The Wolf SummersChapter 6A: Carmen And Tanya free porn video

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It was a strange sophomore year.

By coincidence, the dumbass took his frustration out on my mother the same night I asked a girl out for the first time. Tanya shot me down but with everything else, she got pushed to a remote corner of my mind.

She did not stay there.

There were a couple of people, not named Smith, who knew me well enough to call me a friend (not that I reciprocated the word). Edward, a linebacker on the football team was one. After it became obvious the twins and I were going to put the school on the swimming map, the younger in-crowd females usually surrounded us. The company we kept made a lot of guys want to hang out with us. Eddie was so blatant and determined about it, I felt comfortable. His sister, Carmen, also made it easy on my eyes to hang out with Eddie when the twins were busy. After school let out for the summer, he asked me to come over and meet his niece, Tanya; I thought she would be Marisa's age.

My jaw hit the ground when I met her. Tanya was lush, too short, and young for so many curves. Her hips were a few inches too wide; a tiny waist, breasts a cup size too large for her body. Everything sexual was a touch too much for symmetry.

Tanya and caramel had a lot in common.

The sight of her caused me to harden uncomfortably. I felt like I stayed hard until I got the opportunity to ask her out. Tanya saying 'no' was not the end of the world but that was the best thing I could say about it for a long time.

Not used to rejection, I made too much of it. I asked Tanya out, and she said no by telling me her grandmother would not approve. At the time, I did not try to understand she had just moved in with her grandparents and might not know her boundaries. Her family liked me, what was there to approve? She was also the first girl I formally asked out. I had been sexually active for two years and done things most men could only dream of. However, the females had been the initiators. Tanya was also the first girl I wanted. I did not think about Iris sexually until my cousin rubbed my face in her sex. Blanca was bought for me by the desire to maker her sister crawl. Carolina could have been more, but I wanted the favors being offered by Blanca considerably more than I wanted something real with Carolina.

I wanted Tanya; not sex, not kissing, not holding each other. I wanted her in a complete and simple way that only those three words could express.

On the fated night, I stopped by Tanya's house to ask her out. Afterwards, I could only remember how I walked home fighting back the pressure behind my eyes.

Before our sophomore year began, Eddie moved to South Carolina to help his brother with the problem that made it necessary for Tanya to move in with her grandparents. His departure and my sexual relationship with my mother made it easy not to visit his family.

With established positions as star athletes, the twins and I had fewer problems at school. In the water, we put even more distance between the team and us, so there were no challenges or hurt feelings. At least, no one had the balls to make the challenges or show hurt feelings in public. We were the core the younger in-crowd revolved around, effectively eliminating normal high school social problems.

My sex life entered a toning down phase when Marisa became suspicious of the way my mother was treating me. Her curiosity spread to my relationship with Iris, which combined with no longer sleeping in the same room cut down the opportunities to get together. Rachel and my mother's affair intensified after the kids (me) found out. It worked to squeeze the amount of time my mother and I could spend in bed too. The only stretch of time I could get with the two was during Marisa's visitation weekends. Iris and my mother tried to make up for the lost time in her absence.

Toning down became the better part of an end in January when one of my uncles lost his wife in a car crash. Iris moved in with them so the kids, all under eight years old, could have some stability and an older female presence. Left with only my mother and me as the focus of her investigations, Marisa brought the sex to a standstill.

Luckily, I had Brittany.

She made some attempts to find a male more suited to her social status at the beginning of the school year. It was obvious though that something was going on between us. Brittany hazed, harassed, or threatened with social death any in-crowd female who looked at me twice. I did not care that Brittany pushed others away as long as she made herself available whenever I wanted, even if I had to be 'discreet'.

Brittany's home made a great place for our assignations since her father worked long hours and her mother assumed Brittany was merely maintaining control of a desirable high school commodity. Her mom made it to the big stage as a cheerleader so her worldview was somewhat skewed.

As my sex life at home constricted, Brittany took up the slack. Eventually our classmates took notice of us as an item. I was a sophomore so it made me look good, whereas Brittany's reputation suffered. The only person who could have taken advantage of the situation was Stephanie, but her relationship with the twins made her ineligible for the school's top spot (threesomes might have fascinated the other girls but not THAT much).

Towards the end of April, Jeanie and I hooked-up at State, and a few times afterwards. Brittany did not care for the Jeanie situation, but the girl was not a part of the in-crowd making it more difficult to push her away from me. Brittany was not willing to challenge the situation because she had kicked our relationship farther under the table. I had shown some displeasure about it, and Brittany feared pushing would end us. I also rewarded Brittany's silent acceptance with continued great sex.

Things were unbalanced by Stephanie dumping the twins. It made her a real threat in the high school status game Brittany was determined to sit on top of. Brittany neutralized Stephanie by giving her something she wanted more than to be Queen of the School.

Stephanie was woman-curious; the woman she was most curious about happened to be Brittany.

When Stephanie openly challenged for status, I quickly tired of Brittany's bullshit. I thought it rather silly, even for high school. I pointed out Stephanie's sexual curiosity to Brittany one afternoon, producing a thoughtful silence. I smiled when Brittany came back down to earth. She looked at me with questions in her eyes.

I told her exactly what she could/should do about her rival. The concept immediately eclipsed her concern over status. She was open, curious, and confused by the possibilities, but her social programming made for high barriers.

I had no such handicaps.

It was easy once Brittany discovered she wanted it too. I only played the role of security blanket.

Brittany made her move at an in-crowd party. We herded Stephanie aside and kept her busy until everyone left. The girls had a little too much to drink, and with the lights out they teased me. It was an expertly set trap that hooked Stephanie when she and I made out while Brittany kissed my neck. I made myself available to each until Brittany kissed Stephanie's neck.

I slipped out from underneath and watched them make out on the couch like overheated teens until they burned the alcohol out of their systems. They were too inexperienced not to need excuses to go further. Brittany made the pitch to Stephanie: go to the prom as her date and afterwards the three of us would meet to finish what started on the couch. (A ridiculously self-serving proposal on my part that convinced me pussy could get pussy-whipped too.)

Stephanie looked at me so I kissed her. Announcing they were going to the prom together would kill any chance of Stephanie overtaking Brittany. Stephanie was more mature than Brittany though, more willing to leave high school behind her.

She did not have to wait until prom for her payout either; Brittany did not make it two weeks after they agreed to the deal. Stephanie was very grateful for my help in bringing the issue to climax before prom. I spent the rest of the school year expanding their sexual repertoire.

The girls were given vacations in Europe as graduation gifts so when school ended I was high and dry in the pussy department. The twins' performance in the pool had colleges on serious drives to recruit them early so the two were being flown around the country on meet and greets (and screws according to them). I did okay, but State was the only school seriously interested. It looked like a summer of letting our coach improve my strokes and getting sex where I could.

Things changed when Eddie came back for a visit. We partied with my increased circle of acquaintances. Suffering through a boring summer too, Tanya and Carmen tagged along. I had been kept away from Tanya by my schedule and the in-crowd's natural insulation. The girls were very friendly during Eddie's visit and let me know I was welcome to come over any time.

The invitation was something to do in an otherwise dead summer.

Jeanie was visiting the girls the first time I stopped by. The possibilities inherent in the situation struck me later that weekend. Marisa was with her father, and Iris wanted a change of pace from her new life. Iris and my mother were giving me a show when they got carried away with each other. Everything about Jeanie, Carmen, and Tanya came together for me.

I had spent some time in Jeanie's apartment so I knew which door to knock on. Jeanie was happy to see me; she had recently dumped her boyfriend and summers were a time away from rumor prone eyes. A week later, I lay between Cara and Jeanie staring at the ceiling remembering how things started with 'The Itch'. Mother and daughter were having a conversation regarding what I wanted from Jeanie. Cara looked pissed until Jeanie described Tanya.

Cara stared at me hard, and I smiled. Jeanie liked women; but lust overflowed her voice when she spoke of Tanya.

Important Uncle Lesson: women negotiate.

Cara did not like me using Jeanie, but she respected the fact Jeanie had reasons for wanting to be used. Jeanie wanted Tanya probably as badly as I had wanted little Miss Caramel the summer before.

The conversation turned towards the best way to getting what we wanted. I smiled at the 'we'. Cara's seduction skills impressed me, and I listened carefully to her suggestions. Even if nothing happened, Cara was going to make the whole affair worthwhile.

The women were careful to avoid 'noticing' they were naked on Jeanie's bed. Neither female was ready for that, no matter what had happened minutes before. I smiled knowing I was about to become a facilitator for another couple. Jeanie and Cara behaved more like best friends than mother and daughter, but the boundaries were hard to surmount. They had crossed one but were not comfortable dwelling on their success. When I considered fucking mother and daughter as they played with each other, my dick rose up and distracted them.

By that time, it was July. Cara invited the girls over for dinner and after meeting them assured me it would only take a month to get what I wanted. Tanya and Carmen were constrained by the conservative views of Carmen's parents. They were ready to let their hair down. Both had boyfriends my sophomore year so they had some experience, but Jeanie and I were light-years ahead. Tanya's boyfriend also dumped her inelegantly, and she was in the mood for some psychological payback.

Carmen's boyfriend was away for the summer, and she did not trust his fidelity. Far more than Jeanie, Carmen was the catalyst that detonated my summer. She was a sexual opportunist, who rode the seduction steadfastly to its conclusion. Any time we arrived to a point where one of the girls had to take a step forward, Carmen did.

The beginning followed the established high school summer pattern.

The four of us hung out at the mall, the local diner, Jeanie's house, the girls' apartment, and anywhere we could be alone. There must have been some girl talk because Carmen and Tanya looked at me differently. The giggling when I arrived after swim practice to hang out gave it away too.

Jeanie initiated the teasing phase, but Carmen kicked the real game off by openly flirting with me. Tanya participated out of natural female competitiveness.

I made sure to ration attention to them evenly.

I knew the day Jeanie talked about our sex life with the girls; Carmen and Tanya's eyes bore into me when stopped by. Carmen's eyes were burning embers; she had a healthy sexual appetite and been without for over a month. The look she gave Tanya made it obvious she knew who was being seduced, but I would have to pay for her cooperation.

Carmen was five-foot-six with dark brown hair, dark eyes, and a thick body. Big thighs, a tight ass that would hurt a hand to spank, large breasts; she was the 'biggest' of the three girls. If fucking Carmen was the toll, I would happily pay it.

I asked Jeanie afterwards what she had told them about me.

"The truth," she replied.

The flirting turned sexual, especially with Carmen. Tanya acted unsure but continued to play along. Innocent touches became caresses, graduating to body contact as the flirting got edgy. We might have lost Tanya, except Carmen's mother intervened and unwittingly closed the corral door behind her granddaughter.

Carmen's father was a floor supervisor at a Smith manufacturing plant, and her mother worked at the main office.

Rumors about Michael and my mother abounded among Smith Holdings employees. My mother accompanied Michael everywhere, and their closeness was obvious. Within the Smith community, Marisa and I were handled with the same kid gloves as the twins.

Everyone in Carmen's family had guessed that Tanya did something to make me stop coming around the summer before. It put them in an uncomfortable position when I started coming over again. The consequences of snubbing me again could affect their situation considering my mother worked closely with the Smith's top dog.

Carmen told me her mother took Tanya aside and asked what I had done to her last summer. When Tanya said 'nothing' and made the mistake of admitting she was the reason I stopped visiting. Carmen's mother laid down the law, telling Tanya to be nice to me and that they did not want her to do anything to make me unwelcome in their home. Tanya took her grandmother's words as a directive to do what I wanted; it was exactly the excuse she needed to do what SHE wanted. Grandma's edict turned the corner committing all the players to riding the script to the end.

Cara offered to take the girls to the mountain lake for a weekend, and Carmen's parents gave their permission. No one told the parents I was hosting the mountain getaway.

Rachel happily let me use her cabin when I chose a Marisa visitation weekend. With both of the kids away, she would have my mother to herself. Cara jumped at the opportunity to live like the other half. Carmen and Tanya were just happy to get out from under their parent's thumbs for a long weekend. The girls were surprised when Jeanie mentioned I invited everyone to stay at the Smith cabin with me. Like Cara, the 'Smith cabin' made them agree, even if they had to ignore the 'with me' part.

The small vacation, starting on a Friday morning, required shopping. The girls and I decided on a Thursday afternoon excursion to the mall. Everyone had been generous with mall gift certificates for my birthday. Free of the divorce costs, my mother had really gone overboard. I did not have a lot of time for buying things so I had a year's worth of Christmas, birthday, and spending money saved up. Needless to say, the girls were pleased I was so willing to spend my stash on them.

Jeanie suggested since I paid for a lot of their stuff, I deserved a private fashion show. The notion seemed lame to me, although the two girls jumping at the opportunity had promise.

My house was chosen as the location. Marisa and her cousins planned a sleepover across several houses, which spanned a few days prior to the weekend with her dad. Rachel, knowing my mother would be alone for most of the week, organized an island getaway for them.

The girls and I arrived at the house. The girls took a self-guided tour to satisfy their curiosity before spreading out the outfits in the living room.

Carmen and Jeanie started the fashion show with a couple of summer dresses they bought to go out at night. The mountain lake had a small community with restaurants catering to the vacation crowd. Cara wanted to try a different one every night, and I could not wait to surprise her with Michael's birthday gift. He found out about my weekend getaway with the ladies ('the ladies' were a detail he agreed to keep secret from my mother and Rachel). He told me all I had to do was sign for the evening meals. I tried to reject the offer, but he killed that with an explanation of how impressed the women would be. He made it easier to swallow by calling it a signing bonus, since I had accepted the job of being his gofer during the school year and next summer.

It was another thing to find the time for, but everyone was in support of me beginning an employment relationship with Smith Holdings. My mother and Michael worked out a fifteen-hour work- week starting in September.

I thought the twins would be joining me in the Smith work force, but when I asked them about it they looked at me as if I had grown a third head.

Carmen and Jeanie took long enough in my mother's bedroom that I knew they had thoroughly investigated it. Tanya sat next to me quietly, still a little shy.

Carmen did a wonderful job of breaking the ice. Jeanie had bought a cute short summer dress for herself, and Carmen chose it as the first outfit to model. Jeanie came out in the same clothes she had gone into the bedroom with to emphasize the joke.

It looked ludicrous on Carmen, ludicrously sexy. The dress was at least three sizes too small and ended a couple of inches below Carmen's ass. It hugged every gloriously thick inch that it could on her, and it made me instantly thick. Carmen stood in front of me and did a small spin, bending over to show me the bottom of her asscheeks. Jeanie and Tanya broke the tension by laughing and telling Carmen how hot she looked. Tanya grabbed her stuff, and they trooped up to the bedroom.

I went into the kitchen and pulled out a couple of bottles of white wine. I poured glasses for the girls and filled my own with apple juice. I figured a couple of glasses would loosen some inhibitions. I settled down for a wonderful afternoon of women wanting my attention.

The temperature in the room went up when it came time for the swimsuit section of the show. I did not say no to any of their bikini choices at the mall. I figured I was not going to get better use of the gift certificates anyway.

Jeanie had to have noticed the problem, and probably Carmen since it was obvious even in the modest one piece Tanya had chosen as her first bathing suit to model. Tanya looked good in the blue one-piece; it was cut high in the thigh, which exposed the wonderfulness of her abundance.

"Oh!" I said quietly. A look at the other girls confirmed that Carmen had the same problem as Tanya. Jeanie wore a mischievous smile while the other girls looked confused. I had been around female swimmers most of my life so I never thought about it, but Carmen and Tanya came from a conservative home. It was their first time letting their hair down.

That was a problem.

The one-piece bathing suits were conservative, but still skimpier than anything they had ever worn. There were generous patches of pubic hair sticking out of both girls' bathing suits.

Same as The Wolf Summers
Chapter 6A: Carmen and Tanya Videos

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Carmen and Ron finale

Ron and I sat down at the table and watched as Carmen made breakfast for us, seeing her lovely round, tight ass and her full tits; I could tell Ron was thinking of what a great fuck she had been. "You like looking at Carmen, don't you?" I asked Ron "Fuck yeah man" he replied "She's got a great body and a lovely set of full tits doesn't she?" I then asked him "Oh man does she ever" Ron answered "Easy boy" I then said as Carmen came over to the table with breakfast, "What are you two horny guys...

4 years ago
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Carmen Chapter 2 Carmen and Charles

It had been a few weeks since Carmen had moved out, and things were getting easier. Her thoughts of Matt were more infrequent, and in fact, other men were starting to take Matt’s place in her dreams and fantasies, people whom she had not really thought of in years: old boyfriends, flings, lovers. Perhaps, briefly, they had entered her thoughts while she was with Matt, but she had always felt guilty thinking about them. Now she could close her eyes and let her imagination run wild. Carmen opened...

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Carmen Chapter 2 Carmen and Charles

It had been a few weeks since Carmen had moved out, and things were getting easier. Her thoughts of Matt were more infrequent, and in fact, other men were starting to take Matt’s place in her dreams and fantasies; people whom she had not really thought of in years: old boyfriends, flings, lovers. Perhaps, briefly, they had entered her thoughts while she was with Matt, but she had always felt guilty thinking about them. Now she could close her eyes and let her imagination run wild. Carmen opened...

Love Stories
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Carmens lady friend

I knew Carmen liked to have company over whenever I was out of town on a business trip, but one day I came home early and when I approached our house, I noticed another car parked in the driveway next to Carmen's. Living out in the woods was great because it afforded us a lot of privacy and we didn't have to worry about nosy neighbors hearing or seeing what we did. I left the car parked a bit out of the way and quietly walked up to the side window and looked into our living room. Sure enough,...

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Mrs Carmen Sheldrake

MRS. CARMEN SHELDRAKE BY Brian Houlihan Copyright@2006 by Brian Houlihan All Rights Reserved [email protected] "Do you remember me talking about the difference between a sissy and a real man?" "Not really." "Real men have dicks, Precious. Big manly, masculine pricks. You have a baby dickie, a clittie. Even if I did let you into my pussy I'd never feel you, Sissy. Your dick is too small. So that's never gonna happen. This little guy...

3 years ago
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Carmen Elisa Need to Die 15

Chapter 1/5 Just one thought was on my mind as I walked towards the hamlet of Redspring. Would I find Carmen Elisa there, or was my latest lead just another false trail? Somehow I could not really imagine her being here. Perhaps it was the rain and the mud as the last of the daylight lessened. Not that this was worse than any other small villages in the autumn. More like I always thought that Carmen would be found in some more luxurious place than an stupid village. Of course I could not...

4 years ago
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Carmen has her fun

Brian and I sat down on the sofa while Carmen went into the kitchen to cook up a light meal. Looking at Brian, "You wanna watch some clips of me and Carmen?" I asked him and he readily agreed. I chose one that would show me sucking and fucking another man and with Carmen joining us as we had just done. A second clip showed Carmen being tit whipped and then sucking and fucking her tormentor. By now I could see Brian was getting aroused again and I reached over and took hold of his cock, "You...

3 years ago
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Carmen Cumming over the Border

Carmen- Cumming over the the BorderBeginning of 2001, being with Marlene and experimenting and experiencing awesome new sexual pleasures a lot…really a lot….I was wanting, desiring more, different sexual pleasures. I went searching on line and seriously I wasn’t expecting much but I was thinking let’s see what happens.I was surprised in about a week; I received a response of a young lady liking my profile. We started chatting and emailing what we desired. I was very surprised of the explicit,...

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Carmen And Her StepMom Become Rather Close And Horny

I walked into their bedroom. "Hi, Adria, hi, Dad. Here, Adria," I said, handing it to her."What's that, Carmen?" he asked."Well, I got my teacher Mrs. Elmore to change my grade, she just went over everything and found an error screwing up my grade, nothing more, nothing less.""Oh, really?" she pondered, taking it. "It says just that on here, so I guess I had you pegged wrong, Carmen. I do apologize, and I hope you accept."I sighed as I peeked at him for a second. "Yes, Adria, I...

4 years ago
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Carmen And Joes Outing

Carmen and I were out of town for a few days and we stopped off to spend the night at a hotel and get a bite to eat. After dinner we both were still a bit tense, so we decided to go to a bar that we passed on our way to the hotel. Having never been in it before we thought it was just another place to get a drink. As we entered we looked about the place, it had the usual tables and long bar and stools and at a glance I saw mostly all males about. I noticed a hallway at the far end of the room,...

2 years ago
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Fisting Carmen

Carmen and I found each other online (surprise, surprise!). We had been exchanging correspondence for a little while, and when we were both comfortable, we decided to meet. She was 49. The best encounters happen when a connection is established over a little time, rather than jumping in too quickly. We got on very well at our first meeting over coffee and a light lunch. We knew we shared similar kinks and also a similar desire to keep things discrete due to work issues. We were both looking for...

3 years ago
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Carmen and Brian one more time

The three of us relaxed a bit until Carmen got up and went over to her vanity and sat down in the chair and started to freshen up her face. Brian and I watched as she got herself back in order and I looked over at Brian who had started to caress his cock. "Go ahead man" I said to him "Take her again if you want to" Brian looked at me and then at Carmen and moved off the bed and went up behind Carmen. I watched as he put his arms around her and took hold of her firm tits and started kissing...

4 years ago
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Wank meet success story Carmen Electra

Next in my wank buddy meet instalment was when we met to do Carmen Electra, which occurred after our success over Kelly Brook. A week after the Kelly meet my bud got in contact with me regarding potential targets. We discussed a few with my bud sounding out Carmen Elecktra. He had an FHM magazine featuring her from the early 00's which he said needed spraying. I was easy and agreed, I had enjoyed a good few wanks to Carmen, over her sexy body and tits. My bud was a big fan and had been for many...

2 years ago
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Carmens overnighter pt 1

We had watched as Ron left the ladies room and while Carmen gathered herself together I looked at her, "Well" I began "How did you like his cock?" Thinking about it for a minute, then looking at me, "I'd love to have that cock fucking me" she replied and I knew she would want it if she could have it. We went back out into the bar and saw that Ron had sat back down at a table and was nursing a drink. Since it was Friday evening I got to thinking that if Ron was single and didn't need to get up...

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Carmen and Lauryn Part I

Carmen is my best friend and my roommate. I’ve known her for about 3 years now. She’s a real cool female and she has me crackin’ up all the time. Carmen is 5’2, brown skinned and has a bangin’ body. I always wanted to know what she looked underneath her clothes. She has nice full breasts and a nice round ass. My name is Lauryn and I’m a stud. I have short curly hair, but it’s a mohawk right now. I have very light skin, I’m 5’10, and heavy set. In the beginning of our friendship I was really...

4 years ago
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Taking CarmenChapter 2

Bill was sweating and hot and his cock felt like a steel bar, and he wasn't sure if he could last. Then he remembered his wife's advice and the image of a $10 000 Visa bill flashed through his mind, and that helped a little. He looked at Theresa over the girl's naked, squirming body, saw the excitement in the big green eyes, and waved his head toward his bag. "Get the camera. We want some pics of this." He tried to be deliberate and calm, but only with very limited success because...

3 years ago
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Carmen and Brandon

I noticed one day at work that a new young man had been hired and over the course of several days noticed he had been eying me from time to time. So one day I wore a particularly short dress which showed off my cleavage very well and went into the copy room. After a few minutes I went back out and asked if he could help me with some papers. Once inside, "You're new here aren't you?' I asked him "Yes maam" he replied. Smiling at his formal answer, "Carmen's my name" I followed "You can call me...

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Carmens pleasure

The three of us sat around a bit after our sex session having a couple of drinks Carmen had made and we were all starting to feel a little giddy when Carmen looked over at me and Brian sitting on the sofa, "Joe" she began, "Make love to Brian for me" she added. "I wanna see you two suckin' and fuckin' each other" I looked over at Brian and saw that he had a smile on his face. Moving closer to him, "You wanna make love?" I asked him. Reaching for my head with his hand, he pulled me up to his...

2 years ago
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Carmen My New Secretary

I'd been through several secretaries in recent months -- they'd always leave and go somewhere else for a variety of reasons. So, I'd gone through the process of advertising, interviewing and selecting another new secretary to help me out in the company. I actually had a very difficult time picking the right woman because I didnt' just want a sex-minded bimbo who couldn't do the work. I wanted a woman, first and foremost, who was competent in her secretarial skills and could help me make...

4 years ago
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Carmen Elisa Need to Die 45

Chapter 4/5 I was pressed down on the bed; the weight of the frightened Elenore above me kept me pinned down. Normally I would just have thrown her off me and faced our attacker but now even thinking about fighting made the shackles constraining my hands shine with magic runes. Each try to use my supernatural strength would make the runes flare and remind me that I currently had just the strength of a regular girl. Actually I could not help myself from moaning in desire as his cock again...

2 years ago
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Carmen Showing More Wanting It Too

I'd always known Carmen was a sexy woman. She didn't often give you that indication overtly and outwardly, but you can tell a lot about the way a woman sits, moves and how she dresses as to how hot and sexy she is. I'd often noticed her bending over and giving me a shot down her tops, and what I'd seen there was enough to give me a hardon every time. In recent days, she given me more than one peek down inside her blouse and I could see that she wore some very nice, breast-emphasazing bras....

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Carmens Lactating Visitor

After Carmen had had Ed's and Cheryl's baby she nursed the boy until they came and got their son. I had been turned on watching that baby suck milk from Carmen's tit and my thoughts went to a friend of mine whose wife had also just given birth and was lactating as was Carmen. I called Phil up and mentioned to him that Carmen's tits were still loaded with milk after Cheryl had taken the baby and wondered if Phyllis might be interested in getting together with Carmen for a little girl on girl...

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Spanish Carmen Third Part

Spanish Carmen (Third Part) When the Spanish Milf stared at my monster cock, her jaw dropped, her emotional shock almost caused her a loss of consciousness. I said: “Do you feel ok, Mrs. Carmen?” She replied looking nervous, hesitating: “Well, huh, I can’t tell, but… how deep this will go into my vagina? I fear consequences and cost, besides, I’m risking something here, my reputation.” I said: “Well, Mrs. Carmen, you’re the boss here, I swear I won’t trick you. This is my real penis.” ...

3 years ago
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Carmen the Tomboy Giantess

Carmen chugged from the can of Coke in her hand and let out a monstrous belch. “URRRRRrrRP!” She bellowed before tossing the empty can over her shoulder. Carmen Thompson was a total tomboy who was known to be quite the delinquent around her town of Bayweather. She had been to juvenile hall once before, and came back even worse behaved than she had previously. She was also quite the bully, which made her very feared within the halls of her high school. She had a total lack of respect for anyone...

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Spanish Carmen Third Part

Spanish Carmen (Third Part) When the Spanish Milf stared at my monster cock, her jaw dropped, her emotional shock almost caused her a loss of consciousness. I said: “Do you feel ok, Mrs. Carmen?” She replied looking nervous, hesitating: “Well, huh, I can’t tell, but… how deep this will go into my vagina? I fear consequences and cost; besides, I’m risking something here, my reputation.” I said: “Well, Mrs. Carmen, you’re the boss here, I swear I won’t trick you. This is my real penis.” ...

2 years ago
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Taking CarmenChapter 3

Theresa was grinning at him and Bill had to admire her inner strength. His wife was still grinding her pussy into Carmen's slit and had to be burning up, yet still had the self control to slow things down. He let go of his cock. "I want you to sit on him! I want to see his big cock fucking your cunt." The girl's voice was hoarse but steady, and the two adults stared at her in a slight shock. Then Theresa giggled and shook her head in mock despair. She reached out to touch the girl's...

3 years ago
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The second story about Jenna and Tanya

I was going to meet Tanya's family and I was nervous, if only there was someway to relax... “ You ready?” Tanya shouted. She was stood down in the hall, with an eye on the clock. “ Yep,” Jenna said. Jenna's mind was on other things. She looked again to make sure her new hair colour matched the clothes she'd picked to wear. Tonight was such a big night that her dark red hair was playing on her mind. She usually slapped any colour on her head, safe in the knowledge that it wouldn't be too bad...

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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 11

She wanted to get everything into position before the fucking began, completely abandoned now to her depraved desires, lusting for wolf cock at both ends. She still held a shaggy cock in front of her. Now she tightened her grip and pulled that sweet prick toward her face. The wolf yelped in confusion. Mounting a bitch from behind was logical to the dumb brute, but he didn't know about the pleasures of a human girl's mouth. Katherine hiked her ass higher, feeling the massive hunk of wolf...

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Agent Tanya

As the Allied Commander that had given them victory at Brighton Beach and repelled the Soviets from the United Kingdoms, it was no wonder that Jack was being utilized once again where he was most needed. His next task was to liberate France, a tall order given that after his defeat at Brighton Beach, General Krukov had retreated their and captured Cannes. That left the majority of the Soviets in Cannes and to make matters worse; several Allied leaders were also trapped in the city, pinned...

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Corrupting Tanya

My name is Miranda Myles.I am 5 foot 10 inches tall,I have long black hairand hazel eyes.My measurements are 38-26-36,and i am 37 years old.I am married,but have no c***dren and i love to eat pussy.We live in Western Ohio,in a lightly populated area.This story is just one of my many adventures.It was Saturday morning,and i was standing in the kitchen,as i do every Saturday to watch Tanya,the next door neighbour girl,go for her morning jog.Tanya would begin by doing her warm up exercises.When...

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Jenna and Tanya

I was a lesbian. It wasn't until I was at university that I could accept it. My family were old school and I was a coward; afraid of what they would say if I brought a girlfriend home. Tanya changed all that. I'd had a busy night. I was a student in my second year of an art's degree and the course was getting difficult. I was single, I was no longer sexually interested in men. It had taken long enough for me to be sure, but I wanted a partner now, not a fuck, and it was only a woman that I...

2 years ago
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Carmen and Little Nina

She was a little sexpot and my dick got hard every time I laid eyes on her. She was also trouble - a disaster waiting to happen to a guy like me. She looked every bit of twenty-one, but she was only sixteen. Her name was Nina (pronounced Neenya) and for some reason or another she had taken a liking to me. She came over to our house (I stayed with my parents when I was home from school) every time I worked in the yard or worked on my car in the garage and I could tell what she wanted from the...

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Using Trish And Tanya

Authors note. I tried a more in depth version of writing with this one. This is more of a story and not just sex. My inspirations were of how me and my partner interact with each other, though shes the dominant female. ,) Please be gentle as Im a nooby and only write when Im drunk and horny. Enjoy. -Kira. ^_^ Tanya woke up extra groggy late Monday morning. She really didnt want to open her eyes, but she had a nagging feeling she needed to do something. Turning over in her queen bed she...

4 years ago
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Las Vegas is world famous for gambling. Secondly for all the various exhibitions, and thirdly for famous artist performances. And then the sex. Prostitution is forbidden within city limits, but in the local phone book you will find about 100 pages solely for “private dancers”. A euphemism for female entertainment anyway you like it. Just outside city limits, you will find the famous chicken farms, large legal brothels, where almost every sexual desire can be satisfied. Almost. There are...

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