Bonded LivesChapter 1B
- 2 years ago
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Cyndar and Ralyss stayed for two days, giving us pointers about this and that but once they saw us getting into a regular routine, they guessed that everything was going to be alright. Nor was I surprised that three days later Gynowillowbrook and Frostmoonstone came to see Gem. Both were heartsick to see Gem so small and under fed but could see that the luster was returning to her scales from the good food she was now getting. Frost did examine Gem and said the same as Ralyss about her growth returning to normal and that everything inside was as it should be if just a little undersized.
Both Gynowillowbrook and Frostmoonstone wanted to hear Gem's story from her and with my reassurance, she told them and when she was finished, I let her go play again. Then they asked me to tell how I had stopped Malach though both had heard it from Forestsardonyx. I told them I had done the same thing that I had done with Ilnirastvalysh, which was that I jumped and came down on his snout breaking his nose.
"Des, would you show us this move?" asked Willow.
"I wish I could. I tried once after the first time I did it, thinking I should practice it. I almost broke my leg when I landed. I also couldn't get the height I had before."
"I wonder why." Replied Frost
"Actually I think it has to do with how mad I am. The first time I was in a rage because someone was attacking us, Del was down and not looking too good. The second was I wasn't going to let that bastard get to Gem. I wanted to cry when I first saw such a wound."
"That reminds me, I should tell you that when the rest of the council heard about Gem; we all but wanted to tear his wings off. He told no one about her, not even his parents' or Selen's. We have the assurance of both families that the hatchlings from Malach and Selen will be checked on regularly. Both families would like to see her of course, one even stressed that she should be with her own people and not be raised by a runt and a human." stated Willow.
"His or hers. I would think it's his, which would be where he got that load of manure from."
"The council has told them we would ask you and Del but none of the council thinks you should."
"Then we say not for some time. Gem is just not ready." I said firmly.
"Good. I mean too bad." injected Frost. We started laughing, which brought Gem back to find out what it was that was funny. Frost and Willow departed by late afternoon, leaving Gem and me alone but that was fine because it was Gem's nap time and we both curled up in my room and fell asleep until Del came back from hunting with a good elk for dinner.
Del spent the next moon teaching or re-teaching Gem what every young Wyrm her age needed to know as well as properly teaching her to fly. We flew together when the weather was good. When the time for the fruit harvest came, we went to help. My father and aunty were there as was Pat; Emmy was home with their little girl. Pat was the first to see us and was very happy but very confused when we landed. "Des, Del, great to see you. And who's this?"
"Pat, I would like you to meet Gem, our daughter." I smiled at him and Del came up and put his tail on my shoulder.
"WHAT? YOUR WHAT?" Well that got every ones' attention; especially because he almost fell over.
"Brother Pat there is no need to fall over." said Del, laughingly.
"Des, Del, What's going on? Who's this little one and why is she not with her parents?" asked Aunty Kim.
"These are my parents. Des is my mother and Del is my father." Gem stated proudly.
"Your what little one? They're your what?" aunty Kim stumbled.
"Father, why do they keep asking the same question?" Gem turned to Del.
"You are a big surprise to them, sweetheart. Let me introduce you to everyone." I replied before Del could. "This is my aunty Kim, my brother Pat and that one with his chin on the ground is my father Cal. Pat, Aunty Kim, father this is our adopted daughter Gem. She came to us on her own at the turn of the season. Come let's talk while I help you harvest, it's a long story."
By the end of the first day, everyone had heard Gem's story and were please at how I had handled everything. My father had said little while I was telling the story. He watched as Del used his head to lift one of the small boys up to get a better chance at some of the fruit. Aunty Kim was completely taken by Gem and was happy to watch her while Del and I were off with the harvesters.
We were on our way back when my father looked at me, "Des do you know what your doing? I mean are you ready to handle such a responsibility?"
"Father, Del and I are so happy; I can't even begin to tell you how full of joy I am. I gave the idea up years ago of having children of my own because I couldn't bear the thought of a man touching me, even before Ren tried to claim me. When Del and I had our first day alone together he asked me if I regretted bonding with him because it would mean I would have no children of my own. I told him I didn't and I don't, then I told him that if the time came that he couldn't live without children that we would go and find a female of his race to help him get one. Then we discovered that we could join in our minds, to be one in our minds, I was happy.
We didn't realize that we were missing something until she came to us. Cyndar has given me quite the education on raising Wyrms and I think it will be good for us." I couldn't help but smile.
"Then let's go see your little one." He put his arm around me and we walked back to camp. Gem saw us coming and bounded up to us. I leaned down and wrapped my arms around her neck in a big hug; she brought her wings around and enveloped me in a hug of her own.
"Mother, I have had such a day with Aunty Kim. She knows everything!" Gem said with enthusiasm.
"I know, she taught me lots of things and so did my mother and father. The older you are the more you have learned. Isn't that true father?"
"I used to think so. But you keep challenging that." He leaned down to look at Gem. "Gem, are you happy living with Des and Del, and having them as your parents?"
"Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes! I have learned so much and have become a good flyer; they're kind and warm where the others were mean and hurtful. Besides they need me, mother told me that she and father couldn't have babies of there own because they're too different so this way they get to have me."
Everyone that was around started laughing causing Gem to jump, resulting in them laughing some more.
With the help of Del and myself, they were able to get the harvest done two days earlier than before. Of course we flew home every night so that we could tend our animals, so, when they all went back to the village, we went with them. My mother was pleased to see us and completely taken by Gem. Dan and Bess couldn't believe how small she was but after a moment or two, the three of them went running off to play. We stayed until late evening and among pleadings for us to stay and play some more, we flew home.
Winter arrived again but showed every sign of being very mild. Del was off doing studies and giving a talk, so it was just Gem and I. I had just put her down for the evening when I heard the sound of wagon wheels and horses coming close. I walked to the opening of the cave to see who it was. Just then, a covered wagon came around the arm of the forest coming to a stop just outside of the garden and corral area.
"Des, we need you please." My father called and jumped down from the front of the wagon.
I walked very fast to him. There was something in his voice. "Father what is it? What's wrong?"
"Des, is Del here?" he looked around quickly. "We have a problem that we need your help with."
"No Del's off at the college. Father what's going on?" The way he looked and sounded was making me uneasy.
"Let me show you. And let me warn you it's not easy."
We walked to the back of the wagon where Pat was getting out. "Pat what are you doing hear? It's not Emmy is it?"
We embraced quickly. "Someone needed to help father." His voice was flat.
"Help him with what?" I asked and was almost afraid to find out. My father pulled back the back canvas to reveal a small child wrapped in blankets. At first I thought it was just the shadows but the sent of bruised flesh a salted me. It was all I could do not to bugle my distress, the boy had to be covered in bruises by the strength of the smell and I thought Gem was bad, though they were fading. "What happened to this child?" I asked very calmly.
"He's from the town of Littlehammer. His father did this. The story we were told was that his father went mad and killed his mother while the boy watched then came after him. The neighbors got there in time to save him." my father was all but in tears himself. I put my arm around his shoulder. That's when I noticed that Gem had come out to see what was going on and was looking in the wagon. Then she climbed in to get a better look, "Mother, my brother says he's thirsty, could I get him some water?" She said as she came back to the end of the wagon a moment later.
"Gem, he didn't say anything. How do you know he's thirsty?" My father asked.
"He told me. Can I go get him the water?" Gem replied.
"Of course." She jumped off the end of the wagon and ran off to get the water. I looked to my father who was looking very confused.
"That's not possible, he can't talk," said Pat for him, "at least we haven't heard a word from him."
I looked at the little guy again with a soft smile, he look no bigger then a five or six year old but I got the impression that he was maybe ten.
Gem returned carrying the bucket in her mouth and the cup in her tail. When she reached the wagon, she put the bucket down, dipped the cup into the bucket, climbed into the wagon and gave the cup to the boy. He took a drink and gave the cup back. "Mother, my brother says he's hurting. We need father to heal him."
"Gem, how is he talking to you?" I asked.
"He's talking in my head. Can't you hear him?" she stated as if it was the most normal thing.
"He hasn't tried talking to me." I let my gaze fall on the boy, as well as a smile. "I'm Des, what's your name?"
"He says his name is Jamey." Gem supplied.
"Jamey, that a nice name. Can you talk to me? It's alright I'm used to it." Jamey seemed to curl in on himself.
"Mother he says he hurts too much." supplied Gem.
I turned to my father, "What have you been using to help with the pain?"
"We didn't know he was hurting, but we've been giving him herbed wine to help him sleep."
"Mother, he doesn't want that, he doesn't like it." Gem added.
"I'll go and get something that he might like better but there's nothing we can do until Del gets home." I went and got what I had for a mild pain reliever. I took the cup and put in about a quarter of a cup. He reached out to take the cup but I wouldn't let him have it yet, "It's polite to say thank you when someone gives you something, can I have a 'thank you' from you?" I had a smile for him.
He looked to Gem then reached again for the cup and very softly he said, "Thank you." I gave him the cup.
"You're very welcome. Drink it all down then we'll see if it helps you." I gave him a bigger smile.
"Des what's going on? He didn't say anything." asked my father.
"Gem you stay with Jamey and let me know if he needs anything. I need to talk to my father." She was happy to agree. I walked way from the back of the wagon taking my father with me. "Father, that child is a mind talker. He's talking to Gem and just know I heard him say 'thank you'. Tell me what happened, all of it."
"Mark, Tim and several others were in Littlehammer for a trading fair. The elders of Littlehammer came to them with the boy. They told them that the boy's father had beaten his mother to death and had turned on him before people could get in to help. The father is now in a prison somewhere and the elders of Littlehammer wouldn't tell them where either. They took one look at the boy and couldn't say no when their elders asked ours to take him way. Mark tried to take him in but he didn't know what to do to help him. He wouldn't talk you see. I took him in and Dan and Bess were happy to help him, but it just became too much for us. Pat offered to take him in but..." I knew with out a doubt what his concern was.
"You're worried for the same reason that the elders of Littlehammer were. What would happen if his father breaks out and comes looking for the boy. You did the right thing father. Del and I would never let anything happen to a child. Speaking of Del let me call him and get him home." I placed my hand on my father's shoulder to steady myself and closed my eyes. Rarely any more did I have to picture Del to talk to him but he was so far a way that I needed something to focus on. "Del, I need you home, we have guests and one is in need of healing."
"Des, what is it, you're angry and just barely holding in your rage. Has something happened to Gem?" I could feel his agitation growing.
"No Gem is fine and is helping me even now. Del just get here soon I'll tell you then, love."
"I just left the collage and I'm already in the air, I should be there by morning."
I opened my eyes and sighed. "Del's on his way. I wouldn't tell him what was wrong because he was already in the air."
I continued to talk to Pat and my father until Gem came to the back of the wagon. "Mother, Jamey's hurting again, he's trying to be brave and not to cry but is father coming?"
"He is, but he won't get here till morning. We'll give him some more wine, then why don't we take him out of the wagon and make a bed for him in your room, if that's alright with you, Gem?" I walked to the bottle and poured him a half-cup this time. I gave him the cup and again he said 'thank you'.
"I would like that." replied Gem.
"Go get my fur rug and take it to your room. I'll bring Jamey. Jamey would you like that?"
He nodded his head yes. Gem got out of the wagon and I sat down on the end of it and put my arms out for Jamey to move into. He was hesitant at first but after a moment, he crawled to the end of the wagon and put his arms around my neck, I picked him up with care for his hurts and carried him into the cave, to Gem's room. He hardly weighed anything. Gem had made a nice little nest for Jamey. I placed him right in the middle of it and covered him up. "Jamey do you need anything?" He reached out and took hold of Gem's tail. I laughed a little and smiled, "I see, you want Gem to stay with you?"
"Jamey says yes." Gem said for him.
"Gem would you stay and come get me if there's anything he needs?"
"Yes mother."
I walked back out to where my father and brother were waiting.
"How is he? Is he safe with Gem?" ask my father anxiously.
"He's fine. Gem won't let anything happen to him. She's acting just like Tanni."
"Good. Give me that bottle of medicinal. My nerves are gone." My father took the bottle and took several swallows. We talked for quite a while when Gem came out of the cave.
"Mother, Jamey says he's too full and needs to go. I don't know what he means." She had a confused look on her face.
Pat turned and started walking towards the cave; he had a silly smile on his face. "I'll take care of it. Gem you just stay out here with you mother and grandfather." Pat helped Jamey to the place to take care of natures needs.
When Jamey was back in his nest and Gem back with him, Pat returned but a short time later Pat and my father got into the wagon and left. I put away the bottle of wine and decided to lie down for a little just incase the child needed anything later in the night. I was right; Gem came in and woke me. "Mother, Jamey is crying but I don't think he's awake. I don't know what to do?"
"I do. If you want, you can sleep here so you can't hear Jamey's dream cries. I'll go and be with him."
"Thank you Mother." she sounded relieved.
She took my place as I got up and went to Jamey. He was in the middle of a nightmare no doubt. I sat down next to the wall and pulled Jamey and his nest right into my lap. He woke with a start. I made soft shushing sounds to help him go back to sleep. After a little bit, I followed him.
It was morning when Del got home and found me with the boy still in my lap. Del placed his tail on my shoulder waking me gently. "Des, What is going on? Who is this?"
"This is Jamey. Father brought him to us because father didn't know how to deal with him. He's a very special child and very gifted." I told him everything that my father had told me. He was all but in a rage when I was finished but Del kept tight control of it. "Should I wake him so you can heal him. Unless he has to much damage inside for you to handle it."
"Sleeping is good." Del raised his hands over the child and called up his healing energy. After a moment, the boy sighed and fell into a deeper sleep. Del put his hands down. "He'll sleep better now. I'll have to work on him again later today. He has some internal issues that will take me a little bit more to correct."
"Not to worry, he's staying with us. Gem would be very upset if we sent her little brother away.""How strong of a mind talker do you think he is?"
"I don't know, I didn't want to push him into anything until we get him all healed. Is Gem still in our room?"
"I think so."
"I need to get up but I don't want Jamey by himself just yet."
"I'll get Gem if you can get out from under him."
"Thank you."
He left and I put Jamey down and stood up. Del returned with Gem cradled in one of his claws up against himself. He put her down right next to Jamey and the two of us left. It was a grey morning when we walked out of the cave but I was some how happy and I didn't know why. Once I was outside, though I had to let go, I started crying and buried my face in Del's shoulder; he just held me tightly to him as the storm of emotions went through me.
I held her knowing that's what she needed. I was near to weeping myself after looking at the boy. What was on the surface was nothing compared to what was inside. I truly wished our gift of mind speaking went to others; I would call my father or our friend Frostmoonstone. Des needed me so I couldn't and wouldn't leave her to go get someone else.
"Des, it's all right." I said after a long moment. "Our son will be fine. I'll work on him again later. If the fears of your father and the elders of two places comes to pass then we will deal with it. My talons are large and your sword is sharp and our strength true. What is a human in the face of that?"
"What indeed. Oh Del that poor child. Not even Gem, who went through hell, had even seen what Jamey had. He watched his father beat his mother to death. Why did no one come to her aid?"
"I can't fathom way someone would do anything like this. The man must truly be mad and I only know of one way to deal with a mad animal, it's to put it down. If that mad man does manage to get here that's what we will do."
Des turned her face up to me and smiled, "Del, you have a son; if the child is willing to stay. I know there should be none from his hometown or my family's village that will come to take him away. We should think about getting one of the council members strong in mind talking to come and see what Jamey's abilities are. I think Gem will be a mind talker, she can hear Jamey very easily, though I have heard him twice."
"Let's wait until he is stronger. I would guess Gem is thinking of him as a little brother."
"She is and she's acting just like I would have expected Tanni to when she was younger. It may change once he's better. He's the size of a six year old but I think he's maybe as old as ten. I didn't want to press him with questions."
"You should get some more rest. The animals are inside and I can feed them. At midmorning I'll have Rolly go hunting rabbit for lunch." I kissed her on her forehead.
"That sounds good, Love. I believe I will go and lay down for a little longer. Wake me if the boy wakes, I don't want him getting scared and upset." She yawned but still stood there.
"Go rest, I think I can handle the child for a little while without you. I have had time with both Dan and Bess."
"All right I give. I'm going to sleep." she said with a chuckle.
And that's just where she went. By mid morning, Gem woke, came out of her alcove to see me then went to take care of natures needs, then returned to her alcove. When I looked in on her and the boy, she had curled around him just like I did around Des. It was very cute; I memorized the scene to share with Des later and went back to waiting in the front room.
Des woke not long after and I shared the memory, she loved it. I sent Rolly for a few rabbits as Des began making porridge and eggs. She was just finishing when there was a cry from Gem's alcove. Des and I ran into find Jamey screaming and Gem off to the side. "Mother what's wrong? Help him mother please!" Gem cried.
"Jamey wake up, there's a good boy." She said to him as she grabbed him up in a hug. He seemed to still be asleep then suddenly he stopped fighting and let himself be embraced, but continued to cry out loud. Des held him close hoping to make him feel better by telling him that everything was all right and that no one was going to hurt him. Jamey was sending images of how he watched his mother getting beaten by his father as she screamed for help and screamed for his father not to hurt her son. Then the images changed and seemed to go back in time, Jamey was showing us different times that she had been beaten instead of him. She was a brave woman and yet no one came to her aid. That's when I realized that Jamey was asking why no one was coming to help her. The gods alone knew why because I sure as hell didn't.
Jamey was pouring out all of his grief and pain all at once. Des just held him and rocked him as he poured the memories out to us. Gem, Des, and I were crying when he finished. I had moved further into the room and took Gem and Des into my arms. Poor Gem just couldn't understand as she saw all the terrible things that were done to Jamey's mother. Finally all the images were done and with it all the pain and all the suffering to be replaced with an image of Gem coming into a wagon then whipping a tear away with her tail and of Des holding out her arms to him. Of Gem curled around him in a dark alcove as he held onto her tail.
Then it was all over, Jamey looked around then curled up in Des's arms and fell asleep again. Gem was still shaken and would not let go of me. I leaned down and kissed Des then took Gem out for a little while so that she could calm down and so that I could try to explain what it was that we saw.
Delinsilversworth The year for us had been a good one with the addition of a son named Jamey. With regular feedings and lots of love from both Des and myself as well as from Gem, our daughter, Jamey had filled out and had started making up for lost time and growing like a weed. Gem too was growing and had even had a second shedding just before the winter was over. But now with the spring, I worried that trouble was now coming. Father Cal had told me that he had heard more rumors that someone...
Delinsilversworth Over the next five days, Des and I learned more of each other than we could ever have been able to. We had another large mound of grass and a large pile of rock ready and waiting for the fireplace. Des had completed her tunic and loved wearing it. We gathered another load of willow and Des started making an outdoor shelter for the animals. On the morning of the fifth day I was flying alone so that I could hunt when I saw two wagons working their way to the cave. So, I...
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Des After I milked the goats, I spent the day getting organized. There were some things I had no idea that my aunty had put in or maybe it was my father. When I was finished going through everything and stacking it along the wall along side of where I wanted to put my fireplace. I had not been long and went next to organize the cold room. The shelves Del made were perfect and would hold quite a bit. The flour sacks would sit on the bottom self with the salt. There were boxes for keeping...
Delinsilversworth Later while Des slept under the watchful eyes of her aunt, I took mother Rose home. The children were very glad to see her and she hugged them for a long time. Both of course wanted rides on me and I was happy to let them. They were playing with several others when we got there and only a few stayed and watched. I waved my tail at one little girl sending her into giggles. I had the feeling that the next time I was here I would be giving more than just Dan and Bess a ride....
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"Daddy ... please don't make us do this ... not yet, please ... not yet!" Laurie's face was white with terror. And their father's look of dominance softened immediately. "I won't force either of you to do anything that you are not ready for ... but you have to understand – we are so few now, we must protect our clan and ensure our future." He leaned forward and patted her hand, and he was once more their daddy. "Please, meet these men, and talk to them for a while, and then I...
The double patio doors stood open to the night air, and their father held on to his human form as he watched his daughters transform into their wolf like shapes. It was not a painful shift for them – something that he was deeply thankful for. Often with humans or half humans, the breaking of bones and stretching of tendons was an agonising experience, but his daughters when they made the change they did not fight it, and so it lessened the pain. He saw the emotions twirling in their eyes,...
Iris stood under her shower, just letting the water pour over her. Her muscles still ached from her exertions from the night before, and her bones still felt more than a little sore. Her skin was bruised in places and there were a few scratches as well. She tentatively rubbed soap over her flesh and winced as she felt the telltale stings, and burns. "Oh well," she muttered as she switched off the taps. "Just one more night, and then we are done with it for another few months." It was...
She walked out to the front porch with him, allowing the front door to swing closed behind them, and thus giving them the illusion of privacy, since they were outside and so not really in a private place at all. James stood with his back to her for a moment, and she suddenly had a terrifying thought. "You're going to sack me; aren't you?" He swung around to look down at her in shock. "What? No ... No of course not!" Her shoulders sagged with relief as the sickly feeling in her gut,...
The younger black wolf sat in the shadows of the trees as the three wolves ambled past. His black eyed gaze was fixed onto the red wolf as she moved gracefully across the ground, she was closest to him as they went by, but he thought far enough away for her not to pick up his scent. He thought wrong. She slithered to a halt even as she drew parallel with him, and turned abruptly. She crouched down with a low growl, and had he been a man he would have grinned appreciatively at her...
Iris knew that her sister was worried about something, the moment she strolled into her bedroom. At first she thought it might have been because of the nights events; that Laurie might have been worried about Iris. But it soon became evident that that was not the cause for the furrow in Laurie's brow, or the shadow in her dark blue eyes. "What?" she asked softly. Laurie sighed as she sat down on the edge of Iris's bed. "I think that there might be something wrong with dad." Iris...
"Can I get you something to drink?" she asked awkwardly as she tied the belt of her robe a little more securely. He sat down on her sofa, without looking at her again, and nodded. "Yes, a coffee would be nice, thank you." James used the time that she took to make the drink, to regain his composure, after seeing her 'dressed' like that. What had she been thinking? Greeting him in that tiny, sheer robe which just managed to accentuate her glorious figure, rather than conceal...
She was so hot! She felt like she was on fire, and every time he touched her she burned a little brighter, a little hotter. She felt that she was melting, she felt like she would burn out, burn up and cease to exist. But still he continued to stroke and caress, and kiss and taste her. "Enough!" she finally gasped. "Please ... enough ... please," James could see the yellow speckles in her eyes, and they glowed and dimmed. She was trying desperately to keep her identity, to not lose...
"Hello," Iris smiled politely at the young woman who answered the door. The young woman who managed to look stressed and relieved all at the same time. She was quite tall, certainly in relation to Iris, and very slender and almost sickly looking. "James, oh James I am so glad that you could come over!" She cast a quick curious glance at Iris, before stepping back to let them both in. "Leila, this is my new personal assistant – Iris ... I thought that maybe she could be helpful to you...
The afternoon flew by, and even though she had promised James that she would finish work on time, she loitered for another hour after the telephone had gone to the answering service. She filled this time with making up a few new client files; a folder with a strip for the client name. Then there was the first sheet, for details of the client. The second sheet was for a summary for the building required, whether it would be residential or commercial, whether it would be single storey or...
It was a busy week, they seemed to have a sudden influx of interested clients, and James worked steadfastly; drawing up plans and designs, in between meeting with people, to discuss and exchange ideas, and update his clients on his progress, making adjustments as they saw their dreams coming to light, and had second thoughts, or different ideas. Iris was kept busy too, as she typed up reports, and sourced materials, she made sure that James had everything he might need to complete his...
James sat in his office reading quickly through the file that Iris had prepared for his next client. In truth there was not much to it, but it gave him something to do, something to fix his attention on, rather than the woman in the other room. The air moved around him, and a faint aroma of jasmine tickled at his nose. Iris appeared in the door way. "Mr Potts is not due to arrive for another hour," she said softly. "Shall I make us a cup of coffee?" He blinked his gold speckled eyes...
He led her up the stairs and they turned left at the landing to climb the flight to a dimly lit corridor. The corridor had several doors leading from it, but most of these were closed. In fact only two doors stood slightly ajar. James stopped before the first open door. "This is the master bedroom – my room," he explained as he pushed the door further, so that she could glance inside. It was a very square room, decorated in a striking coffee and cream colour, with a large super...
It took Iris less than half an hour to get from her apartment to the London hospital where Laurie had told her their father had been taken. She rushed down the corridor to the intensive care, and spotted her sister almost immediately. "Iris!" Laurie flew into her arms and sobbed her heart out, as Iris buried her own emotions and tried instead to comfort her sister. "How is he?" she asked once Laurie seemed to have cried most of her distress out of her system, and was showing signs of...
Iris put her hands on the table and forced herself to meet his eyes squarely. "We met with your 'boys' only recently, Bill; and nothing came of it then." "No it didn't!" he snapped resentfully. "But that was not the fault of my boys; they would have been willing to take it further – if you had only met them half way." The colour came to her cheeks, and she allowed her eyes to drop from his. He could not be allowed to see her anger – her outrage and offence at the way those – brutes...
Laurie looked bone tired when she came out of their father's room. Aunt Trudy had gone in to take over from her, and whilst the nurse was hooking her up, and disconnecting Laurie, Iris took the opportunity to take a quick look at her father. "He seems to have more colour now," she said hopefully to the nurse. The nurse smiled at her, and nodded. "His breathing is much better too, and his heart and pulse rate." "So you think it might be working?" Laurie whispered. "Well it is...
Delinsilversworth The next morning started with the two of us waking at the same time. This time I got to see some of her morning routine. She got up and went to the pool and splashed water on her face as well as took a drink. Then she got out a change of clothes from her pack and changed. This was nice because it gave me a chance to see her without her coverings on. When she was finished, she just looked at me. "You silly, go and stretch and get some flying in. We have a busy day of grass...
Des Spring led to summer as it always does. Del was off hunting as usual and I was off foraging in the woods. I had half a basket full when I heard something like some big animal working it's way through the trees. Then I caught it's sent. It was a Wyrm or at least the scent of it was. For a blink, I thought it might have been Del playing a game with me but the scent was too burnt to be his. Then from nowhere I got a sudden chill of fear that ran down my back. I carefully doubled back...
I didn't feel good all of Sunday. I could only think about the predicament I was in. Would he listen to me? Please, oh, please, oh, please, oh, please! Monday at school distracted me from meeting Mr. Grayson but as soon as the last bell rang I felt butterflies take flight in my stomach. I stopped at home to put my book bag away then told my mom I was going to go meet some girlfriends. I stood outside his front door and took a deep breath. I couldn't put this off. I rang the...
"Welcome, Brittany," Mr. Grayson greeted Friday evening. "I hope you are ready to play some more." Was that what it was to him? Play? I left my clothes by the front door as usual and followed him. He was naked again too. Instead of the back room we went into the kitchen. "Make me dinner," he said, sitting at the kitchen table. "You may wear the apron to protect your skin. I took the apron on the counter and put it on. He stood to tie it behind me then sat back down. "What do you...
Sunday morning took forever. Would he tell me to suck his cock again? I really hoped he would. I didn't want him to fuck me and take my virginity but sucking his cock had been very enjoyable. I was okay with that. I really was. I think I actually might be disappointed if he didn't let me suck it. When it turned noon, I realized he hadn't told me what time to come over. Technically it was the afternoon. Should I go over now? What if it was too early? But what if it was too late? What if he...
I semi-looked forward to going over to Master's house this time. I hoped to experience again the excitement of making his cock cum in my mouth. I didn't want to be attached to his wall but I could last an hour okay now. The spanking hurt but in a strange way it felt good after. I didn't like having his cock in my throat while my head was upside-down and my face and hair ended up covered in my saliva. I looked forward to one thing and that was sucking Master's cock. I removed my clothes...
Des It was several years later. Del and I still lived in our cave and Del had not changed one beautiful inch, but I had. I was now 18 and had my full height, or at least I hope so, and was the same as my father and the strength to match, though I took on more of my mother's looks. It had been over two years from the last trouble we had with the bully from Del's childhood by the name of Ilnirastvalysh. He had shown up hunting for Del and I, but found only me while I was hunting in the woods...
I showered as soon as I woke up to remove all smells and signs of being fucked, as happily as a fuck it might be, so my parents would not be suspicious. If my mom knew that this dogsitting job had turned into fucking the neighbor, she'd have a cow. Who knows what would happen if dad found out? They must not find out. They would NEVER find out. I ate a light breakfast and sung a joyful tune. "You seem extra happy, Brittany," Mom commented. "Life is good, Mom." "How is that?" "It...
I locked my bedroom door. I lay back on my bed and carefully pulled the plug out of my butt. I was being disobedient to Master. He said I could take it out if I had to go potty and I did. It came out with a plop sound. I used the bathroom and returned. I was so stupid! Sitting right there on my bed was the butt plug. I didn't think to hide it. What if Mom or Dad came in? Disaster! I relocked my door and put the plug back in. It went in slowly and hurt some. I should get that lube Master...
The biggest plug had become looser in my butt. I could rotate it slowly and this afternoon it wasn't too bad trying to put it back in after going potty. It did take a little while to put it in but I held my cool better this time. When it was time I went over to Master's house. I actually looked forward to a good spanking this time. I hoped he spanked me. I knew my butt could take two days in row. My bottom had toughened up. Being spanked felt so very good. After I became as naked as...
The big butt plug had loosened just like the previous, smaller ones. It hadn't loosened as much probably because my butthole was probably near the limit to how much it could stretch. It might open just a little wider but not much. Of course, my mind was on Master's words when I left yesterday. "I'm going to fuck you." That was all I wanted. I wanted his cock in me making me cum. That's what I loved most being over at his place. I arrived right at 10. I was eager to be...
AUTHORS NOTE: Copyright mine. Mean people suck. If not 18 get a signed permission slip from your Mom before reading. Any resemblence to persons living or dead may be untentional (unless it's Dolly Parton, Tom Cruise, or Timothy Dalton's chin). No fictionalized renderings of imaginary people impersonating minors were harmed in the production of this novella. BOND GIRLS & BABY DOLLS VOLUME 1: PROSPECT 2006 D: We need a new Fall title, and we know you're a...
"... by sending you here for this week Grant and Grant expect that you will get to know each other much better and to pull together as a co-ordinated team, as a team striving to do their best for the company," Senior Manager Copely ended his fifteen minute introductory speech to the thirteen employees sitting in the lounge of a small hotel on Dartmoor. "Crap!" The expletive exploded from Robert Eason. Robert worked in IT. It was his responsibility to keep the computer systems running and...
Turning my head with a painfully deep sigh, I run my fingers through my thick, hazel brown hair. I look out of the window, gazing down upon the well kept college grounds from the perch of the third floor of the tower block. I can feel the boredom take a tight grasp over my mind, wishing that I could lie on the fields and just soak in all the sunlight. The exams had ended a few weeks ago and I had handed in every piece of coursework, but our teacher, the notoriously short tempered, and statured...
James Bond always had plenty of women, but what do the women do when there not loving or fighting James. These are stories from their perspective. You can have a story staring Honey Ryder from the first movie or Jinx from the last Bronson movie. Sky is the limit on characters you can pick Each story can be in first, second or third person. The question now is what era of bond we start with? Author note- You may notice I made every girls opening like a start of a Jame bond film with an action...
Bonding at the Beach, A Morality Tale in Triplicate WARNING Theft is a crime, this isn't a game. Steal from us and you won't be the same. If you hate your life, then take without paying, and risk alteration that won't be delaying. Return what was taken in a timely way or the winds of change will not delay. I stared at the bright yellow sign and didn't know whether to laugh or groan. Glancing around the cluttered little shop that Liam's mother had dragged us into, I saw...
????? BOND OF DESTINY??????????? by YamiNoHikari written: April 17th 2006 Genre: RPGFrom : Crossover Anime-Game DICLAIMER: I don't have anything to do when using the characters from animes and games. I do have all the original characters, but the anime-game characters belong to their respective owners. updates for chapter 05:- new original characters Miscellanious Things 1. Original Characters ????? a. Hikaru -Original-????? S/he is a human with two forms, one as a male and another as a...
Sally, Gallie and Billie arrived at the hotel, soaked through, tired and very relieved to see the neon lights of the hotel sign. For nearly half an hour they had seen little except for the path. Several times they imagined they had walked miles passed the hotel but then came to a field gate they recognised from the outward journey. From there it was still a mile to go. Dripping they entered and took their topcoats off in the porch. "I need a shower," Sally sighed. "You've been having...
John, a straight forty-year-old, takes his eighteen-year-old gay stepson's virginity. To please his wife and bond with his stepson, John asks Aaron if he wants to learn some mechanics with him. As they have a nice moment together, John discovers something he had never felt before, a need hidden deep inside him. He's going to breed the young gay boy. New message from Sandra — Don’t forget what we talked about! Go talk to Aaron. Luv you. I read the text message from my wife and put...
GayBonding with Daddy ============================= I remember my dad waking me from a sound sleep. It was summer and I was wearing low cut white cotton panties and a silky pink top that I had been wearing for years. It started out as a crop top, and as I grew the top got shorter and shorter. Mom always fussed at me for keeping it, saying that as a 14-year-old, I had outgrown it several years ago, but I loved that top. It was so comfortable. I was sleeping on my back since it was very warm, and...
... New message from Sandra — Don’t forget what we talked about! Go talk to Aaron. Luv you....I read the text message from my wife and put back the phone in my pocket. Aaron was her son. After living with his father for a few years when he was a teenager, he came back to his mom’s at the beginning of the summer, as we were living closer to his college.I never had children with my first wife, so kids were not my specialty. Well, he was eighteen, so not really a kid anymore, but still, we barely...
Gay MaleMe and My wife Michelle of six years met at a work party and and instantly hit it off, we dated on and off for about two years before we finally got married, she was 29 when I met her and I was only 23 but I didn't mind the age difference because she was amazing, and a MILF if there ever was one she had a son named Matt who was 10 at the time we met and you would have never guessed,she had the most amazing body, Jet black hair, blue eyes, amazing breasts and tiny hips with an amazing ass, me...
(This is a very different type of story than most that I've written. It's about a young couple who are kidnapped and taken to an Island where the encounter brain washing during their captivity and kept separated for a very long period of time. There isn't any sex in the first chapter but the buildup will be worth the wait.) Bonding chapter 1 Dee sat next to her husband Tom in the dim light of the plane, their hands were cuffed in front of them and fastened to a steel bar...
Thanks for the overwhelming response for the part 1 of this story. I wasn’t sure it got posted on ISS, so forgot totally to post the second part. So here it goes folks, enjoy reading: Vrinda was in her room looking at herself in the mirror, still excited about what was about to happen with her father. She fought with her incestuous thoughts about it being so wrong, her wetness damped in between her legs making her crave for more of such things. She wasn’t able to forget her dad’s sweet assault...
IncestVinod (48) had started looking for a decent match for his younger daughter Shikha (22) who was doing her M.B.B.S practice in another city. His wife, Rekha (45) had asked Shikha to come home for a while as they wanted her to choose from few photos and in case she likes someone, they could arrange a formal meet up. Their elder daughter Vrinda (24) stayed in the USA with her husband Rahul and had especially come down to help her parents and little sister. Unknown to her family, Shikha had a...
IncestFirst off got to give a shout out to one of my friends Scribe. If it wasn’t for him commenting on one of the pictures and we started chatting about the good ole day then this story would have NEVER been told. This is a true story or what I can remember of it. Hope Y’all like it. I live on a big piece of land about 48 arches and there is a nice sized private lake. I am a huge pothead always have been and always will be. I smoke out with a group of six close friends all huge pothead just like me,...
Itwas the beginning of my summer break after my sophomore year in college. I packed up my bags and headed home for a summer of fun and mischief. My parents were on a cruise to Cozumel and would not be back for another week, so my step-sister Sophie and I would have the house to ourselves. Sophie would be leaving for college next fall and I was hoping to have a little sisterly bonding time. I had missed Sophie’s 18th birthday due to finals and I wanted to make it up to her and come home a few...
Itwas the beginning of my summer break after my sophomore year in college. I packed up my bags and headed home for a summer of fun and mischief. My parents were on a cruise to Cozumel and would not be back for another week, so my step-sister Sophie and I would have the house to ourselves. Sophie would be leaving for college next fall and I was hoping to have a little sisterly bonding time. I had missed Sophie's 18th birthday due to finals and I wanted to make it up to her and come home a few...