Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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John took a deep breath to calm himself and glanced at the holographic image above Dana’s engineering station that showed they at least had their shields up now.
“Ok Alyssa, you’re with me. We’re going to have to repel boarders.” he ordered brusquely.
“Dana, try and get the damage to fire control repaired.”
“Calara, send out a distress call. Don’t fire back unless they continue attacking, they might think they knocked out all our weapons. They know we can’t get away and they’ll probably stop shooting now the dropships are about to board.” John predicted.
The girls all nodded their agreement.
“What should this one do master?” Jade asked, a worried expression on her face.
“Stay with the girls, I don’t want any of you to get hurt!” he said, as he rose from his command chair.
“Let’s go.” he said to Alyssa and the two of them sprinted to the debriefing room.
They darted into the alcoves, slipping their feet into armoured boots and their hands into the armoured gauntlets. They both hit the thumb buttons in the gauntlets at the same time and the robotic arms moved down, fixing the armour plating into place. John moved his thumb to his palm on his left hand and a rippling series of clicks confirmed that he was sealed in the armour, just as the Phalanx helmet dropped into place over his head.
“Shit, the guns!” John swore as he dashed out onto the bridge.
“Dana, where are the rifles?!” he asked as he sprinted to the elevator, with Alyssa following in his footsteps.
“Still in the firing range!” Dana gasped, looking worried.
“Ok no problem, stay safe you three!” he said as he disappeared into the elevator.
Alyssa hit the button down to the firing range and they waited impatiently for the elevator to drop down to deck seven.
I’m really sorry honey. John apologised to Alyssa, his heart feeling like a stone in his chest.
“Cut that shit out right now!” Alyssa fumed. “We’ve got to save the ship first, then we talk afterwards!”
“You’re right.” John said, taking a big breath and blowing it out.
The door chimed, letting them know they had arrived at their destination and they dashed down the corridor, past the gym and the engineering bay to arrive at the firing range. They found the modified XR75 assault rifles where they had left them, on the table by the range. John grabbed both weapons, while Alyssa grabbed a couple of magazines each from the weapon racks to the side of the room.
“I’ll trade you.” she said, holding out two magazines.
John couldn’t see her beautiful face, but he could hear the smile in her voice and he felt momentarily relieved as he handed her the weapon and then took the extra magazine clips. He darted out of the firing range and sprinted back down the corridor, fastening the extra clips to the utility harness on his armour and checking to make sure that the already loaded magazines were securely in place. Alyssa was only two steps behind him and he hit the button for the bottom deck as soon as she cleared the doorway.
“What do I need to know about the Drakkar?” she asked apprehensively.
“Big, mean, four arms. Don’t let them get into melee range with you.” John said quickly, giving her the 2 second briefing.
“Any weak spots?” Alyssa asked as she brought her gun to her shoulder, checking the scope.
“Not that I know of. They’re tough bastards!” John said worriedly.
“Ok. Same as before? Try and surprise them with a counter attack?” she asked quickly.
The elevator chimed and they burst through the door as soon as it swished open, giving them a clear view of the airlock as it suddenly spiralled open. Bulky armoured invaders began to step through the yawning portal, their deep voiced roars echoing up the corridor.
Take the one on the left! John thought as he dived through the elevator door and then skidded to one knee.
The putrid green skinned humanoids were wearing black and purple ribbed armour, that seemed to glint oddly in the light. Their four arms held a bulky shield in one set of arms and strange looking vertically handled rifles in the other. They had bulging black eyes on the sides of their hammer shaped heads and their high set jaws opened wide, as they roared in challenge at the Terrans.
John sighted the Drakkar in his scope and fired a round at the roaring alien.
“Pkow.” The railgun murmured before his shot hit home, slamming into the creature’s shoulder with an explosion of dark blue blood.
The Drakkar staggered backwards, it’s upper right shoulder ripped apart by the powerful bullet, the ribbed armour offering scant protection against the hyper accelerated hollow point round.
“Prrrkow.” Alyssa railgun purred as three rounds slammed into the other Drakkar, hitting it three times in the right hand side of its torso.
It’s entire right hand side was a ruined mess, the dismembered limbs flopping wildly as they dropped to the floor, twitching and spasming in a sickening display. The alien slumped over to its side, roaring its ineffectual defiance as it dropped the shield and attempted to pick up its dropped weapon.
Alyssa fired a second time, this time the rounds slamming the Drakkar in the head, spraying copious amounts of dark blue blood and purple brain matter all over the walls. She felt a moment of elation, before two more Drakkar lurched through the open airlock and began to return fire. They were holding rotary cannons in their right arms and the weapons whirred angrily as they sprayed dozens of rounds down the corridor at them.
“Shit!” she swore, crouching in the scant protection offered by the doorframe to the double doors into the hangar bay, her right arm peppered by incoming bullets.
She glanced at her shoulder and was relieved to just see pockmarked craters, but no serious damage to the extremely tough armour plating.
John flipped the selector switch to burst fire and shot at the aliens who were using suppressing fire on Alyssa. One round hit home, punching into the Drakkar in the left leg and dropping it to a crouch, but the other two rounds bounced harmlessly off the shield, ricocheting with an odd whumping sound.
Another explosion sounded out in the ship and they could feel the aftershocks vibrating through their feet.
“What was that?!” Alyssa cried out, as she returned fire under the hail of incoming bullets.
“Sounded like a breaching charge!” John yelled as he fired too, attracting incoming fire in return as two more Drakkar pushed their way into the crowded corridor.
Calara, Dana and Jade watched the zoomed in tactical display as the second dropship approached the Invictus.
“There’s only one airlock, what are they doing?” Dana asked in alarm.
“I’ve got no idea.” Calara admitted, desperately trying to figure out what the alien ship was up to.
“At least that big ship has stopped firing.” Jade said positively, looking at the enormous purple and black Drakkar vessel where it loomed threateningly on the display.
She could see row after row of weapon barrels jutting out from the formidable looking ship, all of them trained on the besieged assault cruiser. Jade had no idea if the tactical map was to scale, but the enemy ship was shown as being at least 50% bigger than the Invictus.
Calara was cycling through the weapon cameras on the inoperative Gatling lasers and finally found one that had a partial view of the enemy dropship. It was a big, menacing looking vessel, covered in spikes and armour plating. It glided closer and then with the skilled use of retrothrusters, touched down on the hull of their ship.
“Why did it land there?” Dana asked in confusion. “There’s no airlock!”
“Maybe they plan to cut their own way in?” Jade said with a shrug.
“Oh fuck!” Calara swore. “She’s right, they’ll be using breaching charges.”
“Where did they land?” Dana asked frantically.
“Deck 7 I think...” Calara said frowning. “Somewhere around the medical bay or the gym.” she guessed in frustration.
“Should we alert master?” Jade asked in concern.
“They already have their hands full. We’re going to have to try and stop them ourselves!” Calara said, looking scared.
“I’ve upgraded one more armour suit, but the equipping frame isn’t ready yet.” Dana exclaimed, springing to her feet. “You’re the only one of us with any real weapon training.” she said to Calara. “We need to get you in that suit fast!”.
The Latina took a deep breath and squared her shoulders bravely. “Let’s go.” she said decisively.
The three of them dashed to the elevator, hitting the button and then waiting impatiently for the lift to arrive.
“How long do we have?” Jade asked.
“Not long.” Calara said grimly.
The elevator door chimed softly and they darted in, with Dana pressing the button for deck 7. The three girls shot worried looks at each other as the elevator travelled downwards, until finally opening up on the deck that held the engineering bay. The echoing sounds of bullets hitting walls drifted up through the floor and Dana felt a shiver of fear run down her spine.
“Come on!” she called to the others as she sprinted down the corridor with the brunette and Nymph following close behind. She hit the button to open the door into her workshop and they all darted inside, closing the door behind them.
“Jade, help me get Calara into that armour!” Dana cried out, pointing to the jumble of armour plates stacked over by the bulky container that sported the anvil logo of the Steinbeck Armoury.
“Boooom!!!” A deep bass rumble of an explosion sounded out from somewhere nearby, shaking the floor of the Invictus.
The girls stood still a moment, staring at each other with wild eyes, before hurrying over to the pile of armour.
“Fizzsshhhapp!!!” The sizzling blast of a high powered laser came searing down the corridor, melting a hole in the elevator door and missing John’s head by inches.
“Shit! They’ve got a heavy laser!” John cursed, blinking his eyes against the blinding after-image of the laser blast. “We’ve got to get some cover!!”
Their armour was taking a pounding from the relentless hail of rounds coming from the several Drakkar who were firing at them down the corridor. Armour chips pinged off them to land on the floor, their once pristine body armour now a latticework of tiny impact craters. At the other end of the corridor, the space around the airlock was awash in sticky dark blue blood and several Drakkar corpses lay crumpled on the floor, the bodies trodden underfoot by the uncaring warband.
Alyssa hit the button to open the doors to the hangar bay and she dove inside, relieved to be out of line of sight of the ferocious aliens. She turned to watch John as he made to follow her into the hangar bay, when a rumbling bellow sounded out from down the corridor. He turned to look at the band of Drakkar as he ran towards the door, checking to see what had just roared a challenge at him.
Oh shi... he started, not having a chance to finish the thought before a hulking black and purple form came rushing shockingly into Alyssa’s view and abruptly slammed into John, sending him reeling. The heavy mass and momentum of the charging Drakkar leader knocked John off his feet, unbalanced as he was in mid stride. He rebounded heavily off the doorframe with a sickening crunch, before sprawling across the hangar bay floor. The impact had knocked his helmet clear off his head, to go skittering across the hangar and his left arm sagged at an unnatural angle.
The raptor... he thought to her desperately as he collapsed backwards, his shoulder in agony.
Alyssa’s first instinct was to run to John’s aid, but she battled it to follow his last-ditch plan. She turned and sprinted towards the Raptor, grinning to herself as she ran under the twin linked Gatling lasers mounted in the chin turret of the formidable gunship and then started up the entry ramp.
Calara stood in the sturdy boots of the Phalanx armour with Jade and Dana working as a pair, pressing armoured plates together over her limbs.
“Come on, come on!” the brunette encouraged them, as fear gnawed at her stomach. She imagined that the Drakkar would come bursting into the engineering bay any moment now, which would mean a grim end for all of them.
“Nearly there!” Dana said, holding up the breastplate, as Jade positioned the backplate for her and they pressed them together with a soft click.
“Done!” the redhead exclaimed with relief.
A rippling series of clicks sounded as Calara locked the hooks into place. Jade carefully placed the armoured helmet over the brunette’s head as Dana dashed to a weapon crate holding the unmodified XR75 rifles. She glanced at the disassembled weapon on her workbench and cursed herself for not finishing it earlier, instead of pointlessly upsetting everyone. Still there was plenty of time for regret later, she thought, as she slapped a magazine into the rifle and picked up two more. She turned back to Calara and thrust them into her hands.
Calara grabbed the assault rifle and brought it up to her shoulder as she walked cautiously towards the door and the lurking Drakkar raiders beyond. Dana darted up the steps of the podium in the centre of the engineering bay and her hands moved in a blur over the console as she tapped into the ship’s hull sensors to try and identify the exact source of the breach. Jade hovered at her side, shifting her weight from one foot to another nervously.
“They breached the gym!” Dana called out to Calara in triumph, her hands a blur over the console as she pinpointed exactly where the aliens had boarded the ship.
Calara turned and waved her thanks, just as the door to the engineering bay swished open, revealing the towering form of a four limbed Drakkar.
“Ahhh!!!” Calara shrieked, as she pivoted and swung the rifle in the aliens direction, holding down the trigger.
“Brrrrrrrrrrrtttt!!!” the assault rifle chattered angrily as she blew through the entire clip at point blank range.
The Drakkar staggered backwards as round after round slammed into its torso, spraying dark blue ichor over the door and walls, as the hollow point rounds struck with deadly force. It finally toppled over and fell to the floor, its four hands twitching lifelessly.
“Yeah!!!” Calara whooped with exhilaration at her very first kill.
Her exhilaration quickly turned to dread however, as another Drakkar swung into view in the doorway, roaring in fury and advancing towards her. Calara pointed the assault rifle in its direction and pulled the trigger, but the weapon clicked impotently, the magazine run dry. The four armed alien leapt forward, knocking her rifle out of her hands with a backhanded swipe of its shield.
A second Drakkar entered the room and sprayed bullets from its rotary cannon at the podium. Jade managed to duck behind the console with lightning fast reflexes, but Dana wasn’t so lucky and she screamed as she was hit, blood spraying from her head. She slumped forward and crumpled to the floor.
The first Drakkar dropped its weapons and lunged forward with two of its burly arms outstretched to grapple with Calara. She ducked back from one grasping four clawed hand and managed to block a strike coming from the right, her body instinctively remembering the kata she had spent days practicing. Unfortunately she couldn’t react fast enough when the Drakkar attacked with its second set of arms, shoving her forcefully and sending her sprawling over on her back.
The alien pounced forward to settle its heavy weight over her chest and used it’s lower set of limbs to pin Calara’s arms to the floor. It used its upper two limbs to wrench the armoured helmet off her head, bringing her face to face with the terrifying monster. Calara looked up in horror at the lime green alien as it slowly opened its multi fanged maw, saliva dripping down as it prepared to feast on its victim.
Alyssa sprinted forward as fast as she could, her armoured boot landing on the entry ramp as she raced to make use of the heavy firepower on the dropship.
Alyssa screamed in agony as she was blasted in the back by the high powered beam of laser fire, the impact of the blast knocking her clean off her feet as she sprawled up the entry ramp. She rolled on to her side moaning in pain and she looked back to see the Drakkar with the heavy laser standing in the open doorway. More of the Drakkar warband were spilling into the room and she knew it was all over.
The hulking Drakkar leader that had battered John was lumbering towards her, It held two heavy curved blades, one in each set of arms and she saw a hungry glint in its eyes as it bore down on her. The energy from the laser blast had temporarily paralysed her nervous system and she could only groan in despair, incapable of movement, as she saw her doom approaching. Alyssa closed her eyes, but that offered no respite, not with the bundles of emotion that represented Calara and Dana convulsing with fear. Suddenly the image of John winked out of her mind and for a terrifying moment Alyssa thought that his injuries had been fatal. Her eyes snapped open and darted frantically over to where he had been laid low.
Her eyes widened with surprise as John rose smoothly to his feet. He grasped his left arm in his right hand and snapped the dislocated arm back into its socket, before brushing his hand across his mouth. He looked down at the blood smeared over the back of his hand.
“Not bad...” he said in a low voice, dripping with menace. “But it’s my turn now...”
He stalked towards the Drakkar leader, who whirled around to face him, alerted by the warning barks of his minions. It raised its blades in the air, roaring out a mighty challenge, as the rest of the Drakkar spread out into the hangar to watch the impending slaughter.
Calara twisted and turned with all her might against the implacable grip of the voracious Drakkar looming above her, powerless against its overwhelming strength. She screamed in terror as it’s jagged fangs descended inexorably towards her face.
A deafening roar reverberated around the engineering bay, filling the already terrified young woman with cold dread. The Drakkar paused as it was about to tear into her face and looked up, it’s bulbous eyes widening in shock and fear, as it raised two of its hands in front of it to ward away some unseen foe. Suddenly the heavy weight of the alien was abruptly gone, lifted off her chest in an instant, as a dark green juggernaut slammed into the Drakkar and it disappeared from her sight with a gurgling scream.
Calara sat up quickly, her eyes widening in disbelief as she looked across the room. The first Drakkar was an eviscerated carcass, a mangled green and blue smear across the floor. A colossal three metre long feline had rebounded off the far wall and was now stalking towards the second Drakkar, it’s viridian striped muscles rippling in its dark green flanks. The terrified alien backed away from the deadly alpha predator, its four hands held out in supplication. The feline was not feeling in a forgiving mood however and it snarled in anger, revealing it’s 6 inch long fangs that gleamed brightly in the light. A heavy paw swiped out and the ethereal looking razor sharp claws ripped effortlessly through the alien’s forearms. The Drakkar warbled in terror as it stared at the bloody blue stumps where it’s hands used to be, moments before the verdant tiger swiped with its left paw, disembowelling the cowering alien.
The feline turned to stare back at Calara with familiar emerald eyes, the great cat taking a long slow blink at the astonished brunette before it stalked out of the door, its tail lashing with anticipation. Terrified guttural screams echoed down the corridor in its wake. Calara frantically grabbed her assault rifle and then looked back at the podium in the centre of the room. She could see no sign of Dana, but a trickle of blood dripped down the steps coming from behind the console.
“Dana!” Calara called out in alarm and leapt up the steps to check on her friend.
Alyssa watched with her heart in her throat as the eight foot tall Drakkar Leader swirled it’s great sickle like blades in two sets of arms. The formidable looking alien warrior grinned evilly, its multi fanged maw curving upwards in a hideous expression of delight as it savoured the moment before it gutted the impudent Terran.
John strode forward with no preamble and the Drakkar attacked immediately. The five foot long blades were swung with enough force that the attacks would rip him in half, if the creature landed a solid blow. John calmly sidestepping one overhead swipe from the right and then smoothly ducked under a chest high slash from the left, a grim smile on his face as they whistled by harmlessly.
Taking advantage of the overextended sword wielding alien, he rose from his crouch and stepped forward to take hold of the Drakkar leader’s left arms below the elbow. With a savage twist, he broke both arms, causing the Drakkar to bellow in shocked outrage as it’s blade clattered to the floor. It whirled around and attempted an overhead chop with its right hand blade, but John simply caught the creatures lower arm in his left hand, its muscles bulging as it tried in vain to finish the strike. He grabbed the aliens armoured collar with his right hand and hauled the creature’s head downwards, slamming his own forehead into the spongy flesh of its astonished face. The stunned alien staggered backwards, its arms flailing widely as it was knocked senseless by the brutal headbutt.
John paused to pick up the dropped blade and then walked purposefully after the reeling creature, striding forward to deliver a devastating overhead chop. The Drakkar managed to parry, but the colossal force of the ringing blow drove it to its knees. John rained one overwhelming attack after another on the crippled alien, before knocking aside a trembling attempt to parry his relentless assault and shearing off both hands below the wrist. The creatures eyes boggled as if in disbelief, as he immediately followed up with a strike to the creatures head, cleaving it’s hammer shaped skull in half, directly down the middle.
The blow was so powerful that it sheared into the aliens armoured chestplate and John placed his armoured foot on the creatures chest, to haul the blade free with a grinding shriek of metal. He turned towards the rest of the Drakkar warband who had begun to back away in fear, John’s borrowed blade drowning in blood and dripping thick blue gore on to the floor. The aliens turned tail and fled, running for their dropship.
“Running won’t save you...” John said ominously as he stalked after them.
Alyssa groaned with the pain from her seared back and lolled forward, closing her eyes. The pulsing bundle of emotions that represented Calara was riven with fear and Alyssa heard her thoughts yell Dana! in panic. She saw the other nascent presence in her mind dim and fade and Alyssa felt the icy grip of fear seize her own heart.
“Sparks...” she sobbed, as the sweet darkness of unconsciousness overtook her.
Calara leapt up on to the podium and spotted Dana’s crumpled form on the floor. The girl had a jagged gunshot wound on the side of her head, the right side of her face a mask of blood. She lifted a feeble arm towards the console as though trying to raise herself.
“Oh god, no!” Calara gasped, seeing her friend’s critical condition.
“Hit ... blue...” Dana gurgled, before collapsing backward, her hand flopping nervelessly to her side.
Calara blinked back tears and glanced up at the console. Amongst the bewildering array of controls on the backlit panel, a blue button flickered with a soothing blue glow. She stepped forward and slapped her hand down on the button, which registered the impact with a quiet beep.
“Program Dana 1 executing. Artificial gravity disabled. Tank purge in progress.” the dispassionate voice of the computer said, piercing the deathly quiet of the engineering bay.
Calara wiped away her tears and dropped to the floor to cradle her dying friend in her arms.
“I won’t let you go. I won’t!” she said fiercely.
The brunette turned to the door and tilted her head back.
“Jade!!!” she screamed loudly.
A few seconds later, the sound of fearsome claws scrabbling down the corridor reached her and then the enormous dark green tiger bounded through the doorway. It dropped a severed arm from its mouth and padded forward, ears alert and emerald eyes bright.
“Dana’s dying!” Calara sobbed. “We need John now!” she begged the huge cat.
The tiger nodded its understanding, twisting on the spot and racing for the door, covering the distance in the blink of an eye before disappearing into the corridor in a verdant blur. Calara brushed a lock of blood soaked hair away from Dana’s face.
“You’ll be ok little sister.” she murmured falteringly, struggling to believe her own words.
Jade raced down the corridor, her powerful muscles flexing as she leapt the blood slicked floor and the ravaged lime green carcasses that lay strewn around the doorway to the gym. The Drakkar had been running from her in terror and trying to flee back into that room, when the doors had suddenly slammed shut, leaving the stragglers to her less than tender mercies.
She landed gracefully on her padded paws and reached the end of the hall, pressing the button to call the elevator with the blunt tip of her nose. The taking of this Tiger form had been an instinctive reaction, the only way she could protect her friends and she marvelled at the size and power of the exciting new shape she now assumed. She realised she would need to communicate quickly with John though, so she braced herself to return to being a humanoid.
As she waited for the elevator to arrive, she closed her eyes, slowing her breathing and picturing the form in her mind that would most please her master. Reminding herself in time that he preferred her to wear her green skinned image, she concentrated on filling out the form that she held in her mind. The dark green fur receded into her body, the vicious claws and fangs retracted and her body became smaller, denser and more compact.
The door chimed softly and she opened her eyes, looking at her faint reflection in the elevator doors to see herself in her green skinned Nymph-shape, crouching nude on all fours in the corridor. Jade rose smoothly and entered the elevator, hitting the button for the bottom deck, where Alyssa and John had gone to stop the first dropship of invading Drakkar.
The elevator sank down to the bowels of the Invictus and the elevator doors opened up to a tableau of utter carnage. Ruined lime green corpses lay scattered and broken down the corridor, riotous sprays of thick blue blood festooned the floors, walls and ceiling in chaotic arcs of colour. The hackles on the back of Jade’s neck rose up as she subconsciously sensed extreme danger lurking nearby. The lithe Nymph dropped into a cautious crouch and she carefully crept down the corridor, her senses alert and on edge as she prowled closer to the frenzied scene of destruction.
Jade reached the open double doors that led into the hangar bay and her sharp eyes spotted the crumpled figure in Phalanx armour on the entry ramp of the gunship. She darted into the room, giving the hacked and mangled corpse of a hulking Drakkar a wide berth and sprinted over to the prone armoured body. When she reached the ramp, she knew immediately by its size that the person in armour was Alyssa.
She took in the horrific charred impact that had burned right through the girl’s body armour on her back and Jade felt a surge of panic. Kneeling cautiously at her side, Jade gently removed Alyssa’s helmet and her fingers rushed to the girl’s neck to feel for a pulse. The nymph breathed a deep sigh of relief to find that her master’s mate was still alive and she turned to look around the hangar, searching for John’s body, knowing that he would not be far from Alyssa’s side. She spotted another Phalanx armour helmet discarded by the far wall, but could see no other sign of John.
Suddenly a gurgling scream of terror echoed from the corridor and Jade turned sharply, wary for danger. She saw a bulky black and purple creature lurched into view, the arms on its right hand side had been hacked from its body and dark blue blood gouted from the ruined stumps. Jade carefully laid down Alyssa’s head and then moved into a crouch, getting ready to shapeshift again to protect her blonde friend.
Abruptly her master strode into view, a chipped and battered five foot blade held in his right hand, as he stalked after the gibbering Drakkar that was staggering across the hangar bay. He caught the terrified alien easily, grabbing it by the scruff of its armoured neck and hauling it into the air with his left hand. He spun, and hurled the 300lb alien effortlessly through the air to slam into the hangar wall 15 foot off the floor. He drew back his right arm almost faster than Jade could follow and then sent the sword cartwheeling through the air to impale the stricken Drakkar, pinning it against the wall with a squelching crunch.
The Invictus slipped effortlessly out of hyper warp in Epsilon-Eridani, and the crew watched from their places on the bridge, as the holographic map displayed the bright yellow star at its centre. There were two wide asteroid belts that ringed the system, and one single huge planet that was labelled Jericho. “Nearly home Calara,” John said with a smile as he watched the brunette’s reaction. “It feels like so long ago when I last visited, but it’s only been a matter of months!” she replied,...
John and the girls sat around the dinner table having just finished a nice meal together. Everyone had been famished after working up an appetite in the busy day, but John noticed that Sparks was the exception and had only nibbled at her dinner, not eating much at all. “Not feeling hungry honey?” he asked her with concern. “I am,” she said coyly. “I’m just leaving plenty of room for later.” She looked at him lustily under hooded eyes and he decided they had waited long enough. He stood up...
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The crew of the Invictus sat in the Officers’ lounge, cuddled up on a big sofa watching the stars. John sat in the middle, with Alyssa sitting sideways across his lap, Sparks and Calara sat to either side of him. The evening had been a great success, with the girls loving the delicious dinner that John had whipped up and they relaxed sipping wine together. “To our new chief engineer!” John said, raising his glass. “Welcome aboard Sparks, it’s great to have you here!” Alyssa and Calara...
The Invictus followed the course laid in by Alyssa, making quick and determined progress towards Port Heracles. The communications officer who contacted them sounded surprised that the Assault Cruiser was a civilian vessel, but such things were not totally unheard of. He granted them docking clearance for docking bay four. The Invictus stalked closer, before gliding into the docking bay under Alyssa’s careful hand. It was a tight fit, but with her skilful guidance they avoided any mishaps....
“There’s two of you?!” Dana gasped in alarm, before Rachel elbowed her in the ribs. Alyssa had reached Irillith by this point, and she knelt next to the Maliri girl, pulling her into a hug. She shot Dana a disapproving look, and the redhead was shamefaced at her outburst. Reaching out through Irillith’s grief stricken thoughts, Alyssa spoke to her in a comforting murmur, I’m here for you now, you don’t have to hold this pain in any more. John walked over to squat down on Irillith’s other...
“Come on” Alyssa said to Sparks, “Let’s go see John and tell him we’re headed to Olympus Shipyard”. The beautiful young blonde offered her hand to Sparks and she led her into the Commander’s ready room. “Course laid in and we’re on our way Commander!” Alyssa told John, with a mock salute thrown in cheekily. “Very good XO” John grinned at the playful teenager. “Why don’t we get you settled in to a room” John suggested to Sparks. “This must all seem pretty daunting at the moment”. “You got...
Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Seven: Harem's Nuptial Celebrations By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Nineteen: Harem's Nuptial Celebrations Aingeal – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My wings fluttered. Though I was already married to Sven through Zanyia's trickery, which made our marriage even more naughty, I had vowed to be married to all his women. I only said it once, but I repeated it two...
Deepti heard the front door. She had been waiting for her Master John to come home. Deepti had been John’s sex slave for two years now. To the outside world they were just a regular married couple, but in the privacy of their own home, things were different. They were always careful not to let anyone know about their secret.John had a surprise in store for Deepti today though. When Deepti went to meet John at the door she saw that he had brought a friend with him. This was someone new, someone...
Chapter Eighteen: Bred by Our Brother By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Clint Elliston Shock and pleasure shot through me, my cock unloading a final squirt of cum into Lee's hungry mouth as Melody kissed me and hugged me. My mind didn't want to work. I had one half-sister swallowing my cum, after swallowing my piss, and the other kissing me, hugging me, excited by the news she had just proclaimed. I had just woken up. I had just cum hard. I was going to be a father. “Really?” I...
In part 1 and 2 of this story we come to know Sheikh Fouad who rules a traditional 1001 nights meet Silicon Valley Emirate between the sea and the desert. He discovers a bombplot against his children and those of other dignitaries. The bomb is handed to the assassin by a Western woman who teaches at the local university and is known for her fierce equal rights attitude. Instead of giving her the required death sentence he offers her an alternative as a slave in his harem. ***** The Sheikh...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
(Dumbledore's Office, Hogwarts Castle) John sat in the Headmaster's Office across from a Furious Looking Harmony Ashcroft, which was justified in her defence. He did afterall Enchant her Quill to right obscenities on her tests, and cast a temporary illusion over it to make sure that only she saw what she had thought she had written. And he had of course Swapped out her Wand with a Fake one. But one could hardly blame him for a juvenile antics, unless they knew of the bad blood between the...
July 23rd, 2027 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston III I’d done it. I reveled in that fact as my family piled into the limo waiting for us out in front of the courthouse. The reporters were swarming us, shouting questions. We had won our freedom. A jury of our peers had recognized the truth. Incest was beautiful. My women were swarming me in the limo. Melody kissed me first, her lips hot and hungry on mine. Pam swooped in and claimed me next, hers tasting salty from the tears of relief she’d shed....
Harem King Levan pushed the splintering throne room doors aside, hearing them smash to the stone floor to either side of him as he strode through the room, bloody sword held firmly in his hand. The hall stretched fifty feet, with a dais at the other end sporting an elaborate stone throne, at the foot of which stood the aged ruler of this region, surrounded by his personal guard, all wielding their weapons shakily. “Turn aside, peons, lest you join your King in death,” Levan spoke loudly,...
The story so far: Lisbeth Somerset is a 36-year old English workaholic who teaches human rights at a university in an Arab country. She is caught handing a bomb to the assassin who had plans to kill the children of the local ruler and of other dignitaries. That ruler, Sheikh Fouad, consumed with rage, considers the death penalty even too lenient for her and makes her an offer: she will be his prisoner for life having to serve him in his harem as a slave. From that moment on she is Rosebud....
In chapter 1-4 we met Sheikh Fouad bin Faisal bin Hoessein al Azzizi the 44 year old ruler of the Emirate West Tripolitania. More than 10 years ago he used his family fortune as an Arabian noble to conquer West Tripolitania with his band of foreign fighters. Was the country before suffering from tribal and religious conflicts that costed the lives of many of its young men nowadays under the wise rule of Sheikh Fouad the country is a stable area of peace and prosperity. Foreign journalists...
Chapter Nine: Harem Master's Naughty Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...
Chapter Twelve: Exposing the Naughty Genies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...
As the Harem-Amazons moved towards them, they started removing their armor, revealing their tanned, muscular-yet feminine flesh. Toned and taut with hard nipples and completely shaved pussies. The Harem Amazons were now completely nude except for their leather thigh-high boots. Even as Johnny and Lucinda defensively moved back, they couldn't help admiring the naked female flesh marching towards them. “Stay behind me Lucinda...” Johnny said as he tried to get between the aroused...
My buddy called up and wanted to see if Andrea and I wanted to go to the club tonight. I told him sure, and we would meet him there around 1000pm or so. Andrea loves to go to this particular club, as it has a large dance floor that is kind of dark, and they always play alternative music. I told Andrea to dress in something that will turn heads, and of course, she complied. She wore a tight black dress that clung to her C cup boobs nicely, and accentuated her ass to perfection. Andrea has a...
HaremHotel! Think about your dream job for a moment. What would it be? A porn star that fucks the hottest, tightest bitches? Or would it be a guy that puts suntan lotion on beautiful women for a living? All of those are damn good jobs. But did you ever stop to think about how fucking hot it would be to own and live in your own hotel?If that sounds fucking boring, I want you to think about it for a moment. Where else are you going to be able to spy on so many people all at once? And if all your...
Free Sex GamesREWRITTEN AND EXTENDED VERSION The story so far: Lisbeth Somerset is a 36-year old English workaholic who teaches human rights at a university in an Arab country. She is caught handing a bomb to the assassin who had plans to kill the children of the local ruler and of other dignitaries. That ruler, Sheikh Fouad, consumed with rage, considers the death penalty even too lenient for her and makes her an offer: she will be his prisoner for life having to serve him in his harem as a slave. From...
The interview room of the Ruby harem was similar to the one in the Golden Palace, except that the pictures were much more explicit and were much more heavily oriented towards pain than to pleasure. There were depictions of girls and young men undergoing a variety of punishments, or in some cases tortures. The mediæval rack was easily understood, but some of the other devices were incomprehensible to the young Emir. He decided to look into that later, being fairly sure that the Ruby Palace...
LOST IN A HAREM by Throne September 1. My wife Aliya has just informed me that we will be travelling to her native country of Balamlad. She is a freelance consultant for a number of international corporatons. Because she speaks several languages fluently, and even more so because she speaks Balamladian, she is often in demand to facilitate major deals. In this case she is going to work for a huge pharmaceutical concern in the US to try to close a deal with a smaller business in her...
After breakfast the next morning, as Zubeydeh was about to leave the Emir's presence, the traditional moment for asking favours, she ventured a question, "Have you decided what to do about the children? You really should decide soon." "Children?" he asked, "What children? None of the women I have used can expect to give birth for another eight months if the rumours I have heard of the human gestation period are accurate." "Did they not tell you?" Zubeydeh asked, "There are...
Melody Samuels The doorbell rang. A shiver ran through me, my nipples hardening in my shirt. Today would be awesome. Alicia burst from the breakfast table where Clint, Lee, and I waited. Beside Alicia, we were the last ones still home. Mom, Zoey, and Aunt Cheryl had already left while we waited for Pam and her car. A giddy rush shot through me. I had a girlfriend. I shared her with Clint, and that was so hot. She was sexy and submissive, a delicious, Japanese beauty with slanted eyes,...
Chapter Three: Mrs. Fatima's Fertile Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 A nervous energy filled the apartment as the girls rushed through the house to get ready for college. All but poor Alesha were dripping with futa-cum. My futa-cum. Sa'dia, my eldest daughter, twenty and lovely, flounced by, her green eyes flashing. Those emerald orbs set in her dusky face gave her such an exotic beauty. “Thanks for breakfast, Mother,” she said, snagging a plate and hurrying to the table to join...
Jason didn't know what to think as he drove his car. He had gotten home to his apartment after finishing his shift at the coffee shop when he found a letter that came through his door. Wax sealed. It told him to drive to an address outside the city, as the resident of the house wished to talk with him. Jason did so and stopped his car outside a huge mansion. Jason never thought someone like him would be invited to a place like this, especially when he was only 19. "Wow, why would someone who...
Group SexYou are the leader of the harem in which you can order your harem to ride that big fat cock of yours or do something else like recruit another member or get a job so you can have more money. To your harem, you are god. You can do anything. Now i am going to try and be consistent with adding chapters as im going to focus on 4 characters. 3 of them will be harem leaders. A man named John Doe, a futa named Vin Dockerson and a female named Mary Jackson. One, however, will be a harem slave named...
BDSM"Damn you to hell, Frank!" She slammed the phone onto its cradle and turned to see her son entering the room. Her face was flushed with anger and she brushed a tear from her eye. "I guess that," he indicated the phone, "means Dad has another oh-so-urgent demand on his time." The sarcasm in his voice didn't hide the pain he felt. His father was so wound up in his business and this was not the first time he'd neglected his family in favour of his emergency trips. "What is it this...
TRAPPED IN OWN HAREM ?Part 2 ? by: Milida I was another 'friend' of Asam. I however didn't want any grand adventure from my visit to the Arabian Night world like John did. All I wanted was my own harem and the chance to indulge myself in it. Asam organized a very handsome male form for me. I was over 6 foot tall, very muscular and extremely pleasing on the eye; a real chick magnet. The harem he choose for me was located on a beautiful island in the middle of the bay and was...
Chapter One: Hot Harem Opportunity By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Corey Derrickson – Saturday, July 4th I opened the front door of my Saturn Ion. It was an older car, my first. I kept it in great condition, the red body freshly washed this afternoon. The day was warm and looked to be a great Fourth of July. I smiled as my two sex slaves slipped inside. “Master,” Aleah Buckley said, her auburn hair, gathered in a pair of pigtails, swaying about...
This story is about an uncle of mine, His name was Josh. He was a horny bastard with a 10 inch cock. He fucked everyone regardless of who they were. He just needed a whole to stick his cock inside. I must say he fucked good, so good that even if he forced someone they would end up liking it. He was a tall 6ft 6 hunky man. He had brown hair and a beard. He was a distant uncle of mine, He was married, had two kids, one daughter and a son. Now he was decent man until he had an accident which...
Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Ten: The Hermaphrodite's Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Eight: Inspiring Naughty Art Sven Falk – The Forest of Lhes, The Strifelands of Zeutch Nathalie's sweet mouth felt wonderful as she sucked my cock clean of Aingeal's pussy juices, her pigtails spilling over my thighs. I groaned, the pleasure racing up and down my dick as I glanced over at the aoi si. Her cock...
Leaving it at that, David changed the subject to the arrangements in the harem. Kamal Qumsiyeh escorted David and his mother into the anteroom of the harem, where he took his leave of them, because he was not allowed further. When David almost invited him in, his mother touched his arm and so he did not pursue the matter. After Kamal Qumsiyeh had left, she said, "If you invite him in, you are offering him his choice of the lesser women, and I do not think it is time for that yet. When you...
*This story is not true at all* My family has always been a bit on the odd side. First of all, only the men can leave the house, and we live on a big plantation, where no one ever visits. My whole father's family lives here together. Up until I was 16, I didn't know what exactly took place in the "special wing". The "special wing" was where our mothers told us we could go, unless instructed to do so. I was locked at all times, but every where else we could go. I took classes with all the other...
Incest“Wow, that was so much fun,” Candy said as she and Sami walked into Frank's Place hand in hand.“Oh, I know! I can’t remember when I’ve had more fun with sex,” Sami answered.The bar was fairly busy since it was Saturday night but they found two seats at the end of the bar and settled in. Carol, Sami’s coworker, walked up. “Hey girls, what can I get you?” she asked. “Nice markings, by the way, you two have been messing around, huh?”“Um, well yes, we have, as a matter of fact,” Candy...
ThreesomesBook 5: The Vault's Treasure Chapter Four: Halfling's Nubile Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xerathalasia – Road to Yevix, Magery of Thosi I crested the hill and smiled at the thick, blue river widening across the broad, flat plain. It was far thicker than the Ichir River we had ridden past for the last five days since leaving the village of Lor-Khev. Where the Ichir flowed into the broader Royton, a large city, Yevix, marred the...
The Goddess, the Eunuch, and the Harem A cruel prince made a mistake when, Naively, he let a goddess, Dressed in nothing but a headdress, Join his harem, that she, his sin Against his women, could avenge. Many times, one might imagine, He regretted his decision, For, by it, he was sorely singed! She was beautiful, and, in truth, The prince, a jealous youth, proclaimed: "He who cuckolds me, and my name Taints, shall be repaid, tooth for tooth And eye for eye; those who defy My...
Chapter Sixteen: Big Sis is Punished By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! Melody Samuels I followed Clint out of the Dairy Queen in absolute shock. What was going on? Our older sister, Zoey, claimed to be working at this Dairy Queen for weeks with her best friend, and lover, Stefani. She was supposed to be working right now. After our hot orgy with Pam's mom—and the even hotter revelation that Ms. Hiragawa was one of Dad's lovers and that Pam...
Chapter Thirteen: Sultry Genies Naughty Competition By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Corey Derrickson – Wednesday, September 9th The four genies' delightful mouths all pressed into my cock. They knelt around me as I lay on the bed in the center of my new dorm suite. The genies had arranged that, too. They wanted me close at hand. Their tongues all fluttered against my cock. Four of them at once, bathing my shaft. It was delicious....
Later that day John was having difficulty sleeping, he opened an eye to look at the clock, 3am shone brightly from the illuminated display. John's mind was awash with what had happened that day with Claire. It kept going round and round in his mind. John had found the experience quite mind blowing and was restless and a long way from being able to sleep. Knowing he needed to get to sleep soon, John figured there was only one way to relieve the pressure he was feeling inside.John allowed his...
Office SexJohn was dreaming, had to be dreaming. Sami’s breasts were in his face, one nipple in his mouth. She was riding him cowgirl style moving her hips back and forth on his raging hard on. “That’s it, Miss, just like that,” he moaned as she rode him hard. Then she started bucking up and down on his cock. “Oh fuck, I am going to cum,”Suddenly, he woke up. He was indeed cumming but it was into Sami’s mouth, not her pussy as he was dreaming. He looked down at her as she took every rope of cum he...
Straight SexThe year was 1991…A few cirrus clouds swirled like strokes of an artist’s brush across the blue desert sky. Even in the midst of desperation, with all hope having vanished, one can still see the beauty in their surroundings. Sometimes it’s necessary to mask the ugliness. Sometimes it might be the last thing ever seen.Hot burning sand stuck to his face. Of course it would, they had just tossed him in a hole and shoveled sand until he was buried up to his chin. The sand burned his eyes, it was...
Straight SexThe ladies, now known to themselves (and a few select others) as THE Harem, enthused by their recent successes, were now firmly bonded with Siân, Ki, and Ko. Most were together several times a week to train, and after hours, to socialize, sometimes cuddle, and conduct other interesting explorations. Siân, not as often -- she was much like an older sister -- but she liked the others and used her visits as a way of keeping a useful ‘link’ for the two departments. Typically, they met in the...
I woke up and expected the regular headache to hit me. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock: only 9am. After we had partied until 6am and had been pretty wasted I had expected to be out longer. But here I was, wide awake and no headache. I glanced over at my wife, she was still out for good. It had been my 30th birthday yesterday and we had celebrated with around 80 guests, family, friends, colleagues and it had been one hell of a party. I even had trouble remembering the last 2 hours. And...
Choose any anime protagonist that you want to have a harem and start having fun. Anime protagonist the main character of the anime the one who fights the antagonist and save the world multiple times and, now after everything they done risking their lives for the ones they love it’s time that they deserve a lot of love from a bunch of ladies that fell in love with them. You can choose which ever character you want to choose like Goku, Naruto, Ichigo, Luffy, and so much more. You can also choose...
Chapter Four: Schoolgirl's Submissive Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good canidate for starting Corey's...
Chapter Eight: Submissive Genie's Cherry Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...
I’ve wanted a Pornstar Harem for pretty much as long as I can remember, and I know I ain’t alone in that desire. Hell, I’d bet almost any heterosexual dude has had the same idea, at least while they’re staring at the ceiling and jerking their cock under the bedsheets. Unless you’re ludicrously wealthy, though, you probably ain’t going to have a harem in this day and age, at least not in the Western world. Fortunately for all us perverts, the folks who made this next game understand our lusts...
Best Porn GamesThe next day my training for the day was done by noon. The AI had scheduled Donna for 1300 hours and Diane for 1400 hours for their interviews. By then I had little doubt that Susan, Kim, Sally and Kate had been talking them to death over the intra ship communications system. The communications to the CS concubine pool protocol had been established long before we boarded, to help the concubine’s mental health. Concubines each had a thirty minute allotment per day to talk. Most of the contacts...
Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part 16: Epilogue - The Rogue's Loving Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Six: Crowning Achievement Princess Ava – Echur, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My hands smoothed the smooth satin of my blue gown. It hung over the layers of petticoats beneath, giving my figure the shape of a bell, a tight waist that then flared out over my legs. I shivered, my small breasts...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Harem Treat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So meeting with King Njam bin Mohammad ibn Saud was not what I expected,” I said to Adelia, the cameras rolling. My interview was almost over. We were in the final stretch. It was wonderful to tell, but I was feeling the mental strain now. Still, it was a wonderful way to spend my forty-eight birthday by looking back on my life. We were talking about my first year in office as president. “In what...
*NOT A TRUE STORY* Danny and Rose were taken care of by the nanny and I was down at Beauty Hours with Betty, my own servent, well she was part of the Harem, but under my control. When the nail teck finished putting on nail polish, I got up and went for my daily waxing. "Betty, come on. I have a special night planned and I can't afford to waste one minute waiting for you." Betty was one of the older Harem girls, and I think she was an original one, probably one of my daddy's sisters who never...