RuneswardChapter 26 free porn video

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Sir Givens saw the Red Guard attacking the shop. He pointed it out to Gillen and they assembled what was left of their forces quickly. He and Gillen took the front, Leeza Molinare between them. Tea Mulver and Fafs Druble aligned themselves behind the first line, staggered so they could reach between the people on the front line. Bremer fell in behind the second line and Dakin Oovert, trying valiantly to ignore the wounds in his legs, fell in behind her.

Bremer notched and shot arrows as quickly as she could, but her skill with the bow wasn’t as seasoned as Teran’s had been. Although she scored several hits, one of which might even prove fatal, she missed more than she hit. Still, she continued firing arrows until they were too close to continue.

The Irregulars had been trained in teams, five people to a team, four teams to a squad, just as the regular Red Guard had been. On the way to the shop, Arlade had re-organized the teams where necessary to fill in for fallen comrades; in training, the teams were often switched around, people moving fluidly from one team to another, for just such an eventuality. With sixty-odd Irregulars left mobile of the five score he’d brought to Wenland, he had three full squads and a handful of spares with him.

As they moved across the Norso Road, he had two of his teams peel off to meet the oncoming knights and the other foolish warriors. He didn’t care about either group at all, the Irregulars or the knights, other than to keep them occupied and away from the smithy; he needed just long enough to find the princess and spirit her away. It was the only goal his master had given him, so he didn’t care if no one else but she and he survived. Given a preference, he’d prefer to see all of the people in this town – knights and warriors included – tortured to death but as long as he escaped with the princess the mortality rate was immaterial.

The teams were trained to be mobile, constantly moving to keep their prey guessing. The ten Reds worked well together. They attacked the eight in waves, each team member moving in varying-sized, intertwining circles. At no time was one of the Irregulars in attack position for a particular person for more than a few moments. Their circles meant they’d attack two or three times, depending on the size of the circle and the speed they were moving. It was a dizzying display the Red Guard had perfected; they preferred stealth and guerilla attacks but had also trained for direct, prolonged battles in non-standard ways.

Leeza Molinare was the first to fall. The way the Reds attacked was like nothing she’d ever seen or trained for. She’d begin to attack one only to have them spin away while another attacked, sometimes from the same direction as the one who retreated and sometimes from the opposite direction. It was maddening because she felt she was always defending, never actually attacking. In frustration, she’d tried to follow one of the retreating attackers only to fall to another attacker’s sword in her side, thrust up underneath the edge of her chain mail.

Tergin and Gillen were not much better. They’d never fought an enemy like this, never seen this highly stylized, amazingly effective method of combat. However, the two were seasoned and had learned to be patient. They played defense, waiting for a pattern to emerge or one of the attackers to make a mistake.

When Molinare fell, Mulver and Druble moved forward to take her place. This tightened the line but also managed to guard the sides between Sir Givens and Honor Hawksley. The two were not as well trained as Molinare and certainly not as patient as Tergin and Gillen – but their lack of training actually changed the dynamic of the fight ... until the Reds adjusted, their circles changing in both speed, size and direction. It pushed the four back, shortening the distance between them and Bremer.

Bremer had an arrow notched but no one to shoot at; the complexity of circles the Reds were moving in had her baffled. She’d already missed several times and she was running out of arrows. Rather than waste more, she waited for an opportunity where the probability of hitting her target was highest.

Ironically, Oovert was the next to fall. He had moved forward of Bremer a step, waiting for an opportunity to strike between the members of the front line. He never saw the slim, pointed dagger thrown by one of the circling Reds. It embedded itself in his upper chest, where the bottom of his mail coif had ridden up above the opening of his mail shirt. The wound was far up so possibly not fatal – but the man wouldn’t be able to fight anymore. He crashed to the ground, his hand grabbing at the knife protruding from his chest.

The Red had paused a moment to throw the blade, however. It was more than enough time for Bremer to act. The man looked down at the arrow suddenly protruding from his chest as he fell, lifeless, to the ground.

Arlade strode into the blacksmith’s shop, a team left outside to guard his back. The expression on his face didn’t change as he noted the two dead Irregulars lying at the outer doorway. Their loss didn’t affect his plans; at least, not yet. “Clear away our dead; just in case.”

He carefully picked his way across the ruined shop, shelves toppled and their wares scattered, towards the sound of metal on metal. He was surprised his Irregulars hadn’t finished off the defenders by now. He was even more surprised when he stood up on a square box to see over his troops and realized the group of forty or more Irregulars he was watching were being held at bay by only two men – and one of them wasn’t even a knight.

It was madness, the open area was nearly completely filled with his troops, pressing and pushing, trying to move forward only to be held at bay by two men? There were more fucking Irregulars than there was room to stand. He had troops standing on the fringe, beyond the forge area, watching and waiting.

He stepped through the doorway angrily, pushing his own troops out of the way. It was blindingly obvious the princess wasn’t in this room – but no one was even bothering to search for her. Of course, where was there to search? He saw the door on the side and started pushing his way in that direction, only to stop and shake his head; no, if she were in the living area, the two would be guarding it. She was here, somewhere – but she was hidden. The question became where.

He snarled in frustration. He’d have to end this to get an answer to the riddle – which meant keeping at least one of the two warriors alive. He’d have to do it quickly, before his eager troops killed both of the men – if they were able. Perhaps he hadn’t trained them well enough; he made a sarcastic mental note to include ‘fighting with overwhelming odds’ in future training.

He pushed his way to the front, only a single line between him and his prey. He was disgusted at the stack of bodies on the ground, even more disgusted when he realized there were more than the three he could make out; some of the Irregulars were pulling their fallen comrades away so they didn’t impede the fight.

Biting back a sarcastic comment, he looked carefully at the Blue Knight and the hammer-wielding man in chain mail. It was obvious the knight had training and would be the harder of the two to subdue. The mail-clothed man was sloppy but the knight was surprisingly fast; he was quick to block and fill any gaps the hammer-wielding man left open. He had to grudgingly admit the two were a good team. He paused, debating for a moment which one to attack; the Blue Knight would be the more impressive victory but was also the greater risk. He’d have to go after the other.

He pushed his troops clear, creating a decent path, then stood and watched the man’s hammer. He gauged the speed with which the mail-armored warrior swung. He timed himself carefully, waiting for the swing to just start before taking two quick, running steps forward. He jumped, using his hands to strike the shoulders of one of the four Irregulars being held at bay by the wild swings of the hammer.

Using his own men as vaults, he launched himself over them feet first. His feet made contact with the face of the man in mail, pushing the man back and arresting Arlade’s forward movement. As the mail-shirted man stumbled, the weight of the hammer he’d swung pulling him slightly off balance, Arlade let himself fall, slapping the ground hard with his hands to break his downward momentum. He immediately brought his knees to his chest and kicked, aiming his feet at one of the man’s legs at the knee. He heard a satisfying crunch and the mail-shirted man howled as he fell.

In one quick motion, Arlade drew his short sword and rolled on top of the man, lifting the bottom of the man’s mail coif, exposing his neck. His free hand let the chain mail fall, going to the man’s forehead and holding it down, his short sword pressed into the man’s neck.

“I think that will be quite enough,” Arlade said loudly, using the blade just enough to break the skin so it would bleed. “Irregulars! Step back. Give the knight room.”

It happened so fast, it took Yren a few seconds to figure out what was occurring. He heard the voice and glanced over, noticing Ardt was down, one of the Red Guard astride his chest. The Reds fighting him stopped suddenly and stepped back, leaving Yren looking around in confusion.

It was the soft flow of blood at Ardt’s neck which captured his attention. He took in the blade at Ardt’s neck, blood trickling from under it.

“Drop your swords or I’ll kill this man,” Arlade smiled, his voice light and airy.

Yren didn’t move, couldn’t move. Everything was happening so fast. He just looked from Ardt to the man astride him back to the men and women he’d been fighting not moments before.

“Ah, well,” Arlade sighed. “If it has to be that way.” He made an exaggerated motion, preparing to kill the man in chain mail.

“No!” Yren cried loudly. Then, softer, “I’ll drop my weapons.”

“Don’t do it, boy!” Ardt called, his face set. Even from this distance, though, Yren could see the pain in his eyes. “He’ll kill me anyway.”

“What a horrible thing to say!” Arlade answered innocently. “That’s scandalous! It’s as if you think I enjoy this kind of thing – all this killing and fighting. I’m so misunderstood!” He shook his head, the hand holding the sword deathly still. “I assure you, I do not relish bloodshed.” He looked over at Yren. “I will, however, do it – as much as I’d hate to.”

‘Hatred’ and ‘Rage’ clattered from Yren’s numb fingers to the ground. He readied himself. He knew he could fall to the ground and grab the swords. He might not be able to make it back up – but Sir Givens had trained him for that eventuality as well. He’d likely die – but he’d take as many of them with him as he could.

“Better,” Arlade laughed, easing the pressure of the blade at the hammer-wielding warrior’s neck. “Much better.”

He rolled up to his feet, looking at the two closest members of the Irregulars. “Well? What are you waiting for? Help this man to his feet. He’s fought hard and valiantly; there’s no need to be ogres about it.”

He turned to look at Yren speculatively, his mouth frowning. “This one, though, I worry about.” He nodded his head at two more members of the Reds. “Calvert. Ornard. Please hold our new friend, there. I’m not sure I trust him just yet.”

As his men moved into position, Arlade looked down speculatively at the swords Yren had dropped. His face was closed, his brows knit. “I must say, I’ve never seen black swords before.” He looked up. “Is it an impurity of some kind?”

“No,” Yren said tightly, Calvert and Ornard taking his arms.

“So, they’re supposed to look that way?” Arlade said conversationally. He looked down at the swords, holding his hands out towards them as if they were a fire and he desired warmth. “It’s so strange. It’s as if I could feel power in them of some kind.” He shook his head and looked back at the man he’d started calling the Blue Knight. “Who spelled them?”

“Spelled?” Yren asked, tightening his arms slightly and looking around. “They’re not spelled. They’re just swords. I made them.”

“You?” Arlade asked with his eyebrows raised. “You’re a blacksmith? Is this your shop?”

“Mine,” Ardt grunted.

Arlade looked over at the man, then back at the knight. His smile widened as understanding blossomed. “I see. Related, are we? I should have guessed it when you gave up so easily. I honestly thought I was going to have to spill his blood.”

He looked down at the swords. “It’s impossible, I know – it would take decades to spell either of these swords, if you could even find the spell – but ... there’s something there.” He dropped his hands and looked inquisitively at Yren. “They are metal, aren’t they?”

“Gaussteel,” Yren replied.

Arlade’s face grew puzzled, looking from the swords to Yren and back. “Gaussteel is still a metal. Maybe the kern makes them susceptible?” He muttered to himself. Finally, he shook his head. “Well, I suppose I’ll have to take them back with me to study.” His brow creased. “Your armor, too. From a distance, I thought it was just an affectation of some kind – like you’d colored the armor so you could be the ‘Blue Knight’ or whatever. But now that I’m close to it ... Dagah take me, I can feel something coming off of it. Something ... strange.”

He shook his head, as if banishing the thought. “Well, we’ll have to revisit this conversation a bit later. So much to do, so little time and all that. For now, I’m afraid I have a few questions.” He sighed theatrically. “They’re more along the lines of ‘life and death’ questions, I’m afraid.” He held up his hands and shook his head. “You must understand, I don’t really want to be here but someone had to do it and...,” he shrugged, “I was, unfortunately, otherwise unoccupied.”

The green-clothed man smiled at the two for a beat before beginning.

“So, where is the princess?” Arlade sniffed off-handedly.

“What princess?” Yren intoned quietly.

Arlade blew out a breath. “Now, see, you’re doing this all wrong,” Arlade sighed. “What you should have done is acknowledged the princess had been around here since we obviously know she’s at least been through this dunghole. You could’ve said something convincing like – oh, I don’t know – she left or passed through or whatever.” He smiled. “Consider it free advice; when you lie, always add a smidgen of truth – it makes the lie so much easier to swallow.”

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TheWhiteBoxxx Emelie Crystal Work Me Out

Adorable Emelie Crystal does everything she can to wake her lover, Marcus Anubis, but nothing seems to work. Resorting to her own devices the stunning beauty watches him slumber while she brings herself to the brink of orgasm at the bedside. Waking up, Marcus can’t resist the long-haired, doe-eyed goddess and rouses himself to complete what his lingerie-clad companion has started. The two young stars are clearly into each other and fans of true erotica will be transfixed by this intense...

4 years ago
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Hallo Herr Nachbar

Hallo Herr Nachbar! Ja, dich meine ich. Woher ich weiß, dass du hier bei Chyoa bist? Reine Vermutung. Ich möchte mich bei Dir bedanken, für den genialen Samstagabend. Na, klingelt es so langsam? Von deinem Schlafzimmerfenster hat man einen hervorragenden Blick auf unsere Terrasse. Aber das brauche ich dir wohl nicht zu erzählen. Wie oft stehst du eigentlich heimlich am Fenster und beobachtest meine Frau? Macht es dich an wenn sie sich “oben ohne“ sonnt? Anfangs dachten wir ja noch es wäre...

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FamilyHookups Sara Luvv Sara Luvv fucks her dads best friend after a massage

Sara Luvv is trying to learn to be a massage therapist but she really needs someone to practice on, so why not her dad’s friend? He’s a little nervous at first being naked around her, but she makes him VERY comfortable. Everything is going fine until she sees that he has a boner! Her massage teacher warned her about this, so instead of embarrassing him, she decides to whip it out and give it a massage. Her dad doesn’t have to know. He definitely doesn’t have to find out that after the hand job...

2 years ago
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An unusual f amily 1

The first time I suspected my family was not like every other family was when I was 18. Being a teenage boy, I had all the normal hormones and urges, and I had become fond of masturbating. It wasn't something my family talked about a lot, and I knew that my older sister on occasion played with herself. But it was certainly not discouraged, and to me it was normal to fondle myself in my pants or even out in the open while we were watching television or sitting outside on the patio. In my family,...

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Bhawana Ki Mast Chudai

Hi to all iss reader main sexy sam sabhi bur waliyo ko mera lund ka salaam aur lund walo ko mera pranaam mera age 29 saal luud 8 inch lamba hai mughe iss story padhte hua 2 saal ho gaye so maine socha main bhi apna experience aap logo ko batua to mere story suru karne se pahle sabhi log apne gf bf ko bula le kyo ki ye story bahut hi hot hai ye baat aag se ek saal pehle ki hai mere pados me ek ghar tha jisme ek ladki thi bhawana age 18 mast figure 32 26 32 uski souteli maa age 28 figure 36 28 36...

4 years ago
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A Taste of Vengeance

A Taste of Vengeance Chapter 1 It was in the summer of 1976. Tom has just turned fourteen. He was what could only be termed as average in every respect. He was five foot seven and weighed about 127 pounds. Tom's hair was shoulder length, straight and light brown. His big eyes were hazel and adorned with thick, long lashes. Tom was involved in baseball and was a relatively good hitter and an average third baseman. He loved baseball. He loved being out in the warm sun on the...

4 years ago
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The demise of s happy marriage part 2

Sylvia felt like she was on an operating table and was being woken up after anaesthetic, she felt so woozy. She felt something underneath her bottom, someone was moving her leg. She opened her eyes, her mouth felt salty. She looked down and saw her friend Mr Jackson. Her memory came flooding back. His cock in her mouth, his tounge in her pussy. She looked down at him and wondered what he was doing. My Jackson mare you ok she asked groggily. Her body did not feel her own. "Oh hello Sylvia I...

3 years ago
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YouVe Got to Hide Your Love Away

I had seen enough. I decided on a course of action. My stomach was twisted in knots, but somehow I sucked it up and walked to my closet. I pulled out a small suitcase and a larger one. I quickly and quietly removed clothes from the closet and packed them into my larger bag, hangars and all. It took only a minute or so to fill my suitcase. I moved to my dresser and pulled out all my underwear and tossed everything, including undershirts, into the smaller bag. Then I switched to my sock drawer....

2 years ago
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Invasion of Privacy part 1

Invasion of Privacy (Revised) By Kara Denise Wilson I was sitting in my bedroom one afternoon, playing a football game on my Playstation. Arsenal was administering a brutal beating on Crystal Palace, thanks to my skillful playing, and I was contentedly whiling away the hours of a midsummer day. I was 16 and on summer vacation from school. Just as the referee blew the whistle for full time of the game, I heard something odd. I flipped the TV off so I could get a better idea of what...

2 years ago
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Stay home and suck your daddy

He was my mom and dad friend, a rich and successfull bizz ownerhe must have known i would have trouble with my rent as the cod19 virus spread over the world , i lost my job in the first weeki knew it was going to last and i was scarred of loosing the appart this is how he became my daddy, i never expected to be sucking a cock, a very juicy big black cock in fact , but its exactly what he proposed after a good dinner He was living in Montreal my mom had ask him to give me some food since i had a...

3 years ago
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All Good Girls

It hurt. Sharp, tear-bringing, and it took all Ellie could not to pull away, not to get dressed, not to run home. Robbie was Him, she was sure. Robbie was just the sort of man she wanted for husband and provider. She'd started writing "Mrs. Robert James Patterson" in the margins of her notebook, even signing it a few times. She really wanted Robbie to be her husband. She wanted him to choose her, viewing all other girls at school as challengers. She could outdo them all, she forced herself...

2 years ago
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Movie Night 4

Summary - Chad tries to behave. Samantha is frustrated. Previous Chapter Summary - Samantha and her father have been enjoying ‘special bonding’ moments during their weekly movie nights. Last night was very special. Note - This is a work of fiction. You must be 18 or over to read this story. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for entertainment...

3 years ago
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New Career 1930Chapter 7

Arlene pushed me to the shallow end of the pool and instructed Martha to watch carefully. She proceeded to mount me as she usually did. I held her as she spread her pussy lips and guided my cock into her vagina. Once that was done, she slid down and closer to me until my cock was completely engulfed by her pussy. From then on, it was just a matter of repeating something that I always enjoy immensely. When we finished, Arlene said, "Okay, Martha, you see how easy it is, so it is now your...

2 years ago
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A Drabble The 4F Man

A few weeks ago, there was exchange which appeared on the Hyperboard which resulted in someone making the suggestion that a rather well known story reviewer try her hand at writing a drabble. Having never attempted one myself, my interest was piqued. The next day I had five. What follows is one of them. The 4F Man A Drabble by Deane Christopher When it came to women, Donny considered himself to be a 4F man. Find 'em, feel 'em, fuck 'em, and forget 'em. At least he did until...

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A WifesFantasy

Introduction: A fantasy of a wife comes true As I came from work I was tired but highly aroused by the text I had received from my husband in the early afternoon. All it said was Get ready for a hard night. Remember you are not to say a word I was almost swimming in my panties for the rest of the day thinking about what may happen when I got home. When I stepped into the bedroom I was unprepared for what happened next. Phillip my husband was behind the door completely naked and grabbed me by...

3 years ago
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15 years Straight Part one

It had been nearly 15 years since my last meet with Harry and his friends, I had had a fun afternoon at his place not knowing it would be my last tea party,and was so happy, but everything changed, when I got had home, my wife told me she was pregnant,I could not have been happier, I was going to be a dad,but I also knew that had to change everything. I knew had to be free of Harry's control, I called him and, he knew why I had to be free,and he agreed to release me from his control. I was...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 56

"Are you ready?" Camille asked. She had her head perched on Evan's shoulder and she was gently running her hands across his smooth chest. "Not bloody likely," Evan said. "I'm not 19 anymore. It takes a bit of time to recharge the batteries." "Pity," Camille laughed. "They say women my age are hitting their prime. Maybe I'm going to have to pick up one of Andy's friends to keep up with me." "You might need two of his friends to keep up with you," Evan joked. "What's that...

1 year ago
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Australian StoryChapter 37 Dinkum Mates

Wed 10-Oct 2007 Chris awoke to see Alyssa, still in her underwear, standing over Maria. He dragged himself upright and went and sat at the little table, stiff all over. Alyssa came over holding Maria, and they sat in his lap. She'd obviously gotten used to what she was wearing. He noticed that Hassan was awake, and smiled at him. This was nice. Not long after that, Shahia woke up. She looked at him and smiled, then hopped out of bed and squeezed into the tiny toilet. Her undies had...

2 years ago
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Doing It Doggy Style

Ron was just mounting the horny wet pussied female who was on her hands and knees there in front of him in the family room of the house. He'd just finished making out with her and now he'd gotten her totally naked and was in the very act of getting his cock inside her wet horny pussy in preparation for culminating another very hot lusty session of sex with her. Ron had come into the room in the early evening and only he and Amber were there. They were alone, like they often managed to find...

4 years ago
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Brad Nancy and Shari

My name is Brad, I am married to Nancy. We are both 35 years old and are average looking people. SHe works during the day at an office downtown and I work third shift at a factory. During the week we only see each other for a few hours everyday, but we both have the weekends of so we get to spend time together then.One tuesday afternoon I woke about my normal time of 1, put on my robe then went to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. I was looking around for something interesting to eat when...

2 years ago
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Kiran Ki Chudai Ki Aunty Ke Ghar Par

Hi dosto I’m back ek dafa phir aap logo ke liya new story la kar hazir huwa hu umeed karta hu aap logo ko pasand aay gi pehla apna bara me batata chalu ke mera nam sherry hai or me karachi pakistan se hu meri height 5.9 Hai or rung na gora hai nal kala hai normal body hai aap logo zada na bor karta huwa sidha story par aata hu ye baat un dinoo ki hai jab me apna business karta tha aab me job karta hu muja business me bohat lose huwa is liya job start kar di hai baat us waqt ki hai jab mein...

2 years ago
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Hannahs Hero Ch 07

Welcome to Part 7 of the tale of Hannah’s Hero. Sorry it’s taken so long to get this part out, but with all my other responsibilities it can be tough to get it out of my head and on to the computer! Thank you so much to all of you for the votes, comments, and messages. Even when they aren’t positive, the fact that you took the time to make them means a lot. Hope you all enjoy! * My husband Chris got a real workout for much of the first trimester of my pregnancy. I’ve heard that some women...

1 year ago
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My Evil Twin Chapter 10

Well, it was an interesting night. I was stuck between my cousins legs all night and had to be sure she felt me there should she wake up. I also had to be awake before her and begin licking again so she knew I was there when she woke up. It was difficult and I kept waking up during the night, afraid that I wasn’t doing what she wanted. But, I heard her snoring ever so lightly all during the night. Well, at least one of us would have some sleep. In the morning, I felt her move above me and...

3 years ago
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Oops I didnt mean to

Introduction: Hey Guys, this is my first story, I hope you guys enjoy it, and Ill love to post more! Please, feedback would be great I didnt ever think itll happen this way, nor this bad. I guess you can say its a weird thing once you get caught. You never know what to expect, what theyd do, how would they act. It all comes as a big shock to you, like getting hit in the stomach with a bowling ball. But, its worse than that. I suppose I should tell you why Im writing my own story. You could say...

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Family ReunionChapter 7

"Thanks, Uncle Ike!" Nancy skipped happily away, her red pigtails flying behind her. She was very pleased that Ike (at her request) had shown her all about how to operate the video tape machine. He had been using it to film the volleyball game that afternoon, during which the entire family had participated in a lively contest. The women played against the men, and Nancy had been quite amused and interested to see how her Uncle Ike and Grandma acted as though they had never been doing those...

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A Ladys Home CompanionChapter 7

At that moment, we heard gunshots coming from down the hall. Shit, another class was being hit by terrorists! We rushed to the door of our classroom, but we were not so foolish as to run out into the hall before we knew what was going on. Marlene carried a small mirror in her purse, and she dashed back to her desk to fetch it. Only moments later, Marlene was back and using the mirror to examine the corridor. Nobody was visible, so we slipped out, staying close to the floor. We had hardly...

3 years ago
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ConvergenceChapter 19 Sand in the Hourglass

Professor Bran Hawthorn silently cursed the delay caused by Building Security. He rubbed at his eyes, tiredly, waiting for the beep that meant he was allowed to enter the building. For the umpteenth time, he questioned his decision to take a sabbatical from Rice University to work in the Albuquerque labs. However, Kim said she needed him. Bran hadn’t been able to deny his niece anything since the day she was born. He snorted derisively at himself. “Beep,” the small speaker announced,...

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