Amandas Story
- 4 years ago
- 33
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The silence in the Healer's office was deafening.
Finally, thankfully, it was broken when Sirinna's eyes flew open and she drew in a long, shuddering gasp, her body shaking on the treatment table, the color swiftly returning to her deathly-pale face.
"Easy, easy," Vanlo said, placing a hand on her shoulder and gently forcing her back down when she tried to sit up. "Don't try to move yet."
On the other side of the table, Roquan drew in a slow deep breath and let it go.
Sirinna's eyes flicked back and forth. She opened her mouth and tried to speak, but could only croak and grunt.
"Don't try to speak yet, either. Now that you're no longer in danger, you'll recover shortly, and your speech will return."
Sirinna swallowed, panting, her body still shivering. She continued to open and close her mouth, trying desperately to say something.
"Sirinna, listen to the Healer," Roquan said. His voice was firm, but the relief behind it was obvious.
"R... Ro... A... Ama... Aman..." Sirinna stuttered, her face growing red with the effort to get her voice to work.
"Amanda is safe and sound," Roquan said. "She is in my quarters."
Sirinna stopped and slowly settled back down onto the table. Her body stilled and her breathing grew normal again.
"How soon until she is well again, Vanlo?" Roquan asked softly.
"Not long," Vanlo said with a small smile. He turned and re-corked a small vial. "Once the antidote is given, it quickly extracts the drug from her bloodstream. She should be up and about by full night, though I would recommend she take it easy for a day."
"I shall exempt her from her punishment for tomorrow, then."
"Excellent. Now, I do believe you have a hysterical outworlder girl to calm, your Lordship. You can do nothing more here. I shall report to you when she is well."
Roquan turned to leave. "Send her directly to her quarters when she is. I will check on her later."
Amanda alternated between frantic pacing and bursts of tears. It was some time before she even realized she still clutched the slave collar and chain in her hand that she had used to stop Yanna. She tossed it down onto Roquan's desk.
Finally, she heard the door open, and the Overlord swiftly entered the room. "Sirinna will recover fully," he said, having returned to his former serious and crisp manner.
Amanda's relief was so great that her eyes watered again and she had to take a moment to compose herself, unable to speak.
Roquan crossed the room and sat down in his chair. He waited patiently for Amanda to calm herself down, his eyes betraying a small amount of sympathy for the girl.
"Thank you, Overlord," Amanda said in a small voice. "For getting Sirinna to the Healer in time."
Roquan simply nodded once. "Now, Amanda, I want to know exactly what happened in the Portal chamber. You are to tell me everything. You can be quite sure that I am very tired of things happening in my Manor of which I know nothing about."
Amanda nodded quickly. "I'll gladly tell you, Roquan, now that I know Sirinna is okay."
And she told him.
"I'm starting to feel better, Master Vanlo," Sirinna said, her words clear but her voice still raspy. "But I barely remember what happened when I walked into the Portal chamber."
Vanlo took a moment to check he pulse. "Not to worry, my dear. I am sure Amanda is relaying every detail of whatever happened."
"Amanda? Oh, I should be there! I..."
She started to rise. Vanlo pushed her back down.
"Your place is here until I say so, my dear."
"I want to know what happened myself," Sirinna said sullenly.
"Ah, don't we all, hmm?" Vanlo paused, and glanced back towards his lab. "If you would excuse me for just a moment."
He turned and walked into his lab, and crossed over to his apparatus. He lifted the flask from the table and held it up to the light, turning it one way and then the other. He nodded slowly to himself.
"Indeed. As I had suspected."
He placed the flask down carefully, making sure it did not sit too close to an edge and get knocked over. Just in case the Overlord would not believe even the word of his own Healer.
He returned to the treatment room. "Sirinna, I have a question for you. When you entered the Portal chamber, was Yanna there?"
Sirinna frowned. "I'm not sure, actually. I think I remember seeing her before I blacked out. We were supposed to meet her there."
"Hmm. Yes. That makes sense."
Sirinna gave Vanlo a puzzled look.
Vanlo smiled gently and patted Sirinna on the shoulder. "Patience, my dear. Now, you just rest here. I need to check on something and convey a message to the Overlord. I will not be long."
Roquan regarded Amanda with a patronizing look.
Amanda stared back. "You don't believe me!" she cried.
"This is incredible! Even after all this, you still won't believe anyone other than yourself!"
"Amanda! This is no time for your histrionics."
"I think I have a right to be whatever I want," Amanda said indignantly.
"Understand how fantastic your story sounds to me. You are claiming that all of this came about through the machinations of a slave. A slave, Amanda."
"And just because someone is a slave, that means they're brainless?"
"I did not say that!"
"But that's what you're implying! I told you that she's working for someone. I saw her Farview someone. His name ended in 'house'. Something-house."
"Something-house," Roquan echoed tonelessly.
"I didn't hear the entire name, all right!" Amanda cried, throwing up her hands.
Roquan uttered an exasperated sigh. "We are getting nowhere. We..."
He stopped and looked up. Amanda whirled around, her breath catching in her throat as her eyes fell upon the Healer.
"Vanlo..." Roquan began, fear creeping into his eyes.
"Sirinna is well. She is still recovering, but quickly. Fortunately, sleeping powder overdose is easy to treat if the victim is tended to in time."
"Then you can assist in this endeavor." Roquan gestured towards Amanda. "I would like you to fetch a slave and have Yanna found and brought here."
"But I told you! Yanna is not here!" Amanda cried. "She went through the Portal before it closed!"
"Where, Amanda? Where would she have gone?"
"I don't know!"
"Your Lordship, if I may," Vanlo said. "I do believe you may wish to listen to the girl."
Both Roquan and Amanda stared at Vanlo in astonishment.
"I do not believe you will find Yanna anywhere in the Manor. And before coming here, I checked on Hiatha and Garas. Both have been drugged with sleeping powder, though with lesser amounts, so they do not appear in immediate danger. They should simply sleep it off."
Roquan set his face hard and stood from his chair. "Vanlo, what are you talking about? What is going on in my Manor?"
"I fear, your Lordship, you will have to fire me again."
Roquan blinked. Amanda simply stepped back and listened curiously.
"I have conducted another illicit blood test. This time on Yanna, a few days ago. The results were, I regret, only ready this evening, too late to stop this unpleasantness. Perhaps if I had acted faster on my suspicions..."
"Get to the point, Vanlo!" Roquan growled.
"My apologies. Here is the point: Yanna is not a slave."
Amanda gasped in surprise and vindication.
Roquan narrowed his eyes. "Are you mad, Vanlo?"
"I am quite in charge of my senses, your Lordship," Vanlo said, a trace of irritation in his voice. "Perhaps I worded that wrong. More precisely: Yanna is not an outworlder. She is Narlassi."
Roquan's eyes gaped. "Narlassi?!"
Amanda nearly jumped at the force of Roquan's word.
"The facts do not lie. The differences in the blood composition are subtle, but they are there, to the one with a patient eye. Yanna is Narlassi."
"We do not make our own into slaves!" Roquan roared.
"True. But someone wished you to believe she was an outworlder and a proper slave."
"I do not have that answer."
Roquan remained silent for a moment.
"I told you!" Amanda cried. "I said there was something odd about her!"
"Amanda, be silent!" Roquan exclaimed.
"No, your Lordship, she is quite correct," Vanlo said. "I conducted my blood test on a hunch. For awhile now, I have noticed that Yanna's mannerisms were unlike an outworlder slave. I overheard a conversation with her and Amanda, and she spoke very much unlike any slave I have encountered."
"This is insane!" Roquan bellowed, stepping away from the two of them. "Are you serious? Are both of you serious? A Narlassi indoctrinated as a slave? That is preposterous! Even if someone were to do such a thing, neither the Overlords nor even Z'haas himself would permit..."
"That's it!" Amanda cried suddenly. "That was the name!"
"What was the name?" Roquan asked with a tired sigh.
"Z'haas! That's the name of the person Yanna was talking to!"
Roquan regarded Amanda with a stunned expression on his face.
"Intriguing," Vanlo muttered.
"Amanda," Roquan said darkly. "Are you telling me that Yanna was Farviewing Emperor Z'haas?"
"Emperor?" Amanda cried in surprise. "Well... she didn't call him that. She called him 'master', just like your slaves do. But the name definitely was Z'haas."
For a moment, Roquan's eyes held a worried look, but it passed quickly. "That is ludicrous."
Before Amanda could give an indignant reply, Vanlo cut in. "Your Lordship, please, look at the evidence. I have already shown you that Yanna is Narlassi. She thus cannot be under the ownership of an Overlord. Amanda witnessed her speaking with the the Emperor. That leaves us only one conclusion."
"That Yanna was an Imperial Agent," Roquan said in a hollow voice.
Vanlo gave a smile that was devoid of humor. "Everything appears to point that way, does it not?"
Roquan sank heavily into his chair.
Amanda looked back and forth between them. "Um... is this bad?" she asked tentatively.
Roquan closed his eyes and took a slow, deep breath. "All of this," he said slowly, forcing his voice to remain calm. "The sabotage, the dissent, the conflict, all the fault of the Emperor."
"And not Rennis," Amanda added. "Or Sirinna!"
Roquan took another breath. "Point noted." He opened his eyes. "Amanda, I wish you to return to Sirinna's quarters. Vanlo, please escort her there."
"Sirinna is almost ready to be sent back as well," Vanlo said. "May I reunite Amanda with Sirinna first?"
"Just be quick about it. Something needs my immediate attention here, first. I will rejoin with you later."
"As you wish, your Lordship. Come, Amanda."
Amanda paused a moment, looking at the Overlord in a new light. Suddenly, he didn't seem quite as intimidating anymore.
"Amanda?" Vanlo repeated.
"Yes, I'm coming," Amanda said, quickly following Vanlo out into the night, where the moon had come out from behind the clouds.
When Amanda and Vanlo entered the Healer's office, they found Sirinna sitting up on the treatment table, her legs swung over the side. Amanda could not contain herself. She broke into a run and threw herself at Sirinna, hugging the woman as tight as she could, tears trickling down her cheeks again.
"I'm okay, love," Sirinna said, stroking Amanda's hair.
"Oh God, Sirinna, I th-thought you were going to die," Amanda cried in a choked voice. "If Roquan and Vanlo had not shown up..."
"Amanda, what exactly happened? I don't remember anything when Yanna... was it Yanna?"
Amanda didn't reply. She didn't want to break off the embrace. She didn't want to let go of Sirinna ever. She had come so close to losing her. It had reminded her too much of her foster mother Rose. She could not go through losing someone she loved again.
"It would appear, Sirinna, that you have recovered," Vanlo said with a slight smile. "And I fear Amanda would not leave your side were I even to ask, so I might as well send you back to your quarters."
"Oh, but I should talk to Master Roquan!" Sirinna said, breaking off the embrace to Amanda's disappointment.
"These are his orders, my dear. He said he would come talk to you later."
"Sirinna, let's go, please," Amanda said softly. "I can tell you all about what happened."
Sirinna paused, then smiled. "All right, love. Mind you, this better be a good story."
"Let's just say you were right about the collar and chain, but not in the way you thought," Amanda said with a wry grin.
Even through the shimmering Farview, faded and flickering by a storm passing between the two Overlords, the look of complete horror on Rennis' face was unmistakable.
"An Imperial Agent?" he croaked. "Yanna? My Yanna?"
"Just where did you get her, Rennis?" Roquan asked gently. Much of his anger had been assuaged by Rennis' appearance over the Farview. He looked huddled and stooped, wrapping his arms about him, his clothes damp. It was obvious he was still in transit back to his Manor and literally stopped by the side of the road to grant the Farview audience. That meant a lot to Roquan, and any enmity that lingered between them disappeared.
"I bought her at auction, actually," Rennis said, somewhat sheepishly.
Roquan sighed through his nose. Rennis knew how he felt about buy slaves with questionable pedigrees at auction. "In any case, she is no longer here. I suspect she will need to tell her 'master' that the plan failed."
"Ultimately, it failed, but not after a great deal of trouble. That little cunt."
"Easy, Rennis..."
"No, I will not be easy! I do not take a slave into my Manor thinking she deserves another chance to make good only to have this happen! I have a right to be upset!"
Roquan was always against using verbal abuse when discussing slaves, even more so using it to their faces. It needlessly demoralized them. He still found it unnerving to do it even to one proven not to be of that ilk.
"Your anger is understood," Roquan said. He paused. "I wish to apologize, Rennis."
Rennis blinked. "Come again? You want to what?"
"Apologize. I acted in a manner unbecoming an Overlord towards you. Too hastily did I forget your support of me before all this began to happen."
Rennis slowly smiled. "Surely the apocalypse is upon us if Roquan is apologizing."
Roquan forced a brief smile at the humor at his expense. "Let us just say that I am seeing a few things in a new light."
"You do know what this means, don't you?" Rennis said, his tone more serious. "If Z'haas is pulling stuff like this, that means he's worried, Roquan. He thought our alliance enough of a threat that he concocted this plan."
"I am more concerned with the fact that the Emperor is keeping and possibly training his own slaves as agents. And what would the other Overlords think of that?"
"Oh, they would ream him for sure. He can forget about their support after that."
"That may be our opening, Rennis. We may have finally found a means to get the other Overlords on our side without making concessions to them."
Rennis laughed. "Now that's more the Roquan I know."
Roquan smiled sincerely this time.
"Well, in any case, I thank you for seeing through the Emperor's plans."
"Actually," Roquan said, pausing a moment. "I cannot take the credit."
"Oh? Then who do we have to thank?"
Rennis gave Roquan a surprised look. "The outworlder girl? The one that gave that 'evidence' against me in the first place?"
"Indeed. The very same."
Rennis scratched his chin and grinned.
"You know, you really ought to reconsider making her a slave."
Roquan gave his fellow Overlord a dark look. "You cannot be serious."
"She has everything you like in a slave," Rennis said. "She's intelligent. She's dead clever. And from what I remember, she was quite pretty. She's sure to be a beauty when she's older."
Roquan sighed. "Rennis, that girl has to be the most unruly, undisciplined, uncivilized, rebellious, willful, headstrong... why are you smiling, Rennis?"
"Well, Roquan, you did once tell me that you enjoy a challenge."
Roquan raised an eyebrow.
"Anyway, I have to go," Rennis said. "They will not hold the ship for me forever. I will contact you in another day or two. We will arrange to meet again."
"Yes, that would be good. Our alliance is renewed, then."
"We should trade slaves again to seal it. Perhaps Sirinna would..."
Rennis laughed. "Can't blame me for trying. Good night to you."
The image faded and disappeared.
Roquan picked up the pearl, feeling relieved. The truth was, he did not feel right being at odds with Rennis, despite what he had believed the Overlord had done. Asking forgiveness from him had been a pleasure.
But now he had less of one to do. He had to apologize to a slave. And an outworlder. Yes, Emperor Z'haas truly must be made to pay for this.
He turned away from the hearth and put the pearl back in its special container in his desk, his eyes falling on the discarded collar and chain. He picked it up curiously, and spied Sirinna's mark on the small padlock, and then a spot of blood on the end of the chain. He carefully cleaned it, and carried it with him as he left the room.
Sirinna clutched at Amanda tightly after she was done with her story.
"Amanda, you did that for me?" she asked, overwhelmed with emotion. "You stopped her from taking me from here? From Roquan?"
"It almost got you killed!" Amanda lamented, her own voice cracking. "If Vanlo hadn't been able to detect the Portal opening, I would never have summoned him in time."
This story is a tribute to Bared Affair and to Angie who gave so many people so many great articles and so many happy times: The format of each story in Bared Affair was a newspaper article style in depth report on a news item of interest to the spanking world and this is my version of ‘Bared Affair meets Lush’: The Article: 17 th May 2011 A new service is being offered by Surrogate Discipline Limited, based in Stretford in Sussex, UK. This is an investigative report by Amanda Jones . ...
The Article 17 th June 2011 A further report by Amanda Jones who has already shadowed a Surrogate from Surrogate Discipline Limited and has now spent a week shadowing a Surrogate from sister company Remote Discipline Limited. The main service provided by RDL is to Mothers who’s daughters have either left home and for instance gone to University or to another city for work and where whilst at home the daughter was subject to her mother’s discipline and the Mother, in particular, is concerned...
Amanda hummed to herself as she pushed the door open and stepped into her dimly lit apartment. Tossing her backpack on the floor, she let the door swing shut behind her before sliding the deadbolt shut with a satisfying ‘clunk’. The blinds were open enough to allow a sufficient amount of moonlight to shine through the lone meager window in her tiny one bedroom basement suite. Reaching over, she flipped the light switch on, her brow furrowing in confusion as the room remained enshrouded in...
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Introduction: Amanda introduces Toby to her friend Katie Amanda Adventures 2 : Amanda introduces Toby to Katie. Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she...
I rolled over after reading Amanda's note with a big smile on my face. I couldn't believe that after all the time I had spent masterbating to shemales and fantasizing about meeting one it had actually happened. Not only had it happened but it had been the most amazing sexual experience of my life.As I lay there thinking about the night before I was surprised at how many new sexual experiences I had in one night. I sucked dick last night. Not only that but I got fucked too. I knew I wasn't gay...
Amanda’s very good friend Katie was a nurse at an institution for the mentally ill, she had worked there for a couple of years since she had been suspended from her last post has head nurse at a local private clinic for sperm donators. Apparently Amanda had told me at the time there was rumours of Katie giving too much assistance to the donors and even talk that she had been caught consuming some of the semen herself. Katie vehemently denied it at the time but now we know she’s a complete slut...
Amanda’s very good friend Katie was a nurse at an institution for the mentally ill, she had worked there for a couple of years since she had been suspended from her last post has head nurse at a local private clinic for sperm donators. Apparently Amanda had told me at the time there was rumours of Katie giving too much assistance to the donors and even talk that she had been caught consuming some of the semen herself. Katie vehemently denied it at the time but now we know she’s a complete slut...
Amanda’s very good friend Katie was a nurse at an institution for the mentally ill, she had worked there for a couple of years since she had been suspended from her last post has head nurse at a local private clinic for sperm donators. Apparently Amanda had told me at the time there was rumours of Katie giving too much assistance to the donors and even talk that she had been caught consuming some of the semen herself. Katie vehemently denied it at the time but now we know she’s a complete slut...
InterracialHer cell phone rang. 22 year-old college girl Amanda Day had no idea that by answering it, she would set in motion the chain of events by which she'd give up her anal cherry that very afternoon.The phone. I don't have time to talk on the phone, I'm late for work, she thought. She didn't bother blow drying her hair, and her only concession to makeup was some lip gloss. She didn't need much more than that to look beautiful, anyway. She was one of those girls who just radiated beauty without...
Amanda is 42 years old, her 20 year marriage had recently failed and she is now divorced and living with her 17 year old daughter Laura. Amanda has recently discovered an internet dating site and has been corresponding with a dominant male. Their on line relationship has developed into one of master and slave. The below is an extract of their latest encounter following the delivery of a package from the master. Master – Yes I can see you slut are you in your bedroom Amanda – Yes Master...
Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she wore a grey flannel skirted suit which was very tight. The skirt was just above the knee and she wore very...
Dog, camera, action! Her cunt was stretched beyond any limit it had been before. The dog’s knot had at last been pushed into her, past her tight lips and beyond the muscle of her opening. The slightest movement of either her or the dog sent new waves of pleasurable thrill through her system and made sure she climaxed over and over. The dog heaved one last time and, if it was at all possible, shoved the huge purple weapon further into her and through the neck of her womb. A deep...
It was a normal Sunday night on campus, Andy and I were sitting in our room chilling out and watching a sci-fi movie while enjoying a beer or two. Monday’s class load for the both of us was pretty easy, so we took advantage of being able to just relax for a few. There was a knock on the door that broke up the sound of our movie, and since Andy’s bed was closest, he jumped up to see who wanted in.Amanda came in like a fresh breeze as she always managed to do. Beautiful red head, smart, witty and...
Group SexIt was Amanda’s first day of Frosh week, which is the week before college starts that freshman move in and get familiar with their new campus. Amanda was walking down one of the campus’ many walkways when she was approached by two men. “Hi there, I’m Jason and this is Darren and we are with the fraternity Kappa Omega Pi. We’re throwing a party later tonight and we’d love if you would come”. Amanda thought about it for a few seconds then responded, “Sure, sounds like fun, I’ll be there”. Jason...
by Vincent "Look. You made the school newspaper," Amanda showed Hina the sports page as they sat next to each other on a bus heading up I-39. They were going to spend Memorial Day weekend at Amanda's family's dairy farm near Dakota. The headline said, "Cute coed brings luck to Badgers softball team." The full color picture showed Hina blowing a kiss to Emily in the on deck circle. "I think I can even see your red panties." "Oh, no you can't. Let me see." Hina grabbed the...
Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits.Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her.My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she wore a grey flannel skirted suit which was very tight. The skirt was just above the knee and she wore very high...
Amanda and Toby parked the car and proceeded to the shopping centre (meadow hall) and met Katie there. Katie looked gorgeous and extremely sexy she was wearing a summery floral print dress which hugged her figure and attenuated her slim waist and exaggerated her already ample tits. Her eyes lit up when she saw Toby, has did his when he saw her. My wife Amanda also looked stunning, she wore a grey flannel skirted suit which was very tight. The skirt was just above the knee and she wore very high...
Interracialby Vincent "Where did you run off to, young lady?" Amanda inquired when Hina came in the front door. She was watching TV with her dad and Ray in the living room trying not to think about the moves her brother was trying to put on her girlfriend. "I took a walk down to the pond with Max," Hina said. Amanda's concerns were playing out. She knew how charming her brother could be. "So where's Max?" "He's outside. He had an accident." That got the attention of the two...
She had seen him in school, he had to be around thirteen she thought. Slim and nicely built with a ready smile. She was working as an assistant to the math teacher and the cheerleaders, having finished high school last year. She was emancipated, both her parents dead. Leaving her a vast estate, lots of money but nothing to do. And she was thoroughly bored, bored with the young and not so young, men constantly contending for her attention. She didn't know if she was perverted but the idea of...
Chapter 1: In the Hallway Dress casual!" Amanda's boss told her over the phone. "Wear that cool combination I saw you wearing at the mall!" "I forgot what I was wearing!" Amanda replied. "You know," her boss Jason said nervously, "the jean jacket and the tattered shorts!" Hello, was that Jason? Amanda wondered as she hung up the phone. Always a shy, awkward, polite guy, now he was telling her what to wear! Jason needed Amanda to work late that Friday night so his material would be...
Two weeks ago, Jane had received an email. She had almost deleted it as spam, but she recognized the sender as Amanda, a girl who had been one of her daughters basketball team before she had graduated a few months ago. The only thing in the email was a picture of the girl wearing only a pair of men’s boxers and a sports bra. Jane nearly had a heart attack. She had been sneaking looks at the teenager for the last couple of years whenever she was at a basketball game or practice but she didn’t...
Introduction: Middle class wife to black cock addict Shy conservative middle class house wife to Black cock slut. This is my wife, shes in her late thirties and as you will agree extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating...
He sat at his computer in shock. 'How in the hell could someone write a story about fucking their own daughter?' he thought continuing to read and something came to him, his cock was harder than it had been in years. 'Damn!' he said looking down to his swollen member. 'You like this shit do you?' he laughed enjoying the feel of being so hard again. He hadn't had a good hard-on in five years and figured it was his age creeping up on him. But, after reading a few of the stories on the web...
This is my wife, she’s in her late thirties and as you will agree extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating very lucratively. My friends name is Toby, we were very good friends in my earlier years but had lost touch...
Shy conservative middle class house wife to Black cock slut. My wife is in her late thirties and extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating very lucratively. My friends name is Toby, we were very good friends in my earlier...
The last day of our affair was a day of surprises in the Carson household. Not saying a word, Amanda wore her engagement ring to the supper table as we prepared to eat prior to our parents leaving to play bridge. She was the last one to arrive at the table and, as Mom was talking at the time, she just sat down and crossed her hands in front of herself, the diamond on her finger in plain sight, a shit-eating grin on her face. For my part, I decided to play dumb, pretending not to notice...
Shy conservative middle class house wife to black cock slut. My wife is in her late thirties and extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating very lucratively. My friends name is Toby, we were very good friends in my earlier...
InterracialHer breasts may have been the cherry on top of the cake, but the cake itself was a hateful creature. Amanda was a textbook trashy milf. The type you fucked in the ass behind a dumpster outside a dodgy nightclub. A divorced, alcoholic mother of two, Amanda’s drinking had entirely ruined her life. Over the course of a few short years, her husband had had left her, she had lost custody of her children, and the bank had taken her house. I first met Amanda at a rehabilitation facility where I was...
by Vincent The morning sun shone in Amanda's face waking her up. She was disappointed to find her friend had left. She must have gone back to her room. It would have been nice to wake her up with a kiss, but she did feel a tremendous contentment they had shared such a wonderful night together, and hopeful their relationship would continue to grow. Her hand found its way under the blanket to her pussy and she slowly rubbed her fingers between her labia, remembering how she and her...
Amanda and Josh walked into the theater room talking about what movie they were going to put on. Jeff, Amanda's boyfriend, had gone out with Amanda's mom and stepdad to dinner to talk about them getting married. Amanda said she would come but her mom and stepdad said they wanted to talk to Jeff alone. Amanda, not wanting to argue, agreed and said she would just hangout with Josh. "I have been thinking about how Jeff is cool with us talking about sexual stuff" Josh said to Amanda. "Yeah? What...
Cheating Wifes"I think you should call it a day Deirdre. You're strong enough, but not fast enough and you 're too fond of attacking and leaving yourself wide open. Give it up, I'm begging you, darling!" Deirdre made no reply for a while, but continued to dab away at her face inspecting the wreckage in the mirror. She and Amanda were in the bathroom together on the day following Deirdre's second ring appearance and second spectacular defeat. From the first, the encounter had not gone well for the...
I enjoyed the tactile sensation of my sister's naked flesh beneath my fingers. It had been a long time since I had last caressed her like this. Three years had passed since my sister and I had last made love, two and a half since she had become Mrs. Cartright. Now I was home from college for the weekend specifically because she and Paul were visiting. If my parents or her husband could see us they would probably disapprove, even though none of them would have even a spark of an idea of what...
A few weeks had passed by since Amanda and her best friend Katie had fucked a patient at Katies’ clinic. She had been with a few other black men since then courtesy of Katie arranging it with men at the gymnasium they both frequented. She was getting a little frustrated with Katie, because, in her words, Katie was pulling all the strings and getting the greater share of the cock that was on offer. She admitted she was missing Toby and longed to have him back here at our house were she could...
A few weeks had passed by since Amanda and her best friend Katie had fucked a patient at Katies’ clinic. She had been with a few other black men since then courtesy of Katie arranging it with men at the gymnasium they both frequented.She was getting a little frustrated with Katie, because, in her words, Katie was pulling all the strings and getting the greater share of the cock that was on offer.She admitted she was missing Toby and longed to have him back here at our house were she could fuck...
Redhead and Sexual Fireball -- Barely Under Control Amanda was a big girl. She was definitely "a woman" -- there was no question about that. She was no anorexic, high fashion model -- but she was certainly a beauty in her own special way. Her lustrous thick red hair fell below her shoulders and she had a very pretty face, one that caught your attention when you first saw her. Probably the most striking part about Amanda was her large round DD-cup breasts. They definitely filled out any top...
We had supper with my parents the following night - eating early so that Amanda and I could spend some time with them before they had to leave for their weekly bridge game. Normally Mom would have made one of Amanda's favorites, but in honor of my birthday, she had allowed me to choose the meal's main dish - shepherd's pie. And my Dad had really surprised me, pouring me a large beer to go with my meal. I guess that was his way of acknowledging that I was an adult now. The meal ended with...
A few weeks had passed by since Amanda and her best friend Katie had fucked a patient at Katies’ clinic. She had been with a few other black men since then courtesy of Katie arranging it with men at the gymnasium they both frequented. She was getting a little frustrated with Katie, because, in her words, Katie was pulling all the strings and getting the greater share of the cock that was on offer. She admitted she was missing Toby and longed to have him back here at our house were she could...
InterracialAmanda was a virgin with girls, but she’d had an ongoing crush on her friend from school, Nora, a quiet but deadly sensual blonde, with lips that Amanda would give anything to taste in the right moment.The girls had been flirting off and on, and per usual, Nora let girls come to her. She never pushed or pulled, coaxed or cornered. If they wanted her, and she wanted them, it would happen. She had her quiet, yet alluring ways.Amanda always imagined herself daring to make out the first time in the...
She was a goddess! His eyes were absorbing every inch of her body, every detail – from her wavy black hair, through the firmness of the rounded breasts, and her fit belly with the small shiny navel piercing. She was moving on the white leather sofa wearing only a small black bikini. He saw her gentle hand passing on top of the bikini bottom one more time right before slipping inside. Amanda was her name and she had only one tiny detail left from revealing the beauty of her nakedness. Her...
On Saturday morning, Cindy Lou slept late. She expected to attend her first sex party with Amanda, her roommate, that evening and wanted to rest up for what she hoped would be some strenuous activity. Although there were a few feelings of what might be called "performance anxiety", mostly she was really looking forward to some great fun and was confident her good looks and sexual skills would be much more than adequate.When she finally did get up and go to the kitchen for coffee, Mandy was...