Steward's Third MissionChapter 7: Re-Attachment free porn video

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Of course, I came to seeing the lid of a medtube sliding back. I sat up, buck nekkid, to a group of people standing around watching like they had never seen a medtube open before. Four of them hadn’t.

Ruth and Yoo Jin were there, of course, as were several high-ranking Navy Intelligence officers, the Marine squad leader that had given me the pistol, and, most embarrassingly, Frank, Anne, and Obie Henderson, and standing behind them, wringing her hands, Consuela their housekeeper.

“Uh, folks, I don’t mind being naked,” I said, “but unless you’ve paid the barker his nickel, you probably don’t want to see this peep show.”

The group laughed and Anne blushed, and Connie scowled and they both looked away. I hopped out of the tube and swayed a little. Ruth and Yoo Jin rushed to support me, but after a moment I waved my arms for them to step back. Ruth handed me some pants and I pulled them on.

“All better now,” I announced, and Anne turned and quickly stepped over and gave me a hug.

“Thanks for walking into that lion’s den, Richard. Thank you for getting me and Obie out of there.”

I hugged Anne back and, I must admit, gave her ass a squeeze. I had wanted to do that ever since Frank introduced me to Anne. I figured that I’d never get another free pass. I felt her buttock tighten under my hand, and figured that I’d get a deserved slap, but when she pulled back, I saw a twinkle in her eye. Hmmmm. Anne was adjusting to Confederacy life quickly.

Connie stepped forward, “You saved little Obadiah and Mrs. Anne,” she said, “For this I must thank you.” The way she was scowling, it looked like that ‘thank you’ had needed a crowbar to get out. I assured her that I was also devoted to ‘The Doctor’ and his family, and that her gratitude meant much to me. She seemed fractionally less hostile.

“So,” I asked the crowd, “How long this time?”

Two days,” Eddie’s voice announced from the ceiling, “You were in sad shape, Steward. It’s a good thing you have steadfast partners watching out for you, performing their fiduciary duty while you...”

“Sir,” Alfred’s voice interrupted, “You have thirty-seven messages from Earth’at command, two-hundred and seventy-nine messages from various personnel that were involved in various ways with this operation, and my own hearty congratulations on a job well done.”

“Watch it, Skin-boy,” Eddie’s voice snapped back, “Interrupt me again, and you’ll wind up the voice interface to a Gadrung sanitary facility.”

“Guys!” I yelled over the din, “Humans need to talk, here. Please, take it outside.”

The Navy officers congratulated me on the successful completion of the operation to retrieve Obadiah Henderson. Their project to validate their computer models progressed. The most senior officer let me know that they were sending out feelers to Reverend Powers to find out if he still wanted to be extracted, or if the shoot-out had spooked him off.

The Marine gave me an ‘attaboy’ for getting the hostages released, then rode my ass for several embarrassing minutes about dumb-ass NavInt desk jockeys playing James Bond that were too cool to take a few minutes to put on protective gear. “Nevertheless, that was a nice job, taking out three guys with two of them getting off shots, Shithead.” Once he moved away, I saw Yoo Jin staring at me with her right eyebrow raised. She mouthed “Later.” I shuddered.

I turned to the little family, “Frank, is everything okay?”

Frank smiled, a little wistfully, “Yeah, Bubba, everything is ... okay. Of course, we’re high-profile targets now for Earth First, so we can’t go back. We’re just going to have to figure out how to live,” He glanced around himself at the small room, “in this environment.”

I took his shoulders in my hands. “Frank, I’d like you to consider locating on Demeter. You could be guests of Clan Steward until you decide how and where you fit in. You know Ruth and Yoo Jin now. You would love the rest of the family.”

I turned to Anne. “People haven’t figured out just what the Confederacy is. But I know at least part of the answer. The Confederacy is family. Right now, it’s a loud, rambunctious, often profane family, but I have never seen a group that is more committed to birthing and rearing children. There is no abortion, because the nanites prevent fertilization of defective cells. There are no unwanted children because we are fleeing genocidal destruction and are desperately trying to populate hundreds of planets and moons. The most blasphemous, fornicating Confederacy Marine is so pro-life and so pro-family, that they would make a member of the Moral Majority wet themselves.”

“I’m not saying there won’t be adjustments, but I think that you would find a place that would make you very happy.” I held up a hand to stop her from replying. “Don’t try to answer now. Just think about it for a couple of days.”

Anne’s eyes were wet as she pulled me into a powerful hug. She stepped back to stand by Frank.

I looked down at Obadiah. “And you, young sir. Have you met Ruth and Yoo Jin? Still think they are slaves?”

Obadiah looked sideways at Yoo Jin and blushed extravagantly. I could tell he was at the beginning of a ferocious crush. “But they aren’t concubines, Steward. They told me they are sponsors.”

I nodded. “Just like you will be, when you feel you are ready.” Anne started to turn to Frank to object, but Frank shushed her. “Have you CAP tested yet?” I asked Obadiah.

“Yes, sir. I scored a 9.1.”

“God help you,” I said. “You be sure to get lots of good advice from your parents and from Ruth and Yoo Jin about picking out your concubines. And some advice from me: don’t try to pick all eight at once.” I looked down at this skinny little kid. “That could be a disaster.”

Everything was kind of like the heroic end to a Space Opera movie. You could almost hear the majestic music swell and the credits start to roll when Eddie’s voice piped up, “Bubba? He called you Bubba? Oh, I have GOT to hear this story!”

Frank looked surprised, “You didn’t know that Richard is his middle name?” No one that had any common sense at all spoke up.

“Richard was named after his father and his grandfather who were named after the American Civil War general P. G. T. Beauregard.” Frank informed everyone there, “When he was a scrappy youngster, people called him ‘Bubba.’”

“You know, I had almost left that name back on Earth.”

“Not true,” Yoo Jin said, “You named our first son ‘Beau.’ Now we know why.”

My shoulders slumped. I was defeated. “Somebody hand me a blouse. This medical facility is drafty.”

“Sure thing, BEAUREGARD,” said Eddie.

I had been without sex for the two months of transport to Earth’at, and during the entire extraction operation. Now I was in bed with my two favorite women in the galaxy. I was lying on my back with Yoo Jin riding me cowgirl-style and Ruth holding my hands above my head. Moderately kinky; definitely fun. All was going well, I was approaching orgasm, when suddenly Yoo Jin hauled back and slapped my face. She was breathing hard and her eyes were flashing with lust and anger.

“Just what the hell did you think you were doing down there?” she demanded.

I was whipsawed. I couldn’t begin to understand what she was talking about. “Huh?” I felt my erection start to shrink.

Yoo Jin twisted her hips, sending a shiver of pleasure coursing through me. “Don’t think you’re getting away that easily!” My erection re-hardened.

“You took a foolish chance and almost left us alone!” Ruth said. Yoo Jin punctuated the remark with another slap. Ruth continued, “You went to that meeting without ANY body armor? Do you think that we are just dolls, sitting on a shelf, waiting for your return? Do you think that the decisions that you make affect you alone?”

I tried to raise my hands in defense, but Ruth had done something to trap them while Yoo Jin’s incredible body distracted me. Yoo Jin slapped me again. For some reason, it made me harder. Yoo Jin felt that and smiled evilly.

Ruth moved away from above my head and leaned up to kiss Yoo Jin. Damn! They knew that the sight of them kissing was a major turn-on to me.

Ruth turned to me and said, “We’re not concubines that wait on your pleasure. We’re equals that wait for our lover. And when you take foolish chances, it makes us think that we’re not important enough in your eyes for you to be safe and come back to us.”

She reached down and pulled up an object that I couldn’t identify. Yoo Jin said, “If Kyle were here, we would use him to punish you. Since it’s just us, we’ll have to improvise.”

While Yoo Jin was speaking, Ruth started buckling some kind of harness around her waist. My blood ran cold when I realized that it was a strap-on dildo. Somehow, I knew that they weren’t going to use it on each other.

Yoo Jin leaned over me so that her black, straight hair formed a curtain around our faces, shutting out all other visual distractions. “So, Beauregard Richard Steward the Fourth, are we going to do this the hard way?” she paused and chuckled back in her throat as she said, “Or the harder way?”

I checked both of my outer coat pockets and made sure that I had a video player in each. “Yes is right; no is left,” I repeated to myself. I knocked on the door with more confidence than I felt. After a couple of minutes, it opened, and I was face to face with Don Claudie. “Don, thanks for seeing me.”

He shrugged. “Why the hell not?” He chuckled bitterly, it’s not like seeing you could screw my life up anymore.” He stepped aside and let me in. His language surprised me. It seemed far from the steady, calm Don that I had known and worked with for three years.

I looked around the small, cluttered apartment. “So, Don, I heard about the dust-up with the Board of Regents. What are you doing now?”

“Well, not too much. I’ve had a little money put away, but it looks like Sally’s lawyers will suck that account dry. I’m too old to dig and too proud to beg. I guess I’ll see about teaching High School. They probably won’t care that my students got picked up. Ha! They would probably see it as a recommendation.”

“Don, what do you think about the Sa’arm threat? Do you think that it’s real?”

Don got a far-away look in his eyes. “I didn’t for quite a while. I thought it was another damn-fool scare raised by the government to keep people distracted from earthly problems. You remember that economist chap who wrote for the New York Times? Was a big supporter of the government? He said that the perfect solution to the government problems was a phony threat from outer space. That seemed much more likely than real aliens.”

“And now?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Now I think it’s real. Just look at you. You and I are the same age and now you look like one of next year’s freshmen.” He sighed. “I try not to think about it at all, because if it’s true, everyone and everything I know is going to be destroyed in a few years.”

“Just like your theology predicts.” I observed.

“Don’t try to compare the two,” Don snapped, “One is eschatology, the other phenomenology. I thought you were trained better than that.”

I grinned. “Don, did you ever take the CAP test?”

He scowled, “Now why would I ever do that?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Curiosity?”

“Well, no, I have not. Though at the time it seemed virtuous, I see now that I made an inappropriate choice.”

I smiled and reached into my right pocket and pulled out that video player. “Don, I have a message for you.”

I set the player flat on the table and tapped the flat surface on the top. A twenty-four-inch still-life hologram of Kellie, Don’s daughter sprang up, looking almost solid. She was wearing a modest blue sundress, standing in the bright sunlight of Poseidon’at, shading her eyes as she looked at the recorder. She carried on her hip a little girl who was frozen squealing with laughter. Kellie was sixteen now and was a lovely woman. She was no longer the fractious, pig-headed little girl that Don had last seen that day two years earlier when she was picked up.

Tears sprang up in Don’s eyes as he drank in the sight of his daughter. “Thank you,” he said, his voice choked with unshed tears. “Thank you for letting me see her again.”

He took a ragged breath. “You don’t know the reason that Sally and I broke up was over Kellie and her escapades with other girls.” Don said, “I didn’t know where such behavior came from, but Sally said that it was all the fault of the father, not portraying the kind of man his little girl needed to see.” His voice choked up. “I tried so hard to be the right kind of man for her.”

Without speaking, I slid my finger along the long side of the holoprojector, and the image came to life and spoke. “Hi, Daddy! I am so glad to get this message to you!” Kellie jogged the laughing baby on her hip. “This is Annabelle, your granddaughter. She is just like you, she’s so fussy about what she thinks is right, but so happy when she is shown love.”

“Daddy, I want to ask you to come here to Demeter to see me. You wouldn’t have to stay here if you didn’t love it, but I do so want to see you and tell you how much I love you, and how sorry I am that I made your life miserable.” Kellie pouted like only Kellie could pout. “Please come, Daddy. I want Annabelle to see her grandpa!”

Don was weeping silently now, tears running swiftly down his cheeks as he held in the sobs. He fought to get the words out. “How ... how ... could I ever get to see her?”

“Come with me and take the CAP test, Don. I guarantee, no matter what you score, I will take you to Demeter and we will see Kellie together.”

Don no longer kept his sobs silent.

In the center of the room, I unrolled a transport mat.

The two sisters, Tara and Tamara, stepped out of the cold wind into the warm lobby of the Lubbock CAP testing center. They had been there months before, getting tested. Now they were there to meet someone. They stepped to the counter and spoke to the ravishingly beautiful woman there.

“Hi! Were here to meet Rickey Stacks.” Tara said.

The woman blinked. “Rickey Stacks? And who is that?”

“He’s ... I mean ... We’re...” Tamara said.

“And who are you?” the woman behind the counter asked.

“We’re Tara and Tamara Seine,” they said almost in unison.

The woman looked distracted for a moment, then smiled a devastating smile, as if the sun had come out after a rainstorm. She came out from behind the desk and led them to an alcove at the back of the lobby. “So, you are agreeing to be concubines for Rickey Stacks?” She asked.

“Yes ma’am.” They looked at each other and held hands for reassurance. “Is he meeting us here?”

The beautiful woman smirked. “He left a message that you would be by and that I should do whatever necessary to get you off-planet to meet him. Is that what you want?”

The twins blushed with excitement and nodded. “Yes ma’am, whatever is necessary.”

The devastatingly beautiful woman began undressing. “Then strip, girls. We’ll see how much you want to be Rickey’s concubines.”

Back onboard the Georgia, things were very different from my first trip in her. For one thing, I was the CEO of Clan Steward, which made me ship’s master. For another, I was Ranking Navy officer aboard, which made me ship’s captain.

“But I’m telling you, I’m not a ship, I’m a boat. Captain LeCroix said so,” demanded Eddie.

“I’m done arguing with you Eddie. Call yourself a boat. Hell, call yourself a rubber ducky and see if I care.”

“That’s a nasty way to end an argument,” Eddie complained.

“Letting you win?” I asked.

“Quitting too soon,” Eddie replied.

I turned to the girls. “How are our guests coming along in their acclimatization to their new lives?”

Ruth frowned thoughtfully, “Well, Anne seems to be eager to make the adjustment. Four days at Copernicus base, seeing sponsors and concubines ‘in the wild’ has given her a fairly good idea of what is expected of her. She’s got a 6.4 CAP score, so she’s no dummy.”

Yoo Jin nodded, “I’ll bet that if she re-tests in a year, she’ll become a sponsor. It’s Frank that is holding them back. He’s trying to ‘protect’ her from becoming a slave. He doesn’t realize that Anne is anticipating it. She’s got a real wild side that Frank just doesn’t have eyes to see. Maybe...” Her voice trailed off and she looked thoughtfully at Ruth. She spoke briskly, “Don’t worry about Anne. When the time is right, Ruth and I will handle her.”

“What about Obie?” I asked.

Surprisingly, Yoo Jin blushed. “Obie’s a different kind of problem.”

Ruth pursed her mouth as Yoo Jin spoke slowly, “Obie is such a sweet little boy, well, young man really. He’s almost the opposite of Kellie. He could really deal with the shifting of the age of majority to fourteen years old.” She sighed, “His problem is that sex has been such an overwhelming mystery to him that he has inflated its importance way out of proportion.” She grinned, “Like we all did at his age.”

I said, “He’s going to fall into complete and utter love with the first girl he has sex with?”

Yoo Jinn nodded. “I just want that person to treat him gently. He has a big, sweet, heart looking for a place to break. You know, he’s like a lot of teen-aged Marine recruits we see back on Demeter. You’d be surprised how many of them have brought along their mothers as their first concubine.”

“That would have happened to him, if Frank hadn’t had first choice,” I said, “It looks as he’s shifted his attention onto you.”

“Yes,” Yoo Jin said, “I’m going to have to have a heart-to-heart with him, letting him know that I’ve been spoken for, too.” She smiled impishly, and I pitied every other man in the galaxy.

“Yoo Jin and I are back on duty, I suppose,” said Ruth, “interviewing concubine candidates for Obie. We need to involve Anne somehow, both for Obie’s well-being and Anne’s piece of mind.”

“What about Consuela, the housekeeper?” I asked.

Ruth said, “She took her CAP test while in the medtube and scored a solid 6.0. But have you seen her domestic sub-scores?” I shook my head no. “She is like the Mozart of domesticity. I don’t think the Hendersons realized what they had in her.” Ruth shook her head in amazement, “I’m tempted to grab her for my household. But she has cared for the Hendersons for a decade and wouldn’t be happy anywhere else. Once again, Frank is the one dragging his feet.”

Yoo Jin said, “I’ve helped her specify her body modifications. You know, when she was eighteen, she was a pretty hot Latina!”

“So, how about Connie becoming Obie’s first Concubine?” I asked.

“That’s just what we’ve been thinking. She’s going to transport over when we call for her. I suggest that we prepare the Hendersons to accept her as Obie’s concubine.”

Ruth had repurposed several of Georgia’s pods. We entered the one she had converted to a dining and social area. I pulled Obie away from a wall-screen sized Sa’arm-shooting video game where he seemed to be holding his own against other players that included off-duty Marines. We all sat around a low table, eating small snacks and sweets and talking about what comes next.

“I can’t tell you how grateful we are that you let us stay aboard your ship,” said Frank.

“Boat!” interrupted Eddie.

I didn’t rise to the bait. I think being calm and quiet made Eddie mad. I was glad to do so.

“I am so glad to host you. What’s the word on Connie?”

“She’s going to be okay,” said Frank, “Her ‘spell’ was angina brought on by the stress of the last few days. I asked Alfred to talk to the AI at Copernicus base he says that she’s out of the medtube now. They started the medical nanites to work on her arteries since they had her.” He chuckled. “Connie bullied them into starting to reverse her apparent age since she had to get into the tube. She is adapting to Confederacy technology faster than I am.”

I sighed with relief. “I’ve reviewed the colony ship schedule and by great, good fortune, the ‘Northern Lights’ under the command of Captain Clarke is arriving next week. I do recommend that you board her to Demeter. She’ll take about six weeks in transit, and that will give you all the time to adjust to your new roles.”

Frank and Anne glanced at each other, and Frank cleared his throat.

“Not to impose on your hospitality, Bubba, but aren’t you headed back to Demeter? Why couldn’t we ride in the Georgia?”

It was an awkward moment. Time to lay the cards on the table.

“Frank, Anne, Don, and yes, you too, Obie. I don’t think that traveling on Georgia is what’s best.”

Frank and Don looked annoyed. Anne looked confused, and Obie sat quietly, watching how the argument that was coming would play out.

“Frank, remember how I told you about ‘making the leap’ into a new culture?”

“Well, yeah. So what?”

“You all haven’t made the leap. I really do regret having to yank you out of your lives back in Texas, but with your making the Earth First ‘Hit Parade’ and the eventual Sa’arm invasion, I didn’t know what else to do. In my haste, I imposed my desires on your destiny, and for that I do truly ask your forgiveness.”

“You guys need to make the leap and find out where and how you fit in the Confederacy. And a colony cruise is the best way that has been figured out for doing that. There will be a pool of, uh, unassigned, uh, candidates for all three of you, and, uh, you can explore, eh, some aspects of your, uh, personal natures...”

I knew I was fumbling, but it was awkward bringing up some of these subjects in mixed company that knew only Earth culture.

Ruth and Yoo Jin exchanged glances. “Sweetheart,” Yoo Jin said, “Anne and Ruth and I must have a little ‘girl talk.’ We’ll rejoin you later.”

Ruth and Yoo Jin each took one of Anne’s hands and all three started for the pod door. “That’s okay!” I called, “‘Cause we’re going to have ‘guy talk’ now.” None of the three turned around. I raised my voice. “We’re going to talk about ‘guy stuff’ and ‘guy feelings’ and girls aren’t allowed to listen!” The pod door silently closed.

“Jeeze, Steward, could you act like any bigger of a loser?” Eddie asked.

I looked at the three males and felt more relaxed.

“So, here’s what I wanted to say, guys. You have all scored high enough on your CAP test to make you sponsors. Frank, Don, you are going to have two concubines apiece.” I turned to Obie. “And you are rated for eight concubines.”

Obie blushed, his eyes bright with the thought of eight girls, who before wouldn’t have noticed the skinny kid, now his and his alone to command.

“Frank, you and Don know how difficult creating and sustaining a working domestic relationship can be. Obie, no offense, but you don’t have a clue. That’s why, if you are as smart as I know you are, you will rely on advice from as many trustworthy older people you as you can.”

“I don’t know, Bubba. Can’t Anne and I go on as before, as husband and wife?” asked Frank.

“Frank, you can and you can’t. I know that sounds like a non-answer, but it’s because your question has a false premise. Of course, you can be ‘husband and wife.’ You two are who you define yourselves to be.”

Same as Steward's Third Mission
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Third Party part two

“I can’t believe it, it wasn’t a dream” Janice exclaimed in a voice that John could not read as relief or despair. He prayed that it was relief; his wife had awoken to find herself in a naked embrace with a huge black man; and her husband was at the end of the bed masturbating. When all the sexual activity had taken place she had been under the influence of alcohol; and possibly distressed by a relative’s funeral. “Will she now return to her usual sex hating self; and hate me for my...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 40 The Third Task

Chapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...

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Boston Babes the Third Season

CHAPTER 1 Eva was dropping out of college because she thought the systems sucked and because she’d stupidly chosen to study biology only to find her interest waning faster than her staccato sexual interest in any guy. Now her interest in drama was returning. What a fucking mess, she’d fumed, coming to the ‘I’m quitting’ decision. Her counselor had summed it up neatly. ‘Eva dear, consider pulling the plug before you become dead in the water’. Clichés for sure but in Eva’s position they rang...

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Third Party part two

Introduction: Discovering its not a dream, she had been fucked. This is part two, the first part can be reached by clicking on my name at the top which will take you to my story page. I cant believe it, it wasnt a dream Janice exclaimed in a voice that John could not read as relief or despair. He prayed that it was relief, his wife had awoken to find herself in a naked embrace with a huge black man, and her husband was at the end of the bed masturbating. When all the sexual activity had...

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OverBoar The Conquest of Third Earth

Alex sighed as he click through another add. He stretch as the exhaustion started to hit him. He had been job searching for weeks and no luck. He had zero aspiration for his future, in school. He didn't find any jobs or career choices that spoke to. he sighed as he rubbed his temples before his apartment doorbell rang. "Package for Miles." The deliveryman said. "What the..." He said looking at the small box. "This isn't my Guin Dakimaru. Hey!" He called to the delivery man but found he had...

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Pennys Third Day

Penny’s Third Day Penny loved what had been done to her throughout the second day and was quite proud of her accomplishments so far. She was so thankful to her guide, Bridget. She made sure she showed it too! Whenever she had the opportunity she would always do what she could to help Bridget cum during the class activities. Bridget was the kind of slut she looked up to, and craved her approval. So when she was to be picked up this time by Mr Johnson she thought she might share Mr Johnson’s...

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Third Domination

This is inspired by a real life experience, meeting my mistress. She asked me to write about our meeting and so I did.Third DominationThe evening is getting darker and the first drops of rain hit the car windows as I arrive and park my car in front of the house. I glance at the clock, it is still seven minutes to the agreed time. Turning off the ignition, silence suddenly seems overwhelming and as the car lights turn automatically off after a minute, I am left sitting in the darkness,...

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The Third Wish part 7 of 8

Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are younger than 18 years old or not legally allowed to read adult material and all the usual disclaimers. Text in brackets [like this] is translated from barely decipherable lisp. Chapter 7: The New Year January 5th. A new year. Just over 2 months since I had been rescued. It was a cold morning. My nipples were tenting atop my cold boobs more than usual. I would have loved to wear a coat, but my...

3 years ago
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The Third Daughter Chapter 1

I went to the bar that I usually frequented on a Friday evening. It was, as it proclaimed loudly from a blackboard outside, gay friendly, but it wasn’t one of those that encouraged overt exhibition, and its clientele was nearer to my age than others in the city.Denise, owner as well as barkeep this evening, asked me, “What’s your poison, sweetheart?” She called everyone sweetheart but kept her actual affection for a woman called Glen who worked for her. Glen was a mousey looking woman but,...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 27

"Complications, Carl?" Seamus asked with a frown. "There were a number of cabins under attack also. Not everyone had gotten as far as the fort before the Shawanoes caught up with them, and they had holed up in some of the cabins near it. They needed immediate assistance, and we took care of that first after securing the fort. The Shawanoes broke off the attack, once we secured the fort and the cabins with Defensive Shells. We followed them, and eliminated the majority of them," I...

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Third Times the CharmChapter 12

The next day, Mike, Mary and I talked for an hour or so. They’d gotten me a lawyer to help with the lawsuit and introduced me before they left. He was hard-nosed and middle-aged. He told me what he’d been able to find out and a lot of it was the same as Eve. Police had compelled a blood sample when she refused the breath test and she tested positive for cocaine in addition to having a blood alcohol that should have rendered her incapable of even standing up. “You should be prepared for an...

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Third Crisis

Third Crisis is a lewd tactical RPG packed with fap-worthy content. Who doesn’t love watching a proud babe get slowly but surely turned into a cum-hungry whore? It’s one of the best genres of porn games out there: corruption. Hell, I’ve even corrupted a prude girl or two. I swear I had this Catholic practically begging for me to tie her up and fuck her face until she cried. But those things come simply to alphas like me. My dick’s got a pussy magnet on it that I couldn’t shut off if I tried. I...

Free Sex Games
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The Rule of Thirds

"Come on Mikey, you don't want to be late do you?" Mum yelled up the stairs at me. "No Mum, just putting my shoes on," I yelled back, although I'd actually been lost in thought over the way my life has suddenly changed. A mere twelve weeks ago I'd been a virgin, struggling to get into the pants of any female, young or old. Now, well, other than the age and relationship to me of the three women I was now enjoying sexually, I had blossomed into a self-confident and sexually competent...

2 years ago
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Third Class Super or Provisional Super Villain

Got the letter today. Guess what? Third time ain’t the damn charm… still not a Super.Dear Applican’t, (is probably what they wanted to write), after careful review of an impressive candidate pool, blah blah, we regret (sure) to inform you that your application is not competitive enough for entrance into Supers Academy; however, we are considering you as a candidate for blah. I scan the list of recruits. Those that made it are the who’s who of future Supers. Many were plucked from the same damn...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Third Time

I have written about my first and second gay sex encounters with my best friend. I was 13 and he was 11.The third time was memorable because it was the first time we had a place to do it and plenty of time. We could both be naked - finally - and we were 99.9% certain that nobody would show up at his house until at least 2 hours after we got there.Being together in his bedroom and knowing that we had two or more hours to do new and thrilling things to and with each other, and with almost zero...

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Facing down durung the whole night Third Part

After being sodomized in such a brutal way, I was still lying there on that filthy bed in the same position.My wrists were aching due to be tied so tightly; but my poor asshole was even more sore and stretched as it had never been so ruined.The Donkey and his friend had left me there and I knew somebody would come soon to enjoy my exposed naked body.I was right. All of a sudden, the door was opened and at least three persons came inside. I started shivering, knowing that they would use and...

1 year ago
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Third Shift

"I slapped her tits with my cock, rubbed my balls on her nose, and sprayed all over her face." That's the reason no one liked working with Leo. Not that he was a bad guy, he just had no filter when it came to speaking. Lines like that, to Leo, were as normal as "Good morning," or "Extra sugar with my coffee please." The early fall was the busiest time of the year for the factory. They would often run a first and second shift on the production floor and a second and third shift in the warehouse....

Gay Male
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My Uncles Wife Affair Third installment

This is my third installment about my affair with my uncle’s wife aunt D. This is not necessarily in sequence or following the timeline. I’m jumping randomly through our 8 years of secret relationship.At this point I was 20 years old and about 3 years into our secret affair. Aunt D was 32 and has even bloomed more beautifully and gorgeously. It had been about 5 months since we last had sex and I was so horny for her. I was still in school while partly working and staying in their store just...

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The Third Time with Mom is More Than a Charm

I love my mother. Most men can easily make that statement. I however, can also say that I have made love to my mother. This is where our relationship is unique. I have written in detail other stories using different names and from the third person telling about how my mother and I ultimately became closer than ever. In 1986 I was 19 years old and broke my neck in an accident while in college. After rehab, I came home to recover and get used to life in a wheelchair before returning to campus in...

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Third World War

This story as with all the others of mine may be posted to any free site. Pay sites are forbidden. Follow the Standard Disclaimer, 18 years or old, offended by TG Fiction, graphical natured stories and such. Don't read it. Else, enjoy. Third World War Charissa Michelle Copyright 2000 I will start by giving you the background on my story. It was in 2052 that the planetary war, or Third World War ended. It was all started by an accidental computer malfunction in 2038. It was...

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Third Time Its a Charm

DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely coincidental...

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Third Time Part Six

(The author wishes to once more thank Madame Silver Grizzly for her very kind and thoughtful collaboration.) "Third Time - Part Six" The vibration of her cell phone jarred Janet back from her daydream. When she saw her home number on the caller ID, her heart jumped. It had been almost a week since the infamous injections. Living through those days of Willie's coma, Janet had been plagued with guilt and anxiety. Without the sedatives given her by Rebecca, Janet never would have...

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Amandas Third Report

The Article 17 th June 2011 A further report by Amanda Jones who has already shadowed a Surrogate from Surrogate Discipline Limited and has now spent a week shadowing a Surrogate from sister company Remote Discipline Limited. The main service provided by RDL is to Mothers who’s daughters have either left home and for instance gone to University or to another city for work and where whilst at home the daughter was subject to her mother’s discipline and the Mother, in particular, is concerned...

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Sixth Generation Cowboy and a Third Generation WhoreChapter 6 Lawyers Guns and Money

0504 Hours (5:04 AM) Mountain Standard Time, Tuesday 17 April 2012 Downtown Denver, Colorado Waking up next to a pretty woman should be a pleasure; I have usually found it so. The mattress of the California King Bed in this hotel suite is too soft in my opinion. None-the-less, I believe I slept better than I had in years. Admittedly, too often over the last few years, even having a bed was a luxury. When I did enjoy having a bed, they were often cheap, and poorly constructed. During that...

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Getting to Third BaseChapter 4

Geneva's granddaughter, Kelly Joelson, subdued the Florida State Seminoles without notable difficulty. The final score was 2-zip, and, as was often the case when I watched softball games, I was disappointed at the lack of action. Fast-pitch softball, whether played by men or by women, tended to feature too much domination by pitchers. This game had been typical -- Maryland's two runs had been produced with a minimum amount of offense: a walk and two singles had done it. Florida State had...

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Getting to Third BaseChapter 6

I didn't get through to Kelly Joelson on the telephone that day. She was away from her dorm, and the person who answered volunteered that she may have already moved out for the summer. No Kelly meant no Patti, so I soon gave up on the plan to talk to Ms. Wyman by phone. But well before game time, Patti, along with Kelly Joelson, showed up in their usual box seats, and, after awhile, I noticed that Geneva had joined them there. It looked like the Terps Softball contingent was down to just...

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ModeledChapter 3 Third Session

I could hardly stand the wait. It was even worse than last time and almost too much for me. For three days I had to patiently wait for him to return. Immediately after, when I awoke the next morning, I thought it was a dream. I thought perhaps I imagined the entire episode. But a few minutes later I walked into my studio and noticed the pictures. On the canvas stood a drawing of the biggest cock I had ever seen. Standing along the walls, there were three others. I put them up soon after he...

1 year ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 19

The Following new characters appear in the next two chapters: Sergeant O'Faolain Administrative NCO, 5'-10" tall, 165 pounds, 36 years old, brown hair, gray eyes, he had a limp from an old wound when he joined to the O'Connells. Jeremy Lister Senior Lieutenant, Finance Officer, 5'-9" tall, 150 pounds, 28 years old, brown hair, gray eyes Charles Immes Private, Short but muscular, long brown hair, hazel eyes, about thirty years old The next day we were very busy. The wagon...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 55

The following new characters are introduced in the next two chapters: Savannah Collins Shannon's twin, James's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 105 pounds, 34C-22-34, 17 years old, blond hair, gray eyes, very cute Shannon Collins Savannah's twin, James's Wife, 5'-2" tall, 105 pounds, 34C-22-34, 17 years old, blond hair, gray eyes, very cute James's Narrative of his trip to Boston: I went north with Gwyn, Glanda, and their soon-to-be lawyer Husband plus a number of other Representatives to...

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The other Third Wheel

Being a third wheel is no fun, unless of course there is another third wheel along. This was just the case one night my Junior year of high school. My brother was going to the movies with his girlfriend, Sasha and her friend Sharese. My brother came to me that night and asked me if I would be willing to go to occupy Sharese so him and Sasha could have their private time. I obliged one because I had nothing to do that night and two because even though she was two years younger than me I always...

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Third Shifts Sucks Well Sometimes

Third Shift Sucks: Well at Least Some of the Workers Do. Sometime working thirds in a downtown Hotel can be a real bore. Other times it can be interesting to say the least. For example let us look at the week before Christmas, we had banquet after banquet after banquet, overall we served over 1000 people during that week, and I spent most of my shift helping prep food for day shift. Then came the following week, and NOTHING, and I mean nothing. By the third night I was so bored, I was...

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The Second and Third Meeting

He sent me back a message that he was agreeable to meeting and sent me the GPS coordinates of the meeting place. I was distracted all day, but I made it through my appointments with my usual success rate intact. I checked my phone for the time, sent Ray a text I was on my way, and followed the directions as directed. I turned off the main road and followed a small gravel road that wound back into a wooded area just outside of town. The further back in the woods the more anxious I became. ...

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Christies tale or The third leg of the triangle pt2

She awoke the next morning to her phone buzzing, feeling relaxed and refreshed, and a little sore between her legs. Oh my God. Was that for real? Her eyes drifted around her room and settled on the picture of the two of them taken when Chris was an infant. My, you’ve certainly grown. The insistent buzzing of her phone drew her attention. What is so important on a Sunday morning??? 6 missed calls, and a dozen text messages. Jennifer, one of the varsity cheerleaders was on the...

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Third Sunday of the Month

Magnus weaved through the drunken crowds on the subway platform. He skipped the escalator, preferring to take the steps two at a time before emerging into the long blue twilight typical of Stockholm summer nights. The air was eerily still for the windy city and already saturated with the smell of beer and cigarettes. He continued his steady, determined pace past a group of laughing young women with long hair and short skirts. They eyed him up and down and smiled with approval. A tall brunette...

Gay Male
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Third Shift

‘I slapped her tits with my cock, rubbed my balls on her nose, and sprayed all over her face.’ That’s the reason no one liked working with Leo. Not that he was a bad guy, he just had no filter when it came to speaking. Lines like that, to Leo, were as normal as ‘Good morning,’ or ‘Extra sugar with my coffee please.’ The early fall was the busiest time of the year for the factory. They would often run a first and second shift on the production floor and a second and third shift in the...

4 years ago
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Third Shift

Third Shift     The first day on third shift was difficult, but I wouldn’t have traded it for the world.   The shift started at 1900 hours and ended at 0700 in the morning.   A warm spring day made all the natives restless and we were very busy.   I was assigned to Medic 1 and it was one of two Paramedic Ambulances in the county.   My partner for part of the shift was a very attractive lady named Jessie.   She had been with the service for several years and was newly married.   Jessie was...

3 years ago
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Adding a Third Person

Introduction: An anniversary present she will never forget Adding A Third It all started with innocent comments on Facebook one evening. My friend Louisa was flirting back and forth with me like we have done since weve known each other. This time though Ty joined in and made a few comments hinting that we should have a threesome. I played along, knowing how much the thought if it would drive her crazy and knowing that just using it to fuel her mind would bring on a new experience for the two...

2 years ago
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Seduction of a third part 3

Introduction: Living a fun sexy 3 way life This is the third and final installment of this true love story. After the incident at the movie where we were thrown out for lewd behavior we headed home glowing with satisfaction. Your gauze top was still smeared with chocolate. We also had some unfinished business from the interrupted blowjob. I said I knew a park along the way where you could wash your top. When we got there the parking lot was empty. We walked quite a distance through shrubs and...

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Bracelet submissionthe third bracelet

Her eyes were closed and her back was arched as she let out a scream of agony and delight as the first orgasm rolled through her.   Well how did we get to this point. We were called away to business very quickly to the city and I hurriedly booked a room at the casino in the hope that I might just be able to present her with a third bracelet. We checked into the hotel and then went into the city to complete our business errands. It took quite some time and when we arrived back at the casino...

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Green Lantern The Animated Series The Third Blue Lantern

My name is John Doe and I am the First Blue Lantern of Sector 2814, and the First Human Blue Lantern, and I am the Son of the Martian Manhunter and. Human Woman, meaning I can Shapeshift, use Telekinesis and Telepathy, Use Camouflage, and Density-Shift. But I can't stand the Heat, only A little better than my Martian Father, but not by much. I have kept my powers secret as best as I can, but now I have been sent to the Planet Odym, where I have been inducted into the Blue Lantern Corps as it's...

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The third night at Chicago

It was my third night there at Chicago, now completing my quick business trip. During the second night I had been fucked by a hungry black man, Tyrone, who I had met at the lobby’s bar while I enjoyed a drink.After ruining my cunt so badly, Tyrone had called his friends Theo and Donny. These two black well hung guys had taken turns to fuck me even harder. Tyrone had fucked me in the ass while I was riding one of his buddies.I passed out during the night and I woke alone in early morning.I found...

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Third Thursday

It was the third Thursday of the month. I had checked into the hotel alone; she was running late. I headed to the second floor. We always booked the same room on the second floor. Gemma and I had been lovers for more than two years. We had been introduced at a business reception and immediately hit it off. We both found the party boring, so we got really drunk. After leaving to have dinner, we decided we fancied each other and got a room for the evening. For several months, we could not get...

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Alone there at the third floor basement

I glanced at the clock on my desk. It was almost past midnight and I sighed in relief; another late night at the office was finally behind me. I gathered all the papers, happy to go home. Then I picked up the phone and called my beloved hubby, to tell him I was on my way home. Victor told me to take care during driving so late.I walked out of the office, finding the whole building was mostly dark.Then I got the elevator to the lobby; the night guard was on his rounds.The garage was just across...

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