A Balmy SpringChapter 9 free porn video

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Soft lips pressing against mine woke me. It was a gentle, pleasant kiss, and my eyes fluttered open to see Mom staring down at me. She was holding her hair back in a ponytail so that it wouldn't fall in my face.

"Good morning, Sweetheart," she softly said.

"Yes, it IS a good morning," I said, and lifted my head to kiss her again.

She sighed and pulled back after that kiss. She was completely nude, kneeling beside me, and I let my eyes slowly wander her sexy body in the early morning light. Her breasts had very little sag, which I assumed was because they weren't very large, and they always seemed perky by the way her nipples angled up.

She laughed. "You make me want to do naughty things to you when you look at me that way."

"Sounds good to me," I said, as I waggled my eyebrows at her.

"I wish, but alas, there's no time. It's time to get back to the daily grind for the both of us."

"Daily grind ... heh, heh, heh ... I like..."

"There's no way you can be up for a quickie!" she gasped.

I threw the blankets off me to reveal what I thought was some admirable morning wood. She smirked.

"I've been around long enough to know that something else besides me is causing THAT, Son."

I shrugged. "It doesn't mean that it won't work the same way."

She shook her head and gave my erection a last look of longing before popping me on the leg with her hand. "Up and at 'em, Young Man. You've got to get ready for school. Are you driving, or is Cassie?"

"You know, I'm not sure," I said, as I climbed out of bed. Mom was already heading to her shower; I was going to mine. The phone rang before I could leave the bedroom. She hesitated in the doorway of her bathroom while I checked the caller ID. "Speak of the devil ... or she-devil ... or whatever." I picked the phone up. "Hey, Beautiful."

"Hey, Gorgeous." Cassie's voice sounded chipper. Another wave of shame over my behavior had to be tamped down when I thought about how that happiness had been absent from her voice for much of the semester. "Are you picking me up, or am I picking you up?"

I smiled. "We were just talking about that. I don't mind driving."

"Good. I'll see you in half an hour then?"

"Half an hour? We still have an hour before school starts."

"We need to talk."

I frowned. "We've only been a couple since the weekend, and we already need to have 'the talk'?"

She laughed. "Not that talk. We need to talk about you and Kristin and how we're going to handle things."

I looked in Mom's direction, but she was already in the shower. She'd left the door open, so I leaned over in hopes of catching a glimpse of her through her shower door. I couldn't.

"I thought you said I had to deal with this on my own?" I asked my girlfriend.

"I was mad at you when I said that, Silly."

"Oh, I see." I didn't really.

"Just get here in 30 minutes." She sounded a tad exasperated, "We can talk then."

"No problem." I could easily shower, dress, eat, and drive to her house, which was about a seven to ten-minute drive depending on traffic, in 30 minutes. I was a teenage boy with a muscle car, after all!

Mom joined me in the kitchen as I was polishing off a slice of cold pizza. She shook her head as she pulled a yogurt and some juice from the fridge.

"Time to get you back on a normal person's diet," she said.

"Hey, I ate well. Shay and Mia are excellent cooks."

Mom leaned back against the counter to eat her yogurt. "Surely, you didn't make your guests do all the cooking while they were here?"

"Of course not," I huffed, "Cassie helped some." Before she could get the words of reprimand I knew were coming out, I continued. "They wouldn't let me help, Mom. I tried. They either kicked me out of the kitchen or made me sit at the table every time."

She gave me a raised eyebrow and put her spoon in her mouth in the weirdly sexy upside down way that women do. "Speaking of Cassie, ... does she know about us?"

I hesitated and tossed my napkin into the garbage. "Not yet."

"Not yet," Mom repeated. "So you do plan to tell her about us? I can understand telling Mia and Shay. I can see that you three are planning to do what you can to make your relationship long-term, but is it a good idea to tell Cassie, given the short-term nature of your romance?"

I wanted to tell her that we felt our relationship would be long term, but I paused. She had a point. Did I REALLY think my relationship with Cassie would last beyond this school year? Surely, I'd leave and she'd find someone else. Maybe I just needed to wait to see how things played out.

Mom looked like she wanted to say something else about it, but she told me to grab my stuff for school instead. I went to my room to grab my backpack, then went back to the kitchen to kiss Mom goodbye. She was still leaning against the counter, slowly eating and looking like she was deep in thought. Mom always looked good when she went to the office. Her blouse was just tight enough to show her femininity, and her slacks showed her long legs off. Throw in moderate heels, and she was classy AND sexy. She looked up at me as I approached.

"You didn't have a nightmare last night," she matter-of-factly said.

I paused before kissing her. She was right. Come to think of it, I hadn't actually had a nightmare since the first night that the girls were here, easily my longest span since the accident. I pecked Mom's lips and smiled at her as I headed to the door.

"I have a good feeling that they're gone, or at least mostly so. See you tonight, Mom."

Cassie wanted kisses as soon as she climbed into the passenger seat; lots of them, which I was happy to give her. Her lips were full and soft, her tongue hot and insistent. As we made out in her driveway, she laid her hand on the hardening bulge in my jeans, so I followed suit and palmed her big breast through her shirt. She sighed into my mouth and playfully chewed on my bottom lip just before she broke the kiss. She was breathing faster and her face was flushed. I thought the pink cheeks made her even more beautiful and vibrant than normal. She smiled at me as she tucked that loose lock of blond hair behind her ear. It was all I could do not to jump her and screw her brains out. Damn, she was hot!

"Hello, Boyfriend," she said.

"Hello, Girlfriend. That's a great way to start the day."

Her smile widened. "Now that I belong to you, that's what you can expect every morning."

I cocked my head at the curious way she phrased that. "Belong to me?"

The pink in her cheeks darkened. "That's just an expression. You know what I mean. Now that we're an item." She started rummaging through her purse. "Drive while I finish my makeup, then we'll talk."

I watched as she extracted a compact and a tube of something or other. "You know, you do look great just as you are. You don't need that crap."

She smiled at me and went back to 'applying her face', as Shay refers to it. "You're sweet, but you only say that because you love me."

I quietly listened to my music while she did her thing, though 'quietly' might not be entirely accurate. I usually played my music on a volume level that Cassie could tolerate. She'd prefer 'off', but we agreed to a compromise. She had music selection control in her car; I had it in mine. She was willing to give music control up so she wouldn't have to drive, since she much preferred to ride shotgun.

Anyway, I sang along with 'Disturbed' about feeling stupefied, then with '3 Doors Down' as they sang about being Superman. Cassie ignored the first song, but I noticed her singing along under her breath to the second. Without looking, she reached over and bumped the volume up a notch, then went right back to her makeup. I smiled and lost myself to the lyrics.

"You called me strong, you called me weak, but still your secrets I will keep;
You took for granted all the times I never let you down;
You stumbled in and bumped your head, if not for me then you'd be dead;
I picked you up and put you back on solid ground.

"If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might,

I thought about Fuzz, Dad, Mia, and Shay. I wasn't a Superman, not if it meant keeping all the bad things in their lives from happening, not if it meant being perfect and never making a mistake. Had I been trying to be that ... that fictional character? Had I thought I should have been better than I could possibly be?

"You know, you're kind of my Superman," Cassie said.

"No, I'm not," I said, without thinking.

Then I caught myself and looked at her, surprised that she seemed to know what I was thinking. She was watching me with a raised eyebrow.

"You don't even know what I'm going to say." She started putting her makeup away.

"I was actually thinking about something else, and it was a gut response," I lied. "Anyway, I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion."

"Well, no matter what, whether you're weak or strong, you're always there for me." I started to protest—there was NO way she could say that I was there for her during the last month, month and a half—but she cut me off. "You are. Even when you were going through everything this spring, I knew that I could count on you if it really came down to it. For example, it would have been so easy for you to slip up and tell Kristin and her friends that I like girls, but you never did."

I thought about what she said. I never even considered sharing her secret, no matter what, but I didn't think that made me Superman. While I'd like to think she was right—that I would have been there for her if she really needed me — I'm not sure that I would have been able to get past my own problems. One thing was for sure, though ... I actually might have been a little bit crazy during all the drama, just like the song said. I brushed the thought aside.

"I didn't come right out and say anything," I said, "But I feel like I'm partly to blame for the rumors starting."

"Why do you say that?"

"I was caught up in my own drama and quit being there as the guy in your relationship with Danica."

"The rumors started before the accident, Brody."

"Yeah, but my being with Kristin and not with you seemed to add fuel to the fire."

"Whatever. I don't see it that way at all."

"Well maybe us being boyfriend and girlfriend in public will now kill the rumors."

"I personally don't really care about them." She cocked her head. "I hope you know that my feelings for you have nothing to do with my relationship with Danica. I love you for you, regardless of all that.

What could I say to that? "Thanks," was all I could come up with. I reached over and squeezed her hand. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"Have you decided what you're going to say to Kristin?"

"Not really. I mean, I've thought about it a lot. I guess I'll just be honest and tell her I think we should break it off, that I let things get further than they should have, but that it needs to stop. I'm not breaking things off with my girlfriends, so it's not fair to you guys OR Kristin."

She nodded. "Speaking of me ... I think we should just play it cool, like we were right after Christmas; affectionate, but not a couple publicly."

That surprised me. "Why?" I asked.

"Imagine how she would feel if we walked in with our arms around each other, being all lovey-dovey. Considering how she feels about you—and how she thinks you feel about her— don't you think that seeing us like that would have to be a slap in her face? Besides, I really don't want to have to get in a fight with her because she thinks I stole her man."

"You don't really think she'd do that ... do you? Fight you, I mean." Why the hell anyone would want to fight over someone who CHOSE someone else is beyond me.

"You never know. People do the strangest things for love."

Cassie was probably right, even though announcing to the whole school as soon as I walked in that 'Cassie fuckin' Jones' was MY girlfriend, is what I wanted to do. "OK, but for how long? I'm not sure how long I want to wait before telling people we're a couple now."

She thought about that a second. "I don't know, a week or two? Maybe a bit more. We can play it by ear based on how she responds to your breakup."

I nodded. "What about Danica? I mean, we've stepped our relationship up. Isn't she going to feel slighted?"

"No ... no, I don't think so. I mean, we like each other, but we both know this isn't long term. We've never agreed to be exclusive or anything. It's kind of hard to be when you're hiding in the closet. Besides, I don't plan to end my relationship with her. We'll just be spending less time together."

"I don't want her to hate me."

Cassie patted my knee. "She won't. I think she's always suspected how I really feel about you. She's given me no signs that she wants to make our relationship more than good friends who have sex."

"I think you need to have a talk with her, regardless. She should probably be prepared whenever we do make our public appearance as a couple."

She sighed. "You're probably right. OK, I'll talk to her this week."

"Are you going to tell her about Mia and Shay, about having sex with them this weekend? I know you said you weren't exclusive, but..."

She was already shaking her head. "She knew that they were coming to visit you and that I'd be seeing them. Remember, she was part of your Valentine's Day present, so she knows how open everything is between us. She knew there was a chance that I might have sex with them." She paused. "You know, I actually invited her to come over for a little fling with Mia and Shay, but she was quick to reject that idea. I'm not entirely sure she is as sexually open as I thought."

There was one last issue that I felt needed to be addressed.

"What about Brendan?"

Cassie tensed up. "We're just friends."

"Cassie..." I said, drawing out her name.

"What? There's nothing serious between us," she uncomfortably fidgeted.

"Why do I feel like you aren't being entirely honest about him?"

"Just friends, Brody."

"Just friends like you and I used to be just friends? Just friends like you and Danica are? I know you probably haven't done all the things with him that he says you have, but I've seen enough to know you guys do more than just kiss."

"OK, fine, so he and I fooled around some, but there's no commitment there."

"Does he know that? This may not be all that different than what's going on between me and Kristin. I just..." I trickled off, not sure of how to say what I wanted.

"You just what?"

"I don't like him; but I don't want to have a confrontation with HIM because he thinks I stole his girl. He's usually the dumper, not the dumpee, so I have no idea of how he'll take it. Besides, I don't..." I shook my head. Were my feelings really out of concern for Cassie, or was I just ... jealous?

Cassie sighed. "Out with it, Brody."

"I just ... I know that we have a pretty open relationship, sexually-speaking, but..." I took a deep breath. "I don't want you hanging around him anymore."

She was quiet for a second. "So you forbid me from being with him?"

I cringed a bit at her use of the word 'forbid'. I didn't control her. I had my own friends—girls even—and didn't want Cassie telling me to stop hanging out with them. I mean, if there was someone she really didn't like and didn't want me to hang around, I was pretty sure I'd stop, but I wouldn't like her telling me I had to. So it wasn't like I would ever FORBID her from hanging around Brendan, even if I really, really didn't want her hanging with him. He was bad, bad news. I couldn't forbid her, but maybe I could get her to see my way.

"Cassie, I'm ... I'm your boyfriend, right?" I asked, unsure of how to frame my position.

I was parked by now. Cassie was silently looking out the windshield. The corners of her mouth tugged up, which made me raise an eyebrow. I turned the car off, and to my surprise, Cassie leaned over and gave me a warm, tender kiss. Then she broadly smiled at me.

"OK, Brody, I'll tell Brendan we're done." She kissed me again. "Good luck with Kristin," she said.

"You too," I replied, but all I could really think about was how quickly she changed her mind about Brendan. I'd expected to have to plead my case a bit more.

We got out of the car and headed into the building, walking a respectable distance apart, and I began to prepare myself for seeing Kristin. I wasn't sure what to expect from her. She was surprised by the presence of Mia and Shay in my house the last time I'd seen her, two days earlier. Would she give me the cold shoulder? Would she make a scene? I have to admit that I was surprised to see her standing at her usual spot beside my locker, Shawna and Kimmie in tow. Was I ready to be verbally skewered? Cassie gave me a sympathetic smile and headed toward her own locker.

Kimmie spotted me first and raised an eyebrow. Kristin saw her reaction and turned to look over her shoulder. Her expression was unreadable. She smiled her fake-y smile.

"Hi, Brody! Did you have a good break?"

She didn't hug me or take my hand or anything, which was abnormal for her. I fidgeted.

"Um, yeah. It was—"

"Cool." She turned back to her friends. "So anyway, I met this guy named Stefano. He's Italian. Mmm..." She made a face like she'd just tasted something decadent. "He's tall, dark, and GORGEOUS. He had the sexiest accent."

"Oooh," Shawna cooed, "What happened?"

So that's how it was going to be. Was she trying to make me jealous? I glanced at Kimmie and she looked at Kristin before settling her eyes on me. I could tell that her mind was racing a mile a minute while trying to figure out what was going on.

"What DIDN'T happen?" Kristin sighed, "He was AMAZING in bed! He—"

"Can I talk to you, Kristin?" I blurted out.

She looked at me, her face a mixture of faux innocence and triumph. It was clear that she assumed her ploy had worked, that she'd gotten the upper hand back.

"What about, Brody?"

"I just ... Can we talk alone?"

Her smile widened a bit. "Sure." She turned to her friends. "See you girls next break?"

Shawna and Kimmie said their goodbyes, but Kimmie hesitated a second, giving both of us another last look of confusion. I pulled Kristin down a nearly deserted hallway by the lockers.

"Listen, Kristin, about Monday..."

"Oh, it was SO nice to meet your girlfriends." She said 'girlfriends' like it was a swear word. "I guess they fucked your socks off, huh?"


"That's what's great about spring break. Lots and lots of sex."

I sighed. "I'm sorry, Kristin."

"'Bout what? Having sex with your girlfriends? Why on earth would you need to apologize for that?"

"For not telling you. I mean, I know things had gotten kind of serious between us."

She laughed like I'd just said something crazy funny. I bristled to hear it. "Serious? Brody, there's nothing serious between us. We're horny teenagers. You're good in bed, especially for a sophomore, but ... well, you're a sophomore, I'm a senior. You are a convenient, no-strings-attached way to get my rocks off. I'm sorry if you thought there was something more. We're fuck-buddies, Brody."

I watched her throughout her little monologue. I heard her words, but I didn't let them get to me. I could tell they were a defense mechanism, meant to protect her from getting hurt by trying to hurt me instead. Her eyes actually betrayed her, though. She WAS hurt by my actions. I could see it. She HAD been hoping we were getting serious. Maybe she didn't plan on extending things after graduation, but it wasn't just 'convenient, no-strings-attached' sex.

"Well, we can't be 'fuck-buddies' anymore," I said.

She faltered a second. Her mask of indifference nearly slipped, but she quickly recovered. "So your girlfriends are jealous? Are they afraid that I'm going to steal their man?"

"No, actually. They're pretty open about stuff. It's me; I can't do it anymore. It's not fair to them or to you, regardless of their openness, or the fact that you and I are not getting serious." I said it like I accepted her words as fact, but I knew better. "We can't have sex anymore, Kristin."

"Sure, fine. It kind of lost its luster after my spring break, anyway." She sighed again. "I mean, Stefano was 22, and VERY experienced." The early bell rang. "Listen, Brody, thanks for giving me some good times. I'm sure you'll eventually be able to move on. We better get to class. I'll see you around, 'k?"

I watched as she walked away and around the corner. Well, it didn't go like I expected at all. I shouldn't have been surprised that she would have covered her feelings up in order to either remain in control, or protect herself, or a little of both. I was still scratching my head trying to figure out how she turned it around like I was going to be pining after her, but the truth was that the whole thing just made me sad. I was sad that my stupid actions had hurt people. I was sad that my friendship with Kristin was likely dead in the water. I'd really grown to care about her. I didn't want to entirely end our friendship, but even I knew her "see you around" and "sophomore" references meant that I'd been relegated to lower life-form status again and not worthy of her time.

Well, if one good thing could come from Kristin's reaction, it was that I probably wouldn't have to wait a week or two before I could broadcast that Cassie was my girlfriend.

I was heading to lunch later that day, looking forward to seeing Cassie for the first time since I'd broken it off with Kristin. I peered into the cafeteria as I got in line, but to my surprise, she wasn't at our table.

"She was talking to Brendan a few minutes ago."

I whipped around to see Danica standing behind me. She looked upset, and I could see that she thought things were picking up where they left off before spring break, with me and her being pushed aside for that prick. I stepped out of the line and we moved away from everyone else so that we could have some privacy.

"Oh," I said. Then I gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I think we'll be seeing a bit more of her at lunch from now on."

Danica cocked her head. "I'm not worried about that. She told me after first period that you guys FINALLY are a couple."

"Oh," I said again. I hadn't expected Cassie to act so quickly in letting Danica and Brendan know. That left Danica's peculiar mood unexplained. Unless... "Hey, I, uh ... I won't try to come between you and ... um, I won't interfere in your ... friendship." I glanced around, hoping nobody was listening.

She just shook her head. "I'm good with things. I'm just worried because Brendan didn't look like he was taking it very well."

I froze. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, he was kind of getting all up in her face, and..."

I didn't wait to hear the rest, taking off at a dead sprint instead. I'd never heard that Brendan got violent with any of his girlfriends, but I'd also never heard of Brendan getting dumped. Who knew how he'd respond? I wasn't about to let another of my girls be hurt. I slowed to a fast walk when I saw some teacher step out of a classroom to tack something to a bulletin board, then started jogging again when she turned around and went back in the room. I should have asked Danica where she saw them talking, but all I could think about was getting to Cassie. To my relief, I saw them as I rounded into the hallway where I'd seen them together before. I slowed to a stop far enough away so that they didn't see me at first. I was content to just watch unless things got out of hand.

Brendan looked furious, and he loomed over Cassie with his hands in fists down his side. Cassie, on the other hand, looked almost serene as she spoke. He was vigorously shaking his head, but Cassie reached out and gently put her hand on his arm. His hand shot up and clamped on to her upper arm. For the first time, Cassie looked concerned. That was my cue. I walked towards them. Cassie saw me first, and the look of relief on her face made my heart swell.

" ... don't end things," Brendan was saying, "It's my decision when it's over."

Brendan turned to look in my direction just as I stopped a few feet from them. His expression hardened even more.

"Hey, Cass," I said, "Everything OK?"

"Go away, Brown. This is none of your business."

Cassie clearly didn't mention my involvement in their breakup, or else he would have thought it entirely my business.

I pretended to ignore him. "What's up, Cassie?"

"I was just telling Brendan that I don't want to go out with him anymore, and he isn't taking it well."

"Shut up, Bitch," Brendan said, and he squeezed her arm harder, making her wince.

"You're hurting me," she said as she tried to pull free.

"Take your hand off her, Brendan," I evenly said, but I felt my blood beginning to boil inside.

"Fuck you, Brown."

He punctuated that by giving her a little shake. I almost went into a rage, but I kept it in check, knowing how much Cassie hated violence.

"I'm only going to tell you one more time," I said, "Take your hand off my girlfriend."

Cassie gasped and Brendan's jaw dropped.

"What the fuck?" he growled, "You're dumping me for this wuss?"

Cassie sighed. "I'm not dumping you for anyone. I never was your girlfriend, Brendan. It's like I said before: I just ... I just don't like you that way."

"Yeah, but I just figured that it was because you're really a dyke, not because of HIM!"

Cassie's expression hardened. He still hadn't dropped his hand, and I was just about ready to take drastic measures, when Cassie reached over with her other hand and grabbed his wrist.

"Take your hand off me or I'll scream."

He hesitated for just a second, but he dropped his hand when she took a deep breath.

"You know what?" he asked, looking back and forth between Cassie and me. "I think you really are just a fucking lesbo dyke tease, and he's nothing but a queer-ass knob jockey who probably sucks cock better than you do."

I tensed up, but Cassie's hand caught mine, and she tightly held it down beside us.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, Brendan," she said, "But I don't..."

"Hurt me?" he ruefully laughed, "Whatever." He glared at me. "You can keep the bitch; she was a dead lay, anyway."

Then he turned and stormed off. We were silent as we watched him go. Cassie finally sighed.

"Well, that's over," she said. "He didn't take it well, as you can see. Thanks for coming when you did. I don't really think that he would have gotten physical, but you never know."

I squeezed her hand, which I still held. "What happened before I got here?"

"More of the same; I didn't tell him that I had a boyfriend; I just said ... well, you heard what I said. He kept telling me that I didn't have a choice." She looked up at me. "You said he was trouble, and you were right. Thank you for telling me to stop seeing him."

I was a bit taken aback by that comment. Didn't she WANT to stop seeing him? Surely, she didn't just do this because I told her how I felt? I mean, didn't his reaction just then prove what I was saying? Cassie hugged me and rested her cheek on my chest.

"I never had sex with him," she whispered, "I sucked his ... him ... once, but mostly it was just making out and stuff."

I grimaced. I didn't want to hear this because it put images of Cassie and Brendan in my head that I really didn't want there. Besides, what she did with him was between the two of them. She didn't have to explain anything to me.


"Why did you tell him I was your girlfriend? I thought we decided to wait until things blew over. It's going to get around now; Kristin's going to be upset."

"Probably not any more than she already is."

I told her about my talk with Kristin. Cassie just shook her head.

"We're a pair, aren't we?" she giggled, "Maybe we could fix Kristin up with Brendan."

I just chuckled, and didn't say anything. Getting together with those two weren't our smartest moves.

As it turns out, EVERYONE knew that I was 'officially' with Cassie by the end of school that day, or in some folks' minds, 'officially back together' with her. I figured that Brendan said something to someone, but the person 'leaking' that bit of information was none other than Cassie herself. I found out from Cassie between our last two periods that she overheard a couple of junior cheerleaders repeating some snarky comments Kristin made to Shawna; something about how I might be nice to look at, but that I was less than adequate where it really mattered—personality, brains, and of course, sex. I personally didn't give a rat's ass what rumors floated around about me. I mean, my friends liked me for me, plus I was moving in the summer, so I wouldn't see most of these kids again if I didn't want to after that.

Same as A Balmy Spring
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I woke up the next morning to the sound of rain pounding on the roof. I looked over at the clock, it was almost eight in the morning. I sat up in my bed, suddenly the night’s previous conversation came rushing back to me. It was going to be very awkward to be around Ashley from this point on, that was for sure. I got up and made my way to the kitchen, I could smell the coffee brewing. Ashley was already seated at the table when I walked in, she was still in the short robe from the night...

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JanetChapter 5

About two in the afternoon I finally made it into my shop. John looked up at my grinning face as I opened the door. “Morning mum. You look like the cat that got the canary.” He teased me. “It must have been one hell of a fight though we could hear the screaming for hours.” “John!” I gasped colour flooding my face. “Oh god” “Relax mum.” John hugged me tightly. “I’m glad you’ve sorted things out with Mandy.” “I am too honey, but I am sorry if we got a bit carried away.” John stayed with me...

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Brian Where Are You an Alone and Afraid StoryChapter 4

Rhonda and I went to church Sunday morning to find Laura not there. When she didn't answer her phone, we went by her apartment. We saw her car there. Rhonda used her key to open Laura's apartment door. We couldn't open it to get inside because the safety chain was set. We knocked next door and a young couple came to the door. He helped us break in with a coat hanger on the safety chain. We had met them once before so he had no hesitation about helping. Rhonda went to Laura's room and...

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Bonding Between Siblings 8211 Part 3

Hi, my name is Sanket. Today, I am writing the next installment of a fictional story about the incestuous relationship between a brother and sister. Before we begin, I would like to thank my audience for appreciating the first two installments. Those who have not read it, please read the first and second parts first. Now, continuing the story where we left it. Pratik sat in his room half nude wondering what he should do when sleep took over him. Pratik woke up half an hour later and was...

1 year ago
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Call Girl Of Call Center

PS. I like to narrate the story slowly, but I am sure it would be worth the wait. Hiy name is Shalani. I am 25 years old and i am married. I look a mixture of Genelia and Shriya Saran. I am in perfect shape, the classic shape of 36-24-36. My husband I is a school teacher and he earns a good salary but not enough to let us enjoy some household pleasure, so I joined the call center. Call centers are good for house wives as we don’t have to work too much; there is not much work load. But it is...

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Intrusive DelightsChapter 28 Room 6

When the Emir decided to try out a part of the sixth torture room, he selected Ramzy El-Najjar's grand-daughter, Zeinab, for the privilege of being his experimental assistant. She was prepared as though for his bed, and in that she felt very honoured. An abaya was put on her over her ceremonial harem dressing gown and she was led through a series of passages into the Ruby Palace. She had, by this time, decided that unfortunately it was not the Emir who would use her, but that she was being...

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Words Made FleshChapter 10

Sophia let out an emphatic sigh when Estelle squealed with glee at the candy store. She watched helplessly as her shopping partner pranced, skipped and bounced simultaneously into the large entrance, quickly lost in the labyrinth of overstuffed bins. Her watch, which she couldn't help but check frequently, informed her that she had checked it less than five minutes ago. With a stern resolve, Sophia walked into the candy store to catch up with Estelle. "Oooh! Have you tried those ones?...

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The Perfect Match

This is the story of my perfect match and our shared sexual interests. We each tend to feed off each others perversions, this only heightens our pleasures we get. The more perverted the pleasure, the more turned on we become, but I’m getting ahead of myself. This is how it all started….. After some very outrageous flirting in an online game, my love and I finally met. Straight off we were connected at the very core of our minds. Knowing the others feelings, thoughts and reactions mostly before...

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RestoredChapter 8

It was Monday morning, Ryan should be back today, maybe he could shed some light why Lisa will not reply to my calls or messages. All the running around the last couple of months had started to show on me. I was exhausted physically and mentally. It was the first morning I hadn’t checked my mobile for any messages from Lisa. If she hadn’t sent a message all week, I don’t think she would send one know. Downstairs Patsy was showing the new girl the drinks behind the bar. That brought back...

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After school drama party

Kenny (ME!) - dyed black hair, very pale, a very slim build (103 pounds), 5’ 1’’ 14 years old Isaac – Blonde hair, A bit chubby (Guessing here but 140?) 5’ 6” 15 years old Cammy! – Coolest hair ever, brown, mixed, very curvy (Probably 125) 5’ 4” 14 Ryan Anderson – Semi curly brown hair, decently built (Stronger then me, 155-160) 6’ 2” 28 years. We all sat in the room, giggling nervously as Mr. Anderson drank another monster. You know, being 14-15 year olds, it’s fun to be sitting in...

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My Innocent mom

Hii guys its me sanjay…. As i’m here now to narrate a cool fantasy incident happened to me that introduce me to a new world of pleasure , that is a pure fantasy and no reality in it. This is about how i fucked my innocent mom very innocently. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 18 and had me soon after. My father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my grandmother”s gone and my mom”s a successful lawyer, having educated...

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There and BackChapter 186 Breaking Point

Fergus was curled up in a ball on the deck, leaning his back against one of the crates. He barely stirred when I spoke, and it took me a minute to realise he was completely soaked. His dark hair was plastered to his forehead, and he was sitting in the middle of a puddle of water with more dripping off of his clothes. I hesitated, uncertain whether to just leave - but it wasn’t that warm out, and it had been quite some time since the rain, so he’d obviously been sitting there for a while. I...

1 year ago
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Janet the White

We picked most of our names before we discovered our superpowers. Minerva White, Diana Green, Venus Red, Juno Violet-- Juno Purple. Whatever, today, apparently, it’s Juno Purple. Coughing to clear my throat. You can’t make an ahem noise? No gag reflex. So, yeah, the first four and there’s also Eris Black. I’m still pissed off she gets the Greek name. I wanted Artemis from the beginning. Well, I liked Minerva over Athena and so did Michael. Venus had that Sailor Moon thing going for it....

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This story starts with my boyfriend and I. First, let me describe us. I am a 5’7′, 21-year-old woman. I have 32DD tits, a firm ass, a flat stomach, long brown hair, and green eyes. My boyfriend, I’ll call him Kenneth, is 6’2′, 22 years old, has a six pack, shaggy brown hair, brown eyes, and a 9-inch dick. He and I had been dating about seven months when we decided to spice up our sex life. So, he bought me a vibrator. Not just any vibrator. An 8 inch, silicone, silent, rabbit vibrator. It came...

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Barbie Measurements

Cecelia and I had been down in their big, basement playroom having fun that hot afternoon, playing computer games on a big screen mostly, when she asked, “Want to see my Barbie collection?” Nobody was home in the big house. I remember it was late summer and kind of exciting to see some girl’s bedroom. We had been friends for a long time, two or three years I guess. So I followed her up stairs and she had this whole line of Barbies on a windowsill, maybe two dozen on them, all in costume, a...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 7

It was just after 1:40 PM when Jim and Cindy returned from his car to their grass picnic area by the sound barrier. "I checked the batteries." Jim commented. "They're 80% charged now. At least the magic is still with us." "Uh huh..." Cindy said idly. She was carrying her flute from the car, and she walked over and sat down on the picnic blanket, taking off her sneakers and socks. She lifted her head up and gazed at the white clouds above her. The weather was delightfully cool, 53F,...

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Caught with my magazines

To begin with it was nerve-wracking buying my mags, with people coming in and out of the shop and seeing me at the counter. But later I began to really enjoy being seen buying my mags. People did comment sometimes though, like when I was ogling the top shelf with mags already under my arm, and two girls walked past saying “fucking pervert!” Most of the time it’s the way they look at you though, like the time I was in an ‘adult’ shop in Luton, and there was a bloke and a woman in there, talking...

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Little Sister Part 3 revised

Introduction: A Brother is torn between what is right and wrong when he falls in love with his little sister. Chapter Four It was Sunday morning when Alan woke up to Brianna laying naked in his arms. He smiled and rolled over to face her. With a gentle kiss on her lips, her eyes fluttered open. She smiled and stretched. Good morning, Big Brother. Good morning. You feel alright? She nodded, looking as sweet as ever. Then she straddled him and slid his hardening tool into her wet snatch. A soft...

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Our Dirty Kissable Lips Mels Story

This story is a follow on from another story I wrote named Marion's story. I wanted to build on the story but to allow that to happen I had to go back and tell a little of the back story of the other members in the band. This story picks up Mel's life before the band and talks a little about how the band was formed. I need to say a big thank you to my friend and fellow writer and friend Marina Kelly who helped with the editing and gave me direction and guidance. Thanks Marina, great...

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My 3 Sisters one Cousin1

It was a Friday afternoon when my parents took off in their caravan with my younger sister Sally for a long weekend. In the evening l was laying on my bed in just a pair of boxers listening to music when my door opened, Tara came in only wearing a bra and high knickers (not sexy) but l could clearly see the impression of her pussy, she asked to use the big mirror on my wardrobe, seeing my sister in just bra and knickers got my cock hard, she posed in front of the mirror, l innocently remark...

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Single Mother Needs To Make Ends Meet Chapter 3

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Arriving home, I woke Julie and helped her walk to the house and then straight to her bedroom. She fell on the bed, her dress bunched up around her waist. I saw cum still oozing from her pussy. “Oh, my God,” I heard. I hadn’t realized Susan was standing next to me. “Mommy,” Susan asked, “Is that cum?” God, her questions were always straight forward. I have...

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Housewife1On1 Melissa Lynn 24189

Your bags are packed pre-flight, you’re all checked in, and you just filmed your hot-ass wife Melissa Lynn doing a nude dance, shaking her big tits and ass for you so you can masturbate to her while you’re away on business. The last thing you have to do now is fuck her! With her clothes already peeled off, Melissa’s ready for you to play with her tits and finger her pussy, all so he can get juiced up to suck your cock and ride it. Her amazing is ass is ripe for spanking, so flip your wife over...

4 years ago
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Stuart part 6

I smirk as I rush into the generously-sized dance studio that has been Krystie's second home for almost two years. Between the ages of 4 and 10, I would find myself in such a place twice a week, with my legs clad in the same pink tights and my body covered by the same style of leotard as the fifteen women currently dancing in the studio. Back then, I would have paid anything to never have to set foot in one of these places again, but today, someone else's needs come before my own. "Oh,...

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The Amazing Mind Control MachineChapter 5

I made a plan. Wednesday I knocked on Marilyn’s front door. Regina had been there about 15 minutes. Marilyn answered the door. Her eyes widened when she saw me. “I brought those college entrance forms for you to sign” I said as I held up some folders. I brushed by Marilyn and entered the living room. Regina was sitting on the sofa with a book in her lap. She looked up at me and smiled. “Hi” I said and waved as I crossed the room and entered the kitchen. Marilyn followed me and closed the...

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Letter From the GraveChapter 3 the aftermath

I went up to my bedroom and sat on the bed. I was dumb founded. Feeling as if someone has kicked me in my stomach, or worse — in my balls. Tears started running down on my cheeks. I felt dizziness enveloping me, as if my soul had left my body and is looking from above. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" I roared like wounded lion. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" with all the force my lungs could give. I kept roaring until my throat could not pass a sound. I kept roaring until I collapsed. I slid...

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Submissives diary Ep 3 Mistress Kate pt 2

part 2"Where is your fighting spirit, missy? Show some determination." Mike softly touched my breasts while Kate furiously worked me with her tongue. I had to grin my teeth not to yell at him"Easy for you to say, you're not- ungh!" He pinched and twisted both my nipples"Talking back? Really? I thought by now you would know better." Of course I knew, but the pain took my mind off of Kates devilish work. The second orgasm that was building up disappeared into thin air while I solely focused on my...

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On The Beach

I'd never been to a nudist beach, and going on my own seemed a little, well, pervy. I went though. A typical british summer; cloudy and just about warm. I walked along the seemingly endless path, across a few dunes, down a stretch of beach and, finally, there it was. The sign. 'Clothing Optional'. OK, so there was more to it than that, but that was the gist of it.I looked around. Not many about, and mainly older men; not exactly my thing.I found a spot near the dunes (not IN the dunes, as that...

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All American BoyChapter 23

When we all came out of the showers, Bonnie joined Brandy and me in a pretty hot embrace. The three of us were hugged up and groping as if we had never seen each other naked. No matter how many times I see my sister naked, I’ll always be amazed at the way she looks. Some people just don’t look as good naked as others (I remembered all the people we saw at the nude resort), Bonnie isn’t one of those. Then there is Brandy. Even at fourteen, she has the looks and body of someone Bonnie’s...

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A Harder Course Than I Thought

A Harder Course Than I ThoughtI'll never forget the stain of my first experience when I was 16 years old. It was with a history student teacher who had come to train as an actual teacher, who I will only identify as "Ms. Clark". It all started one Friday afternoon when I asked if I could stay after school and get some help in history. She said that would be fine, she could spare at least a couple hours, and I had no reason to be home in a hurry myself. So at 2:00 when school ended, I went up to...

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50000 Blowjobs for JoAnne PART I

Recently, JoAnne was in a pensive mood, having just returned from another night giving blowjobs to Johns at a downtown corner, as she has been doing for almost 7 years now. I could tell she was pensive, because she seemed distracted as she sucked my dick in the living room, as I watched early morning TV. She ALWAYS sucks me before heading off to bed. Anyway, I asked her what she was thinking of. “Hmmm?” she asked me, her mouth not leaving my cock. “You look distracted,” I told her. “Hmm hmm,”...

Group Sex
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Spizoo Ashley Lane Up Close And Personal

Ashley Lane is a beautiful, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, dream girl. From the first moments, you can see how genuinely and passionately horny this beautiful girl is. Her outer layer is soft-spoken and shy, but this sexy babe unleashes her sexuality in an aggressive, loud, wet way as she moans and squirts like crazy. This scene is filled with powerful orgasms and lust. Do not miss this!! Look this beautiful Blonde wearing suggestive black lingerie touching herself and inviting her man to join and...

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Holly Invites Natalie Over For A Pool Party

The next morning Holly woke to find Mommy gone from her bed. She went downstairs, Mommy was making breakfast. Holly came up behind her and gave her a warm hug and a peck on the cheek. Wondering if Mommy would mention last night, Holly sat down and asked her Mom how she slept. "Fine dear," Mommy answered. "I had a great night's rest," Holly offered."It's supposed to get hot today. Would it be alright if Natalie came over? I was thinking we would go swimming in the pool." "Sure honey. Natalie is...

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"Can you show me your draft?" Mr. Stevens asks and props himself on the backrest of my office chair, looking over my head. "Sure!" I reply diffidently, quickly opening the file. "Hm-m-mh-m...," Mr. Stevens murmurs while reading the headline. "Nice curves...," he adds thoughtfully. At the same time, I sense his hands slide around my sides just an inch below my breasts, pressing my loose, woolen pullover against me. The usually concealing piece of clothing now clings to my curves and makes me...

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Blackmailing The QueenChapter 4 Afternoon delight

I arrived at the garage apartment at 4:00, expecting to find her there. I checked to make sure I was not seen, then entered through the side door and up the plain wood staircase to the rooms above. The same key that had opened the side door opened the door to the main room, and the musty smell of the place told me how long it had been unused. But it was basically clean. Ann was not there. At lunch I had told her to be there by 3:45 and to wait for me. She had seemed totally cowed and I was...

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ABS sissy

So I am driving home from college on a friday night and I pull into the bookstore. I had prepared having no clue what it was going to be like, but I was wearing high heeled boots, some sissy lingerie, and stuck a wig in my pocket. Of course all of this was on under my regular clothes, lol, and like I knew I was gonna be a whore, I had stuffed my pockets with papertowels. I walk in the store, the bell dings, the older gentleman behind the desk takes a quick peek. I'm trying to walk soft so my...

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California Dreaming

California Dreaming He was the typical ego centric artist who believed that the art world should live around his schedules and not the other way around. He had been here in this seaside community on the southern California coast since his college days. Scratching out a living with signage jobs for the local business owners along with the highly desired but often delayed commission checks from his artwork on cereal boxes. His real art stacked up in the studio, few galleries interested in...

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Caribbean Adventure

Last summer my wife and I decided to take a week vacation to a small Caribbean Island. We were taking her younger sister as a High school graduation gift. As background, I am a 28-year-old Stock Broker, my wife is a gorgeous 24-year-old Marketing researcher, and her 17-year-old sister was getting ready to go to a small Eastern College.Both my wife, Ann and her sister Dawn are blondes with great athletic bodies. They are very close despite the age difference, and I honestly had never looked at...

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Tables Turned

My day started out perfectly at Citibank. Standing by the stall, I withdrew $5,000. The bills flipped gracefully in my hands as I counted them. Plans to bet and gamble at the Bargata Casino fastened my attention. I smiled, feeling lucky and stuffed the money in my pocket. Nonetheless, it happened! Two female robbers clad in black clothes, wigs, and ski masks charged in the bank. They were holding guns. The robber, who was short and had on a blonde wig, hit the obese security guard on his head....

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Summer in the fields

Steve is an average 19 year old on the outside. He has a full time job, a live in girlfriend (Amanda), divorced parents, and 2 cats. On the inside he's about to erupt. Summer is the eruption. Summer is Steve's "alter ego" who comes around every now and then. Steve used to let Summer drive around on the many less traveled roads in the area. Summer has never been with a guy, and she only got enough courage to massage the outside of her asshole with her wet finger. Right now Summer's about to...

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The Company Picnic

The Company Picnic ============== by AzalelPart One: The Contest -----------------------        Ann MacMillan looked at the computer screen in disbelief.  She honestly could not believe it.  The problem was that the information was undeniable.  She had lost the contest.  She hung her head and cried a little.  She just did not know how she was going to tell her girls.        The contest rules had been very simple.  Of the thirteen sales representatives employed by Anderson & McCall, a...

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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 24 New Friends

Two more days passed and then the time of departure arrived. The ACs climbed into the air and the crews stood along the rail waving farewell to their new friends. They turned and headed out over the sea. In three days, Ulric succumbed to Yafa's near constant sexual advances. She had tormented him day after day by constantly parading around in the nude. She used every excuse to rub various parts of her anatomy against him when they squeezed by each other in the narrow aisle or sat at the...

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Another face down ass up day at the Spa

I was surprised to see so many views I wrote of my recent adventure at the local bath house. I wrote it just to pass the time & I wasn't really expecting anything from it, so I decided to write about something that happened a few months ago.Last summer I went to one of my favorite bath houses on a Sunday when I knew it would be busy. Before I went, I took a lot of time that morning to dilate & loosen up my hole with dildos. My hole is still very tight because I don't slut myself out...

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Whatever It CostsChapter 38

It took us ... or rather, my private investigator ... more than six weeks to locate Lily. Once she got the facts straight, she decided to share the information with the feds, even without asking me first. That meant a wait of two extra days for me, which together with the fact that she refused to give me any other information made me worried. Very worried. Besides, the look behind her eyes was something that I feared. Lily has just had her fifth birthday. It had been partly my efforts, or at...

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From Loving Wife To SlutChapter 5B

She had dinner on the table when Gary and David got home and when they were clearing the dishes from the table Gary asked: "We didn't have anything planned for tomorrow night, did we?" "Just an evening of mad, passionate love since David will be gone and we will have the house to ourselves." She saw him wince and he said, "Ouch!" "What means this "ouch?" I have to work late tomorrow night. It will probably be two in the morning before I get home." "Then I guess you will just...

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My Blonde mother fucks me and my friend

Note : This story is completely fictional! When Monday morning came around, I decided that I would be “sick” from work and planned to spend the whole day fucking you until I couldn’t get hard anymore. I knew you would call in sick from work and I planned to spend the day inside every hole of your body. After my sister and brother head off to high school, you enter my bedroom to check on my condition. You ask me how I feel, and I say “ I’d feel better if your lips were around my cock”. You...

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I Knew Ch 03

Jess walked into the bar late the next morning, she had been trying to get hold of Lisa for 2 hours, she had even gone to her place, she was starting to get worried. Jess saw one of the security guards from last night and asked him if he had seen who she left with. ‘Yeah, didn’t you hear? Apparently she’s in hospital with some pretty bad injuries. That bloke that was hanging off her all night, he attacked her down the alley, luckily Jeremy, the lead singer from the band, happened to go out for...

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Bhabhi ki Bhen aur Bhabhi

Hello iss friends, tell me how u like my story, this is the second part. Flash back: aur thodi der bad phir wo mere lund ko pakad kar rub karnay lagi or mera lund phir tight honay laga tab may nain kaha ki muje aapki gand marna hay may aapki gand ka diwana hu to usnay kaha ki main gand nahi marvaungi kyuki may nay aaj tak gand nahi marvai hay or tumhara to lund bhi bahut bada hay mere gand phat gayegi or may phir thick say beth bhi nahi paungi to manay kaha ki kuch nahi hota may aapko dhire...

4 years ago
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A Different Way That COVID Affected Our Family Part 3

It was Thursday morning, and our babies would be here today. I was both nervous and extremely excited to see my kids again after a couple of months. Covid had been hard on everyone with so many losing so much, so I was happy we had each other.I had sent Jack to the store to go shopping after nearly emptying the house of food over the last few weeks while I rushed around tidying the house. I had woken up early and grabbed one of Jack's tee-shirts and threw it on to clean the house. Typically, I...

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How I was conquered

One Saturday afternoon, I drove my old car down to the local grocery store for the next week’s groceries. It was a hot summer day. I was a little absent minded when I got out of my car and headed to the store from the parking lot. I suddenly realized that I forgot to take my car key out before locking the door. It was the only key I got, and knowing so little about the system in this country I didn’t know what to do. I got panicked. How am I going to go back to campus? And what’ll happen to...

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Surprise at the Halloween party

Surprise at the Halloween Party Anita and I had been invited to a Halloween party that an old friend of mine was having at his place. The only requirement the invitation said was that full masks were to be worn. I tried to get an original one, but finally I decided to use a long black sheet and the mask from the movie Scream. By her side, Anita decided on a costume and a mask of Snow White.The party was in full swing by the time we got there and it was fun trying to guess who was who amongst...

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Lisa Ryan Naked in SchoolChapter 6

"Oh SHIT!" It was accompanied by a warm foot in the middle of my back, shoving me out of bed. "C'mon Ryan. We gotta move, or we're gonna be late." I know, I know ... RIGHT? When a girl sleeps in your bed and does unimaginably stupendous sexy things all night long - you are supposed to wake up to a nice loving, hot BLOWJOB and Sexy Girl part II. It's that way in every internet porn story I've ever read. I cracked an eye and looked at Rebecca. I don't know what I expected, but it...

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Smilin Jack

SMILIN' JACK by Maggie Finson Jack Jack loved this time of year. With the closeness of Halloween, and all that holiday's attendent pranks and dressing up, his own less than benevolent tricks were much easier to perform. Better yet, his little jokes on humanity often managed to go largely unnoticed for days. At least, by those fortunate enough not to be caught up in them. He was a very old entity, one who had been known by many different names by many cultures. The one...

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