Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolWednesday Evening
- 4 years ago
- 36
- 0
Saturday Evening
I think we just arrived. Did your mom make a reservation?
I’m pretty sure she needed to.
The car came to a stop. I’m glad we’re here. I came close to moaning at least three times. It’s like Dad was trying to hit all of the bumps and rough roads.
Came close? They were soft, but I don’t think you completely contained any of them. Not that it mattered though.
Yeah. Dad’s little tirade was useful for that at least.
“Go ahead inside kids. We’ll be in shortly.”
Allison waited for the others to step out and gasped as she stepped out of the car. Wasn’t expecting that one.
Why are we going in ahead of them?
She started towards the entrance. Mom still needs to have a few more words with Dad I imagine. The kind of things that shouldn’t be said in front of an audience probably.
Do you suppose any of others will be here yet?
I doubt it. Although she paused as she glanced around the restaurant I’ve been known to be wrong before.
Kara, right?
That was fast for a read of the room.
It can take a bit of time to read folks I don’t know. But I’ve been working with Kara for years now, and spending that amount of time with a person makes it really easy to pick up their energy pattern.
Allison approached the nearby hostess. “Hello. How big is your party?”
“Nine. We should have a reservation.”
“Last name?”
The hostess glance down at her notes for a few seconds. “Ah, yes. We have your table waiting. Right this way.”
Allison silently followed the woman. How sure are you that the pattern you picked up on is Kara?
Very. While two different people can possess very similar patterns, it doesn’t mean that people can have identical patterns. Each persons’ in unique; in part because of variation due to our ever changing emotional states, and in part due to a core that is uniquely and always them.So, is it something you’re born with?
Sort of. There is a component that is determined by your genetics.
Can identical twins have identical patterns then?
Nope. They tend to be very, very similar; looking identical to folks whose ability to read is less finely tuned. But the other component that shapes your core pattern ensures that, even in the closest pair, there will always be some level of difference.
Allison waved to Kara as they got close to the table. What component is that?
One’s lived experiences. The deeply held beliefs, major events, firsts and even regrets.What was my pattern like when you first met me?
Are you sure you want to know?
Okay. Your pattern was he paused strange. It looked fairly normal and peaceful on the surface, but when I delved a bit deeper, I could tell there was a great deal of chaos and pain. The transition between the two layers was very abrupt.
Can’t that be said about most people?To some degree. But, even for folks with a lot of masks, the masks themselves derive in some way from the hidden inner self. Yours didn’t do that.
Oh. That does mesh with the dissociation though. How did it change?
The colors and borders between the two began to soften and blur. You still have traces of that strong social mask present; but there is a much greater sense of cohesion between the two.
How so?
Before, it was clear that there wasn’t much of the core self in the social mask layer. But, as the week progressed he paused again especially after your major breakthrough, it began to shift to represent the core self more and more. Don’t misunderstand; there are still some pieces that are very clearly absent from the mask. But, they’re the sort of things that people tend to hide simply because they’re not socially appropriate.
“Are you guys going to answer me, or are you lost in each other again?”
Did Kara ask us something?
I didn’t hear anything.
“Sorry Kara. We were having a very interesting conversation.”
She shook her head. “I could see that Emanuel. But can you really call it a conversation when it’s not spoken or written in some way?”
I think Laura just arrived, and your parents seem to be just behind her.
That talk took longer than I expected.
“You know very well that those exchanges meet all the criteria for a proper conversation. We just don’t need to vocalize or record it in anyway.”
Do I detect a little jealousy in her tone?
I believe you’re right precious.
“What did you ask us anyway?”
Kara stared straight at her. “Are you okay? You’re walking a little funny.”
Are mom and dad in earshot?Thankfully, no. Although, I highly doubt your mom hasn’t noticed it either.
Why didn’t you say something to me?
Because doing so would have drawn even more attention to it. Besides, I’m sure most people will attribute it to our activities last night.
They’d only be partially wrong. “Yeah. We finally went all the way last night.”
A huge, partially devious grin crossed Kara’s face. “It sounds like there’s more to it than that.”
Allison moved closer to Kara. “If you must know” she began to whisper “I got two of my presents earlier this morning. Let’s just say they’re very ... energizing.”
“I thought shields like that usually came in pairs?” Kara whispered back.
“They do. They’re only one of the presents.”
“Then where is the second? I assume you have it on you.”
Allison smiled, spread her labia open and glanced down. “If you look carefully, you’ll see a little hint of it.”
“Wait a minute ... do you mean to tell me that you wore something in there specifically for this party?”
Allison smiled again. “I’d tell you more about them, but Mom and Dad are getting kind of close. I’ll leave it at this:” she paused again “every time I move, they move. And that movement is driving me all sorts of crazy right now.”
Her parents and Laura sat down. “No kidding. You’ll have to tell me later exactly what ‘they’ are. Anyway” she paused, her voice raising to normal again “can we order soon? I’m starting to get pretty hungry.”
“Does everyone know what they want, or should we get an appetizer or two while we look?” she heard her mom ask.
“Appetizer!” came the almost unanimous response from the group.
“Okay. We’ll get two samplers then.”
Allison nodded with everyone as their waitress approached. I should have figured they’d have their waitresses be topless.
From what I understand precious, they’re encouraged to do so, but not required. I believe topless servers make almost twenty percent more money per hour than those who chose not to.
If a place is going to use naked and half naked employees, I suppose that’s the best way to go about it.
“Can I start you folks with an appetizer and drinks while you look at the menu?”
“Two of the samplers. Anyone want a drink?”
Again, an almost unanimous “cola” from the group.
“Two pitchers of cola and waters for everyone.”
The waitress quickly jotted down the order and stepped away as Tony began to ask “What’s the limit?”
Her mom smiled. “With the discount we can expect, fairly high. But try not to go too crazy.”
We’ll get what, maybe 60% Manny?
I think 70%. Tony and I are worth maybe 5% each, and the rest of you are a good 10% each.
Actually, I believe you both still count for the full 10%. So, probably 80% in the end.
“What are the rings you have on your nipples Allison? They’re very pretty.”
“I think they’re called nipple shields Laura. Manny gave them to me.”
“I wanted to take advantage of the trial run, but my folks would throw a fit if I came home with anything from a shop like that. I’m not sure I’ll be able to introduce Shelley to them either.”
Allison smiled gently. “I think you might be surprised by them. I didn’t expect Mom to be as accepting of a lot of what I’ve thrown at her, but she’s taken it all in stride so far.”
“Maybe you’re right. I won’t know until I try.”
“How are you and Shelley doing?”
“Pretty good. It’s a little too early to say whether or not it will become something serious though.”
Did we jump in kind of quickly Manny?
Some might say so. But isn’t it up to us to determine what the right timing is for us?
Yes. Yes it is.
A few moments later, the waitress approached with four pitchers and nine glasses on her tray. “Are you folks ready?” Allison glanced around as the others all nodded. “Ma’am?”
Always start with the adults, huh?
“I’ll take the Cobb salad, and my husband will have the ribs.”
“Half or full?”
What are you getting Manny?Probably the BBQ Chicken super melt. I don’t really want to think too hard about something like this. You?
The same. I haven’t had it in a while.
Sounds like most people are getting that or the chicken fingers.
Both have been Friendly’s classics for a while. Makes sense.
“And you Ms?”
Can I order for you?
“We’ll both have the BBQ Chicken super melt.”
“So, that’s four super melts, two chicken finger platters, one cheeseburger, one half rack of ribs, and one Cobb salad. Is that correct?”
The group nodded in agreement.
“Your samplers will be right out.”
“So” Kara started softly “last night, huh?”
Allison blushed. “Yeah.”
“How many times? Was it what you were hoping for?”
Allison sighed. “If you must know; three times, eleven orgasms. One of which was in the shower.” Kara’s jaw dropped slightly. “You asked.”
“Yeah, I did. Did the first time hurt?”
“It was slightly uncomfortable for a few moments, but that’s about it. After that, it started to be incredible.”
“I imagine you were very” she paused “vocal during it”.
“My sister can attest to that. She wore out a twenty-four pack of batteries.”
Kara looked down hesitantly for a second. “Are you sure you’re okay with Emanuel being my first as well? I’ve heard enough horror stories of people’s first time, and I really don’t want that to happen to me. If he’s even a fraction as good as you’re saying he is, I just might be able to be one of the lucky ones.”
“Honestly, I can’t say I’m completely comfortable with it. My jealousy flares whenever I think about it. But,” she paused “I trust him, and I know that if I do have any issues to bring up, I can talk to him about it. Are you sure you’re comfortable with going there with Manny?”
“At this moment, not fully. I worry that doing that will change our friendship forever, and possibly not in a good way.”
“That’s the risk we take when we deepen our intimacy with someone else.” Allison paused. “Maybe this will help a little; as guys go, Manny is one of the most mature I’ve ever met. The likelihood of something going terribly wrong is pretty low.”
She glanced down again as the samplers arrived. “It’s not his maturity I’m worried about. It’s mine.”
Emanuel rested a hand on Kara’s shoulder. “You wouldn’t still be my Kempo partner after all these years if I had any doubt about your maturity. Not at the level we just advanced to. The fact that you’re thinking about your own maturity level shows me that it means more to you than it does to many of our classmates. And that means a lot.”
A deep blush swept across Kara’s face. “I might not believe that from most people. But from you...” she paused “that means more than you know.”
Are you sure precious?
As much as I can be.
“By the way, did Emanuel tell you exactly when his birthday is?”
The others turned to look at them. “When?” Cosette asked.
Please don’t tell anyone else. I know I can trust you with the information, but I don’t want to answer difficult questions from anyone else today.
“It’s not my place to say.”
Kara smirked.
“Are those comfortable Allison? The shields, I think you called them.”
She turned to Laura. “Pretty comfortable, yeah. They’re squeezing a little, but that’s half the fun.”
“Umm ... sis, I don’t think that’s something you needed to share in front of everyone.”
Allison glanced at her father, and smirked at the slight shock on his face. Her mom turned to him. “Like you didn’t already know about those dear. Need I remind you of you know what?”
He shook his head as their server walked by, a smirk on her face. “Is everything good folks?” Allison nodded her head with the others. “Nice jewelry by the way.”
Allison blushed and smiled. “Thanks.”
Are you having a good time so far precious?Yeah. Laura and Cosette seem to be having a very lively conversation.
I think Cosette mentioned something about the other part of their gift, and Laura is really curious about it now.
Do you think she’s aware that I’m using it right now?
Probably not. I’m pretty sure your parents don’t know either.
Allison laughed. Dad, yeah. But mom knows. I’m sure of that. She’s a lot sharper than Sarah or I have ever given her credit for.
Is that why she’s got that little smirk on her face then...
Totally. I wonder how many other things I thought I’ve managed to hide from her that she totally knew about.
“Why don’t you ask her about it Laura?”
Wait, did I just hear your mom correctly?
Yes, you did. To be honest, I’m surprised I’ve kept it as quiet as I have.
“Cosette mentioned that she got you something ‘really fun’, but won’t say anything else about it. Is this thing really as fun as she’s claiming it is?”
Allison smirked. “Totally. I can show you a part of it if you’d like.”
Are you sure about this precious?Not here of course. I’ll do it somewhere more private.
Like where?
The ladies room should work.
“Really? You can?”
“Yeah. Not here though; let’s go somewhere a little more quiet.”
Allison stood up, gasped again, and made her way slowly to the bathroom.
“So, just what ‘fun thing’ did she get you?”
Allison spotted a small bench near a large mirror. “Let me just sit down, and I’ll show you what little I can of it. I’d rather not move it from where it is now.” She sat down, parted her lower lips, and pointed to the little ring resting on her clit. “See this?”
“Yeah. What is that part of?”
“They’re called ben-wa balls, and they’re something else. They’re a pair of small-ish balls in a little harness that are currently sitting inside of me. I understand they’re usually used as a tool to strengthen the pelvic muscles, but in this case they’re simply sitting there.”
“How is that fun?”
“Well, when I move; say, standing up, walking or sitting back down, they move a little. And when they do, the effect is like that of a small dildo being used on me.”
“And what about that ring? Why is is so important that it stays where it is?”
“Because when they move, so does it. And you can imagine what effect that has I’m sure.”
“How strong is the sensation?”
“Strong enough that it gave me a small orgasm on the way here, and has had me feeling horny and turned on for a few hours now.”
“Isn’t that a bit of tease?”
“That’s the point. I’m going to rock Emanuel’s world when we get home later.”
Laura smirked. “And I’m sure he’s going to do the same to you.”
“More than that. It’ll be like an earthquake.” She glanced up at a small clock on the wall. “I think it’ll be time for dessert soon. Let’s go back to the others.”
She stood up, smiled, and left the bathroom. “Cosette wasn’t exaggerating then. I’m tempted to get some. What did you say they were called again?”
“Ben-wa balls.”
Allison stopped suddenly. Wait, isn’t that our server? Did she overhear me just now?
“Did you just mention ben-wa balls? I’ve been tempted to wear mine out, but work isn’t really the place for that. Are you using them now?”
She blushed. “Yeah. I’ve had them in for a few hours now.”
“It’s maddening isn’t it? Just how much they turn you on?”
“I suppose you could put it that way. But in a good way.”
“You’re very brave to be out in public with those on and in. I’ve often thought about wearing my shields out from time to time, but could never wrestle up the courage.”
“As long as the shields fit right, they should stay on pretty well.”
She glanced at the watch on her arm. “Mine are designed to work with my nipple piercings. I’m not afraid of them falling off. I don’t want people to think I’m some sort of freak.”
“I don’t think you’ll find many people who would think that now. They’d just think they’re sexy.”
A huge smile appeared on the server’s face. “You’re right. I think I’ll put them on before I return to my shift. I’m glad I had the courage to bring them with me today. Thank you.”
Allison smiled. “I’m glad I can help others even a little bit.”
She quickly returned to the table and let out a quiet moan as she sat back down. “Before we look at ice cream, I believe you have some gifts to open.”
Allison smiled and accepted the medium sized box from her mom. “Okay.” She tore at the paper, and opened the card on the box. “This one is from Mom and Dad.” She put the card down and tore at the paper, revealing a department store box. Figures it would be clothing.
From the smirk your mom is attempting to hide, I suspect it won’t be quite as boring as you think it will be.
You’re probably right. Allison lifted the top of the box off, and pulled out a fancy red top. It’s very pretty, but this is exactly what I was expecting.
Look again precious. Something fell out of the top when you lifted it out.
Allison glanced down in the box, and noticed another envelope. She carefully opened it and glanced inside. Let’s see: a $250 Visa gift card, hotel reservations for a weekend in October, and confirmation for tickets to something called CGE.
Also for that same weekend?
Yes, and at the same hotel.
“From the confused look on your faces, I’m guessing neither of you are familiar with CGE. Put as simply as possible, it’s a convention of sorts. Unlike comic or anime conventions” she paused as Allison started to open her mouth “yes, I know about those. Things like that have been going on for longer than you might think. Unlike those, this convention is specifically designed to give couples of all ages and lengths the tools necessary for long term sustainanibility.”
“Mrs. Kirse, that sounds kind of ... boring.”
“Not as boring as you might think. If your choice in jewelry and other wearables today is any indication of what you two might be exploring, then I think you’ll find some of the sessions there very helpful and enlightening.”
“But, how would you know about...” Allison began, then stopped quickly. “Never mind; I think I know how.” And frankly, I wish I didn’t.
Personal experience, right?
Right. Best not to dwell on that. “What’s next then?” Her mom handed her another, smaller box. “This one’s from Kara.” She doesn’t know me very well, so I’m not sure what to expect this time.
Those are the best kinds of gifts. Don’t worry; Kara won’t have chosen anything inappropriate.
Allison tore at the paper and opened the gift box. A book about Kempo?
She felt Emanuel smile. That’s one of the better books on theory and history behind the art.
“I had a lot of difficulty getting into the right frame of mind when I first started studying Kempo. Sensei recommended that book in particular to help me understand what I needed to know to have a good base to start from. I’m not sure if you’ll need it, but I figured it didn’t hurt to have it if you do.”
That was really thoughtful of her. “Thank you Kara.” Kara’s smile turned into a considering smirk. Uh-oh. I think she has something planned Manny.
I just hope it’s not what I think it’ll be.
“Uhm ... Allison? Do you mind if I do something a little unusual?”
Something that could be considered rude ... if I’m not mistaken. “No, go ahead.”
Kara produced another box, and handed it to Emanuel. “I know this is a day early, and not how you would have wanted it revealed, but I’m concerned that if I don’t, you never will.” She paused for a moment, shot him a quick look, then finished; “Happy birthday Emanuel.”
He grimaced slightly, then sighed deeply. “You’re right. If I had my way, I probably never would have revealed that.” And I’d find healing that particular wound to be very difficult as long as I did. That’s not fair to either of us. He carefully tore away the paper and slowly opened the box. A photo album?
It looks like there’s a note on top of it.
‘Emanuel, I know your mother’s death still haunts you, and that that it’s often much easier to get stuck remembering the bad than the good. I also remember you saying that you weren’t able to save most of the photos of her before your father destroyed them. The good news is that he never could destroy them; my folks told me a few days ago that they found whole albums simply thrown out one day, and were able to rescue them before they were gone for good.
I spent the better part of yesterday after school going through those albums with my folks, and putting together this memory album. Some of the photos come from my folks collection as well. I tried to make sure every possible positive event or day is represented in it. I’ll fully understand if you want to wait until you’re alone with Allison later to actually look at it.’
I’m not sure what I should be feeling right now. Part of me is unhappy that she didn’t tell me about the photos as soon as she found out about them. Part of me is annoyed that she went through them herself, rather than letting me. But, he paused the greatest part of me is great-full that I didn’t need to. I’m not sure that I could focus on the good in that particular set of albums.
She meant well by it.
You’re right. I shouldn’t be too mad at her. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner about this?”
“Mom convinced me not to. We still have the rest of it if you want to reclaim it.”
The others turned to Emanuel. “What are you two talking about?”
“Something I simply can’t share at the moment Tony. When I can, I will.” He took the final present from the pile. “For now, let’s get back to Allison opening her presents.”
Are you sure Manny?
Yeah. This is something I want to explore in private, with only you and Kara. There’s simply too much to process to share it with the others for the time being.
Okay. Allison quickly pulled the tissue paper out of the bag, then a large box. “Photo scrap booking kit?”
“Yeah” she Laura began “I figured that you guys will make memories you’ll want to look over again, and this kit is a good place to start that. Mom said this was a particularly good kit.”
Let’s see. It has the book, pages, various shape punches, special scissors; even a paper cutter.
Why would you need special scissors?
It looks like they have different patterns on their blades. They probably let you cut different edges into your photos and the like. Allison slipped the kit back into its bag and picked up the ice cream menu. “Unless Tony and Cosette have another surprise, I think it’s time for ice cream.”
They shook their heads. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to a Friendly’s Ally. What do you usually get?
I’m usually a forbidden chocolate and butter pecan kind of girl. With caramel and fudge of course. Has it really been long enough that you’ve forgotten what you used to get?Yes. Although I’ve always been partial to chocolate as an overall flavor.
Then get the brownie lovers sundae. Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate ... actually, that sounds really good.
You can steal some of mine if you want.
Allison smiled at Emanuel, and glanced up as their server came back to the table. She really did put her shields on.
Did you have a part in that?
I was talking with Laura about them, and she overheard some of the conversation. She mentioned that she had them on her, but was afraid people would think that she was a freak if she wore them while working.
And you convinced her that wouldn’t be the case.
Exactly. And I was right; they do look really good on her. Allison glanced back up as she smiled at her.
“Are you folks ready for dessert?” Allison nodded her head along with the others as the server started to take the order. “And for you both?”
“My sundae will be with Forbidden chocolate, butter pecan, fudge and caramel. Emanuel will have the brownie lovers sundae.” It’s a good thing she wasn’t around to hear Kara’s little speech.
I’m not so sure about that precious. I think your mom already whispered it to her.
Then I guess both of us are going to be sung to today... He thought, somewhat dejectedly.
Just try to think of what I said earlier. Try to focus on the joyous nature that is usually true of birthdays.
You’re right. I’ll try.
By the way, Cosette’s gift is really driving me crazy.
Emanuel grinned. How crazy?
Take our first night, and multiply it by at least ten. And I’m going to make sure it’ll be just as good for you.
I’m looking forward to it.
Her father groaned softly, then grimaced lightly as her mom shot a glance his way. Dad was going to say something stupid again.
“So, I couldn’t help but notice that our server was wearing jewelry just now that she wasn’t before” she Kara started. “Did you have a part in this?”
Allison smiled. “You could say that. I merely assured her that her idea of how other people would perceive her was not how people likely would.”
It looks like she’s going to see that first hand in a moment.
How so?
One of her other tables just left a much bigger tip than I would usually expect them to.
Allison raised her eyebrows. Oh?
I’m not exactly sure how much, but it looks to be at least ten dollars from a table of two young adults.
That’s a considerable tip.
Allison turned around and glanced as their server picked up a small stack of bills and gasped. I think they left more than that. She watched as another server motioned her over.
I think it’ll be time soon Manny.
Allison glanced back at the kitchen entrance as another server stepped out with a large tray of sundaes, and started towards their table. At the same time, several servers began to approach the table.
Your mom definitely said something. There are two pieces of cake on that tray.
The sundaes were quickly given to each person, and a piece of cake with a candle was put in front of her and Emanuel. If it helps, think of everything good that has happened this year alone.
This is a good birthday to start anew, that’s true.
Allison smiled as all five servers began to sing. That’s a good starting place. A few moments later, she smiled as both she and Emanuel blew out their candles at the same time.
Her mom turned to the group. “Besides Emanuel, how many of you are actually in the Program? You all seem pretty comfortable with being naked.”
Laura’s hand went up. “I am.”
“How has the week been for you? I’ve heard from and watched my daughter enough to have a pretty good sense of what she might say.”
“Pretty good. I’m only in it because of those two, but at least I had the opportunity to get in voluntarily. If I had been forced to, I highly doubt the first days would have gone nearly as smoothly as they have.”
“It sounds like the Program has done a fair amount of good for you then.”
Laura laughed. “You could say that. Without it, I doubt I would have had the opportunity to really test a theory I needed to. And without that, I wouldn’t have the information or courage I needed to find my girlfriend.”
“And the rest of you? I was surprised when Allison told me how many of you were willing to be naked.”
Tony put down his spoon. “Emanuel and I have been teammates for a few years now. He proved to be a good friend, and I wanted to support him because of that.”
Thursday Evening Allison Allison quietly made her way toward the box, breathing a sigh of relief as she realized the lock was still on it. She turned to Gary. “Do you have the key?” He shook his head and turned toward the right. “No Ms. Kirse, I do. Can I convince you to leave your robe in there until tomorrow?” Allison turned toward Ms. Frauhold. “If I had worn normal clothing today, maybe. I intend to use my bathrobe tomorrow morning though.” “Very well. I’ll unlock your box for...
Thursday Morning Emanuel Emanuel heard a shrieking noise suddenly start. I guess it’s morning. Good morning Manny. Emanuel sat up and glanced at the alarm clock. Good morning precious. You’re up early. I know. For some reason, I couldn’t wait to start the day. Emanuel smiled and started towards the bathroom. That tends to happen when life starts going well for people. That makes sense. Would you mind if I ask a stupid question? Why would I? Go ahead, I’ll do my best to...
Tuesday Morning: Emanuel Emanuel woke up to his blaring alarm clock, slowly opening his eyes. He turned to the large clock on the wall, and wondered why it said six. Then he remembered, he had a rank test today before class. He quickly stepped into the shower, stripping as he walked. He sighed, banishing all thoughts from his head except for his lessons. He turned the water on, reciting his oath as he did. Having finished that, he started to meditate as he cleaned himself. I am my own...
Monday Afternoon/Evening Allison Allison had somehow made it through AP History without falling asleep. Was it because she was feeling really horny but had no way of getting relief? Her thoughts had gone to Emanuel part way through class – thoughts of his perfect body, his smile, his caring touch. A small voice in the back of head told her, You’re falling for him. She blushed just even remembering this. As she made her way towards the cafeteria, she saw three boys waiting near some...
Thursday Afternoon: Drama Allison smiled as they finally reached the door. She darted through and made her way to the seats up front. “So I see part of the principal’s memo may have come true. You two obviously inspired the idiots chanting ‘Choose me sex deities’. So, one question remains – did you intend to inspire them to this point, or are they simply being mindless high school sheep?” I’m guessing now we’re supposed to be agents of intended chaos through worship. Mrs. Sneider’s...
Saturday Morning/Afternoon “Allison! Sarah! Breakfast is almost ready!” Allison opened her eyes and glanced up at the clock. Isn’t it a bit early for breakfast? She turned her head to the still sleeping Emanuel asleep next to her, his hand having migrated to her breast at some point during the night. “Wake up Manny. Mom says breakfast is almost ready.” He opened his eyes and seemed to look groggily at her, then looked down at his hand. “Sorry.” Allison caught the hand as he attempted to...
Sunday Afternoon/Evening: Part 2 Allison Allison opened her eyes and glanced up at the clock. “Half an hour? That’s a new record.” She glanced to her side and smiled at the still-sleeping Emanuel, and connected with Kara’s eyes. “Did I wake you?” She laughed. “No. I woke up a few minutes ago.” She paused and looked at Emanuel. “I think I surprised him a few times there.” “Both of us to some degree. When did you decide you wanted to join in like that?” “A little after you both got going...
2nd Monday Morning: Part 1 Emanuel The alarm begin to blare as Emanuel’s eyes opened. “Is it really morning already? I don’t want to get up.” Allison turned toward him. “Neither do I. I’m very comfortable right where I am. But, we have to.” “Especially since I need to pee. I love holding both my muse and my pillar, but I really do need both of you to get up so I can.” Allison groaned. “Can we have just a few more minutes?” “Only if you’re okay with me going right here.” “No. The last...
Thursday Afternoon: Lunch Emanuel began to step through the doors, when suddenly her free hand wrapped around his penis and squeezed gently. Allison “Are you particularly hungry now Manny?” He pause in thought for a moment. “No ... why do you ask?” She smiled, squeezed a little harder, and led him by the penis into the middle of the cafeteria. “Do you trust me?” He nodded his head, then paused, a worried look on his face. “What do you have in mind?” She smiled. “Nothing that goes...
Wednesday Afternoon “Are you sure you heard right?” A familiar voice asked as they stepped through the double doors. “What do you mean?” another familiar voice asked back. “I don’t hear any cooing coming from them”. “Nobody ever said lovebirds coo all the time.” “Ha ha you two. That’s one of your more original ones.” “Glad you enjoyed it Emanuel” the first replied. “Manny, do you know these two?” “Yeah. Allison, these two jokers are Luigi and Mark. Guys, this is Allison.” “Uhm ......
2nd Monday Morning: Part 2 They walked quietly until they reached the VP’s office. Emanuel knocked on the open door. “From now on, you’ll spend this period in the library, but for today you can come in and close the door behind you as usual.” “Since we’re not subject to the Program’s rules, we’re fine. But we can close it for your sake” he replied. Once inside the back room, Emanuel closed the door, put down his bag and sat down next to Allison. She smiled, cuddled up close, and turned...
2nd Monday Evening: Part 2 When they opened them again, they found themselves in a plain, white room. Uhm ... what’s up with room Manny? Yeah. This is weird, my pillar. And why are all naked? That’s strange. This didn’t happen last time. Visitors always come here with as much as they need to wear to hide the things they wish to hide from others. There is no need for clothing here. Uhm ... who was that voice Manny? And why does it sound like you’ve been here before? I’m sure you...
Friday Morning: Part 1 Emanuel looked around the empty, all white room. Someone went through a lot of trouble to keep this space as clean as possible. But what use is an all white room with nothing but a window you can’t see out of, and a door that doesn’t open? Suddenly, a deep, male voice echoed in his head. Look out the window. Once you have your answer, the way forward will open. Emanuel walked to the window, the sky now visible. In the distance was a bright and shining city filled...
2nd Monday Afternoon: Part 1 Allison Allison’s smile soured slightly upon stepping through the doors. Manny? Yes precious? I don’t think our efforts so far have been enough to squash the new rumors. I see what you mean. Are you okay Kara? Yeah. What’s up with that group that’s been waiting by the door? Emanuel paused for a second, and focused. Groups. Three of them at moment if my sense of things is right. They’re our ‘cultists’ darling. You remember, from last week? Them? I...
Thursday Afternoon: Home Economics Well done precious. And that talk allowed us to make it to Home Ecc unscathed and early. You’d think the student body would be more interested in two naked girls. Guess not. It is Thursday though, that may be playing a part in it. “Anyway, thanks counselor. I look forward to being your door tomorrow.” Gee, so now I’ve obtained a new title as well? What makes you think maestro is going to stick? Trust me, it will. “See you tomorrow then.” “Well...
Sunday Afternoon/Evening: Part 1 Emanuel headed into the dining room and sat down next to Allison. I was hoping that lunch would be simpler than breakfast. Mom’s always said that a heavy lunch doesn’t make sense. It shouldn’t be your first major meal anyway. And is it really a good idea to put yourself into a food coma in the middle of the afternoon? There’s still so much to get done at that point. She has some good points there. But, we need to be careful that we don’t become too busy;...
Thursday Afternoon: Art We’re a little later than usual precious. Yeah. That was important though. Agreed. Emanuel peered into the room, as their teacher’s eyes caught his. “If you two had been any later, I might have started to give some credence to the principal’s memo.” Emanuel nudged Allison forward. “Oh? And what does this memo have to say about us, Mrs. Rose?” Her eyes lit up. “She’s been a busy little bee, hasn’t she?” She paused for a moment. “I’d like you two to perform a...
Allison Allison stepped off the bus, dreading the millions of questions her mother would likely have. She walked up to the door, opening it slowly. She quietly walked inside, hoping her mother wouldn’t hear the noise, and then maybe she’d have enough time to make it up to her room without being seen. That would make avoiding the questions a lot easier. She realized that plan was meaningless when she spotted her mother sitting at the dining room table. “Allison honey ... how was your first...
Wednesday Morning Allison “Manny, where were you? I needed you, and you said you’d help me anytime.” “My patience is gone. You need help so often now. I don’t have the energy for it anymore. I just can’t.” “But ... you promised. Doesn’t that count for something?” “Maybe at one point.” “But...” “Enough. I’m leaving. Don’t ask me to stay.” “No ... please. I can change. Honest. I really can.” A blaring noise suddenly filled her ears. “What is that noise?” “Wake up!” a female voice...
2nd Monday Evening: Part 1 Emanuel spotted Tony, Cosette and Laura waiting in front of the school. “We wanted to let you know your show was a success. Nearly all of the school is passing around your version of the story; not one of the old rumors” Tony quietly informed them when they got close. “It helped that we made sure to correct anyone who was still spreading one of the old versions” Laura added. “You said ‘nearly all’. I think I can guess some of the people who would want to hold...
Friday Morning: Part 2 “Sounds good sir.” So, what do you think Benerdon’s plan was this time? To sow a bit of discord into the school. I don’t know about that. It seems to me like she wants to distract Mr. Litski from looking into her dirty laundry. A bunch of angry teachers sounds like the best way to accomplish that. Particularly if she’s not around. Then the only one they can go to is him. And if he makes a decision that she doesn’t back up... Then that further ties him up when...
2nd Monday Afternoon: Part 2 They stepped through the still open door. Looks like we have a sub, Ally. And that TV on a cart can mean only on thing. A boring video that’s about to start. I’ll hand him the note. The sub glanced up, lazily took the note, then nodded toward the back as the TV blared to life. The life of Shakespeare. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this documentary before. Me too. Allison sat down next to Emanuel as a student rushed through the door and handed the substitute a...
Kara Kara looked up as the stairs squeaked, and Emanuel came into view. “So?” “Fast asleep. Finally.” “I thought getting them to bed would get easier once they were no longer toddlers. Seriously; I really do appreciate everything my mom had to go through with Sarah and I.” Kara laughed. “Getting them to bed is the easy part. Getting them to stay there though...” they groaned in frustration together. “At least the grandparents were willing to watch them earlier so we could actually go out...
Friday Afternoon: Part 1 - Lunch Allison Allison quietly pushed the doors open. Manny, does something look out of place to you? Do you mean the lines of people holding straws that basically form a single path for us? She nodded. So I’m not hallucinating. Why do you think they’re doing that? It’s probably for some act of ‘worship’. She grimaced. That’s what I was afraid of. I hope all of our friends beat us here then. He closed his eyes for a second. I’m afraid not. They’re behind us,...
Friday Afternoon: Part 3 - Drama And we’re here. Allison quickly stepped through the door. “The sheep are at it again it seems. I bet you both are looking forward to graduation.” “Definitely Nancy. That will be a welcome change.” More classmates began to filter in. “Do either of you need relief today? If not, open your packets to Act two, scene one.” “Wait, didn’t you say we were doing the rest of Act one today?” Emanuel asked. “That was the original plan. But Act one, scene two is a...
Sunday Morning “Kids! Breakfast is ready!” Emanuel yawned, opened his eyes and smiled at the still sleeping Allison next to him. “Time to wake up precious.” “Which shout was that?” she replied groggily. “I think the first. Do you want to put on clothes today?” She yawned and shook her head. “No. That would be silly.” Anything worth putting on takes too long. Emanuel smiled. “Indeed. Let’s head downstairs then.” “I think we forgot to ask mom and dad about Kara.” “You’re right. We...
Friday Afternoon: Part 2 - Art Emanuel “What sorts of poses do you think Ms. Rose has in mind for us today?” “Why not ask me directly Emanuel?” “For some reason, I’m still not used to teachers paying attention to us before class starts.” “You’re both seniors, right?” “Yes. Why do you ask?” She motioned them inside. “Most students don’t have room in their schedules for elective classes until their senior year. And considering how few chose electives over a shorter school day, I have...
Friday Afternoon: Part 4 - Home Economics What felt like a few moments later, Allison glanced up. Sweetheart, we’re here. Again? I’m not sure how, but I keep losing track of time like that. She ‘laughed’. That’s really not that uncommon. Especially when you really enjoy spending time with that person. “I didn’t think you two could get more famous, but somehow you have.” He turned to Mrs. Lesummer. “Someday I’ll figure out just how things travel so quickly around here. And then, maybe...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
Nobody knew, not even her best friend back home in Indiana. Every day it gnawed at her, relentlessly, oppressively, like a blanket of smog over Manhattan on a hot humid summers day! Back in Kokomo, everyone thought that she was the "All American Girl", prom queen, National Honor Society, blonde hair, blue eyes, singing in the church choir every Sunday, volunteering at the hospital, everyone's favorite girl!!! "Well," thought Allison to herself, as she stirred her coffee and stared out at the...
While Brit was in the den with Greg, Allison made her way up to Jeff's room to talk with Kari and him. "How are you feeling?" she asked Jeff, sitting down in an unoccupied chair. "A little tired, that's all." "And your head?" "Just fine right now." "Good. It breaks my heart to see you in pain. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know." "I will. Thanks." Allison sat by him for a minute longer, as if she wanted to say something but was unsure about...
Allison tried her best to ease the tension in the family. She spent a good deal of time trying to comfort Brit and Jeff, or at least trying to get them to talk to each other. It helped a little, but not much. Throughout most of February, the children probably said less than a dozen words to each other each day. One night while Brit was over at Crystal's, Jeff lay in bed staring at the ceiling as he was wont to do these days. Allison knocked at the door and came in. He sat up, and she sat...
*This is a true story. I posted some pics of Allison to go along with this post.*I met Allison on, where I meet a lot of the girls I hook up with.As I often do, I did a quick search for married females in my area (POF actually just shut off the "Married" search function; I haven't met any new married ladies in awhile because of it!). Allison's profile popped up and I sent her a message. By this time I had honed in my profile to help me snag these types of women; married, just looking...
For the second morning in a row, Greg awoke to the wonderful feeling of two very beautiful women lying in his arms. He could hardly believe what had happened last night. He had made love to his wife and her sister! Furthermore, they had made love to each other right in front of his eyes. His conservative upbringing told him that that was horribly wrong, but he couldn't deny that he had enjoyed every minute of it. Rachael was the second one to wake. She stared up at him and smiled. "Good...
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Allison asked Greg as they sat in their hotel room on Saturday morning. Despite easily being able to afford it, Greg had never been to Las Vegas before, but Allison had come up with the idea of spending a weekend there. So far he had blown a couple of grand at the casinoes, just pocket change to a wealthy man like him. But that wasn't the real reason they were here. Tonight, Allison had something planned for him, something she had kept secret except for...
After her birthday, Brit spent most of her free time in the studio. Within a couple of weeks, she had the walls covered with her drawings, and sketches all over her desks. Jeff taught her how to scan her drawings into the computer and keep track of them in a database. He was amazed at how talented she had become in the last couple of years. Walking into the studio was like walking into a fantasy world; he found himself suddenly surrounded by fairies and unicorns and magical landscapes of all...
Allison had an idea for an activity the next day. She had been to Maui before; the summer after her graduation from high school her family had taken a vacation there, and Allison and Rachael had borrowed the car one day to find a certain swimming hole that they had read about. It had a spectacular waterfall, and although the water was cold, the beach surrounding it was sunlit and warm. The two girls had liked it so much that they had gone three more times during their vacation. Only once had...
Jeff awoke in the morning happy, for the second morning in a row surrounded by the naked bodies of the people he loved. This time, he found Allison and Crystal curled up in his arms, slumbering peacefully. Next to him, Kari lay on her back with her arms wrapped around Brit, who lay on top of her, her head on Kari's chest. Jeff couldn't help but smile at the peaceful and serene look on his little sister's face as she cuddled with his girlfriend. Across the room, his father and Rachael lay...
Alison got off the elevator. Instead of walking straight to Suite 2550, at the end of the corridor, she ducked into the ladies room right next to the elevators. Thank goodness no one was in the bathroom. She checked the commodes just to be sure. A quick little pull on her silver flask and she was ready for the interview due to start in 10 minutes. She checked the mirror. Her silver toned blond hair was impeccable. She had her lipstick on perfectly and the lip gloss added a sense of wetness...
Back home, Jeff and Brit were having just as much fun as their big sister. Jeff hadn't felt so good since the day he had made love to Kari for the first time. Growing up, he had always thought that love was something shared between one man and one woman, but now he knew it was possible for a man to love two women. He was in love with both Kari and Brit. Perhaps Crystal too. And it appeared that they all loved him back. He still visited Kari whenever he could, especially on days when she...
It was still night when Jeff awoke, so he must have slept only a couple of hours. He lay together with Brit and Allison in the same position as when they went to sleep. Brit was still on top of him, slumbering peacefully. Jeff reached out and wiped away a stray hair that had fallen across her face. Next to them, Allison still lay on her side, but she had removed her hand from Brit's back and was rubbing herself between her legs. Her eyes were closed, but Jeff could tell that she was...
Back home, life in the Primdale household was mostly happy. Greg loved to watch Jeff and Brit getting along. The contrast from their former bickering and arguing delighted him enough to keep him from worrying too much about that conversation he had had with Allison about teenage girls falling in love with their brothers. If Brit was going through a phase where she adored Jeff, well, that was all right. He had earned it after all, by saving her life twice. Eventually the phase would pass, and...
The school year ended with much excitement from the kids and much relief from the teachers and administrators. Jeff was of mixed emotions. On the one hand, he wouldn't see Kari Williams for another three months. On the other, he would see a lot more of Allison. He decided that all things considered, it was a net positive. At least Allison he could talk to, joke around with, and look at porn together with. Though he had been madly in love with Kari ever since he was old enough to like girls,...
In the morning, he woke up still thinking about her. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even yell at Brit for taking the bathroom before him. Their bathroom separated their two bedrooms, and was not otherwise accessible from the hall. Lissa, being the oldest, had one to herself. Brit had never quite gotten it into her bratty head that since she took at least three times as long in there as Jeff did, that he should be allowed to take his shower first. She almost treated it...
It was in the year of “social distancing” that this story takes place. Allison has barricaded herself in the house, never going out except to walk her dogs, and she tried a new neighborhood to walk them today. As Allison was passing this one house, there was a woman standing out front watering her plants. The homeowner saw her walking by and waved, “Mind if I pet your dogs?” Allison said, “Sure. I’ll bring them to you.” As Allison came up onto her porch, the dogs got all excited because they...
Allison woke up, smiling. She excitedly got up, seeing if the changes to her body were still there. Looking down, all she saw were perfectly round 36 DD cup breasts. She laughed as she got up, and looked in the mirror to admire her new body again. Everything was still there, she was as curvy as a porn star, and her blonde hair matched with her new bright blue eyes. She noticed that the bulge in her belly from all the cum was gone, and she had no stretch marks in sight. Allison realized how...
Jeff awoke happy and excited the next morning. Today, he thought, I'm going to make love to my little sister. She lay on top of him, her cheek pressed against his chest and her hands on his shoulders, clinging to him in a loving embrace. While he had awakened to such a sight countless times before, this time it was different, because this time they had finally confessed to each other just how deep their love was. No longer was she just a little girl holding onto her big brother for support...
Brit woke up early in the morning to a pleasant sensation. She lay with her eyes closed for a while, just enjoying it. Finally, as sleepiness fled from her, she opened her eyes to discover just what felt so good. She lay on her back, and Crystal had rolled over on top of her, the girl's head on Brit's chest. Crystal's body felt warm and soft against her own. It was a little embarrassing though, since they were both nude. She tried to gently push Crystal off of her without waking her, but...
When Brit arrived home, she immediately came over and sat down beside him on the couch, taking his hand in hers. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "Just fine," he replied. "I had another long nap this afternoon, but no headache or dizziness. Thanks for your concern." "I am concerned," she said. "I care for you, Jeff. And when you're not feeling well, it bothers me." "I know," he smiled, putting an arm around her shoulders. "I'm so lucky to have a little sister like...
I didn't know how to adjust to what was happening in my marriage. I didn't know what to say, what to do, or how to make things better. I'd been trying for years. And it didn't seem to make a difference.My wife wasn't cheating on me. I knew that. I knew that, for some reason, over time, she'd lost interest in sex. I just didn't know why. I knew it couldn't be me. Before our marriage, I was fucking around a lot, having a good time, and I never had girls not want more. After I met her, we used to...
TabooJeff explained the situation with his headaches and dizziness to Kari as soon as he saw her at school on Thursday morning, and she agreed to help take him to the nurse's office if he needed it. He happened to share most of his classes with her, which worked out well. They stopped by the nurse's office before school started to explain it to her, and then they spoke to each of his teachers before class so that they would be prepared in case he had a sudden headache or dizzy spell. That...
I never believed finding romance and love online was possible but that's exactly what happened to me. Her name was Allison and the minute I saw her picture I was hooked. She was simply stunning, with the prettiest face and smile I could have possibly imagined. While she lived in Oregon and I lived in England , the distance didn't really matter. After all, it was just a chat site, wasn't it? I thought for ages about a way to say hello that would at least ensure she replied to me. It was pretty...
LesbianThe next morning, everyone set to work preparing for the activity. Jeff and his dad moved the couches around in the rec room to open up a large area on the floor. Lissa and Alya went through the house and stripped the mattresses off of all the beds, bringing them downstairs to place on the floor so that the couples wouldn't have to do it on the ground. Allison and Rachael went into town to pick up some "supplies," whatever that meant, but from the guilty looks on their faces, it was...
Despite Greg's ambiguous "I'll think about it" answer to Brit's question about whether they could swim naked again, the girls just assumed that they were to go nude at the pool. Allison's "no swimwear" rule, originally meant as a joke, became the standard in the backyard. With the girls spending so much time at the pool without their swimsuits, it was only a matter of time before nudity became the norm around the house. Rachael of course was the first to stop wearing clothes...
Lissa had a lot of time to think as she sat alone in her car, following the familiar van toward their destination. She had mixed emotions about leaving home; obviously she was going to miss her family, but she also looked forward to starting a new life at school. Allison, Greg, and Lissa had spent Friday night in a motel, then gotten up in the morning and continued their trip. They hadn't quite had time to reach the Craven home to pick up Rachael Friday night, but they were getting close...
Greg had mixed feelings about Lissa being gone. On the one hand, he was proud that she had grown up into a fine young woman, ready to move on to the next stage of her life. On the other hand, he was really going to miss her. When he said his final goodbyes to her, he almost broke down crying right there. Somehow he had managed to put on a good face though, so that she wouldn't worry. Having Rachael spend a couple of weeks with them would definitely help his mood. As he listened to Allison...
Allison was so excited! She slowly pulled on her thong, then her cotton shorts, then her cut off tee shirt which barely covered her braless 32B breasts. She polished her toe ring and applied pink polish to her toenails and put on her little gold ankle bracelet. Then she combed out her shoulder length blond hair and walked to her full length mirror."Hot!" Allison exclaimed as she looked at her tan, scantily clad 13 year old nymphet body. She was about to meet her first online boyfriend, a sexy...
That night, Greg and Allison stayed in the bridal suite of a luxury hotel in the city before their flight to Hawaii in the morning. They could have booked a later flight that same day, but with the hassle of the airport and the length of the flight, they would arrive late at night and exhausted from the trip. Most times he wouldn't have minded, but he wanted to be able to relax and enjoy his wedding night. There would be plenty of time to lie out on the beach or go swimming or have fun in a...