The Eighth Warden Book 2Chapter 10
- 4 years ago
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Here we were in the classiest hotel in town; naked together in a luxurious bed ... had showered, during which we had a bent over quickie beneath the pelting water. We ordered room service—hamburgers—chitchatted about our week ... she tried to pin me to the wall with the question of whether or not I thought she was lovable. After passing the test I was primed for more sex. I thought the quickie in the shower was just a tune up for something more spectacular. Instead, after being in the hotel for two hours, an hour and a half of which I had a constant hard-on, I’d been listening to Marcia talking: sighing, sniffling, crying and talking some more. It was the kind of story that you might read about in some kind of lurid magazine, one where you would considered the subject of an overactive fantasy or just an outright pack of lies.
The ordeal of the three girls’ kidnapping was difficult for me to listen to. Marcia’s telling of it was straightforward enough and I didn’t doubt her veracity. When she was finished she was exhausted. Lying on her right side; my left arm was over her shoulder, my hand on her hip, her face was resting high up on my stomach. I was surprised that her perverse story could turn me on in such a way. But chronologically I was still a teenager brimming with hormones, ready for an instant plunge inside this soft, warm and trusting young woman’s body.
From the point in the story where Marcia and the girls were first raped I got an erection that was still rock hard an hour and a half later. I don’t have to explain “Blue balls,” to my males but, while most women have never heard of the condition none would be able to understand the intensity of the aching that such an everlasting boner can cause. Only one thing can help—a gushing ejaculation. She was finished with her story but, with the worst possible case of blue balls I was in desperate need of relief.
I felt a warm wetness on my stomach and realized that she was crying. In the throes of my anguish I asked, “Are you okay Marcia?” After a chest-deflating sigh she sniveled a few times before the damn burst. Sobbing, her body shuddering on mine as she whimpered, she moaned, “It just isn’t fair Toby! Why couldn’t I have been just a normal girl?”
In the midst of my urgent need it dawned on me that—to Marcia—I had become like a Vestal Virgin in ancient Rome to whom the ruling class entrusted their deepest secrets. I didn’t know it at the time that the sun would rise on the reality and I would soon learn of a situation that would seem so sordidly fascinating. But I wasn’t ready for anymore. I had paid my dues in listening to this exciting, naked woman who had literally melted into my body, telling a major portion of her story.
At the moment I could only hear my neglected testicles crying out like Englebert Humperdinck singing, “PLEASE RELEASE ME LET ME GO!” But I had to let Marcia cry herself out. My problem became more intense when the crying was taken over by her kitten-like snoring. She was dead weight on my body—an added discomfort.
Having long realized that the sex I had anticipated for the evening would not come to pass, my five-fingered friend would have to do the trick. Ignoring the demands of my selfish penis I repositioned our bodies and made her as comfortable as possible, as well as creating some space where I could take care of my dilemma. With the sleeping girl in Neverland I lamented what could have been as I brought forth the blessed relief. As my cock was wilting to an afterthought I set the clock to 4:30 and snuggled against my sleeping beauty. I had to open the gas station at six.
My slumber was peopled by a troubling dream that included a younger Marcia, two nondescript girls and a large number of small, Asian men. It was like some kind of pornographic horror film where Marcia and her friends were servicing lines of naked men with their dicks in their hands. To my distress I was the tall, out-of-place rapist standing at the end of the line. As I was probing her pussy with my hardness Marcia was smiling at me saying, “Thank you Toby.”
My eyes fluttered as the dream morphed to reality. Trying to clarify the body moving on top of me in the darkness I felt the delicious ambience of the moving wet and squishy warmth that sheathed my ecstatic cock. My hardness was enveloped by the warmest, most velvety glove, its moistness almost more than I could have imagined. Still between sleep and wakefulness my eyes caught the red numbers on the digital clock beside the bed—3:07. Inside Marcia’s vagina my rock hard cock was being stroked so completely. “Thank you Toby,” I heard, “welcome back to my world.” Chuckling she let me know, “I’ve been riding you for what must be five minutes now. It’s WONDERFUL. Thank you, thank you, THANK you.”
Her nipples brushed my chest as she leaned over and kissed my lips while her netherness flattened my pubic hair and her ass gently mashed my balls. I couldn’t imagine the kind of keggel exercises she must have done to tone her abdominal muscles so well that her pussy gripped my dick in such and inconceivable way. Still not sufficiently awake to understand that she was in the throes of a super, clamping orgasm I felt the puddle of warm liquid that was pooling on my belly which made me think that I had come on my tummy in my sleep. Puzzled, I was still rigid and didn’t feel the lethargy that my climax usually brought with it.
Through labored breathing Marcia rested and said with a chuckle, “I had to pee. When I came back to bed I felt your soldier boy standing at attention so I decided to hold inspection. Once again, just like at the gangbang in the fraternity house she reverted to military terminology. “He-he,” she went on, “so far it has passed.”
When she began riding me again I could tell that the wetness on my belly came from her vagina. Having never experienced a squirting female Marcia was my first. As she increased her pace the sound of her wet pussy washing my erection sounded like an old fashioned washing machine agitating clothes in the water. “I love that sound Toby,” she panted, “don’t you?”
Pulling back her pussy to the rim of my head Marcia tensed and made a couple of angular dips with her G-spot against it. She clamped her pussy around me and mouthed an eerie screeching sound just before freezing in her release. Flattening her body on mine she gasped, “If you need to cum Toby it’ll be okay.” Normalizing her voice she said, “I can ride you like this for as long as you like but I’m afraid you’ll be you late for work.”
“We’ve got time,” I responded. “Are you comfortable? Would you like to try a different position?”
“Actually,” she said in a honeyed voice, “I can get myself off better this way.” Changing the tone of her response she murmured, “But if you want to do it that way Toby it’s cool with me.” It was like she had decided to give up control.
After having listened so intensely to her story I tried to imagine how having all those men in Hanoi on top of her might have made her feel. Was it better for her to be on top? Taking to heart her comment about getting herself off I said, “If it’s more comfortable for you sweetie why don’t you do it your way?”
She continued riding me until 3:43. All the while I tried my best to enhance her pleasure by rubbing her clit, caressing her breasts and squeezing her nipples. Having gotten myself off before I went to sleep I had staying power to spare. I was able to hold back my ejaculation until 3:39 when Marcia’s orgasms came like a submachine gun, one after another and in quick succession, coating my belly, pubic hair and balls with her bountiful female ejaculate.
Showering independently I put on the clean uniform I’d packed in my gym bag along with clean socks and underwear. At that time in the morning room service was still closed and there were no restaurants open downstairs yet. Though I was still a naïve bumpkin Marcia, for a twenty-one year old woman, was lightyears ahead of me. I followed her through the lobby and into the kitchen just like we belonged there. “Good morning,” she said bringing surprised and cheerful greetings from the number of kitchen staff that was making preparations for breakfast. The coffee urn, which was the first thing attended to when the staff came in, was fair game. Nobody was going to deny a paying guest, particularly an assertive, attractive female, to fill two to-go cups and help herself to two pieces of bread and make toast for our morning ride.
On the way out of town, nibbling on toast and sipping coffee Marcia said to me. “I’m glad that we were able to make up for some of what we missed when I fell asleep. You’re pretty good at it by the way. Maybe you can fill me in sometime on how you’ve learned so much about a woman’s body.” She winked then continued, “I can’t thank you enough Tobe for being so understanding. I was exhausted. I’ve told that story of what happened to us in Vietnam to very few people: Daddy, Jerry and a couple of shrinks. Each time I go over it I feel worn out.” She had been trying to keep a happy face but it turned sad as she sighed and said, “I promise to make it up to you, ok?”
Before I got out of her car at the gas station she asked, “Same time next Saturday?”
I still didn’t understand why she had chosen to glam onto me this way but I had no objection. Who knew, maybe next Saturday night would be a full night of sex. Having never met a girl quite like Marcia Zillich though I still had reservations and asked, “What about Jerry?”
“We’ll have to talk about that the next time we get together Toby. Jerry’s on board though with what you and I are doing. He’s glad you’re involved and hopes that between my father, him and you we might be able to find some kind of an answer to get me out of the pickle I’m in.”
“I’d like to meet your father Marcia,” I said. I didn’t fully know why. It wasn’t as if I was going to ask for her hand or anything, it had more to do with the fact that I was being included in this mysterious “We.” I knew if there was ever going to be a team concept all of the players had to be in synch. It was just such a totally weird concept to be on an equal plane with a father who knew his daughter allowed herself to be gangbanged and that I had been one of the gang, Strange.
The next week was normal with the exception of what had gone on during the past two. I’ve often wondered what my life might have been like had the gas station not needed to replace their underground storage tanks that weekend, the one of the gangbang. But so many things in life are like that. How might it have been different had Roy and Kathy Warren not been my neighbors? Or, what wouldn’t have happened at the convent had I not started moving lawns (see Penguin’s Preference). One thing was for sure, it seemed that sex was a magnet that attracted me in such a peculiar way that it led me into circumstances that most men would never know. Each taught me volumes on the subject of sex.
My relationship with Kathy was pretty straightforward but my experience with the nuns was so unusual that had I told anybody about it they would never have believed me. Finally this most unusual circumstance began with an introduction at the Corner Bar that led me—ashamed of myself—to be standing naked with fifteen other guys, waiting to have sex with the sweet and alluring girl that I met there. It was most perplexing. Marcia Zillich who, with the exception of Jerry Willis who brought her to us, would probably never be seen again by any Delta Xi brother but Toby Wakefield. And here I was.
What made the situation even more mystifying was that I liked Marcia from the moment I met her. It was a meeting where I thought I was just being introduced to an attractive, sweet girl. But the girl turned out to be a sexual aberration that, even though she was acting as a result of prior troubles she was DOING it and I was one of the sixteen guys that would have sex with her that night. Because of Jerry Willis’s friendship with my brother I ended up tending to her needs in the morning, taking her to breakfast and then taking her home. Now having spent all of Saturday night at the Hotel Cleveland with her a new week was beginning with the prospect of spending the next Saturday night in bed with her as well. In addition to that I had to keep my mind on my studies which, under the circumstances I found hard to do.
Stunned by the story Marcia told me of how she and two other American girls—the daughters of families on a business mission for an American rubber company—were kidnapped and repeatedly gang raped, I tried to juxtapose the forced sex in Southeast Asia to the gangbang that went on in the fraternity house. It was becoming obvious that the later was influenced by the former. What I couldn’t understand though was how Marcia left the U.S. for Vietnam as an untouched virgin, was brutally raped and came back a nymphomaniac.
She told of being terrorized then purposely addicted to opium in conjunction with the repeated sexual abuse which made the horror seem like an “eerie kind of dream. My exposure to drugs was like that of most of my peers—nonexistent. The only negative thing we knew about drugs at the time was when the movie star Robert Mitchum had been arrested for smoking marijuana. None of us could have understood the incredible highs of opium much less its addictive power.
The innocent girl in Vietnam had been forcibly raped then drugged into sex by her captors. But in the fraternity house she appeared to rejoice at the prospect of being “done” by such a rowdy crowd of sex-crazed males. She seemed ecstatically wild in the process and almost maniacally out of control before the night was over. The next morning however she was morose. Saturday night at the Hotel Cleveland during and after the telling of her story she seemed devastated. I was a nineteen year old kid who was not really ready for such a complex psychological exercise. The more serious issue was how attached I was becoming to Marcia. It didn’t make sense to me. I should have been turned off by a female who engaged in such aberrant sex. Still, at the bidding of my pre-adult hormones I could barely walk to any of my classes without a huge bulge in my pants brought on by reliving the experience.
On that second Saturday, while I checked my watch every five minutes, I had never spent such a slow day at work. At six o’clock the guys were asking, “Where’s your girlfriend Toby?” They had been quizzing me all day about where we went after work last week, and if she was a “good lay.” When six o’clock came I had planned better than last week, clocking out then changing into street clothes. I would only be carrying a gym bag into the hotel and wouldn’t feel like some kind of blue collar creep, something I had accepted. I would be taking a shower right after I got there so I didn’t have to worry about stinking up my clean clothes. Last week I had actually never worn the clothes I took. I didn’t really expect that I would need to this night either.
It was 6:07 when I came out to meet Marcia but she wasn’t there yet. The guys kept looking at me from the pumps. I don’t know if, because they were jealous, they were hoping Marcia wouldn’t show up or I they hoped she would. After ten more minutes of waiting she pulled in faster than she should have, coming to a screeching halt. She had been held up in traffic.
The twenty minute ride from the gas station to Cleveland was different than last week too, we were much more relaxed. After having been upset at being late she seemed totally at ease while driving. Though I was anxious about getting in the sack again with Marcia she seemed rational and unrushed. While she tried to dig into my past she was, in a funny kind of way, mainly just trying to get to know me better.
One would think that after such an event like the gangbang at the fraternity house, being together with her again would have been such an unlikely thing. Throughout that depraved debauch I had the impression that Marcia’s involvement in the seamy incident was undertaken with swaggering brashness. She could have been saying, “I don’t give a shit about any societal norms, I’m just doing whatever I damn please. If you don’t like it fuck off.” But at breakfast the following morning she was visibly depressed. It was as if she were ashamed of herself. I was only there with her because of my commitment to Jerry Willis, to get her home safely. But by the time breakfast was finished I viewed her as a damaged soul that was crying out for help.
The last thing I expected was to be going out with Marcia Zillich much less spending a night with her in a hotel. Had I been a kiss-and-tell kind of guy I suppose that there might have been value in the bragging rights of being alone with the “celebrity” who did sixteen guys in the fraternity house attic. Otherwise I was confused as to why I was there. Maybe it had to do with a lifetime of unintentionally walking on the edge of the dark side. Or maybe it was my compelling need to experience things such is the kind of contradictions that can go on in the mind of a Gemini. Marcia knew what her purpose was though; she found a willing ear to fill with her story. The sex between us wasn’t anything spectacular until she attacked me in the middle of the night. But could that just a way to express her need for absolution?
In the car she said to me, “So you never gave me an answer to my question about where you learned so much about a woman’s body.” Totally opposed to telling secrets that could compromise another person I told her about Kathy Warren—leaving out her last name—as a quid pro quo for relating her experience in Vietnam. “And, she asked, “What could a fourteen year old girl teach a young kid about satisfying a woman?”
“We did it quite often from the time I was fourteen ‘til we both graduated high school,” I said. I didn’t tell her that her brother was having sex with her too. “She was a very curious girl who explored her body pretty well. She knew about her clitoris and had discovered her G-Spot, --though we didn’t know that’s what it was called. She wanted me to know where it was and told me what to touch, how and when.”
Marcia thought about it for a good fifteen seconds before saying, “I guess most girls are either too intimidated or too brain dead to tell their boyfriends what turns them on. Sounds like Kathy might be my kind of girl. The fact that she shared those secret places with you Toby must have meant that she trusted you very much.”
I didn’t share with Marcia that though Kathy was comfortable with the three way sex she and I and her brother had together, I doubted she would have thought much of a gangbang, nor of a girl that would allow herself to be used in such a way.
Rolling my eyes at her I said, “It’s turning out that that’s one of my problems Marcia.”
“What’s that?” she asked.
“That women trust me so MUCH.”
“What makes you say that Toby?”
“Just is,” I replied. I didn’t want to talk about the nuns at the convent. Nor did I want to tell her that after the gangbang I should have never have seen her again. Despite that, here I was with another female that trusted me, all of whom I had sex with.
She didn’t push me further on my short answer but said, “That’s an interesting story about Kathy. Somehow though Toby I think there is more to your story than you are telling me.”
As I waited in the hotel lobby I was more presentable than I had been the last week, thus more comfortable. Looking over at me Marcia held up her hand, as we discussed, and showed me the number of fingers indicating the floor where our room was—five. I took the elevator to the fifth floor and waited for her.
Once inside the room on the fifth floor it was as if we were hurled into each other’s arms. With our mouths wide open in a tongue-twirling kiss we seemed to be driven by a mysterious need of two people thrown together by such an outlandish introduction. It was like we were trying to gobble each other up.
Marcia wasn’t romantic about it. We showered separately; she had worked all day at the lab and I needed to clean up from my day at the gas station. There was a sense of orderliness about our “date;” I wore a white dress shirt and khaki pants, she a blue pleated skirt and attractive blouse and heels. We could have been an attractive young couple—maybe honeymooners. There was a dress code at the hotel restaurant. They loaned me a jacket and tie.
For appearances she asked me to order wine but helped in the selection—she was more knowledgeable than I. They carded me, I showed my brother’s Navy Reserve I.D. We ordered chateaubriand. I objected to the cost which I couldn’t pay. Once again Marcia told me that she had a very well-paying job. “Besides,” she said with a grin, “Daddy is not only extremely well-paid, he inherited a lot of money as well.”
The restaurant was the kind of elegance to which I was not at all accustomed. The room service hamburgers were more my style. But Marcia had traveled and had lived on a higher plane than me. Being a “kept man” rankled my pride. Like any meeting where something hovered over the conversation things needed to be addressed that amounted to three elephants in the room: my objection to being a male who couldn’t pay his own way, her relationship with Jerry and the obvious—were gangbangs a way of life with her?”
The first was addressed by Marcia’s commentary about her job and her father’s wealth. But I still registered the complaint. On her relationship with Jerry I said, “I notice that you’re not wearing Jerry’s engagement ring.”
With an aura of guilt she covered her left hand with her right and answered, “Jerry and I aren’t really engaged Toby. Daddy bought me the ring. I only wear it at my um events—shorthand for gangbangs. Jerry is always there to maintain order. Somehow the ring is a show of ownership that tends to back some of the more aggressive men off.”
I don’t why the knowledge that she and Jerry weren’t planning on getting married filled me with a sense of relief. I hadn’t realized that I was becoming possessive of her. The main elephant was the gangbang and the fact that I was in on. I thought that what had happened in the fraternity house was bizarre enough. But when she said that Jerry was acting as a bodyguard for her “events,” my stomach dropped. “Events” meant that they must have gone on with a certain degree of frequency. I could see the uneasiness on her face as she recognized a change in my demeanor.
Reaching across the table she tried to take my hand but I pulled it away before letting her take it. The uneasiness turned to pain as she said, “I’m not dirty Toby and I’m NOT a slut.”
Trying to fudge my demeanor I was apparently unsuccessful. Marcia was no crybaby but as her shoulders slumped, moisture gathered in her eyes that were throwing darts at me. “I was a virgin when I went over there Toby,” she snarled, “Sure, I had fantasies and I played with myself but I had never even been with a boy. And then,” she took a deep breath, “And then there were ALL those MEN.” The disgust on her face and her body language made me imagine that she was trying to avoid a swarm of bees. “They were all over me Toby, pushing their COCKS inside me and at my mouth.” The way she slid out of her chair and bolted from the table I thought she was nauseous and had to get to the bathroom.
Feeling like a jerk I was helpless. Sitting for about fifteen minutes self-consciously sipping my wine and reflecting on everything that had happened over the past couple of weeks, I still couldn’t get my brain in synch with what she had allowed at the fraternity house. From my perspective “good girls” didn’t even go all the way with their boyfriends. Going down for the troops was so totally unacceptable that I couldn’t even rationalize why I was sitting there.
Then, remembering how gleefully I played with Kathy Warren and her brother. I had no problem with him screwing his sister, wrong by all moral standards. I did the nuns which was DEFINITELY wrong. But I rationalized that I was lured into it by the Mother Superior (See Penguin’s Preference). I kept hearing the voice of my mother who in her 9th grade wisdom told me things like: “Most people are good people,” or “There is always a reason for people doing things we don’t understand,” and “Every obstacle carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” I heard her say, “Grow up Toby, there is more to life than the things people do. It’s all about WHY they do them.”
Wondering if Marcia was coming back or if she went up to the room I had come to grips with the fact that I needed to hear what she had to say—all of it—then see if I could make sense out of it. There was no question that I acted like a jerk. Worst of all, I had a raging erection. When I saw Marcia coming back I was surprised to see that her head was high, her shoulders back and she was walking with confidence. As she neared the table I stood up and tended her chair. She glanced down and with a sarcastic smirk said, “See? There are just things we just don’t have answers for, like why are you NOW treating me like a lady in your condition?”
As I sat back down I asked, “What do you mean by that Marcia?”
“You mean that you don’t know that your dick is hard?” Her tongue in her cheek made her appear self-satisfied.”
My face was so red that it felt like it was burning. I needed to clear the air. “First of all Marcia I owe you an apology for hurting your feelings.”
With a knowing smirk she looked at me out of the corners of her eyes and said, “Does that mean I can touch you now?”
Feeling like an even bigger asshole I took her hand and sandwiched it between both of mine. It was warm and soft but resistant. “I’m really sorry Marcia.”
“Are you REALLY sorry Toby or are you just saying that because you’re trying to make me feel better?”
“I AM trying to make you feel better Marcia.” Some of my mother’s words were traipsing through my brain and I felt very small. “I’m truly sorry that I acted like such and asshole.”
Marcia asked, “Are you still hard?” I nodded. “Can you tell me why?”
I shrugged my shoulders and said, “I guess you excite me.”
“Does the Marcia Zillich you are sitting with excite you Toby, or are you excited because you were thinking of the Marcia Zillich with those naked guys crawling over her body, tied up in a human puzzle?”
Studying hard over her question I answered as honestly as could, “I don’t know.”
Giving me a sweet smile she added her free hand to the sandwich of our three and said, “At least that’s an honest answer Toby, that’s a start.” She squeezed my hands with hers and asked, “Do you have any idea how badly the Marcia Zillich that’s with you now needs affection?” Her plaint brought an unexpected lump in my throat.
She asked, “Still hard?” I nodded and she followed up, “For which Marcia Zillich?”
Realizing that she wasn’t going to let me off the hook I answered, “For the one holding my hands.”
“Sex is a strange thing Toby,” she said. “When you stood up and I could see your bulge I was pissed off at you. But the outline of your hard penis made me feel horny.”
I started to respond but she shushed me and said, “There are some things there are no answers for.” Snorting, she shook her head and went on, “And try this one on: imagine that you’re an innocent, fourteen year old girl that has just been kidnapped by a gang of strange men. You’re terrified, right? They tear your clothes off and throw you down on a cot in a large dark place. One of them forces your legs open ... forces them OPEN Toby, I was a VIRGIN remember? I had something to protect. You feel something hard and warm forcing you open. You’re terrified but you can’t stop your vagina from lubricating as if to say ‘fuck my cunt big fella.’ Then the dirty and nasty cot you’re lying in that smells like stale sweat, your pussy is aching from being traumatized by the size of not one cock but twenty or thirty ... you don’t know if those cocks have even been washed. Then another one or two or three men come in and fuck you again. You hate it. Your pussy aches from the first gang of men but it still lubricates and you can’t possibly figure out why.” Ruefully shaking her head she murmured, “There’s usually not a psychological answer for desire during rape Toby—just panic. Are you still hard?”
With my throat constricting I found it difficult to swallow. She seemed to be leering like an inquisitor. I had to get her out of the attack mode. “What happened to the other two girls?”
With the look of a cornered wild animal she answered, “How about this? Mary Francis became a nun. Sandy committed suicide, YOU ASSHOLE!”
Bolting from the table again she ran out of the room. Not knowing what to do, I sat there for a half an hour. With Marcia gone I had plenty of time to think about what she said ... time to visualize three girls: one killing herself, one going into enforced hiding. With my experience with nuns I was already familiar with that kind of escape. And one had turned into a nymphomaniac regularly being gangbanged by strange guys.
I had the only key. She could have picked another one up from the front desk but when I got back to the room she wasn’t there. After pacing the room, going back through the hotel to look for her and coming back to the room there was finally a tiny knock on the door. It could have been housekeeping but I hoped it would be Marcia. When I opened the door she looked like she had shrunk. In a little girl voice she peeped, “I’m sorry.” I hugged her outside of the door then walked her into the room.
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Hailey took Phil’s hand as they exited the Union. Phil could almost feel the eyes on his back. The starting quarterback didn’t get to hold hands with Hailey Warren; the starting point guard didn’t get her arm around his waist; the student body president wasn’t invited to share a lunch table with Hailey and her friends. “There is one place I would like to stop,” she said, pulling him to a stop. “I mean, since I’m your girlfriend and all now.” “Where is that?” Phil asked. Hailey wiggled her...
I stay at the Astoria Holiday Inn every Monday and some Tuesdays while I'm working in town. I enjoy soothing my bones in the hot tub every night I'm there. Two weeks ago, I had the experience of a lifetime. A couple were sitting in my favorite spot in the tub while their three kids splashed in the pool. I eased in and sat far enough away from them so I wouldn't intrude in their relaxation. However, the wife, Cheryl, made it obvious that she was eager to play, even though her husband was...
Present – Jens, Ben and Thom – In the Cobra on the way to the hospital Thom wants to bet Ben a bottle of Knob Creek that Liz’s baby is a girl and Ben shocks us all when he replies, “Thom, it has to be something other than alcohol because I’ve decided to stop drinking.” I immediately ask, “Ben why have you decided to stop drinking?” Ben kisses me on the cheek and answers, “Jens, I’ve been drinking too much lately and it needs to stop.” I smile at Ben because it reminds me of the time Daddy...
The following is a guide to help writers like myself to improve and expanded our vocabularies or just find the right word when we get stumped. Comments and collaborations are welcome. I will be expanding and moving things around as it grows.
I felt myself dissolving. Darkness. A thought. A wish. A vision. A flash. And there… Madrid. Spain. Midnight. I’m actually here. Finally. I’m standing in this street. This very street. Near the driveway that leads up to Tate’s House. I can’t believe it. I need to savour it. This moment of reckoning… Grey rays of pale moonlight filtered through the trees that were being battered and blown in the fierce wind. A storm. But I felt none of it. I felt as if I’m floating in a breezeless street. Calm....
Alec took us home. Lee had dropped a 3m square by 6m long transport box in the entertainment area, and we piled all the pressies in it. I blinked as we were transported and I opened my eyes to find myself in a dome home similar to Lee’s. The bridesmaids and best men had come with us. I now knew why they were moving too. James had apparently taken a fancy to Lee’s home the first time we went there. A guy called Jim Hoyle who used to be Lee’s trade assistant on the starship Fortune had...
Ok, it all started off when she invited me over to her house. So when I got to her house, she opens the door for me and I see her.. Wearing a tight dress with red lipstick and high heels. Damn she was looking fine. I look at her she and hugs me so tightly that her huge tits are pressing really hard against my chest. We stare into each other’s eyes for a while and slowly I planted my lips on her soft lips and start to kiss her… We get in a lip lock and we’ve been french kissing and tasting each...
IncestWilly stared at his nude mother who was still tied spread eagle on the bed. She had red welts from the tawse his grandfather had left him as a gift. She had stripes left by the split leather across the front of her thighs and more on her full breasts. There were several globs of Willy's cum cooling on his mother's stomach and breasts. He had shot an intense load of cream without ever having touched his cock. His cock now hung limp from his groin but it was beginning to rise again while he...
Dave stood up from the sofa, allowing me to swap places with him.I sat with my legs apart, with my painfully hard cock pointing to the ceiling, as Dave kneeled between them. He shuffled forward slightly and smeared the last drops of cum from his cock onto the head of mine, then in one single smooth and wet movement, sucked the length of my shaft into his willing mouth.I gasped as I felt the back of his throat prevent any further progress, but he bobbed his head back and forth, saliva flowing...
This part of the story takes place 2 weeks after the last one. To fill in the gap however Mark and I did much of the same a few more times with just really messing about, kissing, hugging, and playing some more. So to safe more stories with just the same things happening, ive chosen to skip ahead 2 weeks to when we took the next step.It was a friday night and I had been out with my friends. I came back to Marks place at around 10pm. We kissed when I came into the house but at that moment we...
Chapter NineMcKinley arrived early so he could position himself to see Grace when she walked in. She showed up promptly at 7:00 P.M. dressed in a black skirt that stopped just shy of her knees and a white blouse. Not conservative, but not overtly sexy either. He had to admit that he admired her taste. She was, he realized, the kind of woman he might pursue romantically if he were so inclined. But the very reason she was here was that he was looking to avoid attachments.He stood up to greet her...
NovelsHi friends, I’m Rahul(name changed), 22, from Bangalore. Any ladies wanting any action, email me at Let me get to the story. This happened one night when my ex girlfriend and friends went for a party. We had a good time and she was slightly drunk but in her senses. To describe her, she had the best lips and body, 34B boobs and 28 waist. Myself, I’m 5’8 with average size tool, athletic body since I’m a football player since childhood. Girls have always told me that I’m muscular and have great...
My wife Karen and I were is this scuzzy adult book store and I had gone into one of the peep show booths, leaving my wife still browsing the porn. When I came out my wife was behind the counter kissing this black guy and rubbing her hand all over the bulge in his pants. I could see everything as well as several other guys that happen to be in the store. This black guy had his hand on her ass while he kept kissing Karen and didn't even notice I was watching them. By this time the other guys in...
Mark, 19, and his Mom, D, had enjoyed an evening together the previous evening when they had visited a Pizza House and then returned home. Back at home Mark had persuaded his mom (by fair means and foul) to pose for some photographs in a sexy outfit, and this had got more and more dangerous from D's point of view, until she had finally called a halt when she was just down to her miniscule panties!!Although his Mom had then gone to bed, Mark was determined to continue to try and keep the...
John Allen Lucy Allen Seabolt / Martin and /Rita Jerome Morris the director of vocational education for the Cleveland school system Bobbi James the radio personality Amos Hardee deputy sheriff Lori Moore deputy sheriff Marcus hostage taker Sara Thomas newspaper writer Everett Martin the current leader of the Cleveland meetings of Freebird. Mark and Happy Jones swingers. Jethro Morris murder victim. James Western the second murder victim. Sarah the cousin who sold him he land. I woke up in my...
I was standing at the register when the gentleman came up and asked my wife for some help. What my wife did not know was that I had set this up earlier with the gentleman. She was wearing a black bra and panties with black pants and a white button down shirt with the top two buttons undone, he was in jeans and a t-shirt and was very athletic. She finally found what he was looking for and she escorted him to the dressing room. Because of his supposedly broke arm and dislocated shoulder he was...
Wife LoversShe is 62 and divorced. She leads an active life; she isn't skinny but she's fit and she keeps herself nice: pays attention to detail. That's what I love about her, she pays attention to detail. Her hair is dark and streaked with red, short and spiked. I love the way it feels against my legs and stomach when she makes love with me. Her eyes are dark brown, her lips full. She keeps her nails polished, and she wears rings on her fingers and bracelets on her wrists. Her skin is tight and smooth,...
>>Hey Kay! I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime this week or sometime soon!Hey! And yeah, how about today? I've already invited some of my other friends, but they'd be happy to meet you.Sure that sounds great! Same time as yesterday?Sure thing! See you then! :)Hey! I had a lot of fun last night and I'm hoping that you can hang out again today.. It's only you and me this time, so we can do whatever you'd like. We can figure it out once you get here too.Just walk into my...
After the fun weekend at Thanksgiving, things died down while counting the days until Christmas. School was just more of the same, going to class, trying to keep focused during the whole lesson, even when I got almost everything the first time, whereas my peers sometimes took many attempts before they understood the concept. Shop was progressing, the other kids loved working on the jeep, they had fallen over themselves to pay the $20 entrance fee to the raffle I had suggested, when the jeep...
Have you ever been in love? I am not talking about the feeling that you get when you want to fuck someone’s brains out and then a few weeks later, you are over it and forget the person entirely. I am talking about true and honest love. The kind of love that does not die. I have been in love like that once. Hell, I still love him and it has been nearly a decade. I am starting to believe that a love like that never fades and that once you find your soul mate, then that is it. There is no other....
"Holy shit," said Blondie-blond looking at me. "He just showed up out of the blue like that?" she asked. I could tell that something about this situation had struck a chord with her. Perhaps there was some similarity between what I'd just told her and her own life. "I got up and just pushed past him," I told her as I resumed my story. I needed to get out of the house and find Darryl. I actually just left Ed, there in our house. I was so upset that I couldn't think. The one thing...
We went on, after that, with the questions, and "Dr. Lucy" went on with the physical examination, including some pretty personal palpitating of private portions of my person. In the course of all this, my nether appendage was frequently exposed to view under the flimsy paper gown, and Lucy, no doubt, got an excellent look at it. I didn't grow a bone in her honor -- for which fact I was inordinately grateful to whatever Gods were looking after my welfare and dignity at that moment. I guess...
My inexplicable extended period of perspective on life and the eccentricities of humankind ever since being thrown back into the middle of the American Civil War was that some things never change at all. A good example of that simple truth was that survival hinged more on the vagaries of chance than on the pre-planned design of some unseen God that had an end-game in mind when he started the whole human experiment. Witnessing the sprinkling of brain tissue thrown out in every direction,...
Hey everyone. This is Mr. K here again from Bangalore, India and currently working in IT. I am sharing one of my sex experiences here. This story involves a colleague of mine. Her name is Debbie (name changed). She is married but looks young and beautiful with nice assets. We got to know each other well slowly and became good friends. I had good respect for her and same way, she respects me. I thought my colleague was happily married but gradually, I got to know that there were some...
When I made the phone call to let Ollie Pettersen know I was coming I did not know what to expect. My plan was to look for an opening and jab. Ollie's plan, I soon discovered, was to jab and then look for an opening. There was not an empty parking space on the lot. Had it been planned? "Key," a man in a brightly colored shirt and loosely tied necktie said as he motioned for me to stop. "I'm here to see Mr. Pettersen," I offered, unwilling to give up my car keys. "Everyone's here...
I hate this. I really, really hate this. This is all so wrong. This is nothing like what I wanted. It's nothing like who I want to be. Nothing like who I am. I truly hate this. Every time I look in a damn mirror I'm reminded of just how wrong it all is and just how much I hate it. Yet, I've got to keep going. That's the only way I can hope to finally be what I want. The only way I can become what I need. The only way to finally be right. But it is so hard. So, so hard. And...
Well I am 21 now, and I had to sit down and tell someone about my past few years, it seems like a dream, a nice dream. I am 5ft 10in tall, I have a lovely figure 36B cup and a size 12, in good shape, and when this story starts I had long shoulder slightly blond hair, however now with highlights I am very blond, after all, they say the boys like blonds…. It started many years ago when I first had my periods, and found out about what makes a girl work inside and outside. I discovered that lovely...
LesbianThis incidence is of 7 years old. When i was in my 12th standard. In our appartment I my brohter, my sister in-law, my mother, and my nephew 5 months old were living . till then then it was not known to me about a women/girl. my sister in-law is very beautiful, and charming and she is very careful to me. because we were living very happily respecting each other. One day i entered in my sister in-law’s room for some money, ( because my brother and my mother was not in home). at that time my...
A few weeks ago I was out shopping at the local grocery store, when I noticed a beautiful young woman juggling a basket full of groceries and a baby. She was catching hell and looked in trouble. As she was a beautiful woman, I approached and asked her if I could lend a hand. The sweet young thing looked up at me and said "Oh hi Mr. B. I'm Gloria. I went to school with your daughter Penny." "Hi Gloria, yes I remember you now. You look as though you have got a handful there, what’s her name?" I...
MILFIt was a warm Saturday night and Emily was alone at home, with her parents out for a short trip during the weekend. Too lazy to cook, she had ordered pizza a few minutes ago and as just waiting for it to arrive.Emily had an idea on how to spice up her tedious evening but she wasn't too sure about trying it out. "Well, maybe..." she thought as she got up from the couch. She went to her bathroom, took off all of her clothes and grabbed her towel. "What could possibly go wrong?"Emily was a skinny...
ExhibitionismIf you don’t remember, my name is Kate. One night about nine months ago, I had sex with my working friend, named Elizabeth. It was in the ‘adult’ section, and completely unexpected too. It was still one hell of a night, that I’ll never forget. Anyway, a few weeks after that night, I moved in with her. So far, things have been going quite well, and I found out she did have a few past lesbian relationships. She certainly made sure that I liked the porn world. It turned out, that she had quite a...
The closest men’s room had two urinals and two stalls. Bradley chose the stall against the wall. After a halfway satisfying dump, he had flushed, pulled his pants up, and was almost ready to head out when someone came in the bathroom. He heard wet smacks and high pitched moans — wait, is that a girl? He froze inside the stall, as he listened to the sounds get closer, and then the stall door next to him banged open and two sets of feet shuffled in next door. One pair of feet wore bright...
He brought in the mail. As he looked through it there were 3 identical envelopes. One addressed to Josh, one to Mike, and his. The return address was just a symbol. He set the other two on the kitchen table for Josh & Mike, and opened his. Inside was an invitation to a Halloween party called "The French Maid Ball". Also, there was a credit voucher for a place called The Pleasure Pit. He had never heard of it. He looked back at the invitation again. The address of the party was in a...
September 9, She: Hey… I thought of you last night. I thought of you when I was naked and alone in my bed. My pussy throbbed, already wet, thinking of you… thinking of your lips on mine… our tongues exploring… your mouth kissing its way down my neck. I rub my nipples, they are so hard and sensitive, sending waves of pleasure down my spine. I stroke my slit once and pull away, I imagine again… I imagine you kissing my tits, sucking and licking and pinching. I can’t stop moaning, I need you so...
My wife, Dianne, and I have become close friends with our neighbors across the street, Tim and Vanessa. We go out together a lot and quite often continue the evening's fun in their spa. Then one time we went out, we did a lot of bar hopping and were fairly toasted when we got back and went in the spa. After opening a bottle of wine for the four of us, we were all getting a bit frisky with lots of underwater contact going on. Out of the blue, Vanessa said, "Why don't we girls go...
Have you ever seen the graduate? Where Mrs. Robinson tries to steal Dustin Hoffman away from her own daughter. Well, this is similar, kind of. Ryder Skyes stepson has a girlfriend, Rosalyn Sphynx. But Rosalyn has been ignoring her boyfriend recently, and Ryder does not want anyone to treat her stepson that way. She can tell he needs some attention, especially when she catches him peeking in on her in the bathroom. And she is more than happy to be the one who offers him the attention that he is...
xmoviesforyouNarrated by Sarika Hello! Main Sarika. Rahul ko to aap log jaante hi hai, uski maa. Aaj pahli baar main aapko Kumar apartment ki aaj ki episode apni zubaan sunaungi. Episode 18 main apne pada ki main aur Kavita sham ko bahar gaye aur fir raat ko wapas aaye. Uske baad episode 22 mein Rahul ke sath mid night sex ka kissa. Lekin kya aapne ye socha ki main aur Kavita sham ko bahar jakar kya gul khila rahe the? To chaliye batati hoon. Sham ko ghar se hum dono seedhe pahle Mall mein thodi si...
Hi guys and gals. sorry this took so long. But my wife AK had a touch of pneumonia and I dropped EVERYTHING. it’s also flu season and that;s our busiest time at work. but it gave me time to recharge the batteries. The next two stories after this one are gonna rock. They are very dark though so be ready. As usual Kudos to the legendary Barney-R for his editing wizardry. Any mistakes you find are probably due to changes I made during the final read through while removing all of the howevers...
Clothworth Academy has been around since the 1910s, and was home to some of the brightest and hardest-working students in the country. in order to be accepted, each student had to prove that they were worthy by going through a series of exams, each proving that the applicants were smart enough to join the academy. through the 110 years of the school's existence, there have been no issues to worry about, nothing that would discourage the students of Clothworth Academy. until now. several...
FetishAfter a tiresome shoot in Kenya, I decided to take a European trip and made Prague my starting point. Not knowing what to expect and wanting to explore by myself, without resorting to official guides, I was intrigued by a fellow passenger’s information as we landed in Prague.“You might enjoy the Sex Museum if you’re that way inclined.”I could tell by the gleam in her eyes as she told me that she was that way inclined herself, and I knew for certain that I was. She gave me very clear directions...
ToysAll characters in this story are the age of 18 or older. In an alternate earth, in the year 2010, a mysterious company called RealDreams began selling fictional characters, not action figures or cardboard standups but living breathing things, plucked out of their universes and brought back by extraction teams. Now, i say “things” because after a long legal dispute most world governments determined a fiction character cannot have human rights, and are to be considered merchandise. Hollywood...
FetishSuchitra was in college then. The vacations were around the corner and she had plans of going to her farm house near her home and tidying up the place. Since her home was near no one stayed there and it was just because she needed it that it was still there.It was in the last week that she got hold of the vibrating beads she had been wanting. The parcel was in bubble wrap so no one noticed. Her heart throbbed as she placed it in her bag. She went home saying bye to her friends and just decided...
Somewhere in the distance I could hear a ringing. After what seemed like forever I realized it was my phone. I dug my way out from under the covers and groped for the offending device. ”Low,’ I managed to say, blinking the sleep from my eyes. ‘Sara, you little minx!’ I recognized Courtney’s voice. ‘Why didn’t you tell me you had a sister?’ ‘I didn’t know ’till she showed up here.’ ‘I saw a sneak preview of your shot at Henri’s studio yesterday. Henri said that Cary Galliant is interested in...
After the encounter with the gang, Fred turned up. He was found floating face down in a marshland at the state park. His death was ruled an accident. The rest of the gang knew better, and they were gone within twenty four hours of Fred's discovery. Rena and I were still going strong with her living at my house. I spent every opportunity fucking her and she seemed to love the attention that I heaped upon her. She had a character flaw though, she became addicted to being bound and raped. I...
The next 12 months passed very slowly. This was before the days of texting and internet messengers, and international phone calls cost an arm and a leg, so most long range communication was by air mail. David wrote to me a few times during the year and I managed to get a couple of replies back to him. Our messages were very polite but we usually managed to include some comment which could be taken more than one way and that frequently got me feeling horny. One thing which David seemed to be...
‘So what did you have in mind for today?’ Jennifer asked Mark as they sat at breakfast the following morning. ‘I don’t know, what do you suggest? You’re the tour guide,’ he said chuckling. ‘Well I have a friend with a boat… care to go for a ride?’ she suggested. ‘Sounds like fun,’ he said. So Jennifer packed them a picnic lunch and they stopped by the local store for some ice. Mark decided to pick up a bottle of wine and they made their way to her friend’s house. After securing permission to...
My first ever spanking happened when I was nine, I broke the window of my Dad's Mustang. My mum bent me over the kitchen table and gave me fifty spanks on my bare ass. It certainly wasn't my last spanking. I misbehaved a lot in my early years. Over time, I wondered what it would be like to be a spanker rather than a spankee.Twenty years later, I'm a maths teacher at the very school where I used to be taught. Misbehaving kids are a part of every classroom. However, there was this one girl,...
SpankingConverted from "3935_01.txt" on 13-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 Teaching the Au Pair to Submit-An Outtake By Powerone In February 2005 I published the novel, "Teaching The Au Pair To Submit".During editing, the publisher suggested that I delete this chapter (it already had one chapter with the Captain, the strip search chapter at the airport) as it seemed to be too much of this character.I agreed and it was left out.Since I spent considerable time writing it, I thought you might like to read...
I had submitted the story for a contest, unfortunately it didn't make it as a semi-finalist. Here it is! THE PROMOTIONbyJuniysa Serens Greg's thick, callused hands perspired with anxiety. For the past hour, he tapped his foot on the dark, rosewood floor as the man on the other side of the desk droned on his performance review. As the Directing Manager at the Ford Motors Company, Greg worked tirelessly perfecting the company's fleet of efficient, stylish, and durable automobiles. Sales, even in...
Emma sat in the living room, waiting. She was nervous, meeting her stepbrother's girlfriend, Lisa for the first time. Although she was slightly jealous for someone else getting their teeth into Ralph she was happy that he had found someone. They were due to meet at the restaurant the past night but Ralph's work caused him to stay the night in another town.The doorbell rang.Emma got up. She had decided to dress casually but sexy today, wearing a short blue skirt and matching boob tube. She...
TUROK THE TORMENTOR 3 By: ROBO Turok emerged from the portal into a vacant downtown alley. He did not bother to shift out of the visual plane as there was no body around. He was looking for another victim but he wanted a special someone but did not know who he was looking for. As he walked down the alley he heard "Hey, Buddy have you got some spare change?" John was an old bum who was covered in garbage resting when he had seen Turok's boots. He asked for the change and saw...
garter belt, suspenders, a stolen glances at her employer. he was dragging a sailers shirt over his head. she pull the mini skirt down ‘its got'a face the right way’, it was tattered like a sluty tinkle-bell. a fleeting check of the mirror again. plump mahogany lipstick a little off center she better... “quickly! the seen almost finished” whispered like the rasp of sandpaper. she grabbed her waist coat, undid another button on her dirty red shirt and she darted forward. as she moved to the...
Straight Sex