Mrs. WaxermanChapter 15 free porn video

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It was some hours later when there was a knock on the door. After Mrs Waxerman’s statements, Doctor Hooker had decided he needed to process all that his fiancée had said. His plan had been to leave his fiancées purchases on the table, bags unopened until later, go home, water his plants, and sit down to write. He had after all promised to dictate the list of body parts, various sexual positions and general colloquialisms he expected Victoria and her niece to use. Many of these he knew he’d have to familiarize himself with first.

He also planned to call the Anderson’s. After a shower to clean off the stink of her sweat, Victoria and Delilah would prepare the side dishes for an early supper and he would return with steaks for the grill. That had been his plan anyway. The first hurdle had come when he phoned the Anderson’s home number. Martha answered but when James invited them to Victoria’s house for dinner, Martha explained that Andrew no longer lived there. James, now knowing why, asked if Martha could come by herself instead. Martha readily agreed.

At the sound of the knock on the door, Victoria and Delilah looked at each other for a moment. One of them would answer it, only neither of them knew which of them should. Neither knew who was at the door either. It could be Doctor Hooker, or it could be the Anderson’s. Delilah had been cutting vegetables for the salad while Mrs Waxerman was opening a can of condensed milk. Both were as naked as the day they’d been born.

Mrs Waxerman shrugged, a gesture Delilah had never seen her perform before, much less naked. Mrs Waxerman’s tits bounced when she did it. “Naked I came into this world and naked I shall leave,” Mrs Waxerman quoted, putting down the can opener. “Your hands are wet dear. I’ll get it.”

Mrs Waxerman strode purposefully to the front door and threw it open, with absolutely no concern as to who might be standing there. When their eyes met, Mrs Waxerman very nearly covered herself in shame. The pastor, on the other hand turned his back on her so quickly he almost twisted an ankle.

“Mrs Waxerman! For heavens sake, cover yourself! Anyone on the street right now would be able to see you in all your glory!”

“Job 1:21, pastor. And thank you for saying you think I’m glorious,” Mrs Waxerman added with a tight, ‘Mrs Waxerman’ smile that didn’t convey either humor or gratitude.

“I must say,” Mrs Waxerman continued, talking to the pastor’s back, “Your visit today is a surprise. My fiancée, Doctor James Hooker, is planning an outdoor dinner this afternoon. We’re having the Andersons over. Do you know Doctor Hooker?”

The pastor cleared his throat before replying, “It was actually the good Doctor who called and invited me,” he admitted. “However it looks like I caught you at a bad time. I don’t suppose you’ve made yourself presentable, have you?” He asked, half turning to check.

Mrs Waxerman had hardly moved an inch, except to lean more on the open door. “If you were interested in dress sense above all else, you certainly chose the wrong profession, pastor. I’m wearing a totally appropriate birthday suit in my own home. If my suit offends you, then you are less dedicated to God than you have frequently proclaimed. Otherwise, please come in. Delilah and I were in the kitchen getting things ready. I merely have to later know we have a guest so that she can take over what I was doing.”

The pastor shuffled his feet and played with his fingers, pondering what he should do. He knew Mrs Waxerman had a point, despite his own misgivings about being alone with a naked woman.

“Where are the boys?” He asked instead of moving.

“They’re in their room finishing up an assignment that should really have been completed hours ago. Come in and I’ll call them down.”

“You allow them to see you undressed?” The pastor gasped.

“Adam and Eve only experienced shame after eating from the fruit of the tree of knowledge, pastor. Since then, people have insisted that nudity is shameful. Doctor Hooker explained to me that being ashamed of the wonderful creation that is man is surely more of a sin than beholding and enjoying it.”

“Genesis 3:21 says, ‘Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin and clothed them.’ If God wanted you naked, he would never have made the tunics,” the pastor replied pompously.

“Pastor, I’m sure you’ll enjoy chatting with Doctor Hooker. I have recently learned to avoid becoming embroiled in philosophical discussions with my betters. I can’t help but say that as far as that scripture goes, you just explained that God did such a thing, not why. Then you seemed to presume to know the mind of God without further words to support your ascertain.”

“Well madam, I was always taught...”

Mrs Waxerman cut him off by suggesting that they could stand there for the rest of the day or he could join her inside if the thought of the neighbors seeing her under dressed was truly worrisome to the man. The pastor ultimately acquiesced although he shielded his eyes and looked at his feet as Mrs Waxerman showed him to the living room and offered him a seat. When he heard her returning from the kitchen, the pastor actually attempted to focus on her face for a few few moments before his gaze first dropped towards her chest, then shot towards the ceiling. Eventually he just covered his eyes again.

“Are sins of the flesh truly so much at war within you that you cannot bear to see me as I really am, pastor?” Mrs Waxerman asked more quietly than he’d ever heard her speak before.

“You make it sound as though if I look upon you, I’d be tempted to rape you, dear lady. That could not be further from the truth. It’s just that ... well ... I have never even looked upon my own wife undressed and you are ... well, forgive me for saying, but you’re larger than life, as it were.”

“Pastor, look at me,” Mrs Waxerman demanded. “I have a face for you to concentrate your attention on. As recently as yesterday morning I felt as you do and now here I am, one day later, nude in front of my pastor. If I can do it, I’m sure that you can afford me the respect of looking at me while we talk.” Other than being naked, Victoria was once again a hundred percent, ‘Mrs Waxerman’.

The pastor shook his head as if disagreeing with his inner voices, then uncovered his eyes and looked at Mrs Waxerman’s face. He kept his eyes narrowly focused on hers, which seemed to help him to slowly relax.

“Would you like a cup of tea, pastor?” Mrs Waxerman asked when she decided they’d surmounted the first obstacle.

“Yes, please. You don’t have a shot of whiskey to add to it, do you?” He replied with a laugh to ensure Victoria would think he was joking ... unless she did in fact have liquor in the house.

“I apologize. We don’t keep alcohol on the premises, well except for rubbing alcohol.” Mrs Waxerman amended, then turned her back on the pastor momentarily, calling to the boys in their room.

The pastor made the most of the opportunity to gaze candidly on her back, bottom, and thighs, seeing the much-faded stripes on her otherwise flawless skin.

When Mrs Waxerman turned again, the pastor dragged his eyes up to meet hers, although not before seeing the horizontal lines on her breasts too.

“Mrs Waxerman, can you be totally honest with me before the children come down? Is Doctor Hooker beating you? Is that why you’re naked? You’ve always been covered from chin to ankle before today. Base on your regular attire, it wouldn’t have surprised me to find out you wore a shower dress when you bathe.”

“The answer to your questions is an emphatic yes,” Mrs Waxerman declared. I would not have it any other way,” she added with conviction.

“That is simply unacceptable ma’am. We should call the police and have him arrested on charges of battery!”

“My dear man,” Mrs Waxerman said quickly. “I practically had to beg him to do it the first time. He’s totally innocent of any wrong doing, I assure you.”

“Then why would you do such a thing?” The pastor asked, his confusion evident.

“I’ll use something current as an example. For years I have been a self righteous, meddling gossip. You know it’s true pastor. Yesterday I would simply have described myself as an upstanding Christian. I recently meddled in Mr and Mrs Anderson’s marriage without facts to support assumption. What would you as a pastor have had me do to atone for my sins?”

“Well I would have had you apologize of course,” the pastor said with decisive authority.

“I can tell you that if all I’d given was a heartfelt apology, I would have continued with no change to my principles, having considered my own actions as understandable under the circumstances. What you may not know is that as a result of my meddling, I’ve potentially ruined a good marriage and I knew I needed to atone for my actions. Do you still think a simple apology would have sufficed?” Mrs Waxerman asked.

“We are only human, Mrs Waxerman. We are all prone to sin. I’m sure the Anderson’s understand that, the pastor replied.

“I hope that today I can apologize to the Andersons and rectify some of the damage I’ve caused. If I hadn’t been nude before you, you would not know I’ve already paid partial penance. I could have hidden my sin and the price I’ve so far paid for it. I can already assure you that I will not meddle like that again any time soon. Now all that’s left, is to attempt to put things right and allow the Anderson’s to stand in judgement of me. They will be given the same opportunity as you, to see that I am truly sorry for my actions. I believe that is how a real Christian should act.” Mrs Waxerman said with a haughty lilt to her voice.”

The pastor listened intently and found he had to agree with Mrs Waxerman’s logic. That didn’t mean he was any less uncomfortable being around the naked woman. “So you have convinced me that you have valid reasons for being nude when the Anderson’s arrive. Do you think that you could, um, cover up in the meantime?”

“Aside from the fact that I will not don clothing because of a promise I made to my fiancée, I should very much like to know why I make you so uncomfortable being in the nude?” Mrs Waxerman asked politely.

“As I said,” the pastor insisted, “I’m not used to such displays.”

Just then, Jimmy, Zeke and Gordon came in. The pastor noted that none of the boys seemed the least upset that their aunt was naked. They all said their hellos then arranged themselves on the furniture. ‘At least they’re dressed,’ the pastor thought to himself.

Mrs Waxerman spun on her heel and left to get the tea, leaving the pastor and boys to chat. When she returned with the tea service, the boys were regaling the pastor with tales of a recent fish the boys had caught together at the nearby creek.

“Did you ever imagine her tits were so big?” Zeke asked the pastor suddenly.

When the pastor failed to reply, and Mrs Waxerman failed to shush her nephew, Zeke continued. “Delilah’s got some pretty ones but boy oh boy, aunt Victoria’s are the biggest I’ve ever seen!” Zeke finished enthusiastically.

“Why would you be looking at your sister’s chest?” The pastor asked before he could stop himself.

“Well duh! Sorry pastor. I mean she’s nekkid too. I may as well appreciate God’s wondrous creation, right?” Zeke replied.

The pastor caught himself before he asked why their sister was naked as well. It simply was not a discussion he wanted to get into.

“And what about aunt Victoria’s engagement ring? That sure was a surprise. I’ve never seen one there before!” Zeke continued.

“Oh, I must have missed it,” the pastor returned.

“How could you possibly miss a rock that size? As if her boobies weren’t big enough ta grab yer attention.”

“That will be quite enough, Ezekiel,” Mrs Waxerman said, coming to the pastor’s rescue.

Another knock sounds on the front door.

“Excuse me, that will either be my fiancée or the Anderson’s, unless Doctor Hooker invited someone else.” Mrs Waxerman set the tea service down and walked across the room to the front door, again throwing it open without first looking.

This time it was Doctor Hooker. He smiled and kissed Mrs Waxerman on the cheek as he entered.

“You know sir, you do not have to knock. This engagement ring,” she said, flicking her piercing, says that you have approval to come and go as you wish. The pastor is here already. Are the Anderson’s coming?” Mrs Waxerman asked over her shoulder as she led the way back to the living room.

“I finally tracked Andrew down and he reluctantly agreed to come over, however it won’t be for a while yet. How is the pastor receiving your attire?” Doctor Hooker asked with a smile.

“It’s taking some getting used to sir,” said the pastor as he stood up from the couch when he heard James question.

The two men shook hands, James smiling, the pastor not. Despite everything Mrs Waxerman had said, the pastor blamed Doctor Hooker for beating his fiancée and forcing her to be nude.

“Would you kindly ask your fiancée to dress?” The pastor asked tightly.

“I see her nudity is embarrassing you. Why is that pastor?” James asked lightly.

“If God had meant for us to be naked, he wouldn’t have invented clothing,” the pastor virtually spat.

“We’ve already been through all this, sir,” Mrs Waxerman assured her fiancée as she finally sat. “I suspect the pastor is worried that he cannot control himself around a naked woman.”

“Is that why Delilah isn’t here?” Doctor Hooker asked before the pastor could refute Mrs Waxerman’s suggestion.

“Delilah is still in the kitchen sir. Would you like me to call her in?” Mrs Waxerman asked, ready to arise again.

“That won’t be necessary ma’am. I really should be going,” the pastor stated.

“Nonsense pastor,” Mrs Waxerman said kindly to the man, settling back again. I’ve only just brought the tea.

“Pastor, I can already see that you do not like me,” Doctor Hooker observed. “There is very little I can do to alter first impressions although I admit to being surprised that a man of the cloth has so quickly jumped to conclusions about my character.”

“You beat your fiancée and keep her and her niece naked. What other conclusion could I possibly form?” The pastor asked.

“I was persuaded to provide correction and lead this family towards a closer, loving bond with God. If that is not what Christianity is all about, then we really do have a serious problem.” Doctor Hooker said, explaining himself.

“Beating women is unchristian. Parading them naked is unchristian.

“Before you condemn me to hell for my actions, consider this. Proverbs 29:15 says, ‘The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.’ I have never read in the Bible anything about an age limit to that, pastor. In fact, are we not all children under God?”

Despite his growing anger toward the man, the pastor did think about the scripture the doctor had quoted. “And Proverbs 26:3 also says, ‘A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and a rod for the back of fools.’ Your fiancée is not a horse, donkey nor fool. You’d do better not to treat her as one.”

“Just yesterday pastor, we discussed that very proverb. Victoria did something very foolish and as a result, received a fitting response. I am no pastor and I do not pretend to be one. I merely look at the actions of those I love and respond in the most mature way I know. I will always respect the clergy for their position and I will listen to them in good faith. Then I will weigh their words against the facts of life. If you have a convincing reason for me to desist, either allowing Victoria to be naked in her own home or to provide corporal punishment when it is called for, please state your case. I am not closed-minded like many are.”

“Well I’m not close-minded either,” the pastor defended. I told Mrs Waxerman that I understood her point of view.”

“And yet you would have her change it?”

“Of course not. It’s just difficult for me,” the pastor admitted.

“As long as we are clear, pastor. I won’t attempt to change your opinion on morality and you’ll avoid attempting to direct this family’s path towards a closer bond with God. I’ll listen to everything you suggest and weigh its value. Do we have a deal?” Doctor Hooker asked.

As much as the pastor wanted to hate and distrust the doctor, he found himself unable to do so. Doctor Hooker seemed friendly, honest, up front and not in the least manipulative. “I suppose you’ve suggested an arrangement that does in fact benefit everyone, so yes, I agree. You won’t ask Mrs Waxerman to get dressed though?”

“Victoria’s body is a treasure to behold. I’ll not have her hide her light beneath a bushel, as it were. Some of the finest sculptures in history have been portrayals of the nude form. In this instance, you’re being offered the opportunity to view the original and not a copy. If you insist on finding her delightful curves and plains sexual in nature, then by all means, continue to focus only on her head.”

The pastor considered James’ words carefully before allowing his gaze to once more slip down from her face. Victoria had left her hair down after her shower and for the first time ever, the pastor was able to appreciate the way it settled lushly over her shoulders, some in the front and some in the back, the tips at the front falling nearly level with her exposed nipples. For the first time he allowed his gaze to fall on her engagement piercing.

“So that’s your engagement ring?” He asked. “Whatever made you decide to break with tradition and put it there?” He asked, still taking in her massive mammaries.

“It’s a long story, pastor. Victoria will however get her wedding ring installed in her other nipple and that is actually why I wanted you to visit today. We’d like for you to perform the ceremony. She will be naked for that as well and that’s why it was so important to us that you be given a chance to become accustomed to her nude form.”

“I seriously doubt my wife will allow me to officiate the wedding of a nude bride,” the pastor actually chuckled, showing how quickly he was relaxing. “Even if the bride is Mrs Waxerman.”

“Victoria has already agreed to host the women’s bible study group here. If your wife is part of that group, she’ll have plenty of time to get used to the idea,” Doctor Hooker explained.

“It’ll be more about feelings of jealousy than anything else, I’m sure,” the pastor responded. “After all, from what I see here, your fiancée is very good looking.”

“Then you might consider addressing those feelings before they become an issue. I’m sure Victoria would acquiesce to assisting you in that endeavor if you’d like. The nude form, in our opinion, is not sinful. If you see an attractive news anchor on the television, would you turn the television off?” James asked.

“Well no. However I don’t entertain thoughts of seeing the news anchor naked. That would be sinful,” the pastor reasoned.

“So why should it be any different with Victoria? You aren’t entertaining such thoughts because she is already naked.”

“As I told Mrs Waxerman, I’ve never even seen Evelyn nude. I don’t doubt she would think the worst of me if I told her your fiancée, a very good looking woman, routinely pranced around her home in the altogether.”

“So you’re saying she’d think there was a rivalry for your affections even though Victoria is engaged to me?”

“I think it wouldn’t matter if it was Mrs Waxerman or Mrs Prescott, who incidentally is 82 years old, who was naked. My wife would undoubtedly think I’m having impure thoughts.”

“And you say you’ve never seen your own wife in the nude? Then surely it’s her own insecurities in play. She’d really have no one to blame but herself for feeling jealous.” Doctor Hooker deduced.

“And therein lays the crux of the matter. So now you see why I cannot officiate your wedding, although I surely wish you all the best.” The pastor assured them both.

“I just have one more question, if you’ll humor me pastor?” Doctor Hooker asked.

“Certainly,” the pastor replied with a smile, having come to quite enjoy the frank discussion he was involved in.

“As a Christian minister, who knows scripture certainly as well as the average church leader, why do you allow your wife to be the master of your relationship?”

The pastor thought about it. The silence stretched, not even the boys making a peep. The pastor finally decided he had no good answer to that question. “It may be that you’ve provided food for thought on the matter,” the pastor finally acknowledged. Maybe I was indeed hasty in my rejection of your request.”

“And possibly you’re not giving your wife enough credit,” Doctor Hooker added.

The pastor just nodded at that. Further discussion was interrupted by another knock at the door. Mrs Waxerman moved to get to her feet however Doctor Hooker stopped her.

“Gordon, please go and answer the door. Your aunt is entertaining and it would be rude for the hostess to leave our guest yet again. While you’re at it, take Jimmy with you. I just remembered there are dinner supplies in my car.” Doctor Hooker thanked the boys.

“You hoo,” was heard from the direction of the front door, as Martha made her way alone towards the voices in the living room. “Your boys opened the door and told me where you’d be, then ran past me outs ... oh my goodness Victoria!”

Mrs Anderson had entered the room and spotted Mrs Waxerman immediately. She stopped in her tracks and covered her mouth with her hand. “What’s going on here?”

“We were entertaining the pastor while we waited for you and your husband,” Mrs Waxerman announced simply, despite knowing exactly what her friend meant.

“But you’re in the nude, Victoria! Do I need to be as well?” She asked, already reaching for the top button of her blouse.

“No, no! Mrs Waxerman assured her. “In fact, the most important reason you’re here is so that I can give you a heartfelt apology. I’ve done something terrible and after I explain myself, you may never want to forgive me. I would however prefer to wait until your husband arrives before I begin.”

“Andrew’s coming here? I have nothing to say to that man and I have no intention of laying eyes on him again before we reach divorce court! I’m sorry, but I cannot stay if he’s on his way.”

“Perhaps dear, it would be better if you said your piece now so that Mrs Anderson can leave again if she still feels inclined to do so,” Doctor Hooker suggested.

Martha looked over her shoulder as if expecting her husband to arrive at any time. The front door was still open and the boys had yet to return with the items from Doctor Hooker’s car.

“I understand your husband is not due here for at least an hour. Please, have a seat. Would you like some tea?” Mrs Waxerman asked politely, wondering if giving the woman hot tea was a good idea, knowing what she had to apologize for.

Martha Anderson sat down next to Mrs Waxerman, nodded her head to the offer of tea, then began her interrogation with rapid fire questions, not bothering to wait for replies to each. “Why are you naked? How long have you had a nipple piercing? When did you get engaged? What...”

Mrs Waxerman leaned forward to prepare a cup of tea for her friend, then thought better of starting her explanation after the tea was in Martha’s hands. Instead, she dropped her bombshell while still putting milk into the cup. “Your husband never cheated on you. I was wrong. So very, incredibly wrong.”

“What? But you said ... We cut ... I kicked him out! You said he was a cheating so-and-so!” Mrs Anderson said desperately.

“I was wrong. I was spreading gossip and rumor. I really believed I was doing the right thing. Doing it to save you. I can’t take back what I said however I can beg your forgiveness, make every attempt to put things right and accept whatever punishment you think I deserve.”

Just then, the boys came back, each carrying two full grocery bags. “You should see what he got!” Gordon exclaimed before seeing Mrs Anderson almost in tears.

Ezekiel leapt from his chair and shushed Gordon then quickly hurried his two brothers towards the kitchen. He didn’t want to have anything directly to do with the fireworks he could see coming.

“But you suggested ... no you told me to get rid of him! You broke up our marriage! That makes you a home-wrecker. How could I possibly forgive you for such a thing?

“I can’t even imagine how upset you are with me right now Martha. I’m upset with me. I’ve done some things...” now it was Mrs Waxerman’s turn to become nervous. She’d done so well being naked for the first time in front of her pastor and her friend, but telling her friend that she’d been whipped, had offered to service the Anderson’s Doberman and that she intended to spend the night in her own dog’s cage, humbled her almost to the point of speechlessness. Her cheeks and neck turned pink in embarrassment at the thought of what she had to say. Doctor Hooker came to her rescue.

“Mrs Anderson, if I may briefly draw your attention to my naked fiancées chest, specifically the undersides of her breasts, you will see a number of marks. Those marks are what remains of the caning she endured as punishment for her sins. That you’re able to still see them and due to her obvious nudity, I hope you begin to understand how repentant she is.”

“I should bloody well hope she’s repentant!” Martha turned in her seat to survey the marks, her eyes shooting daggers at Victoria. If Andrew were here now, he’d probably want her caned all over again for what she’s put him through,” she spat as anger overshadowed sorrow.

“Then that’s what will happen, won’t it my beloved?” James asked Victoria.

“Most certainly, sir,” Mrs Waxerman replied immediately. “And the other things too.” Too late, she caught herself.

“My dear fiancée had a few other ideas of how you and your husband could punish her. The goal in her mind is that once the punishment is complete, things can go back to the way they were between you.”

“I don’t think that things could ever again be how they were. We cut up his clothes. My sweet, loving husband did nothing wrong and yet she made me throw him out on the street.”

“So you’re saying that this is totally her fault. She convinced you to eject him and no amount of disbelief on your part was enough to counter her insistence. She must have berated you for hours or days!”

“Well ... maybe not hours of insistence, but she did seem convincing.,” Martha admitted grudgingly.

“It sounds like you’re saying you wanted to believe her. You could have asked your husband instead of jumping to the same conclusion Victoria did,” Doctor Hooker mused.

“It’s still all her fault.” Martha insisted.

“In that case, feel free to cane her yourself, or if you’d prefer to suggest something you think would be worse, yet not something that would permanently harm her...” Doctor Hooker suggested.

Martha ignored him or didn’t hear him. “You always were jealous of me, weren’t you. You thought that since you couldn’t get a man, I shouldn’t have one either,” Martha screeched, ignoring the fact that Mrs Waxerman’s fiancée was sitting across from her. “You were probably hardly able to contain your glee on your way over to wreck my marriage. And now you’re sitting here as naked as a jay bird, feeling all superior just because you’ve got bigger tits than me. And oh my lord, you have a bloody ring through your nipple! What a slut you are. A slut and a hypocrite. Happily telling me that my husband is a godless, cheating tomcat and then coming home, stripping off your clothing before God ... and children ... before doing who-knows-what. Tell me ... is your fiancée even getting a little rumpie pumpie from you or are you too busy getting it from other men to see to his needs? Maybe I should offer him a little slap and tickle if you aren’t.” Martha broke down in tears at that point.

Mrs Waxerman was close to tears as well. Forgotten were all her conversations with James. Forgotten was her naked niece still hidden away in the kitchen. Much of what Martha had said was true. She’d been much more intimate with total strangers than she had ever been with her own fiancée. She had been fueled by righteous indignation when she’d talked to Martha about Andrew and she had felt pious, no, she’d actually felt good, spreading what she thought was devastating fact. She’d done more than just strip in front of the children - she’d rubbed and engulfed penises.

Mrs Waxerman, proud neighborhood shrew, began to feel totally exposed all of a sudden. Not just naked and ashamed, but even worse than she’d felt just a few hours ago. All she could imagine now was to be allowed to crawl into a hole by herself and pull the ground in over her. One arm made its way over her breasts, at least covering her nipples. The other fell to her lap, her palm covering and protecting what was left of her bushy pubic hair.

There was silence for a while as they all listened to Martha’s sobbing. Once her crying had subsided somewhat, Doctor Hooker launched his own counter attack. “I hope you feel some measure of satisfaction now, Mrs Anderson,” Doctor Hooker said almost contemptuously. “I happen to be in love with the woman you said couldn’t get her own man. You seem to have effected my fiancée more deeply than a simple caning could ever have.”

Same as Mrs. Waxerman
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Mrs McGregors Tawse 2

CHAPTER 3 STUART'S MEETS MRS. MCGREGOR'S PANTIES Stuart stood naked in front of Mrs. McGregor and his stepmother. His blush ran all the way down his chest. "Well, Stuart, today we start your....conditioning.... concerning women's panties. I know you're aroused by the sight and feel of a woman's panties. You've stolen your Step-mother's and masturbated into them enough times. Right Stuart?" "Ummmm....errrrr......." Mrs. McGregor laughed then said, "Don't lie, child. Now lie...

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Mrs Stone Teases

It was a conversation David Glanfield didn't relish, knowing it would probably be awkward and embarrassing. But, having decided it was his problem, and as difficult as it might be, he felt it his duty to tackle the issue. It did occur to him that Human Resources should really deal with it -- in fact company protocols were quite clear, however, since being newly promoted and with it still being early days, in an attempt to foster a relationship with his team and gain their trust, David thought...

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Mrs Denver The Prequel Continues

23 year old Nikki Pearson had eagerly agreed to meet up with her ex-Headmistress to be disciplined in her Study. It was educational for her ex-Headmistress, Mrs Sally Denver , who had been shocked to be told by Nikki how when at school she had been naughty on purpose so that she was disciplined more than any other student, by far. The agreement was that Nikki would allow Mrs Denver to be much more severe than she was with the students to test just how thorough she could be when disciplining...

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mrs watson makes some new friends

'please mrs watson i don't want to keep doing dirty things for you and don't want you to do dirty things to mewhat can i do to end this ' asks katy while fucking her own arsehole with a cucumber'you don't like it then why do you keep cumming ' mrs watson asks while pinching katys nipples ' i can't help it but really would like to get back to a normal life what can i do ? please may i cum mrs watson ?'katy is shoving the cucumber harder and harder up her arse' of course you can cum ' says mrs...

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mrs watson enjoys katies and leannes mother

mrs watson was in the mood for some light entertainment at someone elses expense so she called katys housea woman answered the phone 'hello''hi i'm mrs watson i just wondered if katy was at home ?''oh hello mrs watson its nice to hear from you i'm katys mom dawn i'm sorry katy isn't here can i take a message ?''no i really need to talk to her' mrs watson had a naughty thought 'or could you pop round it is important buti don't want to discuss it over the phone''ok as its important i'll pop round...

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Mrs McGregors Tawse 3

CHAPTER 5 Mrs. McGregor returned a few minutes later. She had a smile on her face and was carrying her tawse. "Very well, ladies, I think you'll enjoy this." Mrs. McGregor led them to another room. Entering, they saw that Stuart wrists were tied to the ceiling, his ankles chained to rings in the floor. Stuart was still nude, sporting an erection that pointed straight out. One thing the Mother and daughter noticed was that Mrs. McGregor had draped Mindy's panties over Stuart's...

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Mrs Denver Spanks Mother and Daughter Part Two

Please do read Part One first: Mrs. Denver spoke very clearly and firmly, “Mrs. Howe, you will be first now, the strokes will be more spaced out, and I repeat they will be rather harder than the first six.” Mrs. Denver smiled when she remembered of course she had given both ladies seven strokes, the seventh being the penalty they both had to pay because Mrs. Howe had stood up after the first stroke, a definite no no, and an act everyone knew was never tolerated by the Principal. Olivia had...

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mrs watson moves to a new neighbourhood

'can i help you ?' justin asks as he answers the door'hello dear my name is mrs watson i live next door i moved in a few weeks ago just thought i would pop round and say hello to my neighbour' says the little old lady at his door'oh hello mrs watson nice to meet you''yes well i think you should ask me in young man''um well i was about to go out so maybe another time?''no i don't think so we need to have a talk young man''uh about what ?''well some of my clothes have been going missing from my...

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Mrs Denver Deals With Charlotte

“ So Charlotte,” Mrs. Denver repeated, “Now I need to deal with you my girl.” “ Yes Mrs. Denver,” Charlotte replied timidly. Charlotte walked up to Mrs. Denver’s desk and tried a smile that wasn’t returned, so stood waiting. Charlotte was nervous and Mrs. Denver saw it. Mrs. Denver enjoyed watching her assistant struggle, looking so young, and in fact so attractive. She had often had whimsical thoughts about the girl, sexual ones, although doubted they would be returned. The age difference...

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Mrs McGregors Tawse 1

Characters Stuart Duncan - submissive & slave & sissy Suzanne Mrs. Margaret McGregor - Governess Mrs.Vanna Duncan - Step-Mother "Mama" "Mommy" "Mistress" Three house maids: Marta, Mary and May. Mrs. Tara Kent - Friend Mindy Kent- Mrs. Kent's daughter Billie Kent - Mrs. Kent's son and sissyslave Mary Johnson - Maid and Billy's keeper Aunt Mo - Maureen Duncan, Mrs. Kent's strict aunt Uncle James Fellowes - Aunt Mos' companion Aunt Mo's 4 sissy maids Prudence, Fawn, Fifi and...

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mrs watson has old dog round again

old dog knocked on mrs watson door the next day 'come in and strip' mrs watson told her old dog stripped her clothes off while mrs watson watched when her knickers came off there was a small drop of cumon them mrs watson picked them up shoved them in old dogs mouth and told her to suck them , she shoved 2 fingers up old dogs cunt and started finger fucking her , old dogs cunt was wet and full of cum the cum started dripping downmrs watsons fingers , mrs watson pulled her fingers out and sucked...

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Mrs Jones p12

After two weeks Mrs Jones and her husband returned from their trip, and I had never been so excited to see my hot blonde older neighbour.And I think she was eager to see me as well, because the next day as I stood in the garage working on my moped again, Mrs Jones stepped out of her house and moved towards me.Dressed in jeans and a blue blouse she crossed our shared lawn area and stepped into my parents garage."Hey Robbie" she said smiling."Hi" I replied stepping towards her."Are you busy?" she...

5 years ago
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Mrs Glist

Mrs. Glist had just come out of the shower. Her hair was wrapped in a towel. Otherwise, she was naked. I stood in the doorway and stared. I stared at her waspy waist and high breasts. I gazed intensely at her broad hips and her sliver of pubic hair, at her long legs and slender neck, and at her deep navel. My eyes were everywhere but hers. She stood still, looking at me, I think. Minutes passed and I kept looking. I had forgotten that I had come into her room hoping to use her bathroom while...

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Mrs Robinson Stays In

She takes best friend's son in front of her cheating husband."Have you ever done any riding Dan? You've grown up a lot in the last couple of years. You look like you'd be pretty comfortable in the saddle.""Well mom did take me to a pony ride when I was eight..." Dan answered, rather cleverly he thought given how much trouble he was having keeping focused on Mrs. Robinson's casual banter.She had asked him to come over and do some stone work on the artificial waterfall by her pool. Dan could use...

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Mrs Baxters New Lodger

Mrs. Baxter's New Lodger By Trish Shaw The shimmering garments in the lingerie store window captivated Andy the first time he walked past the place. Everyday he walked the long way to and from the train station just to pass the shop and get a brief glance at the window display. It was the sign in the window advertising the attic flat for rent that gave him the opportunity to finally enter and meet the owner as he walked past after work on the Thursday evening. Muriel...

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mrs watson warms katy up

katy is cleaning the kitchen floor in the nude mrs watson moves behind her and pushes her hand between katys legsshoving a finger into her cunt katy stops mopping'don't stop slut you are here to work so work 'mrs watson shoves 2 fingers up katys cunt and starts fucking herkaty tries to mop the floor but is having trouble concentrating 'whats the matter slut don't you want to work?''sorry mrs watson but its hard to work while you are fucking me''ok put the mop down and get on the table on your...

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Mrs Denvers Parent Discipline Meeting

Charlotte was enjoying her weekend her stay with Mrs. Denver but they had not yet made love. Charlotte still did not realise her boss had strong feelings for her so when Mrs. Denver suggested a morning walk Charlotte decided to misbehave, force Mrs. Denver to spank her again, then hope this time for kisses and cuddles afterwards. Unfortunately as Mrs. Denver equally did not realise Charlotte’s feelings for her she took the misbehaviour as disobedience that required a disciplinary spanking,...

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Mrs Insatiable

This is a story about a woman on xhamster, she told me she doesn't have any fantasies left because she has aleady experienced all of them. Which I think is a bit of a shame. This story is dedicated to her and hopefully it'll give her something to think about. Everyone hold on to their hats, cocks or dildos, this lady has done just about everything, so I'm going extreme!!! Ehm for this, I'll play the stunt cock. Enjoy and leave a comment please. Mrs I is married, but her husband lets her play...

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Mrs Braithwaite Part 2

Another in the series of tales about magic books. Simon becomes Simone, a pawn in the power struggles of a witches' coven. MRS. BRAITHWAITE II ? by: Geneva When I was fourteen, my mother died and I was left an orphan. Well, perhaps that wasn't really true, but my father had disappeared soon after his brief liaison with my mother, barely taking long enough to impregnate her. I had no idea whether he was still alive, and I never cared much about it anyway. I lived with my mother...

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Mrs Howard Spanks Marsha

  Mrs Collins opened the door to Mrs Howard, her cleaner who immediately asked “did you give Ellie the spanking as we discussed?”  She could tell from Mrs Collin’s face she hadn’t. Mrs Collins answered somewhat sheepishly “Well I saw how red her bottom was after you had spanked her and felt sorry for her.” “I see. So, how has she been this week with you?” “Oh you know, just like any 16 year old I suppose.” “You mean she was rude to you again.” “I guess” Mrs Collins said quietly. ...

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Mrs Jones P7

I was sat watching TV in the afternoon, trying not to think about my hot blonde thirty something neighbour when my phone beeped and glancing at it, I saw the message 'Come over now, by the backdoor, let yourself in" from Mrs Jones.So I quickly stepped out of the house, climbed over the back fence into Mrs Jones's garden and strolled to her back door, then making sure no one was watching, I opened the back door and stepped inside.I then stood in Mrs Jones's sparkling clean kitchen and for a...

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Mrs Goodwin

By PenKnave193 When I was in junior high school in the mid 1970’s the administration made the progressive move of making, on a trial basis, two of the ninth grade PE classes coeducational. One was to be taught by one of the boy’s PE coaches, and the other by one of the girl’s PE coaches. The boy’s coaches were very selective in their choices for this project: they only picked the best behaved boys, not necessarily the best athletes. I was one of those boys chosen. While my buddies and...

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Mrs. Cooper put the last corrected physics test on her desk and switched off the table lamp. There. All done. Time to go home. As she walked out of her office, she realized that she had forgotten her keys in her classroom. She walked over to the physics lab, and opened the door. What she saw brought her, the ever-cool woman, to stop and stare at the scene in front of her. “Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed.Two young people quickly got to their feet and tried to straighten their clothes, but it was...

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Mrs Denver The Prequel

“Oh, hullo Nikki,” Sally Denver said in a friendly tone. “Hullo Mrs Denver ,” 23 year old Nikki replied not sure how else to address her ex-headmistress. Nikki had attended the school where Mrs Denver was the headmistress until she was 18 years old. Sally smiled at her ex-pupil and asked, “How have you been Nikki, what are you doing now?” Nikki smiled back and said, “Oh after school I went to Uni got my degree and now I’m training to be an Accountant. I’ve just got off the train going home...

1 year ago
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Mrs Dunn 2

Mrs Dunn I recently wrote down on here about what happened when I moved into a rented room and found myself taken in hand by my landlady Mrs Lindsey Dunn and how she gave me the best sex of my life, this is what happened when I moved back the following year. The room was just how I remembered it and Mrs Dunn was as stern as ever but she was also just as sexy, with her long straight red hair, large breasts (about a 38E ) and shapely plump arse she was just gorgeous. I moved in with out anything...

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Mrs Lyndsey Dunn 2

I recently wrote down on here about what happened when I moved into a rented room and found myself taken in hand by my landlady Mrs Lindsey Dunn and how she gave me the best sex of my life, this is what happened when I moved back the following year. The room was just how I remembered it and Mrs Dunn was as stern as ever but she was also just as sexy, with her long straight red hair, large breasts (about a 38E ) and shapely plump arse she was just gorgeous. I moved in with out anything...

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Mrs Jones p3

It was a few days later when I got a text on my phone from Mrs Jones, my hot blonde neighbour, 'Meet me by my car in five minutes" it read and that's exactly what I did.As I crossed my parents front garden into Mrs Jones's, I saw my thirty something neighbour coming out of her house with another hot brunette woman about the same age."Hey Robbie, this is my best friend Polly, Polly this is Robbie my teenage neighbour from next door" she said introducing us."Hi Robbie" smiled Polly as she stood...

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Mrs Hodgekins

=================================================================================== Hi my name is Patrick. I am about 1,8 meters tall with dirty blonde hair just touching my ears. I have deep brown eyes that seem to stare into your soul every time you look into them. I am your average high school guy, not too muscular and not too fat. I wouldn’t say that I can get every girl I want but I have had my fair share of them in the past. At the moment I don’t have a girlfriend I seem to stick to...

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Mrs Jensea

Mrs. Jansen is my 5th grade teacher. She is a beautiful blonde with long flowing wavy hair down to her shoulders. I often wished I was as pretty as she is.I have a hard time comprehending what she is saying, so there has been times I would stay after school to study more and ask Mrs. Jansen questions so I can maintain a higher grade average. There was a couple of times she said she would be right back needing to go to the restroom, and she would come back wearing the same miniskirt she has been...

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Mrs Robinson0

“Shit! I don’t believe it! That’s Mrs. Robinson!” Greg gasped as we turned the corner on our way home from the gym were we both worked. “Mrs. Robinson; like in the movie?” I asked. “Not really. I told you about Karen, didn’t I?” he continued, “this is her mum,” as we walked towards a middle aged, tartly dressed, bottle blonde, woman who was just the right side of being fat. “Oh! Karen!” I grinned as stories of Greg’s teenage sexual conquests shot through my mind. “Mrs....

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Mrs Jensen Visits Again

Lucy Williams was nervous. She tried to settle herself by doing something – anything – but found that she couldn’t concentrate for more than a few moments before her mind wandered back to what was going to happen to her that afternoon. Lucy walked to the kitchen and made herself her third cup of tea within two hours and then returned to the living room and sat on the leather sofa.'May as well enjoy being able to sit while I can,' She thought to herself.She placed her cup on the table in front...

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mrs watsons husband meets katy

when katy arrived at mrs watsons house she was surprised to find an old man sitting talking with mrs watson but she started cleaning anyway.'what do you think you are doing slut why are you wearing clothes' mrs watson asked'but i didn't think.... i men you have company so i didn't please i'm sorry''this is my husband george you will do anything he says when he says it understand now strip'katy takes her clothes off and puts a hand in front of her cunt and a hand over her tits'put your hands on...

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Mrs Jones p4

It was a few days after I had fucked Mrs jones and her friend, and even though Mrs Jones had told me she would call me soon, I was soon getting frustrated and horny again, then my phone beeped and glancing at it I saw a text from Mrs Jones, and it read 'Come round now!"So I quickly dashed out of my parents house, climbed over the back fence into my neighbours garden, and moved towards her back door.Knocking on the door, I then stood impatiently waiting when finally the door opened and Mrs...

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Mrs Byrne

At that age, I didn't know really what I was doing when I pulled my cock, I had no idea why I did it, what drove me to do it and I certainly had no idea that every male in the world did it as soon as they could pull their cock and they were pulling themselves as offer as they could. I was so naive that I thought I discovered this new past time myself, I thought I was the only one who did it and didn't want to be caught as I had no way to explain what I was doing. Ms White was old, but then...

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Mrs C Christmas party part 1

Well Mrs C wanted to start 2019 off the way she only knows how. Her works Christmas do has come round last weekend. This was going to end in only one way. Mrs C had made a few fuck buddies over the last year at work jack and more recently Sam. As we are getting ready Mrs C tells both Sam Jack will be going to the party. And asks me if I am up for a good night. Well I wasn’t going to say no. Mrs C picks out a stunning long dress. The evening was more of a formal occasion this year. I even had to...

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Mrs Abernathy

Mrs. Abernathy By Cheryl Lynn A short evil story definitely not for the sweet and sentimental reader. All the usual disclaimers apply and may only be downloaded for personal use. All other use of this story is prohibited unless approved by the author. Comments are welcome at [email protected]. Mrs. Abernathy Anthony looked up at the full figured old woman. She could have been his grandmother but wasn't. Mrs. Abernathy looked like the stereotypical grandmother with...

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Mrs Brooking marure slut 5

Mrs Brooking mature slut With Mrs Brooking being my favourite mature slut I thought I would swing by and get my cock serviced by her as I happened to be in the area. I pulled in to her driveway only to be confronted by the landscape gardeners van who she said previously manage her large gardens on a monthly basis. Just my luck I thought, no using the bitch today as she had workers in. But I thought as I am here I might as well pop in for a coffee. The side security gate was open for the...

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Mrs Tillmans Closet

--------------------------------------------------------Mrs. Tillman's Closet (Fm, rom, intr, 1st)rs***His older white neighbor lady tricks a young black boy into sexual relations... ***When I was 14 years old my neighbor Mrs. Tillman asked me to come over and help her move some boxes in her closet. I had always had the hots for Mrs. Tillman because she was a very attractive woman. She was white and around forty-eight years old, about 5'10 with auburn hair. She had a big fat ass with wide...

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Mrs.Yu Tan, 27, is a very self-confident and pretty business woman. She grew up in China so she doesn't speak much English, much more tagalog. She wanted to open business here because she heard a lot of chinese coming here for business.Mrs. had a sexy body and enjoys lathering a thick layer of soap all over her naked body and allowing the jets of water to strike her ripe breasts enlarging her nipples. She had large brown nipples that always appeared hard.After drying off, Mrs. Yu Tan dressed...

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Mrs.Yu Tan, 27, is a very self-confident and pretty business woman. She grew up in China so she doesn't speak much English, much more tagalog. She wanted to open business here because she heard a lot of chinese coming here for business.Mrs. had a sexy body and enjoys lathering a thick layer of soap all over her naked body and allowing the jets of water to strike her ripe breasts enlarging her nipples. She had large brown nipples that always appeared hard.After drying off, Mrs. Yu Tan dressed...

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Mrs Cavendish

Preface: I apologise for posting a second unfinished story here (the other being 'Model') but this is another story that I made good progress with and then due to pressure of work have had to stop temporarily. If you like this, or Model please let me know - it will help me decide which one to finish first (or even to start another one). Mrs Cavendish by Paula Hanson (email: [email protected]) Prologue I left school that hot summer three years ago. I was only sixteen at...

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Mrs Abernathy Goes To Florida

Mrs. Abernathy Goes To Florida By Cheryl Lynn This fiction story is for personal download only. Any other use forbidden unless approved by the author. Nothing in this story should occur in real life as it contains forced feminization, nonconsensual sex and severe humiliation. It's not for the sweet/sentimental reader or for those underage. Comments/suggestions are appreciated and can be sent to [email protected] Mrs. Abernathy Goes To Florida Mrs. Abernathy went into...

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Mrs Masons New Nightmare

Mrs. Mason's New Nightmare. This is an original story based on the characters in "Slumber Party Nightmare". When I first read and rewrote that story I didn't think that those characters deserved what happened to them. So when I wrote another story using the Mrs. Mason theme I made sure they did deserve it. Years later I don't think it matters anymore for these type of stories. This is my first original story written a long time ago. You will notice a lot of the same themes as the...

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mrs watson has the boys over

mrs watson clled tomand jack round the next day'hi boys in future i expect you both round here everyday doing my garden and anything else i want done understood ?not only do i expect the best garden in town but i expect to have some fun at your expense as well , i'm now going to take a shower so you boys better come in and watch save you peeping in the window'mrs watson went indoors and into her bathroom the boys followed 'get your clothes off both of you if i'm going to showerin front of you...

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Mrs Fields her paddle my tender bottom

I have had a few requests to continue my story “Good old fashioned school spanking”. To fully help everyone understand, I will describe the important players in my story. Mrs Fields: My teacher! She is a classic beauty in her early 30’s. She is tall & lean, with ample breasts. Her body has wonderful curves. She had long brunette hair and blue eyes. She wore glasses, they made her look very sexy. She always smelled wonderful. She is a vey smooth and classy lady. I would consider her caring,...

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Mrs C Xmas party part 2

As the night draws to a close most the people have heard off home or retired to their rooms. I look at my watch and it’s just coming up to 2:30 in the morning. Mrs C is still going strong still mainly just a few girls and Sam and jack still on the flor with her. As a few of the others leave Mrs C comes over with Dam and Jack in tow. As she comes up to me, she flings her arms around me and says “ hey sexy master are you ready to go up to the room and get me all messy and filled with cum.” We...

3 years ago
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Mrs Jones p6

It was Friday night and I was sat at home waiting with my phone for Mrs Jones to call, it had been nearly two days since we last fucked, and because we had done it in the middle of the afternoon, in her back garden, and she had let me fuck her in the ass, I was now hornier than ever to touch her hot thirty something body again.But by eight o'clock I was beginning to think she would never call, when finally my phone buzzed 'Come to my backdoor in ten minutes' the message read, so I quickly...

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Mrs Hill

She was my granny’s neighbor. She was a fat elderly woman of about 65-70 with huge boobs and enormous ass. That summer I was helping my granny with the house and her neighbor Mrs. Hill often asked me to help her too. She lived alone, her husband died, and her relatives didn’t visit her often. Now and then I felt her looking at me in a strange way, but didn’t really pay attention to it at all. It was Sunday, I spent the whole day helping both of the ladies round the house, it was night, and I...

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Mrs Hill

She was my granny’s neighbor. She was a fat elderly woman of about 65-70 with huge boobs and enormous ass. That summer I was helping my granny with the house and her neighbor Mrs. Hill often asked me to help her too. She lived alone, her husband died, and her relatives didn’t visit her often. Now and then I felt her looking at me in a strange way, but didn’t really pay attention to it at all. It was Sunday, I spent the whole day helping both of the ladies round the house, it was night, and I...

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Mrs Jones p10

"Good news" my mother said as I strolled into the kitchen "The Joneses next door are having a BBQ party this afternoon and we're invited!""Great!" I replied grinning."Why are you so happy?" my mother asked"I just like BBQ's" I replied before I quickly left the room.For the next few hours I sat watching TV, just trying not to get too excited about what might happen at Mrs Joneses party and then as I began to hear people arriving, I couldn't wait any longer.Throwing on a clean t-shirt I strolled...

4 years ago
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Mrs Henderson is my slut

When I was 17 years old my neighbor Mrs. Henderson asked me to come over and help her move some boxes in her attic. I had always had the hots for Mrs. Henderson because she was a very attractive woman. She was white and around forty-eight years old, about 5'10 with auburn hair. She had a big fat ass with wide hips, and a nice set of plump tits that I would have loved to stick my face in forever.When I got to her house that day she was wearing a short blue skirt and a sweatshirt. "Thanks for...

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