AnsleighChapter 2 free porn video

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Asheigh spent the next two weeks alternating between desire to be used again by him and uncertainty about making such a big move. While she didn’t love her job, she was good at it and it paid the bills. She had a circle of friends here and she knew that they would soon lose touch if she moved. Part of that was due to the distance to DC and part of it was that she knew his demands would consume her life, leaving her little time to be with anyone else.

She was also uncomfortably aware of the power he’d have over her since she would work for him as well as be his sex toy. She’d had other Masters but never one who had control over her professional and personal sides. There was also the fact that jobs were still not plentiful and if she lost that job she would not only be unemployed, she’d be homeless since she figured he’d kick her out of his condo if she was not useful.

On the other hand, the opportunity was incredible. To be the executive assistant to such a powerful man, even if for just a year, would open doors to her in the business world that she’d never even see down here in Virginia Beach.

Then there was the sex. That man knew what turned her on! It was an incredible weekend! Keeping her on the edge of an orgasm for almost three days was like heaven and hell all rolled together. Then the incredible orgasms she’d had when he finally let her cum. She felt faint just from the memory.

These thoughts roiled her mind for the two weeks before she received an email from him in her personal email account on a Saturday morning. She wondered how he’d gotten that. She knew she hadn’t given it to him. That private investigator he’d had check her out must have found it. She shivered at the realization that he knew so much about her and she knew little about him.

She nervously opened the email and read:

“Ansleigh, Here are the details of my offer. I will pay you $10,000 more than you are making in your current job, you will live rent free in my condo, and you will receive a $5000 clothing allowance in your first year plus a transportation allowance. In addition, I will provide you with extensive professional training so that you can best serve me or whomever you eventually work for. In return, you will obey me in all things, accept whatever training I decide you need, and serve me in all ways on a 24/7 basis. You will not be allowed to have sexual relations with any other person unless I so decide. In addition, your contact with the outside world will be under my control. The terms of this contract will be good for one year, at which time either of us can renegotiate the contract. I promise you, though, that if you serve me well, I can guarantee you will want for nothing for the rest of your life. If you agree, respond to this email with the following words ‘I give myself to Master Oak to do with as he pleases for the next year.’ Oak”

The magnitude of the offer caused her to blurt out “OMG! $5000 just for clothes! Rent free! I can put almost all my money into savings every month. So even if it doesn’t work out I’ll have lots of savings to fall back on. Besides, he promised professional training. If everything worked out, I’ll be able to take my pick of good jobs.”

Then she considered her part of the deal. Basically, she was agreeing to be his slave for the next year. That wasn’t so bad. She been in the M/s world for a while now and had served as a slave a time or two. She’d enjoyed the control her Masters had had over her. This would just be for a longer period of time. Limiting her to just sex with him wasn’t so bad. It had been incredible. Besides, it sounded like he might loan her out so she’d get some variety.

So, not without some trepidation, she emailed him back. ‘I give myself to Master Oak to do with as he pleases for the next year.’ Then she hit “Send.”

She got an email back almost immediately. “Good girl. Your first orders. Put in your two week notice Monday. Second, until I tell you, you will not cut or trim your hair. I will pay for a professional stylist once a week to help you care for it. You will bring only the clothes on your back and a few personal mementoes. All your other needs will be taken care of once you arrive. You will have one week from the day you arrive to acclimate yourself and purchase suitable clothing. I will guide you in that process. A car and driver will be at your door at 10 in the morning two weeks from today. In addition, I will have someone take care of your remaining possessions, your lease, and any other details that need to be taken care of to free you of your old life.”

Ansleigh read that last line three times, each time shivering in excitement and dread. He really expected her to leave behind everything and become his. She’d dreamed of this but dreaming and reality were very different. But she was committed now. She may be a submissive, but she was a submissive that kept her word.

The next two weeks flew by; she had lots of gatherings with her friends which were pretty much all different versions of “Good bye and good luck.” Then her last Friday as a free woman arrived and she was so nervous that she couldn’t sleep very well. So it was with bleary, bloodshot eyes that she opened her door to the person who was going to take her to him. She was a little surprised that it was woman. She looked to be in her 50s but she had the body of much younger woman. The woman didn’t say much other than “Is that your bag, Miss?”

She swooped in and grabbed them when Ashleigh nodded her agreement.

“If you’ll follow me.”

Ashleigh turned and closed the door, feeling as if she was closing the door on her old self. In fact, she was but she had no idea how much things would change for her or that she would be changed so much.

The driver had put her bags in the car and was holding the rear door open by the time Ashleigh got to it. “Miss, I will take the keys from you. You won’t need them again.”

Ashleigh handed over the keys and entered the car. It was so luxurious inside! She looked around and realized it was a Mercedes.

“This is such a nice car and so quiet too.”

“Yes, Miss. It’s an S class hybrid. That is why it’s so quiet right now, only the electric engine is working. You might notice the gas engine start up once we get moving but only if you really listen for it.”

“A hybrid?”

“Master Oak likes his luxury but he also knows that gas is expensive. The Master would rather spend money on luxuries than on gas.”

Ashleigh puzzled over the woman’s calling him Master so she asked “You called him Master, why is that?”

“I belong to him. I am one of his house slaves.”

“Does he have more than one?”

“Yes, there a few of us.”

“Are they all women?”

“Yes.” She went on to explain that they were all former sex slaves that, due to their age, had been sold on. Oak didn’t see why they should go to waste and they’d been slaves so long that there was no way they could live on their own. It was an equitable arrangement. They lived a live somewhat nicer life than they’d had before but with all the controls they were used to. He got obedient help that he didn’t have to pay. Of course, he saw to their care when they got too old to work, much as he would have done with a loyal dog. She went on to explain that they all got an added bonus. He used their bodies for his sexual pleasure when he was between playmates.

After the look she’d gotten of the woman’s body, Ansleigh could believe that they could still be vibrant sex partners.

“You’ll find the Master is a very skilled lover.”

“Oh, I already know that.”

Gradually they lapsed into silence and Ansleigh, despite her nervousness, gradually fell asleep. She awoke to the sound of a metal gate squealing softly as it opened.

She heard the driver say “Got to remember to tell audrey to get that fixed. Master will be very annoyed if it continues to make a sound.”

Ansleigh looked out the windshield and gasped. The house, if you could call it a house, was magnificent. It was huge. It sat on a hill and commanded the manicured grounds around it.

The driver chuckled when she heard the gasp “I told you, he likes his luxuries. Besides this way he can have large parties. He keeps his slaves very busy. He doesn’t like using caterers.”

It was over a mile to the house. She could see a barn over to one side. This looked like horse farm in a way, with wooden fences all around.

“Does he keep horses?”

“Yes, he enjoys riding as well as sulky racing. He has a track through the woods. I am sure you’ll become very familiar with it.”

Ansleigh puzzled over that, and then decided that he must want her to continue to jog every day. She spotted a magnificent horse with a lovely arched neck at the side of the road just on the other side of the fence.

“That’s Prince. He’s always hoping for a snack. No time now. Master is expecting you. Prince is an Arabian. They are beautiful horses.”

Another woman was waiting for them when they pulled up in front of the house. The driver got out of the car and pulled her bag from the trunk. Ansleigh eyed and sighed, it was not much to bring into a new life. But she guessed she was lucky to be allowed to bring anything with her.

The driver handed the bag to the other woman and said ““Master has given this one the name ‘samantha.’” Pointing to the other woman she said “This one is called ‘sara.’”

With that, she got back into the car and drove it away, presumably to park it somewhere.

Sara led Ansleigh into the house. “Master is busy right now. This one is to take you to your room. It is beside His.”

Ansleigh felt like a tourist, the way she was gawking at the insides of this incredible house. She recognized some of the art, at least the style and artist, if not the actual paintings. She wondered if they were originals.

She was led into a smallish room with only a bed and a dresser in it but then she saw a door leading to small bathroom.

“Master wanted this one to tell you that you will only be here this weekend, so don’t unpack. This one will come get you when he is ready to use you. In the meantime, strip.” Having said that, she left.

It wasn’t until she saw her leave that Ansleigh realized that there was no door to the room. Ansleigh was not surprised by this. Slaves have no right to privacy. No matter what else she would be while working for Oak, she would still be only a slave in his mind.

She quickly stripped and put her clothes away, knowing she wouldn’t need them again until she left the house. Not knowing when he would want to use her; she decided to practice her yoga. One thing she knew, Oak would be testing the flexibility of the body of his new slave.

She had time for a full set of her normal poses and a quick shower before Sara arrived at her door. Sara saw that she had Ansleigh’s attention and so turned to walk away. She seemed to know that Ansleigh would follow. Ansleigh figured that Oak had told his slaves that she was already a trained slave.

Oak was eating when she was led to him. He pointed at the floor beside him and she knelt at his feet. He must have known she was hungry because he occasionally fed her bits of his food, much as he would any pet. The food only served to remind her how hungry she was. She hadn’t eaten since yesterday due to her nervousness. But now that she was here and committed, her appetite had roared back.

He must have known that too because he chuckled at her eagerness. He reached out and patted her head saying “Good girl. Someone will feed you soon. But now, I want to ask you a final time. Are you ready to serve me in the manner we’ve discussed? Be clear in your answer. This will be the final time I will ask it.”

“I give myself to Master Oak to do with as he pleases for the next year.”

“I accept you as my property and assume responsibility for your care. I expect total obedience. Anything less will result in punishment.”

Knowing he didn’t expect a response, she assumed the waiting position, legs apart, feet equal distance apart as her knees and pointed straight back in line. She placed her hands in the small of her back and cast her eyes down.

He finished his meal and got up. She didn’t move since he hadn’t given her an order.

“Feed this one and then bring her to my office.”

A slave she didn’t know touched her shoulder and led her away to the kitchen. There she put a shallow bowl of food on the floor along with a bowl of water, then pointed to them.

Ansleigh realized that she was expected to eat there and got down on all fours. She also realized she was not expected to use her hands, so dropped her head down until she could grab a mouthful. It was not very flavorful but that didn’t stop her from gulping it down. Soon she found herself licking the bowl to get any last crumbs.

Once done, she resumed her kneeling position. The other slave brought over a wet rag and wiped her face, then led her to Oak. He was sitting at desk typing an email. When he was done, he pointed to the floor in front of the desk. She dropped to the floor expecting to kneel there until he was ready for her. Instead, he said “Suck.”

She saw that the desk had a pass through so she crawled forward until she could reach his zipper. She pulled it down and got his cock out. There wasn’t enough room under the desk for her to suck it while it pointed up, so she canted her head to the side and slid her mouth over him, sucking his manliness into her. She buried it in her throat, holding it there until she needed air. Then she backed off, got some air, and started to repeat the process but stopped when she felt his hand on her forehead. “Just suck. I do not want to cum for a while.”

She started sucking gently, using her tongue to give him added pleasure but not so much that he would cum. She continued this for so long that her mouth and tongue became very tired. That did not slow her down, just added to the discomfort from having her head tilted for so long in the same position. She was content knowing that she was serving a purpose as a warm, wet receptacle for his cock.

Finally, he said “Make me cum.”

Hearing that, she started bobbing her head vigorously and was soon rewarded with a mouthful of cum. She immediately withdrew from under the table and held her mouth open so he could see his cum in her mouth. Once she saw him nod, she swallowed it all, and then opened her mouth to show that it was empty. Once she saw him nod again, she crawled back under the table to clean him off, only stopping her licking when she heard him say “Enough.”

She crawled back out from under the desk after zipping him up and resumed her kneeling pose. He just ignored her actions and kept on working. She let her mind go blank, something she’d learned from many long sessions when she was treated as a piece of furniture.

Finally, he arose and walked around to her. She saw that he carried a collar in his hand and figured that the time had come for her to wear his collar.

“You’ve already submitted to me, so we won’t go through it again. Just know that you are my property for the next year. I plan on using this body for my pleasure and that pleasure will sometimes cause this body pain, but you will be alive when the year is over. Oh, and I plan on modifying it.”

His words caused a shiver to run through her and she asked “May this one know what modifications you plan?”

“No, that would ruin the surprise. Don’t worry; you will be in excellent health.”

“This one thanks you Master.”

He didn’t respond, instead he just put the collar around her neck and fastened it with a lock. Then he pulled a leash out of his pocket, fastened it to a ring in the front of the collar and started walking rapidly away.

She jumped to her feet, stumbling slightly as she tried to keep up with him. They quickly exited the house and he led her to what looked like a barn. There he walked up to a woman dressed in jeans and t shirt.

“This is the new slave. I want her to start running the track. Saddle up and lead her around. Don’t let her slack. She’s in good shape, just not used to running though. Bring her back to the house when she’s done.”

The woman just nodded and took the leash as he handed it to her.

“So you’re the new one? What do we call you?”

“This one is called ‘ansleigh.’ What are you called?”


Audrey led her over to the barn and put the end of the leash on a hook in the wall. Then she went deeper into the barn. Ansleigh heard a horse in there and assumed the woman was saddling it.

She was correct for soon the woman came out leading a saddled horse. She carried a pair of running shoes and a long lead which she hooked onto ansleigh’s collar after unhooking the leash. Handing her the shoes, she said “Put these on. The ground can be rough and Master doesn’t want your feet cut up.”

Ansleigh sat on the ground and put them on. She was surprised they fit so well. As she was doing that, the other woman had mounted up. Once she saw that ansleigh was shod, she began leading her toward the woods behind the house.

The horse began a slow trot and that forced ansleigh to begin jogging. It was a fairly fast jog and she was quickly breathing hard. She’d been running ever since she’d met her new owner but never this fast nor up and down as much. Then, just when she thought she could run no further, the horse slowed. They walked for 5 minutes before going faster again. This went on for the whole 5 miles the path wound through the woods.

She was exhausted by the time they got back to the barn. “Don’t worry, you’ll be running all of it and more in no time. Our owner will see to that. He has plans for you.”

“He told me he planned on modifying this body.”

Audrey snorted “Oh, that’s not all he’ll modify.”

Ansleigh assumed this meant the training she’d get into how to be a better cunt for his use. She was partially right.

She was led over to a cement pad with a drain in the center. There she was unceremoniously hosed down. The water was cold but it felt good after all the exercise. Following that, she was led to the house and taken to the room in which she stayed earlier.

“This one suggests you get some sleep.”

Realizing this was good advice; she curled up on the bed and immediately dropped into a sound sleep.

She was awoken by the house slave called sara who gently shook her shoulder. The slave stood there while ansleigh went into the bathroom to freshen up.

The house slave hooked the leash back onto her collar before leading her downstairs to the Master. He was eating so ansleigh knelt beside him and eagerly accepted the occasional bit of food he fed her.

He had the kitchen slave take her and feed her. The food was much like her earlier meal, full of protein and chopped raw vegetables with little starches. She guessed that this was to get her ready for all the running that seemed to be in her future.

After she’d eaten she had her face cleaned again. Then she was led into a large room full of implements of torture. Seeing the whips hanging on the wall caused a shiver of excitement to course down her spine.

Her owner saw her and smiled. “Ah, just what I need before bed. A warm hole to fuck.”

He took her leash and led her over into a corner. There he had her lift her left leg until it was parallel to her body. Then he tied her leg to her collar. This left her lewdly displayed, her cunt gaped slightly as she tried to moved slightly to gain a firm stance on her foot.

She heard him unzip and plunge his cock into the cunt that her Master owned. She was very adept at maintaining various poses for long periods of time but the battering the cunt took as he pounded it almost caused her to topple. Luckily, she managed to stay upright until he shot his load into the cunt.

He quickly slipped out of her and snapped his fingers. The kitchen slave dropped to her knees and engulfed his cock, slurping all the combined juices until it was clean, and then quickly tucked it away.

Oak walked over to a nearby bench and grabbed a large vibrator that had straps attached to it. He plunged into the gaping cunt and strapped it on her body. She felt so full and realized that it would be difficult but not impossible to maintain her pose with this monster in his cunt. She had no idea of the difficulties she’d face that night until he reached over and flipped a switch on the vibrator.

She moaned quietly as she realized there was no way she could maintain her pose now. In fact, she lasted almost 3 hours before constant pulsing caused her to cum violently and fall over. She lay there quivering the rest of the night not quite awake nor quite asleep.

She became aware that sara was standing over her the next morning looking at her with a look of distaste. She assumed it was because she’d let their owner down. A few minutes later her owner arrived.

“My, my. Did you cum?”

She whispered, her mouth dry from her night of climaxes “yes, Master.”

“Well, then the punishment for that will be added to your punishment for falling over.”

He walked over to an assortment of whips hanging on the wall. Grabbing a flogger, he proceeded to whip his cunt until she could feel nothing but the pain and then even that went away as the area became numb from the beating. This was a beating that would cause her pain for days.

She was barely aware when he stopped and said “Release her and give her a hot bath. Massage her enough that she can do her own stretches. I will want her ready to leave at 3. Make sure she’s been fed. I will be spending the rest of the week in town and will be back Friday night. Clean this too.”

With that he tossed the flogger to the slave and left the room.

The slave took the flogger to a nearby bench and wiped it clean of ansleigh’s juices, sniggering and softly saying “Master has himself a real pain slut. Look at how wet this is.”

She unbound ansleigh after putting the flogger away, and then supported her as they made their way into the bathroom where the bath was already filled with hot water. She helped her into the bath. Ansleigh became aware of how much the cunt hurt when the water first touched it. The heat felt magnified by the swollen cunt lips.

Despite the pain, she began to feel better as her cramped muscles were massaged. Before long she was ready to begin her stretching exercises. But was pushed down when she tried to rise.

“Must get that hair washed. Master has given special instructions to keep the hair as healthy as possible.”

Ansleigh puzzled over this. The other slaves had different hair styles that seemed to depend on their jobs. Audrey had the shortest hair, with the hair cut just below her ears. But none of the rest had anything longer than shoulder length hair and none of it seemed particularly beautiful. Nicely cared for, just nothing special.

But she lay there and enjoyed having the other slave wash her hair. It was a new experience. Oh, she’d had her hair washed at a beauty salon, but that was when she was free woman. Having it washed while she was a slave was strange.

She began her stretching after she was dry, spending the next hour going through her normal routine. She was then led into the kitchen and fed. She wondered if she was to spend the next year eating from a bowl on the floor. It might be awkward to be fed that way at the office but that was her owner’s responsibility, not hers.

It wasn’t long before it was time to leave. She was given a dress and pulled it over her head. It fit loosely, thereby giving her owner easy access to anything he might want to fondle.

The car was waiting out front and she joined her owner in the back seat. Her owner pulled the dress up and began to lightly fondle his cunt. It still hurt from the beating this morning and the mix of pleasure and pain soon had her writhing in ecstasy. “Master, may this one cum? Please!”

All he said was “No” while he continued his stroking. She struggled to regain some control and only barely kept from cumming.

Soon he got bored with his little game and pulled out his iPad. She breathed a quiet sigh of relief. She had been so close to cumming and she didn’t want another punishment so soon after this morning’s beating. She looked at her owner and realized he was lost in work, so she started meditating. She’d learned to do to meditate years ago as a way to pass the time while waiting for a command or while she was restrained in some fashion.

They finally arrived at his condo in Arlington. The driver and ansleigh carried up the two bags, and then the driver left to take the car back to his house. Like the house, the condo was lavishly furnished and ansleigh’s head swiveled around as she tried to see it all.

“Bring the bags.”

She saw Oak walk toward a door and followed him with the bags. “Unpack my things. The closet on the left is mine. There are drawers in there. You will use the other closet.”

He walked away as she began to unpack. She finished quickly and then hung up the dress she was wearing before going to find Oak. She found him looking out the window with a drink in his hand. He must have seen her in the reflection as he said “I need you to be ready to leave at 7 tomorrow, so I will not bind you. You will wear the dress from today and I will take you to a shop where you will be outfitted. They know you belong to me, so you will continue to wear that collar. They will also fit you with a collar that can be worn in public. This is a busy week for me, so I will not be with you most of the time but you will be kept busy too. When not servicing me, you will sleep in the basket at the foot of the bed. You may go there now.”

Then as if in dismissal, he raised his drink to his lips and drained it dry.

She left and prepared for bed. It was rather odd sleeping in what was obviously a very large dog bed. But that oddness didn’t stop her from drifting off into a sound sleep.

She awoke at 4:30 the next morning when she heard his alarm go off.

“There should be some exercise clothes in your closet. Get dressed and be sure to wear running shoes.”

She scurried to obey and was soon following him to the elevator. They worked out for 90 minutes before they had to stop and get ready to leave. Once back in the condo, he had her strip in the bathroom before he removed the butt plug. Then he gave her an enema and then had her join him in the shower. Once in the shower, he turned her toward the wall and plunged his cock into her ass. He allowed her to bath him after he was done using the hole. He then allowed her to quickly wash as he got out and started drying off.

Once she was dry, she slipped into the only dress she had while he was getting dressed. Once they were done, he led her firmly by the arm out of the condo. There was a car waiting for Oak when they left the building.

“Stan, drop me off at the office. Then take this one to Pauline’s. She’ll probably be there all morning. So better stop and pick up something to feed her. She’ll need to be fed again at lunch. After lunch I want her taken to the beauty salon around the corner from Pauline’s. They’re expecting her.”

“Sorry to do this to you. I know you’ll be spending a lot of time just waiting around. But I don’t want to leave such a valuable animal alone. She is very submissive and would probably obey the wrong person.”

Hearing this made her angry. She knew better than to obey anyone but her owner. But then she thought back to when they’d first met and how she’d obeyed him instantly. “I guess I am that submissive, at least to a true Master.”

Oak looked at her, obviously amused by the various emotions flitting over her face. “You will obey Stan in all things.”

She spent the morning being measured and fitted. The clothes were magnificent! Not quite the styles she would have chosen but even she admitted that they made her look great. They gave her a combination of professionalism and sexiness that she knew would be useful at work. She felt so good from the star treatment.

But then Stan approached her with a bag and reality came crashing in. “Strip.”

She glanced around and saw the women who had treated her so well all morning staring at her. Knowing she had no choice, she stripped and when he pointed to the floor, she got on her knees. He pulled a chopped salad from the bag and set the open bowl on the floor. “Eat.” Then he pulled another bowl and a bottle of water from the bag. He poured the water in the bowl and set it beside the salad bowl.

This turn of events caused her to start sobbing quietly. Her tears dripped into the bowl as she dropped her face down and took the first bite. To make matters worse, Stan clipped a leash to her collar and remarked to the store manager “Got to keep slaves in their place.”

“Oh I know. I make sure to keep my little one in her place. She spoils so easily. Why just the other day she expressed an opinion!”

“Oh, my. I hope you corrected that quickly.”

“Definitely. She’ll have problems sitting down for days. I had to really bruise her butt. I felt like doing something more but I didn’t want to break the skin. I’ve had her for a year now. She is such a cute one. Just turned 19 the other day. We celebrated her birthday by staying in bed for hours. Her tongue was so tired, she had a hard time speaking for a while. Not that she is allowed to speak much.”

Same as Ansleigh
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Trans Whore

I almost didn't recognize my own reflection. My lips glistened with red lipstick. My eyes sparkled. Framed in thick eyeliner and shadowed with Maybelline Honey Lust. Blush created the illusion of high cheekbones. I slipped my feet into the open toed high-heeled shoes. My slutty toes shimmered an iridescent, metallic-blue. I stood to view to my outfit, a short white mini skirt that barely covered my privates; I wore an iridescent bathing suit top matching my toes. My heart pounded. I could not...

4 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 22 Anne Wakes Up

The next morning Anne stormed down the stairs while we were having breakfast. “You bastards. You ****d me. I’m going straight to the police. Wait until Jim finds out. He’ll kill you both.” She stared at me “You, my sister. How could you.” She sprang at me, we both fell to the floor. My husband dragged her up off me. “You fucking bastard. Jim will kill you.” “You’re not going to tell anyone slut” “What did you call me” “Slut” He dragged her over to the TV “Let go off me.” He dumped her on the...

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The man of my dreams part 2

I went home thinking about how wonderful my day had been. The guy of my dreams just fucked me royally and I loved every minute of it. Then I called him: “Thank-you for inviting me over, I had a wonderful time.” I said happily. “I did too, let’s do it again sometime.” “Yes we should.” I thought, wow, was this really happening to me? I do not know why it was but I do know that I am one lucky girl. “Can I ask you a question?” I said. “Yea sure, you can ask me anything.”

3 years ago
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My fiancee and her ex are making love not fucking

So here is what happened with my gf (now fiance) and her ex bf Brian.We had been fooling around for a while, talking about swinging etc. One day I asked her who shes been with in the past that given the chance, she could have him for one more night. Without even stopping to think about it, she said Brian.She and Brian had met in high school (they were both each others' first love and they lost their virginity to each other) and had dated for more than 7 years until he had to move away for law...

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Well Go No More a Roving

It was pitch-dark as a 160th Special Operations “Night Stalker” MH-53J Pave-Low ghosted in and fast-roped three squads of special operators down to the Iraqi desert floor. I was covering the action in an AH-1E Cobra. I was a thirty-eight-year-old CW2 Army Reserve snake-driver, called up because Saddam got greedy. It was my first real combat mission and I was excited. I had been flying the Cobra since my active service days. But until the call-up for Desert Storm, the most perilous place I’d...

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panty fetish first time true story

I like reading stories about how other men jerk their cocks for their mom's panties. I always get hard and cum a huge one Iam so excited. Once I was reading a story about a boy who could hardly get himself to snigg his moms panty but when he did it for him it was marvellous. So after reading the story with a big hard on I looked around in the house. I knew noone is at home but it was exciting to move around with a hard cock. So I went to the bathroom to check my moms panty. My heart was beating...

3 years ago
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A Quick History of FM

A Quick History of FM By Ellie Dauber Sung To: "Those Were The Days" Once upon a time on FictionMania, Mindy ran a contest, just for fun. At the time, we also had a "pinger," Which is something that should not be done. Chorus: Those were the days, my friends. Who knew they'd ever end. We'd trade insults forever and a day. Politeness we eschewed. We thought we'd never lose. Till our insults drove our Mindy away. One contestant knew about the "pinger;" Used that knowledge in...

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BarbaraChapter 39

It was the week following Thanksgiving, and Marty and Kelly had been doing some shopping for their upcoming wedding. They had decided to be married before Christmas and would honeymoon on Maui over Christmas and New Year's. Although virtually the entire firm would be out there, too, it was the only place they wanted to go. After the five-man attack on them, the press and the TV stations gave a big play to the young women and their protective tigers. KNBC, of course, had the exclusive...

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Crystal Passion Ch 10

I guess it should be obvious to just about everyone simply by having a look at an atlas, but it came as something of a surprise to me, to realise how big America actually is, and we were only travelling from North to South down the Eastern United States. Almost every single one of America’s states is bigger than England, and some are bigger than France or Germany, but when you travel across Europe you know for sure when you’ve left one country and entered another. In America the differences are...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 18 On the Way

“If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t walk run, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl, but by all means keep moving.” – Martin Luther King Jr “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower Jason, followed by the two groups, walked into Command Central on his battleship and smiled broadly. He walked to Andrea first who he kissed passionately, picked her up and twirled her around as she laughed. He then...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 47 Chrissy

I was still pissed at how mom had implied that I might try to convince Chrissy to screw me just because she was a girl in my house. I did not talk to them on it at all when I went to get breakfast or lunch. They had gone out when I went to get dinner and left me pizza money. I had to be good to not use the special features on my tablet to get my pizza and bottles of soda for free. It was both stealing and just wrong. I hoped I never got in such a bad place that I had to steal from anyone. I...

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house wife to whore

I was a good Catholic girl and did not allowsex before marriage, despite having had many boyfriends.Therefore I was shocked when my husband of 15 years showed me a contactmagazine, and showed me that a man was offering to buyused panties from any married woman in London, where we live.We were however short of money, and hubby said whatharm could it do to sell my panties, so he persuadedme to let him answer and arrange a meeting, in a local pub Saloon bar.We met the man, and he seemed very nice,...

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Mothers Suprise

It was the summer of 2004; I had just turned 16 and was celebrating with my family and friends. We had all decided to go down to the local pool for my sweet sixteen party. When we arrived my mother and I went into the locker room to change into our bikinis. Now my mother at this time was 37 but she had the body of a much younger woman; she was only about 5'3” tall and about 120 pounds with 32 C cup breasts. I was 5'5” tall; I weighted the same as my mother at the time only I had B cups. As...

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Onlyfans LiaChapter 9 The Jismissary

“It’s not as easy as I thought it was going to be,” Lia complained as we sat on the sofa in my place, an evening meal happily consumed, a glass of neat spiced gin in hand, and my laptop on the coffee table, wired into my television, and showing the cause of Lia’s frustration. Boudoirs. Or rather a curious lack of boudoirs. “Jim I thought that boudoir photographs meant boudoirs, but they don’t!” Lia complained. “Do you know what a boudoir is? If you do please tell me, because I’ve spent all...

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Die 22jährige Carol, eine junge Wärterin im Gefängnis, bildhübsch, mit dunklen, gut schulterlangen, glatten Haaren und einer zauberhaften Figur ausgestattet mußte an jenem Tag, entgegen allen Vorschriften, einen Serienvergewaltiger alleine zu einem 600 km entfernten Gefängnis für Schwerverbrecher bringen. Er saß zwar mit gespreizten Armen und Beinen, gefesselt, mit Ketten gesichert und an den Fußholmen und Haken am Autodach befestigt sicher im Auto, doch es gab ja auch Bedürfnisse. Genau als...

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My life as a sperm donor

Disclaimer - This is a real story of what I actually have experienced and actually do. It started when I was in my early 20s, on the old yahoo personals. I came across a woman who was looking for a man to get her pregnant only and was willing to do it the old fashioned way. Upon reading her post, I got a raging boner just thinking about having sex with a woman I don't even know and filling her with my sperm. I sent her a message saying I was interested. Over the next few days messages went back...

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Quickie in the Copy Room

Her attention was pulled away when a co-worker passed by her cubicle and glanced at her over the flimsy, gray wall. She peered at him over her glasses and smiled coyly when she realized who it was. His name was Sven. His dark brown hair bounced around his cheeks as he walked past and he returned her smile, his gray eyes glinting. Since Sandra had been promoted and was moved to this floor, she and Sven met. At first it was just the usual pleasantries. "Hi, nice to meet you, I'll be your...

3 years ago
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Seduction by Amy

This is a true story with the actual names of those people but not enough details to draw any direct reference! Many moons ago in my twenties I was a free lance partier with few commitments other than partying. Nothing major just always in search of a good time & the strong inclination to be naked with friends! Skinny dipping late night, private ponds & occasionally remaining naked until retiring for the night. I lived above a couple of girls named Amy & Dee Dee as I called her...

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Tim and Jane Naked in SchoolChapter 6 Sunday

Jane and I slept in a while, getting up around nine; we went downstairs, where Aunt Beth had breakfast ready. It looked like she was feeding an army. Susan and Steve got up shortly after we did. After we finished eating, we cleaned up the kitchen and went into the living room to read the paper. As I was reading the paper, I noticed the posting of Saturday's lottery numbers. I figured I might as well check; it couldn't hurt. I got the ticket out of my wallet, and compared the numbers. I...

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Hi Stranger Wanna Be Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi, friends welcome back. I was totally delighted with the responses I have got from you people and happy to know that you liked my previous stories. Those who haven’t read my stories please do read and give your valuable comments. So here is the new one. I want to share my experience with a super-hot lady whom I met through a chatting site. I am from Kerala but now in Bangalore. I am 27 years of age, medium build. So coming to the story, I was totally bored in Bangalore as I came here in...

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Andrias Journey

Today is the day you've been waiting your entire life, a refreshing morning breeze graces your lovely skin as you bask in the early hour. A bright sun rises to greet your sharp waking mind as you prepare to leave the little village you grew up in. Many have disagree with your choice of leaving home at the ripe age of twenty, many suitors and hard working men had attempted to convince you to stay behind and become the mother of their children, however your dreams remained adamant. You've desired...

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Online Relationship Slave to Master

Master, if you read this I hope you like it, I have this fantasy of you. I hope one day it can come true. One day, we met at a hotel and we checked into that hotel. As soon as I closed the door, you grabbed me around the waist and kissed me. I had never had my first kiss and the pleasure was immense! You used your tongue and you were soon going under my skirt. (For reference, I had on a tennis skirt and a tight tank top with flip flops and of course panties and a bra while you had shorts a t...

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The Grantham ClinicChapter 6

Amanda hadn't the faintest idea what day it was or even how long they'd incarcerated her. Each day flowed inexorably into the next, with no respite from the treatment she continued to endure. Doctor Morbius administered her injection and the drug began to take effect. Her current circumstances became her reality and everything that came before seemed almost like a dream. With each session, the regime became less strict. This morning, Ruth handed Amanda the two probes and watched as she'd...

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Master Harry Part 1

********************************************************************************************************************** Kajira boarded the Hogwart’s Express with all the other students. They all spoke in their snooty English accents and this grated on her nerves immensely. Being Irish and from America she was twice at odds with the English. It didn’t help matters either that she didn’t want to go to Hogwarts. She had been perfectly happy in her wizard school in America. This however was of no...

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A Planet Is TornChapter 5

The Celestialite community was celebrating unashamedly. It wasn't everyday that the God you worshipped manifested himself in such an unequivocal way. The members of the tribe had lived their lives according to David's holy book and had devoted themselves to God. They had listened as David had preached to them, telling them the stories of God's miracles and how the tribe had been led to the promised land they called their home. They had faith and were devoted to God, but to have had such a...

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The Determined Man Part 9

Part 9 - Chapter 21 When Wynne regained consciousness the world was moving. Walls flashed by on either side and she could feel whatever she was lying on wobbling as it moved. Her mind slowly put it all together. It was a trolley and she was in a corridor. "Oh, she's awake" she heard. She recognised Lana's voice and looked around. She located the face of her friend beside a young man who was pushing the trolley, Lana struggling to keep up with her heels clicking loudly on the hard...

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first time sex with a bbw continued

she asked me my name i was out i told her my name and asked her where she was actually going she said she was just going to have fun she actually had no place in mind my head was banging with ideas and i knew this was the catch and if i failed to follow this lead ill never get laid so i was scared to make an offer but i asked if we could just go over to my place cos i was having a house party she said cool and we dropped in the next station and walked home we where walking and touching and the...

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HotMILFsFuck Gabby Lamb 05312021

There are a lot of reasons we get our Hot MILFs to walk through our doors, some need the cash and some a little excitement and others just need dick, but it isn’t very often we get one that’s here because their hubby wants to watch a porno of them. That’s what we’ve got here with our latest MILF, Gabby Lamb. She comes to us from a very “open relationship” which basically boils down to her bo liking to watch her get fucked with another man’s cock. But hey, that’s what we do best, so it’s a...

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Pati Ne Apni Patni Mujse Chudwai

Hi Guys,i am vishal again from Delhi,yeh ek sacchi story hai,yeh jab ki hai jab main college main padta tha aur college main ladkiyo ke bich main bahut famous bhi tha.mujhe college main har koi janta tha. Ek din main college ki canteen main betha to mujhe mere mobile pe call aaya Vishal : Hello Unknown person : Hello Vishal Vishal : Aap kaun hai? Unknown Person : tumhara dost aur main tumse milna chahta hoon !!!! Vishal : Ok. Theek hai….Aap kal mere college aajao, main 1 baje canteen main...

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Sucked Into Incest 8211 Part XVI

Sorry folks especially some friends who are mailing me that I am taking long time to post further episodes. This is happening since I am extremely busy but will promise to post at the shortest time possible between episodes. The rains were pouring , the tower bolt less windows swayed in the response to the wind , the sirens around me (my Mom friends were sleeping across the stacked paddy sacks from me , I could feel the chill of the rain but it was offset by the excitement that I was possessed...

2 years ago
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The Binding RingsChapter 6

Jason sprung away form his aunt - guilt, panic, and fright all vying for control. “Quick!” He hissed to Sarah urgently. “Get upstairs and hide - make sure you act normally if you come down!” His aunt looked like she wanted to say something or other - the urgency of the situation didn’t seem to concern her as it did him - but Jason eventually succeeded in getting her up and moving; he had to basically shove her up the start of the stairs until she got the hint and went of her own accord....

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Not EnoughConfrontations

"So, where do we go from here?" Jean asked, not looking at me. "I don't know about you, but I'm going home," I joked. It was a weak, feeble joke but I wasn't sure exactly what I should say. What could I say? We were driving back to our town, our work, our lives after a fairly magical Thanksgiving vacation. I knew, though, that vacations never lasted and that they always ended up as these ephemeral visions of happier times that were pulled out and looked at in the coming days, months...

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My Daughters Dating Problem

Introduction: Maybe I should have let her date him after all…nah. My troubles starting when my 16 year old daughter starting dating a black boy. Of course my wife and I were concerned about what she was getting into and after discussing it my wife said she would take care of it and convince Derrick to break up with her. She said she would talk to him and explain how it would not work out between them. She invited Derrick over to the house for an early afternoon talk before the kids got home...

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Manufacturing a Partnership

Manufacturing a Partnership Part One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT "Hey, you ok?" said Greg seeing Blake looking wiped as rummaged through the red pocketbook on the vanity. "I'm fine," shivered Blake as he stood staring at his reflection. "But I need a minute. This has all been just too much to handle!" He took a deep breath standing in front of the bathroom vanity clutching the ends with his hands quickly becoming mindful of his sharp long...

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Second ChanceChapter 4

Over lunch Roberta gave Fran a thumbnail sketch of our night together, hitting all good parts, but avoiding sounding crass, or arrogant. As she spoke, Roberta would lavish me with loving glances, take my hand, kiss my palm, or just look deeply into my eyes. She really had it bad, and it had only been one night. What was I missing? Fran saw it too, and moved to head it off before it got too syrupy. "Angela, what did you think of your time with Roberta?" She smiled but her expression had...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 13

After they had all eaten supper, it was story time again. Allison went into more detail about Amy's mission of returning home to get everything in order for their ultimate return. Amy had continued to drink more scotch after they got back to the hut. She made sure she was sitting on one side of Nathan during story hour. Emboldened by the scotch, she had asked him, just as she had seen the girls do, if she could sit in his lap. She knew by this time that that meant spiking herself on his...

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Grantville An Iona Beddau Adventure

Grantville: An Iona Beddau Adventure By Julie O Features characters from The Julieverse & Forget-Me-Not Chapter 1 "So Iona, what's the story about this place?" Michaela asked as we drove down an empty Midwestern road. "Our Chicago office got a note stating that the town elders are changing boys into girls in order to maintain the town's population,"...

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A Tortured SoulChapter 8 Amanda

It was after ten o’clock when we got to The Union—the building owned and operated by the Student’s Union. Situated on the eastern side of the university’s Grand Plaza, with the university library on the Plaza’s northern edge, The Union was a ghastly nineteen-seventies concrete and glass monstrosity. Oh, sure, they’d tried to disguise it with various signs and banners, and it had had more than its fair share of coats of paint, but it was what it was—and it was hideous. At least, it was from...

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Mary's parents were split and she lived with her mom but stayed with her dad on the week ends. She loved her dad and was happiest when she was with him and he also loved having her with him. She was excited because he was picking her up tonight and she would be with him till Monday morning. She carefully packed her suitcase and was ready when he pulled up. She ran put and jumped in the car. He grabbed her and hugged her giving her a kiss on the lips. He told her "Hi baby. You look so pretty."...

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Zombies want Sperm

A Halloween special story.Julie had suggested camping. Frank's breakup had been devastating. They needed to get him out of the house and force him to start living again. Roberto wanted to organize a softball game in the park. Walter thought a horror movie marathon would put him to rights. Angela wanted to take him to that raunchy strip club across the county line, where there was nobody to enforce the decency laws. But Julie would not be deterred. So camping they went. They chose the forest to...

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No FutureChapter 67 Give Unto Others

Odile 2110 The remuneration for a day's work was meagre. It amounted to nothing more than the use of a second-hand blanket and a meal that was double the size of what Odile normally had to eat. That was all. But it was something. Edith was helping to boil a pot of stew on a stove, while Odile doled it out into wooden bowls that were greedily snatched from her by desperate supplicants in the long queue that stretched ahead of her. This queue had started to form well before dawn and many of...

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The Searchers Chapter 4

Once again, Kelly, Jack and Chance loaded up in the RV and headed down the road."Where to next, Kelly?" asked Chance. "We are headed to a bed and breakfast near Charlotte," said Kelly. "This time, we're going to meet up with the operator of the inn. She responded to my post and said she was open to and had tried almost everything. She likes to fuck in front of others and prefers one on one while doing it, so hopefully you are good with taking turns."They spent most of the day driving and stayed...

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Naturists Cou$in!Kim sweetie come in here.SUP?Your dad and I are going on a cruise this weekend for two weeks. We asked Uncle Mike and Aunt Franny if you could stay with them.WAIT, WHAT I'm old enough to stay home alone.You are for a few hours or so. You're si(x)teen two weeks is too long for you to cook, shop and do the laundry. They live out in the country a bit it will be fun for you.I don't want to go to the country.Oh Kim go and broaden your horizons.Your co(u)sins Donna and Johnny are...

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SOL Games Hide Seek

This is kind of like a 'choose your own adventure' : -Start by reading the Prologue and one or more Level 1 chapters in any order. (Jump Ropes, Floor is Lava, Pet Teachers) -Then read one or more Level 2 chapters in any order. (Web Design, Teacher Taut, Chemistry, Tug of War) -Then read one or more Level 3 chapters in any order. (Hide & Seek, Pencil Sharpener, Anatomy, Dodgeball) -And so on. More to come! See the link in my profile to get ALL my stories in eBook and audiobook...

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Femdom Punishment Ideas

By Mistress Kylie,This post contains all of the ideas I have been able to come up with or find on the internet for female-dominant, male-submissive scenes…You’ll probably notice that a lot of the ideas are designed for use over many days and are associated with orgasm control. This theme emerged over time because orgasm control is so effective at heightening male desire. We use this list in a very simple framework when setting up scenes. First she picks one or more of the ideas below (either by...

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A Short Hop

She arrived at the restaurant wearing a jade green casmire sweater and mid length skirt that suggested a very hot body underneath. Her age was hard to figure out, she carried herself with more poise than I expected for a woman who was probably in her late 30’s. She was wearing stockings and expensive shoes. I notice these things because I have a successful clientele of clients at my own accounting firm and I knew she would make a great first impression on any of them. She wore her outfit...

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In a Secret GardenChapter 17

I could discuss my first three days in Lovett ad nausium, but I won't. I loved the town at first glimpse and even had wild notions about selling my unsellable cursed house so that I could move down here and join the happy throng. Actually the people were more than a bit subdued and overall perhaps a tad shell shocked, like they'd won some unspeakable pyrrhic victory against unspeakable odds but were still holding out for a vote recount. No one, for love, money or even for the chance of a...

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Pat Revisited Part One

It was time to revisit my seventy-three-year-old ex.On the way down, I stopped for a coffee and a bite to eat. I checked my phone for messages. There was one, a photograph of a nice ass in white cotton panties. Not Pat's.When I reached Pat's door, I was an hour late, and Pat made sure I knew. "Where the fuck have you been?" I could see her nipples pushing against her thin sweater, so I clamped the right one between my thumb and finger."Fuck me, that hurts," Pat squealed.I used Pat's nipple to...

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Lost Empire 25

The second in command left to begin carrying out the leaders orders; this was a most perilous mission to say the least. Since their mind implanted agents were of no further use he guessed they would have to go with the old way of actual agents infiltrating the ranks. This was harder, but with the skills of many here it shouldn't be all that hard. Derrick looked hard at all the data he'd received, the recyclers had detected something and gone to investigate. They had found the abandoned...

4 years ago
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I am Not a Fucking Chore

“No,” Laurel cries out across the table at dinner. “I am saying that you are never spontaneous with me.” Brian tries to get her to quiet down, feeling embarrassed that half of the restaurant is now looking at their table. His wife is unhappy, that he knows, but that doesn't mean she has to make a scene in front of all these people. “Can we discuss this at home?” he asks her quietly, trying to end this conversation for now. All he wants is decent meal but that is obviously out of the question....


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