Barrack Room Betty Chapter Sixteen
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“I’ve fucking had it with Jason!” Michele spat at Rod Latham
“That fuckwit tracked me down and found me in a bar in Naples and created an absolute shitfight. And every night I’m here in the club he carries on like a petulant child whenever I work a punter and in particular Lieutenant Steve Winters who is one of our best customers.”
“When is that fuckstick going to realise what happens on board this ship is just business and what I do ashore is my own affair!” Michele seethed.
“Either he goes or I go!” she crushed out her cigarette.
Michele Nyland and Rod Latham were sitting at a table in 6QDA compartment, otherwise known as Barrack Room Betty’s bar on board HMS Ark Royal. Ark Royal was four hours out of Naples heading for South East Asia.
“Yeah. I know, I know,” Rod capitulated.
“He’s bad for business,” Polly chimed in.
“The punters are scared of him,” Doris agreed.
“He’s a pain in the arse; literally. I mean every time Michele takes Steve into the workroom he grabs me and fucks me senseless. He pays for it; but its revenge sex,” Mary interjected.
“The boy’s gotta go,” Knocker White emphasised the point.
“He’s costing us money and upsetting the punters, and Michele, who is our main draw card,” he concluded.
Michele, Doris, Polly, and Mary were dressed enfemme, but casually, in denim skirts or short shorts with T-Shirts and sheer tights, bob wigs, light makeup and low heels. This had become their dress of the day except when they went up to the port after ladder bay to take in the fresh air and get some sun when they dressed like the sailors they actually were.
It was the strangest of situations. Four transvestites living seven decks below the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. One deck above their quarters was an illegal gambling den, sly grog shop, and brothel. They were all Able Bodied Seamen in the Royal Navy and scrutiny of naval records would confirm that they were posted on board the HMS Ark Royal; but you would not find their names on any watch and station bill.
Even when the rest of the Ship’s Company fell in for payment, as they did in 1976 to be paid in cash; Able Seamen Nyland, Holiday, Perkins and Maine were excused. They were allowed to attend ‘missmusters’, the Navy’s term for sailors who were on watch during ‘general payment’ and were handed their pay packets by CPO Rod Latham and simply signed the missmusters payment ledger.
Michele had called the meeting after their interlude ashore in Naples. All of the Barrack Room Bettys had had a wonderful four days ashore at Mamma’s hotel and at the nightclub nearby. The exception being when Spike had turned up at the nightclub and made a fracas the first night ashore. The girls had all hooked up with local men and had a great time although Polly was still pissed with Michele for stealing Tony De Lucca from her.
“So we are agreed? Jason ‘Spike’ Jones gets his share of the money we have made so far from Barrack Room Betty’s and he gets the arse,” Michele stipulated.
Everyone at the table nodded and took a shot of grappa, which Rod had acquired in bulk at a ridiculously cheap price from a smuggler ashore, and sculled it down.
“We’ll give Spike the bad news and Knocker you work the door tonight; there won’t be many punters first night out anyway. You girls get sorted and make sure two of you are here ready to take the first watch at 1700,” Rod concluded the meeting.
Rod and Knocker found Spike sleeping off a hangover in the Bosun’s Store and gave him the bad news. He didn’t take it well but Knocker acting as the enforcer ensured Spike was aware of the consequences should he compromise the secret of Barrack Room Bettys.
“I’ve been in the Pussers for over twenty years and during that time quite a few sailors have fallen overboard,” he hissed, grabbing Spike by the collar.
Rod gave Spike his payout in cash; nearly seven hundred pounds.
“That’s a lot of money for an Able Seaman. Spend it wisely and keep your mouth shut. And stay away from 6QDA or I’ll let Petty Officer White loose. Do you understand?” Rod looked him in the eyes.
“Yes Chief,” Spike conceded.
“Alright. Now fuck off and turn too in your part of ship,” Knocker clipped him around the ear.
Rod and Knocker interviewed a few trusted agents who were regulars at BRB and finally settled on Leading Seaman Steve Smith. He was a muscular young sailor who had just enough common sense to realise he was likely getting the best job he would ever get in the Royal Navy.
The Ark was now enroute to Bangkok Thailand after a fuelling stop in Djibouti, which the sailors referred to as “that shithole”. No leave would be granted in Djibouti so Barrack Room Bettys was flat out for twenty four days and by the time the ship transited the Chao Phraya River and berthed in Bangkok everyone was looking forward to a break
The ship was to undertake a fourteen-day logistic visit that included a maintenance period so the Ship’s Company were effectively divided in half into two watches so that they all got a good break. This did not concern the Bettys of course, as they were not on the ship’s duty watchbill.
The four Bettys, Rod, Knocker and Steve spent the first day alongside stowing the contraband alcohol and other requisites that Rod had pre-ordered. The bootleg stores came on board with the ship’s stores so no one was the wiser. The appropriate people had been bribed to ensure the contraband was delivered 6QDA hatch and the team took it from there.
When they were finished they sat at the bar and had a drink.
“So what are you girls getting up to here in Bangkok?” Rod asked sipping a pint of cold lager.
“I’m getting a hotel room in town and relaxing,” Michele replied.
“Me too,” piped in the other three Bettys.
“I’m going to find myself a pretty Kai Tai and spend a few days drinking and whoring,” Knocker quipped, sipping a scotch and soda.
“Aren’t us Bettys good enough for you?” Polly laughed.
“No offence girls. You are all smoking hot when you’re dressed up, but Kai Tais have that something extra you don’t have,” Knocker made a hand gesture to indicate breasts.
They all started laughing but Michele remained pensive.
“Ok! Fuck this; let’s get our shit together and get ashore. I’ll see you all in fourteen days,” Rod finished his pint and slammed the empty glass down on the bar and stood up to leave.
Michele found a reasonably priced hotel close to Soi Patpong which is a notorious red light district in Bangkok and famous for Ladyboys. She settled in her hotel room and decided to hit the bars in male mode as Michael Nyland.
Patpong was totally different to anything Michael had experienced before. There were street vendors selling everything from copy watches to deep-fried grasshoppers. He had dinner and then hit a few bars looking expressly for Ladyboy bars of which he found many. Too pissed to take any of the ‘girls’ home but sober enough to be impressed by the gorgeous Ladyboys and observe their modus operandi, he woke the next day with a plan of action.
Michael went to a bar called Supergirls on Patpong Road early in the evening and sipped an ice cold Singha while he took stock of the Ladyboys working the bar.
There was everything from post-op transsexuals to pre-op transsexuals to young looking homosexual men available for a price. A stream of transsexual Ladyboys looking to engage him for ‘short-time’ or ‘long-time’ assailed him, but Michael sent them packing.
Then he spotted what he was looking for. A lovely, feminine Ladyboy dressed elegantly rather than in the hotpants and T-shirts or go-go miniskirts that most of the other girls wore. She wore an evening gown split at both sides to the waist, sheer pantyhose, high-heels, perfect makeup and her silky black hair cascaded to her shoulders. She was older than the other girls, likely in her early thirties, and the other bargirls seemed to defer to her.
Michael waved her over and she joined him at his table.
“I’m Michael. Pleased to meet you.”
Michael had bought a tourist guide and made a study of local customs and used the traditional greeting or ‘wai’ and stood and bowed slightly with his palms pressed together in a prayer like fashion.
“I’m Ying, pleased to meet you too,” she smiled showing her perfectly white teeth.
“May I buy you a drink Ying?” Michael asked.
He knew full well that the bargirls were expected to get the punters to buy them ‘cocktails’ which were in fact mostly soft drink but for which they charged exorbitant prices and split the proceeds between the girl and the bar.
Ying called over one of the other bargirls, who executed a perfect wai, took their order and skipped over to the bar. Once Ying had her cocktail and Michael had his Singha they engaged in pleasantries that Michael knew would eventually evolve into a negotiation for short time or long time.
But Michael was surprised. Ying seemed genuinely interested in the young sailor’s conversation and asked him about life in England and his service in the RN. Unlike the other bargirls she didn’t espouse a life of poverty and the need to send every Baht she earned back to her family so they could survive. She was vivacious and entertaining, laughing at his jokes and telling a few herself. Not only that, she was drinking real drinks, Thai whisky and coke.
They chatted for a while and were completely engrossed in each other and time slipped away until eventually Ying looked pointedly at her gold watch.
“So Michael? We need to make an arrangement or I will have to move on. I need to make money even though I find your company enchanting,” she said.
Ying spoke perfect English with a slight American accent.
“And the bar-fine is?” Michael asked.
“For how long?” Ying asked.
“How about five days?” Michael asked.
Ying grinned.
“You seem like a really nice person and I would love to spend five days with you but you know you will have to accommodate me, feed me, and look after my needs” she smiled morosely.
“Yes, Yes I know,” Michael smiled at her.
“Two thousand Baht?” Ying said tentatively expecting him to haggle.
“Done!” Michael said and smiled at her.
“Follow me. Let’s make our transaction out of the public eye,” Ying said and led him to a small room outback where Mammasan sat over an ancient cash register.
Michael counted out the bills and the transaction was complete, he and Ying stepped gingerly down the steps of Supergirls and hailed a cab.
Michael and Ying took the cab the short distance back to his hotel and Ying engaged the cab driver in Thai. Michael was pleasantly surprised when cab fare was half of what he had paid on the way there.
“You will find that you will now be paying the local price for most things while I am with you,” Ying squeezed his thigh and smiled.
Michael was very excited. But now came the tricky part; how to explain to Ying that he was actually a transvestite and wanted to explore that peccadillo further.
Although the Bettys had been friends for a long time and had often been involved in group sex; they never explored the ‘girl on girl’ experience, even with the other transvestites they had met in the various clubs they had been to.
Michael took Ying to the hotel reception desk and Ying engaged the concierge and handed over her identity card.
“You pay him five hundred Baht and it’s all good, I can stay in the hotel with you” she smiled and Michael shelled over the cash.
Ying clung to Michael as they walked through the lobby and was surprised when he led her to the bar instead of going straight up to the room. They sat at a small table away from the main crowd and he ordered drink for them both.
“I thought you would want to go straight up to the room for ‘fucky-fucky’,” she deliberately used bargirl slang and laughed when she said it.
She squeezed him under the table and found him erect and she raised her eyebrows questioningly.
“Ok Ying I want to ask you something. Do Kai Tais ever have sex with other Kai Tais?” he stumbled over the question and Ying beamed at his embarrassment.
“Oh all the time but you should have said before we left Supergirls, then I could have got another nice girl to come with us so you can watch us ‘fucky-fucky’,” she giggled and Michael wished she would talk more softly as several heads swivelled their way and smirked.
“Fuck you know what? This is just going to be easier if I show you what I mean.”
“Stay here in the bar for an hour and then come up to the room ok?” he gave Ying a handful of Baht and stood.
Ying looked a little amused, but after years of servicing ‘Farang’ customers nothing really surprised her. She was happy to sit in the bar and spend Michael’s money.
Just shy of an hour later Michele was ready to receive Ying. She’d already ensured she was smooth all over so she just needed to freshen and shave her face again. She had got to work applying makeup and although it was late afternoon she’s used smoky eyeshadow, black eyeliner and mascara and rouged her cheeks. She’s used her favourite plum-red lipstick on her lips and matched it with her nailpolish.
Michele chose a simple black satin bra and panty set and after securing her breastforms into the cups of the bra she slipped into a pair of sheer-to-the-waist, fifteen denier, flesh-toned tights. She pulled on her panties and shimmied into a tight black cocktail dress. She scrunched her feet into black heels and adjusted a blonde shoulder-length wig on her head. She had just enough time to accessorise and spray herself liberally with perfume before there was a hesitant knock on the door.
“Ok! Here we go?” she said in her practiced falsetto.
She walked over to the door and flung it wide open and was greeted by a stunned look of amazement on Ying’s face. ‘For once, she’s speechless’ Michele though, and smiled.
“Oh sorry! I have the wrong room; so sorry,” Ying was so surprised she reverted back to broken, heavily accented English, forgetting the fluent English she usually used.
“No Ying; this is the right room,” Michele smiled at her.
Ying frowned and then she smiled as she understood what was going on.
“Oh that’s why Michael asked if I would go with another Kai Tai! He wants a threesome with his wife and me. You are his wife? Girlfriend?” Ying asked.
Michele gripped Ying by the upper arm and pulled her into the room and closed the door. Ying looked around perplexed; searching the room for Michael.
Michele laughed; she finally had the upper hand on the sassy Kai Tai.
“Ying! Look at me!” Michele said.
Ying stared at Michele.
“You don’t know who I am do you?” Michele asked; amused.
Ying shook her head slowly in confusion.
Michele stepped forward and kissed Ying full on the lips, pulling Ting’s stiff body close to hers.
“I’m Michael. But I’m not really; I’m Michele,” Michele whispered in Ying’s ear dropping her falsetto on the last sentence.
Ying pushed Michele out to arm’s length and studied her; Ying looked stupefied and suddenly it dawned on Ying who Michele was. Ying’s face broke into a beaming smile.
“You are Michael! Of course!” Ying grinned.
Ying stepped forward and embraced Michele, pressing her body against Michele’s. It was a unique and intoxicating feeling for Michele as their two soft bodies pressed together. Michele felt the swell of Ying’s breasts against her body and inhaled their blended perfumes; their soft lips met and Ying opened her mouth to accept Michele’s exploring tongue.
Michele had not gaffed and her penis became rigid in the confines of the gusset of her tights and when Ying’s long delicate fingers slid along Michele’s thigh, found her penis and squeezed her through the silky satin panties and sheer nylon tights Michele nearly fainted. The kissing became frantic and Ying guided Michele over to the King-sized bed and lowered her down on the quilt.
The two transvestites explored each other’s bodies, stopping briefly to remove various items of clothing until they were both dressed only in lingerie and high heels. Ying ripped off Michele’s bra and removed her breastforms; Michele reached behind Ying’s back and unclipped her brassier releasing Ying’s full breasts which Michele cupped in her hands and then her fingers gently caressed Ying’s nipples. Michele noticed the fine surgeon’s scars under Ying’s breasts then she lowered her face to Ying’s chest and sucked on her nipples.
Ying gasped and held Michele’s head to her bosom while Michele sucked Ying’s erect nipples then Ying lowered her face to Michele’s diminutive breasts and reciprocated.
The girls kissed, cuddled and rubbed against each other until eventually Michele lay on top of Ying, their penises pressing together though layers of silk, satin and nylon. Michele thrust her groin against Ying and Ying responded; raising her buttocks off the bed to meet Michele’s thrusts. Within a few seconds both their panties were sodden with pre-seminal fluid.
They continued to kiss and caress each other and Ying lifted her legs and enclosed them around Michele’s, the feeling of their nylons rubbing together was ecstatic, the hiss of sheer nylon broke the silence of the quiet hotel room, along with various squeals and gasps of pleasure.
“Oh my God Ying this is so amazing; I think I’m going to come,” Michele moaned.
Ying felt the urgency in Michele’s thrusts and eased Michele away from her and flipped her over.
Ying spun around so the they were pelvis to face. She lowered her mouth to Michele’s rampant member still trapped inside her hose and panties. She licked, nipped and slathered at Michele’s throbbing phallus and encouraged Michele to reciprocate, which she gladly did. Ying pulled aside Michele’s panties and bit into the gusset of Michele’s tights and freed Michele’s penis, which sprang straight into her mouth.
“Oh my god!” Michele screamed with pleasure.
Ying expertly fellated Michele, backing off whenever she felt Michele might reach extremis. Michele followed suit, tearing open Ying’s pantyhose taking her engorged member into her mouth. To some extent the concentration required to orally please the other partner negated the urgency to orgasm and the girls were able to orally pleasure each other without either of them climaxing.
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Ten - Sea Daddies and Sea Mommies Seaman Michael Nyland graduated from Recruit School in March 1974 and was immediately posted to HMS Raleigh to commence training as a Writer; a sailor specialising in pay, personnel matters and administration. He was glad to see the back of HMS Chelmsford; Spike and the three other Leading Recruits had passed out at the end of January and had posted off to other establishments to undertake their...
Ark Royal sailed for her deployment in a small Task Group of three ships and on the first night Barrack Room Betty’s opened for business and was an instant success. At first the main earner was gambling and booze but as the ship got further away from her home port the temptation for the punters to ‘tap’ the attractive transvestite hostesses became more frequent. Michele divided her four ‘Betty’s’ into two watches. As they had no other duties on board other than to run 6QDA Barrack Room...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Eleven - An Offer You Can't Refuse! Michele remained on her knees and waited for Chief Writer Rod Latham to come over to the bunk to see what he wanted of her. It turned out he wanted a quick fellatio session, which she provided. After the three sailors had satisfied their urges with Michele it was time to talk business. "So as you can see compartment Six Quebec Delta Alpha has been put to uses other than for those intended when...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Fifteen - Bettys Down Under Michele had an emotional last day with Ying. As well as lovers they had become good friends. Michele promised to write to Ying and vowed that one day she would return to Thailand and they would reunite. Their last night together was a sex charged boozy affair and Michele rose early the next morning and left Ying fast asleep in the hotel. She was emotionally drained and didn't want an extended farewell. She...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - A Turn For The Worse And so the Wrens and Leading Recruits settled into a routine. They knew that if they just spent their days jollying, drinking, having sex, and carousing that HMS Chelmsford would soon deteriorate into a shitfight, so they agreed to apply some discipline and stick to strict routines. The Royal Navy has run on routines from time immemorial; the day is divided into watches separated by the sounding of the...
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Michele remained on her knees and waited for Chief Writer Rod Latham to come over to the bunk to see what he wanted of her. It turned out he wanted a quick fellatio session, which she provided. After the three sailors had satisfied their urges with Michele it was time to talk business. “So as you can see compartment Six Quebec Delta Alpha has been put to uses other than for those intended when the ship was built,” Rod Latham began. “We use it for our own little business on board. We have...
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Seaman Michael Nyland graduated from Recruit School in March 1974 and was immediately posted to HMS Raleigh to commence training as a Writer; a sailor specialising in pay, personnel matters and administration. He was glad to see the back of HMS Chelmsford; Spike and the three other Leading Recruits had passed out at the end of January and had posted off to other establishments to undertake their category courses. Jimmy Lovejoy, Jean Burgess and Billy Marron caught the train to Chelmsford...
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Michele had an emotional last day with Ying. As well as lovers they had become good friends. Michele promised to write to Ying and vowed that one day she would return to Thailand and they would reunite. Their last night together was a sex charged boozy affair and Michele rose early the next morning and left Ying fast asleep in the hotel. She was emotionally drained and didn’t want an extended farewell. She left an envelope with a considerable amount of cash on the bedside table; kissed the...
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By rights they shouldn't be friends, but they were.Firm friends.First there was Kylie, bright, sassy, opinionated, a real live wire with glass beads braided into her flaxen hair. Afraid of nothing and willing to give anything a try.Sex, pah! If it was possible then she's done it, or at least thought about it, and with her looks there were any number of willing partners ready to step forward and accommodate her little whims, no matter how kinky or bordering on out and out depravity they were.She...
Hi Guys, I love ISS a lot but wanted to write a story which recently happened in Madras. About Me: My name Sam(name changed as i love my self called as SAM). Medium size body, not so Like body Builder has little family pack………… I am not telling u that I am rich like people telling they come by aero plane as they are rich. (hope u guys would have read stories people describing about themselves ). Let me come the story which happened very recently. As now a days in Chennai its very cold, so...
If you have read my story about the first time I was with a TS girl then you know my experience was limited to just a few times. So about 4 years ago I went to Thailand to visit my buddy who was working there in a high profile job with the Thai government. We stayed in his apartment on the 40th floor of a 5 star hotel in Bangkok, which was pretty nice. I had just turned 39 and was looking forward to my first visit to Thailand and seeing my friend I had not seen in 4 years. Now, I have...
Recap: For those of you who missed out on the first edition here is a quick recap. I went to do my PhD in Bangkok and my friend dragged me to Patpong (Sex Street) in one of the nude bars I met a horny amazing pole dancer called Fern. I picked her up paying a small bar fine (a tip for taking a girl from a pole dance bar in Bangkok) and took her to a hotel. The first half of this story is about seduction and in My Thai Fuck in Bangkok you can enjoy that part. This is exactly to narrate the climax...
Chapter 1: I was lucky to save enough from my first year’s salary to take a holiday in Bangkok after my girl friend and I had finally split up. There had been something wrong with our relationship for some time but I couldn’t put my finger on what was the root of the trouble. We just drifted apart. I just had a feeling that I wasn’t the marrying kind of guy. Bangkok was a great place to visit. I was getting over the culture shock and I was enjoying the city on my own during the daytimes. The...
GayBarrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Nine - Pink Pussycats All good things come to an end and the six-week Reduced Operations Period at HMS Chelmsford ended on 15th January 1974. The Wrens and Leading Recruits were very busy as that day approached. The Depot needed to be de-winterised and preparations made for the return of the Ship's Company, the recruits, and the Wrens from their leave. Even Petty Officer White sobered up for the last week to...
The Ark continued her voyage through the Mediterranean Sea, exercising with the Task Group as she went and arrived in Naples a week after she left Gibraltar. Lieutenant Steven Winters, RN became a regular at Barrack Room Betty’s whenever there was no night flying. He entered into an arrangement with Michele that she would always be available for him at thirty pounds per week. In 1974 that was quite a considerable sum but Steve came from a wealthy family and was comfortably well off, plus he...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Boys Will Be Girls The three Wrens and three Leading Recruits were sitting engrossed in the movie. Michele rested her head on Jason's shoulder and they were still holding hands. Jean was reaching into Mary's popcorn bucket every few minutes, chewing popcorn around swigs of beer; he was enchanted by her perfume and found her very attractive but he had no idea how to woo her. Then he reached for some popcorn and misjudged and...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Michele's Story The four Wrens of Collins Division woke at 'call the hands' at 0640. Doris had got out of bed at 0600 to prepare breakfast and was in the galley. She'd tried her best to do her makeup and dress like a Wren but she still looked like a 'scranbag'; not that it mattered, in the steam filled, greasy kitchen. Her hair was matted and her makeup ran as she sweated over breakfast. Michele, Polly and Mary shaved and...
Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - A Night at the Flicks Michele was confused; she didn't like Leading Recruit Jason Jones one bit, he was a bully but he was also handsome, strong and actually quite intelligent. She knew he had a thing for her as soon as the Leading Recruits made the grommets crossdress, and of course last night he had ejaculated in his pants when he was spanking her. Michele was no prude, she liked having sex as a transvestite, her Uncle had...
To the reader: This is my first story so don’t be too strict with your judgements. Please also notice that English is not my native language. The story was edited by KittyLovesPain. Her suggestion made the story more readable. THANK YOU * When I left the beauty shop I was in a real good mood. Three Thai girls were had been working on me to get my nails and hair done. The whole procedure took just one hour and cost only £5 –generous tips included. Since it was already evening and I felt...
‘You wan’ go Boom Boom?’ he yelled back, sticking a finger through the circle he’d made with the thumb and fore finger of the other hand. ‘Yes, Boom Boom.’ Now don’t get me wrong here, it’s not like I’d done this a thousand times, or even a couple of times but hey, I was in Bangkok on my own with a hard on, thanks to my blessed brother’s Viagra, and besides a million other men had done it before me. Fuck it, I wanted adventure and new experiences, things I’d never done before. The traffic...
HOT TIME IN BANGKOKBack since a few days in Bangkok. Horny as always I went to look for my massage-boy I had last time. I know it is very hard here to find someone back again, they stop there and go work somewhere else or whatever. So I went last Thursday to Silom area where was the massage parlor for men. It was late afternoon when I went in. Some boys jumped up and walked in front of me. I Asked to the “mamasan “ about the boy I had last time, “she-he” told me not work here anymore. Wow no...
So this is my first crack at putting into words one of my very many sexual adventures. I’m sure the paragraph and sentence structure will be lacking, but bare with me as I continue mastering the art of writing these erotic stories.This is a recent story that occurred December of 2012. The names have been changed, but the locations and details are real and true.My buddies and I were wrapping up the final night of a 13-day trip through the amazing country of Thailand. At this point we had already...
Hi all…I am a novice and true writer so kindly avoid my mistakes and enjoy my real story. Here it goes like…. I am Nitin 34 year old businessman from Haridwar and my slim and beautiful wife Priya..She is 29 and has good slim figure with nice smile on her face always. She is very traditional and conservative too. We have one kid. We got married 5 years back. Before marriage I never touched any lady so had many fantasies in my mind. After marriage I spent my sexual life with lots of fun. But due...
I had read so much about sex tourism in thailand and I made up my mind I was going there! Cute women, trannys, gays..My idea of heaven! Went online, did some research and went ahead with the bookings. One fine june afternoon, I landed in bangkok. Got a taxi and drove striagt to my motel. It was a decent place, a tad run down, but it didnt really matter much to me. I wasnt there for the ambiance. At the reception was a sweet middle aged lady. I checked into a single airconditoned room, had a...
‘You wanna buy a watch pretty girl ? Rolex, Cartier, Gucci – I give you best price.’ The young Thai market trader held out his wares and smiled. ‘Maybe you want designer handbag instead, I have ...........’‘We’ll have plenty of time for shopping tomorrow before we have to be at the airport, honey. I have other plans for tonight. Come on let’s go get a beer’ Steve took Abi’s hand and gave her an encouraging tug. Both laughed as they made their way through the street market towards the tacky neon...
Quickie SexEffie and Kim had their hands in each other’s hair and round each other’s necks while their mouths pressed together. Sophie knew what Effie could do with her tongue and it looked like Kim was giving as good as she was getting! It couldn’t be long before things moved on, and sure enough in only a few seconds Effie was reaching to start undressing Kim. She pulled the T-shirt up and Kim helpfully held her arms out so Effie could pull it right off. No bra. “Oooh,” Effie admired the breasts....
Back up in her mum’s office they dumped their backpacks and went along the corridor again, to where the hermaphrodites had been standing around in the doorway the day before. “Hello?” called Sophie, and one of them appeared. “Hello!” Kim was coming to greet them. God, she was gorgeous! And she seemed ready for sex while she was still walking up to them!! They kissed her and went back with her and were introduced to the other four girls, who were all super friendly and were kissing cheeks...
She woke up she still face to face with Effie, who was looking at her from six inches away. She could tell from her expression everything was OK. They shared a quick kiss then she looked around: the hermaphrodites weren’t there. “They’re having their supper,” said Effie, “and they’re going to bring some back for us. I can’t believe we forgot all about food! There’s a shower in the loo too, they said. Let’s streak!” She giggled. The building was quiet. They ran naked down the empty corridor,...
So the next evening they repeated the process of getting in, but skipped the gangbang to save their energy for exploring. While they waited with the hermies they chatted with them and taught them some more words. The hermies were quite content to have sex, or not, whatever the girls wanted. When the building had gone quiet Sophie and Effie climbed up the stairs. The door to the left side corridor opened with the card. It was dimly lit, like the other one. The first office door was locked,...
Kim and Georgie and the others clustered round, concerned by the girls’ state. The hermies were so empathetic; really they were too nice to be true. Alex and Robin went off to find some food for them. And too nice to survive on their own, Sophie reflected a few minutes later, sipping the smoothie Alex and Robin had made. They had no aggression whatsoever, it seemed. She was sitting on a bed next to Effie, with one hand on her lovely meaty thigh. She had to know. “So,” she looked at Kim,...
The Vice-Chancellor followed after the stampede at a more leisurely pace. His running days were over, and anyway although he understood the Davies girl’s panic he knew the clear-up team wouldn’t hurt her friend, that this ‘Effie’ was presumably. Or girlfriend apparently ... hmmm. Girls certainly weren’t what they used to be, with these smartphones and attitude. Barely looking fifteen and bursting into his meeting, defying him, stirring everyone up and boasting about being promiscuous with...
Kim and I had been married for five years now. Kim is a very beautiful brunette (Bust 34C Waist 24 Hips 34 5ft5″). She had received a strong catholic upbringing. Sex had never been her strong point for her or a central part of our marriage and as time went by she seemed to lose interest in it. At first I did nothing, then I started to buy her naughty underwear and hire porno films to watch together to spice up our relationship. This seemed to work better than I expected. Seeing other...
My first impression of her was nothing special, just that she was a prostitute or an overly friendly girl who hung around the street that we walked on our way back to the hostel every night. Four of us from the academy had a week off in summer, and we had decided to visit Thailand together. In the midst of such dense noises, in such a rugged part of the city, I couldn’t manage to pay her much attention. She followed us for a block, telling us, with an impressive accent, that her name was Grace,...
TransOn Holiday and Pick up A ladyboy Hooker for some sexy funAs I drove my rental car through the crowded streets of Bangkok, Thailand I stared at the dozens of ladyboy hookers touting for business on the streets. I have always had a thing for transsexuals. Ever since I can remember I have trawled the internet for pictures of shemales and trannys. I just love to look at their huge dicks and big shemale tits. I spend almost every night either looking at pictures or watching pornhub videos of shemale...
A Ukrainian Prostitute?s Ordeal in BangkokHelena and the other Ukrainian prostitutes were dressed up in sexy lacy lingerie and wearing their coats, street walking and offering themselves to both local and foreign men for many many Baht (Thailand?s currency).The prostitutes were standing by a pavement while their pimp stood by them. Helena?s pimp was an Armenian named Giovanni. He had thick black hair and swarthy features, and it was he who brought all of them to Thailand, a country in South...
The past week had been a busy one for Optio Samantha Redburn. Two of the sponsors from last weekend's draft had managed to pick up so many defaults for their violent behaviour that at their courts-martial they were ordered to get an immediate CAP rescoring. The results on both of them came back with psychotic levels, and the men had to be recycled – she'd had to sign off on the death of both men and take in their four traumatized concubines, all females. She'd so far killed more Chosen...