Sheryl's StoryChapter 8 free porn video

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When we told our folks of what Greg and Sophie had planned for my birthday, they seemed reluctant. Saying how they hoped I would want it at home. Gradually between Sue and me, we got them around to our way of thinking. Although I suspected mum might have had more of an input into their change of heart than we knew.

From the outset, she knew something was going on, much more than we had told her. However, she kept her thoughts to herself. Just the occasional smile to me whenever I mentioned Greg's name.

With them now committed to coming out to the farm, the next thing was to convince them they should stay the night. Again, mum came to our rescue. The constant harping from Sue and me convinced her they should stay, she didn't know why, but knew it was important.

I'd love to have told her the real reason. To explain Scott was a part of Greg, that he hadn't really left me, that he was there waiting for me. Of course, I knew I couldn't say that, she didn't believe in that stuff. Dad even less. By the end of the week all was on track, dad had even rung Greg to confirm all Sue and I had said. Even commenting on how nice he sounded. Now it was time to relax.

I hadn't seen Joel since I ran out of the so-called party he took me to. The one I would rather forget. On Friday with nobody home, he called in. He was not the same chap I'd had fun with. He was dishevelled, his hair long and dirty, his eyes lifeless in their sockets. He shuffled from one foot to the other as he asked to come in for a coffee.

No bloody way he was setting foot inside the house, there was something about his demeanour that set all the alarm bells ringing.

Thinking quickly, I came up with my excuse. "You've caught me at a bad time. I'm off to do some shopping."

"Oh that's okay. I could come with you."

Again, I had to think quickly. "What drag you around in dress shops, and buy underwear?"

"Oh. I see. I could walk you to the shopping centre."

Shit. I couldn't think of any valid reason for him not to. I wished with all my being that I could. He was giving me the creeps. "I'll get my bag. Wait there."

By the time I came out and locked the house, Joel was standing at the gate, looking down the road. I paid little attention, and we set off in the opposite direction. He tried to hold my hand as we walked. I changed my bag to the other shoulder so it would be between us to stop any further attempt. He tried to reminisce over some of the things we did. I didn't answer. When he couldn't get me talking, he began to look over his shoulder. For a while, I wondered why, and then gave in to my curiosity.

It was then everything fell into place. I knew the car that followed us. It had been at the house where the party was held. For a moment panic set in, then I calmed. 'Keep your head girl, ' I said to myself.

Two things were in my favour. One was we were almost at the main road. More traffic and more people. Secondly, once you reached the main road, a vehicle could only turn left, and luckily, by me turning left or right I was at a shopping centre. In this case, I'd be going right. At the last minute, I crossed the road, and Joel knew I was heading in the wrong direction for his friends to follow. I walked faster now. Almost to the corner, I heard the car speed up as the driver realised which way I was going. As it passed, Joel looked at the driver and grinned. Okay, I was in deep shit. What could I do about it? The car turned left with a screech of its worn tires and sped off. "I see you have some new friends." I said in the most sarcastic way I could.

I didn't expect a reply, and didn't get one. The first dress shop I came to I went in. Joel stayed outside. Looking down the road expecting his friends after their trip around the block.

I took my time looking at the dresses, one eye on the stock, and the other on Joel. I knew the moment his friends arrived. They parked their dilapidated heap in plain sight of the shop. What now? For the moment, I was safe, but I couldn't stay in the shop forever. For the first time I saw the sense in having a mobile phone. No good ringing the police, no one had done anything wrong. I couldn't ring dad. He was at work. Mum was heaven knew where, and Sue was at a job interview.

I rang Greg. No answer. I rang his mobile, and the moment he answered, I felt relieved. No he and Sophie weren't home; they were shopping, jokingly saying that he knew someone that was having a birthday.

They were half an hour away. His joking stopped when I told him my predicament. He and Sophie knew of my past and the silly things I'd done, and how on that night, things got out of hand. I describe the shop I was in and it was then Greg came up with a plan of action. By now, Joel had become tired of waiting and had joined his friends. Sitting in the car, but with the door open.

On the pretext of trying on dresses, I explained to the shop assistant my dilemma. She understood, and fussed around me even more. The time dragged. It was a surprise how long thirty minutes could be when you're in trouble.

I saw Sophie nonchalantly walking towards the shop, obviously without a care in the world. She came in, looked around at the dresses, and then when she was close, she asked me to point out the car. She went out, talked to Greg, and then re-joined me. This time, in plain sight of those in the car, we met as old friends, girly hugs and the kissing of cheeks.

I thanked the assistant for her help and we left. Without a sideway glance at the car, we began the walk home. The moment we turned the corner, I heard the car start. "It sounds as though your friends are going to follow us." Sophie said. "Good."

What could be more tempting to a mob of derelicts than two attractive females walking down a quiet street alone? They couldn't resist. They pulled along side us trying to get us to stop and talk, eventually we did. Now began the lurid comments, suggestions that we get in the car with them for some fun. Sophie was sweetness personified, leading them on, encouraging more of their filth.

In her sweetest voice, she said. "I doubt any of you are big enough to interest me. I like them big, and hard. What do you think Sheryl, are any of them worth having?"

"Not a decent one among the lot of them. Couldn't fuck to save their lives."

That stirred the degenerates. The sound of unzipping fly's and, "how about this then," as they showed off their erections.

"Let me see," Sophie said, as she moved closer to the car.

What happened next took them by surprise. Her hand went in and she took hold of the front passenger by his erection, and then tried to pull it through the window, with him still attached. His scream of shock and pain was music to my ears. Greg who had been walking on the other side of the road quickly crossed and dragged the driver out, standing close, holding a hand, the scum wetting himself in fear, too terror stricken to attempt to defend himself.

"I hear you like forcing yourself on girls?" then a distinct pop and the driver screamed.

What I heard above the intermittent screams from the passenger, were more popping sounds accompanied by terrified cries of pain as Greg methodically dislocated several finger joints of each hand.

"Now then," he said in a voice that sent a chill down everyone's spine. "If I so much as suspect you're annoying Sheryl again, it will be worse." As though to emphasise his words, his knee came up in the driver's groin, lifting him off the ground.

The person that sat back in the seat didn't seem at all well. His face ashen, his hands deformed, and on the verge of throwing up. I doubted he would be in any condition to do anything to anyone for weeks to come.

Sophie still had hold of the passenger. She'd had to shift her grip. The thing she had first grabbed had disappeared in fear. Now she had him by the scrotum, and the grip she had wasn't making him feel well either. "Now next time you want to annoy young ladies, think about this." With that, she pulled down hard, elongating his sack beyond anything I thought possible, bringing an animal cry from the scum. I wondered after, if the treatment they'd received, whether either of them would ever breed. I hoped not.

"Now then," I said as I turned my attention to Joel. "What have you got to say for yourself." I needn't have bothered asking, the smell of urine and the trapped animal look, gave me my answer.

"Do you live far? Greg asked as we walked away.

"Halfway down."

They put their arms around me. "We'll walk you home."

We walked slowly. I wasn't in any hurry now. I was safe. I turned back to look at the car. It was still there, but Joel had left them and was walking away. A smile came to my lips as I had a mental picture of the driver trying to turn the ignition key with his newly deformed fingers. Perhaps I should have asked if they were having fun. I know I did.

The moment we stepped inside the front door, the trembling began. I'd managed to keep myself under control while I had been in danger, but now I was safe, the tension caught up with me.

Greg's strong arms and gentle words soon had my runaway emotions under control. "Thankyou." The best I could say as I went up on my toes and kissed him.

Sophie added to my comfort. "We'll stay with you until Sue gets home."

"I guess we'd all like a coffee."

There were no arguments to that suggestion. Sorting out the dregs of the earth was thirsty work.

"I'll drink this, then go and get the car," Greg said as I put the coffee in front of him.

While Greg was away, mum and Sue arrived home. I was pleased mum would have a chance to meet them before the party. Although their presence took some delicate explaining.

Greg pulled up in front of the house, and I got up to let him in. The moment the door closed behind him, I kissed him.

My timing couldn't have been worse. Mum chose that instant to go to her bedroom to put her stuff away. We backed away, having been caught in the act, a strange sense of guilt settled over me. Now her suspicions were confirmed. As yet they hadn't met, and here I was standing in the hallway, kissing a stranger. Greg looked at me and smiled. "Oops."

That silly little word said it all. Greg joined the others and I joined mum in her room.

"I hope you know what you're doing." Her first words to me.

"Mum, I know exactly what I'm doing, and so will you once you've been around him for a while."

"What about Sophie? What does she think about it, or doesn't she know."

"She knows. She welcomes it. Again, wait until you've been around them for a while before you start worrying. I think you're in for one hell of a surprise, and so is dad."

"A good job it wasn't him that caught you. I've thought right from when the farm was first mentioned, something strange was going on."

I hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Strange isn't the word for it. Come on out and meet him."

The introduction did nothing more than confuse my mother. She sat watching Greg. "We've met before. Haven't we?"

"I'm sure I would have remembered." Greg's diplomatic reply.

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"Oh, hey, hun, you just missed breakfast, sorry," Lilly greeted him. "Where is my door?" "Oh, yeah I noticed that. I don't know, the girls were still pretty crazy after you went to bed." Lilly then got up to put her dishes away. "Speaking of the girls, before Diane, Olivia, and Meredith left for the stores this morning they mentioned a small problem they have. You did not do anything wrong, but they have discovered they are uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with you." "Ok,...

4 years ago
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BF learns Whos the BOSS

Tom woke up on Saturday morning to his loving girlfriend, Jane. "Wake up sleepyhead!" Jane giggled, "It's time to eat breakfast and go jogging." Tom slowly gathered himself out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth. It had been fairly warm outside recently, so Tom dressed in shorts and a simple t-shirt. He then went downstairs to eat breakfast with Jane. A light breakfast consisting of cheerios, toast, and a glass of orange juice awaited him. Jane was in a bubbly mood and...

3 years ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 12

I woke in the morning still in her bed. I carefully rose and went into the kitchen to start coffee. As I was finishing that task, a naked arm came around my chest and two breasts pushed into my back. Eve said, "Good morning." I said, "Yes, it is." I turned around and gently kissed her lips. She gave a soft moan. She said, "Would you help me shower?" I thought about that for all of a half second and said, "Pleasurably." It took a little longer to shower than either of us separately...

2 years ago
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Khala ki beti ko choda

Hello dosto yah meri pehli kahani hi jis may may apni kahala ki beti ki chudai kasa karta hoon ya meri real story hi please agher pasand ai to apney tarife may dad zuroor diejeye ga mera name babar hi or age 18 sal or khala ki beti ki age 25 sal or name rajey.. Kahla kay do batey thay jo mulak say bahir dubai reahtey thay or khalo or khala or un ki beti rehtey they humray ghar thori see dori per tha khala kay ghar say or khala mujhey dophar ko mujhey paney ghar balva leti kiyonkey may bee ghar...

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Pure Filth Part One

The man was naked, sweating, red-faced. His hands were cuffed behind his back as he knelt in front of a woman, his face between her spread thighs. She was wearing a black bustier, opaque black thigh-highs, a tiny sheer black thong, and spike heels. He was licking the front of her crotch, pushing his tongue against the nylon to pleasure the swollen clit within. As the camera came closer, there was a glint of gold, apparently from a piercing in the woman’s clit. The only sound was the man’s...

3 years ago
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Uski Maa Ki Chut Ko Mann Laga Ke Bharpur Choda Awaaz Ke Sath

Hi main BLOOD Ye meri Pahli kahani hai. I m in pune. Koi bhi Bhabhi ya aunty ko apni pyaas bujhani ho to jaroor yaad karen.Main aapko sare sukh dunga. secretly. mera email id hai- Aap sabhi ko apna ek experience share karne ja raha hun . Ye story meri aur mere friend ki mummy ki kahani hai . Mai PUNE ka Rehne wala hun , mera ek frnd hai uska name Rudra hai vo mere house se 4 house chor ke rehta hai . Uske ghar men uske Father hai Vijay , mummy ka name Sadhana hai aur ek sister hai Sakshi . Ab...

2 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 12

They checked out and paid the bill, which ended up being more expensive then they thought. Neither cared very much. "Gee," said Jane in an overly huffy voice as they drove off, "you'd think they'd have taken a little off for the blow jobs I gave!" Ken chuckled and replied, "Well, you didn't do anyone on the management staff, so maybe they got jealous." While they drove back to his place to get changed and pick up the bikes, Ken decided now was as good a time as any to start...

1 year ago
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Man fucks Girlfriend while submissive wife watches and then the dog does her too

My wife is very submissive and basically what I say goes, so I thought I would teach her a valuable lesson. I know this girl from work who I am very close to, we talk all the time about everything. Many times sex has come up and she will tell me about her dog, a boxer who is constantly humping everything and she sure would like to get him laid so he would get over it. That gave me an idea and I told her how my wife and I are and would she like to have a good time? She of course agreed and I...

1 year ago
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Guilty Pleasures Chapter One

Dear Diary,  I was so nervous to be doing this. Hi, my name is Raven and I am quite successful but there is a part of me that wants to take control, that wants to feel alive. Its very sad when no one knows about my secret. Im waiting for her to come out of the bathroom now. Im so nervous and excited. I just can’t stand it. I wonder how many people will watch live this time. I am a Christian Psychologist by day and a lesbian webcam model by night. I met this particular girl online. I met her on...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Gia Derza Anal Schoolgirl

Cute, young Gia Derza teases in a schoolgirl outfit — plaid skirt with white blouse, stockings, heels and lacy panties. The longhaired brunette’s phone footage shows her innocent face, natural tits, bubble butt and the fur above her shaved twat. Pulling a butt plug from her sphincter, playful Gia giggles, ‘I just can’t wait to be fucked in the ass.’ Mick Blue’s big, uncut cock goes ‘straight to anal.’ Gia groans, whimpers and masturbates as the...

3 years ago
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Let It Snow

Gabriel's Christmas party, the previous Saturday, had gone very well. As expected, the food was excellent. I certainly knew the menu by heart. Gabriel also had an extensive selection of single malts, and I got to sample a few that I hadn't tried before. Despite the fact that Gabriel's wife of 20 years had left him, six months before, the house and decorations were up to his usual standards. In their relationship, he was the one with the love of all things Christmas. In addition to...

4 years ago
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A Sisters Secret PresentChapter 2

So, nothing much happened except my memory-fueled jack-off sessions filled with images of our lovemaking that wonderful late summer afternoon. Then, in December, during Christmas break, after helping Evelyn shovel their driveway, she asked me if I had to get right home. I told her that I didn't, no one was going to be home until about six anyway, so she invited me in for cocoa. Of course, my dick was hard as could be, wondering if we would be having sex again, as I so dearly hoped. As we...

1 year ago
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Idecent proposal

Hai my name is rashmi I am 29 years happily married woman i have all the stunning looks requre to became a buity ful woman i am sharp nose, milky white comlextion & good rounded bottaks alnong with long thin hairs upto my back i ahave buityful smile to give every one i think we should smile all time becasuse the smile is gods gift which brings the things togehter. Ok now we should come to our point i have a very loving husband his name is sumit.He is Manager in Private bank we have good life...

3 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 9

Lunch was just about ready when Harry, and I sat down on the porch with Cletus and Pap. Shana brought out the iced tea for us both. She gave me a kiss that let me know that she loved me. And the wink told me she wanted to love on me. There are certain benefits being head of the clan. Shana headed back inside as I sat down for a rest. Not all of me was in a down position and while the others might have noticed they didn't say anything for the moment. I knew once we were out of earshot of the...

2 years ago
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weak little bitch

''here look at you, isnt this a cute little white boy whos gonna move that ass on the field faster?''''Joseph....this is .....''daddy turning me around my lil ass pugged ''oh you are such a cute sissy, you gonna make mommy really proud and move faster or youll be like this the whole season until you move that ass boy''''here , you dont want it to get out and your friends all seeing your little plug drop on the field as you run''i watch in silence joseph lifting up a string on me making sure its...

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Waking Moments

The first thing I am conscious of is how her knee slips along my thigh, her tummy presses slightly into my bottom, as she spoons into me. Then I feel the little kiss that she plants on my shoulder; right on the little butterfly tattoo that she bought for me on my last birthday.She knows I’m half-awake but I pretend to be asleep.Involuntarily I push my bottom backwards and feel the comfort of her thighs close to mine. I keep my eyes closed and pretend that she is asleep too. I know she’s not. I...

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Cheating Secretary

Under my orders, Tiffany, my sluttiest ex-girlfriend, had been fucking my boss for the past two months. Every morning, after she’d gotten her brains fucked out, she’d call and gave me all the sweaty details. Sometimes, she’d even let me listen while DeAngelo fucked her brains out.With every imaginary orgasm DeAngelo gave me, I unleashed more of my sluttiness. My husband, Oliver, loved my slutty behavior at home, but he did not love my sluttiness when we went out. So, whenever he was away on...

1 year ago
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Naked in School the Cumming of a LegendChapter 14

Brian Crothers: I spent the next forty-five minutes or so awkwardly chatting with Tiffany and Rebecca, who appeared to be as surprised as Harvey that I agreed to let them stay. It seems that while I was in conference with Harvey, Tiffany's parents called and invited us to one of their private parties later that evening. After I was convinced this was something she wanted to do, I told Tiffany to go ahead and text her mother that we would accept her invitation. Aside from the obvious, I...

4 years ago
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Too Early

Karen woke from a deep sleep with a sudden panic. Had she emailed the committee regarding the time change? She glanced at her clock radio and saw it was fifteen minutes before her alarm would go off anyway. Slowly her mind began to remember things from yesterday. Yes, the email was sent just as her boss barged into her office and ogled her while spouting a whole litany of garbage about a new dress code. Putting up with him would distract the most organized person. She burrowed back down into...

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A young husband and wife looking for some fun with dogs

The beginning is burned into my memory. I remember it was August 7, 1998. A hot night! It was hotter than just the temperature outside. We had just finished a light dinner and a bottle of wine. The menu included green salad, charbroiled chicken breasts with fresh veggies and watermelon for dessert. We were relaxing on the sofa listening to the stereo. The music featured a sexy saxophone lead. I’m a sucker for a sexy saxophone. It makes my pussy drip. The scenario was set for an evening...

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SusanChapter 12

When a big toe was stuck into her ribs, Barbara Anthony was rudely awakened from what had been a sound sleep. Although, she realized as she awakened, she was very cold lying as she was on the kitchen floor. Quickly opening her eyes, she realized that the room was brightly lighted although it was still pitch dark outside. Looking up from the sheet of polyethylene on which she'd been sleeping, her eyes widened as she realized that she was looking at the most handsome man she'd ever seen. And...

2 years ago
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Bringing Someone Home from the Nightclub with Kelly

It was a Friday night in October of 1994. Kelly and I went to a nightclub in town. We weren’t regulars but had been here several times before. We had a table against a wall not far off the dancefloor in a darkened corner. Tonight, Kelly was on the prowl. It wasn’t something she did all the time, but there were times she had an urge and tonight was one of those times.Kelly was 34 now and had been horny as all get out the past couple of weeks. She had planned for this night and sex the past...

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