FiremenPart 2 Firehouse Barbeque
- 3 years ago
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A Sa'arm scout had been tracked by a probe as it explored the uninhabited planet Darkford. The headquarters analysts expected a small hive ship to reach the planet within a window of six to eighteen months from the time the scout left the system. Only thirty percent of the planet's surface was water, but that was still enough water to hide both North and South America in more than one of its oceans.
Daniel Boone and Sir Galahad waited at the rendezvous point, which was about half a light-year away until Valdez returned from a flyby of Darkford. Captain Harris reported, "There's no sign of activity anywhere in the system. I believe it's safe to proceed." The smaller and faster ship had scouted the Darkfordat system to insure that the Sa'arm had not arrived sooner than expected.
"Thanks for the update, we're heading in," the Captain Collins responded. All three ships engaged their FTL drives and moved into Darkfordat. In addition to being on the list of planets that would soon get the interest of a Sa'arm hive ship, it was also only a few light-years away from Truman, placing reinforcements and supplies within easy reach.
Commanders Rawlings and Diego were aboard Valdez and had made detailed maps of some areas of the land masses during earlier scouting missions. Their surveys identified several faults that ran into oceans. Lesa sent some probes into the more promising of the geological features and was soon getting results from the little robotic prospectors.
In the meantime Sir Galahad ferried dozens of surface craft down to the planet that started mapping the ocean floor looking for continental shelves, underwater plateaus, or stable mountain ranges that were covered by no more than fifty meters of water.
When a couple of extinct underwater volcanoes were found about 75 kilometers apart and no closer than 400 kilometers from the nearest significant body of dry land, Daniel Boone moved into position above the pair of drowned mountains and prepared to drop the pods she carried.
From a synchronous orbit it would take a full eight-hour shift for the eight lighters to ferry 60 industrial-class replicator pods to the planet below. The 48 pods that would provide the housing and environmental support for the human core of the small outpost were left to make their own way down without the benefit of lighters, except for the AI pod which a lighter gently delivered to the surface of the ocean.
It took three days for all of the habitat pods to be linked with a network of passages. After the last of the cylindrical corridors was pumped dry, the colonists had access to the residential pods from the transporter nexus in the command and information center.
Other pods in the small complex housed the arsenal, medical facility, gymnasium, and community mess hall. Transporter pads located in the foyers of the CIC, the medical facility and the central pod of the manufacturing cluster were the only way on or off the planet for the time being.
Two days later the 60 replicators, which were located 75 kilometers from the habitat pods, began accepting material from the twelve mining complexes scattered about the ocean floor. They would soon be building additional habitat pods and other critical facilities for the garrison that would be in place to repel the Sa'arm after they landed.
One of the replicator's first tasks was the construction of protective domes that would allow them to operate without shields. They also built connecting passages along the ocean floor that lead from the protective domes to a central pod containing transporter network pads.
Twenty families manned the underwater outpost. They would direct the construction of barracks, weapons, and assault craft and generally prepare the facility to house a brigade and its equipment in the coming months. Living and working underwater was not really that much different from conditions in other hostile environments.
Tuan and Lesa had not brought their entire families and had chosen to cohabitate in one of the residential pods. Celeste and Donna were brought along because they were the only women in the two families who weren't pregnant or nursing an infant. Celeste had valuable skills outside of the pod and was dragging the somewhat reluctant Donna around with her.
"I'm not smart enough to do the things you do," Donna complained.
"Nonsense," Celeste rebutted. "You've dealt with a stair-step horde of hellions for more than a decade. I doubt I have that kind of multitasking talent."
"This isn't much different than my pod on Azahar," Tuan remarked as he entered and looked around.
Lesa laughed, "No? Just take a look outside, Captain Nemo. It's a brave new world out there."
Celeste took Lesa and Tuan for a tour of the facility as soon as the first mini-sub came out of the replicators. "The domes not only provide protection for the replicators and a wet-well for launching amphibious craft, but they also camouflage the units' radiation from heat right on through the visible spectrum. Even though they're in shallow water you can't easily see them until you're within twenty meters of one."
It was true. Tuan and Lesa knew where the units were, but could only see one or two of them at a time.
Celeste let the small craft settle onto a ledge on the slope of the submerged volcanic cone. "It's so peaceful and beautiful here," she observed. "I almost hope that the Sa'arm don't show up."
The three of them took in the beauty of the seascape in silence. Each of them had thoughts of sex flit through their heads, but none of the images took root right away.
On the way back Celeste observed, "You know what? I'm the last member of the household who hasn't gotten pregnant, and we've been out here for well over a year, closer to two."
"It's barely been ten weeks," Tuan countered with a smile and was backhanded in the solar plexus for his obtuse remark.
"Ow! You're so physical!" Tuan complained to Celeste. "I think Kim has been a bad influence on you."
Celeste just smirked in response.
Lesa mused, "Donna's little one is two. She's about due for another bun in her oven as well. Think you're up to the task or shall we tap into another sperm bank?"
Tuan got serious for a moment, "Do you really want me to be the father of more kids after what I did with our daughters?"
Lesa snickered, "I heard about that. Seems like you had about as many options as Takashi when the twins slipped into his bedroom the first time."
"I could have ... should have said no," Tuan had not yet released his guilt for having sex with his own daughter, and thoroughly enjoying it. "The worst part is that I'll likely do it again."
"Good," Lesa remarked. "They need to have some quality time with a real man periodically. They really shouldn't stick to a diet of boys. So, can I help while you get Celeste and Donna preggers?"
"Do you really think that they'll need help?" Tuan was not completely out of his playful mood. "I figure Donna would know how since she's been successful six times as I recall. It's been a while since Celeste has handled a dick, though, it's been at least three days. You might need to show her how it's done."
Tuan and Lesa were knocked sideways a bit as Celeste hurriedly mated the small craft to the docking collar. She flipped several switches to complete the seal and shut down the submarine's systems. "I'll show you what I know about making babies, Mr. Wiseguy! Get him out of his clothes while I strip, Lesa."
"What about me?" Lesa asked with her bottom lip poked out.
"I guess you'll have to bat cleanup this time," Celeste suggested.
Tuan was laughing as Lesa tugged at his clothing until she sucked his semi-rigid tool into her talented mouth. In three strokes his glans was tickling her tonsils. In five strokes he was stone hard and stroking her throat well beyond her tonsils.
"I'm ready," Celeste said as she flipped the armrests up on Tuan's seat and proceeded to straddle his lap with her slender legs. Between the stimulation Lesa and Celeste were pouring into the task at hand it wasn't long before Celeste's womb had some little visitors.
Daniel Boone returned to Azahar after dropping the first load of pods. She came back to Darkford with William Penn and Antoine Laumet. The three ships carried the balance of the Home Guard Militia and their equipment. The brigade's pods were quickly dispersed among the prepared facilities. They began staging ordnance and equipment in bunkers all around the planet, including some that were in remote areas on dry land.
Colonel Dean Gotti remarked, "It's ridiculous when you look at it objectively. We have less than a thousand troops with the mission of defending an entire planet! Armies with hundreds of thousands of combatants have failed to defend a single city in past wars on Earth."
Lieutenant Colonel Lesa Crews smacked her father's arm. "We don't need no negative waves, daddy-o. None of those Neanderthals on Earth had our equipment or your fine leadership."
Gotti snorted, "Don't try psychology on me, Peanut. You're not too old for a spanking."
"Ooo, I like spankings!" Lesa responded
Dean looked at her from the corner of his eyes, "Then again, maybe you are."
Lesa changed the subject as she pointed out the obvious on the wall map. "We can't get equipment into this land-locked ocean with the underwater tugs. We're going to have to use lighters to transport anything that won't fit in a transporter stream. I'm setting up an industrial complex here." She pointed to a spot about forty kilometers from the far shore. "We can't be certain that lighters will be able to get through once the Sa'arm hive establishes their defenses."
Gotti scowled, "Don't get pedantic with me, Colonel. You probably enjoy being spanked too much for that to be a threat, but I'll come up with something unpleasant. What's your recommendation?"
Crews smiled and considered challenging him, but thought better of it. She knew she should be more professional in front of the others. "Sorry. I'm used to dealing with less fortunate commanders. We should find a suitable spot away from shore and establish a manufacturing complex."
Gotti frowned, "Shouldn't we set up mining sites first?"
Crews stifled a smirk as well as her reflexive smart remark. Her answer sounded more respectful, "No, sir. The transporters can send the raw materials anywhere, but we can't use transporter pads to send replacement assault craft, or return the damaged craft to the depot here for repair."
"Of course," Gotti responded. "And thanks for not rubbing it in."
The preparations didn't reveal so much as a ripple in the water when the Sa'arm showed up a few months later. The plans had been made, the traps had been set, and the troops were deployed. Now all that they needed was contact with the enemy. This was one of the toughest parts of combat, trying to get some rest before engaging the enemy.
The Navy made a show of defending the system by destroying several of the hive ship's screening vessels in a fighting retreat, but they allowed the colonization ship and its defensive escort to penetrate the seemingly weak Confederacy defenses and land unmolested.
The communications technician looked up. "Mr. Gotti, er, Colonel, sir. The hive ship has landed. I've got the coordinates."
Lesa barely recognized the man as one of the mercenaries who had accompanied her dad to the big extraction from Earth so many months ago. He was even bigger now, and younger looking. Along with the others, she turned her attention to the map the tech projected onto the wall.
Someone in the small room remarked, "It looks like they landed as far as possible from any significant body of water. Do you think they know about us?"
"They don't like water," Gotti observed without directly addressing the nervous individual. "And, that particular range of mountains has a lot of resources. Their scout must have done a good job of exploring this planet. They knew where to go."
He turned to Lesa. "Well, Peanut, we have a long way to fly before reaching the nearest target. Let's get some scouts out there and start moving equipment in as close as we dare. Let me know when it's in place, and I'll make the call to the fleet."
"We have a cache about 50 klicks south. We kind of thought those mountains would interest them," Commander Nguyen advised. "We can send troops there by transporter as soon as you like. It'll take about two weeks to get a tunnel under their landing site."
Gotti smiled his appreciation. "Good work! Let's get some troops in place to prep the cache and start the tunnels. I want three tunnels that approach from any angle other than the direction of the cache."
An inert satellite in a low orbit suddenly broke apart a week after the tunnels were started from the cache. The Sa'arm ignored the small objects until they began exploding one at a time a few minutes after impact. The Sa'arm may be deaf, but they clearly had some means of detecting explosions. Gotti was concerned. If they could detect explosions, then they may also be able to detect the vibrations caused by the machines and equipment that were approaching them from underground.
The Sa'arm units that investigated the explosions found nothing but a bit of debris and some disturbed soil. They quickly lost interest and returned to what they had been doing.
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Thirteen-year-old Sara Crews was thrilled to be out of the confines of the ship she had been imprisoned in for two months. She had a nice room and was able to spend some time with Jake, but he still refused to give her a ride on his shaft. It was even becoming a challenge to talk him into a little 69 action. She wanted to make him jealous, but that was so juvenile and she was about to turn fourteen. Besides, with all of the casual sex going on in their double pod — as well as all over the...
This Chapter serves to introduce you to the workings of the farm, the general process of training a new slave, as well as updates on the characters lives since the last saga. We are introduced to Alyse near the end of the chapter, as she is brought to the farm and meets David. I have compiled picture galleries to accompany this story (you must be a member to view) h t t p s:// h t t p...
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Chapter 1 I saw this ad on a D/S website, repeated here without editing: "married for six months, originally from Ukraine, 24 years of age, nice looking and my husband is from UK. He likes to get me trained to be his submissive. Never tried it for real except back home when I was getting my spankings. Need me to be his slut, asks me to dress very daring, and he even watched me with one of our best friends. we both wish a serious man, very experienced, to train me privately and discreetly,...
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I was still as tired as a Tyranno during Longnight when the lights came on and a voice barked via the PA system: “0400 hours Cadets rise and shine. 0430 is Breakfast. At 0500 you will receive your first class in the Elbhard Auditorium.” And we found ourselves in said Auditorium at that time an hour later. Clean, fed and still tired. Again I tried to find a place in the back, so I could perhaps close my eyes for few moments. The Pan Saran Officer was already there. “Good Morning Class.” We...
Chapter 13 Baltoh flew through the fiery galaxy of Tenebrous’ personal domain with enough power streaming from his sword to shatter a planet. Spinning like a top, he delivered a flurry of slashes to Tenebrous, but the Demon King blocked them all with his claymore of Hellfire. As Baltoh was about to deliver his hundredth attack in the second, he suddenly disappeared, teleporting and reappearing behind Tenebrous. Before his foe could react, Baltoh kicked him the ribs with...
I stepped out into the hallway. Immediately someone shouted. “On your right!” I turned to look and found an entire marine squad jogging down the passageway. They were carrying mock rifles above their heads as they rushed towards me. The door to the railgun simulation room opened and Ashley darted past me. I grabbed her around the waist and spun her towards the wall as the squad pounded past. “What was that?” Ashley asked. “The marines are out training,” I said. “So?” Ashley asked me. She...
There was something very different about Mr Watson this morning,he seemed agitated, even nervous, as soon as I walked through the door I was told, I am glad you are early this morning Chris, as I am very needy, now go lock the door and come to the back, when I got there he was sitting on the table, trousers off and told me to just wank him off, while he told me what he had done to Mrs Watson the previous evening, he did not last long, before there was a sticky mess on my hand, now go wash up...
His clothes were dark and cut in a style that was no longer seen in the city. However, Doctor Croft's discrete enquiries had discovered that he was highly respected at the Bank where he was Manager, but, as he put it, felt restrained by his family's lack of obedience. "You've tried training them yourself?" Doctor Croft asked. "Yes I have, but my wife Joanna is a burden in such matters and I have come to the conclusion that she needs to join the children in learning self control...
I came home to my new puppy. I was always bouncing around from place to place as a kid so never had the chance to own a pet. It was the first thing I did when I got my own place. Rex was already a couple of years old, still a puppy, but trained. At least, that's what I thought. It didn't take long for me to realize he wasn't exactly housebroken. After some chewed shoes, and some new stains in my apartment I was ready to flip. I started to research how to train my puppy. Of course I...
Chapter 7 Upon sensing Abaddon’s raised energy levels, the four stationed-Archangels took flight, rushing to the scene. Flying in formation, they zoomed towards the site but were suddenly stopped as Baltoh appeared before them with a stony expression on his face and sword in hand. Raphael drew his claymore and pointed it at him. “What the Hell are you doing Baltoh?” “I’m sorry, but I cannot let you pass,” he said softly, raising his arm and holding his sword to his side....
Phoenix Ticker May 9 morning, Premier League last game of the 37th. Liverpool sits Anfield home 4 to 1 victory over Chelsea. This is the second time the two ultimate teams clash in four days. FIFA Cup final opponents Liverpool lost 1 to 2 missed the National Cup crown, while the game’s victory greatly ease the recent weakness of the Red Army, which temporarily exceed Fulham ranked eighth in the Premier League standings. FA frustrated FIFA 16 players turned gorgeous half after blasting the...
Firefighter Savior***My wife is in a scary car accident, and is saved by a brave firefighter. (MF, wife, rom)***My wife, Kelli, was driving our 11-year old daughter, Sage, back home from dance when a truck travelling the opposite direction was sideswiped, lost control, and slammed into Kelli's car from the side. It flipped the car 4 times before it came to rest at the edge of a bridge overlooking the river. Luckily they were both wearing seatbelts, or I would've been a widower at 34. Kelli and...
Tammy’s Training By Seeker 111I was out drinking at my favorite bar one Saturday evening when I came across a very nice looking lady sitting alone and nursing a drink. Her hair was thick and luxuriant. The soft light reflected gently from her mane. It shined like the color of a sunset just before dark. Her figure was trim and held the promise of treasures hidden beneath her clothing. She had a sad look on her face constantly staring down at the glass. I called the bartender over and had him...
I am a company commander in my National Guard unit. My full-time job is heading up an architectural design company, but once a month, I get to serve my community and nation by serving in the Guard. For the most part, it is a mundane chore, where once a month we meet at the Armory and conduct a troop inspection and then we all attend classes and try to not fall asleep as we learn the art of warfare.I don’t attend a lot of the classes since I am the company commander and that is what I have...
OccupationsStory: The TrainingKimberleigh's breathing deepened as her lubricated hands stroked Jay's engorged erection. His slithering member stiffened and turned a deeper red as he struggled to keep from ejaculating. She was fully clothed, which he found nearly as stimulating as looking at her naked body. He was naked, and beads of sweat accumulated on his forehead. His legs were spread wide, and his ankles were fastened to a spreader bar. He knew by her breathing that Kimberleigh was aroused. Her...
As they walked out of the portal they looked out over the expanse of the campus. The campus was spectacular and was built into the side of the foothills of the mountain below the palace. It did not look like any War College that Jason had ever seen. On the one side was the sea and on the other side was the mountain. There were cliffs to the sea and inactive, small volcanic mouths leading a procession up the mountain. The gardens were beautiful. Jason saw the college buildings on increasingly...
This is a story I have previously written on another platform, but thought I would transfer it over. I have 2 others I will be sharing as well. This first experience takes place back early July (2020).Yesterday I went to his house. I've been seeing his regularly for the past 6-7 months, but today we did something very different than we usually do. Usually, when I go over it's a standard routine where I suck him for an hour or so, he cums in my mouth and then fucks me for another 30 mins until...
Nelliel was probably wishing she'd signed up to be tutored in the sword-arts by just about any other teacher in the world right now! This Kenpachi man... Something wasn't right about him... Well, maybe it should be more like there wasn't anything right about him! Worst of all was his height... Their teacher towered over the class at 202cm, making her one of the tallest men she'd ever seen, but he wasn't just tall, the man was looked strong, too!Surely an instructor of students who still might...