Naked In School - Tom's TroublesChapter 21 free porn video

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It was Saturday morning and the big day had come for meeting the couple whom Tom and Lynette had begun to think of as the Coris superstars. Once again they were able to hitch a ride to Amelia’s house with Harry and Julie and arrived there, to be met by Elliot Hadad, Amelia’s father.

“Hi there, Julie, Harry,” he greeted them. “And that large guy there is Tom, isn’t it?” He laughed. “I’m bad with names but how could I forget Tom and Lynette? Welcome. Amelia isn’t home yet but she’s on the way as we speak.”

He began to show them into the house, but then Simon and Roberta arrived, so he greeted them too and then they all went inside.

“Amelia’s not here just yet; she stayed over at Jeremy’s last night; Denise and Kevin went straight to the U.S. embassy when they arrived yesterday and we all had dinner with them and the Porters--myself, my wife Janet, Amelia, and the Corises. Even the PM stopped in briefly to say hello. She was joking that she came to check to be sure that Denise wasn’t planning some further nefarious acts on her government.”

They all laughed as Janet walked up to them. “Honey, I don’t think that the PM was just joking. Every time Denise--or anyone in our strange extended family--does something which involves any state function, her whole government trembles.”

Now everyone was roaring with laughter; they were familiar with Denise’s record here.

“Oh, you’re so right, my dear,” Elliot choked as he wiped his eyes.

Janet grinned at him and turned to the others. “So welcome; good to see you all again. Amelia’s so excited she can’t stop quivering. Kevin and Denise, to her, are like the brother and sister she never had. She can’t wait for you to meet them, too. And she and Jeremy will soon be off to uni with them in the States--such changes coming for her! Please, come to the sitting room; we’ve put out some snacks for all of you.”

They walked to the sitting room, all chatting together, and about ten minutes later they heard a minor commotion at the front door as four people entered, trundling a bunch of luggage along with them. Everyone got up to go meet the newcomers.

“We’re here,” sang out Amelia as she ran up to her dad and hugged him. Then she gave Janet a hug and kiss and grabbed Lynette’s, Roberta’s, and Julie’s hands and dragged them over to meet Kevin and Denise.

The others watched, bemused, as they wondered how, with only two hands, she managed to pull off the feat of dragging three people along with her, but there she went, the three girls in tow, to meet the Corises. Kevin and Denise were vastly amused at Amelia’s enthusiasm as she introduced her girlfriends to them. But she was talking so fast as she pushed one girl, then another, at them, that Kevin’s head was whirling in an effort to follow her.

“Okay, Amelia, slow down!” he interjected into her excited monologue. “Give them a chance! Give us a chance! Let’s all sit down, calm down, and just get acquainted, okay?”

Amelia giggled, then blushed. “Oh my. I guess I got carried away, didn’t I?”

Denise chuckled. “I’ll say. That was no way for a knighted Lady of the realm to carry on. You’re supposed to be all stoic and dour, don’cha know.”


Then Elliot spoke. “Just leave the bags there, we’ll get them sorted later. C’mon, plenty of seats in the sitting room and we’ll get acquainted or re-acquainted as the instance demands.”

After everyone was settled, refreshments at hand, the introductions of Amelia’s and Jeremy’s friends were made. Amelia had already told the Corises a little about Lynette and Tom, especially about Tom and how he hadn’t been able to do the Avery Program. Tom had previously told her that she could share that story with them. After the introductions and polite chatter were completed, Janet and Elliot rose.

“We’ll let you guys take care of your business now,” Janet said, but Kevin got up to embrace her, Denise following.

“You might think that you’re just my honorary aunt,” he said, “but Amelia considers Denise and me to be her sister and brother. So that really makes you my mom, right?” he asked with a chuckle.

Janet looked at him and then hugged him back. “You always had a special place in my heart, Kevin. I’d be proud if you thought of me like that,” she said, her eyes tearing. “I get Denise with the package too, right?” She hugged Denise.

“Awww,” a few of the others in the room sighed and Amelia ran over to hug them all.

“Welcome to the family, Kevin and Denise too,” Amelia said to them.

Elliot and Janet left as Amelia, holding hands with Kevin and Denise, returned to her seat with them.

“Okay now,” Amelia began, “Kevin and Denise have already seen some government people; we were at the embassy yesterday and this morning. Even the PM came by...”

Harry interrupted, “Oi, your dad told us that she was looking to stop any more colonial rebellions.”


“Yeah, well, she told us that everyone in her cabinet was ready to help us if we needed something.”

Simon got his jab in then. “She was warning them to watch out for Denise, actually.”

More laughter.

Amelia pouted, “Grrr. You’re not gonna let me talk, are you? Okay, let Denise tell you what’s up with her visit.”

Denise grinned at her. “Still totally irrepressible, aren’t you, sweetheart?

“Okay, about Kevin’s and my visit here. I don’t know how much Amelia told you all, and frankly I don’t know how much of this I mentioned to her when I told her we were coming to London, but anyway it doesn’t matter. Let me tell you what’s going on with your officials, but first, some background. When Kevin and I got back to the States, we got together with Cindy to discuss how we had adapted the Avery Program for the schools here in the U.K. She was surprised...”

Lynette interrupted, “Um, sorry? ... Who’s Cindy?”

Denise shook her head and laughed. “Ugh. Guess I need to back up even further. Okay. There was a bunch of gals and guys, they were all students at Avery University and Georgia Polytech in Atlanta, who were involved in studies which put the nail in the Naked in School’s coffin back in the States. Y’all hear about that?”

Everyone nodded agreement. “Good. So Cindy, that’s Cynthia Denison--now Doctor Denison, became the lead designer of the Avery Program. Its official name is actually the ‘Avery-Denison Program.’”

Denise looked at Lynette. “All good now?”

Lynette nodded.

Denise grinned at her and continued. “So Cindy was surprised when I told her that the version of the Avery Program which we helped set up here was going to have mandatory student participation, just like the Naked in School Program had been. She strongly felt that doing that was wrong; I asked her why. She told me that fewer than two dozen school districts in the States had adopted it so far. In the U.S. there had been so much extremely negative public opinion about the Naked in School Program that very few school districts wanted to adopt anything like it. Many states had even passed laws limiting any mandatory school social programs that resembled anything like the Naked in School Program, even remotely.

“The way Cindy put it, the way that the curriculum developers were designing the program, it will be part of the P.E. classes. Actually that’s exactly how it was set up when we first conceived it. And it isn’t mandatory in any of the schools which have adopted it. She told me that in the long run, making it mandatory would be counter-productive and would eventually fail because there would always be a number of kids who are reluctant or refuse to participate. They aren’t touch-shy, I mean clinically, but they don’t like participating in public intimacy for whatever reason. Tom, Amelia told me about your experience with the program and I assure you that you’re not alone. Just like you, in many cases these kids feel that even holding another person’s hand is a degree of intimacy that makes them uncomfortable.

“I told Cindy about the adaptation we made here with the mentors to try to deal with the cases of touch-shy students that we encountered and how our version of using the mentors had resulted in a virtual 100 percent acceptance. She laughed and told me that’s exactly what she would have expected, since according to her, English people have this ‘stiff upper lip’ mind-set and appear to be mostly willing to do whatever the government tells them.”

Laughter and nods of agreement.

“Back in the States, the mind-set is just the opposite; while the Avery Program has had a lot of great successes, the data from your first pilot classes here seem like Polyanna. Cindy and I have the theory that this is a local phenomenon. Everything around London is government-centric and people living here seem to be conditioned to be more suggestible. When Kevin and I were living here last year, we saw this first hand; the Naked in School Programs in London seemed to have more parental acceptance than it did in schools in suburban and rural areas. So when you begin introducing the Avery Program in rural schools, we suspect that you’ll see many more cases which resemble Tom’s reluctance. Then the mandatory program requirement becomes very difficult to manage, wouldn’t it?”

There were nods of agreement around the room and then Jeremy spoke.

“So Denise, you were telling us last night what you think the DfE expects you to do with the curriculum group at the university. Amelia and I spent several months last fall trying to get a psychologist to consult with the curriculum planners. They kept putting us off, blaming funding, personnel issues, no proof of need, that kinda rot. Tell the group what your plans are to break that logjam.”

“Yes, logjam it is. The government brought me here because they think I can simply wave my hands and fix the structural problem they created in pushing this program into the curriculum in a way that it doesn’t appear to fit. The Naked in School Program simply involved having kids be naked. That’s all, besides all of the objectionable corollaries. The Avery Program involves scheduled class sessions; that’s a major difference, even though both programs have basically the same objectives. That’s what the Avery pilot program was for--to gather data to see if the program would meet the social objectives the government was aiming for. The program’s structural problem is simple; there are just too many players involved. The government, that’s the first player, has decided it wants to run a social program in the schools which has certain objectives, but hasn’t provided the necessary resources to ensure proper implementation. The next player is the developer of that program, and in this case the developer is also the implementator--um, that’s probably not a word but who cares. Implementor? That player is the university, whose faculty is involved in designing curricula and training teachers. The third player is the user, that’s the schools, where the curricula and teachers put the social program into practice. Each of these players has their own agenda, budget, resources, and capabilities. Guess what?--seldom do they align.”

Everyone in the room was listening to Denise raptly. They could see from her intensity how she had managed to accomplish so much. She was continuing.

“What I think I’m supposed to do is to recommend how these three players are to be made to cooperate more effectively. But that’s where the difficulty lies. The government part seems to me to be very amorphous. There’s nowhere to push the ministry to get anything significant done; it’s like pushing on a block of Jell-O. You push, it jiggles a bit but returns to where it was. The DfE is in charge of the U.K.’s primary and secondary public education system; they evaluate school performance and oversee institutions of higher learning in their education and training missions. That’s from the blurb they sent me. The closest office that they seem to have which has a direct curriculum-setting function is the old Program Committee which had oversight of the Naked in School Program. Even that office was composed of consultants drawn from other government offices, universities, and schools, but it’s moribund now with only a chairperson remaining. All its former functions have been absorbed into other offices in the ministry. The only resource they have committed to provide is some undefined amount of funding; there was no promise of personnel, even if I could identify someone with appropriate qualifications.

“I could do the same analysis of the university and school players too but won’t bore you with details. It seems that there are several limitations here; Amelia identified one. Writing curricula isn’t a career building occupation. Another is that few psychologists appear to have much interest in consulting; the Avery program doesn’t appear to be an interesting topic. At least it isn’t in the States. Another is the bottleneck in training teachers.”

“So what are you going to do? What will you recommend?” asked Harry.

“Ha. Simply change everyone’s mind-set about the Avery Program, Harry. We’ll need to shift people’s idea of the Avery Program from a skill-building experience, which it seems like it’s become, to a cooperative activity experience. In a way, Kevin and I are to blame, but we were trying to shift the U.K. from one social program where nudity was the focus to another where building maturity, trust, and respect was the focus. We had to use the same format and structure of the Naked in School Program or else the whole idea of stopping it probably would have been rejected out of hand.”

Kevin broke into the discussion. “Hell, listen to her. Denise always complains that I get into lecture mode too much. Looks like I’ve had a bad influence on her.”


He went on, “I’m reminded about the beginnings of the Avery Program. It’s a fascinating story. It goes back to Cindy--Denise told you about her--and her brother Roger and when they began college. They were taking an elective ed class and their randomly assigned project involved the Naked in School Program, which at that point had been all but killed off by that time. So even though there no longer was an NiS Program to work with, the prof wouldn’t budge in changing the assignment. Their project was supposed to involve designing class curricula for kids participating in the NiS Program, and then demonstrating how the curricula would work in those classes, but no such classes existed anymore. Their ed school had a stupid faculty committee rule which didn’t allow the prof to make any changes to the approved projects; that’s why they couldn’t get a different project. So Cindy’s group had to come up with a set of replacement demonstration classes which incorporated the principles of the defunct Naked in School Program, and her group was adamant that there would be no nudity in their classes. What’s cool is that the demonstration classes that they developed were all based on their being part of the school’s P.E. program, actually, and the unintentional shift to a more formal setting happened only because of how wildly successful and popular the program became among the first group of teachers and school officials. Everyone involved at its beginning wanted to formalize the Avery Program, despite its original design as part of a P.E. class. We need to bring the program back to its roots.”

“So, Denise, can you work another miracle?” Amelia asked. “You want to collapse the whole Avery Program into being just a part of P.E. classes, right?”

“Exactly, Amelia,” she answered. “And I assume that it will be more difficult than getting the Avery Program accepted to replace the NiS one. But I understand that you guys, mainly Amelia and her new friends--sorry, it’s, um, Tom and Lynette, right?--they did some prep work already, you said.”

Tom blushed. “Yeah, I’m Tom Armstrong, and my sister’s Lynette, Denise. We looked through some forum posts from Avery teachers.”

Amelia interrupted. “It was Tom’s idea to set up the forum, actually. And he and Lynette had the idea to audit some Avery sessions. I told you how they couldn’t deal with the bonding exercise part...”

“Right, I remember,” Denise said. “But you told me that the reason wasn’t something you could share; it was personal.”

Tom raised his hand. “We can tell you why. Lynette and I had already bonded for years before, while growing up, holding and caressing each other--just like the holding and caressing that we were told to do in those exercises. So we couldn’t do it with other kids.”

Tom went on to briefly describe his reaction to the bonding session and Julie’s subsequent attempt to help.

When Tom’s comments ended, Amelia interjected, “About a couple of months after they got out of their Avery class, and while working with Tom over something totally unrelated to the Avery problem, Jeremy and I discovered that these two blokes are empathic dynamos, Denise. You may have met your match in Lynette, actually,” she giggled. “Tom is strong too, but projects his aura kinda differently from hers.”

The siblings looked at each other and blushed as Denise stood up with an excited exclamation.

“Lynette, come here please!” she commanded, holding out her arms. “Let’s hold hands.”

Lynette shyly stood and took Denise’s hands and they held them for a minute while Denise gazed into her eyes. Then Lynette gave a little shiver and turned slightly, reaching for Tom with one arm. He rose and took her hand as Lynette whispered for him to take Denise’s free hand. Then the three stood silently, looking at each other. After a minute, Denise took a step back and shook her head.

“Amazing,” she muttered. “Lynette is strong; I actually could feel her across the room when we came in before. But joined with Tom, her aura is overpowering. And Tom has a kind of charisma ... unusually strong, by himself. Tom, Lynette--I’d really like to hear your impression of the Avery sessions you watched,” she told them.

Jeremy broke in, “First let them tell you what they found in the Avery teachers’ reports. It sounds like it might be useful for your consulting session next week.”

Denise went back to her seat while Tom sat and pulled out a paper. At Denise’s nod, he began to read it to the group.

“This is from that Avery forum. It really helped that the Avery teachers kept very good notes...”

“That was part of their training, Tom,” Amelia broke in. “Sorry, go on?”

“It was good that the teachers put their past class notes into the forum when it got set up. I guess they were told to do that too?” Amelia nodded. “Okay. There were reports from teachers at eight schools. Three had the Avery Program for a whole year and five for a half-year. The eight schools’ enrollment averaged 432 students and the size of each Avery class was 24. I calculated the total number of Avery sessions for all the schools together and that came to 87.

“Then Lynette and I read through the reports; there should have been 87 but some teachers put in more than one so there were 119 total. We only looked for reports of a kid not being able to do the bonding sessions and we found 19 like that. That’s over 20 percent--one out of five classes had a kid with a problem about participating!”

Everyone looked like they were eager to get a question in but Denise was fastest.

She didn’t look very surprised. “Hmm ... that’s about what Cindy told me happened in the States too. What were the reasons the teachers gave?”

Tom looked at Lynette. “You can help out too, you know,” he said with a chuckle.

“Okay. I know you don’t like to be the center of attention, bro.” He gave Lynette a mock glare as she answered. “The reasons were all over the map, but what we found most interesting was how the teachers dealt with the kids who couldn’t or wouldn’t do the bonding exercises. Okay. The reasons. Eight girls totally refused to do anything with a boy. The implied reason for five of them was that they considered themselves to be lesbians while three had experienced some kind of abuse in the past--sexual or another kind. Two boys refused touching girls but wouldn’t admit any gay tendencies; they wouldn’t do anything more intimate than casual handholding in a group, nothing closer.

“There were three kids where religion was involved. These were Muslims; two girls were seventeen and refused male contact, saying they were betrothed and one boy, who said he was taught that after he became age 16, it wasn’t proper to touch girls. The remaining six gave no particular reason other than saying that they didn’t think it was proper to do in public what they called an intimate act. But it appears, from teachers’ comments, that two of these kids were in committed relationships with a classmate, so Tom and I assumed those two were like our case.”

Amelia jumped in, “You mentioned the teachers doing something when a kid wouldn’t participate?”

“Oh yeah,” Lynette answered. “In several cases, a teacher let a kid who stayed in the room during the bonding part but who refused to fully participate--it seems they stayed, went through the motions but didn’t do much of the close physical contact--these kids, there were nine of them--were allowed to do most of the rest of the Avery Program. It appears they were okay with doing the rest of the Avery exercises but that’s just a guess because there was nothing written about them other than their mention in the bonding parts. That wouldn’t have been allowed in our school with Hanford as head, that’s for sure!” she finished to chuckles from her schoolmates.

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Introduction: Part One of two — Monday When I got to school on Monday, it was a pretty normal day, I thought. I was wearing a red plaid dress and a white blouse. It was a pleasant enough day for mid-September, in the low 70s and partly cloudy. It was two weeks into my junior year. My name is Karen. But when I got inside the front door, I had to push my way into a big crowd. I asked someone what was going on, but didnt have time to listen to their answer. Karen Wagner, right? a guy said....

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 29

Kari was back at work at the middle school. During the summer sessions, the school district has all the summer school students in the middle school due to the low attendance. The format for this summer school was a 3 week tutoring session. Student who were falling behind in their classes, who wanted extra help or to prepare for the next semester would enroll in summer school. There were two such sessions during the summer. Due to the number of students in the classes and other...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 9

Two weeks later, the siblings went with Angela to the new school for their interview, tour, and audition. There were to be two parts to the vocal audition; one was to sing two songs of their choice and the second was sight-reading a song from sheet music. Both Tom and Lynette had taken a choral music class in school in Munich, where choral music was a big deal, and had become familiar enough with written music to follow the notation. The interview and audition went smoothly and they were told...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 4

On Monday, school started up for the three of them. Denise went with Amelia on her quick bus ride to school since her own Monday class started later. Denise wanted to be sure that Amelia felt secure in her trip there, the teen had such an air of shyness and vulnerability, it seemed. “Amelia, sweetie,” Denise said as they were seating themselves in the bus. “It seems to me that you’re quite shy. Yet you still went out for performing in dramas and stuff. How does a shy person do that?” Amelia...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 10

The teens arrived at Amelia’s flat after school. They were talking about seeing Hanford being videoed and interviewed in front of the school by several TV stations as they left the building. “Let’s watch the news later,” Jeremy said. “I’d like to see what he told them.” “Jeremy,” Amelia asked, “you know why I started trying to do a blog on FGM, but when did you get into the human rights stuff you write about?” “Hmmm, that’s complicated. I guess I was interested almost forever. I started my...

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Naked in School Brandis DayChapter 2 At Home

As the bus pulled up to Dee's house, Dee gave her friend a hug and wished her good luck. Dee got off the bus and it continued on the route. Just a few minutes later, the bus stopped in front of Brandi's house. She got off the bus and went into the house. Since her parents weren't home, she went up to her room. Since her parents wouldn't be home for awhile, Brandi decided that she would do her homework, but she would do it naked. Shucking off her clothes, Brandi sat down at her desk,...

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Husband Wife and Schoolboys

THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 12

In the library, Lynette and Tom attended their third period class remotely. After the class, Lynette had an idea. “Hey Tom--instead of staying in here for lunch, let’s try to see how you react to being with kids in the lunchroom.” Tom was very dubious. “I don’t know, sweetie. Look, there’s only about a week left where I have to deal with school nudity and...” “No, Tom, I think this is important ‘cause it’s not only at school. There must be other things that trigger your panic--I know it...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 9

When Kevin returned to his flat, he discovered Amelia and Jeremy sitting at the desk in the main room, noses buried in Amelia’s laptop. Amelia jumped up, ran to Kevin, and hugged him tightly. “Oh, Kevin, I love you so much!” she exclaimed. Then she pulled back slightly and blushed. “Ahh, I mean ... You came so fast when I needed you ... OH! You’re like family, the brother I never had and you look out for me so well and...” “Amelia ... Amelia, sweetie, I love you too, you’re like the sister...

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Naked in School The Teachers Day

Thursday "Your attention, please. There will be a schedule change for Friday. All students will report to the auditorium instead of going to homeroom. There will be a very special announcement that you will not want to miss. Students that are in The Program this week will wear clothes on Friday. Thank you. Friday As requested, all the students at Wolf Creek Middle School filed into the auditorium. This was something that was unusual for assemblies. As they were filing in, they were checked...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 8

Several days before the end of the holidays, Angela received a thick packet of materials in the mail from an independent London school which her research had turned up. It appeared to be a good school, and being independent, didn’t have to run the Program. She had contacted the school for enrollment information, and it had just arrived. Lynette came into the room. “What’s all that, Mom?” she asked, looking at the papers and brochures. “I’ve been checking out some other schools for you...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 17

When they got inside their home, their parents were watching TV. “Hi, Mom, Dad,” Lynette called. Tom echoed her, “Hi.” Angela asked, “How did the rehearsal go?” Tom chuckled. “Mostly okay but Dixon is still annoyed with us cracking up every time Danny pulls another funny stunt in his ‘Little List’ number. She wants us to look surprised, not to laugh.” Lynette remarked, “The numbers I’m in are really coming together. I just adore Amelia, though; she’s so good at her part and a really hard...

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 2

“Remember when we told the kids about The Program?” asked Kevin. “Gad, that was one of the hardest things I have ever,” replied Kari. “I didn’t know how to approach telling them about the nudity in school.” “I thought they took it pretty well. I thought they would put up more of a fuss about it.” “Except for Kate. I knew she would think it was a great idea,” said Kari. It was the day before the kids would start school. The family was eating dinner. When they were done, Kari and Kevin...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 15

Kevin spoke, “All right, we saved this part of our presentation for the last because after that death-blow Denise just administered to the viability of your Program, we’ve got what perhaps could be a lifeline. You folks on the Program Committee couldn’t offer a way to do the Program here at Norwich Academy basically because there isn’t one. What if we try to take off the blinders and look at the Program’s objectives in a completely different way? Have a paradigm shift? “You all probably have...

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Naked in School Michael Carver

“Michael, breakfast. Time to get up!” Mrs Carver’s call was unnecessary as Michael had been laying awake for ages. In fact he had scarcely slept a wink the whole night. He had twisted and turned trying to think of something, anything, that would take his mind off the fate that lay before him on that bright sunny morning. The sun streamed into his room through the half open slats in the blinds beckoning him to get out of bed and enjoy what life had to offer. Michael groaned and pulled the duvet...

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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 3 Wednesday

For the first time in a long while, I woke up after a good night's sleep. I hadn't slept that well since Mom left Dad and me. I actually looked forward to going to school, well, almost anyway. I still wasn't enjoying being naked in school. The only part I was looking forward to, was seeing Kathy again. I still couldn't believe I had asked her out for a date. Granted, I was going to be playing basketball, but still, I would have a chance to talk to her afterwards. Somehow, I knew this week...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 4

When Angela finished describing Tom’s psychological history from Toronto to Dr Taylor, she mentioned that Tom also had a psychological evaluation done in Munich, and there were copies of all of the doctors’ reports in Tom’s records that she had brought to the school office. She finished her discussion with the head teacher. “So you see, Dr Taylor, we’ve known about Tom’s phobia for more than four years. And it’s apparently not getting any better; it may even be worse,” Angela...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 13

Their third city was Berlin, where the group visited attractions ranging from the East Side Gallery to the Berlin Philharmonic. They were to stay four days and the accommodations had four quad rooms with two each connecting; this housed eight boys and eight girls. Two double rooms housed the remaining boy pair and girl pair, and Tom and Lynette shared a double. The large quad rooms of the rooming arrangement allowed the whole troop to congregate in one of them in the evenings where they hung...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 8

The scene at Norwich Academy the following Monday morning was quite different from any other morning. The arriving students were all subdued, walking into the building and keeping mostly to themselves. Occasionally a few kids gathered to exchange some hasty comments but broke up just as quickly. Amelia, still moving fairly carefully, went to the office and handed in a note from the hospital that stated that she was not to engage in any strenuous activity or one where her surgical area could...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 5

A week passed quietly; Amelia scheduled her doctor’s appointment for the coming Friday afternoon. One evening midweek, as the three were discussing how their days went, Amelia mentioned that the school had a new head teacher, Mr Hanford. “Miss Pittsdon left the school to move away ‘cuz her husband was transferred to Scotland,” Amelia said. “The new head isn’t very friendly.” “In what way?” Kevin asked. “He’s making new rules and won’t discuss them with students to give reasons. He made...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 20

As the group gathered in the reception hall, a number of people appeared, entering the room from its main entrance. Kevin and Denise looked at them curiously, but Amelia grabbed Kevin’s arm. “It’s the prime minister!” she whispered to him in shock. “The education secretary too!” Wixom entered the room following Grayson, ushering in several other distinguished-looking individuals. Grayson, with Wixom at her elbow, walked up to Amelia and took her hands. “Wonderful to see you again, Amelia,...

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 13

“I knew we would have to deal with our kids when we found out about the Program, but I didn’t think we would have to help other family’s kids,” said Kevin. “True,” replied Kari, “but we had the opportunity and it really didn’t cost us anything.” Kevin laughed. “I was just kidding. I didn’t mind helping out. It isn’t the first time we have helped a kid from another family.” “True,” replied Kari, “but I never thought we would be helping out a kid in a situation like this.” Kari was...

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Naked in School MiraChapter 6

Wednesday I woke to the alarm. At least, I was in my own bed this morning. I showered, dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. I had about thirty minutes before I had to leave so I planned on having toast, cereal, and a banana. I was seated at the table and about to take a bite of toast when I got slapped on the back of my head. "What did I tell you last night," my aunt demanded. I was drawing a blank. There had been a lot of things that were said last night. "What are you doing...

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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 1

My interest in sex really started when I was about teens. One Saturday morning in the 1950s I was at home whilst my parents had gone out to visit my gran. The only other person in the house was my brother, Joe, who was just over a year older than me. I was doing my homework downstairs when I hit a snag. I needed a ruler and I’d left mine at school. I knew my brother probably had one and popped up to his bedroom to borrow one. He mustn’t have heard me coming up the stairs and opening his...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 19

I poured water into a bowl and had to bend over at the waist to place the bowls on the ground. Mom told us that proper sluts face away from their betters at the table with their legs apart. I knew the old man was looking at my ass and even though he had already seen me naked I was freshly humiliated by his stares, coughs and sputtering comments about “seeing what I had for breakfast” from this angle. He and my mother joked as if I couldn’t hear their crude comments about my body. “She is...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 14

December arrived, cold and wet. On the first Monday, sleet had begun falling in the early afternoon, as Kevin and Denise returned home to prepare for their evening meeting with the governors and National Program Committee officials. When the teens arrived home later, Jeremy told Kevin that he had arranged for the embassy driver to bring them to the school later. Kevin was packing his laptop as the teens came in. “Hi, Kevin, Denise,” the two echoed, then chuckled. Jeremy looked at Amelia....

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Naked in School Orientation Speech

Boys and girls, I want to thank you in advance for your positive attitudes about participating in the Naked in School program. I know many of you are nervous about taking off all your clothes and walking around school this week with nothing on. I’d like at this time to go over the rules of the program and hope that this will answer many of your questions, and maybe calm some of your apprehensions. At the end of this brief orientation, I’ll be happy to answer any questions and address any...

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Naked In School The Students and The Principal

Monday, At School — The Principal He stared out the office window at the landscape of Bluff Oaks, Iowa, a lush but slightly arid town in Taylor County at the bottom of the state. It was a lovely day, the summer heat had subsided a bit, but the cool of the fall had not yet arrived. It was the third week of school, the first week of The Program. It was either going to be the best or the worst day of his life. It all depended on the eight children coming to his office, two from each class,...

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Naked in School TyshalaMonday

I didn't know it when I got out of bed, but it was the beginning of the worst day of my life. I woke up, sore and still tired like I hadn't slept at all — which I don't anymore, not since ... Well, not in a few months at least. Definitely not since I had to come here. I woke up, sore but typical and rolled out of bed and waddled my fat ass to the bathroom to do the stuff I do there. I dressed in my uniform, now required by all the local schools and walked to the bus stop. The private bus...

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Naked in Schoola Libertarian Allegory

When I began writing “Kevin and Denise,” I was responding to the idea that a world could exist where kids could be forced to be naked while attending school. These stories—almost 200 of them have been written—are set in such a universe, one which could exist only if the government adopts laws which ignore moral norms and interfere with people’s rights and their personal lives. Of course, that sounds just like our current government, right? The only difference between our government and the one...

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Naked in School MiraChapter 5

Tuesday I woke to the sound of singing. That was odd. Usually, my aunt was yelling at me about one thing or another. Opening my eyes was kind of difficult. My eyes were crusted over with dried tears. Finally working them open, I saw Lisa pulling up a pair of underwear. The towel around her head told me she'd just gotten out of the shower. Seeing me looking at her, she smiled. "Good morning, sleepy head. If you want a shower before we go to school, you'd better hurry up." Jumping...

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 25

“Remember our school’s out adventure?” asked Kari. “That was a great trick that we pulled on the kids, wasn’t it?” “And it was a great trick that I pulled on you.” “And have I thanked you enough for doing that?” asked Kevin. “Yes, you have,” replied Kari as she passionately kissed her husband. The end of the school year was coming up for the Krill children and Kari and Kevin decided that the family should take a vacation. They discussed several possible places to go, before they finally...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 18

The following day, the kids chosen as the student mentors began arriving right after Kevin and Denise got to the school. Jeremy and Amelia had recruited a number of candidates and Denise had chosen those who she felt were the best for the role—eight sixth-formers to make four mentor teams. After everyone had assembled in the classroom and introductions were done, Denise reviewed the jobs which the mentors would be doing. “Guys,” she said, “your jobs are very fluid, but fall into two areas....

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Naked in School The ReporterChapter 2 Sunday

Mary pulled up to the entrance to mall; not believing that she was actually going to be nude in the mall. After being in the mall the day before, being nude in the mall was all she could think about. Last night, she laid in bed, nude and had brought herself to a very satisfying orgasm as she thought about her nude adventure that was coming up. While she was in church with the Rogers, being nude in the mall was all that Mary could think about. If anyone had asked what pastor had talked about,...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 6

My bare ass bounced up, and down on the back seat as we rode down the bumpy gravel road to leave Julie’s trailer park. “So basically our punishment is like Jenny’s training?” Julie asked a little too enthusiastically. I was shocked she was considering this without putting up a fight or an argument. She is lazy, selfish, greedy, and generally just like me only not quite as good at it. I would have slammed the door and walked back into that dump the moment I heard I had to take my skirt off...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 6

That Saturday Kevin met Jeremy at the dojang for their weekly training. “Say, Jeremy,” Kevin said as he pulled on his dobak, your mom mentioned that you’ve gotten involved with writing about social problems.” “Oh yeah, I am,” he replied. “I think that governments and even religions have too much control over how people can treat each other, like when we were talking about honor killing—that’s a religious idea gone haywire, and the Naked in School Program, which is a crazy government...

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Naked in School the Cumming of a LegendChapter 4

Thursday I arrived early the following morning, and met up with Ren, so I could pay him for his services. I could tell he was still apprehensive about Principal Morris, so I suggested he speak with her himself after our meeting this morning. Once I was assured that he would be there to protect Tiffany, I headed off to Mrs. Morris's office having no idea what kind of reception I would receive when I arrived there. "May I come in," I asked after knocking? "Certainly Mr. Crothers, should...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 5

“Oh my god, Tom,” Angela exclaimed as she opened the door. “Mom ... they ... tried...” he began, panting. She saw the distress and terror in his face. “I know ... the school just called. I heard what happened,” she told him. “Come in ... tell me ... are you hurt?” “No, don’t ... think so ... but I ... was gonna ... die, Mom! They were gonna kill me...” he began crying. “Tom, you’re okay now, no one’s going to hurt you. Listen, I called Dad when I heard what happened. We don’t have much...

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