PrivateerChapter 20
- 4 years ago
- 29
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Tina and I sit at the breakfast table, drinking coffee. Tina is wearing a thin robe that barely covers her ample tits. I can't keep my eyes off her great cleavage, and her brunette hair is wild from sleeping on it.
She looks great
She looks over at me with those fantastic blue eyes and sighs.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I just worry you're going to get tired of me," she says. "I mean, look at all the women around you."
I try to look normal. This chick is hot right out of the oven: beautiful, fresh, loves sex, loves women too. She's the best thing I've ever had in my life.
And she's worried I'm gonna get tired of her.
"You're crazy," I tell her. "I'm lucky as hell to have you."
"What about those sisters in Reno?"
Yeah, I told Tina about that. Hell, I also told her I popped Muscle's cherry. We share that stuff. I get to hear about Tina and other women all the time.
"I fucked them," I tell her. "I didn't fall in love with them."
She nods, but something's wrong. I can tell.
"I just love working with you, Murray," she says. "I love being your main squeeze. I love the fact that you're so understanding. I mean, I've been a hooker, for Chrissakes. You never throw that in my face or put me down for it."
She looks at me with those big blue orbs.
"I just don't want you finding someone else," she finishes.
I get up. Hell, if I had to choose between every other piece of pussy in the world and Tina, I'd take Tina, hands down.
I walk over toward her, pulling Tina to her feet and looking right into her eyes.
This isn't easy for me. I've put my heart on the line before, only to have some woman try to kick a field goal with it. It hurts, a lot.
If Tina did that, it would hurt even more.
I pull her to me, and hold on tight.
"I don't ever want to lose you," I tell her. I mean it, too. "I love you, Tina. You're the best thing in my life."
Yeah, I cringe inside. Reaching out to someone is a real good way to get your hand cut off.
But Tina just hops on her tiptoes and kisses me, almost frantic with desire.
"Oh, Murray, I love you too," she says. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me." She continues kissing, getting real involved in trying to crawl into my mouth.
I love when she does that.
Yeah, it's a romantic scene. So?
What the fuck's wrong with you? Can't a guy just be lovey with his girlfriend a little without gettin his balls busted?
Besides, it's not like I'm not still the same old guy. I'm now an old guy with a twenty-one year old babe sharing my bed and my life.
Not bad, for fifty.
Anyway, the moment doesn't last long, because the phone rings.
It's the Feds.
"Fuck!" I slam the phone down.
"What is it, Murray?" Tina asks.
I look at her. Shit, she's involved too. So's Muscles. Even Lila's in danger.
"Donnie Brisco broke out of prison. Four others got out with him. Bastards stole a car from two teenagers. Kept the girl, gang-raped her, left her for dead. Bastard's out for blood. Probably mine."
I look at Tina. Fact is, she's my main squeeze and Brisco knows it. He likes rape, and apparently so do his buddies. Tina's gonna be a target for sure.
But Tina doesn't understand that yet. She looks concerned for me. Me, they put a bullet through my head.
Tina, that could happen two, three days down the road.
Two or three days she'd be better off not living through.
No, it's not morbid: It's reality.
I take this great babe in my arms and hug the hell out of her. Then I push her away gently.
"Get packed," I tell Tina. "You're moving."
Tina looks scared. Shit, I don't need this.
"You're kicking me out?" she asks, tears in her eyes.
"Fuck, no!" I tell her. "You're going someplace safe till this blows over. I'm not having you get hurt by Brisco, or anyone else."
I smile at her. Damn it, sometimes feelings are the last thing you need. Or that I need, for that matter. I hug her and kiss her gently, like gentling a mare so you can get her in the horse trailer.
"It's just for a while," I tell her softly. "I'll be visiting regular."
"Where am I going?" she asks.
I shake my head. Shit, I don't know. I'd like to see her in the Space Station, or in upper-fucking-Egypt somewhere, somewhere where Brisco and his buddies don't have a chance of finding her.
But I gotta come up with a hideout, and fast.
"You get packed," I tell her. "Bring your gun along, and the Hydroshocks I gave you. And all your fast-loaders."
She nods. Tina is a hell of a little shot, and she can put five rounds in a two inch circle at fifty feet in less than three
seconds. I gotta smile. She always gives me wood when she does it.
"Go get your stuff," I tell her gently. "I'll find a place to hide you."
Lila Leavett is a good friend. Hell, she was the best thing that ever happened to my business, back when she was Lila Montgomery and stepping out on the former Boy Wonder.
Lila's also rolling in it, and has a big rock place on the top of a hill. It looks like fucking Collinswood, and if you're not old enough to get the reference, you don't need to know anyway.
So I call her.
"Leavett Enterprises," Lila answers.
"You know who it is," I say. Despite bullshit to the contrary, cell phones really are tapable. "Meet me at the Saturday Party place, in an hour."
I hang up before she can say anything. I know the game, but Lila doesn't. I don't want her saying anything I don't want the world to know.
It ain't paranoia if they're really out to get you.
I hear Tina checking her Charter Pug. It's a tiny gun, but it's chambered for.357 Magnums so, if you need the firepower, you have it.
The bruises on your palm go away eventually.
I head in back, going in my den. Yeah, I got a den now. I open the gun safe. Hell, no, it's not locked. What the fuck good is a gun locked away where you can't get to it?
And I don't store my guns unloaded, with those fucking little trigger locks. Somebody comes looking for me, I want my guns loaded, ready and available.
I pull down my street-sweeper, my twelve gauge magnum pump- action stainless steel shotgun, with a pistol grip instead of a rear stock. Bastard's a mean little piece, and people don't think about fucking with you when they see that big barrel pointing at them.
I check it. It's loaded, of course. Buckshot: three inch Magnums. Not something you want to get in the way of.
I pull out my Ruger Redhawk 44 Magnum. Same round as my little Bulldog, but in a big pistol made to handle the round better. It's scoped, and a mean son-of-a-bitch at distance.
And it doesn't take your hand off when you fire it, like the Bulldog tries to.
I go in back, and see Tina leaning over, her ass on display in her tight skirt. And she's wearing thigh highs, so her white upper thighs are peeking out and saying, "Hi! Please notice us!"
I turn away. Jack's gotta wait. We got more important things right now.
I grab some ammo and a few other toys. I'm going heavily armed from now on. I think of Muscles, probably at the office by now. I pull out my cell phone and hit speed dial.
"Murray Antoinette Investigations," Muscles answers.
"Close the office," I say. "Meet me at the Saturday Party place. Drop by your house, get every weapon you own. Check under the car for bombs before you start it.
Brisco's loose, and looking for blood."
I hang up.
Muscles is a hell of a bright gal, and I wouldn't want to meet her even in a well-lit alley if she was looking to hurt me. She's gonna be Tina's baby-sitter until this is taken care of.
The phone rings. I go in the den and hit the recorder, just in case.
"Yeah?" I say.
"Is Murray Antoinette available?" a woman's voice asks. She sounds professional, but the sultry undertone has Jack up and wanting to listen in on the extension. Yeah, he likes what I hear.
"Who wants to know?" I ask. Hell, it's my phone. I don't have to be polite. Someone calls me at home, they take what they get.
"This is Special Agent Allison Allbright, from the FBI," she says.
Shit, this woman doesn't have a chance. With a name like that, she's gonna take shit every day.
"All-right?" I ask.
"ALLBRIGHT," she says coldly. Yep, it's already happening.
"What can I do for you, Allison?" I ask.
Yeah, I'm yanking her chain, but this giving your first name shit just invites it.
She sighs.
"I've been assigned to protect you," she says.
I laugh. Yeah, it's rude, and if this woman didn't already hate me, she does now. I need a FBI agent protecting me like J. Edgar Hoover needs another dress. If luck holds, I'll survive this mess, and if luck doesn't, a thousand FBI agents couldn't save me. I manage to stop snickering.
"I think I got that handled, Special Agent Allbright," I say, trying to sound respectful. It's not her fault she got assigned to this.
"Still, that's my assignment," she says. "Brisco has made numerous comments to inmates that he really wants to see you dead. We want to make sure that doesn't happen."
Her voice is steady. At least my ball-busting didn't rattle her. Yeah, you can bust a woman's balls. Think women don't have balls? Let me introduce you to my friend Muscles over here. She's a woman, but she has balls.
Or at least she will after she rips yours off.
Yeah, woman can have balls too.
"Look, I don't know where I'm gonna be," I lie. "Brisco scares the shit out of me." That part is true.
"We can put you in protective custody," she offers. Oh, yeah, I want to be in a cheap hotel somewhere, playing cards, while Brisco and his buddies are scouring town for friends of mine to rape. Fuck that.
"Look," I tell her. "You give me a number and when I get someplace I feel safe, I'll call you."
"I have to meet you now," she says. "That's my assignment."
I hear the squeal of disk brakes on the phone, and out in front of my place as well. Shit. Cheap crap the Feds drive, you can hear them coming.
And I get the sinking feeling Special Agent Allison Allbright just arrived.
"I'll unlock the door for you," I say, and close the phone.
Yeah, I check out the front window and I see the white Ford POS, the stripped version that just screams Official Vehicle: Do Not Approach. I had a friend who got a deal on one, then couldn't pick up a hooker to save him. They saw his fucking car and ran! They all assumed he was with Vice.
I see this woman get out of the car and start up the walk toward my place. Tall, lithe, nice legs and better ass. Tits look pretty good too, under her cheap jacket. Long blonde hair and a pair of lips to die for. She's Mulatto. Yeah, that dates me too. Brown, I think they call it now. Mixed race. Looks like Oriental and black, with maybe some Hispanic thrown in. She's a class one babe, no doubt about it. And that blonde hair is just to make sure that, if your cock hadn't noticed, it damn sure will now.
Jack sure had. He didn't care if she was a Fed or not, he was ready to boogie.
If you're new on the ride, Jack is my long time partner. Muscles works with me in the business, but I still keep Jack with me because he and I are very attached.
Jack is my penis.
And right now Jack wanted to go dancing in this babe's twat.
She knocks and I open the door. She flashes the shield and I have to restrain myself from saying, "Hello, Clarice," in my best Hannibal Lector voice.
Feds have their senses of humor surgically removed before they're allowed out in the field, so it wouldn't do any good anyway.
"Come in," is all I say.
She enters and her smell comes in with her. She smells like soap and shampoo and gunpowder. She's been at the range today. Yeah, you already know I got a soft spot for girls and guns.
But right now it's more a hard than a soft spot. It's called Jack.
Anyway, this babe has lips. I mean, Tina has great little lips, but Allison has World-Class very full lips, and almond eyes, and brown skin and that shock of blonde hair that just acts as a road sign to scream "Fuck me" to every man in the room.
Being an FBI agent must be some kind of hell for her.
"Any problems?" she asks, looking around. I can smell that too. She's afraid. I don't blame her.
"No, everything's under control," I tell her. "My secretary's in back, packing. She's carrying, and has a permit."
I want her to know. I know I'm hinky going into a situation cold. I want her to know who else is in the house, and that all concerned are packing, so she doesn't get surprised.
She nods.
"Special Agent Allbright," she says, offering me her hand. She's not giving me another chance to call her Allison.
"Murray Antoinette," I tell her. She nods
"You must get a lot of kidding," she says.
I nod. Hell, it's a funny name. Most people remember it, however.
"Yeah, I do, Agent All-right," I say.
She smiles at me. Damn, those lips are just asking to be kissed. And that's only for starters.
Tina comes out. She's got on black leather: boots, skirt, shirt, jacket. She looks like a biker's wet dream. She smiles at my gaze, then looks over at Agent Allbright.
"I'm Tina Lord," she says, offering her little hand.
"FBI Special Agent Allison Allbright," the Fed babe responds.
They shake hands, and I see the look. Special Agent Allbright is very good, and most folks would never notice, but she is checking out Tina.
And she likes what she sees.
They shake for a moment longer than necessary, then Allbright goes back to all business.
"Do you have a place in mind that's safe?" she asks. I nod. Lila's place is private, it's built of rock, it's back from the road and it's on a hill. The first time I saw it, I thought it looked very defendable.
Now we were about to find out.
"A friend of mine has a place," I tell her. "We're going there."
"I'm coming," she says.
I avoid any obvious comebacks to her statement.
"Look, I have friends already helping," I warn her. "You might just get in the way."
Agent Allbright frowns and shakes her head curtly.
"Sorry, I have an assignment, and you're it," she says. "You go, I go."
I nod. Hell, despite her hot looks, she seems like she can handle herself. She might be young and inexperienced, but she's got the makings of a good agent.
"All right, Allbright," I say, enjoying the little flicker of anger on her face. I said she might be okay. I didn't say I was gonna be nice about it. "I'll grab a few things and we'll be ready to go."
I go back, and Tina follows. Hell, she's already got my suits laid out, and underwear and socks and all the other crap I usually forget to pack.
When I told her I wore the same pair of underwear during my three day trip to Reno, I thought Tina'd puke.
I turn and take Tina in my arms and kiss her. She kisses back, all nice and wet and fun. Hell, a guy could get used to this.
I look up and see Allbright in the hall, watching. She looks away, but I think she's liking the show Tina is putting on.
I'd be surprised if Agent All-Right wouldn't like a ticket for that ride herself.
Fifteen minutes later we're in my car, with Agent Allbright in her car, a respectful distance behind. I told her I didn't want a parade, and she seemed to understand.
Tina's sitting beside me, grinning. She's having fun now. It's an adventure.
I just hope it's not one of those adventures that get movies made about them later, the ones that list the dead and missing at the end of the show.
I pull into Lila's house. There's a big stone fence around it, and iron gates that stand open. At least, they usually do.
But now a big old Cadillac is parked crossways in the driveway. The women guarding the gate see me pull in. The big Caddy slowly backs up, and a Dyke babe opens the gate.
"Wow!" Tina giggles. "It's just like the Godfather!" I gotta smile. Half of Muscle's friend have military experience, and the other half are real, kick-ass, one percenter bikers. Not to mention the boxers, weight-lifters, fire-fighters, smoke jumpers and just kick-ass muscle-loving Dykes in all kinds of work, where guys used to reign, but now take orders from them. These babes are tougher than nails, and meaner than shit. And this is just an opportunity for them to show it.
If Brisco and his boys show up here, maybe they're the ones who should worry about rape. Some of these babes clits are probably bigger than Jack.
And Jack ain't small.
Allbright pulls in behind me, and we both pull in the drive. The Caddy pulls back into it's place as a two-ton road block.
What looks like a machine gun nest is being set up on the porch, and a big Dyke is carrying up about six sandbags in one arm, like they're nothing. She drops them on the porch, just as another massive babe comes around carrying six more.
The place is crawling with the biggest, toughest, meanest pussy imaginable.
We go in the house, with me and Allison and Tina getting eye- balled by the sandbag squad. Tina and Allison get appreciative little smiles: Me, it's more like checking out your prey before you kill and eat him. I don't know these women, and it may take some time for my charming personality to win them over. Only then do they get to meet Jack.
No, not in their pussies, stupid. D Y K E! Can't you spell? Yeah, I get some sometimes, but for most of these babes, Jack is a buddy, a mascot, a good prick in a world of nasty cocks. He makes a lot of friends.
But the sex part may have to wait.
But Tina smiles over at me and winks. She's like Jack's press agent. Yeah, my girlfriend likes to help me get laid. You got a problem with that? What, your girlfriend doesn't help you get laid?
Sounds like that's your problem, not mine.
We walk into Lila's place. It's great: a huge house, beautifully and tastefully decorated. Lila got it after Boy Wonder got his, and now it's Lesbian Central. Lila found out she likes girls, and now she's going through a whole bunch of them, checking out all the little differences.
Very closely and very carefully.
Now I'm not talking dirt on Lila. She's a wonderful woman, and a dear friend. So what if she gets more pussy than I do? I'm in no position to complain. I get plenty lately.
Lila comes down the stairs in a business suit, her blonde hair swept up on her head. She looks great. Kind of like Sharon Stone, only a lot sexier. She smiles when she sees us.
"I'm glad to see you're here," she says. "I was worried."
She hugs me and kisses me. Yeah, Jack and her are old buddies and he's trying to say hello through my pants.
Jack is a real friendly sort.
She smiles at my crotch.
"Isn't Jack scared?" she asks. "It's full of Dyketosterone around here.
Yeah, I named it that. A room full of guys is full of Testosterone. This babes don't have testes, so I call their form of power Dyketosterone.
It's like Testosterone, only a lot stronger.
"He's gonna stay hidden until he's sure it's safe," I tell Lila with a smile. She grins back, and then kisses Tina hello. This ain't a little peck. It's more like a full frontal assault on her mouth. I see Allison's eyes widen just a tiny bit. She's trying to be cool about it, but if you saw two of the hottest women in the world and watched them going for a tongue wrestling championship, your eyes would widen a tiny bit too.
They both moan.
"That was wonderful," Tina says. "Better than my vibrator."
That gets the eyes a little bigger. Special Agent Allbright had better be careful or in a few hours, her eyes are gonna look like platters.
Lila turns and looks at Allison. And not just her face: Lila checks out the whole nice little package. Lila smiles, her lips still wet from kissing Tina.
"This is FBI Special Agent Allison Allbright," I say, keeping the introduction straight. This woman is in enough trouble right now, surrounded by hot Lesbian pussy that's gonna find her fascinating.
Hell, I may have be her bodyguard, instead of the other way round.
But Allison smiles calmly and shakes hands with Lila.
"Looks like you are taking this seriously, at least" Agent Allbright says. Lila nods.
"I know Brisco. Not personally, but I know too many people who did."
Allbright nods. Donnie Brisco had the shit business sewed up around here. He took shit, gave shit and made for a whole lot more shit. If there was dirty money to be made, he was making it. It came out at his trial that he was blackmailing women who owed him money, threatening them and their little daughters with rape, then coming up with a compromise.
Brisco fucked Mommy, while her daughters posed for Kiddy Porn.
The asshole already had a deal in place with the D.A. when this came out, however, so there was nothing the authorities could do but shake their heads and shrug.
Donnie Brisco gave criminal enterprise a bad name. Even the Mafia was embarrassed by him.
Now he's on the loose, and probably heading here.
"Looks like if he comes here, he'll regret it," Allbright says with a cold smile.
Lila smiles and nods. Brisco threatened to rape Muscles, who is like a goddess to the women around here. He'll be lucky if his prick doesn't end up cut off and stuffed and displayed on somebody's mantle.
There is a roar outside, building to an ear-shattering blast. The sound suddenly lessens and dies. I see Allbright touch her gun, but I smile.
You can't miss the sound of a bunch of Harley twin-cylinder engines.
I go to the door and open it.
I look out and see the Harleys, the chrome and the leather, the tattoos and tanned, rippling muscles, the crew-cuts, the cigarettes, the boots and the skull paraphernalia and the sawed off shotguns and assault rifles and massive pistols strapped on muscled hips.
Muscles gets off her bike, and so do the rest of her girlfriends.
Even Jack wants to run. He likes Bi girls and has nothing against Lesbians. Hell, he likes them a lot too.
But Bull-Dyke is way too soft a word for these women. The name of their club says it all:
BALL-CUTTERS is emblazoned on their jackets.
Muscles called in the reinforcements.
Muscles smiles up at me. Every since I popped her cherry, she has a soft look in her eyes when she looks at me. No, she isn't all sweetness and melting sighs. It's more like she looks appreciably less dangerous.
But in Muscles, that's a big step.
She winks at me as she walks past. These biker babes are checking me out, kind of like they're wondering if I'd be good to eat. And not in a nice way.
One of them stops beside. She's tall as me, and probably weighs the same, only on her it's pure muscle and tits. She has a great set of knockers and an ass that won't quit. She's got short red hair and a really pretty face.
I can smell her pussy. Some chicks get off riding Harleys. I hear it's like your own personal vibrator that you can drive around. She smells like she's been getting off, a lot.
She smiles at me.
"You're Murray," she says.
I nod. My name gets around.
"Yeah," I say.
"I'm Les," she says. "Leslie Tolliver."
I nod. At least she's being polite. Or maybe there's something more.
I hear Tina gasp and turn. She's surrounded by big, tough pussy and one of them is in the process of forcing Tina to kiss her, while she feels Tina up roughly. Muscles is right there, smiling, so I know things are cool.
Besides, Tina has a real soft spot when it comes to tough women.
It's called her pussy.
I gotta smile. Maybe this will be more fun than I thought.
"Is that your girlfriend?" Les asks. I smile.
"Yeah," I say. "Poor thing. She hating every second of this."
Les smiles. Tina is moaning and kissing back and has one of her great legs wrapped around the woman kissing her, giving everyone a great shot of her Victoria's Secret clad thighs and butt. I think she spends more on underwear than I do on all my clothes.
But Tina's a hell of a babe, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Poor Agent Allbright is watching, while trying not to be obvious. She's shifting from foot to foot and pretending she expected this. I wink at Les and walk over to Allison.
"It's okay," I say to her. "Tina's a big girl."
Allbright looks at me. Yeah, you can bluff all you want, but some things happen whether you want them to or not. With me it's Jack waking up.
Allison's eyes are bright and her face is slightly flushed. And I can smell her, the wonderful smell of pussy warming up.
"Relax," I tell her. "Anything that happens here is gonna stay here. The FeeBees won't hear a thing."
Yeah, it's tough. When you join the FBI, they expect you to wrap up your personal life and store it in a locker. Now, that might have been a good idea for J. Edgar, who must have looked awful in a dress.
But this is a young, vibrant, sexual woman. And she can't hide that, no matter how many masculine suits and hard looks she might use to cover it.
I smile at her conspiratorially.
"You might as well get some," I tell her. "Everyone else will be."
"I'm not gay," she says.
I look in her eyes. She's telling the truth, as least as far as she understands it. Yeah, she's been checking out Tina and, yeah, she's getting off watching the action.
But she's not gay.
And Jack's really a pussy in disguise.
I nod. Hell, I gotta respect her view, no matter how off kilter she is.
Of course, Jack is doing the dance of joy in my pants. If Allison wants to prove she's not gay, he's glad to help her. Denial does have its perks.
"I'm just saying this is the real world," I tell her. "Not the Fed world."
She smiles. Yeah, the Fed infrastructure is as artificial as a wooden leg on a dog. It has the same relationship to reality that most government agencies do: They don't have a fucking clue what 'real' is.
But Feds have to deal with the worst of the real world, and the good ones recognize that and learn something about it.
Allbright turns and looks at Tina again. Tina's top is gone, and her big tits are being mauled by a dozen hands, some wearing leather gloves.
I gotta smile. Tina is in heaven.
Les wanders over and stands beside me. She's smiling too.
"Muscles said we'd have fun," she says, reaching over surreptitiously to touch the back of my hand with a finger, stroking it softly.
Yeah, she's Bi. Hey, it's common. Jack and I have no problem with that: Hell, most of our action is Bi. Girls, asshole. If you have dreams of me ass-fucking some dude's hairy ass, you've come to the wrong story.
But don't go away forever. Muscles has a strap-on, and she tells me it's fun. So maybe you'll get some action eventually after all.
I turn and look at Les. Yeah, she's tattooed and tough, with leather all over and grime on her face. She also looks like she would be one wild, great fuck.
Jack's given up dancing in my pants and is trying to batter his way out. He likes pussy, of all kinds, and this one looks like a real fun ride.
Allison is getting more uncomfortable. Tina's pretty well naked, and that's the cue for others to start kissing and fondling and stripping. Allison looks over at me, her eyes both aroused and pleading.
I gotta take pity on her.
"There's more firepower around here than a fireworks factory on the last day of June," I tell her. "So I'm safe. If you want to leave, no one will miss you."
Allison looks at me, her eyes almost begging me for something. Problem is, I know what it is and she has no idea.
I reach out and take her hand. Yeah, she's a Fed, and this is gonna fuck with her mind big time.
But better it happen now, with people who understand.
"Let's go upstairs," I say to both women.
The three of us head up the stairs. Allison is still looking back, where a babe orgy is in the process of forming. Once it starts it spreads, like a contagion, till everyone around gets it. Orgy formation would make an interesting graduate thesis for someone: It's both fascinating and a hell of a lot of fun to study.
We walk down the hall and I open a door. This is my room here: Lila had it furnished, in thirties style furniture. On the wallpapered walls are framed covers from old Detective Magazines, with hot babes in hotter situations, and old movie posters. A signed picture of Humphry Bogart as Sam Spade hangs over the desk.
It's a big battered wooden desk. An antique fan is on it, with an old.32 Colt automatic, like Rick carried in Casablanca, laying beside it.
Yeah, it's tacky. And I love the hell out of it.
Well, time to get down to business. I turn to Allison and kiss her.
Yeah, she fights and tries to stop me. She moans and keeps her lips closed and tries to turn her head and all the shit you expect.
We got back to the hotel with no problems and found our purchases waiting at the front desk for us. We hauled them up and Katherine insisted on hanging up all my stuff. I don't think she trusted me. I was looking at all the clothes that I now had and realized I was going to need a suitcase or garment bag, something else I had never owned. I grabbed a smaller bottle of water and settled in the seating area, looking out the window at the structures of the middle layer of the station. Sam was...
With a sigh, I dropped both feet onto the floor, stood up and placed my coffee cup on Philippe's desk, turned and greeted the ladies. They were dressed very differently than they had been on the ship. Instead of the coveralls, each wore slacks, silky blouses, and short jackets. No one wears skirts or dresses where the possibility of gravity loss might cause embarrassment. Anna and Katherine's outfits were well tailored and in the casual to formal range of fashion while Mari's were more...
I let Mari use the bathroom first. I walked over to the laundry return mounted in the bedroom wall, pulled out my clothes, folded and put them away. Mari exited a little later, telling me 'Your turn' before walking out and checking to make sure the hotel room was buttoned up. I went into the bathroom, stripped my clothes off before putting just my shorts back on, and did my nightly stuff. I exited the bathroom, tossed my slightly used clothes into the wardrobe, dimmed the lights, and...
I had talked to the captain of the freighter, reminding her to have witness reports of the incident from herself and the bridge crew ready and making sure her report of the pirate incident that started in Denarrus was written. The women were back on the freighter by the time security arrived. We had parted with hugs, kisses, and promises to keep in touch while they were in system. Even Mari gave me a hug, pulling my face into her chest and kissed the top of my head. When she let up a little,...
The four of us met in the main room a little later. It was obvious even to me from the satisfied looks on Katherine's and Mari's faces that they, too, had enjoyed themselves. I asked Sam how she was doing and she gave me big grin. "I'm good. Don't you worry about me." She had listened in on my conversation with Anna through my implant and was happy with the way it went. We talked for a while and decided to go to dinner when people's stomachs started to grumble. I made sure the...
I woke up late the next day feeling groggy and achy and knowing my sleep cycle was fucked. I don't think I had moved at all in the night and I was stiff. Something else was amiss and it took my fuzzy brain a moment to process the situation. Lying half on top of my left side was a nekkid young woman. Not the first time I've woken up with a woman but it is the first time with a nekkid woman. Yes, you can assume I am not sexually experienced. I've been in training from the age of 13 to 17...
Sam was pointing me to the replicator when I stumbled out of the master bedroom in search of life giving elixir. She had somehow, I do not know how but I will be eternally thankful to her, gotten hold of a decent coffee profile. I was the first up surprisingly and when the time that the women had been forcing me out of bed came and went I decided to check on them. Anna was doing her cat routine and was curled around a pillow and snuggled under the sheets. Mari was spooned behind her with...
It was a couple of weeks later that I was summoned to Privateer Corps HQ. Quinn Taylor asked me to bring the ladies as Councilor Estebahn would be present. This was fortunate for me since I still hated the drive through the city and they would keep me calm. We hopped into a vehicle and were driven to HQ. There, in a large set of offices in a high rise near the Senate Building, we were led to a briefing room. There, Taylor and Councilor Estebahn were waiting and watching a newscast on a...
Annalynn Estebahn was staring at me. "You really think the captain was involved with the pirates?" "It fits," I told her. "Maybe not perfectly but reasonably. If the pirates had boarded the freighter, they could have grabbed you and been gone before system security could get here." "What about the Mari, Katherine, and the other passengers and crew?" "The captain has little regard for the crew and was more concerned with the state of the engines. I'm guessing he's trying to...
I grabbed Sam's portable carrier and transferred her unit into it. AIAs reside in a sealed unit about the size of my fist (remember I have big fists) that looks like a silver/black cube with only a single data port in the bottom. The units are damn near indestructible seeing as they are used as data recorders. Ships have been blown to pieces and AIA units have survived to tell what happened. The only thing more likely to survive is something we refer to as the hardened vault, a massive...
At just before 0900 station time, we arrived at the docks and made our way to the 'Shivari'. I was carrying Sam and leading the way through dock workers and maintenance people. Midshift had started an hour before and work was in full swing with people gathering materials and tools for repair work. I was in my work clothes and the women were in their coveralls. We'd gotten some looks as we'd left the hotel. I was trying to be better company in the morning and not so grumpy. Earlier we'd...
The next morning I woke up and couldn't move. Mari was half on top of one side while Anna was on the other with Katherine spooning her. Sam was at the foot of the bed silently laughing at my predicament. "Ugh," was my response as I dropped my head back onto my pillow. That seemed to be enough to wake Mari up. She rolled onto her back and stretched, then moved into a propped up position, blinked sleepily and smiled at Sam. She looked at me, smiled, leaned over and kissed my cheek. She...
I was on the verge of burnout. I had been an instructor in the Army, teaching helicopter mechanics for almost four years. It was always the same thing over and over again. Every few weeks I would get a new class of Privates, teach them what they needed to know and send them on to the next section. From time to time, there would be a female student, but every instructor knew better than to fraternize with them. Occasionally we would hear about someone getting busted for doing just that. I had... has the kind of one-word domain that has got to be Internet gold. I wonder how many random visitors they get who are just trying to find a way to keep their secrets safe from Google, Facebook and their wives. Considering at least half of those secrets are an insatiable desire to bang sexy women in face, mouth and butthole, those rando websurfers end up in the right place anyway. Isn’t it funny how life works out?Private calls itself “Europe’s most visited multi-lingual porn site,” a...
Top Premium Porn Sites"Amethyst Station, 'Shivari' is ready for departure," I said. "Roger, 'Shivari'. Retracting transit shaft ... Retracted." "Confirm transit shaft retracted. You can release docking clamps." A few seconds later, "Docking clamps released. You are clear to maneuver to port side." I tapped in the commands and our starboard thrusters gave a quick burst to slowly move us away from the dock. Once we were clear of the station with about 500m of separation I started turning us away. I...
The year was 1943. German troops were in Paris, Warsaw, Rome and were advancing toward Kursk in the Soviet Union. American troops were fighting the Nazi's in Europe as well as the Japanese on Guadalcanal. WWII was raging with no end in sight.At home, everyone did their best to keep their spirits up. Rosie the Riveter was on the assembly line welding and riveting munitions for victory. Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra, and Judy Garland were making hit records. Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Oklahoma" was...
Love StoriesI bet everyone has their own Private Classics when they’re jacking off. You know the ones I’m talking about: those perfect pornos you may have found 5, 10, 20 years ago that still make you hard as a fucking rock every single time. It’s no wonder some of the long-running Internet porn sites have cashed in on the fad, offering up some of their vintage hits, oldies and goldies that put them on the map in the first place. I mean, shit, just because it’s old doesn’t mean you’re going to get bored of...
Premium Vintage Porn SitesWith a name like PrivateBlack, you already know they aren’t selling the usual low-grade interracial smut you find on the free tubes and tenth-tier paysites out there. The title itself implies some high-end shit, reserved for only a select group of perverts. This is a private reserve of black-on-white smut, brought you to by the folks at Private. I’ve reviewed Private here at ThePornDude and liked what I saw, which made me even more eager to see what they were doing with their BBC...
Premium Interracial Porn SitesPrivate Matters by Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? Recruited Adults are often puzzled why teenagers are so surly and miserable. Fathers in particular look at their sons and say, "You?re so lucky to be young." What they?re thinking is, "You?re so lucky to be slim, have a hard cock with a quick reload, and be around all that pretty young pussy for you to boff." My dad was right about the slimness and hard cock, but the pussy didn?t seem to be yearning for my boffing. My name is...
Private Nature TourCome with me on an exclusive orally guided tour of this Park’s beautiful backcountry. This one on one adventure will expose you to the raw and naked beauty of nature’s wild side. I will blow you away as we explore lush valley bottoms and domineering peak tops. I guarantee you an explosive and climatic experience that will have you coming back for more. Tour departs from River Park Gazebo on Saturday’s at 9:00 a.m. Please tear a ticket off the bottom of this posting to...
Private Nature TourCome with me on an exclusive orally guided tour of this Park’s beautiful backcountry. This one on one adventure will expose you to the raw and naked beauty of nature’s wild side. I will blow you away as we explore lush valley bottoms and domineering peak tops. I guarantee you an explosive and climatic experience that will have you coming back for more. Tour departs from River Park Gazebo on Saturday’s at 9:00 a.m. Please tear a ticket off the bottom of this posting to...
Gay MaleThe private strip-show I’d done for Dick had left me with a sore arse but a full purse. That same weekend, I’d agreed to do an extra Sunday afternoon show in the Farringdon Arms to help out one of the other girls and I was a bit worried that my bum might still be bit sore after the bashing it had received on Friday. But I rubbed plenty of cream around it on Saturday, and by the next day, I found I could sit down without wincing too obviously.There was quite a good crowd of locals in for the...
Strap-On SexChapter 1:Christine couldn’t believe her luck. She was now on her way to the private club, in a limo no less.It had only been Tuesday that she had gone out to a movie with Cassandra. That in itself seemed rather strange, but they had both gotten along well while working on a school project together. Working together wasn’t exactly correct either, as Christine did most of the work. Christine knew that was just the way it worked with rich girls like Cassandra, they always got their way. They...
Private Internment DAY ONE Making a decision I slid the vehicle over into the automatic lane and tried to relax. In theback seat Martha and Linda were sitting quietly, looking out the side windows.Some color had returned to their faces and their expressions were ones of bothconcern and relief. Concern over their future and relief from the fact thatthe last two weeks were finally over and they were out of the legal system.They are both former coworkers that I had known for a number of...
I'm Matthew, a 25 year old popular math teacher at St Edwards high school in England. This high school differs itself from other schools: it's a girl only school, meaning all the students are girls. Let me tell you a bit more about myself. I'm standing at 6'1, meaning that I'm quite tall. I've got short dark blond hair which is folded backwards with gel and my hair is even shorter at the sides. I don't possess any kind of tattoos, neither piercings. I'm somewhat tanned, but not a lot,...
Private school (ch. 1-10)ArrivalThe buildings looked stayed and full of tradition. Anne liked them and the park surrounding them at first sight and was even happier she had taken this job at the small 6th form boarding school rather than the one at the state school she had been offered, too. She followed the driveway round the building until she found the staff parking lot. Although it was the last day before the start of the new term there were only half a dozen other cars and she found space...
A young woman dressed in snug military attire stood before me. Her posture was ram-rod straight, with breasts thrust outward, trim stomach pulled in, and eyes focused above my head. She was at full attention, and deadly serious in her demeanor. But despite all that, I couldn't help but notice how strikingly beautiful she was. Her uniform clung to her figure deliciously, accenting every curve of her womanly figure in snug camouflage. On her head, was a green cap tilted just slightly off-center....
It's early about 8:00 I wake up to the sun just peering through the bedroom window. I turn over and see Holly isn't there. I leave the room in my boxers and walk to the bathroom where I see Holly leaning over the sink washing her hands. She's wearing a bright red vest top, that's tight around her body and pink panties. Even if im not fully awake my cock sure is. She looks at me in the mirror and smiles at me as she says good morning. "morning." I say as I walk up behind her and place my...
As a carefree high school senior, Dylan was known for his athleticism, congeniality, and good looks. He had it all. He could have had any girl he wanted, of course, although he only dated Daisy McLaren. She was his sweetheart since their sophomore year. She loved Dylan as much as he loved her.They married soon after graduation in the summer of '43. Their honeymoon year was cut short when things abruptly changed. Dylan found himself living in a new place wearing different clothes and he even...
Love StoriesTrick for private profiles & caveat utilitorSomeone asked me about this the other day so I thought I'd just put it here."caveat utilitor" is latin for 'let the user beware' for those not versed. I.E. this is as much a warning to the unweary than a how to. (some people seem to not understand this so I'll just point it out)If someone's profile is private you can still see their videos and pictures using a little trick. This will not circumvent passworded or friends only videos! Nor will it...
*** This is my first story…Please let me know what you think. Private Dance-Part One: Nurse Cammy My husband was home on leave from his job overseas and I decided to treat him to something special. We live in Las Vegas, with some of the biggest, most outrageous strip clubs in the world. I set up a private table for two at one of the classier joints, with a private dance for us at some time during the evening. When date night came, I dressed in my flirtiest outfit. The corset top hugged my...
LesbianI had seen a movie last week. That made me think I needed to add something more to my man cave. That what I call my basement. The man cave. I needed to add a stripper pole. I had a very nice brass stripper pole put in one corner of the basement. I built a nice four foot by four foot stage with the pole in the middle. I put some lights under the stage to make it more fun. I also added some speakers and a new sound system to get the party started. Now the only thing missing was some...
Introduction: She brought her husband to watch me I just got done remodeling my basement. I already had a full bar. Some nice video games. A big pool table. A huge flat screen and some leather couches on one side. I put in some new carpeting. Made the small bathroom much larger. Add a huge bathtub and glass shower to make it nicer. I even built a better entrance from the back yard. I put in a poker table and some nice chairs and bar stools for the room I had seen a movie last week. That made...
I just got done remodeling my basement. I already had a full bar. Some nice video games. A big pool table. A huge flat screen and some leather couches on one side. I put in some new carpeting. Made the small bathroom much larger. Add a huge bathtub and glass shower to make it nicer. I even built a better entrance from the back yard. I put in a poker table and some nice chairs and bar stools for the roomI had seen a movie last week. That made me think I needed to add something more to my man...
Private Campground Story from the perspective of a guy and his wife who both become willing abuse victims of 6 other guys. forced bi, cum eating, fucking and suckingMy wife, Julie, who is in her early thirties with long brown hair, browneyes and the type of body and looks that makes eyes turns when she enters aroom, tends to behave very conservatively around our friends. But when weare alone together in bed, usually anything goes.I am in my late thirties standing 6'2" 200 lbs. And handsome...
I just got done remodeling my basement. I already had a full bar. Some nice video games. A big pool table. A huge flat screen and some leather couches on one side. I put in some new carpeting. Made the small bathroom much larger. Add a huge bathtub and glass shower to make it nicer. I even built a better entrance from the back yard. I put in a poker table and some nice chairs and bar stools for the roomI had seen a movie last week. That made me think I needed to add something more to my man...
Private Performanceby Ashley ZachariasThe Commission:Catherine was trying to give Adele’s work the consideration that it deserved, but failing. Her attention was distracted the inane conversation behind her.?What does it mean?? a man’s voice asked.?It doesn’t mean anything,? a second male voice replied. ?It’s abstract. It’s just a design.? The second voice had a whine that grated on Catherine.?The tag says that it’s called A Cry in the Urban Wilderness. That has to mean something.? The deeper...
Do you have Private Internet Access (PIA)? I know many people are pretty fucking surprised to learn how often their Internet use is being spied on by bosses, apps, baristas, oppressive regimes, your wife and even your internet service provider. If you don’t believe me, I guess you’ve never gotten an ad for dick-sucking machines moments after asking your buddy if he’s ever tried a dick-sucking machine. (Speaking of dick-sucking devices, your mom wanted me to tell you to clean your...
Best VPN SitesDo we live in a Private Society? I guess it depends on how you define the term. I’m sure some would argue the days of true privacy are long gone, our pure alone time sacrificed for phones that know exactly when and where you want a burger or a beat-off. These days, the smarter motherfuckers won’t even crank it in front of the computer without their webcams covered up, because who the hell knows who’s watching? Incidentally, you might want to cover it up now if you’re worried you’ve accidentally...
Premium Amateur Porn SitesI'm standing in Rick's office, having just got my ID as a Private Hero. And now Rick's placed what looks like my Crossblade uniform on the table but there's something different about it. I take it and examine in. It's the same black skin tight suit. But instead of a crossblade symbol, it's a bright silver x that goes across the chest from my shoulders across to my hips. Rick also places a belt on the table and what looks like a set of goggles. "Go ahead try them on." I excuse myself...
Daniel's POV Morning after the night before.... My mind is spinning. I have lots to prepare for. I may need some help from Katy. If I really wanna pull this off, she's the best person to go to. I wake up early at 7:00, it's still dark but the sun is creeping over the clouds. Thr sky is a beautiful purple that morphs into orange as the sun rises. I look behind me at my beautiful girlfriend lying in bed, her beautiful red hair flared over the pillow. I'm dressed in my white top, jeans,...
I surprised Marina when I called telling her pack a bag and be ready in a half hour. We arrived at Executive Airport where my private jet waited to take us to my private island. Marina is stunned to see a private jet and find out I had a private island. She is surprised everyday with new discoveries about my life and the way I lavish her with gifts. We landed on the island and I took her hand, leading her out of the trees towards the house. Slowly we passed the immense grounds of the estate...
(To the reader: If you like the following story, the author would appreciate hearing from you via the PM function in the Forum section and can reply. The author cannot reply by email.) [The following is transcribed from a collection of papers recently found in a cardboard box in the attic of an old house in rural Vermont that was once a parsonage. It is clearly an address intended to be delivered to a group known as the Sisters of Heaven and Earth, and presumably it was in fact delivered. I...
Introduction: This story was previously removed for underage. It has been revised to make the daughter 18 years old. Chapter I: Landing the New Job I graduated from college just as the economy took a sharp downturn and the job market for English majors was considerably bleaker than it normally is. After failing to land a teaching job, I put ads in some upscale publications as a private tutor. Living on Manhattans Upper West Side I thought I had a good chance of stringing along enough students...
PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR LESBIANS – Part 3 - DOTTIEThe Director, Ms Dorothy van Heckle, (Dottie to most people) was a tall distinguished looking woman with grey hair (she was about 60) and a firm voice. She had directed this school since the beginning. She was an enigma to most. There were many rumours about her, but nothing was ever proven or investigated. One persistent rumour was that she had wild parties in her very pPRIVATE SCHOOL FOR LESBIANS – Part 3 - DOTTIEThe Director, Ms Dorothy van...
PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR LESBIANS- PART 1WELCOMING THE NEW SCHOOL YEARNote: Of course, no such school restricted only to lesbians exists. I think that it will one day, and I am trying to imagine what would be going on in those schools. The Mary Doherty private school for women- college level- was founded some 10 years ago and catered only to lesbians with the proper academic standing. The tuition fees were astronomical. Located in southern California, it could only be reached from the main highway by...
The music was loud and pulsing as the DJ announced her. She stepped through the black-light back lit threshold, through the colourful beads, and onto the stage. The crowd was good and through the smoke, into the darkened room, she saw her. The men waving their Euros and Pounds and Dollars faded as her focus honed in on the woman on the side of the stage. She liked it when women were there. Men, bless them, can be such mindless c***dren at times. But, stripping for other women made her hot and...
As she walked in the front door her husband met her with a hug.“Where have you been? I’ve been calling you all afternoon. They let me out early so I thought you might want to go to the mall or movies while we have some free time.”With a confused look in her eyes she stared at her husband. She could usually tell when he was messing with her and right now he was being completely serious. At that moment her heart began to race just a bit. “I was busy with one of your dares.” She stated.For the...
PRELUDE Shannon's body moved slowly in the seat, responding to every little touch, each caress. She didn't know which was the slowest ... his mouth exploring the inside of her trembling thighs as it moved up from her knees or the excruciatingly slow descent of her soaked thong being drawn down her legs. When they met half way he didn't ignore either one. Instead, he licked and kissed his way around the flimsy garment, taking time to enjoy the soaked lace by gently rubbing his face in it....
I got a call from Arturo on my day off. I was pissed. I had plans for the day. I needed to go over the personnel files of every eligible woman who worked at Chris' company. I couldn't afford another Mara. It broke my heart every time I thought about him being with a skank like her. I needed to find a nice girl for him. Someone he could grow to love and have babies with. I knew it would kill me when he finally found someone, but I wanted her to be perfect for him. Arturo told me to dress up...
Let's have a look at Sky Private! There are hundreds upon hundreds of xxx cam sites out there that let you watch sexy girls strip, masturbate, and dance for you on command. Not many of them offer much outside of the usual model of how these sites tend to operate, though: you click into a girl’s room, watch her alongside hundreds of other dudes, tip to encourage her to show more, and then pay a certain number of coins in order to enter into a private show with her. As porn addicts, I’m sure you...
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It's about 12 pm when I wake up. I have to leave soon. I send Holly a text saying "Good morning" and wait with a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. It doesn't take long for Holly to reply. She says good morning back and I ask her if she's given any thought to my offer. She says "I need to talk to you before I decide." She gives me an address and I tell her I'll be by soon. I pack up my bags and put them in the trunk of my car and set off. It takes 20 minutes for me to get to her...
We live in a 4 bedroom ranch style house. When Jen turned 15, a year ago, she wanted her own space. After much debate, we built her a bedroom in the basement, adjacent to the family room. Our property slopes downward, front to back, so the house has a walk out basement that Jen really likes. I figured it would make it easy for her to sneak out, and worse, easy for boys to sneak in. Jen and her best friend, and cousin, Molly turned 16 the same week. Following the family parties, Jen...
Mrs. Reynolds arrived at my office right on time. She looked as stunning as ever, today dressed in red knee-length tank dress with matching red heels. The dress showed off her very appealing form, but wasn't quite as tight as the one she wore when I first saw her. Still, she was amazing looking and my heart skipped a beat when she walked into my office again. "Hello Beverly, thanks for coming by. It's nice to see you again. Please, have a seat," I said as she came in the office. "Hello Peter,...