T.R.E.SChapter 27 free porn video

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Boredom prompted my proposal, but reason was its driving force. My real estate paradigm left me free time - too much free time - and my involvement in the renovation of the Vegas office project had ended shortly after our return from Sandy's ill-fated attempt at matchmaking. What's more, I suspected I wasn't alone in my ennui. Nicole didn't have a project in mind beyond the lease-up of the office complex, and Sandy's book tour had ended. My sister had also finished her second novel during the tour.

During some idle time one afternoon, I was glancing through a Forbes magazine and noticed an article about the world's most expensive hotels. The hotels and their locales fascinated me. The Mansion at MGM Grand in Las Vegas topped the list, but what caught my attention was that many of the hotels were situated on private islands. A week later I found two islands, Butterfly Caye, a forty-minute boat ride southeast of Dangriga, Belize, and Koyo Caye, twelve miles east of Placentia, Belize. Butterfly Caye, a six-acre island, was one of the few unspoiled places left in the world. Unspoiled, but not uncivilized. The island came with a three-story main house, a guesthouse on the other side of the island from the main house, and the island came with a staff (a manager/boat captain, maid, and gardeners) and a long list of personal property including two boats. Also, the island wasn't completely isolated from modern technology. The current owner had brought in satellite TV and Internet connectivity. Koyo Caye was undeveloped period, but it was larger - twelve acres. Both islands were protected by barrier reefs.

I raised my shield because I didn't want my attitude or thoughts to project my intent.

"Why the shield, Josh?" Sandy asked that evening as we finished eating dinner. Sandy usually trotted over from her home to Nicole's and mine for dinner, usually slept with us, too. We'd planned accordingly. Anticipating that Sandy would find her man of the world someday, our master suite provided for four occupants, not two. The master suite in Sandy's house was just as accommodating, and about half the time the three of us ended up in her bed.

"I'm bored," I replied.

"Huh?" Nicole said.

"I'm bored. What about y'all?"

"Hmm," Nicole muttered. "Yeah, a little."

"Frankly, I'm enjoying the downtime," Sandy said. "But... yeah, boredom might be just around the corner. Waddaya have in mind?"

I tossed the Forbes magazine on the table. "What would the two of you say if I suggested we spend a few nights in each of the world's ten most expensive hotels?"

"Sounds fun," Nicole said.

"Argh. The book tour cured me of traveling for a while," Sandy said, but she picked up the magazine and flipped through the pages.

"I'm not proposing traveling for the fun of it, although staying in those hotels should be fun. I need a challenge, something new to occupy my idle time and mind."

Sandy handed the magazine to Nicole and gave me a funny look. "You're shield is irritating."

"I'll drop it in a few minutes. Nicole, do you note any pattern to those hotels?"

"Let's see. Two are located in South Africa on game preserves. Two are in Fiji. Hmm. Oh, I see! Six of them are on islands."

"Yup." I tossed the two sale packages on the table. "More specifically private islands, Nicole. Here's the deal. I found two private islands for sale. Both of them are off the coast of Belize and are protected by barrier reefs. I'd like to look into developing a high-end hotel on one of them. Waddaya think?"

Nicole picked up one of the packages, Sandy the other. They skimmed the folders and then traded them.

Sandy looked up and said, "Are you serious about this?"

"Yes and no. I'm serious about exploring the possibilities. I'm also serious about the three of us doing a project together, but money isn't my prime motive. We say we're married, that we're a TRES, and we are, but... I don't know. I think we need something that symbolizes our marriage besides our ceremony overlooking the Grand Canyon."

I paused and looked at each of them. Yup, I had their attention. "In the eyes of the law, we aren't married, and I don't see the law changing anytime in the near term. When I was too young to start a business, Sandy, you and I formed an investment company to overcome the hurdle my age represented. Then Nicole joined us, and she assumed the role of an independent contractor to the company for a few of my deals. Nicole, you led the renovation of the office complex in Vegas."

"You helped a lot, Josh," Nicole said.

"Yes and loved every minute of it. Frankly, I enjoy your real estate paradigm more than mine." I looked at Sandy. "And because Nicole and I were so busy on that project, you led the effort to develop our home base."

Sandy grinned. "And loved every minute of it. Do you really think we need something that symbolizes our marriage?"

"Only in the eyes of the law, and only the economic aspects of our plural marriage, all of which can be handled with a new legal entity like the investment company. We handled the non-economic aspects of our marriage with our vows. I guess what I'm proposing is TRES, Inc., a business for sure, but structured in a manner that says to the world that the three of us are one."

"What a marvelous idea!" Sandy exclaimed.

"Yes," Nicole said softly, tears welling in her eyes.

I lowered my shield and thought, I love you, both of you, very much. TRES, Inc., will not only own the projects the three of us do together, like the island hotel, but will also be the legal entity that protects the economic aspects of our group marriage.

It should be structured... Sandy started to say silently.

I grinned and interrupted her thought. To provide for more members.

"Yup," Sandy said out loud. "Love isn't limited."

"I agree. Also everything we do doesn't need to be and shouldn't be contained in TRES, Inc. We're one, but we're still individuals with separate needs and dreams. Sandy, you'll continue to write your novels and acquire artifacts for your museum. Nicole, I know from your thoughts that you want to continue your education. You..."

"That's correct, but you don't," Nicole said.

"Nope. I'll finish the MBA program at Phoenix College, and that's it."

"Why finish?" Sandy asked. "The class work bores you to tears. You've tried to hide your dirty, little secret, but Nicole and I are in your head ninety percent of the time. You're financially independent. You achieved what you wanted to achieve with your business education. It's time to follow your dream, buddy boy."

I groaned and hung my head. "I don't know how. I suppressed..."

"For me," Sandy said and tears welled in her eyes. "I left you behind, so you suppressed your dream to catch up with me. Well, you did it, Josh. I'm yours. Step back, think, and make a plan that if followed will fulfill your need to be an artist. You can do it. You, my love, can do anything you truly want to do."

"It's too late," I said.

"Nonsense," Nicole said. "Someday, I hope to have a Ph.D. in economics. I want to be called Dr. Nicole Johnson, become a sought-after expert in my field, maybe even write a book or two, and I know you'll support me, help me to achieve my dream. Sandy and I will support you to be all you can be, too, Josh."

"I won't go back to college to study art," I said.

"Then don't. Do what I did. Teach yourself," Sandy said.

"Easy for you to say."

"Hey, I didn't say it would be easy."

"Josh," Nicole said, "Your innate sense of design is phenomenal. When you start talking about balance or color or any design element, even Andy and Liz pay attention. Hmm, you'll need a studio. When you decide what kind of studio you want, we'll build a studio here on the property. In the meantime, how about... ?"

"I won't need a studio until I start to paint. I'll start with drawing, and I'll need some models."

"Nekkid models, he means, Nicole," Sandy said with a wicked grin. "You can count on me, little brother."

"It'll be difficult to sit still when your eyes are roamin' over my nekkid body, Josh, but count on me, too." Nicole shivered. I do love your eyes on me, baby.

Yeah, Sandy thought. I know what you mean, Nicole. His eyes sorta eat you up. His eyes on me give me goose bumps sometimes.

They make my pussy wet, Nicole said silently. Look, Sandy. His pants are startin' ta tent up.

Just before they pounced, I groaned - happily.

After taking a quick tour of the six island hotels listed in Forbes and visiting the island properties off the coast of Belize, we purchased both islands. Butterfly Caye became our home away from home, and we initiated development plans for Koyo Caye. We also formed TRES, Inc., funding the entity with a million dollars, split three ways. When we decided it made more sense to keep the renovated office complex in Vegas than sell it, we also transferred that property into the new entity. With the cash, our home base, the office complex, and the two islands, TRES, Inc., started with a net worth of a little over twenty-two million and its assets exceeded fifty million. Those numbers would more than double when we completed the development of our high-end hotel on Koyo Caye.

My boredom fled. I quit school and started to draw again. In my early teens, I'd often carried a sketchbook, and I quickly reacquired the habit. I conferred with Andy, and he designed an artist's studio for our compound. Six months later when the structure was complete, I started to paint and quickly discovered studio painting wasn't my cup of tea. I preferred the out-of-doors. I also preferred watercolors to oil paint. I liked the freshness of watercolors, the spontaneity, and fortunately watercolor painting fit my new lifestyle. Although Sandy led the development of our island hotel, Nicole and I took supporting roles, and we all traveled back and forth from Scottsdale to Belize, sometimes together, but usually separately so one of us was on hand at Koyo Caye to confer with our general contractor most of the time. While on one island or the other, I managed at least one painting a day, sometimes three or four, seascapes mostly, but some landscapes as well. I must have painted the three-story house on Butterfly Caye a dozen times, and the dock and boats also made interesting subjects for paintings. Over the one-year development period for the hotel, I painted a series of watercolors that depicted the various stages of construction, and after learning how to scuba dive, I started to paint underwater scenes from the coral reefs from memory.

The staff members we inherited when we purchased Butterfly Caye were neither energetic nor ambitious, but they were a happy crew. Unfortunately, the manager/boat captain's happiness came from a bottle. I offered to help him dry out and pay for some therapy, but he gave me the finger and told me to fuck off. The maid left with him. Neither proved difficult to replace, and the housekeeper we hired also doubled as a cook, thank goodness. Sandy and I weren't very handy around the kitchen, and one or both of us were often at Butterfly Caye while Nicole was busy elsewhere. During the hiring interviews, I quickly established a baseline for truthfulness and asked each prospective employee about their attitudes regarding plural marriages and nudity, along with pointed questions whose answers gave me genuine indications about their honesty and integrity.

Out of that experience, Sandy and Nicole dubbed me TRES's official personnel director. When it was time, I packed my paint box and duffel bag - read matched luggage - and started my search for a hotel manager and executive chef, key employees for our new development. I found the executive chef in a classy restaurant in Port of Spain, Trinidad, and the manager in a Marriott in St. Thomas. Besides plugging them into the development team for our Belize TRES Island Resort, they were also charged with filling all other positions for the hotel, with the caveat that I would speak briefly with each prospective employee before they were hired. My built-in lie detector avoided hiring drunks, drug users, crooks, cruel or evil staff members. I didn't bat a thousand but came close.

A few weeks before the grand opening for the Belize resort, I traveled to New York to buy some art for the hotel. Nicole was in Las Vegas concluding a full-floor lease for our office building, which if successful would complete the lease-up effort, and Sandy was busy with last-minute details at the resort in Belize. I carried a portfolio of watercolor paintings, ten of my best. While buying art for the resort, I wanted the opinions of various art gallery owners about the quality of my work. None of them turned cartwheels and offered to sponsor a one-man show, but that was expected. I was still learning. I did get some honest positive feedback.

Art supplies were hard to come by in Belize, so I searched out a large art supply store and was walking the aisles shopping the shelves when I walked past a well-dressed, distinguished man whose thoughts were so evil I backed out of his mind.

What's wrong, Josh, Nicole asked. She'd sensed my discomfort.

An evil man, I replied.

Oh, one of those.

No, not one of those. Worse. He was daydreaming about dismembering a body.


How's the lease progressing?

We're hung up on two points - the liability and subletting clauses.

Sandy joined us and we chatted silently about the lease clauses until I suggested offering the tenant a reciprocal liability clause and adding language to the subletting clause stating that we wouldn't unreasonably withhold our permission for the tenant to sublease the premises.

Great! That ought to do it, Nicole said. Is the bad guy still around?

Yeah, he's at the checkout counter.

Scan him. He might be recalling memories, not daydreaming.

I reached out with a tendril and brushed his surface thoughts. With a shudder, I probed deeper. "Fuck," I breathed.

Memories, huh? Sandy said.

Yeah. That is one sick puppy. Using my sketchbook as a notepad, I jotted down his name and address and what I found out about him during my probe. I'll give the details I uncovered during my probe to the police.

Anonymously, Sandy cautioned.


Liz seemed happy when you talked to her this afternoon, Sandy said.

Yeah, she's a good mother.

Why did you pass on her dinner invitation? Nicole asked.

She wouldn't leave her baby boy, wanted me to come to her house, and I'm attending two gallery openings tonight.

I heard Sandy's mental chuckle. Well, I'll take good care of Andy tonight.

Give him a hug and kiss for me, Nicole quipped.

I paid for the supplies I wanted and left the store. At the corner, I noticed a pay phone, but it was out of order.

My anonymous tips to the police aren't working. Follow up is poor to nonexistent, I said to Sandy and Nicole as I thought about the other tips I'd passed on to various police departments.

I don't like the direction your thinking is taking you, Sandy said. If you're not careful, you'll end up a lab rat.

Maybe not. I've got an idea.

Go for it, Nicole said after she translated my attitude.

Go for what? Sandy asked. She still had trouble with attitudes, so I gave her my idea with a thought.

It's worth a try, Sandy said.

I grabbed a cab and told the driver to take me to the local offices for the FBI. After telling the receptionist I was waiting for someone, I took a seat in the lobby. I scanned five or six agents as they moved in and out of the lobby, finally settling on a middle-aged woman who appealed to me because of her strength of character. To be honest, she was also good looking for her age, which I determined was thirty-six. I left the offices and took a cab to the building where Sandy maintained an apartment.

After making a root beer float, I settled at the kitchen table.

Okay, I said to Nicole and Sandy, I've probed her deeply. I probably know as much about her as her mother, more, because I know about her teenage and college sexual shenanigans, too. I like her.

Why a woman? Sandy asked.

No special reason. She was the best of the lot that wandered by me in the lobby. Any suggestions about how I should contact her? Telephone or e-mail?

Telephone, Sandy said. Use a pay phone.

Does she have an unlisted home number? Nicole asked.


Call her at home.

Use a pay phone in the hotel on the corner.

Same as T.R.E.S
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I couldn't wait for a good night out with the lads It had been a month or two.I came in from work on Friday night and stripped off and got into the shower washing away all the days aches and pains,it had been a rough day and if I'm honest a hard week all round I promised myself I would have a good night if I had my way and if I was lucky would find a nice girl to have some fun with. After about ten mins of getting out the shower and got dressed In some dark jeans and a black shirt my friend...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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Online Shopping Helps To Fuck My Chubby Chachi

Hi, this is Rahul, this is the incident when I was 24 years old and my chachi was 38 years old. She was fat her figure was 40-44-44. She had an average height, not so tall, not so short. She was very fat, her boobs were big and bulgy belly and her lower back was huge. She was a teacher. She used to wear normally XXXL top and full pants or a long nighty with a rope set. My chachi was a very modern woman. One day in the afternoon, I was going to take a bath. We had a common big bathroom. There...

1 year ago
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The Long and the Short of ItChapter 10

They did not spend the rest of the day in bed and, after a snack lunch, went for a walk on Blackheath. That was a good thing as they got to know each other better and better, their conversation becoming easily intimate. They teased each other, laughed with each other, sympathised with each other. They discussed their interests and their hopes for the future. All this continued when they got back to the flat and sat on the sofa with their arms round one another. After a cup of tea they did go...

4 years ago
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Sukky Foxxe Porno shoot in Thailand

The New Year.The holiday was over. Sukky had been the Chairman’s hostess, for more dinner parties, and had accompanied him to a New Years Eve diner dance. She had enjoyed herself, and knew he had enjoyed her company, as well as her body.Sukky was flown north, to the location for the video shoot. She would be there for a least two weeks, before Joe arrived. He would arrive three days before the end of filming, so would be able to watch his wife at her work, for the first time since she became a...

2 years ago
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Magicians MergerChapter 29

Sunday morning, after doing about a half hour of exercise, I got out the willow burl I had cut off the tree Saturday and put it in the wooden-jawed vise. Taking a medium-size gouge and a mallet, I began carving it into a small bowl or noggin. I didn't worry about making it round; I just followed the natural contour of the burl. It was going to be the replacement for my ritual cup. Because I was making it from material I had collected from nature myself, my spells should thereafter be...

2 years ago
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Biography Part 1

My Biography, (if that is what we call it) Part 1Please do not judge me or others for what I am about to describe. The events occurred decades ago and are as I recall them. They are what they are. At this point in my life, I do not condone any of the behavior that occurred to me and would hope no one views it as appropriate or normal.I grew up in Dallas, Texas, one of three c***dren, with a mother and father. In some ways, we were like the Jack and Jill family in the reading books from long...

4 years ago
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A jiggle too far

It was a tipical day for miss anne cream, a gourgous model with gourgous plump tits, long flowing brunette locks, slim belly, long curvy legs topped by the most peachy jiggling rump you ever saw who often frequented magazine covers, lingerie shoots but nothing too risque. Miss cream never showed more than bra and panties as she came from highly respectable family and she would be never risk her famillys reputation and her daddy's allowance! In fact when she first started modeling it caused a...

3 years ago
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This is a work of fiction, sad to say... That an opportunity for the two of us to be together, face to face, seemed to me to be nothing short of a miracle. For months we had been chatting, teasing, learning, sharing and loving. I had resigned myself to never being able to actually meet her. After all, we lived in different countries, lived completely different life-styles, had no reason whatsoever to think that we would ever meet. Yet here we were – together, alone. Not just alone, but alone on...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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KxB Idyll 1 tumble

I’ll be presenting a few Idylls here and there showing scenes and stories of the beginning of Keyes and Bree's relationship.. Lightening shot up his spine. It was like every cell in his body was turned to light. The laugh wafted through the air again and he immediately turned in the direction of the intoxicating sound. Before he knew it, he was walking. Just two aisles over, near the back wall, in the huge bookstore. There was giggling now. When he stepped around the corner, he saw her, a girl....

Love Stories
2 years ago
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A Beginning

He was a vision of beauty, although, I should have been used to this god-like image by now. He strolled casually towards me, as if what we were about to do was as normal as taking a walk in the park. It had always intrigued me as to how he was so laid-back about our work; as if I didn’t turn him on. If we were in a club and I had seduced him, this would be his ultimate fantasy. My breasts glistening with my own juices, sitting waiting for him to do with me as he wished. I had to admit it, I was...

First Time
3 years ago
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Baril Doctor Pennai Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil doctor pennai eppadi usar seithu avalai baril matter adithen endra kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal sexyaana kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peryar gautham vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan chennaiyil vasikiren, oru naal udambu sari ilai endru hospitaluku sendren. Angu doctor padipu padithu mudithuvitu sila students training velai seithu irunthaargal. Doctor pengal endraale anaivarum thevidiya enbathai andru thaan therinthukonden. Andru sendru...

4 years ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 1 20

Part 1: I had been chatting electronically with an admirer named Mr. Bill or as his IG name was, Nastyokie69. I met him online on IG several years ago and we became Kik buddies. The photos of his beautiful 8 inch cock always made me so wet and made it impossible for me to keep my hands from venturing in all my sexual spots, especially my drenched little cunt! His nasty photos on IG and his audio and video files that he sent me thru Kik always made me hot and excited. Now, I was finally...

4 years ago
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A Day On the Job

Aah, Devi-darlin, there is someone that I would like you to meet. I said as a greeting to my lover and boss. I looked exceptionally well tonight. I am 5 7, 150 lbs., had an hour-glass figure. I had long flowing black hair and skin the color of melted milk chocolate. I had squeezed myself into an expensive tight black business skirt with a slit up the left side up to my thigh, a low cut royal blue blouse that accentuated my C-cup cleavage, a long black suit jacket that came to just above my knee...

2 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In School2nd Monday Morning Part 2

2nd Monday Morning: Part 2 They walked quietly until they reached the VP’s office. Emanuel knocked on the open door. “From now on, you’ll spend this period in the library, but for today you can come in and close the door behind you as usual.” “Since we’re not subject to the Program’s rules, we’re fine. But we can close it for your sake” he replied. Once inside the back room, Emanuel closed the door, put down his bag and sat down next to Allison. She smiled, cuddled up close, and turned...

2 years ago
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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 19 Night of Reckoning Part 2

"What's going on?" asked Tara, as she and Kyle approached the scene. "We have to go find Ranna and call Sandra!" exclaimed Rachel, as the seven hurried out of the lobby door. Carrie had her cell phone in hand, when they ran right into Derek, Sandy, Dean and Connie, who were just about to enter the theater. "What's up guys?" asked Derek. Rachel looked panicked. "Ranna is with Paul Prescott and she's in trouble!" "Paul Prescott! What's that girl thinking?" snapped Sandra,...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Emily Willis BBC Creampie Angel

Compact, cute Latina Emily Willis teases her pink nipples. She spreads her legs for Prince Yahshua, who eats her cunt voraciously. She yanks out his big black cock for a slobbering blowjob. Emily stares at herself in the mirror as Prince shoves his huge, dark dick into her tight slit. She crawls to him and cleans the pussy juice from his schlong with her tongue. Emily impales her asshole on his boner and gets off on intense interracial anal reaming. See playful rectal gaping, sensual...

3 years ago
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Big Brothers Little Sister

Big Brother's Little Sister by dkb A jagged, expressionist style symbol of an eye fills the screen above the title "Big Brother" and a pounding dance music theme blares out, its undertones of menace blunted by familiarity. The abstract animated title sequence gives way to a montage of scenes of listless young people lounging, frolicking and arguing in and around a low, sprawling compound decorated in an eclectic mix of kitsch styles, a bizarre cross between army barracks and...

4 years ago
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Best friends scince kindergarten True story

Joshua and Me rosalie were best friends scince kindergarten.We met each other on the playground at school him wearing overalls hanging around a bunch of his friends me in my blond pigtails and pink flowerprint dress.I never realley got along with girls i was more of a tomboy I walked up to him and we conversated he thought i was cool and different from most girls we grew up best friends and people would always ask if we dated In middle school we werent as great friends he started to become a...

3 years ago
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The Proper Man for the Job

Chapter 1 I'm glad I found the right guy. Lee, I think it was on our third date, told me that he wanted a girl with some experience, not someone who had never had sex or hardly ever. He wanted someone comfortable with their body and how to use it for pleasure. Well, I was twenty when we met and he got the right girl. Now, before you think I'm some kind of slutty whore, I'm not. It happens that the first time I had sex, unlike a lot of girl's first times, mine was wonderful. Even better than...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Ass Effect

hero "The Shepard" had saved our entire way of life in the milky way galaxy or so my parents told me. They had to leave earth when the reapers attacked in hopes they would be safe in the cidadel and thankfully they did. My parents were able to raise two children since the reaper attack and two before it. Did I mention I was the youngest? Yeah well I am, but it's not all bad I guess. Anyway like I was saying before my parents took refuge at the citadel. A massive space...

3 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 44 Darwin

Tuesday Week 19 When Dave woke up, he immediately realised that today he was taking them to Darwin where they would be joining Peter tomorrow. He was really looking forward to reuniting his threesome, but was concerned about Gail and how that might affect the relationship. He was also concerned that Peter, after nearly four weeks separation from his girlfriend, may have second thoughts about leaving her with him. Dave turned to the girl in question, looking at her sleeping peacefully next...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Leana Lovings Molly Little I Want A Girlfriend

Jay Romero has invited Molly Little and Chad Alva over for a birthday party for Leana Lovings. Leana blows out the candles and makes a wish, but won’t say what she’s wished for because it won’t come true. Molly hands Leana her gift, which turns out to be a vibrator. Leana claims that this plays into her birthday wish, which is to sleep with Molly. Jay begins to question Leana further about her desire to sleep with Molly, but Chad seems cool with it and Molly is DTF. When Leana...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 35 The Root of the Problem

December 16, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “I have some analysis for you, if you’d like to hear it,” Doctor Mercer said. “I’m all ears.” “I think we can trace all of this, in fact, practically all of your interior life, back to your mother and your sister. In what I would call a distortion of the traditional archetypes, your mother is equated to bad, cold, and anti-sex, while your sister is equated to loving, understanding, and sexy. This means, I think, that for you, at least subconsciously,...

2 years ago
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The Wolf Next Door Chapter 1

So I'm sure you are going, so what Vance, what's up? Well, I'll tell you. That is the purpose of this recounting right? See, I live in suburbia. My house was the second to the last on the block, which left an empty house next to ours, or well it was until about three months ago. We had a new neighbor that I hadn't met yet. Course, I had seen her. Our neighbor was a group dead beauty. From a distance, I saw that she had smooth legs, tan skin and a body that she regularly hid under...

3 years ago
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Helping A Girl Gave Opportunity For Erotic Love

I am the regular reader of Indian sex stories for last two years. I would like to share my story. This is Raj 37 aged years from Mysore. I am working in a private organization. I am 5’4 ht medium built average guy. You can send your feedback to This is not a hardcore story but bit lengthy and erotic. I am not a very good narrator of the story, pl excuse if any mistakes are there. This happened around 6 years back. I am a working professional. Out of humanitarian grounds I had helped Nisha...

4 years ago
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WWT Chastity

The thing was inside of her head.And around her legs.It never spoke. The physic commands were nothing like the movies, where an ominous voice whispers suggestively in the back of her head. Images and ideas came through the alien-like unsummoned, unwanted thoughts. It came from the same source as the sudden urge to throw yourself into traffic or onto your best friend’s husband.But it wasn’t her Renee simply referred to it as ID.ID knew things that she could not. The creature had slowly...

Monster Sex
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Sex In The Mall With My ExGirlfriend

Hi, my name is Rishi (name changed) and I am 21, studying in a university. I am tall, 6’1, good built since I have been a regular at sports and somewhat of a nerd too. This is my first story and I really hope you like it. So this story is obviously a true story, which happens in Delhi, with my ex-girlfriend around a year ago. I have always been the extremely horny type, and since the beginning I would always look at boobs, ass and get turned on a lot. My ex then had amazing boobs and a nice...

3 years ago
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Willie And The Brain

Willie and the Brain By Rumple Foreskin Many hours later, as she faced questions from her sorority sisters, Tanya the Tri-Delt Tramp would remember, Willie, the frat boy she’d been screwing cowboy style that morning and his awesome orgasm that blew her off both his spurting cock and the bed. What she couldn’t understand and mentioned to no one was how, during lift off, she heard him scream, “Mid-terms!” ### ‘If only the good die young, those guys will live to a hundred.” This unflattering...

3 years ago
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Sharon and Her Brother Judge Cooke Series 9

Introduction: First read 1-8 , so that you may understand the relationship we had with the Judge One weekend, when I was spending the night with Sharon, the Judge came in again. We had been asleep for about an hour, I think. The light shinning into the room, from the hallway, woke me up. When the door closed, I strained my eyes, to watch Judge Cooke. He walked over to the night stand, and turned the lamp on. Sharon had her back to me. He walked over to the far side of the bed. He looked right...

1 year ago
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Five Little WordsChapter 2

Teala showed up the following night and seemed nothing but professional. At first. I took her suit coat and tried to appear the gracious host. But as I turned to hang her coat I caught her reflection in the mirror next to the closet door as she started to turn away from me. It was her trademark "smirk". Like a flash I was on alert and I watched her closely as it disappeared. Something was going on but I had no idea yet what it was. Teala came to our house dressed in a tasteful black...

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