Mountains Of RubberChapter 7: Skid Marks free porn video

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Cum... cum... cum... Daniella desperately needed to cum. The throbbing in her clit, the butt plug pumping, pumping, pumping into her ass -- left her with no resistance, no defenses against the needs of her body, the programmed needs of her mind.

MzDominica drove the van down the highway, lit only by the occasional streetlight. Daniella couldn't make sense of the passing scenery. The bright streetlights left trails in her eyes, spelling "Dommmmmiiiiinnnnniiiiicaaaaaa" in her hazy vision.

Daniella's hips continued to rock, rock, rock. Pumping in the seat. She had become unaware of it, but MzDominica was continually talking to her. Making suggestions. Programming her.

"You're falling deeper and deeper and deeper. My... rubber... slave..." Daniella's eyes had stopped tracking the scenery. She was looking straight ahead. "Down... down... down... You need to cum." Daniella's hips rocked. "You crave to cum." She pumped. "Your mind is becoming emptier and emptier. More and more quiet. Quiet and empty. Quiet... and empty..." The streaks of light trailed out past Daniella's fixed gaze, spelling Dominica's name. "You must obey." And, just under her breath, Daniella muttered her conditioned response, "I must obey Dominica." Her mind became more and more pliable, more and more open, with every word her Mistress spoke.

Daniella's hips were pumping constantly, now. Her arms were limp, useless appendages, at her side. The jiggling of the van pushed the butt plug in and out of the slave's ass. Pump... pump... pump... Her voice began to moan, softly. Constantly. It seemed to Dominica like she never inhaled -- just continued to moan, helplessly, without end.

The van pulled up into a parking lot. The only vehicle there. The storefront had big block letters. Daniella, too deeply tranced to look directly at them, saw them. In her peripheral vision. They spelled, "Dominica." Of course. What else could they have spelled?

MzDominica set the brake, shifted to "park," turned off the ignition.

Daniella remained in her seat, staring forward, not quite seeing. Her hips continued to rock. Pumping... pumping... pumping... Her clit was so hard. Her ass was so full. Her mind was completely quiet. Not a thought in her head. Just the pumping... pumping...

Dominica had turned in her seat, and was watching her slave. Watching as she stared mindlessly forward. Mouth open, panting. Hips pumping. She crooked her index finger and trailed it down Daniella's left cheek, while she smiled, enjoying her complete control of her slave.

Daniella could not think. She had no will, to get out of the car and approach the store front. She had no will, even to turn to her Mistress, and ask what she should do next. Her mind was frozen. Empty. Helpless. She sat, her hips pumping. The tight rubber panties felt so good. The thick rubber butt plug felt so good. Her nipples ached, under the rubber halter. Hurt so much. Felt so good.

"Get out, Daniella," Mistress said. It took a moment. For Daniella to realize she'd been spoken to. To realize it was her Mistress. Her owner. To realize she could NOT disobey. Even a few more moments to stop staring, straight ahead, and begin to move. "Get out..." That involved unhooking the seat belt. Shifting her weight on the car seat. Opening the... door...

Every second was a moment of discovery. A struggle to remember even the most ordinary actions. How to twist on the seat. How to shift her weight forward, drop legs, set her feet on the gravel surface. Soon, Daniella was standing in the parking lot. A little unsteady... trying to remember how to balance on the spiked heels of her little ankle boots. The brightly lit sign on the storefront grabbed her attention. "Dominica!" She was too deeply entranced to even realize, that it might say something else. There was a picture, nearby, of a cartoon figure that looked like it was made of marshmallows. Her attention was drawn back to the sign.

Suddenly, Daniella found her hand being pulled toward the building. Dominica was dragging her toward the front door. She held a keychain her other hand, and was soon using a key to unlock the big, double doors at the front of the store.

When they opened the door, and Dominica dragged her inside, Daniella was assaulted by the intense odor. Acrid. Smoky. Her eyes closed, and she took a deep breath -- still so deeply tranced, she had no idea what it was she smelled. Only that it was rubber. Lots and lots of rubber.

"Yes, my little rubber slave," MzDominica teased, stroking Daniella's right arm. "It's a tire store!"

Daniella moaned. The warm feeling in her crotch, and the trickle down both legs, all the way to her ankles and to her feet, marked the helpless release of all the pee in her bladder.

MzDominica seemed to have anticipated this reaction -- or, perhaps, she had programmed it. She handed Daniella a towel, and said -- gently -- "Clean that up." The slave opened her eyes, crouched to the floor, mopped up the puddle. And as she stood up again, trailed the towel up the insides of her wet thighs.

Daniella stared, all around her, at the stacks of dark, rubbery tires. She breathed so slowly, and deeply -- not even realizing she was doing so. Dominica looked at her slave, and was surprised, but immensely pleased, to see tears rolling down her slave's face. Clearly, Daniella was completely overwhelmed.

Not sure Daniella would even understand what she said, Dominica explained. "A friend of mine owns this tire store. He was very nice to give me free access tonight, to do anything I want." She leaned toward Daniella, and whispered fiercely in her ear, "ANYTHING!!!"

Daniella's legs failed her. She dropped, in slow motion, to the floor, cross-legged, staring at all the stacks of tires. Breathing so deeply. She'd forgotten it was even happening, but her clitty-cock was pulsing, pulsing, pulsing so intensely. The scent of rubber had completely emptied her mind.

Dominica leaned down toward her little pet. "Now, rubber... slave... ," she said, pointing, "I want you to wrap yourself around that stack over there. Hug it. Fuck it. Push your aching, little clit against the tires."

"Oh, God, Mistress!" Daniella seemed to finally have found her voice. "Please let me cum!"

"Not yet, babi," Dominica replied. "Now, go and fuck the tires."

Daniella moaned. But she stood up. She stumbled, like a sleepwalker, toward a big stack of truck tires, and wrapped her arms around them as far as they would go. Breathing deeply. Letting the heavy, acrid scent fill her empty brain. She pumped her crotch against a tire. Once. Twice. She moaned, crying again. A third time. Her nipples were so hard, they hurt so bad. Pump. A tiny squeal. Pump. Moan. Pump. She was sobbing. Pump. She was crying. Pump. The sobs of need tore out of her, scraping her throat ragged. Pump. Her eyes squinted, and her face was a squashed parody of human expression, her mouth a big, open bow of need and pain. Pump. She moaned and cried, and rubbed her face against the treads, wiping her tears on the tires. Rubbing her padded rubber-covered breasts against the tires. Crying and moaning, she slowly collapsed at the base of the stack, aching to cum. Aching for any tiny, little release. Any relief.

She found her face rubbing, rubbing, against the tops of MzDominica's boots.

"Good girl," she said. "Good, good girl."

Daniella rubber her tears into Mistress' boots, and kissed her toes, her ankles, her calves.

"Cum!" Mistress commanded. "Cum, slave, cum!"

It almost didn't happen, at first. It took a moment... Just a timeless moment for the command to sink in. It seemed to enter the top of Daniella's head, at her ears... and swept down through her neck, down her torso, into her hips. It passed her hips, and went all the way to her toes. Then the orgasm began to sweep upward from her toes. In waves. Up her legs. To her crotch. Up her belly to her breasts. Up again to her head.

Daniella came. And came. And came. Lips pressed against Dominica's boots. The smell of rubber everywhere in her senses. Cumming and cumming and cumming. She wiggled. She cried. The moan that was torn from her throat sounded like she'd been impaled -- and, in a way, she HAD been. By the thick butt plug. By Mistress' command. By the rubber. Her hips pumped, and pumped. Her ass sucked on the butt plug. Hot cum filled her rubber panties. She cried, and grabbed at the linoleum-covered floor, and rubbed her breasts against the floor. She pumped her ass against the floor, and rubbed her face against Mistress' boots. And came... and came... and came... Crying, begging mindlessly with her sobs, thanking Mistress wordlessly with her moans, her caresses, her wiggling, her tears.

She had no idea of how long she had been cumming, cumming, cumming -- helplessly, gratefully. But, gradually, the spasms subsided. Daniella lay at Dominica's feet, curled up into a tiny, little ball. Lips pressed to the toe of Dominica's right boot. So deep, not a thought entered her empty, little mind.

Dominica leaned forward, and caressed the back of her slave's neck, between the strands of blonde hair.

"Now, you're ready," she whispered.

Daniella did not remember having moved. And her mind was far too blank to realize that she was lying, face down, on a loose pile of tires. Her arms were around a big, soft tire, and her face was down in the center. Surrounded by rubber. Drowned in the scent. A big tire all around her head, and tires below her -- the thick, pungent smell filling her nostrils, filling her mind. And emptying it, at the same time.

"Deeper... Deeper... rubber slave... Deeper..." MzDominica's voice repeated, sending Daniella's mind into a state far beneath unconsciousness. "Whenever you smell this, you must remember, rubber slave obeys only Mistress Dominica... only Mistress Dominica... only Mistress Dominica..."

MzDominica's slow, methodical brainwashing of the helpless slave continued. It might have been minutes. It might have been hours. Daniella had no way to know. No way to resist.

"Resist... resist... Try to resist... Try hard, now. Harder..." Mistress' voice ordered her to resist -- which meant that if she did, she would be obeying. But if she did not, she would be obeying... "Try to lift yourself off the tires. Go ahead. Try to resist me..."

Daniella pushed... or tried to. But the rubber felt so good against her body. Smelled so good. All the resistance... all the fight... was gone from her. Her body went limp. She was helpless... lost... obedient...

After a time, the slave felt herself being lifted up, completely unable to understand what that meant. She heard, "Open your mouth, slave," and her jaw dropped slackly. Immediately. Automatically. The thick, rubber dildo slid into her mouth, and she began mindlessly to suck... suck... suck... The noise and jiggling of the van made no impression on her deeply entranced mind. Nor did she notice herself being half-carried, as she was walked back into Dominica's cabin, and set down, prone -- plugged ass so high -- onto her rubber-covered pallet. She continued to suck the dildo, as Mistress' conditioning slowly worked its way through her deeply sleeping mind. Programming her. Changing her... All through the night.

Daniella slept on her rubber-covered pallet, sucking on the thick rubber dildo. Every dream seemed to restructure her body more extremely, reprogram her mind more deeply. Her sense of reality seemed to have completely shut down.

Her tongue became long, and snake-like. Even kneeling, with her head bowed to the floor, her tongue reached out, responding to MzDominica's command, and licked her boots, twining itself around her toes, her ankles. It wound up her right leg, around her knee, and up her thigh, sliding into her wet pussy. A loop of her tongue pressed deep into Dominica's pussy, massaging her G-spot, while the tip of her tongue crept back out, and wrapped itself around Dominica's clit. Circling her clit, rubbing it, massaging it. Tightening, and loosening, and tugging at her clit. Daniella's snaky tongue stretched further... downward between Dominica's ass cheeks, and squirmed itself into her anus. Throbbing, sucking, curling, wiggling.

All the while, Daniella could feel her breasts growing -- especially her nipples. They felt so big, and long, and puffy. Each huge, throbbing nipple had found its way under the toe of one of MzDominica's boots. Daniella's tongue tugged at Mistress' clit, and Dominica responded by stepping harder on Daniella's nipples, squeezing them so deliciously!

All the little "fuck me" filigree in Daniella's stockings had started moving. Massaging her legs, creeping up her thighs. The words gathered together, growing in size and thickness, collecting as a huge, black dildo that seemed to climb up Daniella's leg like a giant worm, a caterpillar. Daniella's hips thrust backward just as the dildo shoved itself into her ass. Pumping, and pumping, the dildo seemed to be cumming. It was ejaculating the words "fuck me" into Daniella's ass. The words wiggled their way upward through her colon, through her abdomen, up her neck, and into her brain -- pushing everything else aside. All other words spilled out of Daniella's ears, as "fuck me" filled her head, becoming her only thought.

Then Mistress spoke, and the word "obey" tumbled from her lips, like rain falling onto Daniella's head. It soaked through her hair, through her scalp, into her brain -- and even pushed "fuck me" out through Daniella's ears onto the floor. Obey... obey... obey... All the other words on the floor changed, turning into Dominica... Dominica... Dominica... They collected into a swarm, like bees, and swirled up Daniella's thighs to her clitty-cock, wrapping themselves around it. Swarming and buzzing, and tickling her cock, the flying word made her desperate to cum again. But as soon as she got close, all the words broke into separate letters, suspended mid-air around her cock, like a little black cloud, no longer stroking her aching sex. As soon as the closeness to orgasm was lost, the letters formed Dominica's name again, and began sliding themselves against her cock -- like teasing fingers, all up and down her sex. It felt so good! Closer... and closer... and closer to cumming. Then the words would all break up again into letters again. Over and over and over.

Daniella's hips were pumping. Thrusting back against the "fuck me" dildo, humping down into the cloud of letters. "Obey" in Mistress' Voice looped relentlessly through her head, as she continued to lick every part of Dominica's sex she could reach. Her tongue stretched even further, wrapping around both of Mistress' breasts, rubbing and squeezing her nipples.

In Daniella's mind, she could see the words begin to collect together, squeezing her cock smaller and smaller. Making it tiny. She heard Dominica's voice, talking to her about her clit. About her pussy. Mistress' voice seemed to echo from everywhere. With every echo, the letters pulsed. The words "Dominica" collected together into another firm rubber dildo, like the "fuck me" dildo, and began to push against the base of her cock. Pushing inwards as her cock became a tinier and tinier nub. Pushing her balls inside, where they changed into ovaries. Pushing her scrotum inward, as it became labia, the center opening up and becoming her vagina -- so very filled with Dominica. Fucking deep into her. In... and out... and in... and out... The new dildo began to ejaculate into her pussy, spewing the name "Dominica" deep into her cunt, over and over again. Mistress' name traveled up through her womb, past it and upward through her abdomen... Up... up... up... It stretched out her tits even further, making them full, huge, squashy -- like big balloons. It pushed its way up her neck, changing her voice, making it higher, more musical, lilting. Finally, Mistress' name entered her head to join the only other word that remained there -- Obey! The words filled her mind... Obey... Dominica... Obey... Dominica... Obey Dominica... Obey Dominica... Obey Dominica...

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You can look but you cant touchwithout question marks

Introduction: Im writing this purely from my own fantasy about a boy I will never have. Sorry for the question marks all over the last one. To start Ill describe myself. I have reddish brown wavy hair and blue-green eyes. Im about 53 and petite in stature. I have perky 32D boobs and from what guys have told me hershey kiss nipples. Ive also been told i have a fat but tight ass. Anyway, Id been lusting after him for the past year. He was perfect. He was tall, dark hair, mysterious looking. He...

1 year ago
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Mountains of RubberChapter 2 First Night

"Time to wake up, Daniella." From deep in Daniella's trance, MzDominica's voice seemed to echo. She felt so nice, relaxed, floating, and warm. But she could not resist the pull of her Mistress' voice. Calling. Calling. Forcing her to awaken. She seemed to be rushing upwards, through the water, a roaring noise in her ears, the swift currents of the water ruffling her hair, rippling over her skin. "Wake up!" Daniella's eyes shot wide open. She inhaled a gasp of air. The shimmery,...

2 years ago
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Mountains of RubberChapter 3 First Morning

Even in Dan's dreams, MzDominica continued to stimulate his sex -- insistently, relentlessly -- commanding him to serve her. He licked Dominica's boots -- up, up, up, to her soft, creamy thighs -- only to have her stop him, just as his tongue was about to touch her skin. He could smell her skin. He could smell her pussy... so close. So warm, and musky. In his sleep, he sucked on the dildo, tasting her juices, smelling her scent, imagining her cumming and squirting around the dildo, through...

4 years ago
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Mountains of RubberChapter 5 Girls Night Out

MzDominica's fingers snapping under her nose brought Daniella back to the present. "Danielllllaaaa! Focus on me, Daniella. Wake up! Not ALL the way," Dominica chuckled, "just enough to finish getting dressed, my little slave. My little slut. My rubber slave! Say it!" From far away, Daniella returned, hearing her Mistress' commands. She was just barely able to mumble, "Rub... ber... slave..." "Good girl," Dominica replied. The words of approval sent shivers all through Daniella's...

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Mountains of RubberChapter 6 Dancing Partners

As she returned from the restroom, Daniella saw MzDominica talking with Janie the waitress, who nodded, turned and left. Daniella arrived at the table and sat down -- making sure to keep her legs spread, just as Mistress required. Dominica turned toward her slave and quietly asked, "Do you have something for me, slave?" Daniella was still holding the key in her palm. "Of course, Mistress," she replied. Despite everything, she found herself blushing as she lifted her hand, and stretched...

4 years ago
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Mountains of RubberChapter 8 Knotty

The feel of the cords brushing against her face brought Daniella upward from trance, just a little bit. With her right hand still holding the laces in front of Daniella's face, Mistress reached over to the table with her left hand. The slave could only tell, from her kneeling position, that MzDominica was picking up something -- but she couldn't tell what. The looped cords continued to fascinate her, as memories from last night surfaced. Images of Annie dancing, sinuously. Remembering her...

4 years ago
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Mountains of RubberChapter 9 Dark and Airless

Daniella reached the bathroom on her hands and knees, her body feeling so heavy, her mind so empty. She crawled through the door into the bathroom, and suddenly felt light, like a balloon. Like a leaf, being blown upwards by a warm, summer breeze. She felt, not so much like she was standing up, as that she was floating. Rising, not through any will or effort of her own. Her body simply responding to outside forces, completely beyond her control. She looked into the mirror, but scarcely...

2 years ago
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High Marks

I graduated from college with a permanent hangover, a degree in English Lit and absolutely no prospects. A child of the solidly upper middle class, my parents encouraged me to follow my dreams and study what I loved, so I found myself two months out of graduation about to move home. I weighed my options carefully. The daily searches were depressing reminders of my ineptitude and the waste of forty thousand dollars of tuition money. The low point came when Kroger wouldn’t return my calls. I was...

1 year ago
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Episode 30 8211 Makeout For Marks

In the last episode we have seen how Rashmi took advantage of Kiran’s absence to make out with her husband. It was risky as Kiran was in the bathroom, while the two made love in the living room. Kiran continued talking to Rashmi from the bathroom, while she was being fingered at her cunt by Gautam. It was hard for her to converse back with Kiran, and she struggled but somehow managed to keep responding back while Gautam kept sucking and fucking her at will. Gautam grabbed her nicely and then...

2 years ago
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Full Marks

"All right, Audrey, James, you're up!" I snapped out of my daydream upon hearing those two names. Audrey and James had been part of my seminar this past semester and were the next study group to give their end-of-term presentations. Having already gotten through mine, I had slowly drifted away into a sort of waking coma, not caring one bit for what the other groups had to tell us about their subject. Audrey, though, Audrey was a different story. I'd had my eye on her ever since she stepped into...

3 years ago
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NEW fetish i just been doing my thing thinking i knew everthing . but latley i been noticingi atrract to the no good gitls that for less of a term aint shit. im no player. but i seen my female freind convince her boy freind t powwer.o go both wats. i wwas like damn. for real i was scared . but it attract me cause that was a her. power. i Use to mud her out but she bever took charge . so one day i told to punch me. she she just give order and i i was way out of line. so setting to get a some...

4 years ago
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Mountain Man

Now, about twelve miles out of town there was a little village called Carters Mountain, although to tell you the truth, it really wasn’t a mountain at all. It was really just a little village, nestled in the coastal foothills of the Great Dividing Range, but over the years, Carters Mountain people had developed a certain reputation. You see, twelve miles doesn’t sound like much today, but back in the days when people walked everywhere or rode a horse, those twelve miles were just enough to...

4 years ago
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Mountain Climbing

Since XNXX decided to put water sports and pissing together in one category please don’t be misled. This story contains pissing. Mountain Climbing I am an avid mountain climber and have been for many years. I take my vacations just so that I can climb mountains throughout the United States. I cannot ever imaging climbing Mount Everest at 8,848 meters in height K2 at 8,611 meters in height but someday I do hope to climb Mount McKinley at 6,194 meters or 20,320 feet in the Alaska...

3 years ago
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Mountain Maid

Mountain Maid. By Trish. For a long time I felt like I was floating in a dizzy, pain filled semi-consciousness. I must have been pretty befuddled because other than being vaguely aware that I was warm and comfortable all I seemed to be able to focus on was the sound of a fire crackling in the background, before I drifted off again. Some time later I came round again failing miserably when I tried to sit up right. As soon as I moved my lower back exploded in pain and as I groaned I...

1 year ago
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Mountain Angel

which I had in my possession, using them for my main hobby: taking photos. This was a hot (well, hot by Norwegian standards, 25 deg C or 80 deg F) summers day and I had decided to venture up to my favorite mountain spot, some 500 feet above where I lived. Down in the valley, the air was still and uncomfortable, but I knew there would be a small breeze up on the mountain. I filled my backpack with some necessities like lots of water, some sandwiches, my camera, some sunscreen and a...

2 years ago
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Mountain Air

Day 1 Ever since I first met her, my wife Danielle has been extremely daring sexually. The first time I ever saw her was on Spring Break of my last year in college, when she (having drank a little too much) was up on the bar of a club, putting on a one woman strip show. Danielle is quite beautiful, with 30c-24-26 measurements and I didn't notice her on stage putting on her little performance until her halter top was flung across the club floor, landing at my feet as I sat talking to my...

4 years ago
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Mountain Man

Jefferson McElroy silently stole down the path to his favorite fishing hole. He had cut school to engage in his number one hobby. If his dad or mom caught him skipping school, it would probable cost him a little hide, but it was a nice spring day and he didn’t really care. Like most fourteen year old boys he wasn’t interested in the future. Today is what he lived for. He rounded the bend around a thick brush patch two hundred yards from his spot. A faint mewling sound like a wounded cat...

4 years ago
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Mountain Time

There are times in our lives when we need to think outside the box and the same goes for our sex lives and our livelihood. Rashad and I have been dating for sometime now and our sex life started to feel a little mundane. He only wants to do it the bedroom where he feels safe, not wanting to worry about anyone seeing us, mostly see him. I was ok with it but I could only take some much of this shit before I start to lash out. I kept asking him if he would let me suck his dick while parked in the...

2 years ago
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Mountain Top

You and I are at a mountain lake, its fall, the leaves are changing color, and the air is cool and crisp but not too cold. The leaves are brilliant colors of yellow, orange and red… The lake is calm and like a mirror reflecting all the colors. We decide to hike to the top of a mountain at the lake shore to get bird’s eye view of the surrounding area and the beauty of the season.The hike is not difficult but not easy either. It takes a good hour or so of hiking. You are in jeans, t-shirt, and...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Mountain Legend

Four men are hiking the Appalachian Trail through North Carolina when they stumble across a strange Cave. Life changes for all 4, but one in particular must face an uncontrollable desire. If you're looking for lots of sex, this isn't the story for you. There is some, but I tried to concentrate on the main character's experience. Chapter 1 We had been on the trial for almost 2 days now, and overall it was turning out to be everything I had always dreamed of. Hiking...

2 years ago
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Mountain trip Interrupted

I hope You still enjoy the narrative! The story took place on my home island a beautiful spring day some years ago. The sky was blue and the sun would come out later for a quick visit. It was still a bit nippy, the morning temperature at 12 deg C (54 deg F) and the day temperature not exceeding 16 deg C (61 deg F). I would not let such an appealing day go amiss and had planned my trip to the mountain the previous evening. I had prepared a small backpack suitable for a day's walk on...

3 years ago
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Mountain Return

All parts Copyright © 2009. All rights reserved. PART 1 of 3 Daniel Stockton pressed his foot harder against the accelerator of his mud-caked Defender 90. He had been away too long. Clouds of dust and rocks shot away from the thick tires as they ploughed through the winding mountain road. He knew this path well, but it had been nearly four months since he’d been home. And he knew she’d be waiting for him. Squinting, he dropped his mirrored sunglasses down onto the bridge of his rugged nose....

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Mountain Girl

The obviously nervous young eighteen year old girl sat on the upside down bucket glancing now and then over her shoulder to make certain none of the playful brats of Mother Grace were sneaking up on her to embarrass her in front of the probing eyes of full-grown men. In some ways, Selena still thought with the mind of a child as well, but now she was of an age when most girls were wedded and expecting the arrival of their first young one, there was no doubt in her mind that she was expected...

3 years ago
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Mountain Rescue

Bill was a writer. He was 32 years old and about 6’ tall. He was well built and was considered good looking. His first two books had done well and he had moved to a cabin high on a mountain. He had a friend who was an engineer to help him set the cabin up to be fairly self sufficient. He had solar panels that kept his battery banks charged and he used LED lighting. There was a nearby stream where he had a water wheel that also supplied some of his power needs. It was enough to power his...

1 year ago
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Mountain Rescue

The cabin had two bedrooms and a kitchen/dining room plus a large bathroom. The main part of the cabin had a fire pit in the center of the main living area. There was always plenty of deadfall in the woods around the area to keep him supplied with firewood. Bill had lived there for a little over three years and he had a German shepherd dog for a companion. There was only one way in and one way out via a four wheel drive “road”. Bill had internet access from a satellite dish but there was...

2 years ago
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Mountain ManEpilogue

Well, I’ve gotten to the end of this little tale. I’m back on my mountain. And the seasons are moving on into late fall and winter. Most of the leaves have fallen, and it’s no longer shirt sleeve weather during the day. The snow hasn’t started yet. But I can smell it in the air. The doctors finally released me from the hospital. Doc Stone was responsible for that. He was well aware of what I wanted and what I was willing to do to get what I wanted. I was wheeled out to the hospital curb with...

3 years ago
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Mountain Memories

Sometimes there are events in life that are short-lived but remain an important and wonderful memory. This is one of those memories. I have always loved the mountains. Not the barren western high country but the dense, tree-covered, misty slopes of the Great Smoky Mountains. There was and still is no better place to find solitude. The nature of my work allowed me a four-day weekend every six weeks. Many times each year I would load the car with camping gear and start the six hour trip to...

2 years ago
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Mountain Man An Adult Story

It all started a couple of months ago. I was coming back from Juneau Alaska, with my dog team pulling the way. I live next to a river in the wilderness of the last free state. It was just beginning to get cold and the leaves were falling from the trees. The sled was going over the snow just perfect. I was hoping to get back to my log cabin before night fall.There is one rode about 30 miles north of the cabin. It connects the main land and Canada together. There are very few cars or trucks that...

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Mountain ManChapter 2

It was just moving into sundown when I arrived in Elk City. It took me about an hour to get Margarite and Jughead wiped down and curried. But they knew where they were and, as far as they were concerned, life was good. Shadow and I drifted over to my truck, camper, and trailer. I went inside the camper and opened all the windows to start airing it out. Everything seemed fine, so I’d wait until morning to get a more detailed inspection. We were at the unofficial Elk City campground and livery...

3 years ago
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Mountain Getaway Part 2 Midnight Visitor

The restaurant at the resort was romantic and rustic, providing a picturesque view of the mountain. Matt and Lucy were seated at a table bordered on one side by floor-to-ceiling windows with a view of the snow-covered mountain, trees lining the slopes, framed by a full moon and starlit night sky. On the other side of the table was a fireplace full of logs warming the restaurant balcony.Dinner was intimate. Lucy had sea bass accompanied by asparagus and a bed of orzo, while Matt had a venison...

3 years ago
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Mountain Getaway

It was a cold winter night at the villa Matt had rented for a week at a mountain lodge resort in Park City. That afternoon, Lucy had flown into Salt Lake and Matt had picked her up at the airport. Their greeting had been enthusiastic and gleeful. Lucy had jumped into Matt’s arms outside security for a warm embrace, and a long, lingering kiss. Lucy, a petite and curvy short-haired, brown-eyed brunette, wore comfy black leggings, a soft hoodie, and Ugg winter boots.Matt — a lean, broad-shouldered...

Straight Sex

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