we’d be naked in front of a big audience. Sure, it was great looking at those cocks but they weren’t hard, and Skye and I weren’t the centre of attention.

Things improved later when we were taken to the restaurant and told to take a shower. Afterwards Skye and I were put on 2 trolleys, flat on our backs. The chefs then proceeded to cover us with all sorts of food.

Obviously, I couldn’t see the display that they’d produced, but they seemed to be happy, they even went and got a camera and took loads of photos of us.

After a short wait we were wheeled out and taken on the rounds of the diners who helped themselves to the food, and the odd little grope of our tits or pussies.

I don’t suppose the chefs were too pleased when I had the 2 orgasms as my jerking dislodged some of the food and it fell off me and onto the floor.

At the end of the meal Skye and I had to walk round all the diners and say hello to them. It was a bit of a silly idea because most of them didn’t speak English, but at least it gave some of them the chance play with our tits and pussies again.

After another shower we got on the helicopter and flew back to the yacht which was a bit scary because I hadn’t a clue how the pilot could see where we were going in the dark, or how he managed to land on the back of the yacht.

Another night, when we were anchored in a marina, Sir John took us to a nightclub. Again, Skye asked about clothes, and again Sir John told us that none were needed.

In a way I was disappointed that we didn’t get to go into the main part of the nightclub; but there again, where Skye and I were taken and told what to do was amazing.

We were led to a room that turned out to be next to the main dance floor. The thing was, the wall between the room and the dance floor has one big, white, glass panel that nearly filled the whole wall.

The room had no furniture except for 3 sets of what I assumed was some sort of sex toys. Sir John watched as a young woman wearing some weird, black leather outfit; came into the room and started telling Skye and me what to do.

She told us to go to the first item in each set of ‘toys’ which was a metal pole that was bolted to the floor at one end. On the top of each of them was a shiny metal dildo and hanging from the ceiling over each one was a pair of handcuffs.

I smiled as Skye and I were told to lower ourselves onto the dildos and then put our arms up in the air.

I watched as the woman cuffed Skye’s wrists way above her head. Then the woman bent down in front of Skye and used something on the pole that I hadn’t seen before, a height adjuster and the woman raised the height of the dildo until Skye had to raise her heels off the floor.

Satisfied, the woman came over to me and did the same to me.

When she was done, I thought,

“Well this isn’t too bad.”

My time standing still as a mannequin meant that I would be able to stand like that for ages. Even standing on my toes wouldn’t be a problem for ages.

What happened next did surprise me; the woman and Sir John left the room, but the woman pressed a button next to the light switch as she went out.

At first I didn’t realise what the button did, but as I turned to look in front of me, at the big glass panel, I realised that I could see through the glass and see the people dancing.

“Hmm, that should make standing here a bit easier.” I thought as my eyes scanned all the people.

Then I saw a man looking my way, then another, then a woman, then another man. Then a woman pointed at me.

It was then that I realised that as well as Skye and me being able to see all the people on the dance floor, they could see us too. We had been put on display for them. I felt a sudden wet rush in my pussy, my nipples started to hurt and that nice tingling that I’d had ever since Harlee first gave me some of that blue powder in some OJ, suddenly got more intense.

I was just starting to think about what I could do to make myself cum when I got one hell of a shock, a bolt of electricity came out of the dildo and shot all over my body.

“FUUUCCKKK.” I shouted, and realised that Skye was screaming too.

It only lasted a second but OMG. I looked out to the dance floor and saw people smiling and laughing. I guessed that they realised what had happened and wondered how many other girls had been put in the same position as us.

I was just getting over the shock and wondering if / when I would get another shock when I did.

“Arrrrrrrgh.” I shouted as my body tensed.

The third shock was too much for my little body and I started to cum.

Whoever was controlling the electric shocks must have been able to see us because the shocks kept coming and kept me up on my high for ages. My heels started to weaken and the dildo pressed further into my pussy. Where it was going I didn’t know, but the combination or my orgasms and the electric shocks seemed to start to dull the pain of wherever it was pressing inside me.

Just as I thought that I was going to pass out the shocks stopped, closely followed by my orgasms then the pain from the dildo. I pushed up, further onto my toes and took stock of my situation.

I had just had multiple orgasms, I was naked, I was impaled on a dildo and when I looked forward I could see lots of people watching me, and Skye. Talking of Skye, I looked over to her and saw her slumped, hanging by her wrists. Her dildo must have really being hurting her.

After a couple of minutes, Skye moaned and started to come round.

“Oooooooooow, fucking hell that hurts.” She said and she pushed herself up onto her toes.

“I’m guessing that you’ve just had the same treatment as me.” I said.

“Probably.” Skye replied. “Can all those people see us?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Oh good, I’d hate it for them to have missed that.”

“Bloody hell Skye, you’re worse than me.”

“I doubt that.”

Just then we both got another shock, then another and another. Both of us were soon cumming again.

Somehow, I managed to take in the sight of a girl’s back pressed against the glass. Her skirt was up around her waist and she was going up and down a bit as the man pressed against her body was fucking and kissing her.

Then I passed out.

When I came round I quickly raised my heels. That dildo felt like it was about to come up my throat.

We had another round of electric shocks, and passing out, before the leather clad woman returned and lowered the dildos then unfastened our wrists.

“Sybian.” The woman said as she pointed to what I assumed the dildo sticking up from the half, small barrel on the floor was.

I didn’t know how I was supposed to impale myself on the sybian as I’d never seen one before, and I squat down over it.

“No, no, knees.”

Then I understood. Looking through the window I saw the people watching. One girl had her tits out and they were pressed against the glass as she was getting fucked from behind.

As soon as I was fully impaled, the woman got hold of my wrists and pulled them behind me. Then she cuffed my wrists to something behind me. My hands found the floor and I was resting on my hands with my arms straight. The woman tightened whatever, my hands slid back a little and I felt the little dildo inside me press against the front of my hole. Next she put some velcro stiff round my knees and attached it to some metal rings that were in the floor.

I was well and truly fixed to that sybian. I could only move my butt back and forwards a little bit and rotate my hips a little bit.

I watched as she did the same to Skye then she left the room.

I was just starting to think that it was a bit boring when the little dildo inside me turned into a vibrator.

“Oh, that’s nice.” I said to no one in particular as I relaxed and enjoyed the attention my pussy was getting.

I wanted to lean forwards and press my clit onto the base of the vibrator but I couldn’t move enough to do that. I moved my hips as much as the restraints would allow and found the I could push at the right angle for the vibrator to find my G-spot. That was wonderful and I soon made myself cum again.

What I hadn’t realised was that the sybian was only set on ‘low’. Just as I was starting to think about the rest of the world, someone turned it up to full throttle.

OMG, Ben and Lewis and Mick have driven me crazy with vibrators before, but that was nothing compared to the sybian. As well as the vibrations the insides of the vibrator were going round and stretching my hole as it went.

It was only about a minute before I orgasmed again, and again, and again. My poor pussy was so sensitive that I desperately needed a break but I couldn’t move. I was at the mercy of whoever was controlling it. I hoped that it was Sir John because I trusted him not to kill me with that machine. Death by orgasm wasn’t what I wanted at that time, I was too young.

But there was no mercy; orgasms just about turned into one LONG orgasm, until finally, I passed out.

When I came round the sybian was still torturing my pussy. I soon started orgasming again and just as I thought that I was going to die - again, it stopped.

When I was able, I looked up and saw 2 or 3 people clapping at me. I turned my head and looked at Skye, she was still out cold.

After a few minutes of nothing, I was starting to come back to life.

Another couple of minutes and Skye came round. Apart from lifting her head she didn’t move. I guessed that her sybian was switched off as well.

Whoever was controlling things let us rest for a couple of minutes, then the woman came back in carrying 2 of those magic wand things and a small set of steps. Skye and I both watched her as she hooked the cables for the wands onto ceiling hooks that were directly above our pussies. As she was doing that I remembered her moving the sybians and looking up. Now I knew why.

With the magic wands dangling and just touching our pussies, the woman plugged the power leads into wall sockets and switched them on. I gasped as the vibrations gave me a jolt of pleasure through my clit.

Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. The woman left the room then the magic wands stopped vibrating.

“Not fair.” I said to no one in particular.

We stayed like that for another couple of minutes then the door opened again. This time, instead of it being the woman returning, I saw 2 young men and 2 young women and I could swear that I’d seen one of the women through the big glass window.

A man and a woman came over to me and the other 2 went to Skye. They were looking down at me when both the sybian and the magic wand burst into life. I gasped then moaned. I just knew that I was going to cum quite soon, whilst the man and woman watched me.

I did cum. I stared into the eyes of the young man as my body shuddered and I shouted,

“Yes, yes, yes.”

No sooner than I’d cum, the couple standing over me left and the power was switched off.

The couple were soon replaced by 2 girls. One of them squatting down and feeling the bulge below my waist that the sybian’s vibrator was making. Whilst her hand was on me, the power came on again and the girl jumped and fell onto her butt. I was looking at her and as I gasped at the power coming back on, I couldn’t help noticing that as she fell backwards, her skirt revealed the fact that she had a bald pussy and no knickers.

She got back into the squatting position and the girl on the other side of me did the same. They both played with my little tits as the sybian and the wand brought me to yet another orgasm.

The sequence of 2 new people coming in and watching me cum, and sometimes playing with my tits, was repeated over and over goodness knows how many times. I was knackered before it started and when it finally stopped I don’t know how I managed to stay awake.

I vaguely remember someone releasing me, and someone, a man, I think, carrying me to the car. The next thing I remember is 2 of the yacht’s staff girls in the shower with Skye and I. They showered us, dried us the let us collapse on the bed.

It was a very late breakfast the next day. Skye and I woke to the sound of the yacht’s engines quietly humming away. We were obviously out at sea heading to who knows where.

The next few days were spent anchored off beautiful beaches and we jet-skied, water skied, swam, dived and sunbathed on the yacht and on the beaches. Sir John was there some of the time but most of the time Skye and I had to satisfy our blue powder induced desires with the array of dildos and vibrators.

Then one day we awoke to find the yacht docking in yet another marina. Skye and I rushed up onto the deck to see where we were and were surprised to see that we were tied-up right next to a reasonably busy walkway. There were lots of people walking both ways right next to the yacht.

Both Skye and I flaunted our naked bodies to all the passers-by. There was a constant stream of them and neither Skye nor I wanted to go and shower of have breakfast.

Having at least 50 people look over to us, Harlee, who was wearing her micro skirt, came and told us to hurry-up and get showered. She told us that we had a busy day ahead of us.

After a quick shower and breakfast, the busy day got started with Skye and I being told to walk down to the big car that had pulled-up next to the yacht.

Skye asked if Sir John or one of the staff were coming with us or if we had to put some clothes on. I was a little disappointed when Harlee told us that Sir John had left before we had woken-up and that we were going alone, but happy that we were going naked.

Naked, in a strange car, in an unknown place, and not knowing where we were going, has a sort of sexual excitement for me. Okay, a different time and a different place and I would have been scared, but I wasn’t, my pussy was oozing. I took one last, long drink of Harlee’s magic OJ and we set-off down the ramp.

A handful of passers-by stopped and watched as we walked to the car and the chauffeur opened the door for us to get in. Either he was expecting 2 naked young girls to be his passengers or he was gay because he hardly gave us a second glance.

The car was a big Mercedes with tinted back windows which Skye and I quickly lowered.

The journey took about an hour and we seemed to be going along the coast road because I kept seeing the sea. Then we came to somewhere that initially looked like a farm. I suppose that it was, but it was also a horse riding stables, not a very busy horse riding stables. I could see a couple of horses being led by young men.

When the chauffeur opened the car door and we got out we were met by a middle-aged man.

In pretty good English, he welcomed us then told us to follow him. I kept looking down at the ground because I didn’t want to stand in some horse poo.

The man led us to a small door in a big barn. Just inside were about half a dozen little rooms, some with a horse in it. A young man looked at us as we walked in, then got on with whatever he was doing.

“Have either of you ridden before?” The man asked.

Neither of us had and when we told him he told us that we’d start in the barn so that we could get used to it. Then he called out the name ‘Andre’.

The same young man hurriedly walked over and the older man said something to him in Greek. Then the older man left.

Andre looked both us naked girls up and down slowly, then said,

“Ladies, you have come to the right place, and the right man. I will show you how it’s done. I will teach you how to ride a stallion.”

Skye giggled and when I looked at her I could see that she was looking at the young man’s trousers; he had a hard-on.

“You ride males bareback?” Andre asked.

“Preferably.” I replied.

“Okay, come with me and I will get your legs spread over the horse.”

Andre led us into the main part of the barn which was empty apart for some bales of hay and 2 horses with their reins tied to some hooks. Both already had saddles on them.

“First we show you how to get on, then walk around in here. Come.” Andre said.

“I help you get your leg over.” Andre continued as he led us to the left side of one of the horses.

Skye was the nearest and Andre showed her where to hold onto with her hands. Then he pointed to the stirrup and then Skye’s left foot.

“Lift your leg and put your foot in there, then push up.” Andre said.

Skye managed to get her left leg up high enough and put her foot in the stirrup but when it came to pulling herself up she just couldn’t manage the height.

“Can you help me please Andre?”

Andre went behind her and grabbed both cheeks of her butt.

“Oow, that’s nice.” Skye said as her whole body went up.”

“Leg over.” Andre said.

“Spread-em girl.” I added.

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Threesome in NYE

we i was at a party at my friend's home and after midnight we drunk a lot and girls started getting wild,i went to the kitchen to look for something to of my female friends came there,(i'll call her E.),she is a very thin girl,with sexy legs..she had a short black dress,black pantyhose and high heels.i was against the wall and she came in front of me and put a hand on my trousers with a very perverted gaze, and told me ''what about celebrate new year?''she closed the door with key, went...

2 years ago
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Black baby for white wife

After several months of talking, begging and pleading, I agreed under two conditions. First: If we did this there would be no turning back and second: I probably would never go with a black man. I then asked if he had someone in mind. He said he had a friend, Whit, he had been talking to and asked if I would be willing to meet him. I said OK and the following Saturday we went to his house. As we sat talking Whit let his cock show from his shorts and when we left, I told my husband I had seen...

3 years ago
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A Massage To Remember

For several years, the sex life at home had been waning, it eventually got to the point of nonexistence. I managed for about a year but then the sexual urges just got too strong to ignore.  I never thought of seeking out an affair or paying a prostitute. I had no wish to be unfaithful.  However, the feeling of a woman’s touch began to overwhelm me. I finally succumbed to my feelings and visited a massage parlor. Having someone, a stranger, touching me all over and then stroking my dick at the...

4 years ago
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Naughty FourteenChapter 6

Mitch Holden watched Desiree as she came back into the Restaurant from the back rooms, he knew there was a gambling party going on there tonight but he didn't think that was where she had come from. Janey or Tulip usually worked those rooms. Could she be seeing the Chief of Police, Alex Cranston... oh no dear God! Please say it isn't possible, the young boy thought wildly to himself, feeling his heart contract at the sight of the woman he loved swaying sexily across the room. I've got to...

3 years ago
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Step Mother Part 5

This is in continuation to Series of Story “Step Mother” Part 1 to 4, which are published earlier. You are recommended to refer all the parts again and then read new part, that will give you more romantic-emotional feel. Friends, I am indebted to your love by repeated comments from readers like Andy Muray, Bhavik, Poonam, Manav and so many others. This is like fuel for my writing. New comments from people like Mutthu, Rohit, Manjar, Mayank and Priti all are very dear to me. I counted number of...

2 years ago
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Emmys Games Chapter 2

“Well? Did Suzie help you fill the condom some more?” says the text from Emmy. I had just pulled my trousers back on after being jerked off by Suzie into a condom, which I had filled for the second time today whilst wearing panties Emmy had instructed me to wear. The stockings Suzie helped me put on feel amazing underneath my jeans. I can feel their tight grip on my thighs and the fabric rub against the inside of my trousers when I move which is a constant reminder of their sexyness. “Yes,...

1 year ago
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Dream Night For A Virgin Girl Part 8211 2

Hi dosto this is waseem again, back with part 2 of my previous story jisme Maine aur Ruby ne enjoy kiya aur ruby ne apni virginity gawayi aur wo kamsin Kali se ek khila hua phul Bani. Jo yeh story first time padh rahe hai unse request hai ki wo meri baki ki stories bhi padhe aur mujhe feedback de mere email pe Jo hai. () is story ka first part hai “Dream night for a virgin girl” Apne bare main bata du main age 29 ek MNC Mai acche post pe hu medium body and fun loving person hu. So ab story pe...

2 years ago
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Sex With Neighbor Aunty In Pune

Hi, I am Sam (name changed) from Pune. I am 25 years old, 5.7 inches in height, slim body, and 6 inches dick. I am more interested in aunties as compared to the girl and I was lucky to have sex with the chubby neighbour Marwadi aunty last year. Her name is Divya, she is 38 years old, 5.1 inches in height with 38, 36, 40 figure size, wheatish color skin tone. Any aunty, bhabhi or lady interested in discreet sex relationship content me at She has three kids and two boys and one girl of age, 15,...

4 years ago
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Caged Husband

I had been thinking about our evening plans all day. I had been so distracted at work that I left early, unable to focus on anything productive. I made a stop at Pure Pleasures, our local adult boutique, on the way home to pick up a cock cage for my husband. He probably wouldn't like wearing it, but he would do it for me.We had only just recently begun delving into his role as a slightly submissive hubby. I wasn't really into domination, as I was pretty submissive in bed myself. Our sex life...

2 years ago
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Getting Fucked In Own House

Hey all back with a new experience. All those who want to get in touch can connect me @ It was evening time around 5 … i had my hard-on and only in my boxers where it was clearly visible.. i was home alone for week as my parents were on out of station. I was in my bed room and hands inside my boxer shagging my cock i saw some one peeping through window, i enquired found no one and the. Took out the cock and shagged it off. A knock on door at 8 , it was Nitu my house owners daughter in law. She...

1 year ago
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Spa Meeting

After a few exchanges with emails and texts, we decided to meet for the first time with feelings of uncertainty. We had planned to meet in an open public place to size each other up socially. As you stand by the Starbucks counter you see me approach and feelings of both anxiety and pleasure rush over you, as I notice a man smirk and walk away from you. My hand lightly embraces your arm and I lean in gently kissing your cheek and smile not wanting to be too forward, a slight rush warms you...

1 year ago
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Room service

Erica Daniels was dead tired, and all she wanted was a hot shower and a good nights sleep! A full day of meetings with designers and financial officers had left her totally spent. She always hated coming to New York, not only because of the endless traffic jams, but because it always seemed like every thing was fast, fast, fast with never an opportunity to just take it easy! At least she was in a good hotel with all the amenities, cuz she was going to order room service rather than fight her...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader Slaves Chapter 11

Cheerleader Slaves By Heather2837 Chapter 11 ? Chad's Date Chad put on some pretty perfume and was combing his hair again when he heard the doorbell ring. He quickly freshened his lipstick. His mother called up that Lance was here to pick him up for their date. Chad flew down the stairs and fell into Lance's arms. He tilted his head back and let Lance kiss him deeply. "Oh Lance. I missed you so much today and I love you so much." Chad hated himself for saying these things....

3 years ago
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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 16

Jake woke up cold and hungry. He had managed, after hours of effort, to get his foot out of his boot last night and could have gone back to the cabin, but he needed to wait for Béla. She had disappeared around noon yesterday without a trace and he was sure she’d have to come back, soon. If she returned to her cabin and found him there just waiting around, she’d probably get really pissed. He remembered awakening some time around dawn, thinking he heard a gun firing in the distance. Hearing...

2 years ago
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Escape though the Desert Pt 03

After the country had fallen to chaos due to a revolution to topple the dictator, the Russian oil field security staff had such a good plan to drive all the way to the south and then just hop on a commercial flight at the first possible chance. They had taken Theresa, the German young woman working on an archaeological dig, with them and were keeping her safe. They seemed to be all ex military and their leader, Vassili a battle hardened man in his late forties, and Theresa 20 years his junior...

3 years ago
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A Night with Chani

One night I discovered a free video chat site that was open to all and was one of those sites that wasnt carefully monitored. The site itself was divided into sections. There was a general section, an adult section, a music section where if you had a mic, you could sing and even go on video and sing so people could watch you, as well as a gaming section where you could play your favorite CD rom game with other gamers. I decided I would head to the adult section. Once I went to the adult...

2 years ago
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Days prior to your wedding

PART ONE : "The groans of my friend"A month ago a former school classmate made ​​a meeting that went. I greeted the gathering in several of my former colleagues who had not seen for a long time. Some are already married and even already have c***dren. I, for my fortune, yet I do not mess this commitment and I say this because I noticed that most of those who have done (both men and women) are the ones who have old - looking.Therefore, it was pleasing my surprise when I saw the arrival of...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 810

The Story of Adam & Eve’s Dog Adam and Eve said, ‘Lord, when we were in the garden, you walked with us every day. Now we do not see you anymore. We are lonesome here, and it is difficult for us to remember how much you love us.’ And God said, I will create a companion for you that will be with you and who will be a reflection of my love for you, so that you will love me even when you cannot see me. Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be, this new companion will...

2 years ago
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Firestorm Part 1

Marie was considered by many to be a very lovely young woman. Her slender waist and ample breasts gave her a wonderful hourglass figure which was maintained partly with good metabolism and exercise. Her deep green eyes reflected the lights of the room when she entered making them gleam. Her rich red hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail and blazed in the golden candle light.She was wearing a simple red sun dress that complimented her flowing crimson curls majestically. Her open toed sandals...

1 year ago
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Campus visit

John was just going to graduate from high school and I was in my sophomore year in college. John had called me about coming to tour our campus and spending the weekend to find out about college life. I live on a coed floor with my roommate, Kami, so I talked to her about how we could arrange to have John stay with us. "He can sleep in my bed with me!" Was her first response. "I don't think I would be able to sleep in this room with my brother screwing you and you moaning and...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 43

Well, Christmas that year was a blast. And I was right, we were selling out of game books almost as fast as we got them in. We still had quite a few left, but only two copies out of over 300 Player Handbooks, and maybe five DM guides. And we were well through all of the dice that had been donated, and were about to actually order some. At the end of the year meeting, Bobbi told us that so far it was a success. The club had made over four times expenses, and even if sales plummeted it would...

1 year ago
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The Movie

We decide to go out to a late movie, it’s one of those nights that we just couldn’t decide on anything to do. We are feeling pretty mellow and relaxed, I am wearing a short denim dress with buttons all the way down, and you are wearing a tank top and a nice tight pair of jeans. I love the way you look in them – every time I look at your body I smile inside. I catch other women checking you out as we walk, and I love the feeling knowing you are with me! The choice of movies isn’t the greatest,...

1 year ago
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12 Fire Fighters and little old me

My name is Gemma, I am 30 years old and this is the start of a very hot and wild journey that started of as nothing more than a few flirty emails. About a year ago I decided to post a few topless photos of me on a website just for fun. The emails and comments steadily started flowing in giving me compliments on my body etc which I really enjoyed reading. One day I checked my emails and found one addressed from a group of Fire fighters from New York. Now like most women on this planet one of my...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Chote Bhai Ka Birthday Gift Bade Bhai Ki Gand Part 1

Ye story hai Shahid aur uske half brother Ishaan ki. Shahid ek bisexual actor hai. Ye story tab ki hai jab Shahid ki shadi nahi hui thi aur Ishaan 18 saal ka hua tha. Ishaan apne mom aur dad ke sath rahta tha aur Shahid apne flat me. Shahid milta tha apne bhai se par is bar woh saalo bad mil raha tha Ishaan se. Aj uska birthday hai aur Shahid ko uske birthday ka invitation mila. Shahid sham ko 9 baje shoot khatam karke party me pahuncha. Sab log pahuch gaye the bas Shahid late tha. Shahid ke...

4 years ago
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The SwapChapter 6

In the weeks which followed, Peter's life began to unravel. He had built his entire life around Samantha and the kids and now that world was suddenly falling apart. Although he had hoped she would change her mind, Samantha filed for a divorce and after the appropriate waiting period, because children were involved, the divorce was granted. Since Peter did not object, custody was given to Samantha who made it clear his visits with the kids would be few and far between. Peter began drinking....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 147 Julia Bullshits Chloe

Friday, April 29, 2005 (Continued) I'll give you Julia's talk with Chloe now. It was spread over a couple of breaks, then mostly at lunch, but I'll simplify by presenting it as a continuous conversation. Julia told Chloe, "I've thought of an idea for getting Mark to tell you what he wants you to do. I'll start by asking Mark to tell me. Do I have your permission to ask Mark that, Chloe?" "What do you mean?" "I'm going to be asking him his personal thoughts about you. They could...

1 year ago
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Sisterly LoveChapter 9

“Howie ... why was there semen on me when only the two of us were in the house? I want the truth, Howie. Did you fuck me while I was out of it?” I wanted to hide like I did when I was three years old, but there was no place to do it. “Yes,” I said, thinking the heavens would crash down on me for having had sex with both my sister and then my mother. There was a look of incredulity on her face. “Why---why would you do such a thing? It’s---it’s sacrilegious! It’s against all natural law. Why...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 750

This one is compliments of J & B A young man named Donald bought a horse from a farmer for $250. The farmer agreed to deliver the horse the next day. The next day, the farmer drove up to Donald’s house and said, “Sorry son, but I have some bad news, the horse died.” Donald replied, “Well, then just give me my money back.” The farmer said, “Can’t do that. I went and spent it already.” Donald said, “Ok, then, just bring me the dead horse.” The farmer asked, “What ya gonna do...

1 year ago
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Watching DavieChapter 1

I don't hate my parents but there are times that I almost hate them. They are very strict, especially my father, and they stick to their very conservative religious beliefs totally. So, this has affected my life, not only have I lived in a very strict home, I've been sent to an all-girl's boarding school where they are just as strict. Basically, dating is not allowed and there are no dances, no times where we ever see boys. My only salvation from going totally nuts is that some of my...

2 years ago
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A Cuckold Receives the Fruits of Charity

My name is Beth, and I am a registered nurse working in an ER trauma center in the San Diego area. I was 47 years old at the time of this story, and had been working as a nurse for 25 years. My hospital was just initiating a new community outreach program, and all of the hospital staff members were required to volunteer in the community for at least eight hours per week. My assignment was to work in a homeless shelter a couple of nights per week, and they specifically wanted me to help with...

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