Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 5 Tournament Weekend
- 2 years ago
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Over the first part of that summer, Kayla and I didn't get the chance to share her gift very often. We still went out quite a bit, we were hanging out together as much as we could, and we still fooled around in the Lovemobile, but she was adamant about not wanting to make love in the back seat of my car. She did relent a couple of times, succumbing to her own desires as much as mine, but for the most part we satisfied ourselves with oral and manual stimulation and release. As my good but crude friend Jake would point out, it was better than going home and making love to Five-Finger Betty.
Besides, I had nothing at all to complain about. Luscious Kayla loved me, and I loved her, and we both knew that what she said was the law. I gladly accepted that, just as Jake accepted that Jaimie held the reins in their relationship.
Coach Bill and I had another successful spring season with the Warriors, finishing 7-1-1. Tournament weekend was the same weekend as Lori's wedding, so we couldn't take the team back to defend their championship. Other teams besides the ones from our town, however, had seen our success, and I got calls from a lot of parents about working with their kids, ranging in age from six years old to junior high age.
I was concerned about my amateur status if I taught for money, and I even called Pick and talked to him about it. In the end, we decided that I could do it, as long as I was paid in cash, and didn't advertise or publicize my teaching. As Pick pointed out, I had already taken money to teach the game when I worked for Duane Olchick. Besides, the issue for collegiate scholarship players seemed to try to address playing for money, not teaching for money, so I was okay.
I recruited Eric, Jorge, Tessa, and Trent to help me out. I had enough kids who wanted to take lessons over the summer that I was able to run three sets of classes, one for younger kids, ages six to ten; another for ten to twelve; and another for competitive play, ages twelve and up. The parents paid me in cash weekly, and I split it evenly among the five of us. That is, all the parents paid me in cash, except for Lori and David. Being a poor high-school kid, I couldn't afford to buy them much, so my wedding gift to them was a summer of lessons for Davey and Kip.
We taught each group three times a week. The younger kids were with us for an hour and a half, and the other two groups played for two hours, and sometimes it spilled over, if our scrimmages were going well. The parents, for the most part, didn't mind if we ran over our time slot. They were happy to see their kids playing and having fun, and maybe even learning something in the process.
The division of tasks worked out well, too. Eric and Trent worked on offensive plays, and Tessa, Jorge, and I concentrated on defending and goaltending. I had arranged for Davey and Kip to join me a couple of days before our soccer camps started, so that Eric and Trent in particular could get used to the skill levels we would be working with, along with typical nine- or ten-year-old behaviors. Tessa and Jorge had worked with the Warriors in the past, and were a little more clued in as to the types of questions and interpretations that might come from a group of younger kids, but we all benefited from the refresher course. Davey and Kip were excited to be singled out as my helpers, and they carried that badge of honor into camp with them.
Jake and Kayla had to work in their father's store that summer. Jake was restocking shelves and working in the back room, and Kayla was a cashier. It made it easier to buy condoms, since I stopped in to say hello nearly every day, and she was usually able to take a short break whenever I was there. She would ring up the sale whenever there was nobody else around, and I kept a supply handy in a pocket of my soccer gear bag, which pretty much stayed in my car all the time.
The Fourth of July that summer fell on Sunday, and, as usual, there was a big carnival set up in the park by the small lake in town. Our schedules didn't mesh very well that weekend, though. Kayla had Friday off, but I had soccer camp until four o'clock. I had Saturday free, but Kayla had to work from noon until eight. We made do the best we could.
The Lehighs invited me over for dinner on Friday. It had been really hot, over ninety degrees. I was feeling pretty washed out from running up and down the fields during two sessions of soccer camp. By the time Mr. Lehigh got the charcoal going in the grill, the day had cooled off to something a little more reasonable. Even so, I was happy just to slouch in one of their loungers on the deck, relaxing in the shade, watching as Kayla and her mother brought out trays of condiments, drinks, and chips from the house and set them up on the big round patio table.
Actually, I was watching Kayla, captivated by her. She had on a tight, sleeveless tank top that only came down to her ribcage, leaving her delectable midriff bare, and a baggy pair of gym shorts. Her pale blonde hair was gathered back loosely, and there was a sheen of perspiration on her neck that I really wanted to lick off for her.
Jake was in another lounger next to me. He must have guessed my thoughts, because just about then he pounded my arm.
"You're practically drooling, Porter," he growled. "Cut it out."
"Hey, you get to live with her," I retorted. "I only get to see her once in a while."
Jake snorted. "You think living with a little sister is such a treat?" He glanced over and saw my face, and began to laugh. "Okay, yeah, you would think of it as a treat, wouldn't you?"
I just cocked an eyebrow at him, feigning ignorance, an attitude I usually came by honestly.
"Time to eat, boys," called out Mrs. Lehigh. The hamburgers and hot dogs were arrayed on a big platter in the center of the table. Kayla was finishing putting napkins at each place setting. Jake and I got up, and Kayla took my hand and led me over to sit on her right, on one of the curved benches under the table.
We fixed up our plates, slathering catsup and mustard on burgers and dogs, refilling glasses, and grabbing handfuls of chips. When the dust settled, we sat back and started chowing down. I powered through a hamburger in about three bites. I was ferociously hungry, and hadn't really realized it until I started eating. Once the beast within was somewhat mollified, I slowed down, willing to actually take time to chew when I started in on my hot dog.
I felt Kayla's fingers touching my thigh, so I held my hot dog in my right hand, and dropped my left hand below the table to hold hers. The dinner banter was light, mostly shop talk about the drug store, which I was content to listen to, without feeling the need to contribute. Kay pulled my hand over to her leg, and pressed my palm against the top of her warm thigh, holding it there.
Putting down her glass of iced tea, Mrs. Lehigh turned to Jake and asked, "Are you and Jaimie going over to the carnival tonight, Jake?"
Around a mouthful of hamburger, Jake nodded and mumbled, "Yes, we're meeting up with a bunch of kids in a little while."
Kayla surreptitiously moved my hand up her thigh, until I felt the hem of her gym shorts on the backs of my fingers. Her skin was silky smooth and warm.
Mrs. Lehigh turned to us. "And what are you two planning on doing tonight?" she asked.
Kayla moved my hand even further up her leg. I could feel the edge of her panties now, as she slowly moved my hand up and down the crease of her leg and her crotch. I thought I could feel just a hint of moisture, and I knew it was nearly too hot to touch there. I could feel the sweat start to break out on my face, and my shorts were suddenly a lot tighter. Kayla looked at me, all innocence, waiting for me to open my mouth and croak out an answer for her mom's question.
Before I could embarrass myself, Kayla, still looking at me, said, "We're going over to the park, too."
I had to clear my throat before speaking, so I tried to cover it up by taking a drink from my glass.
"We'll probably go over with Jake and Jaimie," I finally managed to say.
Kayla pulled my hand out of the leg of her shorts, but my relief was only momentary. She pressed my hand firmly back between her legs, and clenched her thighs tightly against my fingers and held me there for just a moment. I nearly sputtered my soda out my nose when she did that, and I started coughing. She let my hand loose, and turned to me, a concerned look on her face, except where the corners of her mouth were twitching as she tried to suppress her smile.
She patted me on the back solicitously. "Are you okay, Sean?" she asked.
I could only nod as I reached for my paper napkin, my eyes streaming from my coughing fit.
"Yeah," I finally stammered. "I'm fine."
Jake just shook his head at me, chuckling under his breath at my predicament. I hoped he didn't know the real cause of my discomfort.
Mrs. Lehigh brought out some homemade chocolate cake for dessert, and Kayla stood up to help her pass out plates.
"So tell me, Sean, how are your soccer lessons going?" asked Mr. Lehigh.
"Really well," I replied. "We've got fifteen younger kids, eighteen middle ones, and twenty-five in the competitive group."
"That's a lot of soccer for you to be teaching," he said.
"I've got a lot of help. Eric Johnson, Trent Abbott, Jorge Mendoza, and Tessa Navarrone all work with me. I'm charging the kids ten bucks a week, so each of us gets a hundred dollars in cash every week. I'm using the extra money to buy supplies, and some I'm saving for a party for each of the groups at the end of the summer, before their leagues start up again."
"That's good money," observed Jake. "Maybe I should have started a football clinic."
"You've got your own responsibilities this summer already," said his father. "Working at the store should be enough."
"Yeah, I suppose," grumbled Jake. "It's just not as much fun."
"Well, it is fun to spend so much time teaching soccer, but it's more work than I thought it would be when I started," I said.
"How so, Sean?" asked Mrs. Lehigh.
"I started out thinking I could just work with these kids like I did with Davey and Kip," I explained. "You know, just go out and have fun working with the ball, teaching them how to dribble and pass and stuff. Then, when more kids signed up, I started realizing that I had to have a plan for each session, based on their experience levels and their abilities."
"And then you found out you had enough kids coming to break them into three different groups, and the workload tripled," said Mr. Lehigh.
I glanced at him. I was a little surprised that he figured that out so quickly. In retrospect, it shouldn't have surprised me. He was a very intelligent and precise man who ran a successful local business, in an industry that had quite a few national and regional players just itching to run small, family owned pharmacies like his out of business.
"I think it more than tripled," I admitted. "Each section requires their own set of drills and skill sets. There are a few drills, mostly concerning ball handling, that can be used for all three player skills, but for the most part I'm spending a lot of my off- field time working up drills and scrimmage plays for each section."
"It's too bad Duane What's-his-name isn't around this summer," mentioned Jake.
"I could use his expertise, that's for sure," I said with a rueful chuckle. "I didn't appreciate how much time he put in away from the players, just so he and his assistants would be ready each day."
"He isn't coming back to do clinics this summer?" asked Mrs. Lehigh.
"No," I said. "His schedule in Europe didn't give him enough time to set up anything in America this year. He and Nicholas, his right-hand man, are running programs in Germany and France this summer. He did write and ask if I could join him for a couple of weeks, but there was no way I could afford to do that."
"That's too bad," said Mr. Lehigh. "That would have been an opportunity of a lifetime."
"Maybe," I agreed, glancing quickly at Luscious. "But I would have had to have been gone for almost three weeks, right in the middle of everything, and it would have been tough leaving home for that long, and everything..."
"And leaving your girlfriend behind?" finished Mrs. Lehigh, a small, knowing grin on her face.
"Well, yeah. That, too," I agreed, a little embarrassed.
"He would have spent every penny he would have earned over there, calling me every night," said Kayla.
"Honey, would you really have expected him to call you all the way from France?" asked Mrs. Lehigh, a little incredulous.
"Of course not," said Kayla. "But he would have, anyway."
I could only nod in agreement. My Luscious knew me very well, indeed.
"By the way, Mr. Lehigh, I want to thank you again for donating that first-aid kit to my program."
"Oh, it's no problem, Sean. I was happy to do it," he replied.
"With the extra money I've been getting each week, I could just as easily pay for it," I said. I was still a little uncomfortable about taking free stuff from anybody, even if it was to help the kids.
"I know you could, Sean. And I appreciate the offer to pay for it, but it's really not necessary. The drug store sponsors a lot of teams in a lot of different sports here in town, and my suppliers know how important it is to me and to the community. In this case, I happened to mention to my salesman that you were running these clinics for the kids here, and he asked if you needed anything." He took a sip of his iced tea, and then smiled. "So you see, I couldn't take your money for it anyway, since it was really a gift from my salesman."
"Who wouldn't have known about Sean's clinics, if you hadn't told him," interjected Jake.
Mr. Lehigh smiled again. "True," he said. He looked at his son affectionately. "I might have been the catalyst for the exchange of this first aid kit, but the fact remains that I didn't buy it, so I wouldn't feel right about letting Sean pay for it, either."
"Not that you would have charged him for it, anyway, dear," said Mrs. Lehigh, patting her husband's hand.
He just shrugged and sat back. "True again," he admitted. "But this way, Sean doesn't have to feel like he's skipping out on an obligation to pay for it. Okay, son?"
"Okay," I agreed. It was easier than arguing with him, anyway.
After we helped clean up after dinner, Jake walked over to get Jaimie. Kayla and I piled into the back seat of Jake's car to wait for them. Even with the windows down, and the sun sinking lower in the sky, it was steamy in the back seat, almost too warm to sit next to each other with my arm around her. Almost.
We drove over to the park and walked around the carnival, catching up with groups of friends in line for rides or playing around at the carnie games. I was proud to be strolling around the park holding Luscious Kayla's hand, being seen by everybody in school with the most beautiful girl in town.
We stopped to watch Sam Loggins and Jen Davies shooting baskets for prizes. Sam, having grown to about Tiny's height but skinny as a fencepost, was talented enough that he was able to figure out that the basket wasn't set at the normal ten-foot height, and was able to adjust his shot to make eight out of ten anyway. Whispered suggestions to his girlfriend, also a basketball player, were enough to allow her to make six out of ten, still far above the typical for that booth. They both walked away with huge stuffed pandas, along with a warning not to come back again from the booth operator.
We joined Eric, Keisha, Ayesha, and Anthony as they tried their luck shooting b-b guns at targets. Kayla hit only one bulls-eye on her first try, but I managed to knock down quite a few targets, and won a poster. Even Kayla had to laugh when I chose that Farrah Fawcett poster as my prize.
On one of our circuits through the maze of walkways around the carnival rides, we saw my brother Stephen, along with his friends Carlos and Tommy and Richie, standing in line for the Gravity Drop. Along with them were Tara Jacks, and one other girl I didn't know. Jaimie stopped short, pulling Jake's arm as he took another step forward before realizing that his girlfriend had halted. She was staring over at the kids in line, who couldn't seem to keep still as they waited, dancing and hopping in place, shifting from person to person, always in motion within their spots in line.
"Shit," exclaimed Jaimie. "She's not supposed to be here."
"Who?" asked Jake. Jaimie pulled him around so that more people were between the kids in line and us. She didn't want Tara to see her, so we moved back with her, until we were pretty much blended into the crowd.
"Tara's over there, with Sean's brother and his friends," explained Jaimie. Jake stood on tiptoe so he could see over the crowd.
"Oh, yeah, I see her," he said. "I thought she was permanently grounded?"
"She is," confirmed Jaimie.
She sure didn't look grounded to me. She was wearing a bikini top that was about two sizes too small for her, and short-short cutoff jeans that had been washed until the edges were fringed and the seat was nearly transparent. The legs of the shorts were nonexistent. Her ass cheeks were plainly visible, so much so that I had to doubt that she was wearing any underwear at all. She was looking and acting as slutty as she could, and she had all the boys drooling over her.
The little girl who was with the group was dressed similarly, except that her top was just slightly more modest, a clingy tube top that molded to her small breasts. The way they jiggled as she moved only served to confirm that she, too, was going without underwear.
"Who's her friend?" I asked.
"Why do you want to know?" asked Kayla, a frown on her pretty face.
"I just want to know who to stay far away from when school starts," I said, putting my arm around her.
She resisted for just a moment, and then allowed me to pull her to me. "Well, in that case..." she said with a smile.
"That's Tracy Evanson," said Jaimie.
I looked over at her, startled. "Mikey Evanson's sister?" I asked.
"Yes," she confirmed. "Tara's not supposed to be here, and especially with Tracy."
"Are you going to say anything to your parents?" asked Jake, looking concerned.
"I think I have to," said Jaimie unhappily.
We headed back toward the parking lot. Jaimie wasn't in the mood to walk around any more, so we decided to head over to the Dairy Queen to see if anybody was there. We met up with Tiny and Erica, sitting at one of the picnic tables there, and spent the next hour in an ice- cream haze before calling it a night.
On Saturday, Kayla had to work late. I got to the drug store at about seven forty-five and waited for her, wandering up and down the aisles while she finished up with her duties and punched out. Finally, at a few minutes after eight o'clock, she came skipping out of the back room. She ran up and jumped up into my arms and gave me a big, sloppy kiss on the cheek.
"Come on, boyfriend, take me away from here," she giggled. She hopped down and practically dragged me out the door.
When we got in my car, she leaned over and wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a very hot, very wet open-mouthed kiss that almost immediately burned out my coherent thought processes.
"I've got an idea," she whispered throatily. "There's a sixties band playing in the park tonight, so my parents are meeting some of their friends in the beer tent. Jake and Jaimie are already over at the park." She stared into my eyes, waiting for me to make the connection.
It didn't take me long at all. I gave her a quick kiss, started the car, and peeled rubber on my way out of the parking lot. Destination: Lehigh House. We would have the place to ourselves for at least a couple of hours.
I pulled into the driveway, and Kayla was out of the car before I could turn off the engine and open my door. We went around to the back of the house and went in through the kitchen, not bothering to turn on any lights. Kay led me to the basement stairs, and we went down to the rec room. There was a little light spilling in through the windows from the dying sun, enough to give the place a dim, amber glow, as Kayla took my hand and pulled me over to the couch in front of the television.
She sat down against the armrest and pulled me over on top of her. She let go of my hand and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pulled me down to kiss me, nibbling at my lips as I lay half on her, trying not to crush her with my weight. She loved worrying and playing with the tiny scar on my lip, and I loved the way she concentrated on that spot. It was becoming one of the places on me that was very sensitive to her touch, an erogenous zone she had created.
I managed to pull my legs up so that I was lying on the couch alongside her, and she naturally scooted down and swung her legs up so that she was lying next to me. I slithered my right arm around her head, giving her a cushion against my arm, and I bent to her, showering her mouth with small kisses in return.
Kayla's pale hair was tied back in a ponytail, and I reached up and pulled the elastic out, letting her hair cascade down around her head and across her shoulders. I grabbed a handful of her luxurious, soft hair, letting strands of her tresses drag through my fingers. Her eyes were closed as she concentrated on her kissing, so I closed my eyes, too, and gave in to the feelings she was inciting.
Our kisses got softer and slower, if no less urgent, as we both teased and advanced on each other until, finally, our lips locked together. As our tongues met, she moaned softly into my mouth, sending a flare of excitement through me. She was wearing a demure white blouse, buttoned all the way up to her throat, and the fingers of my left hand started at the top, fumbling with buttons until they could twist them through the buttonholes. I wanted to feel her breasts, even through her clothes, but I forced myself to go slowly, moving from button to button, as gently as I could. She shifted slightly once I got about halfway done, making it easier for me to reach the rest of them, until, at last, I undid the last button of her shirt that I could reach. I pulled the tails of her blouse out of her skirt and found two more buttons, which I went to work on, until I could open her blouse up and work it off her shoulder.
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He’s weird like that, he has a tendency to make up his own words and languages, and refuses to tell me their meanings. Ethan works along with me in Hot Topic, we both are cashiers, we both have gages, we both have colored hair, we both love black clothing. He’s adorable in his mindset. Sometimes he’ll create a game that we’ll play all throughout the day and I won’t even realize it till he tells me if I won or he won, and what the prize is. Because I rarely know of...
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Just before practice on Monday, Coach Neville called me into his office. "How are you feeling, Mr. Porter?" He sat back in his chair, taking his glasses off. "I feel pretty good," I replied. "Your doctors have given you their permission to resume playing?" "Yes, sir. My only real restriction from the doctors was to stay out of the weight room for a couple of weeks after the stitches came out." He smiled briefly, knowing full well that I was only an occasional visitor to the weight...
Jake gave me a ride after our respective practices on Wednesday and Thursday. We would stop and pick up Luscious Kayla on our way over to my house, where the three of us would spread our homework out on the family room floor. My family quickly got used to seeing us working in there. By Friday I was really tired of dragging my mummified arm around. Besides, it was itching so badly it was driving me crazy, so I unwound the wrappings and threw them away. I spent a few minutes in absolute...
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Our club season was finished, our school team had won its first game, and I had a long weekend ahead of me. I planned on being as lazy as I could be, all weekend long. From what Lori and Wendy had been paying me for teaching the boys, and all the games I officiated for the past year, plus the money I had earned working for Duane Olchick during his clinic, I was feeling pretty damned wealthy. I was even thinking I might have enough to buy a good, cheap car for myself. I brought the subject...
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The soccer team returned home triumphant, and the recruiters started calling. Pick called on Monday, too, and told me that he had been at the championship game. "Helluva stop, son, on that corner," he said. "The kid who took the shot is a really good player," I said. "All- State selection the past two years." "You mean that Spencer Goldman fella? I know, Sean. He's on my list to call on, too." "Really? He'd be a great addition to your team, Coach." Pick went on to let me know...
We fell into our school routine through the fall. Becky decided I was dirt, and, except for when she had to, she stopped talking to me. Kristina seemed to work through her guilt and anger, and was pretty much back to her old self again. Molly was skipping school with some regularity, and on the days she did show up, she was looking paler and thinner than ever. I noticed that she had taken to wearing much heavier makeup, perhaps to try to cover the dark circles that were forming under her...
By Christmas, I had received so many offers and calls from scouts and coaches from around the country, that even I was convinced that I would be able to play college soccer on a scholarship. Pick's offer sheet arrived, and he followed up with several phone calls. Florida was offering me a full scholarship, room and board, reimbursement for books and fees, plus an employment package that would pay me for working about ten hours a week in one of the stadium gift shops. I also got offers from...
"Okay, I'll bite," I replied. "What can you do for me, Mr. Cropper?" The gruff voice on the other end of the telephone line said, "Do you know a young man by the name of Jesse Wilhoit, son?" "Yes, sir, I do. Is he okay?" I didn't think I could take any more bad news than I'd gotten over the past year or so. "Oh, yeah, Jesse's just fine," said Cropper. "In fact, he's the one suggested I give you a holler." "Um, okay," I said. I was still confused. "And how do you know...
Mrs. O'Toole called in for Molly on Tuesday, too. Josh told me that Molly was feeling better, but she didn't want to come to school limping so badly, so she wanted to wait until Wednesday. I had the feeling that she also didn't want to face Joey or Jilly, either, and I couldn't blame her. All the Bulls were walking around the school hallways like puffed-up peacocks, telling tall tales of glory and conquest to any fool that would listen. Josh also said that he wanted us to meet again at...
A bunch of us got together over at Josh's house on Sunday afternoon. Austin, Tessa, Josh, Andrea, Jake, and I were in the basement. The television was on, tuned to a football game, but nobody, not even Jake, was paying any attention to it. "So," said Austin, "what did you girls find out?" "Molly's scared practically out of her mind," said Tessa. "I was able to talk to her for a few minutes yesterday, right after the football game." Andrea added, "From what I could find out, the...
A Mother's Lottery Win By Julia Thomas Chapter 1 My mother and father had got divorced and we were living in a small village just south of Birmingham in the UK. I am 10 years old and my name is Andrew Carter. Since the divorce I had not seen my father because he had run off with another woman and had taken everything and left my mother totally penniless. My mother had continually tried to get a job to no avail. We both have lived in the house for some twelve months. I...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
I picked up the phone and dialed the number on the slip of paper. An unfamiliar female voice at the other end answered after three rings. "Hello? This is Sean Porter. I got a message to call this number when I got home." "Just a minute, Sean," the voice said. There was a thump as the phone was set down on the other end. "Hello, Sean?" "This is Sean. Who is this?" "Oh, I'm sorry. It's Coach Neville, Sean. I've been on the phone with so many people tonight, I forget who I've...
This is more of a spin off than a sequel to the original Everyone’s a Winner, so there is no requirement to read the first story in order to understand this one. (Could still be fun for you to do so though.) Thanks also go to G-Man for editing services given for this story. Thanks. * Candice couldn’t help but feel insecure as she sat in the reception of Venus Studios, the media branch of Venus Industries. All around her sat women that looked like they had just finished filming a rap video...
By the end of the following week, I was falling-down exhausted, both physically and mentally. Riding herd over sixty kids between the ages of seven and twelve wasn't the fun and games I had thought it would be when I accepted Duane's invitation to join his staff. But, on the other hand, I got to watch Duane, Nicholas, James, Katrina, and Tasha in action, and even provide a little help as they lectured, cajoled, whistled, directed, pointed, stopped, persuaded, maneuvered, and otherwise...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
We were at the hospital for a long time. Sometime after midnight, my parents showed up, with both my brothers in tow. Eric had called them from a pay phone in the vestibule, and a few minutes later the admitting staff also called them. My mother was hysterical, and my dad was furious. By that point I had been wheeled into surgery, but I heard about it from my friends later. Almost everybody I knew showed up in the waiting room that night, including Coach Neville and Coach Simonson, all...
I handed one Coke to Molly. She smiled at me, and our hands touched momentarily as I passed the paper cup to her. I sat down next to her, and gestured for Eric to come over by me. He crouched down at my side, up close so we could converse above the music. "What's up, bro?" he asked quietly. "I think we might have trouble," I murmured. I was turned away from Molly, who had returned to watching the dancers. "Find Josh for me, would you?" "Sure thing," he said, and he stood up and...
All the recreational leagues were finished after the tournament weekend. My soccer club wasn't starting for a couple of weeks, so I was a free bird the last part of June. I slept in a lot, until my parents noticed that I was unoccupied and put a crimp in my plans on being lazy. They left me a list each week of chores they wanted done around the house, such as painting the garage, weeding the flowerbeds, and mowing the lawn. It still left me plenty of time to keep up with my running and...
"Let's review," shouted the upperclassman with the bullhorn. "The Green Team has won one event and the Gold Team has won one. In higher education we call that a tie. So here's the deal, we will play one more game. Winners will be considered very, very cool... losers... oh my... losers will have to be initiated. I can't tell you too much about the initiation, but just think mud pit... over there... yes, that one. Keep mud pit in mind as you play. Also think indentured servitude. History...
They each took a side of me, but Avery still didn't appear to be all that enthused, though. Nevertheless, she did help herself to feel my left tit. She didn't speak, but I could tell by her vibrations that she liked it."Go ahead, Avery lick her nipple or kiss her. She's a sweet woman and not just the bitch you've branded her as, remember," Scarlet made clear, before I felt her licking my other nipple."Fine, Scarlet," she groaned, prior to bringing her head towards mine. "I don't hate you,...
LesbianTomahawk Towing and Recovery Sunrise sat behind the wheel waiting for the other trucks to begin returning from dropping off trailer sections around the area laid out for the Academy town. He watched as Eagle, Hawk and Night Flyer began pulling up behind the Diner. Their trailers disgorging the livestock before Hawk's began turning into barns. A section of Eagle's main trailer separated and molded itself to the side of the new Diner. Slowly his grin grew as he realized what it...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Twins' Wanton Mother By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I wiggled my finger in my twin sister's asshole as I stared through the slats of the closet door. Kimiko trembled beside me, feeling the tension as we waited to see what our mother would do. Would she suck Clint's cock soaked in my pussy juices? She wouldn't know it was my cream on him. That Clint had just fucked my cunt. His jizz ran out of me,...
You first have to understand that the five of us have been friends for years. Troy and Austin and been in my platoon on the police department for more years than I care to count. It use to be the six of us but my wife had decided, last year, that she wanted to go "find herself". sad thing was I did not know she was lost! Now Troy is married to Alice and Austin is married to Linda. Let me tell you about them. Alice is short, maybe 5'-0" tall if that. She has black hair and brown eyes that remind...
BisexualNote : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestMother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
You can always tell when a doctor or a nurse is lying to you. It's when they are approaching you with a wicked-looking instrument or needle in their hand, and they say, "Now, this won't hurt a bit." About twenty minutes after hearing just those words, they were still trying to scrape me off the walls of the examination room. They had changed all my bandages, and cleaned and drained all my wounds, performing all these tortures with the cavalier indifference to my pain and discomfort that...
"And how do we play this game of yours?" I asked."It's pretty simple." Sasha replied, "It's kind of like the basketball game 'HORSE' except it's different moves on your partner. So, when one couple does a move, the other couple has to mimic it to the best of their ability, and then it's their turn to make a new move." "Sounds like a plan babe. So it's us verse them?" Said Corey."HA! HA! Sorry, but there is a slight twist in this game. It's going to be chicks verse dicks." "Woah, this is...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
On a beautiful and sunny Saturday afternoon in June, Kayla and I were standing in anticipation, turned facing the rear of the church, waiting to catch our first glimpse. All the other participants were in their places, with the big man standing nervously in front. As the organ music swelled and segued into a traditional wedding processional, the bridal party started pacing majestically down the white runner that covered the carpeting of the center aisle. After three bridesmaids and the...
Tara Jacks absolutely refused to consider any option other than keeping her baby. By Christmastime she was starting to show, and she took to wearing baggier tops and sweatshirts. The spotlight on her at school was intense, but she was strong, stronger than anybody realized. She stood up to the pressure with her head up, willing to meet anybody's gaze straight on. Whispered conversations followed her everywhere in school, but she acted like she didn't care at all. It was all a lie, of...
Every year the town where we resided threw a big party for the Fourth of July. When the holiday fell on a weekend, like it did that year in 1981, the community put together enough events to fill the entire weekend. A traveling amusement park set up, the firehouses had water hose fights, there was live music and a food fest, and, of course, fireworks. Almost everybody in town attended something in the park by the lake over the weekend, and the place was always packed for the fireworks. That...
I spent the next week or so racking my brain, trying to figure out what to do. I finally decided that the direct approach was probably the best. I certainly didn't want to confront her at school, so I waited until I could get the nerve up to call her one evening. After pacing my room nervously, I finally called Molly. "Hello?" "Molly, it's Sean. Can I talk to you for a minute?" She chuckled softly, a throaty sound even over telephone wires. "I thought I'd hear from you...
Candice couldn't help but feel insecure as she sat in the reception of Venus Studios, the media branch of Venus Industries. All around her sat women that looked like they had just finished filming a rap video and the walls were plastered with posters of pin ups and porn stars, even the receptionist looked like she had been kidnapped from the Playboy Mansion. Candice knew she was far from ugly, the number of guys who asked her out on a weekly basis told her that. However there was a large gulf...
By the time we got back, the newlyweds' first dance was taking place. Everybody stood around the dance floor and watched David and Lori dance together, looking comfortable in each other's arms as they moved beautifully in harmony to The Way You Look Tonight. It was Thomas Wilkinson's turn next to dance with the bride, and he guided her around the dance floor with flair, proud as a rooster, as David danced with his mother. Eventually the tempo picked up, and Kayla kicked off her shoes as...
Stephen was home and in his room by the time I got back to my house. My parents had already gone to bed, and Michael was out. I knocked on Stephen's door, and opened it before he could even answer. He was standing at his dresser, and he spun around when he heard me come in. "What?" he asked, already on the defensive. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I asked angrily. "I don't know what you're talking about," he tried bluffing. I wasn't buying whatever bullshit he was...
I really was tired of sitting at home, so on Wednesday I went back to school. My dad dropped me off early, and made sure I got in the door without incident. I was still bandaged up, but I was feeling pretty good. I got a lot of greetings from kids streaming into school, good friends and kids I barely knew. My first stop was to the school office. I knew I would have to talk to Dr. Osgood, so I thought I should get it done with early. I was hoping that I could talk him into counting the two...
"You know she likes you a lot, Sean." "Yeah, I know, I've been working with her kids for awhile now." "Not like that, stupid," she said. She was facing me, propped up on one elbow, doodling in the small line of hair that ran from my belly button to my crotch. It sort of tickled, in a squirmy way. "I mean, she likes you." "Nah." I dismissed the thought. I had too many complications right now to be thinking of Lori like that. "What?" She was persistent. "You don't think of...
My sexy married Ashwini aunty age 35 Gori Sexy thi uski size 34 30 36 thi…Dikhne mai hot hone k karan mai us ko har roj dekhta tha us ko dekh k mera lund khada ho jata tha kyu ki us ki matak ti chaal aur uski sexy figure dekh k mujhse control nahi hota tha. Roj sochta tha ek baar ise chodne ka mouka mile to maja aayega lekin mujhe nahi pata tha wo din itni jaldi aayega Us din Saturday tha mai aur mere dost bahar khel rahe the tabhi maine dekha k ashwini ka pati AMIT aur Beti POOJA kisi kaam se...
I was going out one Friday night and my younger sister and her friend had bought a bottle of vodka and some films to watch for a night in which they did every now and then. When I came home that night after midnight the front room tv was still on, the large vodka bottle was empty and my sister was blind drunk and falling about laughing and her friend was comatosed flat-out on the sofa in her nightdress. My sister said she was getting cold and was going to bed and would I help get her friend off...
i follow you home from the supermarket,i make my way round the back of your house,im so horny.luckily the back door is open and i make my way through to were i hear you are in the house.the are putting the shopping away,youve loosened your skirt and your bra straps are loose,just of the shoulders.i watch as you bend over the shopping and there only one thing on my going to fuck you.i make my move and grab you from behind and cover your try to resist but im to...
I was going out one Friday night and my younger sister and her friend had bought a bottle of vodka and some films to watch for a night in which they did every now and then. When I came home that night after midnight the front room tv was still on, the large vodka bottle was empty and my sister was blind drunk and falling about laughing and her friend was comatosed flat-out on the sofa in her nightdress. My sister said she was getting cold and was going to bed and would I help get her friend off...
MasturbationOur Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
We reached my apartment and were all prepared to make love. After that, we lip locked again and kissed in a different style. We were taking each step at a time and enjoying every moment. We were more into foreplay and wanted to make her comfortable as it was our first time with each other. For the first time, while kissing I touched and squeezed her boobs over the top. she was enjoying. I realized that she is ‘wildcat’ which I enjoyed a lot. I was enjoying her boobs and they were soft and big....