Dental CareChapter 9 Foreign Exchange
- 2 years ago
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Jack Merrick stood looking around the exam room. He'd been there before. In the center ofthe room was the familiar examination chair with a small instrument tray standing along side. Jack waited somewhat impatiently.
The dental appointment today wasn't for Jack. It was for his teenage daughter, Tracy who had just stepped out to use the bathroom. Jack stared absent-mindedly at a sailboat mobile which hung from the ceiling over the examination chair. It revolved slowly in the re-circulated office air.
Just then his best friend Ray Barrette stuck his head in the door. "Everything OK?" he asked surreptitiously.
"Yeah, I think so, Ray. Just waiting for 'The Good Doctor'," Jack said with a wry smile. Tracy's in the bathroom," he added. Then Jack said hurriedly, "Man, you'd better get outta here or the girls are going to get suspicious."
"Hey, take it easy, Jack," Ray said defensively. "The Doc's working on Tina right now. Hell, she's probably already out. My little girl's waitin' for you Jack, ole' buddy." Ray grinned lewdly.
Jack looked at his friend dubiously. "Yeah, yeah, OK. Now get going before Tracy comes back."
"OK," Ray said from the door. "The Doc'll be here real soon to get Tracy ready. I'm sure lookin' forward to gettin' to know your daughter better, ole' buddy," Ray added, closing the door behind himself and leaving Jack alone again with his thoughts.
Jack wasn't really sure why he'd let Ray talk him into this whole thing today. It was hard enough on Jack knowing that his lovely, fourteen year old daughter now had a steady boyfriend and was already sexually active, but now to have to share Tracy with Ray. "Man, I don't know about this," Jack thought to himself. "Maybe I'd better call the whole thing off. Ray can still fool around with Tina, and I can keep Tracy for myself," he pondered.
Memories of Tracy's last appointment with Dr. Greeley were still fresh in Jack's mind even after two weeks. Making love to his teenage daughter while she lay unconscious in the special examination chair had become the single most joyous occasion in his life. He'd been with Tracy four times now, and each time had been more magical than the last. Jack actually felt himself getting aroused as he daydreamed about his young daughter's fabulous body. The sights, the sounds and the smells of his little girl tended to occupy the forefront of Jack's consciousness these days. He found himself checking his calendar more and more often, marking off the days until Tracy's next dental appointment.
"And now, here we are," Jack thought, "and I'm about to give her to Ray." Jack shook his head in mild frustration.
The deal was this. Ray had been the one who'd originally told Jack about Dr. Martin Greeley and the "special family services" he offered in addition to family dentistry. In retrospect, Jack wondered why he'd ever confided in Ray about his feelings for Tracy in the first place. "Of course, I'd never have gotten this far with her, if it hadn't been for Ray and 'The Good Doctor'," Jack muttered to himself. "Damn!" he cursed softly.
About a week ago, Ray came to him and suggested that maybe he and Jack might arrange a little "swap-a-roo", as he'd put it. At first Jack didn't have a clue what his friend was talking about. Noticing his blank expression, Ray elaborated. "You know, ole' buddy. At our next visit to 'The Good Doctor; You and Tina; Me and Tracy? Wadaya say? Sound like fun to you?"
Jack's jaw had dropped. He'd been utterly floored by Ray's suggestion. His first reaction had been one of outrage, but fortunately Jack had been able to control himself and not say anything he'd regret later.
Taking a deep breath Jack thought about the deal he'd struck with his friend. Tina Barrette; Ray had adopted the girl; wasn't too bad looking. In her own way the dark haired fifteen year old was actually quite attractive. Jack very rarely found either his daughter, Tracy or Tina without an entourage of young men in tow these days. So, obviously he wasn't the only one who found Tina attractive, or Tracy, for that matter.
Tina Barrette was about the same height as his daughter, but was slimmer of frame. Her breasts were smaller than Tracy's, it appeared to Jack, and her hips perhaps just slightly narrower, although he'd only seen the girl in a swim suit once. Tina had jet black hair which she usually wore tied back loosely like a flowing mane. Tina had a fiery Latin look about her, and her eyes were dark and sultry. The girl was obviously of Hispanic decent, although Ray had never divulged any details of the adoption. Ray, of course just couldn't say enough about Tina's sexual prowess. After Jack confessed his feelings for Tracy, it seemed that sex with the girls was all Ray talked about anymore.
The slowly rotating mobile swam into focus, and Jack realized he'd been lost in thought. "Jesus," he muttered. Dropping his gaze to the exam chair which presently stood empty in the center of the room, Jack strove to fight off mental images of Ray with Tracy. "Can I go through with this?" he wondered not for the last time.
"Tina might be fun," 'The Bad Donald', sitting on his right shoulder said.
"Yeah, but Ray and Tracy?" 'The Good Donald' on his left shoulder countered. Jack shivered involuntarily at the thought.
He'd about decided to call it all off when the door to the exam room opened and in walked his lovely daughter, Tracy, followed closely by Dr. Martin Greeley.
"Hi, sweetheart," Jack said as his little girl brushed past him without a word and took a seat in a chair against the far wall. Tracy was angry that she had to go to the dentist so often lately.
"My gums feel fine, Daddy," she'd pleaded just that morning. "I just went two weeks ago," she'd pointed out unnecessarily to her father.
Jack had explained that the appointment was set, and that he'd have to pay for it anyway whether she went or not. "Besides," he'd added lamely. "Doctor's orders."
"Good morning, Mr. Merrick," Greeley said in his clipped, professional manner. "Good morning Miss Merrick," Dr. Greeley said turning to smile in Tracy's direction. He received only a terse nod from the young blond.
"Good morning, Doctor," Jack replied politely. "Busy morning?" he added in the way of small talk, watching Dr. Greeley walk quickly to the chair.
"Yes it most certainly is," Greeley answered. "Miss Merrick, we should get started," he then said. "Come have a seat please, and we'll begin."
Tracy reluctantly rose from her seat, crossed the room and flopped into the padded examination chair in a decided huff.
Choosing to ignore the youngster's rude behavior, Dr Greeley continued in an even tone of voice, "We are going to have to do a little exploratory drilling today, Miss Merrick, so once again, I am recommending a general anesthetic.
Tracy slowly looked up at the doctor with an unmistakable expression of condescension on her face. "Whatever," she replied, then looked away.
"The little brat's beginning to get on my nerves," Dr. Greeley thought to himself. "But as soon as Daddy leaves, his best friend Ray and I have plans for you, little lady," 'The Good Doctor' thought, smiling down at the pretty, blond teenager.
"Alright, I'm going to lean you back a little then," Greeley said. He depressed a foot pedal under one side of the exam chair, causing hidden electric motors to whine. The seat back slowly reclined. Stepping away from the chair, Dr. Greeley removed a plastic IV bag from the nearby storage cabinet along with a length of clear catheter tubing. Next Greeley hung the bag on its rack beside the chair, connected the tubing to the flow/drip regulator and picked up a short piece of surgical tubing from the tray next to the chair.
"Hold out your arm, please, Miss Merrick," Dr. Greeley asked in his professional manner. When Tracy complied, he tied the tourniquet tightly around her outstretched arm just above the elbow. Holding Tracy's arm Greeley tapped the skin in the crotch of the young girl's elbow until a large, blue vein appeared. "There you are," Dr. Greeley muttered with a smile as he swabbed the same area with an alcohol wipe.
"Oww!" Tracy yelped. Greeley hadn't bothered to warn her of the impending prick of the IV needle.
Smiling down at her, 'The Good Doctor' said, "I'm sorry, my child. Now do have a nice nap." Greeley reached up and opened the flow regulator. The Sodium Pentothal began to drip into the small plastic cylinder.
As Jack watched from a chair nearby, the clear liquid ran quickly down the length of narrow gauge catheter and disappeared into his daughter's vein. It was as if someone had thrown a switch. It never ceased to amaze Jack just how fast the anesthetic actually worked. Dr. Greeley had asked Tracy to count backward from one hundred, and the last slurred number Jack had heard the now slumbering girl utter had been ninety-eight.
After checking Tracy's pulse and respiration, Dr. Greeley made a small adjustment to the IV drip regulator then turned to Jack and said, "Mr. Merrick, your daughter is ready for you. Or is it Mr. Barrette who will do the honors today?"
Jack squirmed uncomfortably. Greeley noticed.
"It is my understanding," he continued, "that you and Mr. Barrette have agreed to, how shall I say it, trade places? Is that not true, Mr. Merrick?"
Jack sat in silence, gazing at his lovely, sleeping little girl. Jack wanted her so badly he could taste it. He was just about to tell Dr. Greeley that he'd reconsidered when the exam room door opened and in walked Ray Barrette.
"Hey Buddy! Hi Doc," Ray said jovially as he stepped up beside Dr. Greeley and looked down at the unconscious Tracy Merrick.
"What a babe!" Ray thought. "We are gonna have one fine time." In his mind's eye, Ray Barrette pictured himself hammering away at the pretty teenager. He'd been thinking about this morning for a long time now. "Tina was great, but variety's the spice of life. They say."
"Tina's sleeping like a baby. She's all ready for ya Jack. Go have fun, man! She's as tight a little lay as you'll ever find," Ray said crudely. "So how's my little darlin' doin', Doc? Is my little girl ready for her Uncle Ray?" Without warning Ray reached out a hand and cupped Tracy's right breast. Squeezing Tracy through her clothing Ray leered in Jack's direction, "Nice tits, man!" he growled. "Bigger than my Tina's."
It was all Jack could do not to jump up and clobber his friend, but sensing that events had already escalated beyond his control, Jack restrained his wrath. Slowly rising from his seat, a resigned Jack Merrick asked, "OK, Ray. Which room is she in?"
Just as Jack closed the door behind himself, he had the distinct displeasure to overhear his best old ex-friend Ray exclaim gruffly in the background, "Oh, darlin! Why you're already wet for Uncle Ray!"
Dr. Greeley had directed him to Exam Room Five, just down the hall and to the left. He had then informed Jack that he would drop in after a few minutes to check on his patient, but that Jack should by all means begin without him.
Jack opened the door to Exam Room Five and stuck his head inside. The room was bathed in silence. In its center stood an identical examination chair to the one he'd just left his daughter lying in. In this chair in Exam Room Five, however, lay a slumbering, dark haired, teenage girl. Jack's heart started to pound as he quickly stepped into the hushed air of the room, closing the door and setting the lock behind him.
He turned and looked at the girl in the chair from his position at the door, studying her for several minutes. She was definitely asleep. From a distance Jack could see the slow rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. Hanging from a nearby rack was the familiar IV bottle with its attached tubing and the slowly dripping flow regulator. The catheter tubing led downward to the inside of the girl's right elbow where it was taped in place.
Jack took a deep breath, then crossed and stood beside the examination chair. "God! She really is lovely, isn't she." Jack muttered under his breath. He hadn't really seen Tina Barrette up close for quite some time and had forgotten what a truly attractive young lady she was.
Tina lay breathing slowly and evenly. She was the very picture of beauty. Her almost jet black hair lay spread out on the head rest of the chair. Her eyes were closed, their long lashes dark and think. Jack remembered those eyes from the few times he'd been close to the girl. He felt certain she used them as quite the effective snare for the boys in her school. Tina's eyes were like black holes. "An unsuspecting man could be pulled in and lost forever in those eyes," Jack thought absent-mindedly. Tina Barrette' mystical eyes were framed between beautiful, high cheek bones and perfectly shaped, dark eyebrows. Her shapely Latin face was graced with a pouty mouth with full, dark pink lips.
Tina's flawless skin was a dark golden color, like a perpetual, rich sun tan. The young beauty was dressed in a tight, black, tube-style pullover and black Levi Strauss jeans. On her small feet were a pair of trendy running shoes. Jack noticed immediately that Tina was not wearing a brassiere. He could see her small nipples embossed in the smooth surface of her tube-top. He let his eyes scan down the rest of Tina's body. She was decidedly slimmer than his Tracy. Tina's tummy was exposed between the bottom of her top and the waist band of her jeans which rode low on her hips. The young girl's tummy was flat and obviously quite muscular and her waist was wasp thin. Jack suspected he could completely encircle her with his two hands. Again her skin was totally devoid of even single blemish. From that narrow waist, Tina's hips spread fuller than Jack had remembered. "She's got really great, body," Jack remarked to himself as his eyes traveled down the perfectly shaped thighs of Tina's long legs, the tight jeans defining every curve.
Jack suddenly noticed his mouth was very dry and his heart was pounding like mad. He was really getting worked up. "I guess, I'd better get busy," Jack said aloud and somewhat hoarsely.
Jack had a natural distrust of the anesthetic arrangement, though it had worked flawlessly on many an occasion with Tracy. Still, he imagined his worst nightmare coming true in which Tracy would suddenly awaken to find him having his way with her. Jack believed, and rightly so, that such an incident would spell disaster for him.
So it was that as a test, Jack carefully placed a hand over one of Tina Barrette's small breasts. Jack could feel her warm, supple flesh through the thin material of her shirt. He also felt the nub of her nipple beneath his palm. When he received no reaction from Tina, Jack squeezed just a little. Still nothing. Keeping his hand over her breast, Jack leaned down and brought his lips just inches from those of the slumbering teen and paused, feeling her warm breath against his cheek. Jack inhaled, his head filling with the subtle perfume of the lovely young girl. Then he kissed Tina softly on the lips. Moving his hand to Tina's other breast, Jack rubbed the resilient, little cone slowly through the soft cotton, occasionally flicking his index finger across the gradually hardening nipple. Jack kissed the young girl several times while he massaged her breasts, then stood and stepped back from the chair, his preliminary test a success. The pretty teenager was indeed out cold.
"OK then," Jack muttered. "Let's have a better look at you, Tina. I'd like to see just what it is your step-father's been raving about."
Jack started with Tina's jeans, unbuckling the gold Gucci buckle of her leather belt. He could feel the young girl's radiated warmth as he unbuttoned her Levi's and reached for the zipper.
Just then the door opened. Startled, certain he'd locked the door, Jack looked around to see Dr. Greeley enter then close the door and lock it. "I take it everything is to your liking, Mr. Merrick. No problems or questions?"
"Yes, Doctor, everything is perfectly acceptable as always." Removing his hands from Tina, Jack turned to Dr. Greeley. He paused, wrestling briefly with himself, then asked, "Uh Doc, By the way, I uh... I was uh wondering..." he stammered. "How... how's Tracy? I mean, is she OK, Doc?"
'The Good Doctor' gave Jack a somewhat patronizing smile. "Please, Mr. Merrick. I understand your concern about your daughter, but after all, you agreed to the arrangement with Mr. Barrette. I assure you, Tracy will not be harmed in any way. She's in good hands, Mr. Merrick." He smiled that smile again. Then he glanced at his wrist watch. Mr. Merrick, I suggest that whatever your plans are for Miss Barrette, you begin as soon as possible. I'll not be able to monitor both young ladies simultaneously, and I need to get back to the your daughter and Mr. Barrette. I will check in on you after a half hour or so." When Jack's expression of concern remained painted on his face, Greeley nodded in the direction of the slumbering, dark haired beauty in the nearby chair and added, "Look at her, Mr. Merrick. She's a dream come true for any man. Try not to think about your daughter for awhile and enjoy your side of the arrangement. She's indeed a lovely young lady. Don't you agree?"
Jack stared at Dr. Greeley for a moment before glancing toward the exam chair. Tina lay there, waiting. She was an extraordinarily beautiful girl. There was no doubt about it.
Jack turned back to Greeley and nodded, albeit reluctantly. A vivid picture of Ray Barrette with his young daughter flashed in his mind. Jack shut his eyes tightly until the image faded.
"Very well then, Mr. Merrick," Dr. Greeley said with a look of mild concern. "Enjoy yourself, and I'll check back after awhile."
Jack stood for several moments after the doctor left. Then with a sigh, he turned back to Tina. There was one sure fire way to take his mind off his daughter. Without further delay, Jack Merrick unzipped the sleeping girl's jeans. Jack always loved this part. Leaning over Tina, Jack took one side of her fly in his teeth and tugged it aside. Beneath the dark denim Jack saw from very close up pale, blue, satin panties. Before moving to the other side of Tina's fly, Jack pressed his lips and nose to the smooth satin just below the waist band. He then rubbed his lips over the warm material in small circles. Jack inhaled deeply and was rewarded with the breathtaking aroma of perfume mixed with the subtle, musky scent of young female. Using his teeth again, Jack tugged the other side of Tina's fly aside, exposing more of her pretty panties. Moving back for a slightly better view, Jack noticed that the elastic waist band of Tina's panties actually bridged an open area from one pronounced hip bone to the other with a very pleasing bulge of a well defined pubic arch between. Placing his cheek on Tina's flat tummy, Jack peered beneath the raised satin.
What he saw was truly remarkable. Without having to raise the waist band of the young girl's panties, Jack saw full, practically hairless vulva on either side of Tina's pussy, but where the satin pressed against her, was closely curled, ink black pubic hair. "A 'Mohawk'," Jack whispered to himself. Turning his head, Jack kissed Tina on her tummy about two inches above the waist band of her panties. With his right hand he gently raised the soft satin, exposing the enticing narrow band of dark curls which disappeared down into the darkness of Tina's jeans. Jack pressed his lips into the dark curls. Stretching the elastic band downward, Jack brushed his lips and nose lightly over Tina Barrette's sexy "Mohawk hairdo", breathing in deep drafts of her intoxicating scent. He kissed Tina several times, feeling the resilience of her pussy beneath his lips.
Then he murmured into the soft, dark curls. "Let's get you undressed, sweetheart." Reluctantly Jack tore his lips from Tina and rose up. "First let's see those little titties of yours, shall we." Jack grasped the bottom of Tina's tube top and tugged the elastic material upward over her rib cage. From under the dark material popped two small, pointed cones topped with dark, petite nipples. "That's my girl," Jack whispered, leaving the top rolled up on her chest, her perfect breasts exposed and available. He then took one of the teenager's nipples between his index finger and thumb and shook his hand quickly.
Tina's mouth opened and Jack heard a soft gasp. "You feel that, don't you, baby? That's good," Jack said. He then reached a hand into Tina's jeans and cupped her pussy. Squeezing slowly, Jack could feel her pubic hair rasp against the inside of the soft satin. She was very warm.
Jack rubbed the beautiful girl for several minutes, then suddenly realized that time was of the essence. With some difficulty, Jack was able, after removing her running shoes, to tug Tina's Levi's over her spreading hips then down her legs. "Sometimes I wish you girls wouldn't wear such tight pants," Jack muttered to himself, at last tossing the jeans onto the floor beside the chair. Before him lay the lovely sight of Tina Barrette, her top rolled up under her arms, her dark nipples tight in the cool room air. All that lay between Jack and heaven were the small pale blue panties. Jack made quick work of them and soon they lay in a pile atop Tina's jeans. Standing at the end of the examination chair, Jack gazed down in wonder at the heart stopping sight of the beautiful Tina Barrette.
"Oh Tina," Jack whispered. He had yet to assemble the special attachments 'The Good Doctor' had designed for his examination chairs, but Jack simply couldn't wait. He had to taste the girl. Taking Tina's ankles, he spread her legs, allowing her calves to dangle on either side of the chair.
Before he started, Jack took a moment to study his prize. As he'd noticed earlier, Tina had indeed given herself a 'Mohawk' down there. Jack even suspected that it might have been electrolysis, since the sides of Tina's pronounced vulva were completely smooth and hairless. No razor could have done that. Or if it had, it had been done very recently. The girl was spread now, so Jack had a good view of the dark stripe of pubic hair that crested each lip and ran down between Tina's thighs, stopping just above her vagina.
Lowering his head between her legs, Jack paused, gazing over Tina's pubic mound and flat tummy at her lovely, innocent face. Jack smiled with the knowledge that the next time he and Tina met, he would be able to look the pretty teen full in the eye, knowing he'd eaten her. Jack took his first taste.
There is nothing quite like the first taste of a young girl. As Tina's musky aroma and flavor filled his senses, Jack felt he'd taken the girl even more completely than by intercourse. "There's something about eating a girl that makes her yours," Jack thought as he dipped his tongue into the marvelous, salty sweet valley between Tina Barrette's thighs. Tina's taste would always be with Jack. With his thumbs, Jack spread Tina's pussy lips then pushed his nose between the plump flesh. Her heady aroma made him dizzy as Jack kissed Tina over her vaginal opening. Jack allowed himself to revel in the young girl's smell and taste for several minutes before he went to work at last with his tongue, preparing Tina for lovemaking.
Tina was not as wet a child as was his daughter, Tracy, but soon, Jack was satisfied that the young girl was ready for him. To be certain, however, Jack found Tina's opening with the middle finger of his right hand. Placing his other hand palm down on Tina's flat tummy, Jack slowly entered the young girl with his finger. Jack felt a tremor pass through the young girl's abdominal muscles. Even though she was unconscious, Tina's body knew he was there. Like most girls her age, Tina Barrette was still marvelously tight. Not having been made love to all that often. Jack suspected that her step-father had had her perhaps a half-dozen times or so at best. He also seemed to remember Ray mentioning something about Tina not having a steady boy friend. The young girl squeezed Jack's finger as he explored her carefully. Rippling spasms passed periodically through Tina's soft flesh beneath his palm on her belly. "She's definitely an 'active' young thing," Jack mused. "I think it's time for love, Tina, my dear," he murmured down at his sleeping prize.
Jack removed his finger from Tina then went about the process of assembling the chair. After removing the customary leg rest, Jack installed the special lower extremity supports with practiced ease. In a matter of minutes, the young girl lay with her legs spread widely apart. Her knees were elevated just above Jack's hips as he stepped between them. "How many lovers have you had, Miss Tina?" Jack wondered aloud as he unbuckled his pants. Freeing his manhood, Jack stepped closer. Grasping himself with his right hand, Jack rubbed the broad head of his penis over the tender flesh between Tina's thighs. Once again Jack placed his palm flat on Tina's tummy. He enjoyed feeling the girl's muscles react to his presence. When all was in readiness, he entered her.
"Oh, my Tina! Your daddy's right isn't he? You're a good girl. Aren't you, baby?" Jack moved his hips forward, slowly pushing himself into the tight confines of the beautiful, fifteen year old. To his delight, Tina's muscular tummy flexed then bulged beneath his palm. Jack looked down to see the muscles on the insides of Tina's thighs flex in an effort to close her legs together against the molded restraint cradles. Inside, Tina's vaginal muscles clamped down on Jack's advancing cock. "That's my girl, Tina," Jack murmured. "Fight me, Tina. Don't let me in, baby." Jack pulled back slightly then pushed forward again. A soft, shuddering gasp escaped Tina's lips as at last, the head of Jack's penis made contact with her cervix. Tina Barrette was fully involved. Jack held still for a moment, feeling the pretty teenager's muscles adjust to his presence. The sensation was quite pleasurable. Tina's vaginal muscles alternately contracted then relaxed around the foreign body she instinctively sensed within her.
Not for the last time, Jack thanked his lucky stars that he'd been introduced to Dr. Greeley. It was truly marvelous to be able to have this beautiful young girl without her knowledge or consent. He felt his relationship with his daughter had improved markedly since he began having sex with her. Jack suspected that somewhere, somehow, deep in her subconscious, Tracy knew that he had intimate knowledge of her. There was something about the way she looked at him now when they were alone.
Jack looked down at the beautiful Tina Barrette spread before him, the last two inches of his cock shaft protruding from between her ample pussy lips. "You know I'm here. Don't you, sweetheart," Jack murmured as he pushed his hips forward. The young girl's hips raised upward slightly as the head of his cock pressed hard against her deepest flesh. "Sure you do, Tina."
Jack began to fuck the young girl with slow deliberate strokes. Unlike his daughter, Tracy, Tina was adequately lubricated, but not overly so. Both Tracy and her mother had very active vaginal glands which produced copious quantities of lubricating mucus when they were aroused. Tina, on the other hand, was wet enough to allow Jack complete freedom of movement within her, but not so wet that he couldn't feel every wonderful inch of her. Fucking his daughter Tracy was a delight in itself, but this child was indeed a wonder. "Your daddy's right, Tina, my love," Jack said gruffly as he short stroked her several times. "You are one sweet little lady, and Uncle Jack's gonna be real gentle with you so you'll want to see me again," he chuckled.
For the next several minutes, Jack had his way with the beautiful, unconscious teenager. Even though Tina was deep in the clutches of the anesthetic, her body responded wonderfully to Jack. As his cock moved steadily in an out of her, Tina clutched at him in a warm, wet embrace. Instinctively and quite unintentionally, the lovely, young girl made love to Jack in return.
In all too short a period of time, Jack felt the familiar stinging itch begin to form in his groin. "Oh, Tina, baby, you're gonna make Uncle Jack cum, sweetheart," he groaned looking down to the side of the exam chair for the cup dispenser. It wasn't there. "Damn!" Jack cursed under his breath, struggling to maintain control. The last thing he wanted to do was to impregnate Tina. "He [Dr. Greeley] said he put them in all the rooms," Jack muttered.
Jack had come up with what he felt was a rather unique method of sharing his semen with his daughter. The first time he'd had Tracy, he'd tried to cum directly into her mouth, but it had not gone well. Missing badly, Jack had cum all over his daughter's hair. It had taken him a good bit of time to get her cleaned up before Dr. Greeley could revive her. After that first bad experience, Jack had devised a method of ejaculating into a paper cup and then feeding it to Tracy slowly. His method had proved so successful, that 'The Good Doctor' had shared it with some of his other clients. He'd told Jack that it was received very well, and that he'd taken the liberty of installing cup dispensers in all of the exam rooms.
Jack was getting very close. Tina's athletic vagina had not paused when he did. Instead she seemed to be milking him. Jack looked around frantically one last time for the cup dispenser. Unable to locate it, he pulled out of the tight young girl. Then grasping his cock tightly in his fist he stepped around to the head exam chair. "Come here, sweetheart," Jack said gruffly as he turned Tina's face toward him. "Now open wide for Uncle Jack," he said. Taking Tina by her chin, he coaxed her mouth open. Then leaning forward he pushed the head of his penis between her teeth and into the warm interior of her mouth. "Just a little farther, now and then... Ugghhhhh!" Jack grunted as after pushing his cock almost to the back of Tina's mouth, he exploded in a virtual geyser of hot, ropey semen. Anticipating her reaction, Jack had the forethought to place a hand behind Tina's neck. When the first of his cum hit her soft pallet, Tina instinctively tried to jerk her head back, but Jack held her still. "No, no, baby. Don't move now. Swallow Uncle Jack's cum, just like a big girl." He felt Tina's tongue against the bottom of his cock. She gagged and sputtered, but Jack held her fast as he offered her a second helping. With the head of Jack's penis lodged against the back of her throat, Tina Barrette had no alternative but to swallow. Reflexively, the pretty teen gulped convulsively once... twice... again. Her lips closed around Jack. He felt her squeeze his penis between her tongue and the roof of her mouth. Tina swallowed once more.
nature and may involve non-consensual sexual acts between underage partners. Any resemblance to persons either alive or dead is purely coincidental. This story is intended for ADULTS only. If you are under the legal age of consent in your local jurisdiction, or if you are easily offended, kindly STOP READING NOW. Dental Care Too - by - The StoryMaster Jack Merrick stood looking around the exam room. He'd been there before. In the center of the room was the familiar...
This is a true episode and not a story. It has the essence of love and also of a sex desire. To start with I am just narrating it to make everyone know the fact of the sex life and also to find out my ex lover to whom I am searching for since last 16 years. Just to introduce myself ,I am Sushil aged 41 years, 5’ 5” tall, well built with little extra pound on my tummy these days, 7 inches long dick with good girth . And she was a dentist doc, age may be two/three yrs less. It happened at...
Jack Merrick did his very best to remain hidden behind the copy of "Yachting" magazine that he pretended to be reading, while at the same time taking periodic covert glances at the stunning young girl standing hand in hand with her father on the opposite side of the waiting room. Her father was engaged in conversation with Dr. Martin Greeley, DDS, and while the two adults talked business, the little girl glanced around the room curiously. When she and her dad first walked through the door...
"Sorry about the wait, we're short staffed today." "Oh it wasn't so bad, I hope its not too crazy." "Well it was but your the one of the day so not for long." "Oh good, take your time," hating himself as soon as he said that. He wanted this cleaning done as soon as possible. She took a seat next to him, aiming the light and getting the tools prepared. As she leans over him he sees into the loose gaps between the buttons over her shirt. He is surprised to see a pair of rather...
The dental hygienist called you in from the near-empty waiting room. You were the only person sitting out there apart from the receptionist who was too busy talking to insurance people and calling back other patients to remind them of their appointment. You followed the petite dark haired woman down the corridor, stopping when she stopped. She showed you to one of the three rooms used by the two dentists sharing the space. You couldn't help but notice how cute and tight her scrubs looked,...
Oral SexI’d left work early as I had a dental appointment, my dentist was close to the office were I worked as opposed to being near my home, which was a bus ride away. I arrived slightly early and was ushered into the waiting room, dentist appointments were always late, so I picked up a magazine from the table. Being late summer and weather being good for a change, I was wearing a summer dress that came just above me knees and a pair of heels, nothing too high, about 2 inch, no tights or stockings...
"Uhhgg! Oh, my goodness gracious me, my child!" Dr. Martin Greeley commented huskily. "We are certainly feeling feisty this afternoon," he chuckled. Reaching under her tee-shirt, the middle aged doctor placed the palm of his right hand onto her soft, rounded belly and pushed forward with his hips. As he did so he felt her strong abdominal muscles flex hard beneath his hand. "Mmm... that's right, Tracy," he murmured as the lovely girl clamped down on his manhood in a marvelously firm...
…breathing deep from the mask, it was only moments before she was gone …and immediately my nurse lifted the checkered skirt and I dropped to my kness , heaved her forward …shoved her legs apart and nuzzled into the girl’s cottoned crotch…almonds was the fragrance and a hint of urine…HEAVEN…suckling the fabric, I wormed my tongue around the gusset and found her slit and nosed onto her bud… My nurse had hiked her own whites up and was furiously fapping at her own exposed clit..briefs down at her...
...breathing deep from the mask, it was only moments before she was gone ...and immediately my nurse lifted the checkered skirt and I dropped to my kness , heaved her forward ...shoved her legs apart and nuzzled into the girl's cottoned crotch...almonds was the fragrance and a hint of urine...HEAVEN...suckling the fabric, I wormed my tongue around the gusset and found her slit and nosed onto her bud...My nurse had hiked her own whites up and was ffapping at her own exposed clit..briefs down at...
Jack was perfectly content simply to gaze upon the bewitching young girl. With his hand tucked between her slender thighs he stood over her drinking in her tantalizing beauty, and probably would have remained utterly lost in her had the good doctor not spoken up. "Are you alright, Jack?" Dr. Greeley asked when he saw his friend and client standing trance-like beside the examination chair and its comely occupant. "Uhh... yeah, Martin... I," Jack responded, shaking out the cobwebs. "I...
Thanks to the remarkable design of the external female reproductive system, Jack found himself guided directly to his young partner's vaginal portal with minimal effort. "OK, Emmie," he murmured as once again Jack pushed against the tiny opening. "Easy, sweetheart," he whispered when he felt the girl's body grow tense. Sliding his free hand from her hip to the soft flesh of her lower abdomen, Jack began to massage Emily's tummy just above her pubic arch. He pushed a little harder, and...
"Ohhhh! S... s... shitttt!" Jack gasped and jerked his hips back, yanking his manhood out of the sizzling pre-teen with an audible suctioning sound. "Sssplop!" Unfortunately it was too late. Jack couldn't remember ever having cum so hard in his adult life. If semen were bullets it would have exited the top of the girl's head and gone right through the wall, so powerful was the force behind the twin eruptions he'd hurled into Emily Brand's vagina before pulling free of her. Jack's...
Jack sat in the waiting room of the Family Services Clinic trying to concentrate on the pages of Sports Illustrated but was not having a great deal of success. Seated across from him Bill Brand waited expectantly for the door marked "Treatment and Examination" to open. The two men awaited the arrival of a young lady who was special to them both. Bill Brand loved his young daughter, Emily, and recently only minutes ago, in fact so had Jack Merrick. When the two men caught each other's eye,...
I had just found out that the hot girl I fucked over Spring Break was in fact my cousin. Now sitting at my Aunt's house trying to listen to conversations and answer questions was really trying. After about an hour, my Aunt emerged from the kitchen and asked Cara if she would run to the store since her car was easiest to get out. Cara agreed and went to get her shoes and keys. When she returned, she looked over at the group and asked “Anybody want go with me?” I noticed that my mom was...
One of my favorite sexual pastimes is "accidentally cumming" in an unsuspecting girl. The rush of knowing I could knock them up and the hysterical sounds of them freaking out when they find out I "slipped" is unsurpassed. This little fetish started for me in highschool. Me and my girlfriend Carol at the time had forgotten a condom so she agreed to let me fuck her bare back if I pulled out before I came. We climbed into the back seat of my car and took off all our clothing. I entered her...
It Was AccidentalAccidental IntromissionSince Dad left us Mom and I had settled into an "It's us against the world" mode even though we knew it was not true. We had family and friends to support us including Dad's mom, however our attitude brought us closer together.Mom and I had an easy love. We kissed and hugged often for no particular reason other than to show each other how much we loved each other. I do not remember when our soft, lingering lip-to-lip kisses started but to me it seemed...
Accidental Journey My father had passed away. I was a twelve year old living with my mother who teaches at a girls school. My mother was very attractive and dressed smartly but in a way that showed off her small waist and large bosom to good effect. She always wears high heels. I was a keen pianist and the best teacher available was based at my mothers school so whilst I attended the boys school some distance away I often visited the girls school for lessons. The strain of...
Since Dad left us Mom and I had settled into an "It's us against the world" mode even though we knew it was not true. We had family and friends to support us including Dad's mom, however our attitude brought us closer together.Mom and I had an easy love. We kissed and hugged often for no particular reason other than to show how much we loved each other. I do not remember when our soft, lingering lip-to-lip kisses started but to me it seemed that I had enjoyed them my whole life. Partial nudity...
Hello friends, mera naam Neha hai age 28 years aur me married hu. Ye ek real life story jo accidental swapping ti. Meri ye first story hai to isme bahut mistake ho sakti hai aur sath me jo real me hua use ekdum 100% express nahi kar payi to sorry. Apke suggestions, feedbacks, comments please muje mail kare pe. Is incident ke bad se me aur meri husband naye experience ke liye thode bold ho gaye aur different chije try karna chahte hai. Story ek holiday trip se start hui me mere husband ki...
ACCIDENTAL ICONby themoonaticWHY THE FUCK DID I TELL HIM? She screamed inwardly as he squeezed and pulledher big engorged puffy nipples.She was naked in the 57 degree March weather except for her shoes, feeling helpless and vulnerable, the crowd laughing and jeering and recording.Her life was ruined now, she was certain. The whole world would see her disgrace.You LIKE that, you little white faggot BITCH?! he bellowed as he yanked again.You gonna cum for us, HO? Tell us when you gonna...
My girlfriend loved shock value. It really didn’t matter who got shocked, as long as they had that, “Oh My God, I can’t believe this is happening” look. Together, we were about as kinky and compatible as you could get. She hadn’t gotten me shocked for a while. But that was about to change… She had worked in sex for years. Stripping, Phone sex operator, Escort, and currently doing home sex parties. You know the ones, invite your friends over, and get them to buy sexy stuff. Lotions, vibrators,...
Mature white wife was visiting a secluded nude beach in Italy. She received many stares as she walked along the beach, few bathers here and there. They loved her curvy figure, 44EE-37-45, gorgeous long blonde hair (okay, it's dyed now, she can't stand grey), stunning blue eyes, chiseled jaw, basically a gorgeous voluptuous mature woman!She notices a young handsome black man lying in a semi-shaded area on his towel facing upward. She stops to say hi to him, makes sure her towel is over her far...
Hello girls and guys. I am Shivang here with another incident. Thanks to your love and praises for “Saath Chudwaana Saathiya”. I am Shivang, early twenties, from Mumbai. Tall about 6’2 with a few extra kilos and my tool measuring around 6″ . So friends, you know now this story is between me, my neighbour’s cousin sister and her mother! First a character introduction- my neighbour’s cousin Ishita. She is a busty girl, not an hourglass figure, having extra pounds around her body. She is 21,...
Hi friends from ISS this is rocky from Mumbai. I am 22 year guy with 6.2 feet height and very good body. I regularly read ISS various stories and that stories insist me to do try sex with my aunty on whom i have a crush since 3-4 year. Friends please read my story and send me your valuable reply on my email id now i am starting my staring my story without making bore to you all. I am writing this story in Hindi so that you can enjoy it very well with desi words and feelings. Ye story abhi just...
My girlfriend loved shock value. It really didn’t matter who got shocked, as long as they had that, “Oh My God, I can’t believe this is happening” look. Together, we were about as kinky and compatible as you could get. She hadn’t gotten me shocked for a while. But that was about to change… She had worked in sex for years. Stripping, Phone sex operator, Escort, and currently doing home sex parties. You know the ones, invite your friends over, and get them to buy sexy stuff. Lotions, vibrators,...
BDSMWhen writing erotica, I live and enjoy the story as much as the sex. What a great way to spend a little free time, but being stimulated mentally AND physically. If you like what follows, please let me know. If you don’t like this piece, I need even more to know why. Thanks for sharing your precious time with me and I sincerely hope you enjoy Accidental Discovery. ============================================ Another drop of the clear yet surprisingly viscous liquid grew and grew, until it’s...
Rita's dad splattered his drink all over his lap as he spasmodically launched off his lounger. He bounced, wide-eyed, off the hard deck, unable to pry his eyes from the shocking sight of my shy wife's tinctured, naked body. Even from twenty feet away, Safa and I could easily see his massive snake head slip out from his yellow striped boxer swimsuit as he awkwardly clambered back onto his webbed poolside seat.Two hours earlier:Safa and I were on a midday feckless foray in the foothills. Though...
IncestAccidental Master pt 1 (edited) I was in a hurry to get home. I was out of food and needed to stock up on beer and snacks before the game started. Just as I was grabbing a case of beer from the cooler I heard a woman scream "Oh my God!" I turned around to see what was happening, only to see this beautiful woman kneeling on the ground in front of me and grabbing for my leg. I tried to step back from her, thinking she must have dropped something, or be in pain, but once...
Introduction: Not really accidental this time, and its not cheating when your wife is involved. Thanks for all the positive comments from part I and II. Please remember these are true stories as they happened and the only thing not exact is what was said by people. In those instances I wrote as close as I remembered. Hopefully you like this part and i truly hope that I have another part to write about whenever it happens. —————– —————– —————– Its been a long while since I hooked up with Kat,...
Literotica Mobile XXX WebcamsLive 24/7, view live web cams now on your iPhone, iPod, iPad or Android device!Free Original Erotic Stories.tagi****t/TabooAccidental i****tAccidental i****tbyScott_Heywood©I pulled into the parking lot, We noticed that the Adult bookstore in as busier than usual.Marie only ever had one real complaint about Our monthly visit...She didn't get fucked enough. Most of the Guys just wanted blowjobs.Marie and I walked across the parking lot...the thin, skin-tight...
The door is unlocked so I open it and the entire space of the hotel room reveals in front of my eyes. The large bed is visible from the entrance and on it, bended on the edge, is Mel. She is humping the furniture. Her hard cock is rubbing against the soft white sheet. She is completely naked and moaning. I close the door behind me. ‘What is this, Mel?’ ‘This… is one… fiery erection I… am dealing with…’ I can see her ass muscles to clench and move with every hump she is making on the bed. I see...
It was difficult having affairs with males while serving in the USAF. Back in the 1960s! Oh the affairs Did happen, but the affairees had to be very careful as homosexuals were frowned upon back then. Once or twice I,d managed to get involved in a mutual masturbation orgy involving six men, but that was as close to an affair it got to. The summer of 1966 for some reason saw forty of the air policeman shipped to,another US base in West Germany not too distant. The Technical five striped sergeant...
I woke up from a soft nudge. I could feel the cold wind blowing against my body. I opened my eyes to see mum with hand on my shoulder with the car door open. “Annie? hey there, sweetheart. We’re at the hotel, so you head on in and the boys can get the suitcases” I stood up still a little drowsy; I got out the car and examined my surroundings. A reasonable sized hotel and it didn’t look too bad either. I looked to the car and saw dad and Dylan unpacking the boot. I caught Dylan’s eyes but...
IncestLori's husband had taken Ben to have his cast removed today. Lori was as excited as a high school girl on her first prom date. She had put a roast with all the trimmings in the slow cooker for when they returned home as a sort of celebration. Ben, a lifelong friend of her husband, had fallen from a faulty ladder at their construction business and broken some bones near his neck. This made it necessary to put his upper body in a cast, which made both arms immobile. Lori, a nurse, had volunteered...
Straight SexIt seemed like a good idea at the time...that is what I said to my fiancé four hours later.The wedding was in two weeks, on December 30th (a strange time, I agree, but with lots of family coming from great distances, it was the best leaving all the snow for Hawaii was a great honeymoon compromise).I had no doubt become bridezilla with all the problems the past month. I won't get into the details but that old adage 'anything that can go wrong will' was proving true right before my...
wife – anal – slut – gangbang – orgy – submissive – cum It seemed like a good idea at the time...that is what I said to my fiancé four hours later.The wedding was in two weeks, on December 30th (a strange time, I agree, but with lots of family coming from great distances, it was the best leaving all the snow for Hawaii was a great honeymoon compromise).I had no doubt become bridezilla with all the problems the past month. I won't get into the details but that old adage 'anything...
Hi everyone! New member here and first post! I really get hot by flashing, but am a bit shy. I wanted to share one of my first experiences because it has really kept me horny for days! I hope you enjoy it, too.While I definitely get off at the thought of a girl seeing me, I have been very shy and reluctant. I had purposefully flashed a close friend in college making it seem like it was accidental, but not since. Years later, it still makes me horny to think about it and I have wanted to do it...
There are some encounters which you don’t plan but it happens accidentally. This is one such encounter where I met a middle-aged ac guy for repair work and it turned out repairing work for our bodies. Well it happened around last week when there was so much dust storm and thunderstorm was happening in north of India. So because of that my ac stopped working as it is an old one. This ac I got installed using my office connection and because of that voltas guy sent this ac inspection guy to check...
Gay MaleThis is a fictional story about a mid-aged women working in an MNC and having an exciting accidental sexventure with another girl. Kavita is a 39-year-old lady and looks 6-8 years younger than her actual age, thanks to her discipline towards her fitness regime. Her fitness regime has kept her in perfect shape, and even at this age, she gets a lot of attention from men (in this case a young girl) of all ages. She is 5.8″, athletic, fair and voluptuous body with a right mass at right areas, and...
LesbianHello friends, mera naam Neha hai age 28 years aur me married hu. Ye ek real life story jo accidental swapping ti. Meri ye first story hai to isme bahut mistake ho sakti hai aur sath me jo real me hua use ekdum 100% express nahi kar payi to sorry. Apke suggestions, feedbacks, comments please muje mail kare pe. Is incident ke bad se me aur meri husband naye experience ke liye thode bold ho gaye aur different chije try karna chahte hai. Ye ek real incident hai jo kuch time pehle hamara sath hua....
Accidental Momma By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Sweet Home Toby was crying again. Bobby knew he sounded hungry and he knew Momma was passed out again. He had heard the clinking of glass during the night which indicated she had been drinking again. Bobby got up from his cot, pulled on his last clean T-shirt, tied his hair back and went to get Toby. It was five am and the little guy smiled as soon as he got into his sight. At six months old, Toby knew his brother and always gave...
Accidental Girl Characters: Bob Anderson, also known as Bobby; Ms. Miller - Bob's teacher; Julie Carter - Bobby's girlfriend; Rose Bickford - Julie's landlady; Ms. Abby Matthews; Ms. Barbara Turner, Abby's Administrative Assistant; Hilga, from In Home Nursing; Julie's friends: Cindy, Sandy, Tracy and Brenda; Nurse Bell; Nurse Carol; Mike Austin - Abby's Attorney; Sally, Abby's house keeper and Henry, Abby's driver. Synopsis: When a guy dresses like a girl the rest of the world...
Accidental Heroine Steam room "Ugh! Ugh! Ughhhhhhh!" I turned away from the steroid using weight lifter. I hated these guys that had more muscles than brains and felt making crude sounds as they pumped iron would give them more strength. At six feet two and 225 pounds I was lean and very strong, able to bench press close to 250 pounds with little difficulty. I worked out at the gym regularly and kept myself fit, but I was not like the guy in the corner now flexing in front of the...
Accidental Inheritanceby Loraspa6loraspa6 (a) hotmail.comStory Codes: F/m, M/f, Chastity, MC, BondageLittle did I know what I was in for. I do not regret it, but it was a bit of a surprise.It all started one Friday night, I had been out with a couple of girls from work. At this one bar there stood a man in his thirties waiting for a drink. He was not exactly the best looking man in the room, but he was definitely not the worst either. About 5'10" to 6' in height, a little overweight,...
Accidental Whore A work of fantasy by Wolf Ferret Dear Diary, My name is Linda. I’m 24, have a BA in English Lit and am currently unemployed. I’m starting a diary out of sheer boredom. Let’s begin with a description. 5’4", 130 pounds, shoulder length blond hair, brown eyes, a 33-25-34 body that my lovers have said is very sexy. I lost my virginity the first year of university and have had about 10 lovers since then. I rarely have casual one-night stands – I’ll date a man 2 or 3 times before I...
previously: [Accidental Nude Day Noonie] Though tired, I noted that neither Rita nor Helen had cum yet and I took on the mission to rectify that. I licked and kissed each sweet pussy with a promise to return with my dick ready for them a little later. Safa was already eating Rita's pussy, so I decided to feast on Helen's. Using my agile fingers, I was soon able to navigate thru the extra folds in a fifty-two-year old, healthy looking pussy and find her engorged G spot. She lurched and came...
Okay that I was not expecting. Here I was, sitting on the couch with a young woman who might be the accidental mother of my child and she just kissed me out of nowhere. She had her hand on the back of my head keeping me from breaking the kiss as her tongue forced its way into my mouth and played with my tongue. Her hand moved to my thigh. After a couple minutes she broke the kiss. "There." She said triumphantly. "Now I can't say that I haven't kissed a guy that's seen me naked." She...
Accidental Crossroads: 2. Sammy read him the riot act. I know, I know, I know ... it's trite and does not apply but it's a statement every parent has used in trying to control an unruly kid. So what does the riot act really say? The Act created a mechanism for certain local officials to make a proclamation ordering the dispersal of any group of more than twelve people who were "unlawfully, riotously, and tumultuously assembled together". If the group failed to disperse within one...
Accidental Crossroads: 3. "Who was that?" "Polly Caretaker, Jakob Flintkote's Caretaker," said the ceiling. "Have a seat," The comfy looking leather recliner appeared out of no where. "We're unsure what to do with you. Hungry?" "I could do with a bite," said John. "Preferences?" asked the ceiling. "Can I get a porterhouse steak, aged to perfection and so tender I can cut it with a fork?" Talking to a ceiling ... well ... you know ... I wasn't sure I was sane ... might as...
Accidental Crossroads: 9. After the pig out, John burped. "Thank you," said the ceiling. "That burger was great ... the taste was something I'd had before," said John. "There's this cheese," a piece landed on the desk. It was shot through with green mold. The ceiling said, "Have a sniff. Awful ain't it." "Good god," John said, "I ate that?" "Sort of ... It goes between two patties ... the burger isn't ground like it is on Earth. We shred it ... form it, put the cheese...
Accidental Crossroads: 11. John never said a word about the jeep. He did his best to find the right oil and solvent for the watch. The phone company had to put in 5 poles to run a line..."make that two lines," said John, to the rep when he called from the General Store. A step back here. John was calling his housekeeper by the only name that fit..."Sultry," So ... finally he asked. "What is your name?" She burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" "You have no idea how many times...
Accidental Crossroads: 12 The Powers that Be? Who the fuck are they? Are they the same as the Powers that Be on Cassandra? I'm a mess. The putt-putt of the four cylinder jeep entered in to his thoughts. She's back. Sultry rolled to a stop right by the front steps, practically fell out of the drivers side door and ran up the steps. She crossed the porch, nearly jerked the front screen door off its hinges and hollered, "John! Where are you?" "In the kitchen, Sultry Wench. What's the...
Accidental Crossroads: 14. Some time later, after several rounds of restoratives, John and Cassie were in bed and cuddling. "This is so nice," Cassie wiggled in closer, "If a girl can get a Cassandrian guy in bed ... they don't cuddle. They're not interested in a girl's day. They don't pet or stroke," she shivered as John ran a hand down a silken flank. "Little kisses never happen," John took the hint, she sighed. "This is wonderful." "Well," said the Seven, "The mating...
Accidental Crossroads: 17. "Cassie," John said, "I probably wasn't very honorable in my rescue." "The portal let you through," she said. "It even let the Powers that Be through." "Sam?" "Hello, John." said the healing chamber, "Settle in and get cleaned up." "Take the Powers first," John said, "I need to talk to the arbiter." Sam asked the Powers, "You people coming all at once or you going to separate." "You chose, Sam." "As soon as Karen Entertainer gets out...
Rita's dad splattered his drink all over his lap as he spasmodically launched off his lounger. He bounced, wide-eyed, off the hard deck unable to pry his eyes from the shocking sight of my shy wife's tinctured, naked body. Even from twenty feet away, Safa and I could easily see his massive snake head slip out from his yellow striped boxer swimsuit as he awkwardly clambered back onto his webbed, pool side seat. Two hours earlier: Safa and I were on a midday feckless foray in the...
“What’s going on?” asked Raven. Benedict shuffled over, escorting her into the store. “Come in, come in, I will explain everything...” Cameron was still standing behind the store counter, unable to move. The last thing he wanted to deal with was all of Chelsea’s drama. Cameron realized that he was staring off into space, and the other two were standing in front of him like customers waiting to check out. “Hi, I’m Raven,” she said, holding out her hand like they’d never met. She had a ring...
Everyone was somewhat surprised by the size of the building that housed the medical supply business but also the fact that it looked closed. However, the open sign was flashing away as they got out of the RV. Cindy had been detailed to babysitting, so she took out some of the little games and toys that the girls had gotten so they could have a little fun. Dan walked up and just opened the door, but then stopped and waited for the rest. He was working hard at being gentlemanly and let the two...
I was getting bored and was about to turn away when I saw her: there was a girl about my age running around on the yard. She had flaming red pigtails which were streaming behind her, and was wearing a grass green dress. I was captive to her beauty, despite being unable to see her perfectly. She suddenly noticed my staring and I looked away instantly. I was sure my fact was red as a tomato. I didn't dare stand up. I just sat there on my floor, unable to think of what to do. Until my...