Lingerie Shopping
- 2 years ago
- 31
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"Come with me," Penny said, as she led us down a side street, entering through another entrance, to a set of elevators next to the loading docks.
"What's going on?" I thought as we quickly walked.
"The press are all over the lobby and that gossip columnist is in Catherine's office. She sent me to head you off," she thought back.
"The press? Why?" Adriana asked.
"Michael's sort of hot news right now. Especially after the party Saturday night!" Penny supplied.
"Later," I mouthed to Adriana, when I felt her about to ask more.
"You stay here!" Penny said when we finally reached my grandfather's office. Or, my office now, I supposed. "I'm going to let Catherine know you're back."
"Okay," I said as I shrugged.
After the door closed, Adriana looked at me for a moment, then thought, "Michael, that was the most wonderful lunch date I have ever had. Do you think it counts as an actual date? If it does, it's the best date I've ever been on, too!"
"Naw! I have to actually invite you on a date, in order for it to count as an actual date. That was just lunch. And I enjoyed it very much, also," I said.
"Well, I guess I'd better get back to work. I wouldn't want the new President to think I was slacking off!" she thought with a laugh.
"I wouldn't worry too much. I hear he's deathly afraid of redheads with fiery tempers!" I said laughing with her.
"When will I see you again? I've got to tell you I've already gotten spoiled, having someone I can talk to without writing everything down!" she said with a tinge of genuine sorrow.
"When you make your decision, let me know. If you accept the position, I'll fly you to wherever I am," I told her.
"Really?" she asked. "Just like that?"
"Adriana, I have to make several major decisions involving hundreds of millions of dollars, very soon. I really NEED you!" I replied. "I don't have the luxury of waiting until I get back to New York to make them. So if you accept, I'll want your knowledge of the company and your assistance on handling them, as fast as I can get it. As a matter of fact, tell your mom that Southwest Airlines has an IPO coming tomorrow. I want ten thousand shares. But tell her not to go over fourteen a share."
"You're serious?" Adriana thought.
"If you accept the position, you'll find out I'm very serious when it comes to making money. Tell your mom this is for my personal account. She can talk to Uncle Jeff about whether the company should be involved. Tell her to tell him that it's a long-term investment for me. Also, have her find out general information on Congressman Jim Wright. He's a democrat from Texas. Fort Worth, I think. Nothing invasive, I'm looking for ways to help him lose in the next election."
"He IS serious! I need to talk to mom, like NOW!" she thought absently as she left. "I hope she's not busy"
I wandered over to the window, and stood there, staring absently at the New York city skyline of forty years ago. My thoughts were squarely focused on the charming redhead, and the effect she was having on me. I had already noticed I felt less powerful than I did when she was with me.
"Is it because she left?" I wondered, sadly.
"Or is it because she might decide NOT to accept the position I offered her?" I thought, becoming even more depressed with the thought.
"Or was it simply that I was already missing her?" I wondered. "And she just left!"
In my heart, I think knew the answer.
I also knew that I was scared shitless, after my recent experience with Grace, to admit to myself, that I might be falling in love.
"DRAT!" she thought. Then silence.
I smiled as I realized Adriana was in her mother's office next door.
I was immediately aware that she had just overheard my very personal thoughts. And I knew what that meant! However, I still wasn't sure, after telling her about the others, if I would ever see her again.
"I didn't think I'd ever get rid of that newspaper man!" Catherine said. "I never should have invited him in! But I was afraid he would trap you coming back from lunch."
We were in the limo, headed to a mall near Newark, to meet the girls.
"I never thanked you for getting us past the paparazzi," I said to Penny.
"You're welcome. But you've got to promise me that you won't run off and not tell me you're leaving like that. I was waiting to go with you to the office this morning. And when I found out you had left without me, I got very worried," Penny said.
"I'm sorry. I just didn't think," I apologized.
"But when I finally got there, and you were gone, and nobody knew where you went ... well ... I guess I really started to panic, then. I was so worried that something had happened to you!"
I'm sorry. I guess you'll be glad when this babysitting assignment is over?" I said, more as a statement, than a question.
"Well, not really..." Penny sighed.
Catherine raised her head from the paperwork she had in her lap, and cocked one eyebrow.
"Okay, Agent Lane, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" I asked her.
"It's just that ... well ... I mean ... I don't want it to end!" she finished in a rush.
"Go on," I told her.
"When I joined the FBI, I had hopes of attending the academy, and becoming a 'Special Agent', you know, like the guys. Instead, they sent us to training classes that were all female, and probably harder than the guys' classes. But no matter how well we did, we could never get posted to become special agents. They kept telling us that when Hoover retired, then we could get posted. In the meantime, we were used as 'bait', or in undercover roles calling for couples, or where men might stand out," Penny explained.
"Such as a nurse?" I asked.
"Exactly! When they first approached me in college, I thought it was because they were finally hiring women as special agents. I soon found out that nurse was the second most common undercover role, behind fake wife. They wanted my nursing skills, and my boobs, but they don't want to recognize my other skills or training. Every assignment I've gotten is because I'm female, or a nurse, or both! And I'm tired of it. I mean they won't even let us wear pants in the office. Skirts or dresses only. It's not fair!" she cried.
Of course, this punched Catherine's buttons big-time! She hated inequality, especially sexist inequality.
"Are you saying you would consider working for us?" Catherine asked.
"Oh. Absolutely! However, you need to know it's not actually 'Agent' Lane," Penny continued, "although they allow us to use that designation when we're on an assignment. But, I'm not a 'special agent'. I don't have a 1811 designation," she said sadly. (Note: FBI Special Agents used to be designated general service series 1811/Criminal Investigators).
"Miss Lane, I have known your status since the day after you revealed yourself at the hospital. I pay very well for information concerning those who are protecting my family, and I generally get what I pay for. My offer of employment was made in good faith and the clear understanding of what your credentials are. However, having observed your performance these last two weeks, and Michael's judgment of you, I believe we are getting more for our money than I originally thought. My offer stands," Catherine said.
"You knew? And you still want me?" Penny asked incredulously.
"I believe that's what I said. What kind of notice do you have to give?" Catherine asked her.
"Ah ... two weeks, I think," she replied.
"Good! Your current assignment is supposed to end on Michael's completion of his assignment in Houston and his subsequent return which will probably be on the twenty-fourth. Can you start on June twenty-fifth?" Catherine asked.
"I'll probably have to go through debriefing for a day. Could we say the twenty-sixth?" Penny asked in return.
"Done!" said Catherine quickly. "You will start on the twenty-sixth. Your title will be Michael's Chief of Security, with the compensation package we discussed. I'll have it drawn up and sent to the ranch before you arrive there."
"I can't believe it! That's more than the top agents make!" she squealed in delight.
"Congratulations, Miss Lane. And welcome aboard. Just so you know, I've hired Kip as well. He will be coming onboard on the twenty-ninth, and will be reporting to you," I said.
"Oh!" she said as concern filled her mind.
"What's wrong Miss Lane?" Catherine asked.
"Well, it's ... it's just that Kevin ... Kip, I mean. Well, we ... sorta spent the night together Saturday night, and I..." she stammered.
"Penny," I said. "Saturday night, neither of you worked for me. For the next two weeks, neither of you will be on my payroll either. So you both have two weeks to decide where this relationship is going. If you decide that it may go somewhere, and you wish to continue it while you are working for me ... well, I have no problem with that, since it started prior to your employment. If it interferes with the performance of your duties, then we'll talk about it. Until that time, I wouldn't worry about it," I said smiling.
"It's hard to believe you are only sixteen, sometimes," she said. "Thank you. I think you've given me more than I could possibly have dreamed of."
"Ah ... thanks, I guess," I said shrugging my shoulders in typical teen fashion.
"I need to remember that I still need to act sixteen sometimes," I thought to myself.
"My bedroom is always available for you to practice in!" Catherine said mischievously.
"Just remember Penny, we'll be going back to the ranch next week," I said.
"Okay. I should get the rest of your itinerary too. And we need to discuss your other plans and I need to start on security for your new home in Tennessee. You are going to be living..."
Penny's verbal checklist stopped in mid-sentence as the implications of what I had said finally hit home.
"The ranch. The nude ranch ... I had forgotten. I guess I'd better inform Kip right away," her voice took on an ethereal quality as her eyes became unfocused. I didn't bother to scan. I was aware of how uncomfortable she had been last week. She'd have to make up her mind, on her own.
"Michael?" Catherine thought to me.
"Yes?" I replied.
"She hasn't ... overheard you, has she?"
"Not yet!" I replied teasing Catherine.
"Oh, Michael. What am I going to do with you?" she said, faking exasperation.
"What am I going to do without you, for the next two weeks?" I asked in return.
Catherine smiled.
"I feel like the first time I went away to summer camp," I thought to her. "I'm almost ready to start crying and beg to stay with you!"
The limo pulled into the parking lot of the new mall, stopping beside the coach that would take us to the rail yard.
"Miss Lane, would you give us a moment?" Catherine asked.
"Certainly," she replied, stepping out of the limo and closing the door.
When we were alone, I leaned over and kissed her, gently. Catherine wrapped her hand behind my head and pulled me into a searing kiss.
Finally, she let me go, pulling away slightly.
"I'll miss you," she said softly. "Are you going to be okay?"
"Yeah. Jeannie gave me my credit cards, and I still have almost all the cash you gave me," I replied.
"That's not what I meant. I was talking about Adriana. I could feel you almost the entire time you were gone," she told me.
"Sorry. I don't know what to do about that," I grinned sheepishly.
"Oh, it wasn't that," she said. "It's just that I recognized those feelings. And they reminded me of how you felt about Grace ... or me."
"And Nicky. And Anna. And all the rest. Just remember, regardless of how I feel, she has to decide for herself. On her own," I told Catherine. "But to tell the truth, I hope she does."
"I know ... I could feel that too. I guess I'm worried about you getting hurt again," she said.
"Don't. You're just wasting energy. Getting hurt doesn't kill you. I know. I lived my whole first life, being hurt like that all the time!"
"I'm sorry, Michael. I know it was painful."
"But you know what, when I was with Adriana today, I actually felt the power running through me. I've never felt it like that before," I told her, changing the subject away from my depressing previous life.
"That must be why I could feel you from so far away," she replied.
"The girls felt you and me from even further away, Saturday!" I reminded her.
Catherine blushed.
"Look, don't worry. It will all work out!" I said.
She was silent for a long moment. Finally she told me, "Take care of Nicky and the others. Be sure you watch after Penny, until she gets her feet on the ground."
"Where should we start looking for them?" Penny asked as we entered the cool air of the mall.
That was one of the attractions of this relatively new (for 1971) concept in marketing. Gather a bunch of stores in one place, and make it easy to get from one to the other, without going out in the weather.
"If you're referring to my wives and my cousins," I replied, "my evil sister and her magical, redheaded witch are holding them hostage in the shoe department at Nordstrom's."
Of course, I could hear the giggles in the background. Vickie had found me while I was still in the limo with Catherine.
"And you, Mr. Wagner, are amazing!" Penny said. "I wish I could do that."
"Witch? What do you mean, witch! I'll witch you, you..." Vickie's threat dissolved into giggles, as she relayed what I'd said about her.
"Thank you, Miss Lane," I said. "I also smell a sinister trap. My evil twin sister undoubtedly wants to get her diabolical hands on my allowance again! So I suggest we wait them out. And we'll do it ... right ... here!" I told her, stopping suddenly.
Penny looked around, and smiled.
"So ... you want to wait them out, huh?" she asked for confirmation. "Right here?"
"Uh huh," I said grinning at my soon-to-be 'Chief of Security'.
"You mean, you want to wait them out, right here? Outside the sexiest, most expensive, lingerie store on the east coast?" she asked with a sly grin.
I honestly didn't know if Vickie had got to her, or not. I didn't bother to check. But it made sense. And therefore, she was letting them know exactly where we were.
"Well, not exactly outside. I figure it would be safer for me, to be inside the store, than to be standing out here in the open, where it would be harder for my NEW Chief of Security to protect me."
"Ah ... but you can't just go and stand around inside a women's lingerie store. They'd probably have you arrested!" she replied, before realizing...
"I guess my NEW Chief of Security will just have to do whatever it takes to protect me. Even if it means trying on some of those super skimpy panties for me! What are they called? ... Thongs?" I asked as I went through the door.
Yep! I was right. The girls were all connected through Vickie, not to me, but to Penny. And they were laughing at my antics, as they rushed to finish what they were doing, to come join us.
Meanwhile, Penny really had a dilemma.
She thought I was teasing, but she wasn't totally sure. And she had just accepted a position at a pay rate that was almost four times what she made now. So she knew she must follow me into the store. However, did I really expect her to try on skimpy underwear? And if so, how could she do it without letting me out of her sight? Especially since she was the only one available to guard me? The answer began to dawn on her, and she was not thrilled.
"C'mon! Let's go in. You can model for me, and I'll make you a deal. When you model it for me, if YOU like it, I'll buy it for you! Okay?"
Penny wasn't real happy, but the other girls were all going crazy in her head, shouting for her to try on everything, and do it quick. Anna actually told her to stall, until she could get there, because she wanted new lingerie too!
I walked straight to the first person I saw with a name tag.
"Hi, Helen," I said, reading the name on the name tag. "Are you the manager?"
"I'm the Assistant Manager. The Manager is off on Mondays. Can I help you?" she asked.
"My girlfriend is shy about modeling in front of strangers, so I'd like to rent your store for an hour or so," I told her.
"I don't know ... that's not something I can ordinarily authorize," Helen said hesitantly.
"Helen, I would imagine that a Monday afternoon is one of your slowest times," I said. I could see her nodding her head in agreement, even though she said nothing.
"What's your busiest? Saturday, maybe?" I asked.
Again, she nodded without speaking.
Drawing out my credit card, I offered it to her.
"Why don't you call and get authorization for an amount equal to your last Saturday's sales. Then, if everything is satisfactory, you can close up for an hour while my girlfriend models for me. You're welcome to stay, of course, and ring up everything we buy."
Taking the card, she said with a big smile, "I'll be right back!"
She called the bank first, then immediately called the store manager.
"No, Margaret, there are no other customers in the store right now, it's dead," she said into the phone.
She listened to the voice on the other end.
"No, it's just Cathy and me," she told her manager. "He says it's for an hour or so, and guarantees receipts equal to Saturday's!" she said excitedly.
"I did! The card is a Gold Card, and they authorized anything up to twenty," she said.
"No! Thousand. Up to twenty thousand!" she was almost beside herself with excitement.
"The name on the card is Wagner. I think he's the guy from the papers, yesterday. You know, the kid with the two Princesses!"
"No. It's only one girl. And she's a lot older than he is. I'd say late twenty's..."
"Well, I'm going to do it. They seem nice, and the only thing I've sold all day was some stuff off the sales table!" she said.
"Okay. I will," she replied, hanging up the phone.
She kept my card in her pocket and went straight to the large double entrance doors, locking them and hanging up an 'Out-to-Lunch' sign.
"Mall regulations don't like it when we close during business hours, but they usually don't say too much on slow afternoons, if we take a lunch break," Helen explained.
"Now, is there something particular the young lady has in mind?" Helen asked me, while she cast an appraising eye over Penny.
"Helen, this is FBI Agent Penny Lane. I just hired her to be my new Chief of Security and I want her to have some panties and bras that are not Government Issue. You know what I mean? I want her to FEEL every bit as sexy as she looks, while she's guarding me," I explained.
"Oh!" Helen said. In her mind she was thinking that rich people sure have some funny quirks. But as long as I was spending money in her store, she didn't care what the reason was.
"Okay dear, excuse me, Agent Lane, was it? Let's see what size you are. If you'll just step back here, we have a private viewing area already set up," she said, leading us to a large room at the back of the store.
There was a small stage with mirrors and a small curtained changing room. Three plush chairs were positioned around a short runway, obviously for viewing anticipated purchases.
Penny's blush went from light pink to bright red as she realized what was coming next.
"Michael!" Penny pleaded, "What are you doing?"
"I told you, we're waiting out the ambush by my sister," I said with a laugh.
"Why don't you have a seat, Mr. Wagner, and we'll get started," Helen said, trying to ignore our chatter.
"By-the-way, Helen. My little sister, and her friends, are going to come looking for me in a few minutes. Would it be okay if they join us? Her credit card has the same limits as mine," I explained.
"Uh ... how old are these little girls we're talking about?" she asked, now hesitant again.
"Let's see, my little sister, who's twenty-one minutes younger than me, is sixteen. My wives are sixteen and seventeen, my assistant is nineteen, my Executive Director is almost nineteen, and Doctor Carter is in her early thirties. My mother-in-law, The Queen, is probably in her mid-thirties as well. Why do you ask?"
"The Queen? I'm sorry, I envisioned much younger girls, from the way you said it," she said honestly. "Of course, the rest of your party is most certainly welcome. I'll be right back."
I heard her telling Cathy, the other clerk, to call in any of the other employees she could find, to help out for a couple of hours. They had to get here right away though. The Queen was coming!
When she returned, she said to Penny, "Now, if you'd like to step into the fitting room, I'll take your measurements," Helen said to Penny.
"That's all right. You can take them right there," I told her, pointing to the small, well lit, stage. "Agent Lane is required to keep me in her sight at all times when we're out like this."
Helen looked from Penny to me and back to Penny again. Penny shrugged her shoulders, and then stepped onto the small stage, as she sighed in resignation.
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It started on Saturday afternoon I went shopping for bras & panties, I went to a local department store and looked but couldn’t find anything that fit correctly. I decided to go to a lingerie shop in the next town over so I could be measured and fit correctly for my 38c’s.The saleswoman was helping another woman when I walked in, so I browsed around and found a few bras that looked nice. So I went into the dressing room, while I was trying them on I heard at knock on the dressing room door. ...
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The Lively Lingerie Timber Grove: Story #6 By Trinity Larry Green was looking through the clothing area of the Timber Grove thrift shop when a man walked up to him. "Hey, Larry, how are you doing today?" It was Levi Schimbare, the owner of the shop and a friend of Larry's. "Oh, hi Levi... I'm alright, I guess..." "Come now, you don't sound alright." Levi looked at Larry like a car salesman would look at a stranger. "Tell Levi what troubles you." "Well, Margie and I have...
Tuesday, June 22, 1971 "It seems that we have two different puzzles to solve," Catherine said, summarizing. "First, what is this codex that Michael is supposed to find? And second, what made him disappear in front of your eyes?" We had been meeting for more than an hour, having connected everyone, and then walking step-by-step through what had happened in the Dining Car earlier this afternoon. Penny had each person telling it from their own perspective, including what they saw, heard,...
Comrades in Lingerie By Pamela ([email protected]) This story is a sequel to The Femme Club. The Femme Club is a sequel to Bra Tripping. The next meeting of the ladies of the Femme Club was held a few days after their Halloween drama. "I thought it went pretty well, except it started to go off the rails at the end. We each had our pussies exposed for Cary to lick on. How was that going to turn out?" Susie said. "Yes," Diana said. "I don't mind showing off my pussy to...
I knocked on the door of the address I was given in the invite. A tall “girl” answered the door and said hello. She said her name was Barbara and asked for my “name”. I said my name was Molly and she opened the door wider to let me in. I saw ten other girls in different states of dress as Barbara took my overnight bag and handed me a glass of wine. I nodded at the other girls as we she led me to the back of the house.The others were mixing in the living room and kitchen area. Most of them were...
So my wife Nancy was out of town for a few a few weeks helping out her best friend after a nasty surgery leaving me all alone to do my own thing. The first night I wandered over to my next door neighbor's Shanies house. We would sometimes share a bottle of wine and just talk,No one seemed to be home but the door was open so I stepped inside. Once inside I called out to Shaniethere was no one around, so I snuck into her bedroom and startedlooking around. There hung over a chair was a...
Reddit Lingerie, aka r/Lingerie! Lingerie makes any man's penis go from 0 to 100 in seconds - at least the men who aren't cripplingly addicted to drawn porn and video games like the Porn Geek is. There's just something so equal parts mesmerizing, enticing and appealing about a woman in a nice lace lingerie bodysuit that just oils up my gears and starts grinding them to create a perfect melody of sexual tension. Lingerie really is undeniably sexy regardless of where you see it. In essence, it...
Reddit NSFW ListSaturday, June 5, 1971 Sixteen mostly sleepy women were exiting the dining room as I descended the main stairs. I stood there as they filed by, headed out the front door to board the chartered coach that would take them for their day at the spa. Being beautiful is hard work sometimes. Vickie and Nicky both detoured when they saw me, stopping to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck!" Vickie thought to me. Liz just smiled and winked as she walked by. I sensed that Beth and Penny were...
8 – Maire Gets Job at Susan’s Lingerie Shop I took my time doing chores around my apartment. My head was in a happy cloud. I loved my Liam, but I also loved my best friend, Melissa. I didn’t feel conflicted. I just felt great.By early afternoon, I ran out of things to do, so I walked to Susan’s lingerie shop. I associated Susan’s with my Melissa, so I felt connected to her when I went. I didn’t really have anything in mind, I just felt welcomed and comfortable being there. Susan greeted me with...
About 3 years ago I had an experience that changed my life. I only regret that it did not happen when I was much younger. I was then a 68 year old woman and had been a widow for 12 years. During this time I had no real relationships and certainly no sexual ones. My name is Victoria. As I live by myself one could imagine that this would be lonely and unsatisfying but I gain enough satisfaction from my work and f****y who visit me about once a month. I work as a tourist guide in the city. This...
About 3 years ago I had an experience that changed my life. I only regret that it did not happen when I was much younger. I was then a 68 year old woman and had been a widow for 12 years. During this time I had no real relationships and certainly no sexual ones. My name is Victoria. As I live by myself one could imagine that this would be lonely and unsatisfying but I gain enough satisfaction from my work and family who visit me about once a month. I work as a tourist guide in the city. This...
Coming Of Age in Lingerie By Missy Satinpanties By the time I was 17, I was on my way to becoming a pretty accomplished little panty thief. I say little, because my '"growth spurt" only took me from 5'1" to a lofty 5'4" tall. My family always joked that they could save money on vacations by mailing me First Class for a buck or two. Thanks Mom, thanks Dad, great joke. I always said I was skinny, but when I was 15, I once heard my older sister, Melanie tell her friend that I looked...
This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read . Velamma was shocked to find Ramesh wanking off to one of her lingerie magazines. She realized that she might have missed the old spark they had. She wanted to wear some sexy lingerie and seduce Ramesh like she used to before. The next day itself, Velamma decided to purchase some lingerie. But at the mall, she could not find inners of the size that would fit her bust. “Not much selection, huh? Do you have anything else in...
This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read . Velamma was shocked to find Ramesh wanking off to one of her lingerie magazines. She realized that she might have missed the old spark they had. She wanted to wear some sexy lingerie and seduce Ramesh like she used to before. The next day itself, Velamma decided to purchase some lingerie. But at the mall, she could not find inners of the size that would fit her bust. “Not much selection, huh? Do you have anything else in...
I am sitting at a table outside the coffee shop in the mall. Wearing a white t-shirt with no bra, form fitting blue jeans and black four inch stilettos. I have my shoulder length auburn hair in a ponytail."Hi Tina, it's good to see you."My friend Mary asked to meet her here. As she seats herself, I can't help looking at her and thinking how hot she looks. Mary is wearing a red deep scoop neck mid riff without a bra. She is wearing form fitting blue jeans and four inch black stilettos. Her...
LesbianI was browsing through my lingerie drawer for an upcoming evening with my current boyfriend when in the back I found something I hadn’t seen in a long time. I had forgotten I even owned it. A sheer black lingerie set, black babydoll with a tiny string thong. It was a gift I received back in college, yet it still fit. There’s a story that goes along with it.The story starts with me coming home from happy hour with my college roommate, her boyfriend and a few of his friends. I was walking up the...
College SexI was browsing through my lingerie drawer for an upcoming evening with my current boyfriend when in the back I found something I hadn’t seen in a long time. I had forgotten I even owned it. A sheer black lingerie set, black babydoll with a tiny string thong. It was a gift I received back in college, yet it still fit. There’s a story that goes along with it.The story starts with me coming home from happy hour with my college roommate, her boyfriend and a few of his friends. I was walking up the...
College SexJames sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...
SupernaturalTuesday, July 6, 1971 Rachael was waiting on me when I reached the Dining Hall a little before seven-thirty. She had us a table back near the doors to the deck, overlooking the lake. I grabbed a tray and some of Mable's pancakes and sausage, along with my coffee, and headed her way. "Good morning, Michael. Can you really eat all that?" Rachael asked. She had only a cup of coffee and a half-eaten Danish in front of her. "I wanted to save myself a second trip," I explained. "Oh, my. I...
I wrote it awhile ago and gave a copy to my 78 year old dad. This story is about my wife modeling Lingerie for him. he could hardly wait to read it. I knew my dad would like it. when I was in my teens my dad had porn magazines hidden around the house. but I found them, so I knew he would like this story.------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ This is the story below I wrote.....this is true, I did give a copy of this story to my dad....
IncestIt was a Saturday night and my wife, Clare, and I had invited our friends Dave and Susan round for a few drinks. We had known them for over 20 years and we always had a good laugh whenever we got together.They arrived around 7:30pm and brought a nice bottle of wine which we all knew wouldn’t last long in the hands of Clare and Susan. Luckily we had plenty more alcohol in the fridge and Dave and I got ourselves a beer as we made our way through to our lounge. We put on some of our favourite...
Note: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry.Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...
Love StoriesNearly 40 years ago I began to get turned on by lingerie especially pantyhose. One night I had slipped my hard dick into the legs of my Mom's hose she had placed jn the dirty cloths pile. The silky texture got me hard and excited. I had taken my cock out of my jeans and slipped my throbbing dick in to the legs and started to stroke myself. I only was able to stroke myself a half a dozen times when my cock exploded. At first the sensation startled me, later I stroked myself off into one of her...
"I think Jack is on to us." Lisa's only response was to snap the bra off her shoulders, twirling it overhead before tossing it in my face. Her hips were gyrating. Her eyes were fixed on my cock. Obviously, she didn't care. "Guess I worry too much, don't I." And she just nodded, the slightest gesture of her chin, before crawling onto the bed and taking my penis into her mouth. That was her charm. Not just her proclivity for cunnilingus-which was extraordinary-but her unabashed...
Frankie clattered down the short hallway in his high heels with Valerie close behind. Dressed as he was in his high heels, seamed black stockings, black lace panties with matching garter belt and bra, he looked like a young woman in a very big hurry. And indeed, he was. Dressing in this tantalizing and very feminine lingerie, having his make-up done to perfection and then seeing himself in the full-length mirror had been all too much for the poor young man to take. His throbbing...
Introduction: Tender moments with my sister I had no idea my sister liked her sex kinky. She told me all about it in one of those girlie chats where all the fruity details about your sex life get revealed. She described how shes very sexually submissive to her man, how she lets him control her and use her when and where he wants. She said he called her his fuck toy and that hed spank her hard if she didnt slut herself to his satisfaction. She told me how she loved playing at being his whore,...
My Mother and Farther split up when I was only five, I was the only c***d and I lived with my mother. It was the school summer holidays and it was the week after my f******nth birthday and I was wearing some nylon football shorts and a t-shirt. I was relaxing in my bedroom reading a book when my mother came home from work. She came upstairs and in to my bedroom and calmly said;"Mark how long have you been going through my lingerie drawer in my dresser?""What?!" I answered."How long have you...
I was a door-to-door insurance salesman once for about 20 minutes. It was another of my many failed careers. Dante was wrong. The deepest circle in hell doesn't belong to the traitors to kin and country, there's a level even deeper. The Tenth circle is reserved for door-to-door salesmen. Because that's a living hell on earth, and THEN you die. I took the insurance job after being fired from my trainee position at the heavy equipment company. I just fucked up too much for them, I guess. I...
Introduction: Boyfriends were gone and a girl needs some lovin Emilys Lingerie Party (All girls) I woke up Saturday morning and had to go to the bathroom. Ashley, my girlfriend/lover, was curled up with her forehead touching my back. Poor thing was almost completely uncovered, and looked so cold. When I came back to the bedroom, she was lying on her back, one arm over her head, a knee bent and legs slightly spread. Just looking at her made my heart race, she was so hott. Instead of just...
“Jackson,” Allie called, “I have to go out for a few hours, but I will be back before my important client arrives at three o’clock.”Jackson stuck his head out from the back room and replied, “No problem Miss Whitfield. I have a couple of more things to put up and then I will be out there.”“Damn it, Jackson, stop with the Miss Whitfield shit. I am only twenty-five, not thirty or forty years old,” she admonished him teasingly as she left the shop, his laughter following her out the door.Miss...
First TimeI work hard as a secretary for a law firm, it is tedious work and sometimes it can be quite stressful. But at the end of the day, I get to go home to my large apartment and relax. I get paid very well and I tend to spend a lot of my money on lingerie. The touch, the feel, it excites me.My name is Amanda Johnson and I am 27 years old. I have light brown hair and dark eyes. My small nose sits above a nice sweet smile. I have a curvy figure with 36d breasts, flat belly, waxed crotch and a round...
MasturbationWhen I first arrived in Los Angeles, I was staying at a motel on Sunset Strip in Hollywood. I had plans on working as a tranny call boy there. In the "L.A. Express" magazine, I saw an ad for a club on Sunset, called the Leather and Lace Lounge, that was popular with trannies and the men who liked them. I decided to go there and learn more about the tranny scene in Hollywood. It was three in the afternoon when I arrived at the Leather and Lace Lounge. The cute bartender was busy setting up the...
CrossdressingMy name is Penny and I live a normal suburban life with my husband Mark in a quiet leafy street on the northern outskirts of Sydney. I am a curvy lady in her early 40s with big breasts, dark hair and sparkling blue eyes. "The girls" as I affectionately call them are 20DD (Australian measurement). About a month ago some new neighbours moved in two houses from us. Very few people come and go in our street, so some new neighbours to replace the couple that had moved interstate was a topic of...
This story is inspired by one of you lush ladies ;-) After a few months of talking online we finally decided to go for it and meet IRL at this cute coffee shop for lunch. As we chit chat our eyes shoot hasty looks all over each other’s bodies. By now both of us realize that our online attraction not only translates to real life but in a much higher intensity. Without saying a word we quickly finish our meal and after paying the bill walk into the street where shops are...
Straight SexHello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...
LesbianLori had finally realized one of her long-time dreams -- having her own exclusive lingerie shop that she could organize and run the way she'd always dreaming about doing. Her shop was located in Coral Gables, Florida and it wasn't what you'd think when you first went inside, but Lori had found that her serious customers really enjoyed the shop when they discovered what she had. Lori was a very sexual and very sensual woman and she'd long thought that if she'd be open and honest about the...