Car Back Seat
- 4 years ago
- 24
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"That was pretty weird," Molly decided, giggling as we sat together at the back of the bus.
We hadn't really talked about the twins, Angie and Stacy, and how I'd made them pregnant. I'd expected them to be a little more angry with me for breaking up with them like I had, but on the whole, they'd seemed pretty cool about it. Except for calling me a butthead and a jerk, which I was, the twins had been their usual silly selves. Sexy too, and I have to admit that seeing them again had brought back some good memories. Fucking identical thirteen-year-old hotties at the same time in the same bed wasn't something a guy forgets.
"I can't believe you made them both pregnant!"
"Shhh..." I made a face and Molly giggled some more. There weren't a lot of people riding the city bus at eight o'clock on a Friday night, but there were a couple old ladies on their way to bingo sitting nearby.
"Are you really going to talk to their dad?"
"I don't have any choice," I sighed. The twins had made me promise to come to their house in the morning, or else their dad would come to mine.
"My parents would be so mad," Molly said, looking more happy than sympathetic, but she wasn't a boy either.
"Well, it's the responsible thing to do, right?" I shrugged. "Face the music?"
"The responsible thing would be not to knock them up!" She laughed again and bumped me with her shoulder. "You're such a guy, Trent."
"I guess so." I smiled weakly, but I wasn't sure what that meant exactly.
"They're just little kids," she continued. "I knew you liked Randy's little sister, but ... Did you knock her up too?"
"Oh my God! You did!" She clapped her hands with a huge, almost disbelieving grin. "Who else?"
"What do you mean?" I frowned. "It isn't funny."
"I know! It's awesome! Come on, who else?" Molly repeated. "I won't tell anyone, I swear."
"Why are you so happy?" I wondered, narrowing my eyes. She hadn't been acting like this before, but maybe she just had to get used to the idea. Whatever the idea might be.
"You knocked up three girls," she said. "It's cool."
"I thought you said it was irresponsible." I smiled back at her. "You're weird."
"Were they all virgins when you did it?" Molly asked, lowering her voice and leaning closer, enough so her shoulder rubbed against mine.
"They were my girlfriends," I told her. "I'm not going to talk about it."
"Trent!" She pouted and put her hand on my leg, squeezing my thigh. "I'll keep it a secret. I just want to know. Were they all virgins or not?"
"Are you a virgin?" I asked, not looking for an answer, but just to make my point. It really wasn't any of Molly's business and maybe I hadn't treated Jules or the twins fairly, but I still had to respect them.
"Oh. Okay." Molly nodded. "You wanna do it like that?"
"Do what?" I asked with a confused smile.
"Quid pro quo," she said. "I get it. My dad's a lawyer."
"He is?" I didn't even know what language that was.
"So's my mom," Molly said with a shrug. "Yeah. I'm a virgin."
"Uhhh..." I blinked, not expecting her to tell me that.
"Your turn," Molly said. "Were your girlfriends virgins or not?"
"Yeah." I nodded, understanding that I had to trade secrets with her. Or something.
"All three of them?" She giggled and stuck her tongue out at me. "You must be really good at sex, huh?"
"Me? I don't know." I smiled self consciously. "Maybe. You're thinking abut it now, huh?"
"Not really." Molly shrugged. "I'm just wondering if you're gonna be a good boyfriend or not."
"Yeah? Are you my girlfriend now?"
"I'm thinking about it," she said. "Making a list, you know."
"Like what?"
"Like pros and cons, stuff like that." Molly smiled, widening her eyes all innocent-like.
"Uh ... What's on it?" I wondered, knowing she was teasing me, but maybe not.
"Well, you're cute," she told me. "That's definitely a pro, but you can't ice skate. That's kind of a con."
"But I can teach you and that would be fun, so it's kind of a pro, too."
"So, even the pros and cons have pros and cons?" I grinned at her and Molly giggled. I wondered where knocking up three middle school girls fell on her list. She didn't even know about Lisa.
"We're almost there," she said, looking out the window. "Push the button."
I carried Molly's ice skates off the bus and up a curving street lined with trees. She didn't live that far away from me, really. It wasn't very late, only about eight o'clock, and I figured I had a new girlfriend now, whether I wanted one or not. Molly talked most of the way to her house, but not about anything special. She'd point at a house and tell me who lived there. She complained about living so far from the bus stop, although it turned out to be just a couple blocks. It was fun just walking with her.
"Thanks for walking me home, Trent." We stood on the front porch of her house, a large Victorian mansion that must have been a hundred years old.
"Sure." I nodded, wondering what that meant.
"Do you want to call me sometime?" she asked, tilting her head and smiling. She looked up, through her bangs, although she didn't have to. We were almost the same height, but it did make her awfully pretty.
"Yeah. Okay," I agreed, glancing at the front door. Like, weren't we going inside?
"Hold on a sec..." She opened her purse and it jingled like Christmas as she found a pen. "Give me your hand."
"Why?" I smiled as she wrote her phone number across the back of my hand.
"I don't want you to lose it," Molly explained, showing me her tongue. A big light, almost like a chandelier, hung over the porch and her sapphire eyes sparkled.
I wanted to kiss her, but I didn't. We just looked at each other and I felt the same feelings I'd had for Jules knotting up my gut, making my heart swell. I'd sort of felt like that with my other girlfriends too, but definitely with Julie and now with Molly. Somewhere between sitting in the library and walking her home, I'd fallen in love. Real love. I felt kind of dizzy, actually. Self-conscious and sort of shy, but excited like you wouldn't believe. Every part of me tingled.
"Well, I'd better go inside," she said. "I had fun."
"Me too," I said, finally realizing that she wasn't going to ask me in. I felt disappointed, but not confused. Molly wasn't like other girls.
"Buy some skates, okay?" She laughed again and I smiled, nodding quickly.
"I will," I replied, but what I meant was, I'll do whatever you want me to. Maybe she already knew that. "Oh, uh ... Here."
I handed over her skate case, a pink one with a lot of stickers on it and her name printed neatly on the side. We looked at each other some more and I didn't know if she was waiting for a kiss or not. I wanted to kiss her, like I said, but I had this voice in my head telling me not to. She expected me to kiss her, I thought, and I wanted to surprise her. Maybe. I didn't really understand it to tell the truth. Why didn't I kiss her?
"Good night, Molly," I said.
"Bye." She didn't look surprised, only happy as she opened the door and went inside her house. Molly waved her fingers when she closed it behind her.
On my way back down the street, walking towards the bus stop, I didn't even feel the sidewalk. I hadn't felt like this since me and Jules had skipped school together. That had been the best day of my life -- Until now. Molly was the first girl I'd ever fallen in love with that I hadn't fucked first, and that's a very strange thought to have. What would it be like to make her pregnant? I hadn't even kissed her yet.
I hoped the bus would come quickly; I couldn't wait to get home and call her.
"Hi Trent!" Molly answered on the first ring.
"Hi, uh ... How did you know it was me?"
"Woman's intuition," she replied.
"Plus I know the bus schedule and you said you live on Cedar, so..."
"Yeah. Okay, Miss Smarty-pants."
"God! Call me anything else," she said with a giggle. "It sounds like I'm a geek."
"No," I sighed, getting comfortable on my parents' bed. "You're definitely not that."
"But you are smart though," I said. "And pretty and funny and..."
"I'm pretty?"
"Well, when you're mad, I mean."
"Shut-up!" Molly laughed again.
We didn't say anything for a long ten seconds.
"Hey, um ... Trent?"
"I'm here."
"Thanks for being so nice tonight."
"Sure. Yeah." I shrugged. "Why wouldn't I be nice?"
"No, I mean thanks for not kissing me."
"That was really sweet," she told me.
"It was?" I didn't quite understand that, but I wanted to. I wanted to know everything about the girl, you know?
"My mom was watching us," Molly said. "You really impressed her."
"Cool." I smiled at that.
"You impressed me too," she whispered. "Um ... Did you want to though?"
"Kiss you?" I cleared my throat and I didn't know what she wanted to hear. "Yeah. I wanted to, but..."
"But what?"
"I didn't want to ruin anything," I told her. "Why are we whispering?"
"I don't know." Molly giggled. "My boyfriend never called me before."
"Am I really your boyfriend?"
"Don't you want to be?"
"Yeah," I said, smiling. "More than anything."
"You just have to learn to ice skate."
"I know."
"There's this town in Sweden," Molly said. "Every year they have a big dance and everyone has to ice skate."
"They do?"
"Uh-huh. I wish they did that here," she sighed. "Like the Prom or something. We could dance on the ice."
"I'd probably break my leg," I told her, not really joking at all.
"Do you have a date yet?"
"For what?"
"The Prom," Molly said, and I could hear her smile. "You're taking me. Right?"
"We're in tenth grade," I reminded her. "The prom's not for two more years."
"Yeah, but..." She giggled. "I want you to ask me now."
"Over the phone?" I grinned. "Okay, um ... Do you want to go to the Prom with me?"
"Yes. Definitely," she answered. "That's so cool. You can't change your mind either."
"I won't," I promised. "You're kinda weird, Molly."
"Sorry. I can't help it."
"That's okay. I kinda like it."
"Do you believe in love at first sight?"
"I don't know." I narrowed my eyes, staring at a wedding portrait of my mom and dad. "Maybe. Why?"
"Just wondered," she sighed. "The first time I saw you was in eighth grade."
"We were in the same class."
"Yeah," Molly said. "I didn't know I loved you though."
"I gotta go," she said. "Call me tomorrow."
"Wait. What did you say?"
"Bye!" She hung up the phone.
She loved me? I loved her, I knew that, but I fell in love with every girl I ever had sex with. Except I hadn't even kissed Molly, so this was different. I hadn't even loved Julie until after I'd taken her virginity. She'd loved me though, which had been the reason I'd fucked her in the first place. I mean, Jules had given her pussy up way too easily, just like all the other girls.
But not Molly. She'd been impressed because I hadn't tried to do anything. That's probably normal for most girls, at least on a first date, but compared to everything else I knew about girls? It seemed kind of weird. Abnormal. She should have invited me into her house, snuck me into her bedroom, made out with me for awhile and then spread those long legs of hers.
Maybe she'd tell me how scared she felt. Or maybe Molly would ask me if I had a condom, but it wouldn't matter. I'd fuck her and cum inside her and she'd be just like Jules. What? I frowned and squeezed my dick, because I was thinking about Molly and sorta jerking off. I wanted to kiss her, but did I really want to fuck her? My cock did. My balls definitely wanted to knock her up, but my heart -- I had to be going crazy. What if she stayed a virgin until we were married? I mean, if we got married. What would that be like?
Julie was only thirteen and she'd never be a virgin again, which seemed kind of cool, but kind of depressing too. I'd knocked her up. Every boyfriend she ever had, her husband, whoever he might be, would know Jules had fucked some other guy. She'd still be in high school when her baby started kindergarten! Maybe. The math was a little tricky as I lay in my bed, stroking my cock and thinking about Jules being a tenth grade mommy. What if Molly had kid? Like today, if she had a three-year-old at day care while we sat next to each other in the library, would I still love her?
I didn't know and I felt guilty. I didn't want to, but after seeing the twins and then talking to Molly about it ... Yeah. I felt bad for knocking them up. I'd been trying too. It wasn't an accident. It just never occurred to me that it would really matter. I mean, permanently matter. Forever. They were having babies! And my dick was hard as a rock thinking about it, imagining them all big and round and pregnant as hell. I had to be insane and I guess that's when I decided I'd never fuck Molly. At least, not until we got married. She was different, but I didn't really understand why. I loved Jules, but maybe I only wanted to love her. Maybe I only wanted to love Molly.
"Maybe I should kill myself," I sighed, letting go of my dick. Love sucks.
Molly. My first thought upon waking up.
"Good morning, sunshine." Mom smiled as I walked into the kitchen. "I'm scrambling some eggs."
"Hey, buddy." Dad smiled at me over his morning paper.
They both seemed unusually chipper, although not too much. My parents had gone out the night before and I'd fallen asleep before they'd come home. I suppose having a nice dinner and maybe a movie, or whatever they'd done, had put them in a good mood. Plus it was Saturday, so nobody had to rush to work or school, which was always nice. We sorta lived for the weekends, much like everyone else, I suppose. Except I had the twins to look forward to, or their father, I should say, and I wanted to change my mind about going to their house.
What's worse than knocking up a thirteen-year-old girl? Knocking up two of them.
"What did you do last night?" Dad asked a few minutes later.
He folded his paper as I sat at the kitchen table with some toast and juice, remembering how I'd fucked Mrs. Collins. There'd been a big puddle of cum right there by his left elbow, but I tried not to think about that.
"I went ice skating," I replied. "You think I could get some skates today?"
"Ice skating?" He gave me a quizzical look. "When did you start doing that?"
"Last night," I said. "I went to the Rec Center and, uh ... I kind of like it."
"Why?" Mom wondered, standing behind me. She leaned over my shoulder, setting a plate with eggs and bacon in front of me. "You went with Lisa?"
"Ahhh..." Dad smiled, nodding his head.
"Not really," I answered slowly. "I sorta met a different girl."
I wanted to see my mom's reaction to that, but she stayed behind my chair, rubbing my shoulders. Not in a flirty way, nothing like that, but in a normal, motherly way. And that only shows how strange my life really was, having to decipher everything she did. For the moment at least, she seemed content to be the same old Mom I'd always had -- Until the night I'd fucked her, I mean. I didn't want to think about that either.
"Well ... Who's this girl?" my dad wondered, sipping his coffee.
"Molly," I replied. "She's in my class at school. We've known each other since eighth grade."
"Your own age then," he said with a chuckle. "Good for you."
"What's her last name?" Mom asked, squeezing my shoulders extra hard. Did that mean she wasn't happy?
"Carpenter," I said. "She lives up the hill, on Rosewood Street. I think her mom and dad are lawyers or something."
"Molly Carpenter?" Dad tilted his head, thinking about that. "Black hair, real pretty? I remember her. No cavities."
"You know her?" I smiled, but I shouldn't have been surprised. Sometimes I think my dad specialized in teenage girls. Or at least in their teeth.
"How pretty?" Mom asked, and he shrugged.
"She has nice teeth," he said with a grin. "No, if that's the girl I'm thinking of, she's real nice. Ice skater, huh?"
"She's really good at it," I agreed. "So, do you think I can go to the mall and get some skates today?"
"What about Lisa?" Mom wondered, letting me go as she moved around the table towards my dad. "You can't have two girlfriends, Trent."
"I like Molly," I said, and that was easy to say. Lisa was a zillion miles away.
"We should meet her first," she decided. "Then you can worry about buying ice skates."
"But..." I frowned, and it was pointless to argue with her. At least she hadn't said no, but I honestly couldn't tell what my mom was thinking. She didn't smile or frown, but stood next to my dad as he put an arm around her waist.
"We have some news, too." He looked up, smiling at my mom. "Do you want to tell him?"
"Tell me what?" I asked, looking between them.
"You tell him," she decided, staring into my eyes with her arm around Dad's shoulders.
"Well, your mother and I, uh ... We're going to have a baby."
"Oh." I blinked at him.
"I saw a doctor yesterday," Mom said. "He confirmed it. I'm pregnant."
"Okay," I said, trying to smile as I glanced at my dad. He looked happy enough, he even leaned over to kiss Mom's tummy. "Congratulations, I guess. Um ... Okay."
"It's hard to believe, I know," he said. "So you're going to be a big brother. What do you think about that?"
"I'm..." I shrugged, looking at my mom. She still smiled, but her eyes were cool. "Happy. Yeah. That's awesome. Is it going to be a boy or a girl?"
"Oh, it's a little too early for that," Mom said, laughing lightly. She kissed my dad's cheek and even sat on his lap. "You boys will have to work on a nursery. There's going to be some changes around here."
"A nursery?"
"We'll do it ourselves," Dad told me. "Fix up one of the spare bedrooms. Some new paint, carpeting, some wallpaper maybe. You know, a little project just on the weekends. Man stuff, me and you, Trent."
He grinned and Mom smiled happily, wrapped up in her husband's arms. They looked like a Norman Rockwell painting, or maybe a Ralph Lauren ad, since Dad was dressed for his Saturday round of golf in slacks and a teal polo shirt. Mom wore some stressed jeans, like the kind that cost a hundred bucks because they looked like they were worth ten, and a white CK sweatshirt. They were beautiful together, that's what I was thinking. Perfect. The American dream, except the baby in her belly wasn't his.
I didn't feel much like eating.
Dad found me in my room just before he left for the country club.
"Hey, here's a hundred bucks," he said. "Go buy some skates for that girl of yours."
"What about Mom?" I wondered, taking the money and trying to hide my guilt.
"We'll apologize later," he said. "She's in a good mood anyway."
"Because of the baby?" I asked, looking at the money so I wouldn't have to look at him.
"That and she got a promotion yesterday," he replied. "That's why she's been so stressed lately, but we're okay now."
"Okay." I wasn't sure what that meant. I mean, he made it sound like they weren't okay before, but I hadn't noticed anything. Probably because I'd been too worried about how Mom had been acting towards me; I'd been avoiding my dad.
"Are you okay with the baby?" he asked, and I felt my stomach knotting up like you wouldn't believe. That was the last thing I wanted to talk about.
"Yeah." I nodded. "It's great. You guys are happy, right?"
"We are," he agreed. "It's kind of a surprise. We weren't trying, but ... Look, I know things haven't been perfect around here."
"What do you mean?"
"We've had our problems, your mom and me," he said slowly, almost carefully. "We didn't want another, but I think it's the best thing that could have happened to us. I just want you to be happy too. We both love you, Trent."
"I know, Dad. I love you guys too."
He wanted to hug and we weren't exactly big on hugs in our family, but sometimes ... I had the insane urge to tell him the truth. I loved my dad a lot and Mom had been right; he could never, ever find out the truth.
Shortly after he left, and just as I started down the stairs on my way to Angie and Stacy's house, my mom caught me.
"What did your father say?" she asked, standing at the bottom of the stairs with her arms crossed.
"Uh ... He gave me some money for ice skates," I answered, hoping that would be enough of an answer. Probably she wanted to make sure he wasn't suspicious, but I wasn't going to bring up the subject unless she asked about it directly.
"Okay." Mom nodded. "He didn't say anything about the baby?"
"Just that he's happy," I said. She made me feel naked as I stood there, but not in a sexy way. I mean in the embarrassing, self-conscious way.
"That's all?"
"He said, um..." I lifted my eyes to hers. "It's the best thing that could have happened, maybe."
"He did?" My mom actually smiled at that, but only a little. Maybe she felt relieved, I wasn't sure.
"Is everything okay?" I wondered
"It's fine," she said, dismissing the topic completely. "How much did he give you?"
"A hundred dollars." I thought she would be mad, but I guess she really was in a good mood.
"Ice Skates are expensive. There's money on my dresser," she told me. "Get another fifty, just in case."
"Alright. Thanks, Mom." I turned around, taking the first step.
"I want to meet this girl," she said, repeating what she'd told me earlier. "No more peasants, remember?"
"I don't even know what that means," I sighed. "But Molly's great. She's kind of like you."
"Me?" Mom narrowed her eyes.
"I mean, she's just ... She's smart. She's not a little kid. Special, like grown up or something." I shrugged. "I don't know."
"We'll see," she said, somewhat doubtfully.
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It was a late fall afternoon when I was walking home from band practice. My dad was running late in picking me up so I told him I would be walking home and he could pick me up at the park. When I got to the park I needed to go to the bath room really bad, so I went to the public restroom all parks have. I did not see the hole in the wall in the stall until I was hit with a rude and nasty surprise. While doing my business I felt something thumb me on the back of my head. I was in shock when I...
Hello, everyone, I’m Sumanth 21 from Vijayawada. In this story, I would like to share my 1st sex experience from my college days with Surekha (name changed). Coming to her stats. She’s a sexy girl in my class with 36-27-36 measurements. Any boy would die to have sex with her. In the beginning, we were not so close but, I had an eye on her from the day one. When my lecturer made me her Lab partner, all the boys were jealous of me. I was on cloud 9 as I got a chance to talk with her. In the...
Salma, my wife’s best friend is the dirtiest, nastiest slut in the world. She was a whore who loved to get fucked like a bitch in heat. I just could not get enough of this bitch. I wanted to fuck her and lick her and suck her till she was screaming like a bitch in heat. I had been fucking her at the back of my unsuspecting wife. And once when I was fucking my Maya, I said,” Your friend, Salma, is a real whore!1 Have you seen the way she sways her ass? She must be a whore in bed, I can swear!”...
True Beginning But now, it’s the autumn. I’m back home from my trip. I met you on the street on your way home from class. I played with you against the hall mirror. We had supper together and talked and laughed and kissed over desert. You are on top of me. I am on my back. There’s a fire in the bedroom fireplace. We are in my bed – the old high curtained four-poster. You are panting. You are lovely. My finger is gently stroking your clitoris as you straddle me. The flame’s glow reveals...
We finished breakfast and after I set the tray aside, I took Stacia in my arms and kissed her. I slipped my hand under her shirt and fondled one of her breasts. She responded in kind by rubbing her crotch against one of my legs. I moved down, opened up her shirt and nibbled on her other breast. She groaned in pleasure as I sucked and pulled on her nipples. She continued to push her crotch against my thigh. My cock got hard again and pushed against my pants. Reluctantly I got up from the bed,...
Finished checking out the room, I stepped into the hallway to see which rooms my friends were in. I was walking down the hall when one of my friends, Kyle, from the football team passed me going towards the elevator followed by a large group of students. "Hey man, where are you all headed?" I said, stopping him in the hall. "We're all going swimming before bed. There's a pool downstairs." He replied before continuing on his way. I considered going swimming and thought it might...
(Continued from Millie’s Slutbook profile I) The ambience of the candlelit background, the glistening pink satin sheets and pillows, the six or seven dildos scattered around her like slaves, this sweaty, shimmering, tanned, blond, voluptuous Asian Catwoman looked like a modern day sex goddess. She looked around, much to her pleasure, seeing dildos of all different shapes, sizes and different skin colors. She just loved the human skin tones! Two of them were electronic, vibrators namely. All...
She was hired as a personal secretary to two of our company's big bosses only a short while, but she was already creating big waves among the guys in almost every department. She made heads turn (including mine) every time she walked by, with those very short tight-skirts that showed off her long slender legs and dresses with necklines so low that little was left to our imagination as to what we would see if she took off her blouse. Many of us guys had great difficulty restraining ourselves...
EroticWith each passing year, the feelings and urges increased. The yearning desire, never going away, only got stronger. When I was very young, I had a few experiences with other boys. Years later, they are still the best, most thrilling, most erotic sexual encounters of my life. For years, I fought my urges. Being in a traditional, committed relationship with my girlfriend, I didn’t want to jeopardize it. However, my lust for cock grew. I found myself first watching straight porn and fantasizing...
I never really considered myself a sexual being. When I thought of sex - which was rare, I thought of about three different positions and not much else. Orgasms were few and far between and I rarely experienced passion. Although I was resigned to a mundane life getting by on my limited knowledge of intimacy, there was a deep and repressed desire. I knew I wanted something but wasn’t sure what it was.When He found me, I was naive, inexperienced, and lost...but He saw something in me. He knew I...
BDSMShe was a very beautiful young woman, perhaps twenty; extremely well dressed in quite expensive clothes and they had been tailored to her lush body. She held herself regally, chin high, back straight, ready for anything. Unfortunately she and her companion, a young officer from Connecticut, had not been ready for a couple of road agents. They chased the young couple and their pair of fine horses for several miles before a lucky shot from one of them killed the man and sent the light rig...
“Incidents #6” Hit the ShowerThe continuing escapades of Buddy, Sarah, and me with other diverse players. Sarah asked for a ride home from school. As a policy, I never, ever, drive a student home! Even though I knew Sarah intimately…. The risk of the rumors that I was driving a student home was just too risky to my job. It was late and the only person left in the school was the janitor and he was in the basement drunk as usual. I relented. I told her to call her mom to let her know she was...
Shimmer, Undercover IGPT By: Malissa Madison Crew List: Daisy Lightfeather, Owner, Driver/Navigator Co-Commander; Human Reno Demure; Commander; Terrellian Cord Shale; Co-Commander, Chief Investigator; Terrellian Tessa Yorre; Driver/Navigator, Chief Forensics Investigator; Lyconian Lexi Nior; Communications, Driver/Navigator; Demonian Sassi Treant; Medical; Orion Mahla Veer; Evidence Custodian; Orion Jarjar Creed; Prisoner...
Chapter 1Joe was scared shitless.He'd never been to prison before. Hell, he'd never even been in trouble before. He was always a good boy growing up, the teacher's pet desperate to please.As the prison guard walked Joe down the halls to his new cell, Joe had to remind himself yet again that this was really happening.Everything had been going so well for him. He was 20 years old, in his second year of college, and living in Los Angeles, the city of his dreams.Until the night he decided to have a...
Dinner that night was as much fun as it had been the last time. Even if it was bittersweet, with Pan being in the Delta Sector, Kat still enjoyed just sitting and spending time with Pan's brother and sister-in-law. The more she heard about his childhood, and about his family, the more she couldn't help but wish that her family were still around. Over after-dinner drinks, John finally broached the subject of her finances. "Okay, Kat. Time to get down to business! With what I was able to...
I banged my Mother In law When I was just dating my now wife "Beth" back in the 80's I had fantasies of seeing my mother in-law naked.My fantasy finally came true today, over 20 years later.Lets start from the beginning. When I was like 21 dating Beth we would watch tv on the sofa. My father in-law was never home or already in bed. My mother in law would come out to the living room after her shower in a thin over size shirt that barely covered her big fat round ass. I could see her huge tits...
This is one of many stories written by me for a friend.She enjoyed them very much and i hope you do too!xComments and feedback very welcome The weather was cold and it was already dark when Alice left work so she quickly turned up the heat in her car and lit a cigarette as she pulled out of the car park. It had been a long week, Alice was tired n looking forward to a bath and some dinner as she drove home so when her car started playing up her heart sank. Just as she feared about halfway home...
A tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van*******Chapter Six - Party Time*******Following Martin's launch of his 'discovery' and the exhibitions of photographs he had compiled Jacqui attained an almost celebrity status within the 'Erotic Society of America'. For sure, it may have been a private and discrete group that was mainly unknown to the outside world but, no matter, for these associates and lovers of erotic art Jacqui, known affectionately as 'Martin's Nude', would become...
Laura tried to control herself, but she just couldn't help quivering with anticipation. Don had gone around all day muttering darkly about some kind of punishment. The very word made her tremble with a masochistic kind of excitement. Her husband's actions puzzled her, but out of love for him, she had found she was quite capable of adapting to his new personality. "It's only a passing phase, no doubt," she told herself while sitting under the drying machine at the hairdresser's. She...
He was sat up in bed as she entered the room. There was no smile on his face as he took in the sight of the young fair haired girl dressed in just a white, see-through nightdress that rested on her hips and a pair of matching see-through panties; instead there was a look of pain. Neither was he sat up voluntarily; his arms were outstretched and tied to the bedposts of the large headboard by short ropes attached to wristbands. His legs were also attached to the bottom posts of the bed via ropes...
BisexualDon't know why but I have recently been finding myself attracted to men with sleeve tattoos and across their bodies. Age isn't a factor but I do like a man in good shape. I recently got talking to a man in his 50s in a nightclub. I was full of lust for him and aroused straight away ay thinking about how his body looked under his tshirt, what colour his underwear was and how stiff his cock got when aroused. I said how much I liked his tattoos and touched his arm. He told me that he had one on...
It was Sunday afternoon. Kara and Dirk were sunbathing in the courtyard. She had been living with him for three weeks. She reminded him, "Don't forget you have to pick up what's-his-name." Dirk glanced at his watch, then looked over his newspaper at Kara. "I've still got a little time. His name, by the way, is Tim Taylor." Kara offered Dirk a bottle of suntan lotion. He looked at it quizzically. "But it’s late in the day and the sun is nearly gone," he protested. "Well,” Kara replied with a...
Straight SexFact is I work out a lot and it shows. It's a stress reliever and sometimes I take it a little far cause I really get into it. Some guys get scared by my muscles now, but that's ok. I'm not really looking these days, I've been burnt too many times by too many assholes. So I just go to work, work out, and keep to myself. I'm actually pretty happy but there's this one guy at the gym who keeps stealing glances at me. I can't figure out if he likes me or if he's scared of me, but the gym is often...
Dear readers, today I am going to confess in front of you all of a sin I have committed in the rage of sexual emotions. I am Shobha. A very simple housewife in my early forties. I have a loving husband and a daughter of 13 years in age. I live in a Mumbai suburban area called Malad. My husband Anil is in his mid forties and works for a leading bank as a branch manager. Anil loves me a lot and is very liberal. Unlike many middle class old fashioned husbands, Anil does not worry about me talking...
Hi guys! I am a big fan of ISS from last 5 years. I have read lots of stories here and so I have decided to post my own experience. To make myself more comfortable I have chosen our mother tongue Hindi to narrate this story. This is absolute fact which had taken place between me and my younger sister initially I was hesitant to write the story but later on after reading so many stories here and now I dare enough to tell you a wonderful incidence. Mera nam xxxyz hai or me Gujarat bharuch ka...
"I really love your perfume honey." I said that from the couch of my girlfriend's two room apartment. I have about an hour and a half waiting for her to get ready to party tonight. "You can't say that. You don't have the correct perspective Andrey" said Helen. Before I could reply, Helen was in front of me. She looked astonishing wearing only a white lacy bra, matching panties and stockings. She had a large frame, she was about 1.8 meters high in heels like the ones she...
Gideon tried to walk the straight and narrow path. He rose early for work each morning when there was work to be had. He did his best to busy himself with those things that decent people do. It’s not that trouble had never found Gideon. It had. In fact, trouble had been a constant if mostly unwelcome companion for nearly all his twenty seven years. He had designedly sought it out in those heady, joyful, angry days when he thought, as all young men do, that he was invincible. Trouble, he...
Ken felt for the bulky gun holstered under his coat, steeled his courage, and then entered the dark alleyway behind the Klub Kasbah. He had tried to call Beth earlier. No answer. Some wooden boxes left in a pile allowed him to climb up to a dirty window high on the back wall. The window was so dirty that he couldn't see anything inside. Carefully, he scraped away years of grunge. After some effort, a tiny peephole through the filth allowed Ken to see a few shapes and features in the room......
My husband and I owned a business and one of the perks was going to the Convention every year. Now normally I wouldn’t be so excited for such but it was held in Las Vegas each year. So a long weekend of finding and getting into as much trouble was we can. I guess better attention should of been paid this one year as my husband booked a fishing trip for the same weekend. Both events bought and paid for with neither willing to return funds. We finally worked out that he’d go on his trip and I’d...
This is the final part of the 'In the Library' trilogy“Stand up you little trollop.”With a groan, Cathy pushed herself off her knees. It seemed like a lifetime ago yet it had not even been an hour since the Dean had caught her masturbating in the university library. Now as she got slightly unsteadily to her feet, her face smeared with the Dean’s juices after being ordered to use her tongue to make her cum, the young girl wondered what was in store next.Her pussy ached. She had been so close to...
LesbianMy 10th board exams had finished and it was hot summer in Hyderabad and three months for colleges to start. I would be alone most of the time as my parents were working and I was their only son. My dad bought me a pc (apple I mac yellow colour costing 85k) with an internet connection. Also I had joined myself in a nearby Gym. On the pc I would watch porn everyday. Also i would search for bodybuilding exercises and diet. The models fascinated me lot. Though I was very fair and handsome, llike a...
Gay MaleWatching the end of the game was time I’d never get back. The final score was 52-9. I didn’t think they’d be winning a game anytime soon. My swelling had gone down enough, even though Jenn had been teasing me the whole time. Getting up, I started folding the blanket. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the truck. “You in a rush? I haven’t even finished folding up the blanket.” “Can’t waste the extra time we have.” I unlocked and opened the door for her. I threw the blanket in the...
Part Two – New Years in New Orleans Laura Miller stood in front of the mirrored bi-fold doors of her closet, critically examining her reflection. Laura wasn’t a vain woman, but she did take care of her appearance. Of course, now that Robby was in her life, she was even more careful to ensure she always looked her best. A flush went through her as she thought of Robby, and her heart went pitter-pat. ‘Robby, Robby, Robby’ she mentally chanted, ‘what you do to me.’ In the three days since Robby’s...
I woke up before Pam the next morning and slipped out of bed trying not to wake her. I headed into the kitchen and made coffee. While waiting for the drip machine to do its thing, I sat down at the kitchen table. As I gazed out of the window, my thoughts drifted to the events of last night.Pam and I would have to talk sometime very soon, maybe even today. There were things both of us needed to say and to hear. I hoped that understanding on both of our parts would result from having a real and...
Wife LoversThe elevator opened on the engineering level and I looked out. Positioned on each side of a wide, long hallway were portable repulser units, ready to be moved to damaged areas of the ship. Even one unit would take up most of the space in the elevator. Each of these emergency response units would create artificial gravity in small sections of the ship, if ever needed. Artificial gravity was produced from repulser technology using an overlapping polarity modular-capacitor. I stopped staring at...
I woke from my usual Thursday-afternoon daze. Groggily, I got up from my desk to see what my mother wanted. “Yes?” I called back. “Come down here a minute.” Her tone sounded somewhat excited, which woke me up rather quickly. I made my way downstairs and into the living room where my mother and father were sitting on the couch. “We have some good news,” said my father. “Let me guess; you just saved a bunch of money on your car insurance by switching to Geico,” I snickered. My...
"So, will you at least tell me his name, pretty please?"I took a deep breath. "Fine, Lacy, his name is Rick," I responded, turning to her. "Are you happy now?""Yes," she answered, getting off the bed. "We've been step-sisters for five years now. So, don't you think that we should know about one another's lives? I mean, shouldn't we be closer by now, Robin?" she wondered before she stopped on my side."Yes, you are right, Lacy. I'm sorry," I said before I hugged her. 'Well, she is nice, but maybe...
TabooKitty stood and looked at herself in the mirror, pleased with the reflection. He had told her he was coming to see her bearing gifts, so she wanted to look good for him. Her new baby doll nightie looked stunning on her, just long enough to cover her but still show glimpses of her little panties underneath; the soft silky material displayed her pert breasts perfectly. She had arranged her lounge as he liked it, a cushion for her to curl up on and a chair central to the room for him, so that when...
FetishHis Eyes By SnowLeopard This story is the first I have posted, if you have any remarks please leave them or email me, Thanks. ******************************************************************** My whole situation all started when I decided to visit my girlfriend up at her school. I had some time off from school so I figure I would go spend it with her. No harm there right? That's what I thought. I got up there and the first 3 nights went pretty good. We went...
Jake swung his bug-eyed gaze from spread-eagled Liz to Sara. Sara laughed and said, “You kids have fun. I’ll let myself out.” Jake studied the woman lying tied and open on the bed. Elizabeth Moran was a vision, no doubt about it. She was tall, at least five-ten, and rapier thin. She could not have weighed more than one-twenty. Her hair was even longer than Helga’s. it was artfully arranged over one shoulder trailing down almost to her waist. Her skin was milky white and flawless, no marks,...
Thursday morning, Sam discussed with Lester and Hugh Fulcher his belief that running the witness sketches in the newspaper or on television might be counterproductive. In addition to his fear that the drawings just weren't sufficiently definitive, Sam suggested that they might have the effect of scaring off the criminal. It was possible, Sam told them, that the suspect was unaware that he'd been seen by anyone who'd spoken to the police. Even a poor sketch, Sam thought, could spook the...