Tory and I
- 1 year ago
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In the morning Anne came down to breakfast in her nightgown and robe, enjoying the feel of being corsetless, remembering the minor sensation she had caused at Benjamin Franklin's home, the stares, the jests, the gaping at her bobbling breasts. The three girls she rode home with refused to speak to her, hardly even glanced her way. She knew there would be talk, salacious talk. But she also knew she had not been the only girl being talked about in the city.
She saw two of the younger females pull their frilly bodices down beneath their breasts and another whose gown was unhooked all the way down her back with her admirer's hand inside it, both smiling all the while. She ate her breakfast with gusto and her aunt watched, amused as small sausages and lacy fritters disappeared.
"There is a young man here to see you," the old lady said blandly. "I put him in the parlor. The same one as before, the one-armed boy. He has some coffee and crullers so don't hurry. And he brought me two pounds of scrapple." She smiled, looking, Anne decided, like the cat that ate the canary.
"His name is Fields," Anne told her, lifting her chin and trying to look uninterested despite being impatient to see him. "We've known each other for years. Didn't I tell you? Since we were children. I'm not really sure what he does." The fact that she did know what he did was both exciting and worrisome.
"I've sent a message to my semptress. We'll go into town as soon as you are dressed. Annapolis obviously has no sense of style. I should have known."
"I was told that last night by several young women and one odd man, a very rude fellow that André called a pig-widgeon." Anne nodded, chewed, sipped and hurried into the front room in her slippers, her hair uncombed and tumbling about her shoulders and well down her back, a wild and unruly cascade in a multitude of dark reds and burnt golds, robe tightly belted, feeling as daring as she had the previous evening. Behind her, her aunt smiled, recognizing the symptoms, enjoying her memories.
"Tell me about the party," Billy begged, after a quick and friendly kiss, his knuckle under her chin. "What's the news, the tattle, the rumor o' the night?"
"Mostly of fashions, foibles and folderol, sordid affairs, squalid trifles, Billy. Things I cannot repeat to a male." She grinned at him, pleased with her alliteration. "Made me blush at times."
She decided not to speak of her discarded hip-hoops which she had crushed and smuggled home in her shawl. It was, obviously, none of his business although she was sure he would have enjoyed the telling.
"And so, come on, who was there?" Billy was amused as well as inflamed by her beauty and eagerness, her obvious excitement, her high color, her smell, her dishabille and her thoroughly untamed hair, a disordered haystack of intertwined curls.
"Young people mostly. There must have been a half-dozen girls my age or even younger, some little more than children. They were treated like pets and fed sweetmeats and tidbits." She went to the window and the morning light set her unruly hair aflame, turning its loose strands and endless loops to fiery gold, a sparkling nimbus, a cascade of incandescent lava. "It was André's party. He was likely the oldest one there."
"He's a dangerous man, macushla. Y'danced, eh?" Billy sat down, resisting his desire to hug the girl to him.
Anne shook her head and turned to face him. "Some played the piano which was tuned very oddly. André blamed it on Dr. Franklin. A few girls sang, and Captain André, he's silly, not at all dangerous, m'lad, he read a poem he had written. There was a lot of drinking, a great deal of twaddle and some game playing, lookabout and even blind man's bluff."
Billy smiled, shook his head and waited, knowing there was more.
The girl frowned and made a wry face. "I did not understand most of the poem, but I am sure it was about love, just full of odd allusions and flowery French. He said he had written it for me, told everyone, made me stand and bow, well, curtsey sort of, you know. I blushed, Billy. Honestly! They all looked at me; I mean stared." She was tempted again to tell him about her yanked-down under-garment, but choked back that story.
"Verra likely. An' was the stiff-rumped general hisself in attendance?"
"No, but I did hear he was resigning, going back home, back to England. Is that a secret? And there was some gambling in a back room, well, more than some I think."
Billy was right. Philip Wells was in love with Anne Conroy, with the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, the most pleasant person he had ever met, the most arousing woman he could imagine. He had not realized that fact, hadn't even thought about it much, but after he and Billy Fields sat in the smoky tavern drinking ale and sharing a platter of fried oysters, crab crisps and blood sausage, he knew he loved the bright and lovely young woman just as the one-armed soldier did. She was all...
A week later Anne awoke to the smell of smoke. She slid from her high bed, hurried to a window and saw an orange glow. She trotted down the hall to the back bedroom and could clearly see that her sheds were on fire. She hurried down the stairs, grabbed her long shawl, got her feet into her start-up boots and ran outside and right to her horses. She led them, one by one, to the well and tied their halters there and then saw that Philippa and Miranda were on the back porch along with the big...
Someone banging the big, brass knocker on the front door awakened her from a deep sleep. She rolled out of bed, hurried to the window and saw three men standing almost elbow-to-elbow in the scrubby weeds of her dooryard. The morning was foggy, the sun barely above the horizon, and she could not tell who they were, just two men in white shirts and one in a dark jacket that might have been red. She saw that all three had long guns that they were just then priming them. She heard Moses unlatch...
Anne was dressed to work in the overgrown kitchen garden when Moses announced that she had some visitors he had put in the front parlor. With her huge mop of red hair tied back and wearing muddy boots, her father's old trousers and an over-sized shirt that hung almost to her knees, her rope belt in her hand and, as she often was these days, corset free, Anne found three serious-looking, be-wigged men standing in the room, all three in rusty black coats of an old-fashioned cut and knee...
On New Year's Day 1777, Edward Conroy, one-time member of Maryland's upper house and of the Governor's Council; his second wife, the widow Margaret M'Kenna of Prince George's County, and Anne Amelia Conroy, a long-legged young woman with a head of bright red curls that had only been trimmed once or twice since she reached puberty, ate alone an hour after midday in the ornate dining room of their Buckman-designed town house on State Street in brick-clad Annapolis. Their antique butler,...
Anne opened her pearl-handled penknife and sharpened her favorite quill, a look of concentration on her lightly freckled face. She looked sad but determined. A tattered rider had delivered a folded and wax-sealed letter from Billy Fields, and the girl had snatched it from Moses, read it three times and even dropped a tear on the smudged paper before she put it aside. Billy was sick, feared he might be dying and had pledged her his love, foreswearing all others. Anne almost laughed at that,...
"Anne Amelia," said her stepmother the next morning, "there is a proper young gentleman coming to visit us, actually coming to see you this afternoon. He's from down near my farm. I want you to put on a good dress, brush your hair, keep your chin up and be polite to him. No smart arse, understand? Oh, and ear bobs, if you please, the gold ones." Anne sighed, chewing her dry toast. "Who is he?" "Thomas Vanmeter. I think you've met. He certainly thinks highly of you. He and his...
After her father's stern lecture, Anne spent the rest of the week in her room except for brief visits to the brick necessary in the backyard. She subsisted on dry toast and smuggled strawberry preserves and managed to write Billy Fields three letters, each filled with news and gossip as well as with rather vague suggestions of her affection if not admiration for his politics and companions. She even told him about Mr. Vanmeter's visit and bragged of her fortitude. She did not tell him she...
It was about a week later when Moses, staid and slow as ever, answered a knock at the front door and reluctantly showed in the large visitor and asked him to wait in the hall. Moses silently categorized him as a mechanic and wondered why he had not used the back door. Mrs. Conroy came from the parlor, recalled the young man from a previous visit and welcomed Matthew with a harried look and invited him into the sitting room where her husband read by a front window. She knew his appearance at...
Anne sat cross-legged on her bed, wondering why Billy Fields had not written her any more letters after that fine first one she had enjoyed months ago and read a dozen times. She was not aware that her stepmother had read and burned a dozen short letters that managed to make it all the way down to Annapolis, generally by way of military or political messengers, young Whigs doing a fellow soldier a favor. In every one, Billy had said he loved her and missed her. She nibbled on the corner of...
In August of 1777 Anne Amelia Conroy celebrated her eighteenth birthday at the old plantation known as Pirate's Luck, a rambling manse on the Eastern Shore with acres of worn-out tobacco land, overgrown pastures, a rickety pier, crooked tobacco barn and rude slave quarters. Her father, with tears in his eyes, gave her a strand of matched freshwater pearls that had been her mother's. They dined on Bay oysters, roasted duck and home-cured ham. The junior Dulanys crossed the Bay, sailing...
Miss Anne, oh Miss Anne, dere's a man downstairs wants t'see you. Can't call him a genta'man, way he's dressed. I'se seen him somewhere's." Philippa watched the young redhead pull herself together, look in the mirror, push at her impossible hair, wiggle in her linen dress, spread the bodice wider with her thumbs, yank up her stiff corset, smile at herself and head for the steps, all in about ten seconds. The maid servant fled before her, well aware of who was visiting. Standing in...
The meal was almost over when Anne spoke for the first time. "Billy Fields was here today, Father. He lost an arm in a fight up near Philadelphia, on the Brandywine, his left arm." She licked her lips, thinking how to proceed, smiling inwardly. "Poor boy. That's a shame. His father died a while back didn't he?" Anne nodded and put down her fork, folded her napkin and placed it on the tablecloth, gathering her nerve. "He's still in the army, Washington's army." "Your age isn't...
Billy Fields sat as still as he could on the high stool in the Conroy kitchen, his boot heels hooked into the rungs, his hands gripping the sides and his eyes on the smiling redhead whose corkscrew curls were completely out of control this humid day. The cook was shaving him and explaining to Anne how to do it. She was using one of Anne's father's English razors that had been borrowed with permission, and she showed the girl the angle on which to hold it and urged her to be gentle but firm...
About a month later, after a leisurely exchange of correspondence through shipping interests on the icy Bay, Anne and a pair of strap-bound valises rode two stages northward over half-frozen roads since the Chesapeake was ice-covered almost to Baltimore Town, spent an sleepless night in a decrepit inn listening to men carouse and sing, took a wind-blown ferry across the wide river and then another uncomfortable stagecoach, arrived in Philadelphia about mid-day, and with the help of a hired...
When the big maroon carriage drawn by four matched grays reached the stately home where Anne was the guest of her elderly aunt, the uniformed footman adroitly descended and helped the redheaded girl step up into the richly upholstered interior where three young maidens and their wide skirts already occupied most of the space. "Rebecca," said the dark-haired girl who had a circle of puffy fox furs about her slim shoulders as Anne squeezed in beside her. "Anne Conroy, please excuse me,"...
In February, during a welcome thaw in what had been a very hard, snowy winter, Anne's Aunt Amelia slipped on a curbstone as she got out of her carriage in front of Christ Church and landed heavily on the brick sidewalk, breaking her wrist, bruising a knee and perhaps cracking her pelvis. She was bedridden for almost a month, and Anne did her best to comfort her by reading newspapers and novels aloud and telling her stories gathered from the many parties she attended that winter. She received...
Anne and her Aunt Amelia, who was now getting around pretty well with a cane, were just about to dine when Ensign Hart was announced and came into the parlor, filled with apologies, feathered hat under his arm, boots gleaming. "Pardon ladies, puh, puh, please," he said with his usual stammer, "but I've been sent to ask, sent by the captain, yes, to ask if either of you know someone called, called..." he produced a slip of paper from his wide cuff, "called William Field, no, Fields. Yes,...
"Mr. Weaver is in the kitchen, worried about you; asked me to give you this." Anne handed Billy the folded paper. It was still early, the sun barely up. She stood watching, worrying. "Hm," said the young man. He had used the chamber pot twice during the night and each time, by candlelight, could see that he had produced some blood as well as rather brackish urine. His back was crawling with pain. "He wants a list a'my contacts. Says he'll warn m'friends." He sniffed and looked at...
Anne said, "Come," when there was a tap at her bedroom door. Aunt Amelia's cook stood in the doorway, looking unhappy, wringing her apron. "Dere's a man down in the kitchen. Was on d'back porch when I ah lit d'stove fire. Wants to see Mr. Fields, he says." "What kind of man, a soldier?" Anne asked as her toes found her slippers. "Is he British?" "Just a man, great big man. He ain't old." "Be right down," Anne said, shrugging into her quilted robe. She hurried along the...
Wearing a threadbare coat that had belonged to Amelia Robertson's late husband and with an apple and some coins in one pocket and a thick beef sandwich in the other, Billy Fields walked north two weeks after he was arrested and beaten, his hand well healed and his blackened eye back to normal, almost. He took a circuitous route with many pauses and was reasonably sure he was not being followed. The old lady wept as she watched him leave, and Anne stayed in her room, having refused him a...
In mid-October Anne's stepmother returned from her farm bringing several hams and a brace of gamebirds along with a house guest, a mature gentleman named Pierce Joseph Amboy who styled himself "esquire" and was, in fact, a part-time lawyer as were many of the land-rich planters. At their first meal together, Mrs. Conroy raised the topic of marriage. "You are nineteen now, are you not, Anne?" she asked sweetly. "I'm sorry I missed your birthday this summer, but my place very much needed...
The sun was barely a smear on the wide Bay when Anne's stepmother entered her bedroom and shook the sleeping girl's shoulder. "Wake, Anne. Wake up, girl," she said loudly. Anne rolled over and opened her eyes, saw the stricken look on the woman's face, sat up and asked, "What's wrong?" "Your father is dead, my girl. He died in his sleep. His body is already hard and cold." Anne choked back a cry, inhaled deeply and put her feet on the floor. "Are you sure?" She felt as if there...
Philip Wells was diligently reading the law with an attorney in Queenstown who had an office near the rude courthouse. He agreed to help Anne dispose of her property and to make a record of expenses and profits. Philip had attended the free school run by the locally-infamous Mr. Potter and then King William's School in Annapolis for a year, until the summer of 1776. He was a member in good standing of a local militia company and fully expected to be called to serve with Washington's troops...
During the next week Anne made an inventory of what was in her smoke house, pantry and root cellar, which proved to be very little, and gathered a lot of eggs with the help of Miranda and got to know her two nameless nanny goats who supplied the house with milk. She had been warned that they would have to be penned once her kitchen garden was sprouting. Then she made a list of the repairs the old house and its row of outbuildings needed, especially the privy, decided to have one crooked wing...
Billy Fields arrived in Annapolis in early January 1779 and was surprised to find the big Conroy house on State Street now occupied by another family, a dealer in slaves and rum who was said to have many contacts in Charleston, Savannah and the West Indies as well as a inky black concubine and a number of mulatto children. He was not being received in Annapolis society. Billy briefly visited James and Priscilla Dulany at their stylish home and discovered that Anne was now living on the Shore...
"Dere's a man here t'see you, in d'front parlor, Miss Anne." Moses bowed, happy to be doing what he did so well. Anne, wearing an old pinafore over one of the new, everyday dresses produced by a talented seamstress right in Queenstown, slid open the doors, and the big man stood and faced her, smiling, a gold-trimmed, black metal box in his hands. "Miss Conroy, I assume." She nodded and almost flexed her knee. "Yes, Anne Conroy, sir." She cocked an eyebrow and waited, looking at his...
Anne sat on the blue-painted kitchen stool that Bess had somehow salvaged from Annapolis, an old linen sheet wrapped around her, hands clasped in her lap, positive she had made the right decision, and Bess stood before her with her heavy shears in her hand and a scowl on her face. "You sure 'bout this, girl?" she asked sternly. "Don' seem right." The gray cat licked itself on the windowsill, watching surreptitiously but looking disinterested. Anne nodded. "Cut it off. Take at least...
The meeting with the two of the men who had invested in turning the April May and what many called "Pretty June" into privateers went well, and both Anne and Philip were pleased with the decision to let the young woman keep the log and all of the hard money and currency and give her a note for a seven hundred pounds with no interest, due six months after the treaty of peace. It was, they agreed, as fifty-fifty as they could make it. Both sides were well aware that the rented ships were a...
"They's back," Moses said. "Them ole men tha' was here, in d'parlor, Miss Anne." Anne took a deep breath, raked back her loose hair with her fingers, retied her wide ribbon, and slid open the door. The men stood, looking very unhappy, hats in their hands, all three in dark serge kneepants and dark hose. She closed the door and waited, trying to keep calm, hands clasped behind her. "We heard," said the oldest as the other two resumed their chairs, "that you have come into some...
"Dere's a boy here, at d'front door, Miz," Moses announced while Anne was at breakfast. She picked up her stubby pistol, primed the pan, snapped it closed, took a deep breath, drew the flint all the way back and went to the door, feeling her gorge rise, finger on the trigger. The lean boy doffed his hat and made a small bow. "Caleb Dulany, ma'am. I'm looking for my uncle, thought you might've seen him. Macalister Sinclair's his name. He's in uniform I think." "Come in," she...
"Mr. Wells," Anne said, snuggling closer and kissing his nearly hairless chest, their mutual passion thoroughly spent, "I think we ought to go down and get some breakfast. Sun's pretty high." "Really? And here I thought you were enjoying yourself." He stretched and squinted at the bright sunlight, raking back her lustrous hair with both hands and kissing her open-mouthed as their legs tangled. "If you insist." He tried to ignore his excited amazement and found he could not. "Um,"...
"Mr. Wells," Anne said at breakfast, aware that her cheek was somewhat red, abraded by her lover's seldom-shaved beard, "you could help the boys dig postholes. The snow's melting fast, and I'm sure they will be here soon." "They're ready to frame up the stable and toolshed?" he asked around a mouthful of pancake and berry jam. "So they said as they left. The materials are all here now." She made a face at him. "And then I think, perhaps, you should return to your home and your...
Philip, one of his older brothers and two of his friends arrived at Pirate's Luck shortly after dawn on Sunday morning, all four of them armed with long guns. Bess stirred up a stack of griddle cakes that they wolfed down with the help of a jar of blackberry jelly and a comb of dark honey. Maguire and Jamison arrived about an hour later in the lawyer's rig. Neither of them brought a weapon so Anne gave the big blacksmith a scorched pitchfork that had survived the fire and handed Mr....
In mid-March the grand jury of Queen Anne's County found "no true bill" in the matter of the death of one Macalister Sinclair, Esq., and Anne Conroy was given back her ivory-handled pistol. She, Philip and Mr. Maguire celebrated what he called an "ignoramus" with a roast-chicken and apple pie dinner that Bess prepared and a bottle of local claret the lawyer had saved for a special occasion. Despite repeated entreaties, a disappointed Philip went home with the attorney well before sunset,...
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Kyle knew he was in trouble when he saw what waited for him inside his new cell.The top bunk was empty except for a heart shaped box of pink mints on the nakedstained mattress. A note next to the box said, ?Be my girl?. The guard lookedfrom the note to Kyle's pretty face. ?Welcome to Purgatory, boy,? the guard said with a smile fit for Hells' gatekeeper.He slammed the heavy cell door, leaving Kyle to the cruel hands of the twistedGod who ruled this place. Democracy raged across the world in...
The rest of the gang was near the steps of the school just talking, like Andre Harris, beck Oliver, and cat valentine. Tori just had the second to hear what there was talking about. "Hey, tori!" Greeted Andre. "Hey...uhm, what are you guys talking about!?" She asked, sitting beside Andre, i guess who she was the closest too in the group, they usually love to make beautiful music together. "Oh, tori, you wouldn't believe this!" Said jade. "I lost my virginity last night" she said. Tori,...
Follow me on instagram - Fiction, Blackmail, Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, i****t, Mind Control, Oral Sex, Teen Male/Teen Female, VoyeurismIntroduction:Tori, a 16-year old slutty girl, gets tricked into sexual activitiesTori Anderson was what people call a hot girl. She wasn’t by definition the prettiest girl around, but sure had that thing. Blonde hair, green eyes, a fit body with 37B boobs and 16 years old.The problem with Tori was that she knew it herself. She had...
Excuse me for my English, it's not my main language. Please comment, if you like it i'll post part 2 which contains more blackmail and humiliation and rape. Part 3 is mainly about blackmail and incest. I hope you enjoy the story! Tori Anderson was what people call a hot girl. She wasn’t by definition the prettiest girl around, but sure had that thing. Blonde hair, green eyes, a fit body with 37B boobs and 16 years old. The problem with Tori was that she knew it herself. She...
Tori stepped off the plane in the lobby of the Texas airport and drew in a deep breath. She was here to meet Jack, a guy she had been talking to online for the past two months. Tori had exchanged pictures with Jack and was nervous with built up anticipation at finally meeting him in person. They had discussed the first time they actually met in person and the possibilities of taking their relationship to a more intimate level. They had become very close in the two months they had been talking...
Group SexIt had been several weeks since I fucked my cute 18 year old neighbor, Tori, in my jacuzzi tub. This particular afternoon, I was on the patio relaxing in the tub with my eyes closed while mentally reliving the wonderful experience of burying my hard cock deep into that tight teenage cunt when I heard “Hi, Mr. Mac!”. Startled, I sat up straight and turned my head to see little Tori standing there along with a tall, cute blonde who was smiling shyly and cupping her hands. Tori said “Mr....
First TimeThe world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....
My ex-wife is a total train wreck waiting for a place to happen. Tori was a week away from turning seventeen when I met her and I was nearly six years older. She was a perfect natural beauty. We dated for a nearly a year before I asked her to marry me. Sadly, our marriage lasted only four years but rewarded us with two great children. It turned out that she was not as ready to settle down and I was. The funniest thing about our relationship was that even after the divorce, we would still have...
ReluctanceTori James a 32yrs mother of two plus her hubbies 17yrs daughter Sammy. Sitting at home watching her soap stories when Sammy runs in the door out of breath and crying her clothes loose and torn. Tori jumps up to see what is wrong when the door flies open and three girls about 18-19yrs are there. Walking in like they own the place they grab Sammy who screams loud. Tori tries to gain some sort of order saying WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH MY DAUGHTER? The oldest of the three...
Tori Samson a mother of two daughters one 18yrs. perfect in every way the other 16yrs. two months from 17 tomboyish and leggy a husband that was a great provider but always on the road. A few months ago Tori was at the beach and had to use the restroom she hated to do so it always seemed dirty to her but she couldn't wait so she entered a stall and sat down as she was about to wipe she heard a girl crying and two others telling her to shut up scared she raised her feet so one could see her and...
Tori rose from her 17yrs. daughters cunt juice covering her face a look of pure lusting joy on her face looking at her daughter Kim who was in complete shock having been caught finger fucking herself was bad but, having your mother no only see you but bring you to a mind bending orgasm too was more then she could handle. Tori was happy scared overjoyed all at the same time she knew her Kim had questions so she told her to get dressed and come to the living room she put her dress back on and...
Tori has learned her role well and loved being her daughters sex slut, it was a Friday and the two were at a street side coffee shop her daughter now 18yrs and out of school for the summer thought now it was time to up the stakes. Handing Tori her phone she said call daddy Tori dials and hubby answers "Hello Tori says hey babe and her daughter grabs the phone daddy we are going away for the weekend see you Sunday night got to go bye." and hangs up. Tori ask where are we going? Mom you will...
Went to LA and got a Storage Unit that costed me 500.00 for Some Beverly Hills 90210 {TORI SPELLING UNIT}Ok first off I'm not sure where to start. This locker has some much nasty fun stuff in it about Tori.I have a VHS Movie tape of Tori & Jennie Garth & Shannon Dorthy{sp} all drinking and talking about sex.I cant find a way to post the VHS tape to the internet or I would. I will how ever Type out some of the questions & answer that they talk about on the VHS sex tape.1. TORI ASK...
My phone rang. It was Tori, “You wanna run some errands with me then go to your apartment and watch the new Justice League movie?”. “I’d love to. What errands?”’ “Costco, Post Office, that sort of stuff.” I met her at her place and we headed out to do her errands. She was dressed very sexy, she loves to tease me; she was wearing a tiny skirt and a Supergirl tank top with no bra. I could clearly see her nipple rings through her shirt. My cock got a little heavier. We mailed some stuff at the...
My phone was ringing again. It was Tori again. I had been ducking her calls since the night she made me lick her ass while I was riding a dildo in my living room with gay interracial porn on in the background. This was the third time she had called today. I decided I should answer, otherwise she would just come over anyway. “Hi Tori.”“Whatcha doin tonight?” She started right off with. “Nothing really. Just gonna watch tv, chill out.”“Ya wanna do something with me?” She sounded...
It had been several weeks since I fucked my cute 18 year old neighbor, Tori, in my jacuzzi tub. This particular afternoon, I was on the patio relaxing in the tub with my eyes closed while mentally reliving the wonderful experience of burying my hard cock deep into that tight teenage cunt when I heard “Hi, Mr. Mac!”. Startled, I sat up straight and turned my head to see little Tori standing there along with a tall, cute blonde who was smiling shyly and cupping her hands. Tori said “Mr....
Tori is an absolutely stunning 18 year old young woman. I’ve watched her grow up and mature as my next door neighbor. She is nicely tanned with short black hair and piercing, almond shaped eyes. She puts me somewhat in mind of a Caucasian Halle Berry . I’ve always been taken with her natural beauty but now she is just plain gorgeous. She’s not a big girl…..about 5’3” tall with a body that would make any man’s blood boil. Tori is totally fit. She stays in shape by playing field...
Tori Loves to tease and fuck Chapter 1: Tori Loves Attention. I hope you enjoy and please vote. I will answer all your comments, as I always do. I am writing this in the person of the character. This is the first time writing as the woman. I hope you enjoy. I am Tori and Tom is my twin brother. We turned 18 a month ago. I am 5’6†with auburn hair, cut around my cheek bones flowing to the nape of my neck in the back. Big brown eyes a slight overbite with full lips. Slender shoulders firm round...
ExhibitionismNote: This is Part II of the backstory on Jim and Monique, two grieving lovers who find each other on a private island in the South Pacific. In the previous installment, Jim meets Monique, who has anchored on the far side of his island, secretly, to stock up on fresh water before sailing to Hawaii. He tells her that if she had only asked he would have given her all the fresh water she wanted, and cooked dinner for her, too. In this installment, she takes him up on his offer. ———— December 27...
SUPERIOR COURT TRIAL PART 99 JUDGE POMPHREY PRESIDING Clerk: People vs. Charles Friendly, Statutory Rape, your honor. Judge: Prosecutor, good to see you again. Defense, welcome to my court. That is the defendant, I take it? And the supposed victim, this is she? Prosecutor: That is correct, judge. The State will show that Mr. Friendly, 18 years old at the time, had unlawful intercourse with Miss Cherry Diddlins, then 14 years old. Judge: Defense? Defense: We are ready, your honor. Judge:...
As the 25th anniversary of the first successfully passed free-use bill approaches, many media outlets--be it television, print or online--take a look back at the history of the Sexual Service Act. It all started with a large-scale research conducted roughly 40 years ago. The study focused on the physiological changes that occurred in humans due to ever-changing lifestyle in modern society. And while conspiracy nuts gleefully awaited the results, hoping it'd back their believe that "all the...
‘Hey babe, be home soon can’t wait to see you’ it was from Tori, and then something in me exploded, I instantly got hard thinking about what I could do to her today. I raced into the bedroom and grabbed the flower petals I was saving and sprinkled them all across the floor in a kind of, follow the path, to the bathroom. I placed a not on the door…. Tori arrived to a note on the door, she read it “ Follow the rose petals to your destination”. she walked in and started shedding her clothes,...