MysteryWriter's Final SpringChapter 3 free porn video

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When Dee got the file for me she got a couple of things more than I bargained for. She had the medical report on June Silver. It seemed that June did not have any vaginal damage. I read back over her report of the incident. Someone, usually a female cop, always asks the victim some really personal questions. Questions about the biological aspects of the rapist and the event itself. They usually try to begin by saying that the body and the mind aren't always in sink. Is it possible that your body reacted positively to the event without your mental participation. In June Silver's case no one asked her.

However in her description of the Rapist she admitted that he was larger than average "in that way" she informed the investigator. Given that fact alone, and the nature of the event, I would have expected some tearing of the tissue. Well, I thought. I suppose it is time to do some checking on Miss Silver.

Since I was sure the detectives had spotted the same things I had, I wondered why their had been no mention of it in the follow up reports.

"Okay Dee, who the hell is Silver?" I asked it looking her dead in the eye.

"What do you mean?"

"Look, I am not the shiniest penny in the stack but I can spot a put up when I see it. So who is she that everyone is tiptoeing around.? Why is she someone that has got you out showing your boobs so that I will keep you around?"

"I was telling you the truth, sort of. The festival thing will make some interesting articles, but yeah I am hoping you will look at this."

"Ah why do you care? Odds are I won't be able to work it out. The cops have the best chance to solve this kind of thing. They are networked all over the place. And why would even that make a story?"

"The cops aren't going to look at it hard because they don't want to know what really happened. Not if it is different than June says."

"We are still down to, why is that?"

"Okay, all of that is simple. You are not from around here which is why you don't know what a big deal it is. June's grand father was a US Senator for about all his life. Her step father is the sitting Governor and may be the next president of the United States."

"You don't mean law and order Abe?" I asked cringing.

"You got it. Nobody around here is gonna look at this because even I know her story stinks."

"No it doesn't stink, it just has some inconsistencies, but so does every rape. So why me?"

"At first it was because you were a stranger who didn't know enough not to go poking into it. You are supposed to be a crime writer, so I figured what the hell. Then I did some checking after you left, before I decided to really do this."

"And what did you find out my little spook?" It was humorous at the moment. I didn't have Abe Storm on my ass yet."

"I found out that you wrote 'Lust and Murder in STX.'"

"So what, you never heard it?"

"No, but I found the review and the newspaper article on google. You and that other retired cop found a serial killer nobody even knew existed. I expect you can find out the truth about June."

"What is the truth about June?" I asked it because I thought she might know.

"Trust me Deke, If I knew I wouldn't need you. I would write it whether I caught hell for it or not. If I didn't, my dad would never forgive me."

"Good for you, I guess." I didn't smile because there seemed to be more that I didn't know. The show was over so I didn't try to begin any long conversations. I closed that book for a while but we both knew it would be open again and soon.

"So, how about I take you to dinner?" She was trying to make nice and I knew it. What I didn't know was whether I was going to throw her out on her ear or not. If she had kept Silver's identity a secret for some purpose other than getting me hooked on the mystery, then I was gonna boot her ass out that very night.

"Okay on the dinner, but we need to get a couple of things straight before we go to the campground."

"Why?" she asked.

"Because there may be just one of us going." We left her car locked and in the parking lot of the farmers market. There would be a locked gate but no guarantee that the car would be there in the morning. She was a good sport about it, or the car had ten thousand miles on it and she was ready for a new one anyway. Okay, I was being a little hard on her, but hell it was easy she had everything.

She directed me on a ten mile drive out into the country. I let her stew about what she had to do to stay part of it all. I refused to talk about it. Instead I made her sweat. The restaurant wasn't worth the ten mile drive, let alone the thirty five bucks she paid. Yes I let her pay.

The restaurant turned out to be a chain steak house. I expected that anyone else would have enjoyed the food. In my case it was just a waste of money. I would have been just as happy with pop's diner somewhere on the side of the highway and it would have cost Dee about half as much.

After dinner I ordered a second cup of coffee. I removed the delta cup from the black bag which I had brought into the restaurant. The waitress was kind enough to fill it for me. I sipped the coffee slow while I organized my mind.

"Okay, tell me what you know about June, and don't sugar coat it please."

"June's mother married the Governor before he was. She was a widow and he a widower. They met in some kind of support group. They fell in something, then married. June was already grown so she decided to move out. She got pregnant and didn't bother to get married or ask for child support, so nobody knows who the father really is. There is a lot of speculation as you might think. The governor made a big deal out of it during is second campaign. You know family values, and his daughter who chose not to abort her baby but to raise it.

"I see lots of political hay to be made from a child who gets pregnant out of wedlock."

"Got to give it to him, turn a tragedy into a campaign slogan. So how did the kid come to live here, why isn't she up in the state capitol with dear old step daddy?"

"His wife is from here, so June returned to the family home place after the kid was old enough."

"I've had about all the facts I can stand, what are the rumors?"

"There is no proof of course, but I hear June still likes her men."

"Why no proof that should be easy to prove?" I asked it as I measured the patrons in the restaurant. They were for the most part young couples on dates I expected, or maybe youngish adult yuppies just about Dee's age. Dee was in for a cultural shock if she hung around with me for the summer.

"Personally, I think." She saw me grin at the statement. "What?" she asked.

"Personally can only mean you, so 'personally I think' is redundant. I would have expected more from such a high powered reporter as you." I grinned at her and she turned red.

"Trust me old man, I don't write like I speak. I am a hick okay, but I know all the nice grammar rules."

"Old man is it, I actually like that."

"Does anything bother you?"

"Not much these days," I replied honestly. "Now back to the question at hand, why isn't it easy to prove that June Silver is still er er active?"

"Her step dad is intent on keeping it quiet. You know his campaign is pretty much based on my little girl made a mistake and she is paying. We have a wonderful grandson regardless of how he was conceived. All that falls to hell if she is just shall we say a loose woman."

"If she is still sleeping around, and he is hiding it, I expect it is more than just the occasional lover. Since Clinton lowered the bar, not too much shocks the electorate. Besides she is just a step daughter. No I expect there is more to it than just a man now and then."

"What do you mean?" Dee asked.

"I don't know exactly what I mean, Yet, but we will."

"Oh, so it is we now?" she was smiling just a little to much.

"Look Dee, I am not sure how smart you are, but I can't go everywhere, and I can't ask questions that will get real answers. At least not from some people, but you can. So sweetie you just lost your passenger status on this train. Like it or not, you are a partner as long as you decide to stay. If it gets too rough for you, just meld into the forest."

"Nice illusion there old man."

"It's my stock and trade sweetie." I finished the coffee dropped a five on the table as a tip, then handed Dee the bill." I grinned my best grin as I stumbled to my feet. While she paid the bill, I took the blue delta coffee cup to the waitress station. I didn't bother waiting for a waitress, I just filled the cup from one of the pots on the burner. I figured a ten cent refill wasn't much of an expense when they had just gouged the hell out of Dee for that meal.

She waited until we were in the van before she began. I let her drive because it was dark and I didn't know the roads at all. It was also not a good feeling to have my hands busy while in the darkness with a stranger. Better she have her hands occupied, I thought. Before we could drive off into the night, I had to get out in the parking lot filled with BMW type cars. I had to again clear the fuel line. I should have been embarrassed but I grinned like an idiot at the yuppie couple who was parked next to me.

"So Old Man, what do you think about our little rape?" Dee asked it when I returned to the idling van.

"I don't know what to think yet."

"Come on Old Man, you know it isn't for real. Her story stinks."

"Let me tell you something, when a real cop jumps to a conclusion he begins trying to make the fact fit his belief. Invariably it catches up with him. What you have to do is just let it unfold and collect information. It is like a mosaic. Eventually you see the picture, but not till you have lots of pieces. Now back this van out carefully and lets find that campground again."

We were out of the parking lot headed back to the small town when I remembered. "Stop at the next convenience store, I need ice."

I was sitting by the lake in the dark with the bottle of Jack Daniels by my side and glass of ice in hand when she asked, "So where do we begin?"

"Hell, I haven't a clue. Can you get me a decent picture of June. One that doesn't show her looking like hell."

"I might why?"

"If we find anybody who might know something, I want a positive ID on her. Besides we might look in places they don't know her by name. Lots of people use a different name when they are trying to hide something."

"What do you think she is trying to hide?" Dee was all excited. I hated to burst her bubble but what the hell, I was running in a vicious mood. For one thing nothing was going to impress her, for another I didn't give a crap if I pissed her off. If she left to might be a good thing.

"I don't have a clue, but I still need that picture."

"Let me think," she replied. With that she grew quiet while I drank my bourbon and smoked the cigar. The strong tobacco smell hid the smell of burning carpet pretty well. Before Dee spoke to me again she opened her cell phone.

"Hi Mike is Lois there," she paused before going on. "Mike, I know what you think of me but I need to talk to Lois it is business." She waited a minute with an angry look on her face. She avoided my eyes so I dropped it.

"Lois honey, tell your husband to get over it will you... I know sweetie but hell that was before you met him... Has your boss ever made a portrait of June Silver and her Kid?... Okay check for me tomorrow do you still have my cell number? Okay and thanks sweetie I still miss you."

I looked at her curiously. She shrugged then said, "Evelyn owns the only portrait studio for at least fifty miles. I expect she has a negative with June Silver somewhere. If she does, Lois will swipe it and we can have a print made."

"Okay you have till Wednesday night. Thursday morning I am leaving for Harrisburg and the next show. Of we don't have a definite course by then I am not coming back. You might want to figure out how you are going to get home from Harrisburg."

"And if we have a clue?"

"It is only a half day drive back from Harrisburg. Now I am going to bed."

"I thought you were a hard drinking writer?"

"I was once, these days I am a hard sleeping writer. Since you didn't bring a bedroll, you are going to have a pretty miserable night. In the morning, if you want to stay, we can stop by to let you buy something. In the meantime you have a choice."

"Oh what is the choice?"

"You can sleep in the van or in the tent, which we still to setup in the dark. You can have the comforter and half the ground pad for one night. It is supposed to be warm anyway."

"I think I will stay in the van. Sounds like it would be safer, since this is the site of the horrific rape." her voice dripped sarcasm.

"Let's get that tent up then." She did an adequate job of holding the lantern for me while I drove the stakes into the ground. The plastic bag that passed itself off as a tent was up in minutes. I loaded the boxes from the van into it. To be honest Dee helped once she noticed how badly I stumbled around in the dark. I wasn't all that impressed since they weren't very heavy anyway.

I slipped into the sleeping bag on half the amount of foam I usually used. Still I drifted off to sleep. I awoke cold sometime in then night. Not long afterward I felt Dee tugging at my sweat shirt sleeve. "Deke, I'm too cold to sleep."

"Get your bedroll," I demanded. I put her half of the foam pad beside mine. I unzipped the sleeping bag to make a double blanket of it, then I spread the comforter over it. She slipped into the makeshift bed beside me. It was much warmer for me and for her too I expect.

I was almost asleep again when she pushed against me for the body heat. I ignored her as I drifted off into the darkness. For the first night in months I looked forward to waking up.

"Wake up old man, I have to go to the bathroom, and I am not going up there alone."

"Why not, you said June's story stank?" I asked ready to roll back over.

"You are the one who told me not to jump to conclusions, so get you old ass up and lets go to the bathroom."

When I looked out I noted that the sky was light but the sun had not risen. "It is light out there you can make it to the bathroom without any danger."

"Get your ass up or I am gonna pee in the bed." That did it, I woke up. I found my pants on the floor of the tent just where I had left them.

I was wide awake when I returned. I also had clean teeth, so I was pretty much ready to start the day. I wouldn't be in the shower until the sun was much higher in the sky. Starting the charcoal was a chore I really did enjoy. It had to do with the whole macho thing I expect. From one of the boxes in the tent, I removed the grill. It went onto the picnic table provided by every campground I ever used.

I went back to the same box for a plastic bag containing seven charcoal briquettes, a handful of shredded paper from my security shredder at home, several pieces of scrap wood from my scrap pile also found in the rear of my house. I had pretty much cleaned out both before I left, even so it wouldn't be enough for the whole summer. I didn't expect any of the ingredients would be hard to replace. The fire in the miniature grill took a few minutes to catch but it was inevitable that it would, so I sat patiently looking at the lake.

I was intentionally ignoring Dee. It might have been fun to watch her trying to get ready for the day under the primitive conditions, but it also might have been dangerous. Somewhere in the night I found the sweet little Dee traveled with a very small revolver tucked away. She had laid it by the makeshift bed on the floor of the tent. I certainly hoped it wasn't for protection from me. If it was, she was wasting space in her bag. Unlike June's attacker, I knew how to accept no.

"So what is on for today," she asked.

"You are going to find the negative and make me a picture. I am going to sit on my fat ass and make replacement CDs. I will give the problem some thought while I do it." I went to breakfast with her before I drove her to her car. She had things to do that would be difficult enough without the van breaking down on her.

Over our eggs, I gave her some other chores. I remembered when I was first married to the Ex. We would pack her brat off to a friend or relatives house. Then we would go out for the evening or stay home and have wild sex. "Find out where June goes when she has a night off from being mom."

"What do you mean?"

"When she goes out, find out what club or restaurant she frequents. Ask her neighbors, if there are any strange things happening around her place."

"You want me to go around talking to a rape victims neighbors?"

"Sure, what did you think? Surely you didn't think that I was going to look in a crystal ball for you. Hell, this is your mystery not mine. I am here to sell books."

"So what are you going to be, my consultant."

"Exactly, and if you solve this, you don't even have to give me any credit. I'll Just write about it." That remark didn't strike me funny for a full five minutes. When it did, I laughed out of place. Dee just looked at me as if I were insane, I probably was at least on the edge of insanity.

"So what should I ask the neighbors."

"Come on you are a reporter you know what to ask." She suddenly had me curious about what kind of reporter she was.

"Listen Deke, we don't have any hard news in a town this size. I have never really done more than rewrite police reports. I am a little out of my depth here."

"Okay probe gently till you find a neighbor who has an axe to grind. Then prod them for all the info they can give you about her personal life. If you can find the babysitter, then you might be able to get the phone number at least of where she could be reached in an emergency."

"What do I tell them if they ask why I am investigating the victim of the rape?"

"Why honey, you are helping the police. We all want to get to the bottom of this thing. Dee you are the local, you have to get us a place to start."

"And you are gonna sit here and make CDs?"

"I am here on a book tour of sorts, so yes that is exactly what I am gonna do. I can make three copies of a book in thirty minutes so I am gonna be all this day and maybe tomorrow to. I am going to replace all I sold before I do anything else. You are going to have to do most of the leg work or go on home." I actually hoped that she would stay, since the customers loved her skimpy outfit the day before. With a little convincing, I could have her shilling for me. I have no idea why I cared, since I was no longer in it for the money. It was an ego thing by that time.

"Okay old man, how about I get a city directory and we use my cell phone to talk to these people. You could listen to my end at least and help me out some."

"Let me see your phone." When she handed it to me, I found what I had hoped to find. "While you are in town go by radio shack. Tell them you want a power speaker with the end to fit this phone. Get it and I can listen in the conversations. If the power speaker has the wrong end tell them to look for an adapter. I know they make one for it."

Dee left anxious to get started since I had saved her from any face to face interviews. I expected that she would be better on the phone anyway. At first most of the work was canvassing so it wouldn't matter. If it got real, I would go with her to help with the face to face.

After she left, I cranked up the old, off lease computer that I had rebuilt into a three copy burner. With the set of master CDs in hand I began making copies of the MP3 files. Even with the three in one copier it was slow going. I made three copies at once but I was usually forced to burn four CDs for each novel. I did have enough time to print the labels on the label maker while it worked The labels were self sticking paper but I had the little machine to make them independently of the computer.

By the time Dee returned, I had finished six copies of Deacon's Song. The copier was busy working on Gambler's Run. I needed only two copies but I made three just because I could. A little extra and I would be able to sell one or two copies at the next show and not even bother to redo that title.

"So what do you know?" I asked it smiling at her. I had no idea how much she would have accomplished. It could be a great deal or nothing at all. As usually was the case it fell somewhere between the two extremes.

"Well the neighbors tell me there is something strange about her comings and goings."

"How so?"

"When her son is away for the weekend a very large black car picks her up."

"You mean a Limo?" I was a little surprised by that.

"No it is town car but all blacked out. The driver wears a uniform."

"Somebody's chauffeur?" It was more a muse then a question.

"I asked that and got a kind of funny look. They all thought that it was a rental car. You know like one of those big city things."

"Now that is strange." I noted her curious look. "Small town girl getting picked up by a car and driver. Did anyone know when she came back?"

"The middle of the day on Sunday?" Dee replied thoughtfully.

"Same car?"

"No that is why they thought it might be a rental. Sometimes it is a different car and driver." She obviously read my mind.

"Not like the governors private driver."

"Ah okay, did you find the babysitter?"

"She never goes out just for an evening. She just goes out on overnight trips. So no babysitter as such. She has a girlfriend who takes the kid for sleep overs with her own kid."

"I am sure they are way to close for her to give you a number to reach the mother."

"True, but then her phone records are in this brown envelope. I also have the dates the kid was at her house."

"That has to be illegal," I said. Then added, "Good work." She looked pleased with herself.

"My thinking is that if there was a private car from the big city, she met somebody there."

"I agreed. Now lets see who she called on those weekends, if anyone at all," I suggested.

The records didn't give up anything for a long time. I was getting pretty tired of looking, since I saw two of them anyway. Looking with one eye closed was a bitch. It turned out to be Dee who found it anyway.

"She called Charlotte three times over this one twenty four hour period. The kid was at her house and I didn't see it on any of the other bills. I think this is the one Old Man."

"So let's see your cell phone. You do have free long distance don't you?"

"And a ton of unused minutes," she added. She quickly hooked up the speaker then plugged it into the power strip that I used for the computer. She dialed the number while we both waited impatiently.

I have no idea what we expected to hear but certainly not what we did. The voice whoever it was rattled off about a hundred words in Spanish. I had no idea what he was saying. Dee managed to catch a few words. Mostly it was call back later. I summarized we had gotten the cleaning crew. A cleaning crew at three P.M. on a Monday afternoon was unusual. It had to be a bar or nightclub I thought.

"What times were those calls?" I asked.

"Ten P.M., two A.M., and seven A.M.," she replied. It took her a second to connect the dots. "If that is a bar what the hell was she doing there all night. So obviously it isn't a bar." I smiled my agreement.

"Get somebody on the phone who has a crisscross and find out where that number is located." Dee was on the phone a good ten minutes some of it begging some of it threatening and some of it just generally hell raising. In the end she got an address in Charlotte.

"Well Old Man, it is a two hour drive can your van make it or should we take my car."

"The van has to make it, I am not about to leave all my worldly belongings unattended in a campground. That is unless you want to go alone."

"No way old man, you've got the devious mind here. I am just a sweet innocent girl."

"My ass," I replied.

"No thanks old man."

"So give it a week to cool off and we will check out the Charlotte connection."

"What the hell do you mean give it a week?"

"Our, or at least my, next stop is in Virginia. There is a festival on Saturday and I need to make more CDs for it. So unless you want to go alone, I am going to have to put it off until after the festival on Saturday and Sunday this week. We can leave from the festival then drive straight to Charlotte."

"Well that just sucks," she said.

"I know, life do tend to get in the way honey lamb." I smiled my most condescending smile at her. In returned she gave me the universal sign of disapproval as they say in the papers, the sign of the single digit.

"So why aren't you making CDs?"

"I got bored with it, but I will go back to it."

"You need to get back to it now. I don't want that as an excuse again."

"Dee, shut the fuck up. You have no idea what I do or how I do it. Dogs crap on your kind of writing." No, it hadn't been kind, but hell it was too late for me to be kind. If I expected her to be hurt and slink off to lick her wounds, I would have been very much mistaken. Dee was a fighter of epic proportions.

"Why you arrogant, pompous ass. What the fuck makes you think what you do is writing. You go to festivals and sell this shit knowing no buyer will ever see you again. Your stuff probably stinks so bad that no one ever buys a second time." I smiled at her as I bent to remove a nylon zipper case from my box. It was the kind that artist use to carry their pictures. The three ring binder part had been removed. Instead the case was filled with envelopes attached to mostly hand written letters.

"Here take a look at some of the people who never buy anything from me again. These are the ones who ordered again, the comment only letters are in the trash." She was so angry she didn't bother to read, she stomped off to the bathhouse instead. It seemed Dee didn't want to stay and fight after all.

I mixed a weak drink as I began dinner. Without her input, I chose a couple of cans of beef stew. My one pot would be filled to the brim, it was a small pot. I had bought a loaf of french bread during my last trip to the store so I planned to have that with the stew.

Dee walked back to the campsite while the fire was catching. "Okay, ass we need to come to some understanding," she said.

"No we don't. If you can't tolerate my opinionated ass, then you need to fire up that yellow hornet of yours and leave." I turned my attention back to the 24oz coke cup with a half once of bourbon in it. Just there for the taste you know.

"You are a prick but you are also my best hope. Not to mention the articles from the road are going to get me some attention even if we don't get anything on June. No old man, I think I will just hang out with you."

"Then get a grip," I replied.

"I can take your opinionated ass I guess. Now what about sleeping tonight, I didn't care for the waking up cold last time."

"Then go buy yourself more cover and a pad of your own. I want mine back."

"How about I go buy myself a pad and we share the covers. I am a city girl, this place gives me the creeps." She did look as though she had missed a lot of sleep the night before.

"Then go to Wal-Mart and buy yourself a mattress pad like mine and a light weight sleeping bag. It will soon be too hot for it, but in the mean time you need something to sleep in that will make you feel secure."

"I felt secure last night, how about I just buy the pad and we do what we did last night."

"If you aren't worried about being raped by an old man?"

"Not at all, I don't think you can even get it up. Besides I have a friend."

"I know I saw it."

"I meant for you to see it. Now that we have settled that, I am going to go shopping, can I get you anything."

"Sure something moderately sexy, since you are such a good salesman." I laughed so she could take the remark anyway she wanted.

"Fair enough," she replied as she turned her back to me and headed for the car. "I'll bring some real food. Put those cans away." She stopped along the way to pick up my ice chest. It filled the trunk of her car completely. That car would have been useless even if I had let her take it along.

Since I didn't need to be sober to eat take out, I poured myself another light drink. I also didn't need to be falling down drunk. I debated hooking the computer to the internet but decided against it. I could do the PayPal refunds when I hadn't been drinking. I didn't plan to fill anymore mail orders. I didn't have the time or the inclination to sit around all day making copies. Since I had the Visa card, I didn't really need the money. I was also greatly surprised to find how well the festival sales were going. In the two festivals so far I had sold about fifty books. At ten bucks a book I wasn't doing too bad. I could at least cover expenses, should I decide to pay off the card. I might do that after all, hell like they say, you cant take it with you.

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I made love to Katherine that night, and saw her, and Cindy off the next morning. I gave them both a hug, and kiss goodbye. Katherine told me to have fun with Candice while I was here, and that she would see me back home in L.A. in a few weeks. Then she smiled, and winked before heading to catch her flight. I drove home sad. Sure, I had permission to sleep with other girls, but I really missed just spending time with Katherine, and felt a little empty whenever she wasn't around. Even the...

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my brothers girlfriend part 2 final1

“Hey Mike, how’s it going?” She asked. “Um… it’s going good. Are you going swimming again right now?” I replied. “I wasn’t going to, but I will if you come with me,” she answered. I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was, I saw the sly smile from the corner of her lip. “Ya sure, my parents are at work and Matt’s at his new job working at Sears.”I replied back. “Alright meet me in the pool in 30 minutes, oh and Mike, put on something sexy.” She said as she bit her lip. She looked so...

2 years ago
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my brothers girlfriend part 2 final0

“Hey Mike, how’s it going?” She asked. “Um… it’s going good. Are you going swimming again right now?” I replied. “I wasn’t going to, but I will if you come with me,” she answered. I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was, I saw the sly smile from the corner of her lip. “Ya sure, my parents are at work and Matt’s at his new job working at Sears.”I replied back. “Alright meet me in the pool in 30 minutes, oh and Mike, put on something sexy.” She said as she bit her lip. She looked so...

3 years ago
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aunty takes good care of mefinal part

i know i keep on about my aunty betty but every boy should have one just like her.i wasnt a virgin but i had the best time with aunty. she was a great previous encounters(if you can call them that) were wham bam thank you mam,but i guess all young guys are like that.instead with aunty she took time and although she said it wasnt effort it must have been.she did so much for my sexual education i cant thank her enough. she laid me flat on her bed and got her sissors and

4 years ago
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aunty takes good care of mefinal part

i know i keep on about my aunty betty but every boy should have onejust like her.i wasnt a virgin but i had the best time with aunty.she was a great previous encounters(if you can call them that)were wham bam thank you mam,but i guess all young guys are like that.insteadwith aunty she took time and although she said it wasnt effort it must havebeen.she did so much for my sexual education i cant thank her enough.she laid me flat on her bed and got her sissors and first i...

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Anniversary DelightsChapter 19 Morning Before The First Finalist

Although Alima ate it naked, dinner was a very relaxed and western occasion since she was actually required to sit and eat with the Emir, instead of being under the table playing with his prick, as she had been on a number of occasions. The conversation was almost normal, by western standards, because they discussed the two sons and a daughter they had produced in the five years she had been his wife. He explained that the competition was more wearing than he had thought it would be, with...

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Anniversary DelightsChapter 21 Afternoon Of The Day Of The Second Finalist

The Emir lunched the next day with his other English wife. They chatted like any English couple who have been married for five years, but all that changed when she commented that her daughter, Alima wanted another child and had complained to her that he didn't fuck her properly any more. "If I choose to use her arse, that's my business," he said, rising from the table. Taking her arm he threw her on the bed face up, and released the neck of her silken dressing gown. Laying it back out...

5 years ago
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Finals Frenzy

“God he is cute.” I think to myself as I watch him walk in front of me. I try not to be obvious as my eyes trail up his figure and settle on his face. I catch myself ogling at him and a small blush crosses my cheeks. My fingers dance across the keyboard of my phone in an attempt to distract myself. “Hottie Alert!” Message sent to Alyssa. I quickly text my bestie, while stepping behind him. We were standing in line at the university’s coffee shop. It was finals season and the trail of sleep...

College Sex
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My So Called Sex Life The Finale

'My So Called Sex Life - The Finale' An authorized biographical trip through one woman's experiences and fantasiesBy DizzyD Forward by Lexi:Hi Guys, it's Lexi. Well this is it, and while I'm glad you're about to read the final chapter of my story, I'm sad that my collaboration with the sweetest guy in the world is coming to an end. I think DizzyD and I have shared a thousand emails, PM's, phone conversations and video chats since this started, and even though we've never physically met, I...

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Sissy the Redhead The College Plan Pt VII The Finale

Introduction: the last, unless you want a prequel Sissy the Redhead: The College Plan Pt VII: The Finale The last few weeks have been unreal. That night after my mom confronted Charlotte about everything, Jim had come home. Charlotte and Mom sat him down and explained that he was basically going to be providing for all of us now, but there were two tradeoffs. First, he and his wife wouldnt have to go jail, and second, he had three women to choose from whenever he wanted them. Sure, he would...

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Power Chapter Fifteen Finals

CHAPTER 15: Finals And in answer to your next question, no, I’ve never fucked a chicken I had to study a lot for my History final. The other courses were a breeze, even Music Theory. Ultimately it was like math, just another way to express concepts. Mrs. Toyoda’s heavy accent had made history classwork difficult. I had A’s in all courses but that. I had a C in History, and the final would make a big difference. The Psych Department called and said I had a paying job for a final exam....

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Power Chapter Fifteen Finals

CHAPTER 15: Finals And in answer to your next question, no, I've never fucked a chicken I had to study a lot for my History final. The other courses were a breeze, even Music Theory. Ultimately it was like math, just another way to express concepts. Mrs. Toyoda’s heavy accent had made history classwork difficult. I had A’s in all courses but that. I had a C in History, and the final would make a big difference. The Psych Department called and said I had a paying job for a final exam....

2 years ago
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Princess of Castile chapter 16 Final Chapter part 1 of 2

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. Chapter 16, final chapter, part 1 of 2. This is part one of the final chapter of Princess of Aragon. Natalia is pushed to make a final choice to the course of her life. What will she have to surrender and what will she get with it?...

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My Final Fantasy Part IVReality

My Final Fantasy: Part IV— Reality Well tonight is the big party that John and Marella have been planning for his new business launch in Durham. Marella is the sexy young nineteen-year-old student John has hired part time to live in his house and help him take care of the large property. When we last left our two characters it was mid-day on a hot sunny day and John was poolside at his large country home having been trapped in a verbal conundrum by the ever so smart and even more flirtatious...

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My Final Fantasy Part IVReality

My Final Fantasy: Part IV— Reality Well tonight is the big party that John and Marella have been planning for his new business launch in Durham. Marella is the sexy young nineteen-year-old student John has hired part time to live in his house and help him take care of the large property. When we last left our two characters it was mid-day on a hot sunny day and John was poolside at his large country home having been trapped in a verbal conundrum by the ever so smart and even more flirtatious...

Straight Sex
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Princess of Castile chapter 16 part 2 of 2 Final Chapter

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This is the final chapter. Chapter 16 Susan and Alejandra meet and finalize things within her family. Alejandra deals with her husband once and for all as Natalia feminalizes things within her new life and husband Anthony as he finds out what awates him as Natalias husband in the Castile Empire Part Two of two The look on Susan's face was one of intense pride and approval as she saw her new stepdaughter. She had known of Alejandra since...

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New Blood Part 2 Finale

Heather fell asleep in Kelly's lap and had to be transferred to her grandmother's lap so Kelly to get up. Heather hugged April tightly, with Kelly struggling to not cry as Heather showed that she cared a lot about her grandmother without realizing it. April hugged her back, feeling the same warmth of the love that Heather was showing and enjoying her granddaughter giving her sleepy affection. Kelly moved Heather to her room and tucked her in bed, with Heather hugging her favorite...

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Angel S1 E16 Season One Finale The Hero and the Terror Part II

Angel S:1 E:16 Season One Finale "The Hero and the Terror Part II" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover --- Acknowledgments Back in August of 2013, I began writing my first ideas that had been occupying my mind for years. Looking back to that night, seated in front of my computer when I began typing "Angel's" first couple words, I never thought it would become something to so many people. After several revisions I finally reached...

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Liu Kang finaly propose to Kitana

Chapter 1: Liu Kang finaly propose to Kitana Chapter Text "Liu had been sitting in his room thinking of how to purpose to Kitana. He wanted to very much marry the gorgeous Princes and have a life with her for ever. But true be told it seemed to be harder then he thought to get up the strength to ask her. He was still thinking when Jax and Jonny Cage walked in asking if everything was ok? Listen I'm not ok right now? By the was Liu way are you avoiding Kitana every time? She seems to think your...

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It's a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn't changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful c***dren and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to allow them back in....

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44. FINAL Reminiscences from the manor estate SEX AND MY AMAZING WIFE. PART C[SEE ALSO 42 AND 43 FIRST] My wife a month or so later began to show signs that she was somewhat unwell, our family GP sent her for tests, and she decided to delay her next planned episode so I knew she was in trouble, (not that it would have been a good idea to appear at the hospital with assorted whip marks!) The test results must have had him worried as the old chap [he was near retirement], sent her rapidly...

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The Cruise Singer Finale

After waking, we cleansed ourselves in the spacious hotel shower, washing, caressing and debating where to go on our sightseeing trek. Monique wanted to go home and get a few changes of clothes if she were going to remain with us at the hotel. The only problem was getting her in and out without the staff seeing her. After we finished bathing, we got dressed and continued contemplating our day. I went online and discovered the charge for a third person wasn't as much as we had thought. So, to...

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My Final Fantasy Part IIIThe Awakening

My Final Fantasy: Part III— The Awakening When we last left our two characters John was engaged in a long business telephone call inside the house and Marella was on the deck ostensibly looking at the up-coming dinner’s budget. Intrigued by a file named “Final Fantasy” on the far right of John’s computer screen Marella can’t resist the temptation to pry and has clicked open the file. Marella has begun to read John’s Final Fantasy story. As Marella reads she keeps shifting her eyes up and keeps...

Love Stories
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Sissy the Redhead The College Plan Pt VII The Finale

The last few weeks have been unreal. That night after my mom confronted Charlotte about everything, Jim had come home. Charlotte and Mom sat him down and explained that he was basically going to be providing for all of us now, but there were two tradeoffs. First, he and his wife wouldn’t have to go jail, and second, he had three women to choose from whenever he wanted them. Sure, he would have to share them all with my sixteen year old brother, Luke, but he didn’t seem to mind at all. ...

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A Final Fuck

As I wrapped my gloss smudged velvety soft lips around his pulsing hardness, slipping his bulbous reddish head into my timid mouth, a small tear gathered in the corner of my eye. I felt empty, vacuous almost, an empty vessel with a beating heart, but I still wanted this final time together. I wanted to at least offer him this final gift for being so sweet to me for two years. I had been lucky to have such a wonderful man take my virginity and teach me things I needed to learn as I transitioned...

2 years ago
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A Final Fuck

As I wrapped my gloss smudged velvety soft lips around his pulsing hardness, slipping his bulbous reddish head into my timid mouth, a small tear gathered in the corner of my eye. I felt empty, vacuous almost; an empty vessel with a beating heart, but I still wanted this final time together. I wanted to at least offer him this final gift for being so sweet to me for two years. I had been lucky to have such a wonderful man take my virginity and teach me things I needed to learn as I transitioned...

Love Stories
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Morning After the Night Before Part Four Finale

Morning After The Night Before Part Four Finale We come to the final part of the tale of Olive and Samantha to discover what has happened following the events of Halloween. Once again I wish to give a BIG thanks to my friend Chris for taken his time to review, edit and comment with the whole story and not just this finale Chapter, even with his computer files getting corrupted just before his normal backup, these things never happen after the back up do they, Chris was still able to...

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How Traditions Start part 20 and final

After over two years and countless weeks of working on this series I am both glad and sad to see it conclude. I would like to thank everyone who joined myself and the Fletcher family on this journey. Thanks to all those who read the series, rated it and especially to those who commented and urged me to keep writing. It wasn't always easy, other projects and life in general often got me sidetracked but I was intent on seeing it through and glad that I did. If I offended anyone who read this...

3 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 27 The Final Adjustments

(When all sisters were focused on me) The evening milking became my favorite with four nymphs and according sex. It wasn’t that I loved to do any one of them more than Lilly. It was just because I was busy pretty much nonstop, time flew by and I was treated to soothing and loving care by all of them. I was even fucking beautiful much appreciative Branch in the round robin of milking taking my turn with her as well, fucking times four down the line. My penis was very happy. I knew so much...

2 years ago
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Finality irishmik60 It’s a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn’t changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful children and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to...

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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 15 The Final Exam

Emily barges in Tommy’s room without so much of applying a courtesy knock. Walking right in, she sees Tommy at his desk studying and doing his homework like her good little slave. “Good, I see you’re doing your homework. By the way, how are those grades coming?” She asks. Tommy was a little perturbed, ever since they made this agreement, Emily thought she had the right to walk into his room whenever she wanted to, which considering the agreement, he guessed she did. But it was still...

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The Final Gamble

My gambling addiction had landed me in serious trouble, but now I'd been offered a way out, a final gamble. But I didn't realise I was gambling away my identity - or who I'd become when I had. THE FINAL GAMBLE by BobH (c) 2013. - 1 - "What do you do?" It's something we all ask when making small talk with someone we've just met. My reply to that question always gets a chuckle. "I'm in ladies' underwear," I say, adding as the chuckle...

3 years ago
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Final Four Chapter 1

Cliff and his sister Tammy sat in the family room watching the college basketball finals.  It was the first round of March Madness.  Tammy cheered for her favorite team as they beat their opponent.“They’re going all the way,” Tammy said to her brother.“If you say so.  You know I’m not into college basketball like you are.  As far as them going all the way, it’s a long road,” Cliff said.  He picked up the remote and changed the channel to a fishing show.Tammy sat back, smiled, and said, “I’ll...

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Any chance of a final shag

Any chance of a final shag?I stood at the doorway oblivious to the high wind and rain that swept through the ajar door. I watched Katie walk along the pathway like a model along the walkway. She got into her car without looking back. As she turned over the engine she finally looked towards me and smiled before waving goodbye. To most observers it looked like an innocent wave from a friend leaving after a simple cup of coffee. To both myself and Katie it was much more. It had been an attempt to...

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My Final Fantasy Part IIFantasy Reality

My Final Fantasy: Part II—Fantasy and Reality Collide When we left John his new part time help, the vivacious and sexy “Marella”, had turned into somewhat of an obsession for him. John had discovered the time wasting activity of writing erotic fantasy stories and Marella had become his muse. The story continues….. Well the next four or five weeks flew by. John became increasingly impressed as Marella settled into the house and “took charge”. Everything seemed to go without a hitch and she...

Love Stories
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Love Me til Dawn The Final Chapters

It was not for another four months before Alice had Lorraine alone to herself again and in a position to discuss it with her.Upon their return from San Monique she had begun an intensive management course designed to give her the basic knowledge she needed. She would never need to do any bookkeeping but it was vital that she could interpret the accounts. Alice had some experience in her previous job as a clerk that helped her understand the accounts sufficiently. She was taught the different...

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106.GRANS FINAL FLING.Iif you havent before read stories 100 to 105 first to appriciate this piece fully.] Rose sat in the conservatory, it was late January and she was watching the last snow outside building against the fence. She knew in her heart that it was the last time she would watch snow. The thaw was forecast and she knew she would not see another English winter. She also knew our fun and games with he had ceased so her marks would fade, She sighed, picked up her pen and in her neat...

2 years ago
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Sunny The Final Chapter

My series of stories featuring Sunny have been well-received by readers, judging from the feedback I have received. She was one of the truly unforgettable women in my life and a gifted fellatrix. Ironically, I doubt seriously that she understands that. I invite all readers to read this final Sunny story, vote on it and provide commentary on it or any of my other stories. My relationship with Sunny ended one day in the mid 80’s when it became apparent to me that she had taken a life path that I...

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Teaching Sally The Final Lesson

Teaching Sally, the final LessonIf you read my previous 2 stories. You will remember that as a high school teacher who has suffered through being teased by the young hotties in my class I was frustrated but I never came on to any of my students. However, a former student, a recent graduate, named Sally approached me and confessed her crush on me and how she wanted me to teach her all about sex before she went off to college. And we met and had an incredible “lesson” with me showing how...

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Living the Fantasy Part 1 A Final fantasy Vii story

After everything that had happened. Sephiroth, Jenova, the threat to the planet from their activities, SHINRA had done a complete 180 and began providing energy through some new method or other by harvesting Nuclear energy. Oh sure, the research and development team were all about the supposed military applications but the rest of Gaia were just happy to have their electricity and energy without having to kill their own planet. Unfortunately, the story of life didn't end on a high note. No,...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Twelve Miss Marks Final Punishment

Lauren Dickson packed her things into her sports bag before checking that she had everything and turning her attention to her handbag. She smiled as she found her mobile phone and car keys which were lying under her collection of cards, makeup, tissues and other items. She closed the zip on the bag and placed it over her right shoulder. Lauren picked up her sports bag in her right hand and walked out of the staff changing room, turning and locking the door with her key. The young PE Mistress...

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God is a Slut Chapter 8 The Final Test2

GOD Anna and I sat in the lavish theatre room of my hotel in hell. Freshly buttered popcorn slickened our fingers and lips and crunched loudly between our teeth. The large projection screen displayed the dinner date between Lucy and Rachel in crystal clarity. It was shown to us as an actual movie, with differing camera angles and clear sound production. The two lead actresses of this production sat across from each other at the table, their postures leaning forward as their eyes locked....

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The JerseyFinal Four Fun

Morgan couldn't believe it, she won a radio contest. All she had to do was answer a question on college basketball. Didn't everyone know that UCLA had more Men's Titles then any other school. Now she won the contest and on Wednesday her and a guest were going to fly to Atlanta for the 2002 Men's final four and even get to attend the player interviews during the week. Morgan couldn't wait to tell Nick, Elliot and Coleman about it. Morgan loved basketball and even made the H.S. team as a...

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Shadowsblade Testing finals

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

4 years ago
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The Best Week of My Life Chapter 4 The Final Weekend

THE BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE CHAPTER 4 - THE FINAL WEEKEND Not surprisingly the morning after the dance found Bobbie sleeping late. Eventually her Mother woke her with a cup of tea. "Time to get up, the morning is half gone" Mrs Harris announced. "I have just had a phone call from Mrs Sanders asking if she and Sally can come round this afternoon to return the clothes you loaned to "Stan". We need to wash Sally's things this morning so that we can return them to her as well. I know you...

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The Final Switch

The Final Switch A few words on the following include a warning that this is for ADULTS ONLY, and only where local customs permit. If content of an extreme nature easily offend, please read no further. Also, the following is intended for your use only and any further distribution of the same is not permitted unless you have the author?s express permission.Thank you. Faibhar    The Final Switch   It, he decided, was time. Little did he realize that this sea-changing ?switch? was to...

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Final Year Project

Final Year Project Per & Dorothy (Dor) are final year students living in London, Per is Swedishfinishing a degree in Media & Communications (which gives him a lot offree time) and Dor is finishing a degree in Fashion. Dor is a full time Gothand dresses in Goth fashion at all times. Per has been working at a club forthe last two years which twice a month holds a Bondage / Fetish night.  AsPer can get her in for free Dor went along for a look and soon found that shewas into the bondage scene. As...

2 years ago
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Final Decision

Final Request We had been living together for 6 months. Things were great. Our sex life had been wonderful. We were willing to try just about anything. Brittany always was willing to dress as I requested. I loved to have her in 4" heels, garter belt and nylons. A short skirt with a belly shirt to show off her flat tight stomach. At night she always wore sexy lingerie. Brittany is 5"6, 110 pounds, 36C 22 34. Her legs are to die for and her long blond hair finishes the perfect...

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Daughters DelightsChapter 19 Finals

Then the sky fell in for both of the girls. Suddenly it was Finals Week – the dreaded examinations which would label each student for life. All their hard work seemed to have left a complete vacuum in their memories. Then the examinations were over, and the May Ball loomed large. Much jollification was in evidence, mostly forced merriment as the strain of waiting for the examination results took its toll. Sharifa spent several days hopping in and out of various beds and drinking a lot....

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Hung Wallpaper Man Fucks My Wife Final Chapter

Hung Wallpaper Man Fucks My Wife, Final ChapterI’ve told you several true stories about my sexy wife Ann, fucking my best friend, and also how she attempted to seduce a guy named Bill, who she tired to hang wallpaper in our house. She didn't know anything about him before hiring him for that first job, but when he showed up to take measurements for how much wallpaper he would need, and to give Ann a quote for the job, let's just say she noticed something. That something, was an enormous cock...

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On Her Own Part 5 Finale

The gravity of having two people that she had wished were her own parents want to do exactly as she had wished hit her hard. Anita had a mother and a father to love her, a brother to talk to and be there for when things were tough, and a husband who was infatuated with her. She had everything that she ever wanted and was feeling like she had won the lottery in life. Anita needed a while to recover so the Marshalls moved on to Pierre and his gift. He just laughed at the gift they were...

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My Love The Final Chapter

“I do,” I said nervously as the entire room watched me. Time seemed to freeze for a few moments as we both stood there at the altar. I gazed into Kyle’s eyes, as always, they were big and beautiful. I had always had a thing for baby blues and even now they had me mesmerised. His short, spiky brown hair went well with his suit and slim physique. He was my perfect man and I felt like the luckiest woman on Earth as we stood there in front of our family and friends. “I now pronounce you husband...

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