CRSChapter 2 free porn video

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Rob woke a few hours later with his mother by his side. Ronald didn't like hospitals much and had only come a couple of times right at first. His mother came every day and if nothing else just held his hand and read to him from a book. She already read two novels by Charles Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities and Oliver Twist), two by William Shakespeare (The Merchant of Venice and Midsummer Night's Dream and was just starting on Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson. Rob asked that she not read to him anymore. Grace looked over at him and saw that he was awake.

"Robert, when they let you come home, I want you to come back home, so I can care for you. It is quite apparent that you cannot properly care for yourself in your condition. I mean look at what has happened to you when left on your own. You need guidance and discipline in your life Robert."

"Mother, please just shut up, and go home, I'm tired of hearing your monotone voice in my dreams."

"Whatever do you mean by that remark Robert? I have always read to you from the classics since you were a little boy and especially since you have been in those coma things. I was under the impression that if I read to you; it would occupy your mind even though you were asleep. Besides how dare you to speak to me in that tone of voice and say things like that. My voice is not a monotone."

"Yes Mother, when you read there is no inflection in your voice, you read aloud just like you read to yourself, there is no change in your voice, it is though you are a computer reading the lines that have been dictated to you. However, I am awake now from my induced coma; I have healed, and soon I will be released. I was asleep because I was tired. They are going to start me back on solid food soon so that I can go home to my apartment in Taylor. I will not be convalescing at your home in Lakeway, so you can get over that argument right now. I am not five years old anymore Mother; I am rather capable of taking care of myself. I have currently been on my own for over eight years and until this particularly nasty episode, that was not my fault, I have been getting along quite well without your and Ronald's interference. Now I do appreciate that you come every day to sit with me, but don't you have anything more important to do than to sit with me?"

"Robert, what has come over you to talk to me like that? I am your mother, of course I know you are a grown man, but sometimes you act so childish, going into that horrid bar, and then you come out all mangled and almost dead, what am I supposed to think?"

"Mother, I am 26 years old; I can wash and dress myself; I am old enough to drink a beer with a friend, which I was doing at the time of my accident. Now how is that childish and immature? It was not my fault that two guys decided to argue over a woman, and I just happened to be between them when it escalated to the point that a gun was necessary to settle the fight."

"You're acting very strange and childish right now. I am your mother you have to respect me and what you are doing is not respecting me at all."

"Mother did you respect me when you and Ronald argued with me about what I wanted to do with my life, where I wanted to go to school. I was 18 years-old mother, that is old enough to fight and die for my country, but too young to vote or drink or according to you to make up my mind about what I wanted to be in life. I have been out of school for just over five years, and yet you still treat me as if I was 12 years old and under your thumb. I'm not, Mother, and I will not be continually treated as such. You have bossed me around for the last time. If you want to visit me here in the hospital and be an adult about it, then I ask you to stay, but if you are going to continue to treat me as a child, then you can just stop coming."

Grace sat there with her mouth working, but no words came out of it. She was shocked to her core that her precious little boy was berating her, his mother with that tone of voice and his words were tearing her heart apart, how dare he talk to his mother like that. Ronald would hear of this and there would be repercussions for his churlish attitude.

"If that is the way you feel Robert, then I will leave but your father will hear about this, and he will not be very forgiving about your attitude and your disrespect. Good day Robert!"

Rob watched her leave in her erect posture and holier-than-thou attitude. Nevertheless, he finally had the balls to say to her what he had wanted to say for years now. This had been the final straw that broke the camel's back. He had accepted all that he could take with their disrespect and interference with his life. And that remark that his father would hear of this, Ronald was NOT his father and would never be a father; he was just her husband. He was at no time a father to me.

When I graduated, I spent a week at their grand manse overlooking Lake Travis in Lakeway. I had to admit the view was spectacular, or would be if the lake level wasn't so low, but still, they would be able to see the lake for quite a while yet, even if the water level went even lower. In spite of being almost 22 years of age, they still treated me as a child. They gave me an eleven o'clock curfew and wanted to know where I was at all times. They also told me where to apply for positions, even with my 'useless' degree. The harassment never stopped until I packed my bags and left while my mother was at the market, and Ronald was at work.

For a week, I lived out of a motel in Round Rock until I found a third-floor apartment in Taylor, just five blocks from the CRS plant. The apartment building was originally the furniture store and had five floors. The first two floors were for display, and the third floor was offices; the fourth and fifth floors were the warehouse for the store. Each floor was about 10,000 square feet not counting the rear utility area, stairs, and the elevator area. There were two elevators taking personnel to the three lower floors and there was a larger service elevator that went to all the floors, but had doors on each side on the first level so that merchandise could be brought in and taken to the warehouse. The floors were subdivided some twenty years ago when the furniture store went out of business, and the lower floor had several businesses for a while, but the upper floors were set up for apartments with about 4,500 square feet per apartment. Each apartment had two bedrooms, two-bath rooms, a kitchen, a large living room, and a den or third bedroom. The master bedroom was huge like 38' x 15' with the corner apartments having the most windows. The two interior apartments only had the light from the front three windows overlooking 2nd Street. Access to the apartments was achieved from the rear of the store where the service elevator dock was. There was a door next to the large roll up door for the back dock and then there was about a 200' x 10' area that was the staging area. Each tenant got a key for the back door and one for the service elevator. Otherwise, you climbed the stairs or used the other two elevators that only went to the first three floors.

I managed to score one of the corner apartments on the corner of Main and 2nd Street. Once I moved in my dad helped me with furniture. The first was a bed and a kitchen table. Within a year after starting at CRS, I had an apartment full of furniture. Ronald refused to visit after the first time, and Mother reluctantly came only once a month. The place hadn't been used for the three months I had been in the hospital, but my dad Stanton and my sister Sylvia had been going in every few days and making sure everything was okay. I was really looking forward to getting home and back to work. It would be almost six full months from when I went into the hospital until I could go home.

I called Jimmy, after my mother left in a huff, and explained that I was now good as new and asked that next time he came into town we would drink at my place, not where he was staying.

"Yeah Rob, I think that would be a great idea. I don't think you could take another trip like this last one. Maybe next time I will stay with you since you have that second bedroom."

"Not a problem Buddy, anytime you're ready, come on down. I think I get released in another week. I'll let you know later in the week. Whatever happened to the two jokers who ruined my life for a while?"

"Well, Gordon Lightner the one toting the 45 got two to five in the state pen out in Bastrop and Junior White got six months for his involvement and after the divorce, he got Sue Ellen too. I'm sure Gordon will not be happy about that either. However, that's what he gets for shooting my best friend's dick off."

We chatted for a few more minutes, and my dinner came so I ended the call and proceeded to eat all my chicken noodle soup with crackers and drink the weak coffee and water. The candy striper who brought my tray started me to rise, and I was very pleased that it still worked like normal. She left too soon for me to get more than a slight rise out of my new member.

I was finally released three days later when my sister Sylvia came to take me home. My dad was in some really important meeting in Chicago, otherwise he would have brought me home to my apartment in Taylor. After my last talk with my mother, she didn't seem to be very friendly towards me, but I was damned if I was going to be babied by her or have the restriction of having no visitors, especially any of the female persuasion. I don't have any steady girlfriend at the moment, but I did have some friends with benefits though. I had many friends whom I had made between those I met at work and some I met at the Old Coupland Inn dance hall. There had been many a night after dancing all night with some young lady when we had driven straight-up SH 95 to my place in Taylor to rest until she was capable of driving home to Austin or wherever on Sunday afternoon. That was a drive of about 35 miles compared to the 8 miles to my place.

Anyway, when my sister got me home, we had a long talk about what my mother thought was best for me and what I felt I could reasonably do without anyone's help.

"Rob, you know that since you're the baby of the family, and I could stay with Dad that you were her last hope to have a snob in the family. I'm so glad you told her off. I know that was hard to do, but she needs to learn that you are all grown up now and according to what I overheard one of the nurses to say, you are much more grown up than before. So don't let it bother you. Furthermore, Debbie wanted me to ask you when she could expect a call from you, so she could come over and help you recover."

"Sylvia, first thank you for agreeing with me about mom ... excuse me, Mother. Additionally, I'll call Debbie this evening and see if I can work out some kind of schedule with Debbie, Gail, Amber, and Katheryn. Oh yeah I can't forget Bridget. Man I don't think I could ever forget Bridget."

I can see that you will be well taken care of little brother, I guess I can't call you that anymore, can I?"

"Sis, you can call me anything you want, as long as it's not late for meals or money."

"I know that's right. If you're all settled in I need to stop by work and get some things before I go home. Remember if you need anything, anything at all, just call me. I love you Rob, remember that."

"Believe me, I know that. You have been a sweetheart, and I love you too. I see that someone brought my truck back here from the bar. Was that you, or dad?"

"It was both of us. Dad drove both of us to the bar, and I drove the truck home. I can certainly see why you like that. I may have to go up on the hill and see about one of those myself."

My sister was referring to the Dodge dealer up on the hill from Taylor on US 79, just outside of town where I got my 2011, 1500 crew cab pickup. I got the Texas Edition with the dual exhausts and hemi. It had most of the bells and whistles in the inside too. I got the demonstrator when the new 2012's came out last September. It was discounted almost 15,000 over what the sticker said. It had been the owner's vehicle for a while after the salesmen had it so it had like close to 5,000 miles and had to be sold as a used vehicle yet it had never been registered.

"Yeah I just love it, Sis. Tell John I said hi, and thanks for letting you come get me. I'll probably see you guys over to Dad's for the barbeque on Sunday right?"

"Probably not, Dad's not going to get back here until late Sunday. So it will have to be next week."

"Okay I'll see you again Monday at work."

About then my phone started ringing, and Sylvia left while I answered the phone.

"City Morgue, you kill em; we chill em."


"Roadkill Cafe! You kill it; we grill it"

A long pause then, "Who is this?"

"Mother it's me. I was trying a little humor. I didn't see the caller ID, so I had no idea who it was, but I thought it might be one of my friends. We sometimes greet each other with little quips like that. What can I do for you Mother?"

"I wanted to make sure you got home alright. Are you sure you can take care of yourself now? I can come over there to help you, but I would rather that you were home with me, so I could make sure you were alright."

"Mother, please don't do this. I am fine. I'm 26 years-old Mother; I can take care of myself, besides; I have lots of friends who can help me just like you could, and they are already here in Taylor. Sylvia brought me home, and I'm getting ready to call a friend to bring me some dinner. I will be fine Mother, please let me be in peace. I'll talk to you later in the week. There went my doorbell Mother, it's probably my dinner. Bye Mother I love you."

I hung up before she started again. I really hope that this time mother will realize what I am saying and give up trying to smother me with her love. Isn't it funny that smother is just one letter off from mother.

I went to the door and opened it to see Debbie Carlson, my latest fuck buddy. However, also with her was: Gail Olsen, Chip Henry, Brad Foster, and Amber Kinsey. Brad was holding three pizza boxes, and Chip had a case of beer in his hand.

"It's time to party man," said Chip.

Debbie kissed me and said, "We brought you things we knew you haven't had in quite a while. I hope you are up to a party right now."

"Believe me, I am ready to party. I can't drink much beer, but I sure would love some pizza."

They all came in and gathered around my dining table. The table could seat at least 10 with no problem. It was an old farm table that I found at an estate sale. I had twelve chairs, only five of which matched, but who cared. The table was 9'x4' long made of one slab of wood slightly rounded on the corners. However, the best thing was the age and grain of the wood. It had burned marks where hot pots had been set and stains, gouges, and the like and aged really well. From what I could find out about it, it was over a hundred years old and could have been two hundred. It has some German writing on the bottom, but has faded with time, and I know it came from back east when German settlers flocked to Texas during the early years of the expansion of Mexican ruled Texas, after the revolution for independence. So it had to be prior to 1850 when it came here from Germany or maybe from a German carpenter in the northeast. The estate sale was in Schulenburg, Texas, which is a largely German settlement that came about from the merging of two small towns, Lyons and High Hill. The area was settled in 1831 and became known as Schulenburg when the railroad came in 1873. Enough history lesson, let's party.

There was a lot of talk about how much they all missed me and was I really feeling better after being shot. I found out then that no one knew where I had been shot, just that I had been shot and injured by the tearing metal of the partition at the urinal. I promised them that someday some of them might see where I was shot. Then the topic of discussion became, where I was shot and a lot of guesses were thrown out there, and I just smiled. Finally, about 9:30 everyone was packing up to leave. I asked Debbie if she had to leave so soon, and she agreed if I gave her a ride home later, she could stay for a while.

After everyone left, Debbie and I were alone when she took my hand and led me to the bedroom.

"Rob, I have really missed you so much, and I am going to find out just where you were shot. Now we can do this the easy way by having you cooperate or the hard way, and I'll strip you bare."

"The easy way it is. I'm not sure I could handle too much rough treatment right now."

We both stripped our clothes off, and then I stood by the bed. Debbie just stared at my dick as it got harder and longer than it ever had before. I could see in her eyes that she was mentally comparing what I had been like before to what I was now, and I was coming up bigger.

"Oh My GOD!!! You were shot in the dick, and your doctor made me a new toy. Come here lover boy and show me what you can do with that monster."

Once on the bed we started kissing, and then I went into my normal routine of kissing and licking her body all over. Debbie is about 5'-10" and 110 pounds with great, but medium boobs, nice pinched waist and generous hips and a fantastic ass. Her legs, what can I say, they're long, slender and hold up one beautiful package? I think that if I could have talked her into it, Debbie would be my wife, but she wanted to be single for a while longer, before she decided to change her lifestyle and have a family.

Somewhere between kissing her luscious tits and reaching her grotto below, something seemed to take control of me, and I became a much better lover. I could simply take a back seat to some force that took control of my body, and I could only sit back and watch as this other being acted for me, and made love to Debbie. Within seconds of this other force taking over, Debbie was moaning, groaning, and suddenly screamed in orgasm. However, it didn't stop there. After about five more gut wrenching climaxes I moved up her body, and I entered her cave of ecstasy.

This is where the real demon came into his own. The lovemaking was slow and gentle, but with the ridges of my brand-new cock churning her insides, Debbie was in heaven. We varied our strokes, the speed, and the positioning, of my cock inside of her, driving Debbie higher and higher to new and unheard of heights. Of course, I wasn't being shorted in the emotional highs that we both were experiencing and soon the crescendo of passion peaked and crashed over both of us, and I passed out. I think Debbie did too. I awoke about an hour later to a wrung out Debbie moaning that she never in her wildest dreams had ever come so many times.

"Rob, how could you come three times, one right after the other? We have never been able to do that before. Is this some new mechanical cock that they built for you or what? Not that I'm really complaining, but my God Rob; that was unbelievable. If all our lovemaking is going to be like that I will have to rethink my decision about marrying you."

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3 years ago
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Great Power Comes with The Need To Use It For Fun

It was Sunday. John woke up immediately and took a long shower. He then went downstairs and saw his sister, Olive. She had blonde hair and green eyes. She had a small hips and a huge bust, a 36C to be exact. Her butt also was curvy and tight. She was a bitch all the time and dated a lot of guys when she went to college. She was now on holiday and taking a break from her studies. She wore a tight blouse that showed off her genorous cleavage and her toned midriff. She also wore a short pair off...

Mind Control
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His New Toy

She closed her eyes, and counted to 10. She was smart enough to know her predicament, but willed the chains around her hands and ankles to disintegrate, to just be a vivid nightmare. “I know you're awake” the voice cut through the silence like a knife. She started to cry, cursing herself internally, she knew there was no point crying yet. He was calm, collected, as he sat watching his new toy acclimatise, he loved how each one reacted differently. His hopes were high that she would be his...

1 year ago
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Herman to Hermione

Herman to Hermione -------------------- My name is Herman and this is my story. I am a 28 year old living in Dubai with my wife. Its been 4 years since we have been married and Julia and we both have a very good sex life. I met her one night while I was bar-hopping with a couple of mates and the same night we were all over each other like a couple of jack-rabbits. As I said sex has never been dull for the both of us and Julia likes to think up of new ways to keep the magic alive....

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Sister in Law

He couldn't get it out of his mind. The suggestion. And her sister. He was sitting on his couch and his sister-in-law, Debi, was sitting on the floor while he was massaging her head. His wife sat across the room in her favorite chair. Her sister was staying with them for the weekend and she had just driven 200 miles to get there, complaining of a headache. They had dinner and were on their second bottle of wine, when he offered to rub her head. The three of them chatted idly while he pressed...

2 years ago
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Kalluriyil Kasamussa 8211 Part 2

Naangal iruvarum othu mudicha santhooshathil sirithuondu irunthom naan avanin sunniyai pidithukondu irunthen avan ennudaya pundaiyil oru kaiyai vaithukondu irunthan innoru kaiyal mulaiyai pidithukondu irunthaan. Appozhuthu thiderendru enathu pettrorgal kathavai thiranthu engalai paarthu vittargal. Naangal moodaga oothathil kathavai lock seiya maranthu vittom, bedroomil matter podamal moodu thaangamal hallile panninom athanal kathavai thiranthathum engalai paarthu vittargal. Enathu amma ennai...

4 years ago
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Fucked Nisha With The Help Of Pallavi 8211 Part 1

Hi guys Sam is back again with a new story. Those who do not know me, I am Sam from Bangalore, height 6ft, a sportsmen, have a good physic with brown eyes that attracts most of the girls. I will be writing my second story today. If you have not read my first story read it, its “Meri Patakha Senior Pallavi” where I have described how I fucked my college hotty Pallavi Now coming to the story as you all know I was in sexual relation with my senior Pallavi we were having a good time together. For...

1 year ago
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The Adventures Of SallyChapter 12

Sally, Alex and I arrived at the cabin, and got out of the truck. After opening the door, I tossed my keys on the coffee table, started heading upstairs to take a shower, and the girls headed to their bedroom. I was at the top of the stairs when I heard the command; "FREEZE, PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!" I turned to see several plain clothed officers pointing guns at me. I put my hands on top of my head and was handcuffed. The officers led me down stairs, to the living room. After being...

3 years ago
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a familiar stranger

Introduction: this is only mysecond story and was written from a phone so please excuse typos. let me know what you think. My day started out as usual with me waking up to ny lab pacing around my room. This was her choice way of waking me up. I groaned a little and got up to take hee outside. I came inside and stepped into the shower. I trembled a little as the warm water began to run over my body. My girlfriend and I had been on a break for the past three weeks due to some relationship...

1 year ago
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OVGuide Adult

Are you looking for a site dedicated towards the provision of detailed and modern guide to online videos? OVGuide or Online Video Guide is a leading online video search destination that cuts the noise from online video sites and only indexes the best. The site receives tens of thousands of high definition and excellent quality online videos and video websites from where the site’s highly professional editorial staff reviews each one of them to ensure they meet the required standards. OVGuide’s...

Free Porn Tube Sites
3 years ago
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My Past Adventures 1

We are living in a dangerous time. The last thing that I or any of you should do right now is to get into a peep show booth with a total stranger. We need to wait until this crisis is over and then we can all go out and cruise for the dick we all love.I'm being extra careful, and I work from home anyway, so being alone in my home is nothing unusual for me. We all have too much time on our hands right now. I decided to use some of that extra time to think back on my sexual past and share my best...

4 years ago
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 1

by the Perv Otaku [Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment] EPISODE 1: "A Mecha Falls to Earth! The Magical Girl Needs My Help! Now She's in My Bedroom?" It was quite late, well after midnight, but Matt had to watch it just one more time before going to bed. He took his web browser back to the video and hit play. "There's been another remarkable incident in Bensonville today, our Debbie Woods is still in town there with the story. Debbie?" "Thanks, Richard....

3 years ago
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The Widows Daughter

I had been surprised at the greeting I got upon arrival at the late Edith Downing's home. Her daughter, Laura, had greeted me at the door like a long lost friend, and, after the other mourners had left, she had enticed me to tell her the details of her mother's relationship with me. Far from being mortified by the fact that Edith had seduced me, spending time teaching me how to please women, Laura had gotten very turned on by it, suggesting that we go upstairs so I could 'show' her what we had...

3 years ago
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He wanted to see me with another man

I guess I should start from the beginning. Jon and I had been together for a while. Life was good. He treated me well and I loved him. One day we started talking about our exs. I learned that he had a pretty wild relationship before me. He is older than me. I am 23, he is 29, so I knew he’d had previous relationships. I just didn’t realize how wild the sex with this ex was. We had a great sex life, but nothing like he described. I’d only had one other partner before him. I...

2 years ago
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Razia darling

Hi I am Vijay again. And this is my story to iss. Earlier I had submitted the encounter with Ruksa (who was my neighbor). This time this is with wife of maid (maid was working in our village with our grand mother’s place). This all happened when I went to my grand mother’s place on vacation. There was maid named Riyaz who was working with them for at least 5 years. In my grand mother’s place there were grand mother, my mama (mom’s brother) and his wife and their kids who were going to school. ...

2 years ago
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Heaven And Hell

Author's note: This is my first time publishing a story here. I wanted to experiment a little and see how this does. A warning for religious readers, this story contains heavy Satanic themes. This story also will not contain a huge number of sex scenes, at least in the beginning. Depending on feedback, I may add more as the story picks up. Other than that, to any readers, thank you for taking the time to read this and let me know what you like, what you don't like and if you'd like to see...

3 years ago
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Family Holiday to Turkey Amys holiday

She’d been to a hotel close to the one we were staying at (i’d planted the seed of where to go with my parents) and had given me the number of a guy she’d kept in contact with who was local. She didn’t give me a lot of information but couldn’t stop smiling and her only comment was “be careful what you wish for”! I pushed her for more but she refused and said I’d have a holiday to remember. I took his number and wrote several messages that I deleted and didn’t send. Did I really want this? I...

3 years ago
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Hall Pass Pt 1

It just slid into her head again like the night before. 'I wonder if he fucks as well as looks?' She had sat with her husband around the pool bar at the hotel absorbing the chilled, relaxing feeling that only a good holiday can bring and it was topping off a day where she had lain on the beach topless for the most part letting the warmth of the sun soak through her body whilst she drifted and dozed between bouts of the steamy novel she had been reading. But now it was dark and midway through...

1 year ago
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EroticaX Skyla Novea Take Me For A Ride

Skyla Novea’s parents are constantly renting out one of their rooms in their house to many different people. Skyla loves getting to know them. Especially their current tenant Tommy Gunn. She is drawn to him. He’s a biker traveling the country, he keeps to himself and is closed off but she senses a gentle side to him. She approaches him one day and asks him if he can take her for a ride. She is blown away at how free she feel’s. The danger in it and how she feels safe with her...

3 years ago
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Honey Heres Your Chance

“Honey, guess who called today?” “How the hell can I guess that?” “It was Josh, from college. He’s going to be in town and wants to see us.” Judy, my wife of four years since just after we graduated college, is a cute short haired brunette with an average body but a real appetite for sex. We still screw at least eight times a week. She initiates it as much as I do and can easily be multi-orgasmic. I met Judy when she was dating Josh. We were roommates even though he was a year ahead of me....

2 years ago
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My First Incest Relation With Cousin Elder Sister 8211 Part 3

The entire family had gone to the temple. But Ritu and I managed to make excuses and stayed back. So now we had an entire day to enjoy with each other. Ritu came over to me and sat on my crotch and removed her kurti. I couldn’t resist myself when I saw her huge boobs trying to come out. I got up to hug her and to free her boobs. I opened the bra hook with one hand. I started kissing from her neck down to nipple while removing her bra. I grabbed her both boobs with my hands and kissed her...

2 years ago
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Silent VigilChapter 2 Ghost Stories

The first day passed by without any noteworthy holdups or problems. The staff were experienced, and the heads of the departments knew how to coordinate them. Rodriguez delivered his list of suggested repairs, and it was extensive. Just as Spencer had said, many of the building’s old systems were nearing the point of failure. The ventilation system wasn’t operating on several levels, the water treatment plant needed urgent attention, and the elevator required special contractors to get it...

4 years ago
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My little sister Lily Chapter 2 Lilyrsquos first lov

The sun came into the bedroom and I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I looked down beside me and there was my little sister. I got on my phone and ordered us breakfast then pulled her into my arms. She woke up just a little and rubbed my chest as she laid there. Her hand slowed as she fell back asleep and I played with her long brown hair with the blue gray tips. Soon the doorbell rang and I slowly slid out of bed. When I returned she was sitting up, stretching. The blankets were around her hips and...

4 years ago
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SiobhanCast of Characters

Mishka Novik - Blond, blue eyes, twenty-three, newly graduated engineer. Josella Richards - Petite, blue eyes, blond but pink-dyed hair - pixie cut. Susan Fletcher - Slim, boyish frame, blonde almost white hair, blue eyes, farm girl Matilda - café au lait skin, slim, super smart, blonde, blue eyes Mikey Hansen - Towhead, blue eyes, six-years-old, shy, math prodigy Siobhan Sheehan - Red-gold hair, pale blue eyes, precocious, extrovert, six-years-old Sampson and Delilah - Cats Jackie...

1 year ago
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I was alone in the apartment of my trannyfriend Kim who ran a webcam outfit when the doorbell rang. As I opened it appeared to bea young Asian girl in a long black coat who said she had an appointment with Kim. I told her she was not in my that she could wait inside. I took her coat and was delighted to see she wore the sexiest schoolgirluniform I had ever seen: short tartan skirt, white shirt with a black tie. I had just opened a bottle of chilled white wine to cool the heat of this...

4 years ago
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Threeway Calling

Introduction: my first story… enjoy! THREEWAY CALLING Amy King had just started college and a new job. She had led a very sheltered life before college, since her high school was girls-only and she didnt have much of a social life. Her father was a contractor and had done some building repairs for a group that prepared fossils and artifacts and built exhibits for museums and was able to get her an interview. Wanting to study anthropology, Amy was thrilled to have the opportunity, but was...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER 5I made the decision that I was going to live with Jake. My job was in Atlanta, though. When I told Jake of my absolute decision, he was concerned. It wasn’t his desire or eagerness to have me as his committed partner, that was a given. But, it was a considerable concern that I might someday resent giving up my job if it were to come to that. I didn’t question his desire, his almost desperate desire, to have me with him in his life. So, when he was willing to risk that by arguing the...

2 years ago
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The Suitcase

Introduction: When the world ends, all rules go out the window Hi, Mom! Sarah shouted as she ran down the hall to the kitchen. The pretty ten-year-old wrapped her parent in a hug, snuggling tighter at warm return of her affection. Bonnie wasnt Sarahs real mother or a truly adopting one, like she was also neither to the other preteen girl who lived with her. A disastrous series of comet strikes last year, followed by a plague maybe from something brought by those surprise interstellar missiles,...

1 year ago
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Mistress Suzanne

Suzanne It started out as bit of good luck, which dragged him in, trapped him and changed his life forever. Mike Davis was the Manager and owner of a supply company, which he inherited from his parents when they were killed in a motor vehicle accident. It was like getting the keys to the candy store! A business with a recognised, respected trading name, a high turnover and a respectable profit; he had nothing much to do to keep it going. All he had to do was turn up at the office...

2 years ago
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Gharme Mai Or Meri Friends Chudi

Hi friends mai yashasvi vapas aa gyi hu apni doosri kaha ke sath. Pichli kahani pe aap logo ka response dekh kar mujhe laga ki is baar thoda rough sex or rape ho jaaye…. Toh jaisa aap sab jante hai, ki mai or navneet live in relation me rehte hai. Toh ek din mai college ni gyi but navneet ko apna project jama karna tha isliye vo college chala gya … Acha maine aapko apni last story me bataya tha ki mohalle ke ladke meri gaand dekhte rehte hai or mera peecha karte hai. Toh ye baat us din ki hai.....

3 years ago
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Papa ka boss aur Maa

Hello Friends I am Kshitiz, 22 year old living in Delhi this is a story told by one of my friends about his parents . I am the only son of my parents. My father works in a private company and was transferred Rajasthan to Delhi only a year back. He is 41 years man, of good built up, while my mother is 39 years old. Her name is Anjali. Though she is 39 years old she looks much younger and has a very beautiful and sexy figure. Till a year back she used to work as a teacher and was very active and...

3 years ago
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Sisters Gift XIV

Part XIV End of Part XIII: With that she left. We knew she wasn’t upset with us, and we knew she loved us. I sighed and lay back on my pillow. My right arm was around Gabby while she lay on my chest. “I hope she finds it. I really do.” Gabby chuckled. “She already has. She just doesn’t know it yet.” I looked down at her questioningly, and she responded with one word. “Allison.” The next morning I woke up. Apparently during the night, Gabby and I had maneuvered ourselves into the classic spoon...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 62 not some lab rat

"Thank goodness!" Ayeka breathed. Smoothing Mayuka's hair, giving her a squeeze. "You see?" She told the child smiling. Holding her own raging emotions in check. "Nobuyuki's going to be fine!" "Too early to 'count blessings' I'm afraid!" Washu told her. Not even pausing to glance over her shoulder. "We are definitely not out of the woods yet!" "But, but I thought." The princess stammered, with Mayuka looking poignantly on. "I've managed to stabilize him, just barely!"...

2 years ago
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Chudaike Sanghars Betase 8211 Part 1

Ye story ek maa our ek beta ki hain . Rajesh sukla uske bibi maya sukla our unke beta jay sukla ek chotisi family me bahat khus the . Kahani tab suru hui jab unone ek noukar rakha ghar ki kamkaj kelie .Noukar dekhneme bahat hin hatakata tha . Rajeh mayako sexually satisfy nehin karparaha tha . Jada din kam karne ke bad noukarko pata chal jata hain ye bat . Wo noukar may pe bur I ajar dall ne lagjatahain . Maya pyasi hone ke karan jaldi hin wo noukarse sex relation rakhne lagjata hain . Ye bat...

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