BabymakerChapter 16 free porn video

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I saw a bright light. Blinding. I couldn't even open my eyes, I had to squint and blink a whole bunch of times. My toes itched. Fuck. Pam shot me! A tunnel of light. Was that heaven? I wanted to call Molly first, just to say goodbye. I wanted a peanut butter sandwich too. What?

Did they have fluorescent lights in heaven?

"Trent? Oh my God! You're awake!"

I turned my head and saw my mom. She looked tired, like she'd just woken up, but she was smiling too, as if she'd never smiled before in her life.

"Hi Mom," I said, but nothing came out, so I said it again. Louder. "Hi."

Of course, she had to kiss me and hug me, and I didn't mind. I tried to lift my arms, but they felt incredibly heavy. I thought they were strapped down at first. After a moment or two I was able to hug her back though, and that was nice. She smelled good.

"I'll get the doctor," she said, blinking her eyes. Mom had started crying, but instead of wiping her cheeks, she wiped mine. I'd started crying too.

"Wait ... Are you okay?" I asked, kind of croaking the words. "How's the baby?"

"I'm wonderful," she breathed, hugging me again. "Oh, I missed you, Trent."

"I was right here," I said. "Where's Dad?"

"He's outside," Mom replied. "Sleeping on the couch."

"Really?" I frowned, remembering that maybe he'd cheated on my mom, except it all seemed like a dream now. Molly's house was real, definitely, but after that ... I remember being so happy walking home. That felt like a dream too.

"He was up all night with you," she explained, wiping her blue eyes. Smiling. Jeeze! She looked beautiful like that. "We've been taking turns."

"Taking turns?" I smiled back at her, not understanding what that meant.

I looked around and my neck felt stiff. My whole body felt like a pretzel, except I could see myself stretched out beneath my old quilted comforter. There was a lot of stuff from my bedroom. Pictures of my friends, my family. The poster of Darth Maul I'd had since second grade when I'd really loved Star Wars. It was taped to the wall, but I knew I wasn't in my room. There were wires stuck to me and a machine beeping softly. There were a lot of flowers and a dozen stuffed animals and...

"Molly," I sighed, seeing the porcelain ice skater sitting on top of a cabinet near my bed. She was still mad at me though, but not really. She'd been teasing me.

"I'll be right back," Mom said. "Don't go anywhere."

I smiled at her giggle. Wow! I'd missed that. Mom didn't laugh very often, but when she did it felt like the whole world stopped just for her. The machine beeped a little faster too, jumping from 66 to 81, but I didn't need a bunch of wires to tell me that my heart was working just fine. I could feel it. I'd never seen my mom so happy before.

"Trent?" Dad looked ready to fall down and I lifted my hand, waving at him. "Oh! Thank God!"

He practically pulled me off the bed, he hugged me so tight. I felt the stubble of his unshaven cheeks on my face. My dad was shaking and I put my arms around his back, and I'd never seen him cry before. He didn't say anything at first. Neither did I, and Mom sat on my bed, watching us and smiling and wiping her flushed cheeks.

"I'm so sorry," Dad whispered, kissing my hair. "I'm sorry, Trent. I'm sorry."

"What?" I stared at the doctor. He looked like someone's grandfather, being old and thin and mostly bald. He wore a bow tie "I was in a coma? For how long?"

"Fifty-three days," he replied. "But don't worry, everything seems to be fine. We're going to run a few tests to make sure, but all indications are that you're perfectly healthy."

My mom looked ready to cry again and I'd noticed she liked to bite her fingernails while Dr. Hirsch talked. She'd never done that before. But I'd never been in a coma before either. She stood by the windows with her arms crossed, looking nervous and happy all at once. Dad sat in a chair next to her, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, and neither of them seemed able to look at anything else but me.

"There's been some minor atrophy of your muscles," the doctor continued. "You've lost some weight too, but with physical therapy and a good diet, you'll be back to your old self in no time."

"When can we take him home?" Dad asked.

"In a couple days," Dr. Hirsch said. "We'll run our tests, as I mentioned, and keep an eye on him. A coma is caused by low metabolism in the brain and so we need to give it a little time to wake up."

"Trent?" Molly stood in the open doorway with her sapphire eyes big as saucers.

"The good news is that you can have all the visitors you want," Dr. Hirsch told me with a chuckle. "I'll check in on you later."

He had to get out of the way quickly, because Molly was running towards the bed and the room wasn't all that big.

"I knew you'd wake up!" She fell on me, sorta, and I felt like Popeye on spinach as my arms went around her. I suddenly didn't feel very tired at all.

She kissed me!

Right on the mouth too. In front of my parents and everything. And just a couple hours ago she'd been mad at me, except it only seemed like a couple hours. I felt like I'd taken a nap, but it had been almost two months for everyone else.

She looked great too, even better than I remembered and I did have a sweet ache in my stomach like maybe I hadn't seen her in a long time. Perhaps my heart knew what my brain didn't, you know? She wore a sweater and a long skirt, like a rum colored grandma skirt that would have looked silly on most girls her age, but Molly made it look good. Kinda casual, kinda dressy, and she had a bunch of bangles and rings and earrings like a gypsy with her black hair all over.

She was in a whole other league compared to other girls.

"That's weird," I said, smiling into Molly's face as she leaned over me. Our noses were touching and her lips were naturally red and moist. I could still feel them on mine.

"What?" she asked, blinking her wet eyes.

"You're beautiful even when you're not mad," I told her, and she giggled and kissed me and cried all at the same time.

"He's awake," someone said from behind Molly. A man, and I thought he was talking to my parents, but apparently he wasn't.

"You scared me to death!" Molly whispered. "God! I am mad at you!"

"I'm sorry I didn't call you," I said, looking over her shoulder to see the guy. "Who's that?"

"Just now. Molly's hugging him..." he said talking on a celphone. "That's right ... You might want to talk to the DA ... I love you too. Bye."

"Huh?" She turned her head. "Oh. That's my dad."

"Oh." I felt my face warming and glanced at my parents. They were watching, smiling as we were still hugging each other.

"Say cheese!" a girl said, and I hadn't even realized Shannon was there, but I recognized her. I frowned because she'd gotten me in a lot of trouble. "Trent! Smile, this is for Facebook!"

"Leave him alone," Molly said. "He just woke up!"

"We gotta tweet this," Shannon said, taking another picture with her phone. "It's so awesome."

"She's got ten thousand people following you on Twitter," Molly told me with a shrug.

My mom and dad kind of looked at each other. They weren't much for the internet unless it involved work and I hated that Facebook Twitter stuff.

"Following me?" I thought she had to be joking.

"More like fifteen thousand now," Shannon said. "Hey!"

"Go to the cafeteria," her dad said, pulling her by the arm. "Here's some money. You can toot there all you want."

"It's tweet, not toot," she snorted, and gave me a wave. "Bye, Trent. I'm glad you're okay."

"Daddy? Trent's awake," Molly said, as if the man didn't know already.

"So I see," he said, stepping closer. "That's good news. Real good news."

He was a handsome man, about the same age as my dad, or a little older maybe. He wore a nice suit anyway and he had friendly eyes. They were brown, not sapphire like his daughter's, but I could see the resemblance anyway. They had the same chin and jaw maybe, and I was glad he wasn't angry because Molly had kissed me. Our first kiss! And then our second. I wondered if I wasn't still in a coma and just dreaming about her. Everything seemed so strange.

"I'm going to talk to your mom and dad for a minute, okay?" he said, inviting my parents out of the room with a small jerk of his head.

"We'll be right outside," Mom said, following Dad with some reluctance.

"Don't worry," Molly said. "I'll keep him company."

We had a lot to talk about, or she did anyway. There isn't much to say about being in a coma. It's a lot like sleeping and if I'd had any dreams, I didn't remember them. Actually, it's more like a time machine, except it only goes in one direction.

"Everybody loves me?" I grinned at her. "What's that mean?"

"You're on the news every night," Molly said.

She'd been jumping from one subject to another at random. Back and forth as new thoughts would fill her head. It made me kind of dizzy.

"Like King News, the first thing they say is how many days you've been in a coma," she told me with a giggle. "Like..." she lowered her voice, " ... It's day fifty and Trent Patterson remains in a coma."

"No way!" I grinned at her. "Really?"

"I swear," she said. "Oh! And the mayor was here. She gave you a medal, did you see it?"

"A medal for what?"

"For being brave!" Molly said, getting off the bed. "It's right here. See?"

She'd picked up a black box, like the kind jewelry comes in, and snapped it open. There really was a medal inside and she sat on the bed so we could look at it together.

"You saved your mom," she sighed. "That's so cool."

"I got shot," I said. "It was an accident. I didn't even know what I was doing."

"Yeah, but you did it anyway," Molly said, looking into my eyes and biting her bottom lip.

We were going to kiss again. I could feel it.

"I love you, Trent," she whispered.

"I love you too," I replied, and this time she gave me a real kiss. Her tongue teased my lips and slipped between them.

I might have worried about having some serious morning breath after sleeping for so long, but Molly didn't seem to care, so I didn't either. I tickled her tongue with mine and rubbed her back. She wore a light brown sweater, angora maybe, and the soft texture felt amazing. She smelled like perfume too. The expensive kind. Gucci. That's what it was and I couldn't think of it before, but now I knew. She tasted sweet, like peppermint, and I was glad they'd disconnected that stupid heart monitor because I probably would have broken it right then.

We made out for five minutes and the only reason we stopped was because our parents were back.

"Do you feel like getting out of bed?" Mr. Carpenter wondered, smiling like he already knew the answer.

"I'll see if I can track down a wheelchair," Dad said.

"What's going on?" Molly asked, echoing my thoughts exactly.

Two nurses were already coming into the room, one of them pushing a wheelchair. My dad just rubbed his jaw.

"I feel pretty good," I decided, and it would be nice to get out of bed.

"Why don't you guys give us a little privacy," one of the nurses said, a young black man. "We'll take care of Trent."

"Oh!" I hadn't realized there was a catheter shoved inside my you-know-what. I couldn't see it, the nurse hadn't yanked the comforter off me or anything, but I saw the tube and the bag hanging from the bottom of my bed.

"We need to clean ourselves up a little too," Mom said, speaking to me, but looking at my dad.

"I'll be right outside," Molly told me.

"I'll stay out of your way," Mr. Carpenter told the nurses, and he didn't seem to be going anywhere. It made me wonder what the deal was, you know?

Maybe he wanted to talk to me about kissing Molly. It would suck to wake up from a coma and be in trouble first thing. I hadn't even gotten out of bed yet!

"In about fifteen minutes," he said, "there's going to be a lot of reporters talking to you."

"There is?" I winced as the other nurse, the older, grey haired woman nurse, pulled the catheter out of my penis. That was kind of embarrassing, but I didn't look at her or her hands and that made it better.

"First Dr. Sing is going to talk about what a great hospital he has. Doctor Hirsch is going to explain why you woke up and tell everyone what a wonderful patient you've been."

"Okay." I shrugged and smiled, not understanding a word of this.

"And then the reporters are going to start asking questions. A lot of them," Mr. Carpenter said. "They're going to ask how you're feeling, what you want to do now that you're awake, whether or not you saw Jesus..."

"What?" I laughed and he grinned.

"It's possible," he said. "But don't underestimate them. What I want you to do is keep your answers simple. If they ask about anything before you were shot, tell them you don't remember. Okay? You're not going to talk about anything except what's going on right now."

"Uhhh ... Why?" I asked, making a face as the two nurses basically gave me a sponge bath. "I mean, what are you telling me this for? Shouldn't my mom and dad..."

"Because I'm your lawyer," Mr. Carpenter said. "I'm representing you and your family in the upcoming liability suit."

"The what?" I blinked at him.

"We can talk about it later," he said. "The important thing is that we avoid saying anything in the press that might hurt us later."

"Like what?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Like if a reporter asks you why Pamela Keller intended to shoot your mother..." He stared at me. "What would you say?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know what you'd say or..."

"I don't know why she wanted to hurt my mom," I lied, and believe me, I could take a hint. That's exactly what the man wanted to hear.

"Good." Mr. Carpenter nodded, walking towards a tall, metal wardrobe painted cheery yellow.

He didn't have to worry about me. I wasn't going to say a word to anyone about my dad cheating on my mom. Not until I had a chance to figure it all out, anyway. At least they weren't divorced. Mom hadn't treated him like a leper, and that had to mean something. It could be that I'd misunderstood what was going on, and I hoped I did, but I seriously doubted it. Pam had been pretty convincing talking about all the things Dad had promised her.

"You can wear this," Mr. Carpenter said, holding one of my old blankets.

It had teddy bears on it and Mom must have brought half my bedroom to the hospital. I smiled when I saw it. I hadn't used that blanket since I'd been eight years old probably. I was dressed in a fresh hospital gown and in the wheelchair before it occurred to me that the blanket over my legs made me look like a little kid. I guess that's what Mr. Carpenter wanted though.

"They're going to try and surprise you," he said, "but I'll be right there if you get into trouble."

"Okay." I nodded. He made it sound like I was Custer off to meet the indians. It made me pretty nervous, as you can imagine, but I hadn't quite grasped how popular my case had become. I guess nothing much ever happens in Seattle.

"One more thing," Mr. Carpenter said, leaning down as he pushed me out of the room. "We're going to need a little man-to-man soon. Molly likes you a lot."

"Uh ... Okay." I turned my head to see him smiling, so that made me feel somewhat better, but not as much as seeing my mom and dad waiting for me. And Molly.

After the two doctors were through talking, Mr. Carpenter told the reporters I'd take a few, brief questions. He hadn't been kidding either. There must have been about two dozen people there, even more than that if one counted all the cameramen. Every TV station from Portland to Vancouver must have sent a camera crew and more were coming in, looking unhappy and a bit out of breath.

"Trent!" They all shouted at once and I winced beneath the bright lights. Mr. Carpenter pointed at someone.

"Trent, how do you feel?" a man asked me, and all of a sudden the small auditorium fell completely silent.

"I feel pretty good," I said into the microphone Mr. Carpenter held for me. "I'm kinda hungry."

That made most of them laugh, at least politely, and Mom rubbed my shoulders. She and Dad were standing right behind me.

"How does it feel to be a hero?" a woman asked, getting the question in just ahead of a half-dozen others.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I guess I'll have to find one and ask him."

That seemed like a really stupid answer to me, and I kicked myself for being a smart-ass, but everybody laughed for real that time.

"What do you want to say to Pamela Keller, the woman who shot you?" a Chinese looking woman wondered, and she looked familiar. She was kinda hot too.

"That's not something Trent wants to talk about today," Mr. Carpenter told her, getting some groans and dirty looks. "Yeah ... Question, Tom?" He pointed at a reporter.

"What do you plan to do now that you're awake, Trent?"

"Ummm ... I want to go back to school," I said. "And, uh ... I really want to learn how to ice skate."

I grinned at Molly and she rolled her eyes, but wow! What a smile!

"My girlfriend's going to teach me," I said, kind of pointing at her.

"How about a picture of you two together?" someone suggested.

"Give her a kiss!" someone else said, and Molly looked pretty self-conscious the way she blushed, but her dad seemed to think it was a good idea.

He was probably happy nobody could ask anymore questions while Molly posed with me and I kissed her cheek for the cameras. There were more questions shouted out, but I didn't answer any of them. A woman asked me if I'd known my dad was having an affair, which seemed pretty rude. Someone else wanted to know what it felt like to get shot. They were dumb questions, but I was just some kid who'd been in a coma. It all seemed pretty dumb to me.

"Now I'd like to read a prepared statement for the Patterson family," Mr. Carpenter said, and it turned out to be a short one.

Basically he read a thank you note to the hospital and the doctors and nurses. He talked about how much support the people of Seattle had given me and my parents. He hoped that now that I was awake, the press would respect my privacy and not climb the tree outside my bedroom and take pictures of me in my underwear ... Well, he didn't say that, exactly. But he should have, just to liven it up a little.

I was just glad it was over with.

I was back in my hospital bed and it's surprising how tiring just getting in and out of bed could be. Rolling around in the wheelchair hadn't been too bad, but I really wanted to walk. That would have to wait for the next day, however, when I saw a physical therapist. My muscles were definitely weak after two months with no exercise. I had sort of a diaper rash too, but I don't want to talk about that.

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Chenosh entered the grounds, moving quicker than the eye could follow. Leaping over the brick wall, he crossed the lawn in front of the mansion in a matter of seconds. The guards patrolling the grounds never saw him. By the time one of them headed around the corner of the building, heading towards the back Chenosh was standing behind one of them. The man was lighting his cigarette with a cheap lighter when two hands reached out, and snapped his neck. Chenosh let them man drop, his senses...

4 years ago
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Karin8217s Home Improvement Project

Karin Angelides gazed at herself in the mirror as she dressed. At 34, she still felt she had a pretty good body. She was tall, about 5’8″ and still thin, but her hips, breasts and buttocks were fuller and more womanly now. Three days a week at the gym over the last seven years was an investment she wasn’t about to give up. She’d started her exercise regimen when she and Rob first got married. She was 27 at the time and he was older, more established in his career as a...

3 years ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 49

Grayson’s eyes were locked onto Blair, never taking them off of him. The bow cast the spray into his face, his red hair becoming drenched, as the birlinn skimmed the surface of the dark water. Blair and his men could see them coming and rowed as fast as they could, the inability to steer making it more difficult. Blair could see his father and yelled out to him, but he was still too far away for any assistance in cover fire. MacRae sat on his horse and watched, as Grayson’s birlinn closed on...

2 years ago
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The Elf and the LadyChapter 9

Caroline could feel herself not ageing. It was the weirdest feeling. Humans just accept from day one that they age; it is like sound or smells that are always there, they get filtered out of everyday life; and so did aging for people normally. But here, she had slowed and stopped. She liked being twenty five, her body had opted to stay there for a while in this new world. Her body still functioned, she still had monthly periods. It was one of the ways she kept track of time now, though there...

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Asian mom Jenny and her son Chris chapter 1 reuploaded

This is the first chapter of a very, very long story that has spanned 3+ series (and counting). I use a very slow and methodical style that builds each chapter on top of each other without diving too quickly into the action. So if you're looking for a quick sex story, this isn't for you. In fact, there's no sex at all in this first chapter but it provides the foundation for the relationship between Jenny and her son Chris. Enjoy. “How is it possible for one little girl to create...

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Xbooru is a fucking mystery even to the kind of depraved motherfuckers who would associate with a guy like me. The site has been around for nearly a decade and has had 154,445,334 visitors so far, according to the counter on the front page. You’d never guess that looking from the outside, because it’s hard to tell exactly what the site is all about. Is it hentai, amateur pics, or something else?Today, I’m going to try to straighten out the learning curve when it comes to Xbooru. If you’ve...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Free For All FarmgirlChapter 6

Debby rode over to Mike's place the next few afternoons, but his car was nowhere in sight, and neither was his bike, and his farmhouse appeared locked up and permanently deserted. She imagined him in some fancy house in the city, fucking his naked wife from behind while he thought about her, and she pouted. Why did she have to be living out here in the sticks? She'd probably never see Mike again, and she'd probably never get fucked again as long as she lived. On Thursday afternoon she...

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Twins n best buds Xlll

Introduction: The Craigslistposting Twins n best buds XIII OK, so I guess its time to tell you about the Craiglist posting. We learned about Craigs list when my dad started looking for a car for us. When we started looking at it for a car we found out that there was a lot more on it than cars so we looked at everything that was there with most of our attention centering on the sex posts. We started reading them whenever we got bored. Casual Encounters M4M, F4M, Men seeking Men. Yep, if it had...

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Dangerous Affairs Ch 08

After a brief discussion, it was decided that Brian would head back to the city to check on Lucy. He would then meet David Hayes, Michael’s former partner, to gather as much information as possible. They were running out of time, they desperately needed solid evidence against Michael. For some reason unknown to Brian, he wasn’t entirely sure about Agent Scott’s intentions. Maybe it was instinct or pure paranoia but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. Damien felt it...

2 years ago
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A Good Fuck Before an Event

A true story from a couple weeks ago.I had signed up to participate in a half marathon run in a city about 4 hours away. I hadn't run for a while so thought best to begin again with only a half marathon. I arrived in the city a day before my event, checked into my hotel and began to relax by browsing on my computer. I soon ended up on craigslist and began checking out what was available, just for fun. I wasn't too serious because I needed to save my energy but thought..what the heck? I...

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 7 A new friend in the park

As Niki hurried towards their usual meeting place beneath the tree, she could feel her damp hair causing her robe to stick to her back. She had rushed through her shower, having spent the bulk of the time licking the other girls, only getting a reprieve when Ms. Masters had called the time. She could still taste the acrid liquid that many of the girls had put on her tongue, as well as everywhere else, and she wondered just what she was becoming. She had been so eager to taste each one, the...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Rachael Cavalli Jessica Ryan Madi Collins Charli Phoenix One Extra Step

If having two stepmoms isn’t different enough, what happens when a THIRD gets added into the mix? Well, that’s exactly what Rachael Cavalli and Charli Phoenix, a married couple, are thinking about doing. The only problem is… their stepdaughter Madi Collins isn’t taking the news quite well. Madi’s afraid of change, so it might take a bit of getting used to, but hopefully she’ll come around. A few days after, Rachael and Charli introduce Madi to their new...

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Unlawful StopsChapter 8

It was a Wednesday and Holly was relaxing at her and Clint’s apartment. She had been at the Starlight Motel earlier, but Tomas didn’t have any johns scheduled for her to service, so after he had the beautiful brunette give him a blowjob, he let Holly go home. Said he would call her if her services were required. The young wife was tempted to tell Tomas about her husband’s boss being one of her johns, but then decided not to for fear of what Tomas might do. She had tried to call her sister,...

3 years ago
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What Dreams Are Made ofChapter 3

The Islamic state of Saudi Arabia under rein of King Saleman bin Abdulasi Al Sauid was unique in the year 2018. A desert state where the deeply religious Bedouin traditional tribes still lived in tents and raced camels, but still had their input in state affairs, and more importantly how their oil money was spent, it was indeed unique. Sauid was the oldest of seven brothers that were now in absolute control of the country since the death of his half brother Abdula. The former King had died...

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Young Virgin at the Nudist Resort

I grew up in a nudist resort where everybody was always naked. I was a young little girl and was fascinated at seeing boys and daddies with their cocks swinging back and forth and the open feeling about being naked and having sex. I had already seen lots of people in the woods at the camp, doing naughty things when they thought no one was looking and watching men and women having sex up there just off the trails. My girlfriend and I use to hide in the woods, hoping to see people doing things...

2 years ago
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Romance At Cinema Hall With Reader Radhika

Hi, friends myself Vignesh from hosur, working in Bangalore. I had written three episodes in iss and I got some good response for my stories. After submitting my third story”First time in devi virgin ass” I got a mail from a girl name was Radhika. I opened the mail and there she messaged as ‘wow nice story!! You really made me cum on last night.I replied her, thanks for your comment on my story.She told me she is from Vizag ap, working in mnc company in Bangalore and she also inquired about...

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Too Advanced For Her Age

Too Advanced For Her Age I’m a very smart girl. I skip grades all of the time and I got into high school when I was only ten years old. By the time I was a senior I was still only twelve however by Thanksgiving I had turned thirteen and went to my first party. It was a drinking, dancing, and sex party but I didn’t know that at first. By the way I’m Peggy Sue. As I said before I recently turned thirteen. Finally I’m a teenager. I’m quite average for a thirteen-year-old at four feet...

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Once Upon an AlienChapter 20 Release

Major Darius Rashida had been a member of the Sons of the Viper all his life. However, he had avoided the trap of his father's fanaticism. Darius had entered the military immediately after graduating from Cairo College, the oldest college in Egypt. Cairo College had been established in 1908. It had survived two world wars, terrorists, riots, and an unstable government. Darius and his fellow students were proud of their college. Many of them, including Darius, had broken the law to ensure...

1 year ago
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Cheating wife

I, Kunal, was 32 years old when my wife left me, for another man. I hadn’t even known that she was unhappy. But one day when I arrived home, I found the moving van packing up and about to leave. My car packed with everything that couldn’t be packed in the moving van, my daughter in the front with my wife adjusting our son’s toddler’s booster seat belt. I was astonished. I didn’t know what to say.I asked my wife what was happening and she just said, “I found someone better.” I was dumbfounded,...

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Aspen weekend

Sherry was already at the table, looking at the menu, when Beth showed up. They gave each other a hug, and Beth sat down. They quickly ordered so Beth would have time to eat and get back to the office. “Thanks for meeting me here, Sherry.” “No problem. What is it you wanted to talk about?” “I’m leaving town for three days, and I need someone to take care of Blake. It’s not his Dad’s turn to take him, and I don’t want to ask him if I don’t have to. Can he stay with you over President’s Day...

4 years ago
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How to Edge a Man to Tears

by John in Baltimore (BLOC: Brotherhood of Leathermen of Color)Here's a step by step guide for a basic edging session to be performed on a spread-eagled subject. I would be glad to demonstrate on anyone visiting the Baltimore area and happy to submit to same.You will need:A BlindfoldThe Means to tie/secure arms and legs to a bedA Soft Make-Up BrushWater-Based LubeA Spray Bottle with WaterA TowelA Damp Wash ClothA Digital Clock (something easily read by you as you work)A VibratorPoppers...

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The adventures of Ted

Hi. My name is Ted, and unlike most fourteen year old kids, the naked female form holds no mystery for me. How’s that you may ask, well for as long as I can remember my mother and two younger sisters have lived in a small commune that although not strictly a nudist colony, clothes were definitely optional. Therefore, it wasn’t unusual to see both men and women parading around wearing nothing except a straw hat to keep the sun out of their eyes. Up until puberty hit, the sight of naked tits...

2 years ago
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MFM threesome hooker

True story from back in the craigs list days:Their add was looking for a MMF threesome. It was blunt and had no photo. At the time CL was wide open and a fairly good source to meet like minded sexual freaks. Later it turned and then finally went away with gvt regulations. They were at a King Motel. I knew they were not fake and not cops. Cops will go to a better hotel. If you have never been to a King Motel... You can almost just drive up and find a hooker. I have. It is dirty. It is not a safe...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 19

It’s amazing how quickly you return to your routine after you return home from an adventurous or unique time away. Often, that exciting time somewhere else seems to have been a dream in which someone else did all those things you remember. At her office, the members of the group acted much as they had before, all quite discreet. Frank sat at his desk, Sandy at hers and the others at theirs, with no conversation about their wild activities. No one asked Sandy if she were wearing panties. When...

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Sex with sweet aunty

Hi ISS readers i found this site two years back. Now im a regular visitor of iss. But today only i got to know how to post the stories. I dont want to waste your time. Let us move straight into the story. My family consists of 3 members. My parents and me only. Im 23 of 5.11″ ht and 72 kgs. In my home, there was one portion we left out for rental. Last year a family consists of 4 came to that home. That family consists of husband raj, wife manimegalai and their two kids. Now i want to describe...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Rebecca More RockHard For Her Tits

Rebecca More is a hot Milf with big tits. The blonde goddess of extreme sexiness can’t wait to see Marc Rose’s big rock-hard cock and once she gets a chance to touch his underwear, she gets a feeling of what’s coming… Today’s office Hardcore bangarang is packed with big tits swaying all over the screen! Rebecca More’s massive boobs are the reason why Marc Rose gets an instant hard-on the moment he walks into her office for an interview. Our curvy British...

4 years ago
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The best escort in town

We were cash-strapped those days. My elder sister Amrita was that time doing her textile business. She used to procure garments from Ahmedabad and sell them to retail outlets in Calcutta. It was during Dassera she needed lots of money to buy a large consignment – as that is the season for this business. She asked Dad to lend her money. But dad could not afford. I was that time working for my dad and was trying to get a new agency for a reputed tiles manufacturing company. Its sales manager came...

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They say no good deed goes unpunished, I cannot be too sure of that, but I do know the past can come back to haunt you. You can call me Paul, it's not my real name for obvious reasons as some of what I'm about to relate would have me arrested and probably imprisoned, though I've no regrets. I run my own company. It's a small but successful engineering firm, employing ten people and has some pretty advanced 3D milling and cutting machines, most of which I paid for from what was to me a...

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Love Being a COCK slave prt 3

There is no better place in the world than bent over on my hands , & knees , submissively at my Masters feet naked , staring transfixed in a cock drunk stupor , my hands dripping with my own salty , white cum as I stare at my GOD , that wonderful , STRONG, delightfully tasty, man meat , of HIS ALPHA COCK !!!! He grabs me by the hair , & roughly pulls me to my feet , & spits in my face , which makes me tremble with COCK driven LUST !! "Rub some of your useless cum, on your ...

2 years ago
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A Lucky Break

Where should I start?? Well I just turned a young 46 and have been divorced for a little more than two years. I was married for eighteen years and we never had children (my fault according to the doctor). After my divorce I didn’t get back in to the dating mode for almost a year. Once I felt like starting over I dated guys around my age whom I met through friends and family but it seemed like they all had baggage or issues. That lasted for maybe six months then I went back to hanging with...

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Sarah Goes To Paris Reposted

A friend seemed to need a break. When Sarah opened up her messages there was one from Ellen: Clear your weekend. “Why” Sarah replied. “You’ll see” was the cryptic reply. A day later a Fedex envelope arrived; in it were round-trip tickets to Paris, a hotel reservation and a taxi voucher to get her there from the airport. Sarah’s mouth fell open with surprise, but having never been to Paris and nothing on for the weekend, she packed.The next morning, her taxi lurched to a sudden stop. "Voila!"...

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Whos Vanilla Now Ch 04

Though Gwen’s place looked like a modest suburban ranch house from outside, the inside was more Las Vegas than Grand Rapids. Monique was waiting inside the door, dressed like a hat check girl, though none of us had hats to check, and she was more undressed than dressed. Her sheer black stockings were attached to matching garters, but there was no skirt over the garters, and no panties below. Instead, she had a bunny tail glued to her rump, where the small of her back curved into the twin rounds...

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BednBrunch Ho

When I married my dream goddess I had no idea that she had been such a nympho slut before college. I only knew that she’d been the prom queen, and head cheerleader in her high school. In college she became a member of the most elite sorority on campus. And why not, what with her angelic face, long flowing silver white mane that fell in waves down to around her waist that did little to hide her firm lush figure, why wouldn’t every male on campus fall in love/lust with her instantly. Gillian, or...

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Mr massagery and his GF

Chloe just finished her workout, looking herself over after a shower, at five foot ten she was decently muscled, fifteen inch biceps, a partly visible six pack and clear separation in her quads. She enjoyed the energy working out gave her and saw her clear complexion and strong body as a bonus. But as she wiped herself off with a towel she was sure of one thing, that the sore aching feelings that came with working out could be done away with and she'd bid them good riddance. Soon enough she met...

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I had just walked into the house after a busy and tiring Friday at the store. “I’m home, Gail.” She walked out of the kitchen in response, wearing an apron over her tee and jeans. I leaned forward to kiss her, but she turned her head at the last second and my lips found her cheek instead. “Go into the bedroom. Get cleaned up and change your clothes. We’re having company tonight.” “Oh?” That was news to me, but—then again—maybe not. I’d been expecting Gail to start trying her hand...

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Surfside Chapter three

After his aunt had left his room, Kevin cleaned himself up, got dressed and went downstairs for a tall drink of cola. He was totally satisfied physically, but emotionally he had needed to touch her, taste her, fuck her. His aunt had a wonderful set of breasts and a magnificent pussy. Her waist was small and it gradually blended into a fantastic set of hips. She had a fabulous body and after the incident upstairs, he knew that she had special needs that he hoped she would let him fill....

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