The Wilmington Woman's ClubChapter 20: Conversation - Conrad And Sammy Pardo free porn video

After meeting in Jersey City, Sammy and Gentner came to an agreement, and Sammy put several things in motion. Within a month, Conrad was in Belgium being introduced to two Italians and a man from the Netherlands named, Klass Bruinsma. The Italians were only intermediaries; Bruinsma controlled a great chunk of Europe's illegal drugs, and would eventually become the biggest drug lord in Europe.
Gentner and Bruinsma hit it off from the start, and Conrad was surprised to find that as far as Bruinsma was concerned the future of the drug industry lay not so much in cocaine, but in a combination of both cocaine and heroin that could be smoked and not injected, called "crack." Moreover, although it involved both drugs, it used considerably less than each when taken by themselves and thus would sell for considerably less on the street.
"The user pays less, has a longer high, and will keep coming back to buy more and more. So many are frightened of this Aids epidemic..." Bruinsma smiled at Conrad, "and with jusitification. I mean, who wants to trust a needle these days, eh?"
"Absolutely," Conrad said agreeably.
"And with the high lasting at least twice as long, the product is going to go over like blockbusters. So, tell me, Mr. Genter, how much do you want to buy ... first time out?"
"I don't know. What I had in mind ... oh, I am buying, I honestly don't know how much first time out. What I had in mind was supplying you with a portion of the cocaine needed to put your product together."
"Then," Conrad said quickly, "use that as a discount toward a larger buy of this crack."
Bruinsma pinched his nose as he thought about this turn of events, then smiled and took Conrad's hand in his big paw and said, "I do, in fact, require additional sources for cocaine. Heroin comes easy, I have operations in Germany, Belgium, France and Scandanavia. I think the United States offers tremendous potential. I have partners in those countries and have no problem with having you as a partner in the United States."
"I would welcome such an arrangement," Conrad said, as Bruinsma released his hand.
"You do have an abundance of the product?"
"I have one source and am currently opening another. This one with certain Columbians who are also looking to broaden their market in the States."
"Good, this is in line with what I envision as the future of the pharmaceutical industry I'm in. The tendency is to break up the larger organizations into smaller ones, decreasing the number of people involved and thereby place a much smaller target on ourselves. You must know that when one becomes well known various governments are compelled to focus their energies on you and who knows how successful they will be?"
"I quite agree with you," Conrad said, liking this man even more. He was cautios, yet confident. And he was already successful in his endeavors.
"I invest heavily in the newest technologies and strongly suggest you do likewise. You can operate the business more effectively, keep yourself out of the spotlight and perhaps one or two steps ahead of the authorities. I spend plenty on technology and find it worth every dollar."
Over cocktails the two men agreed on an initial purhase of crack, and that Conrad would be requested to provide a set amount of cocaine to the Italians on a monthly basis to provide a backup supply in the event the cocaine from Asia came in short, or was intercepted by the authorities.
Conrad agreed even through he lacked the capital to provide the amount of cocaine he was obligating himself to provide. He knew of a source, and would pursue it as soon as the meeting with Bruinsma ended.
Conversation - Conrad and Vic
On a cold and windy early March morning, the two men met.
"How much are they asking?" Conrad said.
You have to understand these people are amateurs," Vic said.
"Worst kind of people to deal with," Conrad said. "But did you explain how the exchange works. I mean, did they understand you?"
"They understand all that. Conrad, let me tell you something, Vic said, and looked around to make sure they weren't being overheard.
Conrad admired the way Vic looked. He had to be at least sixty, some thirty years older than Conrad, but he had the well-toned appearance of a man who spent a lot of time swimming and sunning on the Florida coast. Conrad figured they were about the same height and weight — six feet tall, a hundred and eighty pounds, give or take — but Vic seemed in much better shape. Both men wore swimming trunks. Conrad was relatively white, he'd only flown in yesterday.
"They don't care," Vic said. "They don't especially share your vision. They think what they've got going will last forever."
"They do? Don't they consider the fact that demand for their product might dry up?"
"I don't know," Vic said, glancing around again to make sure no one was approaching their position. "I tell you, they're saying -- what they keep saying — is they don't need what we can provide. That they're doing just fine, they'll keep on doing fine. You follow? So they're just not interested. I told them we'd be doing all the work. We'd provide the ships. Load and unload on both ends; this doesn't matter to them. Since they don't need us, the swap doesn't interest them. They're dumb amateurs; they can't see the beauty of this thing."
"Who've you been talking too?"
"Gilberto Ramirez."
"Does he know I'm here?"
"He knows you're here."
"Does he know we need an answer?"
"He knows that too, Conrad, I told you, they don't care."
"Where's he staying?"
"He's got houses all over the place. He stays where he wants to stay."
"He's careful, I'll give him that," Conrad said, and held his hand up, silencing Vic, as a pair of twenty-something's in bikini's sauntered into view. Conrad waited until they passed from view before continuing.
"Does he have a place close by?"
"I don't know."
"I thought you've been talking with him?"
"I have."
"And you don't know where he's staying?"
"Hey, you're Gilbert Ramirez, you don't send out cards with your address on them." Conrad frowned, a sign that he was close to losing his temper. Vic picked up on it, and said, "I use a waiter at the hotel to get in touch with him. I tell him I want a meet, he calls Ramirez, sets it up."

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