MaquisChapter 39 free porn video

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Whitehall, London. January 5th, the following year.

The lights went out suddenly, unexpectedly. All of them. He looked up, irritation on his face, though there was no one there to see it, and it was too dark for the irritation to be seen anyway. There was a loud mechanical thump, then a softer one, and moments later the lights came back on. The backup generators had switched in. He stalked to the window and twitched the curtain open. There was no sign of any lights outside. He could see out across the park, but where there would normally have been street lights and lights in office buildings, even at, he glanced quickly at his watch, six thirty-eight in the morning, now he could see just the lights of a single bus in the distance.

Curfew had been over for nearly three quarters of an hour, he thought, why wasn’t there more traffic?

He walked back to his desk to continue with his work. Always an early starter, he had been at his desk since six fifteen. As he sat down, there was a tap on the office door.

“Come,” he called sharply.

“I’m sorry Prime Minister,” the young man who entered said. “There’s been a power cut that’s affected all of Whitehall and a fair way beyond.”

“Yes I can see that,” Thorn answered curtly.

The young man gulped nervously. “Y Yes sir. It’s just that we are a bit short on juice for the generator, so I’m turning off as many lights as possible.”

“Very well then. Get on with it.”

“Yes sir.” The young man, a janitor in all but name, entered the small office and turned off three of the six lights. The one nearest the prime minister’s desk, and the desk lamp itself he left on, plus a smaller one by the door.

“That’s all sir, if you could turn those three off when you leave, sir.”

Thorn nodded his dismissal, but then had another thought. “Why are we short?”

“Er, the price sir. And the general shortage.”

“Shortage? What shortage? There’s no petrol shortage.”

“Er, it’s diesel sir, and since that fire there’s been a massive shortage. We haven’t been able to get more than a few litres now and again for a couple of weeks.”

“Not even for number ten?” Thorn asked, his temper rising.

“No sir. When they do find out, they almost always manage to find us a couple of extra litres, but that’s all. No one is hiding it from us.”

“What time did the trip go?” asked Thorn sharply as the janitor was about to leave the room again.

“Er, six thirty-six and forty-seven,” he was told. The janitor had guessed he was likely to be asked, so had deliberately checked before coming up.

“Hmm.” Thorn waved the janitor away. That was a very odd number. Unlikely it was deliberate. After that ridiculous woman had made those treasonous statements on Christmas day, he was half expecting trouble. So far, to the best of his knowledge, nothing had happened. He relaxed a little and turned back to his work: this wasn’t it.

Catterick Garrison in north Yorkshire, once the largest British Army base in the world, and now the home of the Security Patrol, lost its power nearly three hours after Downing Street. It too had local backup power generators, but also like Downing Street and Whitehall in general, it had very limited fuel available. A couple of hours later, Hendon in North London also lost its power: the old Hendon Police College had been taken over by the Safety Patrol both as a training site, and also as the operational headquarters of the Safety Patrol. It had no working backup generators, so when the power went down there, the lights stayed out. Across the country, at various times of the day, another eight areas also lost power. Some had backup generators but only a small amount of fuel, others had none, but within all those areas were the regional headquarters of the Patrol. Most local Patrol stations were not affected, only the few that were supplied by the same local electricity distribution sub-stations as their regional HQ’s.

When Graham Thorn’s office at number 10 had gone down, the government’s main communications hub, underneath the old Cabinet Office building on Downing Street, had gone down at the same time. When the generators had kicked in, they had not had enough power for all the servers, so only the most important servers were restarted. When, twenty-five minutes later, mains power came back, off-duty staff were called in to help sort out the mess.

An hour later, the power to Whitehall again failed, this time only for five minutes, but in the rush of all the off shift staff arriving, no one noticed an extra person there, anyone who saw her assumed she was from one of the other shifts who had come in to help out.

Fifty-three-year-old Sarah Leeves was terrified, more terrified than she’d ever been in her life. She was a computer programmer. A good one. Had been for thirty-two years, and this was totally outside her experience. Until now, her excitement had been her weekly walks on Saddleworth moor in East Lancashire with her three labrador dogs.

Getting in had been hard enough, though the lack of electricity had actually helped as the security guards were unable to spot that her ID card was fake. The scanner would have flagged it immediately, but it was not working so they just nodded her through, writing her name and ID number on a pad, along with everyone elses. Even getting into the main systems support office had been fraught with worry. She had been told there was no particular security into here, but that might have changed. It hadn’t. She worried and wondered, in the back of her mind, who had got the information she needed. Surely, if they could do that, then they could do what needed to be done. Couldn’t they?

It hadn’t, and now she was sat at what she knew was normally a hot-desk, and as soon as the power had come back on, and the computer systems available, she began trying to log in. She knew which application to start, and what to enter, but then the system login screen came up, looking nothing like she expected. But it did look vaguely familiar. She racked her brains for a few moments before amazement dawned.

“Bum,” she muttered. “That’s not what...” She quickly looked through the various note pads and other bits and bobs on the desk, then opened a desk drawer and scrabbled through the stuff there. She had a user name, SECURE2, and password. Now, unexpectedly, she needed a session name and service name. Session names, if she was remembering correctly, were normally free format, but there could be a standard format expected to them, and if she did it wrong and someone noticed, it would be easy enough to trace it back to this terminal, and that would be the end of her. She could guess a service name, but again if that wasn’t used here, or they had renamed it, she could have problems.

Across the room, Miguel Escarra, an office cleaner working a bit earlier than normal, had just noticed Sarah’s arrival. He had an excellent memory for faces and knew almost everyone who came into this office by sight. Her face however, he didn’t recognise and this caught his attention. He was expecting someone, but this middle-aged, grey haired, mousy, nervous looking woman wasn’t it. Was this the person he was supposed to wait for, he wondered nervously. She was sitting where the person was supposed to sit, so maybe it was. His only job was to identify and keep an eye on whoever did come in, and try and intercept anyone who was going to interrupt them in any way. He had no idea how he was supposed to do this though.

He had been working in this building for nearly a month, coming into this particular office twice a day every day on his rounds. He had managed to steal a number of passwords and other security information, mostly by watching the office staff carefully but discreetly, and watching either what they typed, or more usually by noting down where they read passwords from. It had been surprising just how many of them wrote obvious passwords down. People were required to change passwords weekly, and so many people just scribbled the new passwords onto pieces of paper it was scary. And a real bonus for him. A few staff used electronic documents or personal electronic devices to store their passwords, but Miguel had collected a lot of user names and passwords, including some system passwords, from off pieces of paper.

He knew enough about computers from his own time at school to know that many of the office computers, although old and using no longer supported operating systems, were in use daily for some very sensitive systems. What he didn’t know was that the actual systems, the databases themselves, were on other machines elsewhere, but by careful listening to people talking as he cleaned he had gleaned a lot of incredibly useful information. He normally had on what appeared to be an MP3 player playing through ear buds, but in fact it was a sensitive, directional, speakerphone recording a lot of what it heard. He passed the recorder on to his Maquis contact at the end of each day, getting a clean one back in return for use the following day. Exactly where or how they then cleaned it up, and how much of what they got was actually useful, he didn’t know. But it must have been of at least some use otherwise he wouldn’t have been here today, now, watching and waiting for someone. He took a deep, nervous breath, and wandered slowly in her direction, emptying waste bins as he went.

“Okay,” Sarah muttered, “risk it for a biscuit.” She got in. All four elements worked. User name, job name, service and password. “All right my love, what’s running?” She murmured. She thought for a moment, then slowly typed DOCF(J, M) and pressed return. “Yes!” She murmured, relief flooding through her. The screen filled and then paused. She pressed return and the list continued. These were all the running MAC jobs, jobs where a person was sat in front of a developer or support terminal, rather than an end user session. Looking down the list, she eventually saw her own session. It didn’t stand out from the others, and all the job names she saw seemed to have no particular form. She breathed a sigh of relief. A DOCF(WM) to check the work mix told her she’d guessed the right service name: EMAC was the default supplied service name, though many sites chose to amend the parameters for all sorts of reasons, and often renamed it when they did.

Miguel moved slowly past where Sarah was sitting. Glancing at her screen he saw nothing that made any sense to him, but then he didn’t really expect it to. He moved just around a corner, where he could see her if he looked, and began to take apart a coffee machine for cleaning and refilling. This was something he did twice a day anyway, even though the machine only actually needed cleaning every other day, and refilling only once a day. He had been doing this ever since he had started so that no one who saw him do it would become suspicious. What actually happened was that the drinks produced were actually nicer than before, and more than one person had thanked and complimented him on his work.

Sarah paused for a moment. Where to start, she wondered. “Okay. What services are running?” DOCF(J, TPCONTROL) she typed. Twenty-four lines came up this time, rather more than she had expected, but one of them caused her to smile in relief. She was in the right place. Good.

DUD(SV) was her next command. Four lines scrolled up, showing all the services associated with the current user. She looked at the name of one, SEC2, then typed DSVD(SEC2) to give her details of that specific service. The second line read ‘LONG ANNOTATION’ followed by a short gap and ‘IDMS DATABASE SERVICE’.

Good, now, was it running? Hmm. Old and long disused memories began to flood back. She wasn’t sure whether this was correct, but typed DSVD(SEC2,, F) the screen scrolled rapidly up, then paused. She quickly spotted what she was looking for. An entry STARTED with todays date and a time of 07:49:02, this was followed by a line containing just the word STOPPED with no date and then another line with STATUS STARTED. She smiled. The service had only just restarted after the latest power failure. It was unlikely people would start logging in again quite yet. She hoped.

The command hadn’t given her all she wanted though and she frowned in concentration. What the hell was the command? Tentatively she typed IDMSXDSVD(SEC2) and after a momentary pause, was rewarded with screens full of information about the database service. Including where all the data files were.

This was what she needed. She grinned. Yes! She kept pressing return every time the screen filled, and eventually found the next thing she was looking for. She jotted down the names she’d found, then carried on.

Next she needed to create three libraries. These she did with four rapidly typed commands:





This last came back with a permissions error:


“Bum,” she muttered again, though she wasn’t totally surprised by the error.

She did a DUD(F, STD) and went down the list it displayed, using ENTER XF to delete a lot of files that looked as if they might be important. Files called simply XXX or similar, of which there were a lot, she left alone. That was just staff being sloppy. She smiled slightly when she saw just how long it was since some of these files had even been looked at. One of them, almost nine gigabytes in size, hadn’t been accessed, not even to look at, in over sixteen years. “What a waste,” she muttered.

XF(*ICL9NJOURNAL);LGT was her next command.

She quickly logged back in again, using a slightly different session name, and carried on her destructive work.

She now needed to be quick. She quickly typed FNTPMS(SECURE2) the screen froze for a moment, then came back AWAITING RESOURCES followed by AWAITING WRITE ACCESS TO VOLUME IN CSRB10CT and then froze again. “Oh hell,” Sarah muttered. She just prayed that whatever CSRB10CT was, it would become available automatically. “That’s securing something. What and where?” She jotted down the name.

A moment later the screen displayed RESOURCES AQUIRED, then SLOTFILE DELETED. Sarah sighed softly with relief. A few more messages appeared, then SEC2 CLOSED appeared, followed by SEC2RO CLOSED and then SEC2QM CLOSED. “Youch,” she muttered. She hadn’t noticed SEC2QM in the list of services. “Bugger.” That could be a problem. She quickly typed DUD(SV) again. “Bum,” she muttered. It wasn’t there. “Bum, bum, double bum.”

DCTD(CSRB10CT) told her that this was a tape category. A pool of tapes to be used by any process that required a tape. “Tapes?” She muttered. “Still?” DCTD(CSRB10CT, EVERYTHING) gave her a long list of files, many owned by other users. As she read down, she grinned. More by accident than design, she’d found a motherload of archived data.

DTMPL(DCTD) told her there was an action parameter to the template of the DCTD command.

One command this operating system didn’t have, was an equivalent of ‘del .‘ or ‘rm -r *’ but there were ways to create one.

It took her just two minutes, and only two false starts, to create a temporary module, to do a LOT of damage:



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 I’ve been reading very hot stories here lately and I thought I should write mine.  Summer has finally started. Instead of celebrating, our excuses to sneak around my parents back to do exactly what they fear we would do. Make love. My boyfriend and I have been together for the longest time. we have done steamy hot passionate sex a million times! but I crave him more and more.   I want his pussy-tearing, hot, strong masculine dick inside my steaming, desperate hole through days, and nights....

1 year ago
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A Flicker of Hope

There are not many people who know the exact date and time that they fell in love and even fewer that have a permanent record of that moment. As Jim looked at the photograph on the mantelpiece of his modest two bedroomed flat, he smiled because it recorded the exact moment that he had fallen head over heels in love with Nicole. Not only did the photograph show the two of them holding each other close but visible above them was a digital clock showing the date and time - 1:23pm on 13...

1 year ago
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The Evening Bubbles Club Part 2

All rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. ------------------- The Evening Bubbles Club - Part 2 ------------------- The girls arrived at hour place as the clock stroke eight. I ran to the door to greet them. That's if my top speed on five inches stilettos could count as running. I was looking forward to seeing Kimiko, and I knew that she would appreciate the new...

4 years ago
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Used By a Younger Woman Part 1

I was raised as a Catholic and when I was younger, I use to be very staid about sex. I lost my virginity fairly late (23), and really thought sex was the missionary position with the lights off. Things move in mysterious ways and we embark on many journeys in our life, not always knowing where the endpoint is. Although my journey of sexual pleasure started a bit late, it gained significant momentum. When I got into my 40s, my sex life evolved, and in recent years with the advent of the internet...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 12 The ship meeting

Lee had a shift to get through. Damn, she had once laughed at Kyle’s ability to ‘fuck like a rabbit all night long’. However, after the last couple of nights with her hunky Lieutenant, she was beginning to believe Kyle wasn’t the only exception to the rule, after all. From her experiences, having a guy get it up more than twice in one night was rare. She had never had one perform four times in fewer hours, and she really couldn’t remember how many orgasms she had. In the past, she had been...

2 years ago
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Control Ch 05

Chapter Five: ‘Aftermath’ The doctor wants to talk to Geoffrey, but Geoffrey is flickering in and out. He can’t follow the conversation. The doc is looking down at him. Geoff looks around and finds he is in bed with Anne, and then he remembers. The doctor talks. Geoff is answering. They’ve been conversing, haven’t they? He tries to follow it, to reconstruct it. What have they said? She’s had insults to several systems. Whatever that means. We think her liver function will improve on its own....

3 years ago
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Mom have anal ride

Later that day, after dad's quickie with mom at the front door me and father went to the garden to have some work.I was looking forward to mom back from job 'cause I knew she will continue in that what she and dad began in the morning.I had to do almost all the work in the garden 'cause dad was talking with our mature neighbor for most of time in there.They were chatting and laughting, having fun and I noticed that dad is looking to her with some weird thing in his eyes. He seemed her...

4 years ago
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Hands On TrainingChapter 2

Around 7am, Dave awoke to a noise. It sounded like a cry, but since he was asleep, he wasn't sure. Maybe it was something outside he thought. He rolled over on the couch, and tried to go back to sleep when he heard her screams. "No, no get off of me! Stop it!" Without thinking, he jumped off the couch and ran into her room, just clad in his jeans, ready to beat the shit out of whoever was in there. He found her asleep and alone, striking out at something or someone. "No, no, please no!"...

4 years ago
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Fun in the Sun Part 3

Fun In The Sun Part3…………….that feels great from Sue for encouragement he started to slid a finger inside her and rub her clit and she was loving it and so was he rubbing faster and faster and sliding another finger in her and working her into a frenzy until she arched her back and grabbed my hand and climaxed then sighed and relaxed back onto her towel smiled and shut her eyes again me and Paul looked at each other speechless.Paul said do you fancy a paddle in the sea babe, yes ok you be ok on...

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CHAPTER 22A: OUR SECOND/FIRST HONEYMOONShe was a little taken aback despite the warning and description they had given her. She felt a hand on her elbow guiding her and she looked to see Tim moving her to follow their luggage to the registration counter. Behind it was a beautiful young woman who was topless, thong panties, sheer wrap around her shapely hips, and high heels. She wore her name tag on a slim chain around her neck which hung between her ample breasts. She greeted them by name,...

2 years ago
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Flight Fantasy part 2

Flight Fantasy -FinaleI awoke slowly that Saturday morning after a long night of passion. Cheryl had been insistent in her desire, not only urging me to take her to higher and higher places of sexual pleasure but in her seeing that I was equally pleased. There was nothing of herself that she held back and she demanded everything from me in return. It was the most incredible sex I have ever had. It was almost as if she thought there would never be another time for us. That thought gave me a...

Love Stories
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Maa Ki Chudai

Hi dosto mera naam ajay hai mai mumbai ka rehna wala hu 20 saal meri age hai 6ft height hai aur gora rang lamba aur thoda tedha lund hai mai yeh pehli story likh rha hu mai 5 ya 6 story likhunga jo ki ek dum sach hai aur mera saath hue hai aasha krunga aap sab ko pasand aaiga aur apna comments zarure share krna ab story pr aata hu. Yeh story hai kaisa maina apne maa ko choda aur ab tak chodta aa rha hu uski nangi photos bhi mai apne phone me hide kr k rakhta hu. Chaliya ab shuru krta hu meri...

2 years ago
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The Reclamation ProjectChapter 2

“Dr. Wilson? Dr. Wilson?” a nurse said. Jack stopped and turned around. “Your patient in Room 514, Megan?” “Yes,” Jack said. “Well, she’s awake. We’ve removed the tubes from her mouth and throat but she won’t talk to us, won’t answer any of our questions. All she does is ask ‘Where’s John? Where’s the big guy? He promised me he wouldn’t leave me.’” “I’ll go talk to her, Nurse,” Jack said, and began walking to Megan’s room. When he walked in, the hospital bed was raised up so Megan was...

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BangBrosClips Amia Miley Football Night Turns Into Fuck Night

Amia Miley showed up at Juan’s house to watch some football. Half way through the game. Amia decided to show Juan how to hike the football. When she does she hikes the ball right into his balls. As he fell to the floor she kept telling how sorry she was and eventually told him that she could make it all better. She reached inside his pants and pulled out his cock and shoved it far down her throat. From there, Juan “ El Caballo” Loco pounded her pussy in several different positions until busting...

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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 2 Debate

It is thanks to Diana that we stop for a short lunch break. She has found us a small field with a tiny stream running through it. I think she is leading us back to the major road that runs close by. It would be easier to travel and we can check for damage as we go along. But for now, I think it is a good time to get the girls thinking about home. "Nev, what can you tell us about your home" I ask her, Nev seems to be the most socially advanced of our girls. And she is shaking off her trauma...

1 year ago
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The School Bell

THE SCHOOL BELL "Don't tell me you wouldn't like to do it?" Wendy Masters asked her husband Victor a question. "You know I would really, but it might turn out to be so terribly embarrassing," he replied. Ever since he realised that he was becoming seriously in love with Wendy, and while they were still in university, Victor had been honest with her about his predilection for occasionally dressing as Violet, his feminine alter ego. To his great relief she found it...

2 years ago
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My first time real sex

It was december 1999 when a distant cousin of mine came to live with us for about a fortnight. I was living in an annexie at a short distance from the main building so that my studies may not be affected. I was then aged about 23 years and student of ll.b. classes in a degree college. My cousin was a little older and was about 28 years of age but still unmarried and had established a prosperous business. He had come in connection with his business to recover his dues from various businessmen to...

3 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 5

Chapter 5 I'd like to say that I was able to focus and catch up on the reading that I didn't get done last night due to my meltdown. I couldn't though, my mind kept drifting back to how much the changes terrified me last night and then just now how I seemed more than okay with the possibility. I didn't think I was okay with being a girl, just the thought of my body becoming all curvy sent a shudder through me. I spent most of the two-hour study hall in thought, the only thing I...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Lily Lane Lydia Black Inked Pink

Lydia Black is in the bathroom at a party when Lily Lane hurries in. She apologizes for barging in, but says that she had to get out of there since her ex just arrived. Lydia introduces herself to Lily and they strike up a conversation. When Lily mentions her name, Lydia’s face lights up. Lily is an artist and Lydia excitedly tells her that she’s seen her work. As they continue to chat, things get more and more flirty. With the atmosphere getting increasingly thick with sexual...

1 year ago
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Officer our uski family

Hello dosto, mai vicky from c.g., kaise hai aap sabhi.. Ummid hai ki aap logo ko meri is story ka first part me mazaa aaya hoga.. Ab aage kya hota hai suniye…jab hum dono.. Matlab mai our suresh ji apna chudayi ka karykram karke baith kar bate karte rahte hai tabhi uske mobile par uski wife shalini ka call aata hai.. Our suresh us se baat karne lagta hai.. Vo kahta hai ki darling vicky to bahut mazedar ladka hai.. Aaj sham iske sath guzar kar to mazzaa hi aa gaya.. Uski ye baat sunkar mujhe...

2 years ago
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Meant To Be Ch 05

I slowly turned to look at the page in front of me, and my heart jumped into my throat. It definitely looked like me, all right. The woman in the drawing was curled up on one side in bed, naked but with a sheet covering most of her other than one bare leg. She was asleep, her hair in ringlets fanning around her face, a small smile on her lips. Holding my breath, I reached out a finger to trace the line of the pillow her head rested on. It can’t be me, I told myself. That woman is beautiful. ...

4 years ago
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Charity Begins Next DoorChapter 5

Back home, I dressed down to sweats and a t-shirt, torturing myself a little by watching The Little Drummer Boy, Briana's favorite. Life was so fucking unfair. My girls were gone. It was Christmas and I was alone. I'd never, ever, spend another Christmas with Briana and Allora. Never. An hour later I was at Sandy's back door with three huge garbage bags full of gifts. It had taken me two trips. I knocked softly and a few moments later Sandy let me in. She'd gotten rid of her party...

2 years ago
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The Bank Job 02

When I started writing this I really didn’t think one of my biggest concerns was going to be which category I put it in. As you can see I’m moving it to ‘Romance’ I don’t think its suited to ‘NonConsent/Reluctance’ after all. Also, I’m sure you’ll be pleased to find there’s actually some sex in this chapter! ***** As she opened her eyes Rebecca quickly remembered where she was this time and cringed as she recalled what had happened earlier. She was aware that she was no longer enclosed in...

1 year ago
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New PleasuresChapter 15

"There are hardly any bluebells left," Abi moaned as we fought our way through the trees. "Are you sure this is the spot?" "Yep. And yes, there won't be any this time of year as they have all died out. You are going to have to wait eight months or so," I told her and she sighed, as she put her bag down. "But then you should know that as I did tell you yesterday." Abi pouted. "It is still bonnie and peaceful though, isn't it?" "Very," I muttered with a smile. "It's a...

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Her Newest Slave

by BrettJ © 2010 Janice Parrington waved goodbye to her husband, thrilled that Neil was going away on another business trip. With both kids away at University and Neil gone for a month, this was the perfect time. She went to her purse, got out her Cell Phone and dialed. “Madame Martine, good morning. Yes, it’s Janice, how are you? I’m fine, thank you. Yes, I’m ready for another one. You know my type … that’s right, no one over 25. I can be ready in 2 hours, do you have anyone? ...

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Key To The Highway

“Turn the radio up!” yelled Frankie, leaning forward so that Albert could hear her above the already loud music and the roar of the open top car. Then she rested back into the middle of the rear seat with her arms open wide, and she curled her red lips into a satisfied, slightly drunken smile. The warm air rushed through her dark curls and the blue night seemed vivid to her, viewed through her ever present shades. When she looked up she could see the star filled sky, and when she looked around...

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Harlot SeedChapter 7

She didn't quite have the nerve to just walk in on them; the shock might have been too great for all concerned. Regina had wanted to do it, very much. She had balanced for a ragged moment upon the precipice, needing to just leap naked into a tangle with Stella and Bill, and to drag in Chuck, also. But of course, that wouldn't have worked at all. Not yet. There could have been complications--guilt and shock and embarrassment. Backing away, she had saved them all that, spared them the...

3 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 26

To assuage his guilt over Wilson's possible assassination, David decided to warn the wife beater of his pending death. Wilson had changed hotels, which was immaterial. David connected with the individual, not a location. The disembodied consciousness determined Wilson's new room number, found a nearby empty room and called Wilson on the telephone. "Leave me alone!" Wilson screamed when he answered the call. "I cancelled the contracts. Just leave me the hell alone!" "I figured you for...

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