Andrew James Wellington III Esq Dead Beat Dad
- 4 years ago
- 43
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"The Qerda are our worst nightmare..." Lisa began.
"Wait," I interrupted. "We need my Dad here for this."
Lisa didn't mind waiting at all.
"Take your time. He's an old man; if he's already in bed, we can do this another time," she said sweetly. Everyone laughed, including Lisa.
Ten minutes later, Dad was seated and Lisa continued.
"No one knows who the Qerda are or where they came from. We didn't even know they existed until they chose Planet # 3 for extinction.
"First, people started dying. Their twins started disappearing. Neither they nor their colors ever surfaced again. Colors were mysteriously taken from people. Planet # 3 was decimated.
"The thing was, none of it made any sense. There was no reason for them to come after us. We were a peace-loving people, we had never met them before, yet they knew everything about us. They even knew how to kill us, in ways that even we didn't know.
"They knew how to kill us permanently, so we would never come back," Lisa whispered, a horrorstricken look on her face.
"There was no meeting, no diplomacy, no surrender terms. They just decimated the planet, killing or making into zombies as many as they could. Then they sent their fleet after us. They specifically picked Planet # 3; they ignored the other two planets.
"We knew they were coming days before they arrived. We had a sympathizer, a slave that worked for the supreme commander of the Qerda fleet. He warned us they were coming, and what we could expect. Even he didn't know how bad it would be.
"They bombarded the planet, destroying everything. It made little difference, as whatever they had destroyed that affected our color development had pretty well made the planet a wasteland. We had plans to evacuate the people left alive anyway. We left a force of about fifty of us to cover the retreat. The fleet arrived before everyone had been evacuated. All of us were in that force."
"Who led the force, Lisa?" I asked.
"You did," she said, hesitating.
"Who else?" I saw her flinch and turn pale. I knew I had guessed right. Her eyes pleaded with me, I'm not sure for what.
"Tell him," Julie said gently.
"Amanda," she whispered.
"We'll talk more about her later," I said, and noted her look of relief. It was short lived. "And, who else?" I asked.
Her eyes opened wide with surprise.
"What makes you think... ?"
"Lisa, honey, don't make me tell you again. Tell him. All of it."
It sounded like an order from Julie. Lisa looked... admonished.
"Victoria was the third leader." I saw the look of surprise on Victoria's face as Lisa said that. Apparently I wasn't the only one in the dark here.
"Why us three?" I asked, surprised. Victoria looked interested also.
"Please. Don't ask me that," Lisa begged.
Julie and I exchanged a look and decided the same thing at the same time.
"We'll cover that later," I said, and watched Lisa sigh in relief as we decided to give her a break on that particular subject... for a moment. This had to be hard on the poor girl. I saw the look on her face; she really was very concerned about me. I still didn't understand why.
"So, what happened?"
"We evacuated most of the people off, but with a high casualty rate. No one would have survived if it hadn't been for Amanda. I still have nightmares about this whole thing. Don't expect to get much sleep this week. When I can't sleep from reliving all this, I'm coming in to wake you up, so you can keep me company. This was all your idea!" My, such angry, flashing eyes in such a pretty little girl.
I hugged her, tickled her a little, and talked nonsense until she calmed down some.
"What did Amanda do to save everyone?" I asked, getting us back on track.
Little kids are eternal optimists. I could tell from the look on her face that Lisa had hoped I had forgotten again. She sighed heavily.
"She kept all of us together at the extraction point, saying that if we spread out too thinly, we would be helpless targets. The people who hadn't made it to the extraction point would just have to take their chances. She had Sarah and Jessica teleporting people out, but it was slow considering how many we had to go yet. We suggested that you also help, but Amanda said you were needed for other things.
"Throughout it all, she kept you and Victoria close to her. There were several times the two of you wanted to go help someone, a special friend, or some other person in need. The answer was always 'no'. The extraction site had to be secure or all was lost."
"Where were we being extracted to?" asked Victoria.
"The caves in Arizona and Utah. Sarah and Jessica were teleporting everyone directly to Earth. We had the coordinates from the ancient writings. It was a big risk to send the first person there without having ever seen the area. They survived, and sent a mind picture back to make the destination more exact."
"Wasn't there a concern that the Qerda would follow?" I asked.
"There was. Amanda had a standing order in place that if they overran the site, you were to immediately teleport Sarah and Jessica so they couldn't be taken alive. I guess she assumed they would never get any coordinates out of you. On the Earth end, as soon as the last person came through, the caves were to be made powerless areas, shielded so that none of our powers would work in them, at least not at the strength needed to teleport in or out. Once Planet # 3 was evacuated there was no going back, ever."
Julie brought Lisa a glass of water. She smiled gratefully and took her time drinking it. 'Stalling again', I thought, hiding my smile. She'd figure out eventually that I wasn't going to just mysteriously forget all about the subject.
Lisa leaned back against me, closing her eyes. I could feel her little body trembling.
"It wasn't working. Too many people were getting killed travelling to the extraction site..."
Lisa closed her eyes again and seemed to go to sleep.
"What happened?" I asked, poking her in the side to 'wake her up'.
"Amanda happened," Lisa said tiredly.
I waited for her to continue, but she just sat there.
"Meaning?" I probed gently.
"Daddy, Grampa, everyone, you have to understand the problem I have with telling you what happened from here on. Not the fact of telling you, although you know how I feel about that," she glared at me and I saw Julie hiding a grin behind her hand, "but just trying to explain it."
"Daddy, everyone else knows this. I assume you've also figured out that I'm a hell of a lot older than six years old. I've spent the majority of my time since the battle for Planet # 3, and that was a long time ago, going over what happened in my mind. I'm the Historian, which means I have total recall of every fact and occurrence that has ever happened. I have access to all views from any angle. Not only that, but I was there. Amanda kept Lori and me close to her most of the time. I saw it all.
"I have relived every single minute, multiple times. I have calculated endlessly the power that was needed to do what Amanda did. I knew Amanda very well; I knew her capabilities, her power, everything about her. I'm the Historian; I know everything about everybody. At least, I always thought I did. I have recalculated all that knowledge, observed the mental records of every movement and action she took since the time I first knew her, trying to figure out where I got it all wrong. The answer I always come up with is this; either what happened is totally and completely impossible, by a factor of at least 10,000 or more, but happened anyway, or I have dreamed all this up and completely misremembered it, or Amanda lied to us about who she is and what her powers are. Well, I guess you wouldn't say she lied, since she never told us anything. Even if the third possibility is the correct one, there is no known, or possible, power in the universe that could have done what she did. So, we're back to 'it didn't happen'. Yet, here we are, so it obviously did. I'm getting a headache... again," she giggled weakly.
"What happened?" Dad asked. I didn't ask because I was trying to keep from pushing Lisa anymore than I had to. This was very traumatic for her.
"You don't know?" I asked.
"No, I was the one who volunteered for the first teleport to earth. I couldn't ask anyone to risk teleporting into a cave wall if I wasn't willing to do it. I teleported to Arizona, sent an image back, teleported back to Planet # 3, then teleported to Utah to do the same thing. Then I stayed on earth, working on shielding the caves," Dad explained. "Afterwards, after we wiped your's and Lisa's minds, we never talked about it."
"What happened, Lisa?" I asked this time.
"What happened is that Amanda shielded the entire planet," Lisa whispered.
There was stunned silence. Julie grinned.
"You gotta love that Amanda, bless her little heart," she said in a perfect imitation of Jessica's voice, southern accent and all, laughing all the while. Jessica looked startled.
"Daddy, I've redone the calculations thousands of times. That cannot be done. No one can do that. You cannot conduit enough power through one person to do that, not even 1% of the amount needed. We were... are... powerful, but there are limits even to our power. There are some things that just can't be done. Shielding an entire planet the size of Planet # 3 is first and foremost on that list of things that can't be done. It... simply... cannot... be... done," Lisa stressed.
I was beginning to get the idea that Lisa didn't think shielding the whole planet could be done.
While everyone was babbling to each other, digesting this information, I suddenly remembered something Lisa had said.
"Lisa, honey, where was everyone when this happened?" I asked, holding my breath. If what I was thinking happened, I wasn't sure I even wanted to know about it.
"Well, you, Amanda and Victoria were all together, with Lori and I next to all of you. Everyone else was scattered around the area, helping the people coming in to get to the spot where Sarah and Jessica were teleporting."
That matched what I was thinking. After this story was done, I was going to see if I could take a walk through Lisa's mind.
"Even at the time, I remember thinking that what Amanda had done was... remarkable. It wasn't until I did the math later that I realized how impossible it was.
"I remember seeing the bolts of energy from the Qerda ships hitting the shield. The first one bounced straight back into the ship that fired it and the ship exploded in a huge fireball. Apparently, the Qerda never thought to shield their ships against their own weapons. The firing died down for a while until they learned how to fire without the bounce back. They were smart.
"Once they started firing again, only one in six or seven shots would penetrate the shield. It bought us the time we needed to get the rest of the people off. Then came the hard part."
"That was the easy part?" I asked incredulously.
"Yes. The hard part was how we were going to get out the fifty people covering the extractions without getting all of us killed. You see, the Qerda figured out about that time that the planet was empty and we were the only ones left. They concentrated the fire of 35 ships into the little area where we were.
"As impressive as it was, the shield was starting to fail. The concentrated fire of 35 ships in one small area was too much, even for Amanda. What am I saying? I've proved over and over again that she couldn't even do what she did. No one expected what came next."
Lisa went into 'sleepy-time' mode again. I let her rest a little, then poked her awake again. She was getting cranky.
"You wanna lose that finger?" she asked testily. She cringed at the look Julie gave her.
"Sorry," she mumbled, then took a deep breath.
"You had a niece, or at least that is the closest translation in human terms. Her name, translated into human language, was Jill. She was the first of the fifty left on the planet killed when they concentrated on us. She was a favorite of Amanda's. It was the worst thing the Qerda could have done. I'd never seen Amanda so mad before. I'm a nice girl, so I won't repeat what she said in reaction, but it boiled down to she'd had enough, and something about grass and a lawnmower, and someone's parents and their sexual preference for animals. It was very colorful, very earthy," Lisa said, shrugging her shoulders in confusion.
I grinned. I was very familiar with that expression.
"Amanda told you to oversee teleporting us out, one or two at a time. She was concerned that if more of us went at once, they would be able to pinpoint our location better when the power showed up on their screens, and there wouldn't be enough left on the planet to protect the ones left behind. We didn't know then that the power of teleporting would be the last thing the Qerda would be worrying about.
"Amanda moved slightly away from us, taking Lori and Victoria with her. She left me with you. The shield collapsed. Then she started to glow like a rainbow. I thought it odd that she was shielding herself when she had taken the shield down from the planet. I quickly realized that was not the case.
"It didn't take long for her to ramp up her power, wherever she was getting it from. In seconds, she was glowing so brightly that we couldn't even look at her. The glow swallowed up Victoria and Lori also.
"Then, Amanda glowed brighter for a brief second or two. There was no visible sign of any energy leaving her, but there was a sound of... gentle thunder... like air collapsing back into the vacuum made by superheated air. Nothing else, just a glow and a soft sound.
"In less than two seconds the sky above us exploded into a massive display of incandescent balls of flaming debris. We had just seen another ship explode into millions of fiery pieces. I'm sure it took the Qerda as much by surprise as it did us. If we didn't see what took the ship out, I'm sure they didn't either.
"Two seconds, Daddy. Two seconds. That's all the time it took for the energy to leave her, travel through space, defeat the shields of the ship, reach critical mass, and explode it into a million little fireballs.
"Amanda had changed her focus from shielding us to taking the battle to the Qerda. Ships started exploding, one after another. We had no idea how it was happening, as we saw nothing except a slight occasional brightening. It wasn't any method of power or any weapon we had ever seen before. Certainly, we had never seen Amanda do anything like that before.
"She had taken out about fifteen ships when they began to focus their power on us again. Amanda told you to take everyone except her and Lori with you on the next trip, as we were running out of time. You protested, saying you were not leaving her there. It was the only time I ever heard her yell at you. She told you to get your ass going, that she would be alright and that she would be right behind you."
Lisa closed her eyes. I saw tears leaking from the corners.
"She lied, Daddy. She fucking lied. She never had any intentions of following you," Lisa sobbed.
We waited while Lisa composed herself. There were many wet eyes in the room.
"Once you took us out of there, leaving Amanda and Lori alone, Amanda concentrated on blowing up ships with abandon. She had taken out probably fifteen of them before we left, and after we left she took out the next twenty in short order. Then, something went wrong.
"I think they simply pinpointed her location better. There were fewer energy signatures to confuse the issue, and she was like a beacon with all the ships she was blowing up. She had to be using most of her energy for hitting the ships, leaving little for shielding. I'm sure she realized all along what was going to happen; that's why she sent you out with all the others. I was never sure why she kept Lori with her, except maybe to provide the shielding. All we know is that suddenly Lori appeared in the cave with us. Amanda must have teleported her to save her life, knowing things were falling apart and death was imminent. We never knew she had that power. Lori was hysterical and demanding we teleport her back. She couldn't teleport herself back; it seems that Amanda had temporarily disabled that function in Lori to keep her from coming back. Another thing we didn't know she could do, except we didn't know anyone could do that. We wouldn't have teleported her back anyway, but before you could go back to get Amanda, there was a massive explosion on Planet # 3, the coordinates on that side were scrambled, then destroyed, and the power drain shield was activated on the earth side. How she did all that from where she was we never knew. Then, her presence dropped out of all our minds and we never sensed her again.
"Amanda was dead. She stayed there to finish the job and saved all of us. She kept them from following us." Lisa was openly crying now.
Poor Lisa. I thought it a good time to distract her.
"You said that the Qerda seemed to know all about us, how to kill us, everything. Did all that come from Bandor? It just doesn't make sense to me in some ways," I remarked.
"That's the thing, Daddy; almost none of it makes any sense. When I wasn't recalculating the power needed for what Amanda did, I've been going over the whole situation. It doesn't add up," Lisa stated.
"In what way?" I asked.
"Well, some of the things they knew about us couldn't have come from Bandor. He didn't know some of the ways they knew to kill us, nor did he know how to kill us permanently. He also didn't know what to destroy on the planet to disrupt the workings of our colors. Those are all things they knew some other way. Besides, the whole 'Bandor-traitor' thing just doesn't make sense."
"How so?" I asked. I wasn't sure I was ready to cut him any slack.
"Well, look at it this way. He was one of the most powerful men on our world. What could the Qerda have offered him to make it worth his while? He was married to one of the most powerful and beautiful women. By all accounts, including my own observations, he and Elizabeth were very close and loved each other very much before he started acting bizarre. Why? And why did he kill Megan? He loved her. Even though she dropped him for you, it didn't make sense, and it certainly didn't explain betraying his whole race, just because a woman he loved rejected him. Furthermore, Megan was, and is, a very good judge of character. It just doesn't follow that she would date and even sleep with a man that would be capable of killing her," Lisa added.
"Lisa!" Megan hissed, looking embarrassed and upset.
"What? Did I get that wrong? You did sleep with him, right? That's what I heard," Lisa said innocently.
"I can't believe you said that... Patrick... I didn't exactly sleep with him... I mean, I did, but I didn't sleep with him... if you know what I mean... Oh God, please don't hate me... I'm sorry..." Megan whispered fearfully.
"What are you sorry about, honey? You were dating both of us, and hadn't made up your mind yet. I never expected you would decide between us without spending time with both of us. I wasn't naive enough to assume nothing sexual would go on between you two.
"It's ok, we can talk about this later," I reassured her. I didn't tell her that I knew what had gone on between her and Bandor. He and I had still been friendly at the time and he told me all about it. Maybe he exaggerated... maybe. Some of it was pretty specific, and right on the money. It didn't bother me; I loved her anyway. Sex and love are not always the same thing with us.
Megan was still worried.
"I mean, I did stay with him all night several times, but he was never... inside me... down there... ," she mumbled, looking down at the floor, embarrassed and blushing deeply.
"Meaning he was inside you somewhere else? I don't understand," Lisa said.
"Lisa... that's enough. You're embarrassing her, and this is none of your business," said Julie sharply.
"Hey, none of this was my idea. I'm not the one that said I should tell him everything," Lisa objected.
"That's true, dear, you weren't. However, if you're interpreting my instructions that literally, I believe there are a couple incidents of your own that you never told Patrick about. Perhaps you should reveal those also... all in the interests of telling him everything, of course," Julie said calmly.
Lisa's face turned pale and I heard her gasp.
"How... how do you know... ? You... you wouldn't tell him about that... would you? Oh please, Julie, you can't tell him that! You just can't!" Lisa begged.
"I'm not going to tell him anything, dear. You're the one that's telling it all here," Julie said, smiling sweetly. If possible, Lisa turned even paler.
"You... you wouldn't make me tell him that. Oh please, Mommy, you wouldn't make me do that... would you? Please? I'll be good, I promise!"
Lisa panicked as Julie said nothing for a moment.
"No, dear, I wouldn't make you tell him. But you better stop being a little snot and get this story moving before I change my mind. Those who tell other's secrets get their own told too," Julie admonished.
Lisa breathed a sigh of relief. I wondered just what the hell I had missed.
"Sorry, Megan," she said softly. Megan glared at her. She wasn't in a very forgiving mood. She was obviously nervous and worried, scared even, that great harm had been done to her relationship with me.
Megan never understood; nothing could harm our relationship. Megan and I may not have been officially Life-mates (how does one know if you are and just not aware or activated yet?) but we may as well have been. No stronger bond was possible than the one between us.
"Anyway, Daddy, none of it makes any kind of sense. There was no reason for Bandor to betray us. He didn't have the information to do so anyway. I don't understand how he could walk away from a woman he loved, kill another one, then kill her again later. Not his wife and sister; not Megan either, who by all reports was so sweet she made Sarah and Jessica look like sourpusses.
"Where did the Qerda come from? It's obvious they had previous knowledge of us, but from where? How could they know about us but we know nothing about them? Why did they hate us so? How did they destroy Planet # 3? Why can we live on earth like on Cornaza? How can Christopher be equal parts of Cornazan, Tarqa, Human, and Qerda? The Qerda wouldn't be caught dead in a room with any of those three. How could they interbreed?
"How can there be two Tori-llia's?
"Those are only the tip of the iceberg as far as questions. None of this makes any sense!" Lisa said, exasperated.
If it didn't make any sense to the Historian, the rest of us had no chance of understanding it.
Julie walked out of the house, leaving us all sitting there wondering where she had gone, and why. She walked back in a moment later with a weed in her hand. She flipped it to Megan. Megan gave her a dirty look as dirt splattered all over her. Then Megan's eyes opened wide as she looked at the plant. It glowed softly in her hand. She looked at Julie, awestruck, and gasped as Julie nodded at her.
"At least there's one mystery I can clear up," Julie said. "That plant is why we can live here, bodies, powers, and colors all in harmony."
"What is it?" Becky asked.
"It's called Plantain. It's a common weed and herb here on earth. It has restorative properties, can heal wounds in hours, and is as close to a miracle plant as exists here. The seeds from it are what is called psyllium seed. Humans spend most of their time working in their yards trying to eradicate it as an annoying weed. It's so common and hardy it's a losing battle. It's why we can exist here."
"How do you know that?" Becky asked.
Julie shrugged her shoulders.
I saw Megan's eyes go blank as she worked at retrieving information from her memories. She was so excited she couldn't sit still when she 'rejoined' us.
"Our people kept very detailed records of things that changed during the time of trouble, in case we could determine later what happened. This plant died out worldwide over a period of several months just before life began dying out on Cornaza," she said excitedly.
"But why didn't it affect us? Why didn't we die, or lose our colors like all the others?" Lori asked. Everyone looked at her in surprise.
"She talks," Sammi murmured to no one in particular. She still hadn't completely forgiven Lori.
"We don't know. One possibility, one thing we have in common, is that we all descend from one of four people; Bandor, Sandor, Eliandor, and Emilandor," Dad said.
"Emilandor?" I asked.
"Your Mother's name," he smiled, then waited for me to get it.
I got it. I don't know if my face turned bright red or not, but it sure felt like it. It must have, because everyone looked at me, suddenly interested in what was going on.
"What is it, Daddy?" Lisa, of course, ever the curious one.
"Nothing," I mumbled.
Amy's eyes got huge, and she started laughing.
"I swear, Amy, if you say one word, I will never, ever talk to you again as long as you live," I hissed.
Amy stopped laughing.
"I'm sorry, Daddy; I didn't know you were really serious about it. My lips are sealed," she said solemnly, zipping them shut with her finger and thumb. I swear her eyes were twinkling, though.
"What?" Cindi asked excitedly. She loved gossip.
"Never mind," I snarled. For once they all realized I was serious. The matter was dropped.
Dad leaned over and put his arm around my shoulder.
"It's ok, Son; don't be embarrassed. Your Mom still talks about it. It was one of the high points of her life," he whispered to me. I glared at him. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.
I decided it was time to change the subject.
"Lisa, can I go inside your mind and look at the scene just before and after the battle, and particularly the shield, happened?" I asked.
Lisa shrugged. We all traipsed through each other's minds all the time, but it was polite to ask first. It also kept you from getting a lightning bolt up your rear end if you took someone by surprise!
"I've seen it thousands of times. I don't know what you will see differently, but be my guest. Maybe new eyes will see something new," Lisa said.
I slipped in her mind, to look around at the battle of Planet # 3. I almost fainted when I got my first image.
Oh my God, Amanda was so... beautiful! Although no one had admitted it yet, I was pretty sure she had been my wife. She was stunning. I had a lot of beautiful women and girls in my family, but they paled compared to the image I saw of Amanda. I forced myself to stop looking at her and watched carefully as the scene unfolded. I was first amazed, then shocked, then stunned as I had never been before in my life with what I saw there.
It was as Lisa said, and it was clearly not a dream on her part. It was too clear. We were all standing there together, watching the energy beams slamming into the planet, watching people randomly vaporize as they were caught in the blast. Then, without warning, a rainbow colored shield instantly spread across the atmosphere. It didn't start slowly and grow; it was not there, then it was, from horizon to horizon. Lisa, being a Historian, had access to all the views of the planet, and it was the same everywhere. By her internal chronometer, at the exact same second and everywhere on the planet, a rainbow colored shield covered the globe.
I ran it through again, and was shocked at what I saw the next time.
There are two people I trust more than anyone in the world to discuss things with. One is Victoria. She is my twin, my lifelong companion, and trained to look at things analytically.
The other one is Julie. I don't know why.
I sure as hell wasn't going to discuss what I saw on the second and subsequent playbacks with Victoria.
'Pretty amazing, isn't it?' Julie asked, standing next to me in Lisa's mind.
'Did you get Lisa's permission to come in here?' I asked.
'No need. I'm not here, ' Julie answered.
Whatever. I wasn't going to argue with her.
'Did you see what I just saw?' I asked her. She smiled.
'Tell me, ' she said.
'Just before the shield happened, Victoria and Amanda held hands. Then the shield went up instantly, and they held hands the entire time it was up, ' I said. 'In fact, they held hands until Victoria was teleported out.'
'Look at it again; slow it down this time, ' Julie instructed me.
I did. My world would never be the same again. Neither would Victoria's, except I had no intentions of telling her what I saw.
'What did you see that time?' Julie asked.
'The shield didn't go up instantly. It was fast, but not instantaneous. There was a gigantic power transfer from Amanda to Victoria. I've never seen that much power move from one person to another that quickly. That was nothing compared to the one back from Victoria to Amanda. Why would Amanda and Victoria exchange power like that? Where did the extra power come from? How could Victoria handle and transfer that much power? Her transfer back to Amanda had to be in the multiple billions or trillions of terra-watts range. There are stars that don't have that much power, ' I said, not sure how much, if at all, I was exaggerating. I was stunned. What was going on here?
I didn't get a chance to answer. There was a flash of light and Aurora was standing in the room. She looked like an avenging angel, not the friendly, loving deity we'd seen before. She looked like she had the time she cleaned the Empress' clock, except even more ominous. "What are you doing, Child?" she thundered as she glared at Amy. "You know this relationship is not to last. Do not interfere in things you do not understand." Amy glared back. "Go away, Aurora," she stated...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Chapter VIII is the final chapter of Book III, and hence, the end of "Dani's Story." It is rated X - but a nice 'X.' How else would the saga end? Please be of appropriate age or be gone! Dani's Story Book III - Decisions Chapter VIII - The Ninth and Tenth Days by sissystevie I awoke to a gentle...
"How long have you known you were a Cornazan, Robert?" I asked. The look on his face told me that was the last thing he was expecting me to ask. "Excuse me?" The shocked, confused look on his face was very nicely done. "You heard me. How long have you known you were a Cornazan?" "I'm not a Cornazan. Where did you get that idea?" "I felt you smooth Victoria's mind when we came in. I was also aware of you helping when we were making love to her. No one can do that but a...
Amy slid up next to me and kissed me hungrily, then backed away as Valerie wrapped her arms around me and held me tight. I reached out and grabbed Amy's hand as she tried to slip away. "Don't go, Pretty One," I pleaded. She smiled and kissed my hand. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here. I just wanted to give you some room; tonight is Val's night. Make it special for her." "I think it would be even more special for her if you were involved too," I told her. Her eyes...
"I just wish I could have had the opportunity to hug both of them one more time, tell them goodbye, tell them I loved them, before I lost them forever," Lisa sniffed. "You still can, you know," Jessica said softly. I yelped in pain when Lisa's nails dug into me as she stiffened in my arms. "What?" Melinda and Melissa asked together. "What?" Lisa asked. "How is that possible?" Lisa asked. "How can you know that and I don't? I built this computer," Lisa demanded. "Where did...
"There's more to this concerning Victoria and me than I let on. I need your help, Dad," Christopher said. Wow! A night of firsts! The first time Christopher called me 'Dad' and the first time he asked for help. "I figured there was more to it than that. I assume this has something to do with you and Victoria sneaking around making out at night?" Christopher looked chagrined. "Oops. I should have known. Victoria said you would know all about it. It's not what it looks...
There was silence in the room for long moments. Cornazan and Qerda sat together, united once more, thinking of the past and the future. It was time to continue with the meeting, the discoveries. "Kessa and Tessa, I call you forth to reveal your secrets," I ordered. "We have no secrets, Sir. Our lives are open books. You only have to ask what you will and all shall be known," the two Planet-Girls declared in unison. "Tell us who you are." "We are the Planet-Twins. We are the Essence...
"I'm sorry, Patrick. There's nothing we can do," Megan repeated. "Bullshit. Victoria, Megan, Becky, stay here with me. Everyone else, get out. Now!" I commanded, my voice flat and devoid of all expression. I felt Julie's feather light touch in my mind. "Patrick, you can't! Amanda forbade it!" Julie gasped. Bullshit," I repeated quietly. "If Amanda doesn't want me to do this, then she can save her. My little girl is not going to die again! Everyone, out ... NOW!" "I'm...
The hot water rolled off Dave's face as he struggled to wake up with a morning shower. He was tired after a restless sleep, wondering if he had crossed the line with his forthright responses regarding Tiger Woods. Would he appear to be just a smart-assed kid who should show more respect or was he considered a real threat to Tiger's dominance of golf? He thought he was being honest with his remarks but he also knew honesty can sometimes be politically incorrect. He finally felt awake enough...
Elizabeth and Julie followed me into the other room. Elizabeth looked confused, whereas Julie had that 'trying to look innocent' but, oh so guilty look that only young girls can manage. It's usually associated with a hand in the cookie jar. I tried hard not to laugh, she looked so cute. I shut and locked the door, then motioned for them to remain silent. "Melinda, are you listening?" "I am now, sir. What can I help you with?" It was remarkable to me how Melinda always knew when the...
"Katiro, we have an emergency developing," Melinda announced. I sat bolt upright in bed. "What is it?" "I have twelve Qinta class cruisers entering the atmosphere." "Qinta class? I'm not familiar with that class," I frowned. "That's not surprising. Ja'a-llia is the only person that has survived an engagement with them. She destroyed several of them at the Battle of Sacara. They are bad news," the computer informed me. "Have everyone meet me in the living room...
'God, we need you! Please help us!' Amy whispered in her mind as reverently as she could manage. I felt the sincerity pouring from every pore of her body. "All you had to do was ask!" a voice reverberated from everywhere and nowhere. There was a flash of light and Amy disappeared. "Where did she go?" Cindi asked, worry in her voice. I knew what was worrying her; I couldn't feel Amy's mind either. "I'd imagine she's having a talk with the one she called 'God'," said...
I awoke to a soft kiss on my lips. Tori-llia kissed me, then slipped out of bed. She bent over and kissed me again. "I ... love ... you," she whispered haltingly, struggling to express herself in a strange language. She rattled off a string of incomprehensible words, but the meaning was clear; she wanted me to stay there with Julie. She gave me that lovely 'Victoria' smile and quietly left the room. Victoria had already left before I woke up. I turned over and snuggled up behind Julie,...
Megan, Christopher, and I walked into the bedroom together to meet with Katie, Christopher's sister. I noticed that Megan and Christopher were holding hands, just as Megan was holding my hand. I saw her squeeze his hand reassuringly, and he squeezed back in appreciation. She reached over and kissed him on the cheek, causing him to blush with a silly grin on his face. I hid my smile; Megan could be so cute when she really liked someone. It was obvious in the very short time she had known...
I had no idea how long I was out, but I didn't think it was very long. When I woke up Elizabeth had just woken up herself. She slid across next to me, pulled me into her arms, and snuggled close, kissing me gently in an effort to wake me up. At that moment, the room exploded into activity as everyone rushed in. Megan was the first one in the room. I saw her eyes widen briefly when she saw Elizabeth was still alive, then she nodded to herself and her eyes went back to normal. She sat on the...
"Patrick! Wait!" I heard Megan's call dimly in my mind, but I ignored it. I had a job to do. I strode into the weapons room and picked up what I needed. When I came back into the bedroom, it must have looked like I was prepared to invade Venezuela. I was armed to the teeth. Megan looked at me sadly, knowing full well what I was going to do, knowing she couldn't talk me out of it. I remembered something important as I rejoined the girls. "Melinda? Are you all right"? I asked. There was...
Jessica stood there for a moment, the same sweet smile on her face as she looked at the last man. She wasn't even breathing hard. The man looked at her, shock on his face. He hadn't moved yet. She glided up to him and stuck her gun under his chin. "Shall we dance?" she asked as she smiled sweetly and kissed him softly on the forehead. He recovered from his shock and smiled at the teenager standing in front of him. "You have a big problem, little girl," he said. "Oh? And what's...
Patrick Father of Amy and Cindi, also the true father of Katie, Becky, Julie, Sammi, Lisa, Lori, Heather, Kim, brother and father due to rebirth of Eric, Brother of Megan, twin brother of Victoria, husband of Elizabeth. Co-owner and founder of Security firm, former FBI agent. Host of the white energy, also known as Katoro, or Katiro if address is formal. Elizabeth Mother of Amy and Cindi, sister of Robert, wife of Patrick. World famous TV news reporter. Killed in Iraq in chapter one....
"Damn it, Amy, I'm going to so kick your ass! You can't do this!" she muttered in frustration. Cindi started glowing with a soft silver-gold hue. She reached out and touched Amy, causing her to glow the same way. They both shimmered and became translucent. Everyone gasped as Cindi simply walked into Amy's body, merged with her, and disappeared into her twin. "Oh my God! That ... that's not possible!" Julie whispered, awestruck. Cindi found herself in a beautiful meadow with...
"Please Katie, don't die. You can't die now. I've finally found you. You can't die now," he pleaded. Katie ran her fingers softly over his cheek. "You're being a dork again, Dork," she said, smiling tenderly to rob her words of any offense. The love shone in her eyes. "I have to die, Christopher. It's the only way this can ever end. I wasn't supposed to be here at all. I have to die," she repeated. She didn't seem sad at the prospect. "Why?" he asked, his heart breaking in...
I followed Valerie down the hall, trying to concentrate as I watched her cute little butt wiggle as she ran. Man, I had seriously underestimated how pretty she and her sister were. It wasn't going to take much work at all to convince me that I needed to awaken their powers. Of course, I would resist, just so I didn't ruin my girls' fun in convincing me. The only problem was, for some reason I could sense it was going to take several sessions to accomplish the task. Yep, I was going to have...
Dave begins this true-life story.Mandi was at the point that she needed to spread her carnal wings as quickly as possible, and use this newfound freedom to enjoy as many possible sexual experiences she could. I was encouraging her to do just that, as it totally turned me on when she had sex with someone else. Of course, I had the same freedoms but not near as many opportunities as she had.I had an office in Silicon Valley in California. It was a Tuesday afternoon about a month after the...
ExhibitionismThe final two weeks before the girls' fifteenth birthday were the most hectic time I could remember. The Fifteen-Year hormone, as I called it, increased tremendously, whipping the girls into a fever pitch. For most of the girls it was a very enjoyable time. They were clearly polygamous, so they had no problems jumping the bones of any male in the house they caught alone ... or together. Being the night-prowling voyeur I was, I saw just about every combination of male and female you could...
I looked on with astonishment as Jeff and Elizabeth hugged each other closely. I knew from the funeral that they had known each other. Jeff also made that clear in his invitation to the White House and by his speech at the awards ceremony. I hadn't realized how close they were, though. I had been married to Elizabeth for twenty-three years, so I knew her better than most people. I recognized signs that the others likely missed. The closeness with which she hugged him, the laying of her...
I was dying to ask a thousand questions of my Mother, Father, and anyone else that could explain what was happening, but Elizabeth's well being came first. I handed the babies off to Cindi and Jessica again, much to their delight, and sat on the couch next to the prostrate Elizabeth, pulling her head on my lap. I held her, whispering to her and stroking her hair until her eyes opened again. She smiled happily as she lay there, her head in my lap, living her dream of being a loving wife in...
I grinned to myself as I heard Eric's whisper. Now this I just had to see. I was not surprised; I had known that Larelle would shake Eric's world from the first day I had met her. I also knew that Sammi wanted Larelle to show him the ropes. Sammi had always been a little nervous about being too experienced for him. I didn't understand it, but it's what Sammi wanted, and usually what Sammi wanted Sammi got. I wanted to watch for a couple of reasons. First, Larelle was just as cute, sexy,...
Victoria and the Chastity-Guard MK IIII had been observing her, and many others, for quite a while. I first noticed her whilst having a drink at the city bar where she had worked for a time. Although short, she was grossly overweight but with a strangely pretty, even attractive, face. But for the fat she would have been extremely attractive. At twenty four years of age she had not had a date for years, and never had a steady relationship beyond that of a high school friendship with a boy who...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
The rest of the day was spent in relaxation, recovering from our near disastrous picnic. We rarely saw Katie, as she spent her time with Becky, taking care of her. Becky spent most of the day sleeping. Although we were sure she would survive, she was still weak. I periodically stepped into their bedroom to check on Becky and see if Katie needed anything. The third time I checked, Katie grabbed my hand and pulled me down on the bed next to her. "Thank you for everything you did for her,"...
"Oh my God! Patrick... ?" she whispered, her voice stricken with sorrow. I looked at her calmly. I just wasn't feeling very forgiving right at the moment. What she said in the next few minutes was going to go a long ways in determining what would happen in the next two days. I knew I would probably forgive her; hell, in many ways I already had. But I was tired of playing games with her as I had for twenty-some years. If I only had two days left with her, it would be two days in a real...
{Reminder: the names of those from Terzo will be bolded. The names of those from Earth will be in regular type. Those that have names that do not appear in both places will be in regular type (such as Jermel, Tessa, Kessa. J.} "Patrick!" Megan squealed as the men appeared. She took a step towards her husband, then froze at his look and voice. "Fuck you, Megan. Stay away from me," Patrick said in a dead voice. "Patrick?" "Leave me alone. You had to go and save me, didn't you? Why...
Before we headed to bed the girls joked, at least I thought they were joking, that I was sleeping alone that night. They said I had a lot of them to service over the next few days and they didn't want me tired out from activities before they were ready to start the Ceremony. I found out they were serious. For the first time since I'd been drunk when Victoria, my wife at the time, had left me in the last cycle, I went to bed alone. I resigned myself to sleeping alone and had just dozed off...
'PATRICK! GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, NOW!' Megan screamed hysterically into my mind. 'Megan? What is it?' 'BANDOR! GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE, NOW! PLEASE?' My blood ran cold. 'Red alert, girls! Full shields, NOW, all on Megan. 'Eric, get your rainbow around her, now!' 'It will just supersede their shields; it won't add to them, ' Eric said. 'Adjust the average frequency to 422nm; then it will, ' I said. There was a pause. 'Oh, so it will. Done, ' he said, sounding...
As the boy headed towards the four men he felt a small tingle in his brain. Before he could wonder what it meant, he realized he had disappeared from sight. Well, not exactly disappeared, but so transparent he was almost invisible. He understood, without knowing how, that no one could see him even though he could see himself. As he ran towards the men, he remembered stories his mother used to tell of a race of people with tremendous strength and agility that could do amazing things. He...
"Bye, Daddy!" Becky chirped as she kissed me. She briefly ran her hand down my cheek, projecting all her love for me before she left the room. I saw a fleeting image of the sympathy she had for me. Becky understood. Becky was the last of the girls to leave for their marathon shopping trip. I was alone in the house. I reveled in that. I loved my girls, but sometimes I needed time to my self. They always seemed to understand that, and disappeared on cue. I loved them all. In fairness,...
My ears had barely registered the sound of the rifle shot when the second man's head exploded in red. Just as I heard the second crack, the third man's head also turned red. The third rifle report hadn't even died out when Sammie and Cindi each grabbed a sword and killed the man nearest them. Out of the corner of her eye, Cindi saw Amy fighting for her life, dueling with one of the men. I saw Cindi pull her arm back, raise the sword over her shoulder, and fling it forward, hurling it...
It didn't take long for the girls to be ready. Melinda and Melissa assured everyone they would watch over Terzo, but no one really believed the Empress would attack there. She'd be smart enough to know that Patrick would take her daughter with him, and no one on Terzo could provide her with the power she was seeking. The teleportation to Cornaza was over in an instant. Everyone clustered together, making plans. "They'll come down here," the Advisor said. "This is the center of...
The woman continued to walk through the dark streets. She wasn't rushed or hurried, but it was obvious she was taking precautions to remain largely unseen. Except for the care she took, and the rapid pace of her walk, she could just as easily been out for a Sunday stroll, except it was dark and nobody took Sunday strolls in that part of town, especially after dark. She was curious enough about who was following her that she made sure she didn't lose him. She smiled slightly. She would...
Prophecy "Won't make any difference. Will happen one way or another. Can't be stopped. Guard against one way, and it comes from another. No way out of it. Watch out, be careful. Make it come for you, our way. Remember, the armed Indian that flies will save you, save us all; look for it. Pretty colors; rainbows are dangerous; look for them; they will save you. Green means go. No one stops you when green comes; watch for it, let it shine, use it; trust it, don't fight against it. Colors...
"Now, we all have to go to the cave. We have to go through step two there." She flicked her hand lazily and we were all inside the cave in Utah. We all followed the girl into the computer room. She was still an unknown to all of us, except Lisa. Oh wait, no, Lisa had never seen her before in her life; I forgot about that! Megan was starting to come around; I helped her down to her feet and she stood for a second, then stumbled. That was all the excuse I needed. I scooped her back up in my...
Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it - Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...
My urgent shout must have impressed upon Sarah and Jessica that I wanted us out of there right away. To be immediate about it, they just teleported the whole area rather than each of us as individuals. That's the only way I can account for the medium sized fire that we had burning in our living room when we popped back into the house. I thought the teleport for live animals and humans was different from the teleport for objects, but maybe they just used everything they had to get it done...
"All right, it's been four hours and we haven't heard anything. That's long enough. Can anyone feel Patrick or Amy?" Megan saw worried girls around the room shake their heads. "What if they're already ... We should have gone earlier!" Becky called out. "They're not dead," Melinda's voice declared. "How do you know?" Cindi asked. Melinda gave her patented long-suffering sigh. "We already discussed this when the babies disappeared, Blondie. Melissa explained it to you. Do...
It was a Saturday evening in Los Angeles, the last night after a long and eventful two-day business trip to Los Angeles with my husband Dave. I had accompanied him on this trip so we could spend some fun time together when he wasn’t working. It had definitely been exciting so far and involved several new sexual and exhibitionistic experiences for me.I’m Mandi, and I’m twenty-three. Dave is twenty-five. It had only been a couple of months since we had mutually and enthusiastically agreed to...
Exhibitionism"Patrick, I think you should take the girls with you when you leave. I think it would be better if they stayed with you for awhile," Jeff said sadly. The silence in the room was total, except for the quiet sound of Christina and Valerie crying softly, their faces buried on my chest. "I'm so sorry, Daddy, it was all my fault. Don't blame Val; I talked her into it. We never meant to hurt you," Christina tried to explain. I didn't know it could be done, but Valerie was a talented...
I made a detour to the bathroom on the way back to bed, and took a quick shower. Although Megan was fine with my relationship with the girls, I tried not to slip into bed with her after having sex with one of them without taking a shower. She probably wouldn't mind, and I wasn't even sure it didn't turn her on, but I didn't want to be obvious about it. I still wasn't sure why she allowed it, and that it wouldn't someday blow up in my face. I understood about our ancestry, but still, to...
Megan, Sammi, Eric, and I sat on the bed, staring at our visitor. Sometimes, you wonder why something surprises you, but it does nonetheless. The romantic mood was mostly gone; mostly, but that didn't keep Megan from slipping her hand between my legs and absent-mindedly stroking me slowly. I doubt she realized she was doing it. She had eyes only for the girl in the corner. Sammi was doing similar things with Eric, paying no more attention. It would be interesting when Julie returned with...
Katie's scream of pain pierced Amy's heart and she looked over to see what had happened to her friend and sister. She saw the boy holding her jerk her arms back again, causing Katie to cry out in pain. Amy was sure he had probably dislocated her shoulders. Katie's screams and Amy's reaction cost her the only chance she would have to escape the boy holding the gun to her head. As she turned her head to look, he drove his fist into her stomach. Amy's reaction was natural; she opened her...
{Reminder: To simplify things, the names of characters from Terzo will be bolded and italicized. The names from Earth will be in normal type. J.} I followed Amy, with Megan and Cindi close behind. "God damn, motherfucking son of a bitching cocksucker!" I heard Amy snarl as I hurried into the room. Things were bad if she was cussing, especially using those words. I made a mental note to talk to Sammi about the influence she was having on Amy. I arrived just in time to watch her slam her...
I saw Elizabeth leave the bathroom after her shower out of the corner of my eye. I wasn't really paying attention to her. I was too busy lightly stroking my fingers over every inch of Megan's body. Although she seemed to like it a lot, she especially seemed to enjoy it when I ran my fingers lightly between her legs. I can't imagine why. Elizabeth came out in a terrycloth bathrobe that was tied tightly at the waist. I couldn't see what she had underneath, and in the circumstances, I...
Stephen Scott was very proud of his accomplishments. He had plenty of reason to be pleased; at age fifteen, he was indisputably the most brilliant computer scientist / electrical engineer / astrophysicist to come out of MIT in a long time, maybe ever. The fact that he was finishing his doctorate thesis at such a young age was further proof of his unique abilities. He was excited to be the one picked to intern with the U.S. Air Force for the summer term. What made it even better was the fact...
The long dark tendrils of sleep were slowly but surely being driven away by the gradual invasion of awareness. I finally began to stir. As I lay there with my eyes closed, trying to postpone the inevitable arrival of wakefulness, I gradually became aware of a sense of contentment.I also became aware that I was lying in a bed that did not feel like my own. I forced myself to open my eyes and was immediately struck by the uncomfortable feeling of not knowing where the heck I was. I began looking...
ExhibitionismDAY AND KNIGHT VOLUME III Chapter # 1 by Lewis Chappelle Note: this is a very long, multi-volume, story beginning with ?Day and Knight Volume I? published in early March 2007. A LOOK BACK and A LOOK FORWARD? In volume I of this story, two dancers were introduced; Patti Day who was white and Susan Knight who was black. The girls were professional dance partners in point of fact, but were as different as their last names. They were now the featured act at Clairet?s Musical Review...
A Mother's Helping Hands - Part IIIa reality-based fiction by DizzyDFORWARDI can't thank all my fans and friends enough for the wonderful support, and countless inquiries about Part III... and most of all your understanding and compassion as I dealt with my loss in 2014. Now onto the story. If you haven't read Parts I or II recently, or not at all, I might recommend you do so for continuity's sake. You can link them...
Forward by 'Lexi'Hi guys and girls, it me again, Lexi!! First, I have loved all the comments you've been leaving on Parts I and II of my story... thank you all!! Now my love DizzyD had intended on making Part III the finale, but it would have just been too long because Diz has a way of making my sex life read like a beautiful, erotic epic, so their will be a Part IV. For now, here is Part III, and I don't mind telling you all that I masturbated twice while I was proofreading it, and it's my...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
Another flash genius struck while I was in the shower the next morning. Paint over the damn light. Simple solutions work best. I also decided to control the power to the camera through my own control panel. I didn't want the girls turning off the radio and ruining my show. I incorporated the change into the Mark III PEEPER. It worked flawlessly. The fixed camera still bothered me. I looked up small servomotors on the Internet. I found a place that sold a two axis movable platform with...