Farie Dust 2
- 4 years ago
- 36
- 0
The wind was a little gusty that night and the dust in the air caused the cattle to act nervous. It made Ed’s work a lot more difficult as the cattle were unwilling to head into the bidding pen. His horse was having to work double time to keep the cattle headed in a straight line and in the proper direction. It was at times like this that it would be nice to have a well trained cow dog, but they didn’t have one. Ed yanked on the rein to change the direction of his horse to cut off a cow that decided to head east rather than north.
When the last cow had been pushed into the pen, he sat back as the bidding began. He looked up to see who was bidding tonight. To his surprise, Kelly was in the stands waving at him. He laughed at the situation and rode over to her. When he reached her, she called out, “Hello, Ed.”
Laughing, Ed called out to her, “Did you know that you just bid on those cows over there?”
At the look of astonished embarrassment, she put a hand over her mouth. He listened for a minute and then said, “Don’t worry, you’ve just been outbid.”
“Thank God.” Kelly laughed in relief, happy that she didn’t have to find a home for them in her little apartment. For a minute there, she had visions of sharing her little bedroom with four full grown cows. The image wasn’t exactly pleasant, but it was funny.
Ed moved closer and picked her up. It took a little maneuvering to get her seated on the saddle behind him. She wrapped her arms around him, a little frightened to be on such a huge animal. He nudged his horse over to the fence near the bidding pen and stopped next to it. He helped her get onto the fence. He said, “You can watch from here. They won’t interpret any gestures you make here as a bid.”
She leaned towards him and said, “Thanks, I appreciate that.”
“Time for me to get back to work. I’ll be right back.”
Ed rode over to the bidding pen. With easy commands on the rein he moved the cows out and back to their holding pen. He waited for the other guy to get his cattle into the bidding pen before he started directing the next lot in that direction. Kelly was seated on the fence post right next to where he would wait until the bidding for the current lot was finished. It would give him a quick chance to talk to her.
Another gust of wind threatened to scatter the four cows. He worked them back into order and down the chute towards the bidding pen. He stopped next to Kelly and asked, “So what brought you down here?”
She giggled and answered, “I wanted to see you work. You’ve seen me at work, so I thought I’d come down here.”
He shook his head and replied, “I’m afraid there’s not much to see.”
Kelly laughed and said, “Well, I almost bought four cows. That was exciting.”
He laughed and then noticed that the bidding pen was empty. The other guy working today had moved his cattle out. While waiting for the gate to be opened, he said, “I’ve got to get them in the pen now. I’ll be back soon.”
When the gate opened, he directed the cows into the bidding pen. He waited for the bidding to end. It wasn’t going to take long. Bidding always went a little quicker when the cattle were nervous like today. He didn’t know why, but they never fetched as good of a price on those days. The auctions usually lasted longer, but that was because it took longer to get the damn beasts moved.
He had made about four trips that way, when on the fifth, he was surprised to find Nevada sitting on the fence next to Kelly. He stopped beside them both and said, “Nevada, I’d like you to meet Kelly. She’s my girlfriend. Kelly, this is Nevada. He’s my boss.”
He glanced at Nevada for a second and then added, “And I’m Ed. And I’m probably in trouble.”
As Kelly looked like she was afraid that she was the cause of his problems, Nevada laughed. He said, “No. I only came over here to meet the woman that tamed Ed.”
Kelly looked at Nevada confused at the credit for taming Ed. She answered, “I didn’t tame him. He’s been this way as long as I’ve known him.”
Nevada looked at Ed and could see the look of affection that he was giving Kelly. This wasn’t the Ed he knew. There was a spark between the pair that Nevada, an old cowhand himself, couldn’t miss.
Ed glanced ahead and then said, “Whoops, got to work.”
He directed the cattle into the bidding pen. They balked at moving forward and he had to use his rope on the ass of one of the cows to get it moving. It wasn’t a hard blow, just a touch to make the cow think there was a hard one behind it. That pushed the rest of them in and the gate closed behind them. He really hated nights like this. It was twice as much work as usual. He didn’t know if having Kelly here helped or not, but it was nice to see her.
Nevada and Kelly talked through most of the auction. For the most part, Nevada explained how the auction worked and what the bidders were looking for when they bid on cattle. Kelly asked questions and made comments about the process. Many of her comments Nevada found humorous. There was, however, a long discussion about Ed and the changes in his behavior over the past week.
When the auction was over, Ed rode over to where Nevada and Kelly were seated. As he directed the horse to a stop, he said, “So, Nevada, are you done telling this young lady what a miserable beast I am?”
Shaking his head in disbelief that Ed would joke about himself in that fashion, Nevada answered, “I lied and I lied, but she still wasn’t interested in me.”
Ed sat back in the saddle and laughed aloud. Kelly grinned, not realizing that she was witnessing a first between the two men. Nevada climbed off the fence and said, “I’ve got to go look at the receipts and see how we did tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow, Ed.”
“Prepare to be disappointed, Nevada. Bidding was bad tonight, the cattle were too nervous,” replied Ed. He shook his head, “I don’t know why bidding is so bad on nights like tonight.”
Stopping in his tracks, Nevada turned and looked at Ed. He realized that Ed actually paid a bit more attention to things than he had credited him. Maybe Ed wasn’t just a dumb cowhand after all. He asked, “Would you like to speculate why?”
Kelly watched as Ed thought about it. She could see that he was considering several ideas and rejecting most of them. He finally answered, “It might be the pauses between lots is just a little longer and breaks up the bidding rhythm, but that’s only a guess.”
“What would you do about that?”
Ed shrugged and suggested, “Add a second bidding pen.”
Nevada stood there looking at Ed with a thoughtful expression. It was actually one of the best suggestions that anyone had made on how to improve his business in a long time. He said, “I’ll think about it. Now, take that lady of yours and get out of here.”
Taking the advice to heart, Ed helped Kelly onto the back of his horse and rode over to the corral. When they reached it, he helped her to the ground. She climbed on the fence post while he rode the horse into the corral. Once there, he dismounted. She sat a little uncertainly, surprised at the warm sensation between her legs that even that short ride on the horse had generated. She cooed, “Today is the first time I’ve ever been on a horse. I think I like it.”
Ed understood exactly what she meant. No cowboy was stupid enough to get between a woman and her horse. There were a lot of women in this part of the country that had their first orgasm riding a horse. With a wink at Kelly, Ed said, “Good, but I suggest you stay off them. I’d hate for you to end up bowlegged like me.”
She laughed, wondering if he knew the effect that the horse had on her. She said, “Well, you really know how to handle that horse.”
He patted the horse along its neck and said, “We’ve been working together for about four years. She’s got about another two years in her before I retire her to pasture.”
There was real affection in his voice, but he’d never admit to feeling that way about the horse. She watched as he ran a hand along the legs of the horse. Kelly said, “That’s a nice looking horse.”
“She’s not bad.” Bending down, he released the cinch straps that held the saddle on the horse. Standing, he lifted the saddle off and put it in its place. It only took him a minute to remove the other gear from the horse. Grabbing the curry comb and brush, he went to work on the horse. He talked the entire time to Kelly, but in a tone of voice intended to sooth the horse.
She watched and listened to how he talked. His intent might have been to calm the horse, but it had the opposite effect on her. Her body was reacting to him in a very sexual manner. By the time that he was done, her nipples were tenting her shirt through her bra and her pussy was soaking wet. Unaware of the effect he had on Kelly, Ed released the horse and put out its oats. Once that was done, he turned to Kelly and asked, “Would you like to get something to eat at the restaurant up the street?”
Preferring to go someplace where Ed could take care of a more urgent need of hers, she was about to suggest an alternative. It was about time for them to take the relationship to the next level, but she didn’t want to make the first move. Instead, she agreed, “Sure, that sounds good.”
He took her to her car and suggested, “Why don’t you follow me there? It’s just up the street.”
“That sounds like a plan.”
Ed went over to his truck and waited to make sure that she had started her car. He led the way to the restaurant where he normally ate during and after work. Watching in the mirror, he made sure that she was able to stay right behind him. He worried, as he drove, that he was moving too fast for her, but it sure was hard to resist her.
He pulled into the parking lot and got out of his truck. Stepping over to her car, he opened the door for her. Unfamiliar with the place, she stepped out and looked around what was basically a truck stop. He took her by the hand and they walked into the restaurant. Rather than waiting to be seated, they went directly to a table to wait for the waitress to come over with the menus.
The waitress arrived at the table and looked at Ed and then Kelly. She stepped back and looked at Kelly a second time. The attention being given her was immediately noticed by Kelly. Smiling the waitress said, “So! You must be the reason Ed quit flirting with us.”
Ed blushed and looked away while Kelly beamed at him. She asked, “When did he stop flirting with you?”
The waitress was sure she wouldn’t be happy to be Ed’s girlfriend. He had been a pretty obnoxious customer and didn’t have a very good reputation in the area. She answered, “Oh, about ten days ago or so. Hard to say, really.”
Kelly looked at Ed wondering if there was a connection between when they met and some of the changes in his behavior. She decided that it was because of her, the times matched well. She smiled and said, “That’s about the time I met him.”
The waitress took their orders and returned to her station. The parting look was clearly one of pity. In a very quiet tone, Ed said, “I think that the waitress feels sorry for you. She thinks you got a pretty rotten deal in taking up with me.”
Frowning at his poor self image, Kelly asked, “You don’t mean that.”
Ed looked over at the waitress and said, “Why don’t you ask her yourself when I’m gone.”
Without warning, he stood and headed to the bathroom. He took his time, knowing that the waitress would serve their iced teas while he was gone. In the restroom, he rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands clear up to the elbows. After washing his face, he dried off and left the restroom. The waitress was just leaving the table as he arrived.
Kelly waited until he had seated himself before saying, “You were right. She did everything except tell me to run like hell in the opposite direction.”
“I’ve been telling you the truth. I haven’t been a very nice person in the past.” He glanced in the direction of the waitress, sad that she was another example of a person that didn’t like him. On second thought, it wasn’t just her, it was the rest of the restaurant staff as well. He added, “A lot of people don’t like me.”
Kelly looked at him, the sadness in his voice expressing real regret, as her heart went out to him. Looking around at the waitresses, she realized that he had always been honest with her. She said, “You’ve been honest with me about everything.”
Reaching out, he took her hand and said, “I would really like to make love to you, but I have to work a few things out in my mind first. I don’t want to mislead you and hurt you in that fashion. You want something that I don’t know if I can deliver. I haven’t rejected it, but I’m seriously considering all of the ramifications.”
The consideration he was showing her contrasted so sharply with what the waitress had said about him, she didn’t know what to think. If he was the man the waitress had described, then he would have promised her anything and then dumped her after sleeping with her. She was about to answer that he could sleep with her anyway, when the waitress arrived with their food.
Ed looked at the waitress and said, “It all looks very good!”
With a questioning look on her face, she answered, “Thanks. The good cook is on duty tonight.”
“Really? I always find the food here pretty good. While I might not say it, I do find the service here excellent as well.” Ed bent down to eat his Chicken Fried Steak.
The waitress was left standing there. Kelly smiled at her and turned to her salad. When the waitress left, Kelly giggled and said, “You really blew her mind. She didn’t know what to think, particularly after some of the things she said about you.”
Ed answered, “That wasn’t my intent. I know that she won’t trust me for a long time, if ever. I have to earn her respect now. That’s a lot harder to do after you’ve lost it once.”
Kelly glanced in the direction of the waitress and asked, “Are they worth it?”
“The real question is if I’m worth it.” Ed looked around the restaurant wondering how many of the people in here knew him and, of them, how many didn’t like him.
That was a take on his position that she hadn’t considered. To know that others disliked you must be very tough on the self image. The upshot of this discussion was that she wanted to sleep with him even more. She held his hands and said, “Don’t worry, things will get better. I’ll see to that.”
Flustered, Ed wanted to change the subject. He was about to tell her that she had better start eating before her food got cold, but she was having a salad. He looked down at his plate and said, “I’d better eat this before it gets cold.”
Releasing his hand, she said, “Yes, you had better eat it before it gets cold. I want you to have all of the energy you can, for later.”
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THE WRITER'S MAKEOVER by Throne "Please, you don't understand." The man strapped into the make-up chair was short and slender. All he had on was panties and a ruffled band around is chest that covered his nipples and the next few inches below them. "I do write those stories but I never wanted to really.... to actually..." "Never you mind that, honey," said the woman who was looking over a selection of cosmetics. She was Black and wore her hair natural, like an Afro, but very...
"That's going to piss him off, beautiful," Victor said, and he watched her blush at his comment. "Let him be pissed. Now let's get you into something more comfortable," she said as she reached up under her skirt and slid her panties down. "What are you doing?" Victor asked in shock. "What do you mean? I am going to take your temperature," Linda said as she handed him her panties. "But..." was all he got out as she pulled his cock out and stroked it. Linda watched him moan and...
The changes had been coming almost daily...as i learned my place as a maid to Mother and Sister....no longer the pampered daughter. The training since i became Mothers daughter had been thorough and very complete. I was totally convinced that the only way i could prove my worth was to be as ultra femme as possible for Mother. The thought of being male or behaving in any way other than ultra girly had been programed into me as revolting. I begged Mother to insure all my maid dresses...
Bridget bounded ahead of Asher and wrenched the door to his small studio open, entering the room and plopping down on his bed unceremoniously. ‘Wow, I’m so out of shape. That run kicked my ass,’ she laughed as Asher joined her and began pulling off his running shoes. ‘It wasn’t so bad, but I’ve seen better days,’ he agreed. The two were best friends, brought together despite their differences. While she was no taller than five feet, eighteen with hazel eyes and brown hair, he was tall (6’1),...
With time running out to complete her master's orders of flashing six males within seven days, Leena began to dread the thought of what punishment she would receive from her master. With this in mind she decided to make one last effort to flash the remaining three males this Friday afternoon, in order to achieve Master Ray's order. She thought long and hard about the most likely place for her to succeed and even she could not have envisaged the outcome of her decision. She decide to flash...
Pulling up in front of the house, Alice ran out before David could even get out of the vehicle. It had turned overcast, and looked like it was about to pour. David climbed out of his SUV and waved Monique's car up so Debbie could make it into the house without having to limp too far. Monique took in the Humvee and the military tanker parked a ways off, making her own assumptions about what David was trying to do here, though she didn't bother to voice them out loud. "Uh, Dad, I've got...
Hi Myself am working guy aged thirty three from hubli with average body but would interact with eyes very much. Coming to the story it happened two years back was very much obsessed from my childhood with my neighbor aunty Rani(name changed ) now aged fifty she had moved to different area who was a doll faced woman with huge boobs and nice face always on her face ,any guy would say yes to her Once I saw in my area coming to the shop.While returning I smiled to her she to smiled back and I...
IncestMy name is Kevin Randle. Moving back home after several years was tough. I had set up a decent office job after I’d gotten out of college and had what I thought was a pretty happy life. I had money in the bank, a nice car, a decent condo and a girlfriend I thought I was madly in love with. It’s funny how things change. I just recently broke up with my girlfriend, Sarah. She’d be cheating on me with her personal trainer and had been doing so for almost six months. We’d...
The vast fleet of hulks was coming back to life. Preserved by the vacuum and cold of space, there was little maintenance to do, just the waking of one member of the harvesting pack to pilot and run system checks. Their forever voracious hunger was held in check for now, though was driving their every move as they went over the database acquired from the Gunnet. ‘So much prey!‘ what passed for the leader of their group mind exulted. ‘Some are powerful. These must be taken first to prevent us...
It’s no surprise that she awoke from a wet dream. He had been away on a business trip for over a week and she was horny. In the dream, she was Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Her lover had been Apollo. As with all of her erotic dreams, she woke just before they could reach climax together and it left her with a wanting feeling between her legs. Oh, her pussy was soaking wet, to be sure. She had been sitting astride her dream lover fucking hard, and loving it. But she was awake now, and the...
Ich hatte eigentlich nie eine Wahl. Wäre ich in besseren Verhältnissen geboren worden hätte ich mich nicht mit Gaunereien über Wasser halten müssen. Der Gouverneur hätte mich nie erwischt und ich hätte ihn nicht umbringen müssen. Die Gerichtsverhandlung war nichts mehr als eine Urteilsverkündung. Man wollte an mir ein Exempel statuieren. Und so wurde ich auf den Gefängnisplaneten C15-B verbannt. Ich war damals erst 19. Ein Alter, in dem man normalerweise noch auf der Erde in eine Kolonie...
Mike was buying several drinks giving the bartender his order with a wide smile as he and his wife ran a tab in the bar that opened up to Fort Myers beach behind it. It was a beautiful April night with a crescent moon with the stars showing bright to the sounds of the surf and his wife, Karen, was happily talking to another couple and another man who just happened to be sitting near them. Mike smiled seeing how engaged and carefree Karen was. She always had such joy with other people in these...
After getting out of Linda's office, I'd had to deal with a few other issues outside of Barracuda Beach, including the usual morning victualling run. The afternoon saw me still out on the town, this time filling a massive last-minute order from Chef Jacques. He had been taking reservations all morning and realized this was going to be an unseasonably busy four days. So there I was, still dressed in the jean shorts and tee-shirt I'd been wearing since something like four in the morning,...
Hi readers, I am new to writing here but I have been reading many stories which keep me very hot. A little about me, I am now 28 and married. At the time of this I was 21 years old and not married. Even thinking about it now turns me on. Im 5’7″, brown eyes, 36c. My names Anju and I am from UK. My cousin is 3 years elder to me. Hes 5’11”, brown eyes, fair skin and 8-9inch cock. He is from India. His name is Sanjay I first met him when I was 15 and he was 18 at a wedding. We began talking and...
By : Hardcore_69 Mom and I are in a sexual relationship over the past one year. Last summer holidays, when I spent most of the time at home, I convinced mom to become my lover and girlfriend. We are physically related for a year and today we are secretly planning to celebrate our first anniversary. It’s exactly one year since we first made love. Mom is 42 and me 20. She has a perfect young body, and still lives with sophisticated clothing and makeups. She looks extremely hot and very sexually...
IncestI know, I know, you don't have to remind me. I'm a dickhead, I'm an asshole, I'm about as stupid and immature as a guy can be. Heard it all before, I'll have to hear it all again before I die. It doesn't have to make sense; it just is. After the implosion of our season, we all cleaned out our lockers. We would be back in February to prepare for spring soccer camps, but until then we had about two months to recuperate. We needed it. After our last game, the debacle against Clemson, I...
"Well, there she goes," Zoe said as Heather left for work. She smiled at her brother. She'd been meaning to spend time with him, and as Susie's father was home and Caroline wasn't driving anyone anywhere that day, she figured it was the perfect chance. "So. How am I going to be dressing my little sissy up today?" "I don't feel like it," Richard replied morosely, intending to just spend the day in his T-shirt and boxers like a regular boy. Thinking about spending so much time without...
Introduction: I wake up a little confused. David loses his virginity. This is the sequel to New Rules 1 to 5. Read them first. On Sunday morning I woke up very early. I was lying in our bed between two naked bodies. The last thing that I could remember was having three cocks driving into my three holes and I was building towards a huge orgasm. How did I get into bed? Who was in bed with me? As I woke up fully I looked and found that I had Brad sleeping on one side of me and Kevin on the other...
Here's an interesting story that happened to me last Halloween, hope you like it. Last October, a local bar had a Halloween costume contest. Since I had nothing better to do (I'm too old for trick or treat) I decided having a beer and checking out all the silly costumes would be fun. I sat near the bar and almost immediately a sexy, slinky brunette caught my eye. She was wearing a light blue dress, black seamed stockings, and dark brown "fuck-me" pumps. After a short time I went over and...
Introduction: This story is total fiction. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter as 7 babies are born It was the night before April Fools that I found myself sleeping deeply after two hours of making love to Allison, Renee, and Jessie with the wives watching with delight. My dreams have been the average with my father and May visiting telling me how proud they were of me. But the way this dream was starting made me think something was off. It started as any other me walking on the beach. Walking...
Nora ran from the party in tears. The night was unkind; lightning brightly lit the sky as sheets of wind-driven rain swept the rocky slope. Bone-jarring thunder accompanied the bright flashes. She tripped and fell to her knees, unaware that the long dress was muddied and torn. "How could you be so blind, Sir William?" Nora shouted into the darkness. "I cannot bear this burden of unacknowledged love any longer." She regained her footing and clambered up the slope to the cliff she knew was there....
First TimeFor two days after the wife had walked in on Tanya pulling her strap-on out of my ass and me with my jizz all over my face, it had been absolute silence in our house – a cold front of epic proportion. I buried myself in my work, even though it was kind of slow for me right now, and tried not to think about the Day of Reckoning that was surely coming. I didn’t think she’d divorce me, after 13 years of marriage, but I couldn’t be sure. The wife is a strong woman, she doesn’t suffer fools kindly,...
What a difference a couple months can make when it comes to marriage, pregnancy and infidelity. When you take a woman who is neglected and only viewed through the prism of a body type by her husband and on top of that the husband is even suspected of infidelity prior to the wife's then one thing drives the other.Neither is justified but people have the need to be loved, touched and desired while at the same time people want to love someone, they like to touch and they want to desire someone, it...