Female Predator On Campus
- 4 years ago
- 47
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From the evening of Saturday, Jan. 8, to noon on Wednesday, Jan. 12, Marilyn and Andy hardly left the apartment. They showered together before breakfast. Without dressing, they went back to bed. He would bring her to climax with his mouth until she’d beg for a respite. Then they would drowse together. If the room got warm enough, he’d bring her off with his hand in front of the mirror; then she’d ride him to a mutual conclusion back on the bed. Otherwise, they stayed under the covers hugging and making out. She saw Andy with five-o’clock shadows. Except for her blow-job experiment, he had always been smooth cheeked.
She made meals and gave him shopping lists. He went out to get the food. She dressed only once. He undressed as soon as he’d returned to the room. They slept intertwined for nine hours a night, and more hours morning and afternoon. For all that, she got further in the books she’d packed than she’d got in the longer time at home. Being with Andy was conducive to studying. When not actually making love, he sort of expected it.
Wednesday, she returned to the house as rested as she’d ever been. Thursday, her period began. Friday and Saturday, most of the members came in. After dinner on Saturday, she called for him to pick her up.
“Remember that you said that you wanted me in your arms even if we couldn’t have sex?” she asked when she was back at the apartment.
“Sure. It’s true.”
“Well, I know that the pen set wasn’t much of a Christmas present.”
“I loved it.”
“You never thought of a pen as anything more than a cheap way of drawing a line. Well, that’s the present that you have to tell everybody I gave you. You can’t mention this one.”
“What one?”
“Merry Christmas. You have me in your arms tonight.” And, true to his word, he held her in his arms without trying for sex. “These are a little sore,” she said when he tried to play with her nipple. Immediately, he moved his hand to her left arm. Later in the night she woke with his hand cupping her tit. He’d moved in his sleep, but it was such a gentle touch she brought it back when she got back from the john. They showered together in the morning and had lots of time to get to church.
“I’m glad we’re going,” he said. “This morning, I feel especially grateful.” The guy could be soppy sweet, but he was the nicest guy in the world.
They spent that Thursday night together, and the sex was as wonderful as ever. Friday, she caught Brittany.
“Have some time?” Brittany was happy to join Marilyn in her room. Janice and Karen, with most of the rest of the house, were preparing for the party the next night to honor the new actives.
“Look, maybe it’s none of my business, but I’ve been curious about the period when you and Andy were dating. Neither, if you’ll pardon me, looked broken up about breaking up.”
“He’s the nicest guy. You’d have to know what happened before. Jack and I had been dating like forever. We were steadies, and I thought I was in love. Well, Jack said that if I really loved him, I’d go to bed with him. I said that if he really loved me, he wouldn’t ask that of me. I was young; we were both in 11th grade. Anyway, Jack gave me an ultimatum, and we broke up. I expected us to get back together until I heard that he’d invited another girl to the next dance. I’d been dumped. Andy must have heard something. Anyway, this senior asked me to the dance, and did it publicly, in the lunchroom in front of my friends. I was no longer a reject; I was sought after. And I was still thinking of Jack. Andy was, after all, from Chicago, and everybody knew how Chicago boys were more demanding.”
“You might ask some of your Chicago sisters about that. I knew some demanding boys in Evanston, too.”
“Well, yes. But that was what everybody knew. Jack would wonder what Andy was getting that he hadn’t. Once or twice when Jack was close, I’d wiggle more wildly or rub up against Andy. Well, that was fine during the dance. Then Andy parked the car. Now it was time to put up or shut up, and I had loved Jack, or thought I did, when we made out. Now, I was in a car with a guy who had only taken me to a dance -- who I had almost never even spoken to before. Dad had laid down the law as to when I had to be back, but that only meant that Andy had to move fast, and Chicago boys knew how to move fast.”
“That doesn’t sound like the nicest guy to me.”
“It wasn’t. But it was what I was expecting. And where would my next date come from if I said no too soon. But Andy put his hands on the wheel and said that we weren’t there because we loved each other. That pawing me would be bad for both of us. That Dad expected us to take so much time, and he’d get me back just before the deadline. After the way I’d been treated by a guy I’d thought loved me, those hands on the steering wheel just broke me up. He gave me some Kleenex and told me that he’d expect one kiss on my front porch. And that was what he took. Really, it was what I gave him. He was the nicest guy. And, without getting anything from me, he took me to the next couple of dances, too. I noticed during those dances that he was conscious of you the whole time. He wasn’t like me, faking a passion to tease someone else, but he knew when you were close.
“Anyway, he was the nicest guy. And I’d liked you, too. I’m really glad that you two got together. You deserve each other.”
“Well, I’m not sure what I deserve, but you’re right about the nicest guy. Now, we really should take part in the decorating job.” So, Andy’s story about being interested in her was confirmed. And her suspicion of the romance with Brittany was unjustified. Brittany was right. Andy was the nicest guy. What she didn’t have, though, was any more excuses for not making a decision. She didn’t have another schedule for that decision, though, so she could avoid it.
Andy came to the party. In the accelerated life of the university, they were among the elders, and among the very oldest relationships. There were seniors pinned to guys that they’d met after they’d met Andy. He and she danced all the slow dances and most of the fast ones together. When they sat out, they sat out together. Half a dozen freshmen came over to them and introduced their dates. When the party ran down, Andy stayed to help with the first-stage cleanup. Merrillie, Victoria, and Natalie, who shared managing the cleanup, took to asking Andy to handle particular tasks. A strong man was a great help in the process. When the place looked half-way decent, they left by the kitchen door.
In the apartment, she only shed her clothes and cleaned off her makeup before tumbling into bed. When he lay down, she snuggled back into him. He curled around her in a spoon.
“Tired?” he asked. Brittany was right.
“Not that tired.” Actually, she was tired but not sleepy. Instead, she was keyed up. He hugged her and kissed the back of her head. His hand stroked both her tits before concentrating on the right nipple. She grabbed that hand to bring it to her lips. When she stopped kissing his fingers, he brought it down to play with the hair on her mound. Soon, he parted her lips to stroke along her cleft. The whole night had been foreplay, and she felt herself responding rapidly. She didn’t want to experience the climax alone. As he stroked her clit regularly, she reached back. He clamped his arm over hers.
“I’m on hair trigger,” he said.
“You!” she demanded. She tried to roll onto her back, but he had her nearly surrounded.
“Like this,” he said. He moved down in the bed to kiss her neck. His lips found the place that always made her hot. “Put me in.” He released her arm.
She reached back and grasped his cock. It felt burning hot. She moved it to her entrance. As he moved back up in the bed, he entered her, pierced her, filled her. When she was full of him and stretched around him, he stopped moving. His finger, though, kept stroking her clit.
“Darling,” he said, “Love.” He kissed the top of her head while his finger continued its dance and the heat spread from the rod of fire occupying her pussy.
“Oh, Andy!” She couldn’t take this. She had to move, but he was holding her too tightly. “Oh!” The lightning struck. As she clenched around the burning brand piercing her, he began moving it in and out. As the lightning struck a second time, he pulled her down the bed and pulsed deep within.
“Love!” he said. Then she felt him relax behind her. His arm went from an iron bar pressing her back against him to a loose weight. She was so weak herself that it took all her energy to breathe. She drifted off. Later, she woke to the sensation of his cock -- soft now -- slipping out of her. It left a trail of something down her left butt cheek. The only other thing she felt was his warmth behind her.
When next she woke, she needed to get to the john bad. The wine and cokes of the evening had taken their toll. She lifted his heavy arm and slipped out of bed. When she returned from the john, she had to lift the arm again to nestle against him.
“Rise and shine,” Andy said. He rubbed his smooth cheek against her shoulder blade. She was totally unable to shine and was unwilling to rise.
“Urrmph,” she complained.
“Aren’t we going to church?”
“Do I have to?”
“No. Do you want to stay in bed ‘til noon?”
“Yeah.” She settled back to sleep. She’d forgotten, though, that Andy had another idea about bed than she had at the moment. He settled behind her and hugged her. Soon, his hand was stroking her tits and he was kissing the back of her neck. She pulled his hand to her waist. “Want to sleep.” He came up a bit in the bed and settled into the spoon. Being awake, she soon had to visit the john again.
“Did you take your Pill?” he asked when she came back to bed. She picked up her watch and saw that it was after eight. She got the Pill out of her purse and took it in the kitchen. When she got back in bed, she lay on her back. By now, she was awake enough that Andy’s approaches weren’t annoying. He moved so slowly and touched her so lightly that she almost dozed through the comforting strokes on her tits.
Then his head went under the covers to kiss her nipples. His hand stroked down over her stomach to her mound. These caresses were too exciting to sleep through, but she still lay quietly and accepted them. Then he relaxed with his hand cupping her mound and his mouth almost touching her left shoulder. From the evenness of his breathing he might be asleep himself. She started to drift off but remained conscious of the weight and warmth of his hand so close to her pussy.
“Y’know,” he said quietly, “when I talked about your sleeping in my arms, I was assuming that I would be asleep, too. It’s even more fun when I’m awake and can hold your sleeping form.”
“Yeah. Your own personal sex toy.”
“Well, you’re sexy. There’s no denying that. But your sleeping while I watch gives me the feeling -- maybe the illusion -- that you trust me.”
“Yeah. You’re resting your hand on my pussy to get the illusion that I trust you. The illusion would be closer to reality if you had it somewhere else.” Actually, she did trust him in many ways. If she sure didn’t trust him to have asexual feelings right then, she didn’t want him to have asexual feelings, either.
“After all, if I rested it on your belly, you’d have to work to bear the weight. As it is, your pubic bone supports the weight without effort.”
“Yeah, right. Do you have any bridges to sell?” He chuckled.
“You suspect me of thinking about doing this.” His fingers began to stroke her outer lips. “I’m totally innocent.” Yeah, sure. He lifted up on his elbow again and pushed the covers down with his chin. “And I’d never kiss you here.” She pulled the covers up to keep herself warm while he sucked and lipped her left nipple to demonstrate the actions he would never do.
Her attention went inward, but she noticed when his strokes started including her clit, and again when he switched to her right nipple. The arousal was slow and a gentle accompaniment to the lazy drifting she was doing. Then it was a demand on her body. She tensed and held his head on her tit with both hands. He sucked harder and stroked her clit more directly.
When lightning struck, he raised his head to say, “Marilyn, darling.”
As she relaxed back, he lay down and moved his hand to her shoulder. He kissed the other shoulder as she drifted off to sleep.
When she woke, she turned towards him. He was already awake, and she kissed him. Tasting his toothpaste reminded her that she hadn’t brushed this morning. She hadn’t brushed the night before either, and after all that spicy seasoning in the snacks! She got up to mend her lapse. The robe was in the closet, and probably cold, too. She didn’t bother with it. He would enjoy the view.
When she got back, she kissed him again. His hands were nice and warm on her. They spread their warmth, and then heat. She reached for him.
“Yes,” he answered. He came over her. She guided him in. Then he slowly filled her. He kissed her forehead before propping himself on his elbows. He had a tit in each hand. He pulled back until she felt empty, then pressed forward until she was filled. While making those slow strokes, he looked at her face.
“Marilyn!” he said when lightning struck her. He withdrew, surged forward, and pulsed while he was buried in her depths. “Love you,” he said before rolling them over. That was nice, although there was a lot of weight on her right leg.
Soon, though, she got hungry. She extricated herself from his hug. He joined her in the shower, bringing her robe into the bathroom for her. He was, as Brittany had told her, a nice guy. She wasn’t going to church; when she looked at her watch it was already after 10:30. She dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. It was cold out there. She then made breakfast.
“I’m really falling down on my tasks,” she told Andy. Breakfast was way later than the schedule. He was so big, burned so many calories, that he must have been starved.
“You had a long night. Anyway, you were sleeping in my arms. That’s the deal. Fixing breakfast is over and above.” The guy might burn calories, but he was definite which hunger was more important to him.
The next two weeks went according to their schedule. She spent Wednesday and Saturday nights with him. The second Saturday, she told him about the poor girl in Beta who’d found herself pregnant. They’d convened the standards committee and thrown her out. The whole campus was alive with the gossip. And Beta didn’t have the campus reputation of being any purer than Zeta was.
“I’m thinking of saying something in our chapter meeting,” she told Andy. Even that was skating close to breaking the rule on confidentiality.
“It wasn’t your house. Do you have any influence?”
“That isn’t what I’m going to say.”
Driving back after church, she said, “Something’s coming up. I can’t make Wednesday night. Is Tuesday okay?” That wasn’t strictly true.
“Tuesday is fine.”
“I wasn’t being honest with you. My period starts Thursday. It won’t start Thursday morning, but I still don’t want to be in your bed that close.” There. She could speak of her periods to Andy.
“Tuesday is still fine. Thanks for being honest. But don’t worry about my bed. I can wash the sheets. I don’t mean to suggest that I would be indifferent to your blood, but if I know that it doesn’t mean any damage, I don’t mind otherwise.” He drove for a while in silence. “Can you make Saturday?” She’d slept in his arms without his trying for sex. She’d done it twice. He cared for her, after all.
“Sure, usual conditions?”
“Oh, darling. I love you.”
After Sunday dinner, they had the usual chapter meeting.
Natalie had been warned that she would speak on the issue, and she said, “Your vice president has some words she’d like to share with you,” when the other business was finished.
“Look,” she began, “you’ve all heard about the poor girl at Beta. I’m not going to judge her, but I am going to talk about how we all can avoid having the same problem.
“If your mother was like mine, she told you early that good girls don’t, and she told you when you were older that smart girls take precautions.” There were some nods. “Too many of us have turned that around. We think that smart girls take precautions, but good girls don’t.” That brought smiles.
“I’m not going to mention any names, but there are girls in this room who’ve told me about getting carried away. That’s fine. You’re with a boy you really like in a car’s back seat making out. When you think you’re going to stop, when you and he have always stopped before, you don’t manage to stop this time. Only a prude would stand in judgment. So, I would suggest that before you get in the car with a boy you really like, you should be safe if you get carried away.
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John was just going to graduate from high school and I was in my sophomore year in college. John had called me about coming to tour our campus and spending the weekend to find out about college life. I live on a coed floor with my roommate, Kami, so I talked to her about how we could arrange to have John stay with us. "He can sleep in my bed with me!" Was her first response. "I don't think I would be able to sleep in this room with my brother screwing you and you moaning and...
I’d heard about the rapist; that’s why I had my dad’s war souvenir with me that night. But I didn’t really expect to need it. I’d been carrying it every day since the second rape. Dad called it ‘the equalizer,’ and Mom couldn’t stand the sight of it. She made him lock it up; but he slipped it to me before I left for college. “You might need it,” he’d whispered. “Some of those athletes don’t know what...
Sitting in the back of the Greyhound bus, you sigh and stare out the window. It's still mostly just cornfields and cows, just like most of the trip, but the exit numbers are getting higher, so you've got to be close by now. At least the trip wasn't too rough or complicated... You lean back and sigh, glancing around the bus for what must be the 500th time. It's pretty much empty by now, since most of the passengers got off at the transfer station a while back. Despite this, though, you still...
Here was Heather, the innocent college freshman, in the middle of the quad, handcuffed and on her knees, the whole university staring at her. Her short, curly brown hair flapped in the wind as it framed her gentle, white face, and her small body looked even more vulnerable in its position. All 5,000 students at the school were staring at her excitedly, drawing lots to see who would have possesion of her first. Possession of her..... The words passed through her head like smoke. Even now, she...
BDSM“Momma, they’re shutting down the campus on Friday,” lamented the college junior.“I figured they would. I’ve been on the phone with Aunt Nettie. You can stay with her for the time being since she’s close.”“Doesn’t she already have a ton of people living with her.”“Patrick..I mean, Prisha,” she swallowed hard. “There’s just not a lot of options right now. The only people living with her are LaToya and Brianna. They have a study slash guest room you can use till this thing blows over. It’s not...
Jackie has a very active imagination. When she plays it runs free, conjuring all sorts of wild fantasies, like— having several guys touching every single part of my body, filling every single place . . . She had been at it for more than an hour. The first two orgasms came quick and eased her tension. The next two lasted longer and were more intense. Her pussy was sopping wet, soft and slack as warm butter yielding to her prodding hand, and it ached for the one she felt rising. As her...
IncestI was bored with a hard-on and no woman around in my final year of university. I knew there was a party going on at the campus center so I decided to go for a walk. On my way I saw this beauty walking through the area of the men's dorm. What was she doing there?, I thought, so I said hi. She was very sweet and polite and said she was just going for a walk. I told her there was a party at the rec center and asked if she wanted to go. She said yes, so off we went. It was about a mile away so we...
It was summers and college 4th semester has just ended. I was selected from my company to go on a recruitment drive. Lucknow was the first city selected in our itinerary. We went to BBD university for campus selections. I was glad to visit north India after a long time. I missed north Indian girls after living for past 9 years in Bangalore.That too Lucknow famously called ‘Randiyon Ka Saher’. I was secretly excited to see hot college girls. And Lucknow did not disappoint me. Fair, beautiful...
TV on the Campus--2 by c.c. "Help you, you little twerp? That's a laugh! After Toni telling me how you hit her and tried to kick the others!" Tanya towered over me in my knee-bent pose, "And I've always known how badly you treat a girl after you get what you wanted from her. That's why I started dating you!" A new chill went through me as Tanya went on: "I was just stringing you along until I could get you to see what it feels like, being a girl. Originally, I just planned to make...
I have a girlfriend and she studies at the college. She is not from around here and that’s why she has to live in a student camp, just on the opposite site of the College alley. She shares her room with her roommate, as all of the students. And I’ll tell you that visiting your girlfriend at college doesn’t leave much time for sex when she lives in such a double accommodation. The room is not big, it’s small, perhaps too small for 2 people to live in, and barely fits 2 beds, but it’s a matter of...
I kept seeing this guy around campus. He was clearly admiring me, but would look away and not stop walking whenever I would try to smile or encourage him to stop and chat. I knew his name was Ryan from a class we had together. One day he saw Megan and me at a local fast food place. Megan was my BFF, and we went everywhere together. "There's your admirer" Megan smiled, even as Ryan ducked out the door. "Maybe he'll put up a 'missed connection' ad," she joked. "Then you can actually get...
Holy shit! Kyle thought. She just ran into that guy a few minutes ago and now she's down on her knees sucking his cock! Kyle Evans watched silently from his place of concealment. He had surreptitiously followed the Sigma Lambda Tau Pledge group until they had entered campus and begun to disperse. He had stayed with Andi Steadman and Dee Rivers and their male partners until they had split off in four directions. From that point, because of his slowly increasing attraction to her, he had...
The second half of the class was dedicated to getting to know one another. After sharing a bit about himself, Professor Salinger went down his class roster and asked each person to tell the class about themselves. Suggested topics included writing genre preferences, major, hobbies, etc. Mandy was the first to speak. "My name's Mandy Thoms, and I'm a Psychology major who wants to explore how creative writing and journaling can help people cope with various difficulties." Beauty, brains,...
As the policemen finished reading Barclay his rights, they each grabbed an arm and led him out of the room as a stunned audience looked on. When they passed Allison's table, Barclay's eyes met hers. Without saying a single word, he managed to convey a hurt so profoundly deep it bordered on betrayal. But oddly enough, there wasn't an ounce of anger to be seen. In that moment, Ally knew that what Barclay felt for her before the big confrontation was indeed genuine, and the hurt she saw in...
Friday evening, the week before Spring Break Week--Dee and Aaron. "Oh, God! Yes!" Dee's whole body shook as her third orgasm of the evening washed over her. Her eyes were closed and her mouth hung slightly open as she attempted to catch her breath following the intense orgasmic blast that had swept her entire being. Dee had begun to climax again just after she felt the swelling in her cunt of Kyle's wonderful cock, signaling his pending ejaculation inside of her. She had wrapped her...
Friday. The first thing Gwen and I had to do when control was passed from Camille to us was to collar Linda again in a way that her 'jewelry' would be acceptable in her campus settings. To that end I purchased five pieces of anodized aluminum body wear from Camille. A fourteen-inch neck collar, three-quarters of an inch wide and made of plain beaten aluminum with a small chain design in its center, made a simple everyday statement without looking like overtly fetish wear. I added ankle...
Tuesday evening--Tylea and Lee. 'Well, that's annoying, ' thought Jan Pittman as she turned to hang up her own clothing inside of her designated locker at the Pizza Grande Special Call and Delivery Center. 'Here I am all naked and everything, along with Kari, Midge, and Madison, and those four kids act as if it is nothing.' Jan and her three friends had hit town well after the morning rush and had taken the afternoon to enjoy a late light lunch and rest up a bit. After meeting together...
Off Campus Fun By: CutePatti Players: Pat- Widower Mary - College student Kim - College student and Mary's best friend Pat was a widower, aged 39, who had lost his wife a few years years ago. There were no chidren and after awhile he knew he hated being alone in the big house the had bought long ago. He lived in a college town and knew there were many students who wanted housing away from campus. So he decided to fix up one of the bedrooms to rent out. It was a large bedroom that...
“You stupid bitch, get the hell out of my dorm ” Jane’s most recent words reverberated in Lauren’s head. Her roommate had been furious to find out she’d been in her room that day. “I thought I smelled smoke ” Had been her reply. How should she have known that Jane smoked? It didn’t matter, she’d still been screamed out by Jane for just walking into her room uninvited. Now, the young college student was walking back to the room after an afternoon of classes, and she’d never been so nervous. It...
EroticMorning broke too soon as the rich Florida sun came flooding in through the sliding glass doors that separated the living room from our balcony. Brianna had rolled off of me probably to avoid the daylight and Hannah was still snuggled up tightly to my hand right side. I gently slid my naked body out from under Hannah’s and stood up to greet the morning. I gazed down at the two succulent beauties laying naked on the mattress that I had moved into the living room. The events of the night before...
Mia Bawden rose from the couch a walked over to the desk as she thought more about this new wrinkle in her plans. She wanted to be the co-chair of the department–now that Joe Murphy had returned there would be real competition for the spot. To make matters worse, a great deal of her time and effort would be diverted by a grievance filed by a female student in her class last semester. Monica Seles was complaining about her grade. She wouldn’t be able to use sex to get her way this time. Since...
Monica Selles finished her shower and toweled off. She was still fuming from her encounter with that bitch, Mia Bawden, her English professor. She should have taken the advice of her friends and taken the section taught by Professor Murphy. They said he was just dreamy! All she wanted was to protect her perfect grade average. She left the witch’s office and headed right for a phone to call Dr. Lavery’s apartment. She shouted obscenities when the answering machine explained that he wasn’t home...
Joe went in to his office after finishing the yard, showering, and eating some lunch. During the whole drive to the campus his mind reeled with mixed thoughts. He couldn’t believe what he had been through in the last forty-eight hours. He didn’t feel like a man who had, in a very short period of time, cheated on his wife, slept with his best friend’s wife, co-worker’s daughter, or secretly lusted after a go-go dancer (not to mention the luscious blond from the hotel). In fact, he felt pretty...
Bea’s Story Bee was in her creative writing class, the only class where she didn’t know anyone, which made her nervous. You see, Bee was hopelessly shy. Her really good friends, Poppy and Melanie, she had had since high school, and any knew ones she made were through mutual friends. Bee couldn’t just go up to a stranger and start a conversation, and she didn’t know how the rest of the world did it. She was especially shy around boys, and had never been on a date. She had been asked a couple...
Chapter 1: Melanie’s Story Melanie made her way through the heard of partying college kids, most drunk, being that the party was well into the fourth hour mark. Melanie had only been there for about twenty minutes though, but already she was ready to leave. She wasn’t a big party girl, but didn’t mind them occasionally, however tonight she just wasn’t into it. She just wanted to get out of there, she was tired and the loud music was giving her a headache, but she had to find Poppy first, to...
It was the day after my first ‘special lesson’ with Yumi and I was scheduled to meet with her and a few other students on campus. We met in the library and went over everyone’s homework. (I volunteer as an English tutor to foreign students at a local college.) Yumi looked absolutely gorgeous, as usual. Yumi was an amazingly sexy Japanese girl who was probably just over five feet tall and had a tight compact body. She was wearing a white button up shirt that seemed to have been tailored to...