Mi Vida Loca A Young Man s Sexual OdysseyChapter 31
- 4 years ago
- 37
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Even after all the excitement of starting a partnership with Teresa and Rod Woodall, and nearly fucking Alaina and Christina, I was home by 10:00, in time to watch the news.
I was excited about the steakhouse, and told everyone, “We’re going to be in the Steakhouse business soon. I made a deal with the brother and sister who own the one in Ashton, and I’m going to buy half interest in their business, with plans to build one in Collinsville and Stewart, to begin with.”
Rondo told me, “Josey, you need to get Daddy’s recipe for those steaks, and let them try that on a few of their customers.”
“That’s a good idea. I’ll do that when I get back.”
I was sitting in my truck, parked in front of the office when I hard them buzz the hangar.
I could see the lights on each wing blinking as they taxied back to where I was waiting. I stayed back as the plane turned - then came to a stop. The door popped open and I hurried up the steps, tossing my bag in ahead of me, as Reina reached for me.
“Give me a big hug, you handsome devil. I’ve never been so excited about a trip as I am about this one. Come over here and get strapped in. Belle wants to get this bird in the air so we can visit.
“What have you been doing with yourself since we saw you last?”
“We’ve been really busy on the farm, and I’ve been as busy as I can be, chasing down good investment deals.”
“I just bet you’ve been chasing down deals ... Deals on some hot pussy, if I know my sexy friend.”
“I’ve done some of that too.”
“Tell me about some of the deals you’ve made.”
“I’ve bought two more farms since we saw each other. I just got through closing the deal on the old Glendale Farm, and I bought another one back east of there a ways. The Lunsford Farm, if you’re familiar with the name.”
“I am familiar with the Glendale Farm, I tried to get Rick to buy that one a year ago and he told me he didn’t know anything about farming, and he didn’t think it would be a good investment for us.
“What else have you stumbled upon?”
“I bought the Chevy Dealership in Ashton, which has the one in Stewart, and one Clarkton, over in Mananas County. Just last night, I met with the owners of the Great Southern Steakhouse in Ashton and we’ll close the deal on our partnership, when we return.”
“You really have been busy ... Now that we’re in the air and leveling off, take that seatbelt loose and give me a real hug, and a kiss like the last one you gave me.”
She’s wearing a pair of those flimsy shorts like they wore on the island. I could tell when she stood in front of me, she wasn’t wearing panties. I pulled her down to sit across my legs and she laughed as she put her arms around my neck.
“Josey, I want to tell you upfront - Belle and I are on this trip for two - very important reasons. One is to buy two really, really fine herds of cattle. We’ve even made preliminary offers on six thousand head of first-time bred-heifers, and another on six thousand head of open-heifers and steers, mixed.
“The other reason she and I are on this trip - we want to fuck you until we know for certain we we’ll go home pregnant.”
“Tell me where we’re going and how long it will take us.”
“We have meetings scheduled with two groups of cattlemen in Fort Dodge, Iowa – one later this afternoon, and one tomorrow morning. Belle charted the flight, and we’re supposed to have fair weather all the way.
“We should be in Fort Dodge about three and a half hours from now,” She told me, after looking at her wristwatch.
“Tell me about the cattlemen we’ll be meeting with.”
“Belle contacted a cattleman we had talked to numerous times in the past, and even purchased cattle from him a few times. She asked if he could help us find bred-heifers and open-heifers in the numbers we needed to start our beef production in West Central Mississippi. Not only did he help us - he contacted the largest cattle growers in Webster County, and surrounding counties, asking them if they would be interested in selling their cattle direct to a new buyer, and not have to sell at auction, twice a year.
“According to him, the response was so good, even he was surprised. He called Belle and told her he could get us all the cattle we asked for, with a price below the local market at auction, since the cattle could be picked up at their farms and ranches, to be shipped directly to us.”
“How will we know we’re getting what we pay for? Do they even have veterinarians who can tell us the cattle are healthy?”
“That’s another thing he added. Each of the cattlemen he contacted, keep veterinary records on each cow, calf, steer, and bull in their herd.”
“Hey, that sounds good. I like doing business with professionals who tend to their business in a way they can back up what they say, and what they sell.”
“Well, he sent Belle a list of all the cattlemen, and each of them belong to the same cattleman’s association.”
“Now we’re really getting down to the good stuff. I’m anxious to meet with these cattlemen and maybe even pick up some pointers on the do’s and don’ts about raising cattle.”
“Josey, now that I’ve given you all the information on the cattlemen, and their cattle – I want to remind you that we still have over two and one-half hours before we land in Fort Dodge. We have also made reservations at a local motel so we’ll have time for Belle and me to shower and dress for our meeting.”
“I suppose Belle is wearing an outfit like yours?”
“Not even close. She’s wearing a t-shirt, panties and sandals. Why don’t you go sit in the copilots seat and chat with her for a few minutes. When you come back, I’ll be waiting for you.”
I looked at her and she smiled as she took off her shirt, then dropped her shorts to stand naked in front of me.
“Pull my boots off, Reina. I want to be ready when I come back. You better be ready too. I’ve already fucked two of your sisters and I’m ready to take on you and Belle.”
“Those younger girls are too feisty. Belle and I love taking our time and making sure the job is well done.”
“I like it both ways. Give me a hug, and a kiss, I’ll be right back.”
Without her husband around, Reina is a totally different woman, but I suppose most married women are the same way.
“I love your big beautiful breasts, Reina. You and your three sisters definitely have one thing in common and that’s a sexy, fit body.”
“Thanks, I take pride in my body, and yes, I do love my big titties. Go visit Belle, and after you and I fuck, she’ll come back here and I’ll fly. Though we have a retro-fit auto pilot, I’ve never liked flying without someone at the wheel.”
“I’m with you there. Hold my place, I’ll be back shortly.”
“Hey sexy Blonde Beauty. Damn, you look good sitting there with those dark glasses on.
“Hello, Handsome Macho Man. You look good too, dressed in that starched starched white shirt and starched jeans. Sit over there and tell me again, how much you love me.”
““I’d rather wait and show you how much I love you. Reina told me she would fly the plane for you and me, if I would hurry back and ler her ride my cock.”
“I wish there was room for two, in this seat. I’d love to ride your cock right this minute. Allin called me and told me about you fucking the shit out of her and her newest friend, Merci – at the same time.
“Cassie told me on our way home, that she could have stayed in that bed with you for days, and still wanted more. You really have made a hit with our two younger sisters, and now, you’re going to fuck my married sister.”
“I’m saving the best until last.”
“I love the way you can lie so casually.”
“I’m not lying. One of your sisters - and I refuse to name names, told me you were the hottest of all the Braddock women, and even before I’ve had my chance with you, I have to agree.”
“Josey, I’ve had so much bullshit thrown at me, I’m nervous as hell with the way you make feel. Merci, Jillian, Sheila, and Shelly all swear that you are really - real and you don’t shoot a girl full of lies, just to get some pussy.”
“I love women and I love girls who have yet to know the ways of a woman. My Aunt Rita told me to just be me, and don’t ever tell a girl I love her, just to get some pussy.”
“I want to meet that woman. That was some sage advice for an aunt to tell her nephew.”
“She basically raised me. I love her more than I can even tell her, much less explain it to you. She’s like a mother, but she’s my best friend... and she taught me to love.“
“She taught you to love?”
“She taught me how to love a woman, and not just use her then kick her aside to get to the next one.”
“I know I’m going to meet her now. I see you in a different light already. You really are real, and though you have loved many women, you do love each of them. I want some of that, Josey. I want a full dose of that, as a matter of fact. I want you more than ever now, and when we kissed before we left your island, I wanted you so bad, I hurt from my heart to my pussy. I’ve never wanted anyone, the way I wanted you then – and the way I want you right now.”
“I’m glad we’ve had a chance to talk like this. If you had been back there and Reina up here, this conversation would never have happened.”
“I know. You are so right, because I would have raped you if you didn’t fuck me in a hurry. Now, I want some of what your Aunt Rita taught you about how to love a woman.”
“She’s going to have a baby in less than two months.”
“I wish I were having your baby at the same time.”
“Will you let me love you, and not just get my cock in your pussy, and hurry to get our come?”
“From now until we put this baby on the ground at Collins County Regional, I belong to you. Not just my ass, my pussy and my titties. Me – I belong to you. Teach me to love and I’ll love you forever.”
“I’ll spank your ass, if you try to take over and fuck me while I’m trying to love you my way.”
“Are you just saying that? Would you really? What would you do if I asked you to spank me just before you shoved your cock in my pussy from behind.”
“I would be tempted, but I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”
“My Daddy spanked me once when I was almost fifteen. I thought I was too big for spankings, but I sassed my Mom and he pulled my panties down and turned me over his knee, then he spanked me until I cried. My ass was red for two days, and you know what?”
“What? Don’t tell me you wanted another spanking.”
“OH FUCK YES JOSEY, I wanted my Daddy to spank me so bad. I even tried my best to make him mad. He would just sit me down and talk to me until I got over it. But – I never got over the yearning to feel his big hand spanking my naked ass.”
When I stepped off the elevator, I ran into Wendy Skelley. I ran into her so hard, I had to catch her to keep her from falling. “Josey, I’ve been looking for you. I saw you and Bailey together earlier, then you were gone. You fucked her, didn’t you? Come on, you can tell me. I want to know all about it. I hope you impregnated her too. Do you have a few minutes? Come go with me, I need you.” She was pulling my arm toward the long white drapes near the back wall of the lobby. I looked around...
The next morning Jacklyn let me take her to work and use her car. I needed to do a little Christmas shopping. I had looked in the phone book the night before to get the addresses and phone numbers I needed. I visited three different jewelry stores before I had what I wanted, but when I returned to the house, I had one hundred womens gold Bulova watches and two dozen men’s gold Bulova watches. I wanted to be sure I had enough for all my girls and women and for my few men-friends plus the farm...
When we arrived in Collinsville, I drove straight to Foster Chevrolet-Olds. I slowed down when we passed the ‘57 Chevy convertible that I had looked at a few days ago. I couldn’t believe it was still here. “That’s the one I want, Granny! I hope it’s still for sale.” “My grandson will have the best looking car in the county when you buy that baby. That sporty convertible will be known as Josey’s Pussy-Wagon, the very first day you own it! Let’s go in there and make our deals. I’ve known old...
The next evening we were loading up in Jacklyn’s Cadillac again. Jacklyn wasn’t with us, she was going to the shower with her boss, Willard Musgrave since they have just about made final commitments to each other after just one date that lasted one day and two nights. I knew I’d get some more of Jacklyn’s pussy before I returned home, and from the way Willard looked my teenage friends over, those girls may just get a big bonus from the rich old fart tonight. They were dressed to kill too,...
“That’s her house, down at the end of that long lane,” Miss Wilkins said as she pointed to the next driveway on the left. I drove up the to the house, just past the garage, then backed right up to it and stopped. “Josey, I’ll go in and unlock so you can back your pickup inside the garage. That way we can let the garage door down, strip off our clothes and fuck all we want to without some of her neighbors coming over to see if she’s home already.” “When is she coming back?” I asked. I was...
“Josey, this will be a day my daddy will remember forever. You should have seen those two young women naked. I mean – DAMN and DOUBLE-DOWN-DAMN. Emmylou was like me, as soon as they stripped and Daddy stripped, they were in the floor sucking his cock. Their titties are larger than Emmylou’s and they stand straight out. Neither of them have a hair on their pussy, but they have hair under their arms. “Emmylou was bent over peeping on them, and when she raised her dress-tail for me to get some...
I had plenty of time, but I hurried across the street and around the courthouse to the apartment building where Val lives. I found the office and walked in to see an older man and woman sitting over to the side watching TV. “Can we help you? If you’re looking for an apartment, they’re all rented at this time and we have a long waiting list,” the man said and walked over to the counter. “What I really came here for was to pay some rent in advance for a friend of my Granny’s. I’m not even...
When I pulled into the front driveway, it was getting late, and I realized that I had been out all day. I also realized, as soon as I saw Kellie and Stella step out of their new pickup, that today has been one of my most satisfying, from start to finish, not even counting the fucking we did on Judge Skelley’s desk. That was some wild shit too. They ran to me as I stood waiting at the bottom of the porch steps. I knew as soon as I saw then run, they have already taken off their new bras and...
I put one box of rubbers under my seat, then opened the other box and took three out to put in my back pocket. I put the opened box in my glove compartment. I guess I do need to start using them on stray pussy, but damn, does it ever feel good to shoot my cum inside a naked pussy with my naked cock. Since Beverly has never fucked before, she gets the naked cock – well – if she shows up naked under her dress with a shaved pussy, I’ll give her my naked cock. If she shows up wearing underwear...
When I went back to Erica’s office, I tapped on her door and Becky opened it after peeking out to see who it was. “Josey, get in here. We’ve just made plans with Lou Ann to help us have fuck and suck party in the theater.” They told me all about their plans and I was as excited as they were. Since Lou Ann was out of school today, she had made plans to spend the day with Mona in her office and she was hoping they’d get to go out on a call in her patrol car. A little before noon, I picked...
Josalyn pointed to Mariah and I patted the table next to her, then fumbled with her sexy ass like I was wearing the blindfold before I stepped up behind her. When I was between her legs, I pulled her ass cheeks open and tried to get my cock in her tight pussy. I reached over and swiped my fingers through Jillian’s slick pussy the smeared it over my cockhead. When I stabbed it back at Mariah’s pussy with my foreskin pulled over the head, my cock popped into her pussy lips, to lodge at her...
I knew I’d never make it back to town for dinner. I decided that if it kept raining like this I’d stop at Kendall’s on the way back and grab a sandwich. By the time I got to Kendall’s Store, the rain was coming down so hard I decided to stop now for a sandwich and wait until the rain let up some. I was proud to do something special like this for Daisy, since she was single and living off her uncle with no way to support herself, or even have a way to go places alone. Besides that, I didn’t...
The next morning, Rondo and I were sitting at the table as the younger women of the family fixed breakfast for all of us. They were making pancakes - one of my favorite breakfasts. I was sitting at my usual chair, looking at those sexy asses as they laughed and made pancakes on the griddle of the new gas stove. Lougenia, Ava, Anna, and Naomi were sitting across from Rondo and Emmylou. They were watching the girls too, then smiling at each other. Jillian and Josalyn were sitting on my left...
While the girls were gathering their bags, I pulled Rondo aside. “Rondo, are you agreeable with what your baby sister wants?” “Josey, as soon as she hugged me, she whispered and told me she wanted you. I told her that you already have many women and many girls waiting in line. She told me she didn’t care, Emmylou told her she should be your woman, and she told me she wants to be your woman even if she has wait a year. If you think you can put up with her, go for it. I love her like a real...
I saw Oliver standing alone at the serving table. He cut off a piece of steak and with it on the point of his knife, put it in his mouth - just as he looked my way. With him watching, I stood and waved, then walked around the tables to where he waited. “Mr. Oliver, that was a super-delicious steak you cooked, and so tender.” “Thank you, Josey. You can thank Helen and Jessica for the tenderness and for the superb taste. They came up with that recipe, and they love sharing it.” “Helen told...
“Josey, we’re getting hungry. Let’s go get Mother to cook us some breakfast. I know she’d like to give you some more pussy too, that is if she’s not too sore from that last fucking you gave her,” Mirra told me as we sat naked on my tailgate and talked. “OH YES, I’d love to see Josey fuck Miss Willie with both of them naked so we can see it all,” Alexa said. “Hell Yeah, and Josey is out of fucking rubbers so he’ll have to fuck her and shoot cum in her pussy. Let’s go, Josey, we want to see...
Miss Etty had already fixed stuff for sandwiches and we sat at her kitchen table eating and drinking tea. We were all naked like it was natural and the way we lived each day of our lives. I was sitting between Momma and Aunt Rita, and Momma would look at me and smile, then lean over to kiss me on my cheek. When I looked at Aunt Rita, she was smiling at me. I knew she was happy for me and I was so happy we were together. “Aunt Rita, did you know anything about all this before today?” “No,...
I had gone maybe 2 miles from town when I met a vehicle with their lights on bright. I flashed my lights to make them dim theirs. They didn’t and I felt the wind gusts shake my car when we met. Damn, they were flying as fast as I was. I looked down and I was running a flat one hundred miles per hour. I looked back in my mirror and saw red and blue lights flashing, then headlights flashing on and off behind me. That’s the fucking law! I wasn’t sure if it was the county or the state police,...
I asked Mr. Kendall to fix us two sandwiches - with mayonnaise, a slice of bologna and a slice of cheese on both of them. I grabbed two small bags of potato chips and placed them on the counter. He had the sandwiches wrapped in waxed paper and stuffed down inside a brown paper bag with the potato chips on top when Erica stepped up with two large Cokes in bottles. “Is this together?” he asked. “Yes Sir... “Mr. Kendall, have you met Nurse Erica Steiner, from the County Health...
“Well hello, Josey. I’m glad you could stop by. I hope you’re not in any hurry. We have some snacks and some high powered cocktail mixers on hand,” Denorah told me as she placed her armload of grocery bags on the bed. “I was hoping I’d get to stay long enough to be friends with all of you, at least. I told my granny that I may be spending the night with a friend, just in case I stayed late.” “Josey, we had a great meeting yesterday and this morning with the county planning commission. Your...
“Josey – Dru and Marcie wanted to stay at Granny’s and spend the night with Charley. Granny told us it was alright with her. I hope that was alright with you,” Lougenia told me. “If Granny says something is alright around here, it’s alright with the whole family. They need to be around a boy their own age anyway. Did they have their diaphragms with them?” “They did, Josey. Granny and I both told them you would skin some asses - Charley’s included, if they come up with a baby,” Naomi told...
“Judge Skelley, I’m fully aware this may not be the proper time to discuss business with you, while you’re grieving over the loss of your son. But I feel an urgency in asking you for a few minutes of your time to discuss the matter of that quarter-section of land Jason owned out past Kendall’s Grocery, across the county road from my farm I just bought from Mr. Bill Donavan.” “Josey, I’ve been going over all of Jason’s holdings these past few days, and I’ve discovered another four hundred and...
“OH MY LORD! It really is Josey Ruiz... “Josey, I saw you being sworn in on television the other night. Uh, I’m Phyllis Morris. Mira and I have been best friends since childhood ... Can I sit on the bed next to you?” Mira told her, “Phyllis, I have never in my life seen you so bold. Did you actually come over here buck-ass-naked ... in daylight?” “No, but I wore my see-through raincoat ... Mira, will you move over on the other side of Josey so I can sit beside him? ...”Josey, you are...
I made it over to the Ward’s home just a few minutes after 7:00. When I knocked on the front door, Mrs. Ward opened it immediately. Was I ever shocked, but in a good way. She was wearing a pair of white short-shorts and a T-shirt. I knew she didn’t have a bra on. I’m getting good at noticing that about women after Miss Wilkins gave me a few pointers on how to tell when a girl was braless. “Josey, come on in. You’re right on time, Wanda arrived just a few minutes ago. I’ve told her all about...
“Get your ass in here, Josey,” Mirra told me as they pulled me through the window by my arms. “Mother, I want you to meet Josey Ruiz. I just met him earlier tonight and he’s already the best friend I’ve ever had in this whole wide world – and Mother, he wants you to like him as much as I do,” Mirra said to the woman standing next to her. “Josey, this is my mother, Willie Mae Greesey.” Her long shiny black hair is hanging straight, wet, and down to her shoulders. She’s wearing a short house...
My dash clock showed 4:43 when I rolled to a stop at the back corner of the apartment building. I saw the curtains move, and then Val poked her head out the door to look both ways before she came out. She ran out her door, slamming it behind her, as her small white, shorty apron flipped up over her pussy. The apron was made with a bib at the top that was barely wide enough to cover half of each breast, with a strap that looped around her neck. She had it tied at the waist in back with a big...
We left my car parked in front of the diner and walked across the street with Mr. Harp. He and Granny never stopped talking the whole way and they made sure I was right between them – including me in their conversation. “Josey, your Granny and I have some phone calls to make, but before we get started, I want to take you down the hall to my sister’s office...” “Early, if you want to go ahead and start calling those we talked about bringing in this morning, I’ll take Josey down to meet Erica...
When we stepped upon the porch at home, all the women ran to meet us at the front door, to find out what had happened, even though Momma and Granny had already told them most of it. “It’s all taken care of now, and we’ve turned the men over to the law,” I told them. Naomi told me, “Josey we have supper cooked, and it’s about ready to put on the table, if you and Rondo want to wash up before we eat.” “Yes, we need a shower after being out all day.” One of the best things I like about my...
“Josey, get your ass in here. I need you like you would never believe, and I have some things we need to talk about while we have the time.” “Wendy, you’re just as sexy and beautiful as you were down in Jackson when we fucked all over that hotel.” “OH GOD - Josey - I think back on that and laugh to myself. That was the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. I want you to know, I am pregnant and I love you more than you’ll ever know for giving me a baby. I’m thirty-seven and I had just about...
“Josey?” “Hi Stella - is Kellie there with you?” “Yes we’re here. I hope there’s not another problem over there.” “No, nothing like that. I just got off the phone with Sheriff Jones, and he told me they’re still investigating that bunch who were here the other night. What I called you and Kellie about, he also told me that Phoebe Wainwright was living in one of her uncles apartments until he was arrested. Now, his lawyer has asked her to vacate, since she’s cooperating with the sheriff and...
“Hi, welcome to Dixie Furniture. How may I help you?” I have never even spoken to this woman, but when I heard her accent, I knew she had to be Ms. Catennoli. “Yes Ma’am. I’m Josey Ruiz and this is Sheila Grassley. You know her brother, Chuck, I’m sure.” “I know you too, Mr. Ruiz. For two reasons actually. You hired the best part time help I have ever had - and I’ve seen you in the news several times. “Miss Grassley, I have to tell you, I’m glad Mr. Josey hired your brother. He is such a...
Bailey and I made it back to the office, before Sheila left to pick up Shelly at school. She was still gone when Diedra and Haley parked their Jeep out front and rushed into the office laughing. I was sitting in my desk chair, and Bailey was sitting on my desk, facing the door when they entered. “Haley – Diedra, y’all come meet a friend of mine from Stewart. She’ll be living with me, and working part time here at the office, until school is out over there.” “Bailey, I’m not going to spoil...
Back at the office, I gave Sheila a sheet of paper, where I had printed the names of her six family members. Beside each name, I put $100,000.00. “Josey, you’re going to make me cry.” “No I’m not. You’re the only one, besides me, who’ll ever know all the names I’ve listed, and how much I want invested for each of them. I love you as my best friend, I trust you with my life - and my money. Now, I’m asking you to help me do this, and forget about it. I want you, and all your family members to...
I was at the office early, going over all my papers on the McKerkey investments, and counting out the money for each one, when Bailey came by on her way to school. “You be careful driving over there and back. If your friends get to come home with you, y’all can change clothes in the back room. I’ll see you as soon as I get back from Stewart.” “Thank you, Josey. You’ve made me so happy. I’ll be back here before 1:00, and Sheila has shown me how to use the radio, and take notes on all the...
After we ate - what turned out to be the second most favorite steak I had ever eaten, I tipped the waiter and asked to meet with the cook. Elizabeth informed me they have a chef, and I asked her to go with me to meet him. I gave him a twenty and told him that steak was cooked to perfection. He recognized me and we chatted as my mistress clung to me like she was a vine. When the Valet brought my Vette around, he held the door for Elizabeth as she slid in with her skirt up over her hip. When...
The next day at school, it was like I woke up in a whole different world. When I looked at a girl or a woman teacher, it was like they were smiling at me already. I had to wonder if maybe they’d been smiling all this time and I never paid attention until Martha and Lena told me that I had a sexy ass and the girls and teachers all thought I did too. When I walked into Miss Wilkins’ room, she was sitting at her desk. She turned to look right at me and smile. I wanted to tell her that Aunt Rita...
Mr. Ward must have announced it over the intercom about the snake in the parking lot and me almost killing it with my bare hands. Damn what a lie that was. “Josey, we heard about that snake trying to crawl up Miss Mooney’s leg before you grabbed it and tried to pull its head off barehanded. Everyone in school knows about it now,” Junior Whitlock told me when I sat down at my desk. Linda Bircher leaned over from her desk, smiling as I looked down into the deep V of her cheerleader sweater....
“OK, Josey, I heard your part. Now tell me what Saige said,” Erica said. She was smiling and she looked excited. “When I told her what we were doing over here, she screamed FUCK, and told me she’d be here in less than 10 minutes.” “Erica, would you let me put Saige’s diaphragm in for her? I know Josey will want some more of her pussy,” Becky said, grinning as she looked at Erica. “What else? I know by that look you’ve got something else in mind,” Erica asked Becky. “I want to kiss her...
“Emmylou I’m so proud to see you’re happy about doing this. I was almost afraid to tell Rondo I’d do it - I had just told Joe I would be glad to help him and Billie have babies - and I knew I had to tell my Main Man - I’d help him too. There was no way I could turn him down.” “OH-HELL-YES, Josey – is this big happy cock for me? Did you really get swelled up this big for me?” “Yes I did, and now that you have me naked, you tell me how you want to do this. I like making my women happy and I...
“Josey, the young cashier who waited on me, really knows her stuff. She’s very friendly too. The first thing she asked me - was I your brother. I almost told her no, then she added - you sure do favor him a lot, the way both of you are dressed with starched jeans, boots and white cowboy hats. “That’s when I told her I was your half-brother. Man, she gave me a smile that made me want to know all about her. “I saw you having a good conversation with her. Is she married?” “She told me she’s...
The next morning, I was up early. I had just stepped out of the shower and was standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror shaving when Clara walked in naked and put her arms around my waist. “Josey, I couldn’t sleep, so I got up early and made coffee. I’ll bring you a cup if you want me to.” “Give me a minute to finish. I’ll get some clothes on and be right down.” “We have plenty of time, it’s just now 3:45.” I wiped the shaving cream off my face on the wet towel and turned to hug...
She was smiling as she reached up to slowly push the top button on my shirt back through the buttonhole. After the first one, she quickly loosened all the buttons, then pushed my shirt back off my shoulders with both hands. “OH Josey! You are a beautiful man. I want to touch your chest and I want to touch your belly. You have the body of a mature man, and your skin color is actually the same as mine ... Look when I put my hands on your chest.” She ran both hands up and down my chest, then...
Mona was bent over a desk, looking at a map and talking to a young woman in uniform when I walked in. She looked up and waved for me to follow her, as she started toward her office. She held the door open until I entered, then she closed it. I was grinning and she was too. Neither of us had said a word when she grabbed me. “I could fuck you right now, but I want to wait until we get Lou Ann and Lois naked between us. I’m so fucking horny I can’t sit still for five minutes, just from thinking...
“Josey, what’s up this time? Don’t tell me you’ve run upon another drug deal out here.” Mona’s Desk Sergeant was with her, who I only knew by Shirl, until now when I saw her last name - Stiller - on her uniform shirt. I tried to keep it official sounding, as I answered... “Sheriff Glass, this one has strong connections to the other one. You probably know by now, I’ve already bought that island hunting club from Judge Skelley, the one Jason had owned.” “He told me about that one. I’m...
“Mona, how did it go?” “Sheriff Jones is on his way north, up the levee from Stewart with five vehicles and ten men. The FBI Field Agents are on their way here as we speak, in two helicopters. “I told them about the island with the airstrip, and where it is - north of Stewart. They’re following the river along the Mississippi side - on their way down and we need to park these three vehicles on top of the levee, with the lights running so they can spot us.” Shirl said, “Damn. I was so...
“FUCKKKKkkkkkkk...” I screamed as her pussy gripped my cock so hard I only had a split second to decide ... Do I really want to knock her up, or do I want to keep this pussy for a few years as one of the best stray pussy’s I have ever fucked? I rolled her over on the couch, and just before I filled her with enough cum to impregnate the whole town of Stewart, I pulled out and leaned forward to shove my cock between her titties. I was blasting cum all over her titties and covering her neck as...
“Granny, I was just talking to Mr. Stevens out at the John Deere Dealership and he was telling me about some new equipment they now have.” “Tell me what you’ve discovered. I know it has to be good, or you would never have called.” “I just bought two - six-row planters to replace the old, worn out, four-row planters Mr. Bill was using. I was asking him about some new middle-busters and he told me they now have five-row middle-busters and I bought three. I also told him I want three more of...
“Rondo, I was so excited about ordering new farm equipment and telling you about doubling the size of our farming operation, I forgot to tell you about the cattle deal I’m trying to set up - as soon as I can meet with the people.” “Josey, tell me all about it. We’ve talked about that before, and you told me you’d have forty miles of levee leases, with that ten miles you’re adding next to Sheriff Glass’ ranch.” “Sheila told me that her Mom has a half-brother - who’s married to a woman a few...
I could tell she was nervous as we walked into my office. I pulled a straight-chair over close to my desk chair and pointed for her to sit. She looked at Sheila, then Shelly, before she smiled and looked at me. I knew when she raised her arms to hug me again, Rondo and the others were getting a nice view of her naked butt. She whispered - as she snuggled closer, “I love the way my titties feel pressed against your naked chest.” I put my mouth against her ear and whispered, “I wish you had...
Jillian had already made her turn, circling wide around the airspace over Vicksburg, back across northeast Louisiana, and we were now following the river toward the island. I was still sitting next to Jan as we talked. “I see you allowed Josh to fly copilot today.” “Yes, she and I made a deal. Her offer was so good, I couldn’t refuse.” “Made a deal?” “Yes, she told me if I would let her fly copilot on our way to the island, I could fly copilot on our way back.” “So, what made that deal...
The next morning, I met Rondo at the kitchen table as soon as I was dressed. We were drinking coffee when Naomi and Lougenia came in to start breakfast. I stood and hugged both of them through their thin, flimsy nightgowns. “You two are going to spoil us, and you’re not going to get enough sleep, if you get up to cook our breakfast each morning like this. Spring is just around the corner and we’ll be late getting home most days, then leave out early each morning until we get the fields...
Once we were in the air, Jillian walked over to stand behind the young pilot. I couldn’t see her face, but I could see enough of her upper body to tell she has some nice chest muscles under that white shirt she’s wearing. I could see her blonde braid that started high, at the back of her head. I knew her hair was long, I could see the red ribbon tying her braid as it lay over the side of the seat cushion where she sat. I was sitting beside Bailey in the front row of seats when Juliet came...
She was still slow-fucking me as she talked. I had both hands cupping her titties, thumbing her nipples as she slowly moved her body back and forth. My cock was as deep inside her pussy as we could get it, with her sitting on me. I wasn’t even close to getting my come, but I felt so good - holding her, listening to her talk about her and Belle. “Josey, I need to get my come already. I have never told anyone that story about Belle and me. Just remembering, and telling you about us - makes me...
“Helen – I need your help with something personal.” “Sure, I’ll be glad to help. What’s the problem?” “Hannah and Mary Ellen want me to fuck their mom.” “WOW! I would love to watch you getting your big cock in her pussy.” “You would?” “Sure. I love to watch. Lately, that’s the only satisfaction I’ve been getting – spying on my friends when I catch them fucking.” “Then you wouldn’t mind helping me fuck Hennessy and Allison’s mom too?” “Josey, I would love to help you. I would love to...
I hugged Reina and pulled Belle close to hug her with us. “I really enjoyed our trip. I feel like I’ve made best friends with two good friends while we were together.” “That’s a good way to put it, Josey. I feel the same way and I know Belle does too.” Belle told me, “Be sure and let us know when the cattle-train leaves Fort Dodge, and we’ll bring our horses over.” “Do we need to bring some of our other horses from the Montague Farm?” “No, we’ll have plenty. Rick went to a friend of ours...
“Hi, I know you. You’re Josey,” she said with a smile. Damn, her teeth are as white as snow. “Yes, I am. I saw you the other day at Sears, and then again when you and your friend were walking toward the softball field and you waved at me. I know your name is Mirra, but that’s all.” “I’m Mirra Bella Greesey. Where you headed, Josey?” she said and smiled that big perfect smile again, almost as if she might be flirting a little. “Just riding around. Where you headed, Mirra?” “Oh, nowhere...
“So, we can fuck all we want to, anytime we want to, and you won’t get pregnant?” I asked Saige as we drove west toward her house, out past the edge of town. “I have to insert it before we fuck and leave it in me for six hours, but yes.” “Are they expensive?” Cynthia asked her. “Mom got mine through the Health Department, where she works. I think they are free.” They were still naked and I was driving slow. I wanted some more of Saige’s pussy now that I knew she had something in her pussy...
Erica, Becky, and Jessie were in the Health Department office when we went in. There were two women ahead of us, and I got Erica’s attention when Becky asked one of the other women to follow her. Becky was smiling when she saw me - and my other women. Damn, I love that girl’s smile - and her sexy ass sure looks good in that white uniform. I could tell Erica wanted to hug me, and I almost reached for her before she took my hand and spoke, “Josey, I see you have gathered more friends over the...