After The Energists: Championships, Concerts & CompletionChapter 47: Welcome To The... free porn video

The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario
5:56pm, Friday, January 4, 1980
“And here comes the stars of tonight’s concert,” Dr. Betty Stevenson excitedly said as she saw the five of us along with Mr. Labatt, Devin and CBS Records’ Mr. Murphie walked into the small performance hall where we won the NIS band challenge in November. Mr. Murphie was waiting for us outside this meeting hall.
As we engaged in a little general ‘chit-chat’ with these adults, we saw Shania’s band, the members of Medway’s Jazz Band, and most of our parents walk into the room. After they joined us, the Minister of Education quickly introduced all of us to the Premier of Ontario, William Davis, her Assistant Minister of Education, Dr. Harry Fisher, and the other NIS or Global Television executives. Dr. Stevenson just asked the two main band members to introduce ourselves in order to save some time.
“We are so looking forward to watching you students perform at this kick-off to our province’s new Naked-in-School social improvement program,” Premier Davis said after those brief introductions. He then added, “While your brand of music isn’t my cup of tea, my kids and grandkids can’t seem to get enough of your songs. By the sound of things outside this wonderful new arena as we arrived here, I’m guessing most of Ontario and possibly Canada can’t wait to see and hear you on stage. I sure hope this concert provides the jump start our NIS program is looking for here in our great province, as we get set for the start of school on Monday morning.”
I’m sure our faces weren’t all bright and chirper as the Premier talked with us. These adults had no idea they were about to get some seriously bad news and we sure weren’t looking forward to hearing their responses to it.
Thankfully, Mr. Labatt spoke up first for us as I don’t think any of us knew how to get this ball rolling with these powerful people. Sammy’s dad confidently said, “Premier Davis, Dr. Stevenson, Mr. McGuire and friends, I’ve got some terrible news to share with you right now. Lisa Masciotro, here, has a medical condition, Lupus, which has unfortunately flared up and caused some serious rashes to appear on her upper body. She is rightfully scared about being naked on stage with rashes on her breasts, so she has decided she is not willing to be seen naked, tonight.”
“What? That’s not good! ... for her and for us,” Dr. Stevenson replied.
“These kids need to get up on that stage, William,” Premier Davis said to Sammy’s dad. None of us were surprised that the leader of Ontario’s government was on a first name basis with the President and CEO of the Labatt’s Brewery Company. He then added, “Everything is all set for this kick-off concert. You of all people should know how much money has been spent on this concert and our NIS program.”
“Premier Davis, I know to the exact penny how much money I have spent on this concert. I, too, want nothing more than to see these hard working youngsters get up and play their hearts out for the whole country to see. However, every penny I’ve spent on this won’t overcome the emotional trauma I believe Miss Lisa will experience by playing naked in her current condition.”
“May we see what Mr. Labatt is talking about, Lisa?” Dr. Stevenson asked as I held my trembling girlfriend tightly to my chest.
“Da-do I have to?” Lisa stammered.
“We probably should show them, Bricky,” Lynette softly whispered.
I helped Lisa step out from our little group, and we stood alongside Mr. Labatt. Lisa looked up at my face and whispered, “Can you lift up my sweatshirt? I don’t think I can do it, Mike.”
I nodded at Lisa and then let out a small sigh as I stepped behind Lisa. I reached for the bottom of her purple sweatshirt and slowly lifted it up above her heaving, large breasts.
“Oh, my sweet child,” Ms. Trasker said as she saw the angry looking, red-yellow rash on the undersides of Lisa’s breasts and up between them.
“Is that rash hurting you, Lisa?” Dr. Stevenson asked.
“It just itches some, but it’s not really hurting me,” Lisa replied. She then turned her head towards me and whispered, “Can you pull my shirt down, Mike?” I immediately did as my young girlfriend requested.
“If that rash isn’t hurting her or causing further medical issues, she should still be required to perform in this concert,” Mr. Bassett said with a semi-leering grin on his face. He then added, “We don’t excuse girls who are menstruating from being in the NIS program, so why should we allow this girl with a non-threatening skin condition avoid her NIS responsibilities?” After pausing for a brief moment to stare at Lisa and me, he added, “She needs to play, especially after all these concert preparations have been completed?”
While I couldn’t see Lynette or Sammy from my position out in front of our group, I just knew that their blood was boiling as much or more than mine after that ‘Jack-wad’ Bassett’s statement and question. I was glad that Mr. Labatt was there with us when I heard him softly say, “Samantha,” because I just knew our redheaded fireball was about to destroy that idiot.
I could see Ms. Trasker nodding in agreement with Mr. Bassett’s words. Premier Davis also saw that affirmation from the head of his NIS program and Regional Coordinator. He then said, “I must insist that this young lady perform as you’ve all agreed to do. Even though she has some nasty looking rashes, I haven’t heard anything from the adults here that suggests she would be putting her health at risk by performing as expected.”
“I’m NOT gonna play up there with these rashes on my breasts!” Lisa lashed out in a tearful rage.
“You can’t make us play, if we don’t want to,” Eda quickly came to her sister’s defense.
“You are correct. We can’t make you play but we, the government can sue your band for every penny you’ve made or will make in the future, if you don’t,” Mr. Windelson said after he stepped forward from behind those adults.
“But I’m just a kid ... I’m fourteen, how can you make me get up and play naked on that stage looking like this?” Lisa bellowed as she nearly collapsed against my lower torso.
While I was focused on my youngest girlfriend, I saw a look of shock or disbelief appear on both Mr. Williamson’s and Mr. Windelson’s faces after Lisa’s angst filled plea. Lynette saw that change in those two men’s attitudes and leaned down to whisper in my ear, “Did you see that, Mike. There’s something about Lisa being fourteen that caused that lawyer guy to cringe.”
When I looked up at the adults, I saw Mr. Williamson give a slight negative head shake and mouth, ‘Wait. Be patient, Mike,’ to me. At the same time, Mr. Windelson moved over to whisper something in both Premier Davis’ and Dr. Stevenson’s ears. The Premier had an unconvinced look spread over his face as the NIS lawyer confined with them.
After a few moments, the Premier spat out to his advisor, “I don’t care. We’ve spent millions of dollars on getting this program up and running, and a teen girl with a rash on her breasts isn’t going to flush all that down the toilet.” The Premier then turned towards us and heatedly said, “We will sue your bands, if these kids don’t get up on the stage and perform as they’ve agreed to. They are being well compensated with scholarships and unprecedented nationwide exposure for their music, so I demand that they carry out their contractual duties.”
I alternated my gaze between the hot-under-the-collar leader of our province, the now very nervous looking Mr. Windelson, and our barely grinning vice-principal as I listened to Premier Davis’ threat to sue us because Lisa was now refusing to perform. As soon as I heard that last demand, I saw our vice-principal mouth, ‘Now you have him. Lisa is the key.’
Lynette saw our VP’s silent words and poked me in the ribs. I winked at her and then passed Lisa’s sobbing body to my soulmate. I stood up and looked around the room. Everyone appeared flabbergasted at the Premier’s ultimatum. As I caught my mom’s eye, she winked at me and mouthed, ‘You have the ammo, now. Use it wisely.‘
I gave my mom a nod and then turned back to the adults at the head of the room. I quickly saw that Mr. Windelson was in heated discussions with Dr. Stevenson and Ms. Trasker, while Premier Davis was smiling along with Mr. Bassett, who seemed pretty pleased with himself for making that ‘menstruation-breast rash’ connection for his bosses.
“Excuse me, Mr. Davis, Sir,” I called out to get his and the other adults’ attention. When they focused on me, I asked, “Just so my bandmates and I are clear about your prior statement, you, as the Premier of Ontario are threatening to sue our band if we don’t perform because our fourteen-year-old bassist doesn’t want to embarrass herself because of her medical condition. Am I correct in that?”
Mr. Windelson tried to get the Premier’s attention but the tall, grey haired leader of our government stepped forward and said, “That is exactly what I’m telling you. We have spent too much money on our NIS program for a minor medical condition to ruin this ... our kickoff event.”
“Thank you for that, Premier,” I smugly replied as my facial expression slowly morphed into a grin. At the same time, the look on their NIS lawyer’s face quickly converted to my prior ‘doom-n-gloom’ look. I then turned around and loudly asked, “Is there a police officer in the concourse? Can someone find us a police officer, please?”
“And just why do you need a police officer, young man?” Mr. Bassett arrogantly asked.
“Because Premier Davis just broken the major legal tenant of his own NIS program,” Mr. Williamson said as he stepped forward to break ranks with some of these egotistical leadership people.
“That is what I was trying to get across to you, Premier,” Mr. Windelson softly said as the leader of Ontario looked between his government’s lawyer and Mr. Williamson.
Just then Dillon and Cathy came running into our meeting location with a light tanned piece of lingerie in Dillon’s hands. After taking a few seconds to catch her breath, Lynette’s mom hurriedly said, “I think we’ve got this rash issue ... literally covered.”
“Hold on a second, Ms. Dillon,” I said as everyone turned towards those two ladies. I then turned back to Premier Davis and stared at him for a moment. He still had that smug look on his face, so I said, “I don’t care what my girlfriend’s mother thinks about having Lisa’s rash issue ‘covered’. We have all heard you threaten us, and by us I’m including fourteen-year-old Lisa Masciotro with legal proceedings if we don’t perform, tonight. Now, I remember hearing about your government’s rules and regulations for this NIS program that no one shall make any type of threat towards or attempt to force anyone under the age of fifteen to participate in any sanctioned Naked-in-School event.”
Lynette tapped me on my shoulder as I was making that statement. When I paused, she then added, “I believe I read in our NIS rules and regulations pamphlet that the legislation that you yourself signed says, ‘No school or Ministry of Education person can compel anyone under the age of fifteen to participate in any NIS sponsored events. If any such person broke this rule, they can and will be held legally accountable in a court of law. Now, if you don’t wish to be charged and prosecuted for violating your own piece of legislation, I think you better have a real quick change of heart.”
“You children cannot threaten the Premier of Ontario like that,” Mr. Bassett replied.
“These children have not threatened anyone,” an authoritative sounding voice boomed from the entrance to this hall. I turned to see London’s Police Chief, Harrison Landon strolling up towards us. The Chief smiled at Mr. Labatt and Mr. Williamson before he came to a stop in front of Lisa, Lynette, Eda, Sammy and me. He then asked, “Miss Masciotro would like to press criminal charges against the Premier of Ontario for ‘Wrongful Forced Participation of School Sponsored Nudity’ on an under-aged student, which is listed here in my police manual for the NIS program?” The Chief lightly slapped his rolled up manual against the palm of his hand.
Lisa looked shocked at the Police Chief’s question and immediately turned to me and Lynette for any guidance she could get. She then mumbled, “I, uh, I don’t ... I don’t know. Mike, Lynette ... help me, please.”
Because I had met the Chief before, I calmly asked, “Can we talk about this for a moment, Chief Landon?”
“Take as much time as you need. I can assure you we aren’t going anywhere until this is resolved to your liking,” the Chief replied with an easy smile.
“You can’t arrest me!” Premier Davis hotly said as Mr. Windelson tried to calm the slightly enraged leader of our government.
“Oh, I can and I will, Premier ... if this young lady chooses to press charges against you. I believe we have a good thirty witnesses here that have seen and heard you use your lofty position to compel an unwilling underage student to perform school sponsored nudity,” Chief Landon replied without looking at the Premier.
All five of us Time Bandettes crouched down to discuss what we wanted Lisa to do. As we were doing that, Dillon came over to us and said, “Cathy was wearing this demi-corset and I think it will hide Lisa’s rashes, if you still have any desire to perform this concert.”
“Let us finish talking about this, Momma,” Lynette said as she took the nude-colored piece of lingerie in her hands for safe keeping.
After we came up with a plan for this NIS quagmire, Sammy simply asked, “Do we still want to get ours and Shania’s music out there for everyone to see and hear? If so, I’m willing to go ahead with this damn concert.”
“If it wasn’t for this damn ugly rash, I really was okay with being naked up on stage,” Lisa replied with a weak smile.
“What about you, E? Are you still up for doing this concert?” I asked our pensive looking drummer girl.
“I, huh ... well, if Lisa still wants to do it, I’m ga-good with doing it, too.”
“Are you sure, E?” Sammy asked. Eda’s face brightened after she vocalized her agreement and gave us a more vigorous nod as her confirmation.
Lynette sat up on her haunches and motioned for Lisa to do the same. She then asked our friends, “Can you block their view of us, please?” My three girlfriends, the members of Shania’s and our Jazz Band quickly encircled our little huddle.
Sammy knew what Lynette wanted Lisa to do, so she said, “Okay, Bricky, off with that sweatshirt.” She didn’t wait for Lisa to lift her sweatshirt as she reached and tugged the purple fleece top up over her breasts and head after Lisa raised her arms.
“Let’s see what this looks like on you, Lisa,” Lynette softly said as she reached over Lisa’s head to place Cathy’s demi-corset in front of her torso. “Slip your arms through the straps, Baby and I’ll do these rear hooks for you.”
“Adjust your boobs in those half cups, Lis,” Eda whispered as she smoothed out the lower portion of the corset over Lisa’s lower ribcage.
As soon as Lisa gingerly adjusted her large breasts within Cathy’s open cupped corset, she cocked her head to examine her bare breasts from various angles. She then softly asked me, “Can you see any of those red rashes, Mike?”
I moved my head around in front of Lisa’s semi-bare breasts to see if any enflamed skin could be seen. When I pushed up and looked down at her breasts from a dead above view, I could see a small sliver of her rash. I then said, “You can’t see any rash, unless you’re looking straight down from above, Lisa.”
“Are you sure?”
“You know I’m not gonna lie to you, Bricky,” I replied with a smile.
“It’s getting near concert time, Mike, Lisa,” Mr. Labatt said as he poked his head between our friends.
“We need to know what you want to do with these charges, Lisa,” Chief Landon added immediately after Mr. Labatt’s statement.
“Let’s do this,” Lisa said as she stood up in our encircled crowd.
“Do you want to tell them or should I, Lisa?” I asked as my friends moved back to their prior spots.
“You do it, please. I’m afraid I would mess up on talking about these things.”
I took Lisa’s hand in mine and we stepped out front beside Chief Landon and Mr. Labatt. I then said, “Lisa has decided not to press charges against the Premier if he immediately agrees to the following three conditions.”
“The Premier will not be blackmailed by teens,” Mr. Bassett hotly replied from behind the man he was supposedly protecting.
“In that case, would you please step out, and put your hands behind your back, Mr. Davis,” Chief Landon said as he pulled a set of handcuffs from his jacket pocket.
“Wait! What do you kids want?” Premier Davis quickly said as Mr. Windelson stepped up alongside the leader of the Ontario government to advise him of his legal rights and responsibilities.
“We only are asking for three things. In return, Lisa won’t press charges against you. As a show of our good faith, we will also perform this concert as we previously agreed, with Lisa wearing this open-cupped corset to hide her rashes,” I said as I watched these powerful men and women seemingly squirm as they waited for our conditions. I took one final look at my friends standing behind me and then said, “First, you will announce on stage tonight, that your Naked-in-School program will no longer exist in Ontario, and it will not be restarted here for a minimum of fifty years. You will agree to pass ‘iron-clad’ legislation to ensure this timeframe. We want this NIS foolishness to be over... period! You will make that declaration and a promise of that legislation, or Chief Landon can fit you with his silver bracelets and parade you out in front of all those television cameras.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Mr. Sullivan walking up with a video camera, capturing the shocked look on the Premier’s face, as well as on a few of his NIS leadership team. I loved that my friends were now softly chuckling as the tables now seemed to be turned on the programs’ leadership.
Returning my focus on the Premier, I confidently continued, “Second, no harm or repercussions will come to anyone associated with us. That includes our family members, our friends, concert and school personal, and any businesses they are connected to. I am sure we have the needed resources to investigate any harmful developments that should mysteriously befall anyone associated with us. As part of this condition, we want it stipulated that Lisa Masciotro can reinstate the charges against Premier Davis for up to ten years after he has left his Premiership post. This is an insurance policy against any future harmful developments.”
“Fine. I will ensure those conditions are enacted within my government,” Premier Davis said in a defeated tone. He then asked, “What is your third condition?”
“Our third requirement is that every performer in the Shania Twain Band or in Medway’s Jazz Band, as well as the injured band members of Six Feet Above will receive a full scholarship to the Ontario College or University of their choice. This scholarship will cover all tuition and fees, room, board, and books as well as provide each student a stipend of one-hundred dollars per month for incidentals while in school.”
Our friends in Shania’s and the Jazz bands let out a gasp of disbelief at hearing that condition. I soon felt a soft squeeze on my shoulder and looked to see Steve Deetson’s huge smile of gratitude.
“You guys rock,” Wayne said after he gave Eda a kiss on her cheek.
“Thanks for thinking of us,” Paul McKenly said in his deep bass voice.
“We’re not done, yet,” Sammy chuckled back at our grinning and lightly cheering friends.
Taking Sammy’s words to heart, I then said, “Additionally, each of the students who has agreed to be naked in the ‘inner walkway’ area of the arena, tonight will receive a half-scholarship covering those above aspects, as well as get a fifty-dollar stipend per month while attending their Ontario college or university.”
Premier Davis snorted and asked, “Why should those students, who are simply ‘volunteering’ to be naked in the arena, be compensated?”
I was about to reply to our Premier when Lisa grabbed my arm and stepped quickly forward. This hopping mad fourteen-year-old slowly raised her right hand up and pointed at the Premier. After expanding her nearly bare chest to take in a lungful of air, she hotly said, “You and the people in your government forced this school nudity issue upon us kids, so you need to make amends to every naked student in this arena. If you don’t agree to that condition, we’ll go and put on an outstanding ‘fully clothed’ concert for our fans ... after we watch you being led out of here in handcuffs.”
“Alright. I agree to each of your three conditions,” our beaten down Premier said after Lisa’s forceful final statement. He then asked, “Are there any restrictions on what I can say in my announcement? I don’t want to...”
“You can say whatever you like as long as it conveys everything you agreed to and is truthful,” Lynette interjected on the Premier’s words. “Do not put a false spin on this because we are following you on stage, and we have free reign to say what really happened here if you make a false statement in your announcement.”
“Just so you know, I have recorded this whole conversation, so we have video evidence to back up our kids’ version of this meeting should you state any falsehoods, tonight or in the days after this concert,” Mr. Sullivan said as he waved his hand up at the Premier.
“Are we good, Premier because we have a naked concert to prepare for?” I asked as I pulled Lisa back into my arms.
“We’re good,” the leader of our government replied with frustration evident in his voice.
“C’mon, guys, let’s go get this dang concert up and running,” Devin said with a clap of his hand.
As we were hustling out of this small performance hall, I heard Chief Landon say to Mr. Labatt and Mr. Williamson, “I’ll have several of my officers waiting at all the stage exits in case our good Premier tries to do some end-around with his agreement.”
All of us hustled back to the dressing room as it was now, ten minutes to seven. With Devin jogging beside me, I said, “Our girls are gonna need about twenty minutes to get their makeup done. Can you stretch things out ‘till we’re set to go?”
“I help Zupena with girls’ makeup, Mikhail,” Malgosia replied as she was easily able to keep up with our pace to the dressing room.
“You take as long as you need to get set to play, Mike, Ladies. We’re still kinda dependent on you for this show,” Devin laughed as we slowed at the dressing room doorway. “If you can get Brad or Gary to come to the control booth when you’re almost ready, I’ll then notify the Premier that he can begin to give his surprising announcement. Until then, I’m sure I can find a Time Bandette song or two to play over the speakers ... which you aren’t playing in this concert.”
“You’ll need to notify security that they’ll need to escort our friends out to the front of the stage, too,” I added as the girls all zipped past me into the dressing room.
“You mean these two wonderful security guards, right here?” Devin laughed as he slapped me on my shoulder. He then confidently said, “Go get your ‘sharp-dressed-man’ outfit on for your grand disrobing, Mike. Tell everybody good luck from me, Wilson, Phil and our crew. I wish I could do it myself but I’ve still got a few important things to deal with still.”
“I will, Devin. In case we haven’t told you, we really appreciate everything you’ve done to make this a special night for us,” I replied and shared a fist bump with our concert producer.
In the dressing room, I marveled at how well my friends were responding to this pure cluster-fuck. They all seemed stoked about our impeding naked concert as they stripped out of their clothes and put on their ‘striptease outfits’ or robes over their bare bodies. After I had my S-D-M outfit on, I moved around and gave everyone some type of hug, fist-bump, high-five or a little peck on a cheek.
Wayne, Paul, Steve and I had a good laugh as we saw either Zupena or her mom paint some type of adhesive on my bandmates’ nipples, and then sprinkled a makeup matching glitter over their sticky feminine tissue. When Shania, Kalena, Cathy and the female members in the Jazz Band saw the prettiness of my bandmates’ nipples they all asked to have Malgosia or Zupena do likewise to their feminine charms.
Because it looked like my bandmates and Shania’s crew were ready, even though few Jazz Band girls were still being ‘made-up’ by the Zupanzic ladies, I sent Brad off to let Devin know the Time Bandettes were set to go. I told Zupena and her mother not to rush with Jazz Band members as it would be several minutes before we’d even think of starting out there.
With our own four person security detail, the Time Bandettes and Shania’s band made our way through the near vacant bowels of the noisy arena to the back area of our massive stage. We could hear our souped up version of Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy being played over the arena’s speakers. I loved how we could hear the crowd singing along to this song from our album, No Fear!
As we walked up the steps to the stage, I saw the thin black vinyl screen suspended across the front of the stage, just in front of Sammy’s and Lisa’s mic-stands. That screen was spring loaded and would quickly retract into an overhead roller, much like window blinds in most people’s homes. Standing just behind the black screen on the far side of the stage, we saw Premier Davis, Dr. Stevenson and Mr. Windelson going over what I thought was his new announcement speech.
Devin’s lead back stage person, Emili Blaxton met us and had our wireless gear all ready for us. Just as I clicked on my wireless system, I heard Devin say through my ear-monitors, “Fifteen seconds, Premier. There is a microphone up on that elevated stage for you to use.”
Our concert producer then said, “Mike, Eda give me a small shout when your band members have their ears active, and then when you are in position to run with things.”
I tapped my ear towards my bandmates and all of them nodded that they heard Devin’s words. “We’re all active and moving into position, Devin,” I replied. Eda quickly followed with, “Is my mic on?”
“Both of your wireless mics are transmitting, Miss E, Mike,” Devin confirmed.
After picking up Silverburst from her guitar stand, I gave Lisa a kiss before doing the same with Sammy on the main stage. I veered off the curved stairs to give Cano some sugar at her mid-level keyboards. At the top-level, I made a quick detour to Eda’s drum throne to give her a little kiss on the top of the head as she kicked off her flip-flops. I then moved behind the eight-by-twenty-five foot black vinyl screen hiding the area where the Jazz Band would play their beautiful music.
The arena music was turned down as our Premier walked out to the elevated platform area where Elton John sung during our previous Friday’s rehearsal concert. The crowd roared as Ontario’s leader waved after a couple of spotlights illuminated him.
After a couple of seconds, Premier Davis said, “Hello, London and everyone watching this nationally televised event on Global Television. I’m Ontario’s Premier William Davis. I’m delighted to be here with your tonight to witness these fine young students performing a great mix of original songs and well known rock and country favorites. I’ve even heard a few back-stage rumors that we might hear a wonderful rendition of an Elvis and a Fats Domino classic.” The crowd roared their approval of those possible unknown songs.
After the Premier made a ‘bring it down’ motion to the crowd, he continued with, “I have a special announcement I need to make, which will impact every publicly funded high school in the province. It is after great deliberation between my Naked-in-School program people and our Ministry of Education specialists that I have decided to put an immediate and complete halt to our Naked-in-School program for high school students. After tonight’s Naked-in-School concert ... we will no longer require any of our high school students to complete their one week of school nudity.”
A variety of “What?” “You’re joking, right?” and “God! Yes!” was heard after the Premier made that program cancelation announcement. They were soon followed by joyful shouts, wicked whistles and wild screams throughout the ten-thousand-plus crowd.
Once more the spotlighted Premier made a ‘bring it down’ motion with his arms. Bringing his wireless mic up to his face, Premier then said, “I also need to inform all these naked students inside this walkway that they need to hang around after the concert for a special bonus package for their voluntary support of the bands at tonight’s show.”
As the Premier continued on with his announcement, it sounded like he was going off on some ‘cover my ass’ type verbiage. After Eda gave me a ‘he’s crazy‘ circular finger motion at her temple, I said through my wireless, “This sounds like a good point to get the real show on the road. Let’s shut this freckin’ fool down.”

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