Master PC - The ProtectorChapter 64: New Day, New Beginning free porn video

Knocking, knocking, knocking. How could someone be knocking on my door so early in the morning? Again?
I slipped out of bed, leaving Charlotte, Nadia and Tabitha to sleep. Not wanting anyone to feel uncomfortable, I had worn a pair of those short-shorts Renée had bought me on Saturday to bed. Okay, it was for my comfort. I hadn't been in the mood and didn't want something happening just because I was already naked.
I pulled the door open a crack. "Yes?"
Helen, the complex manager, stood there. "Mr. Setton, I'm required to give you this notice."
I took the paper after opening the door a bit more and looked it over. "What is this?"
"It's an eviction notice. The shooting that took place in your apartment requires the occupants be turned out for the safety of our other tenants. I'm sorry. You have until Saturday to clean the apartment and move out." She started to turn and walk away.
"Helen, wait. That shot was at me, not me shooting anyone." I pointed back at the bathroom door. "That bullet was aimed at my head. This wasn't my fault."
She turned back to me with sad eyes. "I know. The federal agents told me what was going on because I'm the complex manager. They told me how you saved several other people and even helped to bring the serial kidnappings to a halt." She shook her head. "Honestly, you deserve a medal, but the owner of the complex didn't care if you had saved the entire planet. The rule remains and even affects others who were involved." She held up another notice. "I have to deliver this to Ms. Hollander. She was one of the women you saved and thus involved." She dropped her head, unable to look at me anymore. "I'm sorry, so very sorry." With that she walked away.
I closed the door and turned to find Charlotte standing in the bedroom doorway watching. "She's the complex manager. She didn't have to tell the owners anything."
I shook my head. "She wouldn't have to, it was all over the news last night I'm sure. The feds and cops would want to announce the arrests. It's probably for the best. I'm actually surprised that news vans haven't arrived to interview all of us. We don't need that."
She stepped up to me, wearing only one of my t-shirts. It hung down to the tops of her thighs. With her mussed hair and that sleepy look, she was just so scrumptious. Damn. I was already enjoying the sight of her and we hadn't even made arrangements for funerals for her fallen men yet.
She hugged me, her belly pressing against my filling phallus. "Mmm, feels like a good morning regardless of the injustice," she said rubbing herself against me. I wrapped my arms around her to try to stifle her actions. My body may have been in the mood, but it was just so wrong somehow.
We just stood there for a moment, holding each other, waking up and feeling warm and well ... happier by the second.
Charlotte stepped back and pulled me around to the couch by my hands. "I have an idea."
"What's that?" I asked suspicious. She couldn't already be in such a mood. Not so soon after her loss.
"Well, with Vikkor gone and all her space waiting to be filled in the facility, why don't you and Renée move in with me?"
I was hesitant. So many things had happened in that complex, and most of them with the ultimate purpose of destroying the world. "I'm not sure. You still have some difficult times to get through and I don't know if Renée would agree to living there."
"My difficult times would be easier with you and some of yours nearby. Besides, there's enough room that all of your women could move in. Plus the store above the facility is going to be undermanned for a while. Many of Vikkor's women who were arrested worked that store."
"You said you had been a financial backer, I thought that was just for the facility."
She shook her head. "No silly. That business had Vikkor's name all over it, but Law and I helped her gather the money to get started. Effectively we are what would be considered stock holders. As much money as the store brought in, Vikkor not only paid us but lived the eccentric life herself, as you saw. And I don't mean just naked sushi and exotic serving girls. Law and I were never privy to the lower levels. She must have had those built with the money she made from the store."
"Oh," was all I could say. It was a solution not only to the living situation, but to being able to have family gatherings without anyone being left out for lack of space. Plus the store would not only provide jobs for all of us, but enough money so those who didn't want to work wouldn't have to. Then there was its convenient proximity to the school. I turned away from my thoughts to look Charlotte in the eyes. "Then there's only one way to cinch that deal."
She grinned and looked down at the couch. "You know, it's been a long time since I've made out on a couch."
I cocked my head to the side. "Who said we were going to make out?"
Charlotte blinked. "But ... you said ... I thought..."
I grinned. I couldn't help it. "I don't think I've ever had that affect on anyone."
She hit me. "You ass! I thought you were finally giving up on resisting me."
Chuckling, I pulled her to me. "Who's resisting who?"
She pressed right up against me. "I never resisted."
"Yes you did. The other night. You had me kneeling next to your bed. You wanted me. All you had to do was pull me up onto that bed or crawl down onto the floor with me. My resolve balanced purely on you not making any advances." It was true. I had been just that close to stripping down and giving her everything she had begged for.
Charlotte studied my big brown eyes. "You're serious."
I nodded. "I was glad that I had things to do yesterday too. Seeing you drenched in the shower was quite a sight."
She smiled and rubbed a thigh up between my legs. "I know. I could see your reaction from across the showers." She looked down between us and back up. "And it feels like you like me being this close this morning."
I grinned. If she kept up the direct attention, she would soon see just how happy I could get. Normally in those shorts my cock would push its way out of a leg opening when fully hard. I hadn't even felt the cold air of the apartment yet.
"What would it take to get you out of your shorts and into me?"
"Why don't you try and find out?"
I guess I expected at least some hesitation because her sudden movement caught me off guard. She dropped to her knees, pulling my shorts down as she went. For a moment she stayed there staring at my swelling prick. Her eyes were wide with awe and her tongue was rapidly licking her lips. Without taking her eyes off me she patted the couch. "Sit. I don't want you falling down."
I stepped out of my shorts and sat where she patted. Charlotte's eyes tracked my movements like a creature of prey waiting for the precise second to strike.
Once I was settled with my bottom at the edge of the couch, she pulled off the t-shirt and moved up between my legs to nuzzle my crotch. Her warm skin and hot breath were welcome and my cock twitched with my anticipation of finding out what those luscious lips could really do.
She stayed there enjoying the heat of my arousal, taking in deep whiffs of my skin, and running her hands up my legs at a ticklish speed and tension. Just being with her would have been enough, but she was working me up to full attention.
She watched as I continued to swell and after my tip passed my navel she looked up, "So big. I knew you were big, but to see it so close..." She looked down at my cock as if the reality of it was almost more than she could accept. She brought up one of those lightly touching hands and ran it over my length. A shudder ran through me and she smiled. "So sensitive."
Apparently she finally decided to do something other than look and touch as she sat back and held me up. I was still very impressed with my size, but then I hadn't grown seemingly at all since Saturday night. That was a relief but I would still have to adjust Charlotte so she could take my girth.
She seemed to have read my mind. "You have to mold your girls for this, don't you?" She never took her eyes off my cock. The mixed look of awe and lust had found its way onto so many other women who were now part of my family.
Quietly I answered, "Yes."
She looked at me. "Then don't hold out on me. I'm not one to want it slow and easy."
"Go ahead. The changes will occur as necessary," I replied.
She smiled and it wasn't out of happiness or joy. That was the smile she used when thinking naughty thoughts. It was the same mischievous grin Renée would use and Erin had learned. It was a smile that I hoped to never get tired of.
With her mouth wide open and hands lightly sliding up and down my length, my head disappeared between her lips. I could feel the way her tongue danced about, tasting and testing, adding to the sensation and lathering me up for other possibilities. She started bobbing back and forth, taking in as much as she dared, but I wanted to feel her swallow me. It was something I liked, that tightness and trust of something not only intimate but potentially dangerous. My desire was known and my power made it possible. Charlotte moaned as the warm liquid feeling passed through my cock into her mouth and throat. Her motions slowed but only because the path she followed got longer.
Charlotte watched my face, enjoying the expressions passing through my eyes and the way I would open my mouth to moan aloud. She enjoyed making me moan and beg for more. The surprise to her was feeling the tickle of my pubic hair tickle her nose.
She pulled my slick and shiny cock from her gullet, "Wha... ? How did I... ?"
I reached up and stroked her cheek. "I told you the changes would occur when necessary. I wanted you to swallow me and you did."
"Just like that? No computer, no flash of lights?" She was a touch confused.
"I might as well tell you. I'm not tied down entirely by that program. I don't need it to alter people. You saw that the other night at the meeting when I corrected Carrie's face."
"I thought it had been only with your hands."
I shook my head. "No. Any physical contact allows me to make those changes. Granted, I didn't know it that night. However, I don't know if I can make other changes without touching that portion of your body."
She smiled. "Try. Make by breasts as big as Alexandria's" She started stroking me faster. It was distracting, but I somehow found the will.
Charlotte already had a very nice set of breasts. Not as big as some of my other girls, but big enough. Well, not even truly big enough to wrap around my cock, not even big enough to be a handful for me. I thought about it, about what she would look like with boobs as big as Alexandria or even Renée. I considered what her nipples and areolas would look like at the new proportional size.

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