Buaa ki garami
- 5 years ago
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“I’m impressed,” Morgana began when we had all assembled for an early afternoon meeting. “But now the real ‘fun’ begins. The Nephilim are pushing a mass of troops towards us and we expect to be fully engaged from noon tomorrow.”
“Do you have a place to confront them?” Marja asked.
“Yes. The slopes of Mont Gatete, where we’ll have a few advantages of seeing them approach and hopefully deal them a blow that they’ll struggle to recover from,” Morgana replied.
“They could conceivably call in help from the Sidhe,” I posited.
“As far as the Seers can tell the Sidhe are simply gathering slaves and seem uninterested in what the Nephilim are up to, save only that it doesn’t impact on their security,” Morgana replied.
“Bigger fools them,” I retorted.
“Indeed, John. Although they may yet surprise us, so be on your guard,” Morgana warned.
“Yes, my Mage.”
“Where do you wish us, Mage Morgana?” Marja asked.
“Can you keep your people to our left flank?” Morgana replied, showing a map of the area. “When we engage we’d like you to flank them and try to get in amongst their rear.”
“I believe we can do that,” Marja replied.
“Be careful, make sure you can retreat if necessary,” Morgana added.
“Of course, Mage Morgana,” Marja replied, although Adok at her side looked disdainful at the thought of retreating.
“Will my people be required, Mage Morgana?” Nell enquired.
“I’d like them to scout the area to make sure that we do not face any unwanted surprises ourselves, Nell,” Morgana answered. “Other than that it’s up to you, though the battle will be in daylight.”
“We can fight in the day if necessary, Mage Morgana. Although I’ll only allow half our number to do so as we’ll still need night cover,” Nell replied to Morgana’s nod of assent.
“Numbers?” Arch asked.
“We estimate about 1,500 moving to engage us,” Morgana replied.
Hmm, odds of about 3 to 1, which in open field manoeuvres would normally be enough,” Arch mused.
“I’ve no intention of meeting them in the open field,” Morgana added. “We fight, if we must, behind earthworks, forcing them to attack us on our terms.”
“We’ll have the advantage of more Mages though?” Róisín enquired.
“Yes, Róisín. We estimate only 50 Malakha. Just enough to stop us from getting too creative with our offence however,” Morgana replied.
“Leaving their Caddiysh to try and roll over us?” Róisín asked.
“Yes, it’s their standard tactic and works to an extent as they demonstrated to the Æsir on Svipdag,” Morgana replied.
“I suspect they’ll find it a great deal harder to try that here,” I said with a grin as I eyed up the couple of M2HB heavy machine guns brought along by Mage Hermione’s people.
“Yes, but we’ll need to bring down their Mages and their wards for them to be fully effective,” Morgana responded.
“Shame we can’t make up a gigantic Null field to the front of our works,” mused Róisín.
“It would affect us too,” I said. “Plus turning it off would be easy as they’d have to know where the key glyphs would have to be unlike in an enclosed room,” I replied.
“That’s why we, the Mages that is, are going to hit their Mages with all we have all over their shield and hopefully give our Seers here an opportunity to penetrate a point like a needle with a balloon,” Morgana explained.
“I believe it will work, Mage Morgana,” Seer Jemima confirmed. “They’ll be reliant on their own resources as the shield will need to be mobile, whilst ours is warded and tapping into those diesel generators you brought.”
“If it doesn’t, well, we’ll still have the numbers,” Arch opined.
“That’s why I’m asking the Seers to only go after the physical shield,” Morgana confirmed. “If that goes down or it passes over and through us I’ll be reliant on your people, Olmer, to take their Mages down.”
“They’re prepped and ready and have one of the journeywomen from Loegria along as a spotter,” Olmer acknowledged.
“You all know your parts, but be prepared to improvise if necessary,” Morgana finished. “I’ve no doubt they’ll have plans of their own and I doubt we’ll get it all our own way.”
“Yes, Mage Morgana,” we all replied as we set off to prepare ourselves for the following day.
Outside I stopped to have a quick word with Abigail, mostly to make sure that she agreed with Jemima.
“Oh yes, John. We can do it, but it won’t be easy,” she replied to my query.
“What about a danger to yourselves and the camp if they can infiltrate the area tonight?” I asked.
“Morgana thinks it a possibility and has extra guards out, plus a good few of the Mages are already at the site where she expects to fight too, preparing positions,” Abi explained.
I nodded, wondering if my sense of unease over the approach of the Nephilim was simply nerves.
“You’re worried, my love?” Abi asked.
“Yes, they have to know we outnumber them magically and will need to deal with that,” I replied.
Abi nodded then promised to get the Seers to be extra diligent this evening and supplement the African Seer group as they scanned the continent.
I had just turned to head back to our quarters with Abi heading towards the Seers’ armoured vehicle when there was a massive explosion at the northern border of our encampment. Within seconds there was massed gunfire along that edge. Time just seemed to slow as I was bowled over by a shockwave.
Picking myself up I ran towards the sounds of battle, hearing screams and gunfire as whoever it was attacking poured fire into our encampment. Passing several bodies, I reached the dubious protection of one of our vehicles and struggled to raise my personal shields to a much higher level. Something out there was causing the raising of magical abilities very, very difficult indeed. Whilst pulling a Bushmaster M17S rifle out of a pocket dimension and observing carefully for a few seconds I loosed a few shots towards an advancing native carrying an AK47, taking him out.
“What’s happening, John?” came Abi’s breathless whisper from directly behind me.
“Abi, you should be in the Seer vehicle behind armour!” I hissed before loosing a few more shots towards a group of men racing into the clearing, dropping one and forcing the others to retreat.
“I followed you. You seemed to know what you were doing,” she replied.
“Oh...” was all I could think of to say. “Any idea who they are?”
“They’re native militia of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, but there’s a group of Sidhe out there controlling them and forcing down our wards and hitting the perimeter with a spell dampener. I doubt you’d even begin to raise an offensive spell at the moment,” Abi replied after a moment’s thought.
“Damn, means we also can’t use aversion warding or influence them mentally,” I cursed.
“No, John. But Marja has roused the wolves and they are coming round the camp borders in a wide arc directly towards the Sidhe and the back of the attackers.”
“Can you protect them?” I asked, concern writ large on my face as I deliberately targeted any attacker I could see.
“Not easily, but I can confuse the Sidhe slightly,” she replied as we were joined by Arch and Róisín.
“Do it, the wolves will need help to keep the Sidhe from confusing them,” I said.
“God dammit!” muttered Arch. “We were keeping an eye out for enemies, not the natives.”
“That’s why they did this, it was the only way to get a military force near enough to hurt us,” I replied.
“Well, they’ve managed to hurt us, but there’s more of us joining the fight and the tide will turn soon,” Róisín added.
“Who’s down?” I asked.
“They hit the medic Mages and their vehicles. Rowenna and her people are holed up behind some overturned vehicles and are cut off as the enemy infiltrated past them before using a few RPG’s,” Róisín replied.
“Shields holding?” I asked.
“Yes, although the Sidhe are forcing them to stay on the defensive,” Róisín admitted.
“How long before the wolves can get to the Sidhe?” I asked Abi.
“Fifteen minutes at least, John,” she replied.
“Going to take out that group near the latrines,” I told Arch. “Then see if I can get near the medics.”
“Just take them out, John. Morgana’s already making her way there with the Loegrians. Just keep them occupied,” Arch ordered.
“Yes, sir,” I replied with a grin.
Our small group took it upon themselves to let fly with our weapons towards a largish group of Rwandans who had just left the safety of the brush and had begun to run towards the cover of one of our burning vehicles. Several of them went down under our sustained fire as we kept our fire to three round bursts and not the spray and pray the Rwandans were using. Morgana had insisted all Mages in the various enforcement offices in the Bureaus as well as the Council itself learn small arms tactics as well as hand to hand combat. This was now coming into its own as several Mages, having recovered from the shock, were now hitting the attackers hard.
Still, the Rwandans had the advantage of numbers as well as being under cover beyond our perimeter and appeared to have the camp surrounded as both sides were now fully engaged. In the background I could hear the sustained crackling of the Loegrian troop’s weapons as they poured out accurate long range fire towards what I presumed was the command group in charge of this ambush. To the other side of our encampment I could hear the chilling battle-cries of the nosferatu who had been roused from their slumbers and who, as far as I could tell, were seriously pissed at the attackers.
“Dear Lord! Just how many of them are there?” came Róisín’s aggrieved voice as she scythed down another clump of attackers trying to breach our strengthening perimeter.
“Nearly a thousand,” Abi replied calmly, her back to an engine block on one of the overturned vehicles. “The Sidhe have detected the wolves but seem to be having a little trouble coming up with a solution to their advance.”
“Your doing?” I asked.
“Partly, mostly it’s the wolves’ lack of imagination as well as no fear of illusion as they can’t scent it,” Abi replied.
“That’d work,” I mused as I took out a probing attack with several shots before reloading.
There was a series of ‘whumps’ as the attackers tried to use grenades, both explosive and smoke only, to help their advance. Arch used his own grenade launcher to target the area the original grenades had come from as well as a torrent of fire to our front from the other Mages now well dug into the wreckage at this side of our encampment.
“Vamps have taken apart the group attacking the east perimeter,” Abi announced. “They’re now rolling up the wings of the attackers to either side.”
“Good!” I muttered as I followed Arch and Róisín into the fray as they darted forward into the scrub where there appeared a break in the enemy ranks.
We all made it into the scrub, including Abi who was unarmed yet capable I thought of steering clear of trouble. Despite the fact that the Sidhe were still playing havoc with our senses and magical capabilities the situation had now turned and I felt that the enemy were now starting to pull back despite the Sidhe given imperative to attack at all costs. Within seconds we had made contact with a small group holding position and we dealt with them swiftly as surprise was total and they did not expect to be caught from their flank.
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MasturbationThis is a story about a fictional tribal community named ‘Tities’ that lived centuries ago in a jungle. All they did was hunting and gathering food to provide for their families. There were only around fifty families in this community that lived together as one big happy family helping one another. To have some governance over this tribe, these people get together and elect one of them as their leader for five years. The elected person was like a king and his family members were guarded all the...
IncestThe Price of Loyalty A few words at the start: R__, a member of the support group, inspired my story Sweet Confusions with an offhand comment about a leather jacket. She later told me that my first story included a lot of her fantasies and asked that I write a special one for her as a birthday present. This is that story. Chapter 1: The two men looked across the table at each other. One, older and better dressed was composed, the other, younger, in his early...
Snap! Horny little shutterbug Joseline Kelly creeps up on her friend’s brother Tony taking a shower, and takes a few naked pics of him from outside the window! But Tony hears her, and when he pokes his head out the window, the jig is up! Wrapped in a towel, he stomps outside to confront her and rip Josefine’s phone from her hands to delete those nudes of him. But while he’s destroying any potential ‘evidence,’ she unfurls the towel from his naked body to expose his big boner! There’s nothing...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! I'd popped uptoy room for a quick wank after walking in on my nan naked, she had the most perfect boobs I'd ever seen her nipples were huge and her pussy was totally bald she was in her late fourties and I was 19 year old virgin at the time so of course my hormonal cock was hard instantly so i turned around and ran to my bedroom. I thought that i would try what my nan does so i shaved of crotch bald and it looked magnificent, i layed on my bed after...
IncestAfter about the third or fourth day, she sees an island covered with trees. She knows she is far from main land and has not seen any one else since the day she left. She does not see any sign of another person on the island and there is no sign of land anywhere else. She smiles and begins to load up the raft. Once that is finished, she strips down and pulls out a pair of white, seamless pantyhose. She pushes her tiny foot into the leg and pulls the nylon up. Then she pulls the other leg on....
Come Friday, we were both so horny that the moment the last kid was off the bus Rob pulled down a side street and parked the bus. All it took was one look before we were all over each other, pulling at clothes until we were both stripped naked. I had been sitting in the back row, where there was an individual seat, so it was easy for me to sit down and take his cock into my mouth. Soon his moans were filling the bus. After a few moments of that he pulled away and pulled me up, kissing me...
It was two years after Deirdre and Maureen's fallout. James Parker, Ph.D., Professor of Genetics at Humboldt State University, was groaning while going over the papers his junior class students had returned. The topic was an exciting one, or so he had thought. "Pick a Nobel Price Winner and describe her/his impact on modern Biology!" Half the class had – predictably – picked Kary Mullis and the Polymerase Chain Reaction. Of those, not even twenty percent had a true understanding of...
Much of the planning of the new Stables at Quireme was carried out by Princess Karina herself although she naturally consulted her Head of Stables, Kemal, and his two assistants, Renata and Ingrid. This trio were already running the small stable which had already been set up - and which was now to be developed.At an early stage, in view of the increase in Pony Girls envisaged, it was decided that a new post would have to be created. That of Head of Training. He or she would be responsible for...
Two days later, the Elders placed Ragnarsson flags and a shield with the Falcon symbol in a ritualistic ceremony into the Caves of Extinct clans and had the alcove bricked shut. An Elder smashed my Grandfathers signet ring with a hammer on an anvil and tossed it into the ocean. The Ragnarsson clan was no more. After the Ceremony Hogun took me downtown again, he explained that a lawyer had come to open my grandfather’s will. The building where Hogun landed the floater had three floors and...
We have waited so long for this sexual milestone. Who was going to be #1000?For months, my wife and I talked about who the special person would be and what the scenario would entail. We wanted it to be memorable for everyone involved.For 37 years, I have shared my wife with hundreds of different men. Skinny guys, obese guys, muscular guys, Doctors, Truck Drivers, Fireman, Soliders....the list goes on and on.So many of those men have come back for more and continue to. She barely has any free...
Sandy asked me to drive for the next several hours. She, Justin and Jessica slept most of that time. It was about dinnertime so I pulled off the road to a small restaurant. I woke everyone and we went into the restaurant. The food wasn't very good but we were hungry. I sat next to Sandy, our thighs touching. Several times she reached down and rubbed my thigh, trying to be discrete but not fooling Jessica who watched with a mixture of contempt and what might have been envy. When Sandy went...
It all started a few months ago when we went to the doctor’s office and my wife met Dr Miller. One look at Dr Miller and you knew she preferred women. She had very short and neatly trimmed blonde hair. She stood about 5’5” and 110 pounds. She carried herself like a man but had just enough feminism to know she was a woman. The cute Dr made my wife stop and notice, as I soon found out why. My wife asked me when we left if I thought Dr Miller was cute? I told her yes and she replied, “ I thought...
LesbianIn the Grand Duchy of Upper Danubia, all accused criminals had the right to a trial. Serious offenders, people facing either the collar or the death penalty, automatically were assigned a Spokesman. Spokesmen were court employees whose duties included trying to find mitigating circumstances and exculpatory evidence for trial, and then to manage a convicted criminal’s life following the trial. Officially, the Spokesman assumed custody of the criminal after conviction, and worked as their...