Chance EncounterChapter 6: Bridge To Darkness free porn video

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It was Tuesday morning. Craig Morehead was sipping coffee and eating his morning toast in his apartment. He signed onto his account page on his bank's website and saw what he was hoping for, a deposit of five thousand dollars. It meant that Grafton had finally come through with some of the money that he owed him.

"When Ed found out that I had the drawings hidden away, he knew that I held the cards," he said out loud to himself. He turned his attention to his deal with Audrey. It was a tough decision. He owed her half of everything he collected, but Audrey had no way to know that he had collected anything, unless he told her. On the other hand, he reminded himself, she promised him her body once the money started flowing.

He decided that it would start flowing that night. He wouldn't give her half, though. A thousand dollars would look like a lot to a young girl like her, he reasoned. No point in overspending. She would probably demand more later. Craig hadn't been with a woman in so long a time that he and his right hand were starting to have lovers' quarrels. Relief was in sight. The best of it would be when he let everyone in the lunchroom know that he had bedded her. He wondered how he would make them believe it.

He arrived early in the parking lot of the State Government Campus on purpose, waiting for Audrey to pull in. When she finally did he accosted her as she walked from the lot to the building.

"I've got a package for you!" he blurted out.

"Quiet!" she snapped. "Someone will hear you!"

Craig looked around and lowered his voice. "I'll bring it to you tonight. You remember the other part of the deal, don't you?"

"What part?" Audrey demanded.

"Don't be cute with me. You know what I'm talking about!" Craig retorted with lust in his voice.

"I said to send some serious money my way and we could talk," she reminded him.

"How does a thousand sound?" he asked.

"I said serious money, Craig. You didn't take peanuts from Grafton and I'm not taking peanuts from you."

Morehead was speechless for a moment. His face reddened.

"Besides," she went on, "I'm having my period this week, so I'm not going to bed with anyone but myself!"

Morehead stopped in his tracks, stymied and confused. Audrey didn't stop. She walked even faster and left Morehead behind. His plans for the evening were unraveled faster than he could keep track of all their frayed ends. He he wondered if Audrey was lying to him.

He'd seen that Tampax ploy work a number of times when he was in college. Maybe Audrey was pulling an old trick out of her bag. Anyway, he had the money and that meant he held all the chips. Sooner would have been better than later, but he was determined he would get to play them

As Audrey walked into her office in Springfield, Paul was in his office in Michigan prepping for his appearance before the Ethics Committee. He set his coffee cup on the desk and decided that he had prepared enough. He called Ted Wilson and asked if he was busy.

"Take a last look!" he called from the doorway of Ted's office. "I'll be in front of them in forty-five minutes."

"I hope that you make out alright," Ted consoled.

"What can they do?" Paul countered. "Fire me? Let them! I could use a vacation. Every man deserves a 'golden parachute' once in his life."

The two men had a chuckle at the gallows humor.

"That's not why I came to see you, Ted," Paul said. "I was wondering if there was something that I could do for Glenda. You remember—she's the woman that I was going with in Chicago. I'd like to help her find a new job," Paul continued. "There's got to be someone in that city who could use her. It would have to be at the same level or above."

Paul explained the pension service credits problem to Ted. It would be another factor in the equation.

"If we find someone big enough, they might buy out that final year at present value," suggested Ted.

"One last thing," Paul cautioned. "It has to be off the record. Dunn can't be involved because of the lawsuit. Besides, I don't want Glenda to feel like I rescued her. Then she'll think that she owes me, and I don't want that. She has to be able to claim it as her own."

"No problem, Paul," Ted assured. "We'll get one of the headhunting firms in on it. I know just the one. I've done some favors for one of the principals. She'll be glad to help out; she loves to get involved in this kind of thing. Leave it to me. I'll call you after your session with the Committee and get some details."

"Speaking of which," Paul looked at his watch, "if I don't get moving I'll be late. He raised his hand in salute as he left for his meeting.

The Ethics Committee was not really a committee of the Board, but a newly-created sub-committee of the Audit Committee. The larger group reviewed company issues that affected the financial statements that Dunn presented to its investors and the public. The smaller group was geared to questions involving high-ranking personnel that might affect the corporation's public image or standing. As part of the Audit Committee, it had access to the Internal Audit staff. Paul didn't know it, but his case was the first one that ever came before the new creation of the Board of Directors. It was born of the contagious fever of the Sarbanes-Oxley era when companies were expected to injure themselves with self-flagellation at each opportunity. Dunn Chemicals had never been involved in any scandal. The Board, however, decided to go Sarbanes-Oxley one better in creating the Ethics Sub-Committee.

Paul was exactly on time. He took his place at the long table in the conference room opposite the three chairs lined up for the Board members. All of the members were outside directors on Dunn's Board of Directors. One was a retired food company executive; another was a mutual fund director. Both had been directors for a number of years. They were present in the meeting room waiting for Paul when he arrived. The third member was not in the room. It was Allison Greene, the Managing Director of a charitable foundation with many interests. Before she held that job, she had been in government service in the nineties. She was new to the Board. Ted Wilson's secretary, serving as stenographer, sat to the side ready to record minutes.

"Allison has been detained by a lengthy phone call. She should be here by now. We'll just have to wait for her," said Allen Richardson, the food company executive, and chairman of the Sub-Committee. His face wore an expression that was meant to convey the solemnity of the occasion. Paul knew Richardson the best of the three. He had been a supporter when Paul was proposed as Vice-President.

Elizabeth Pender was the mutual fund executive. She looked annoyed.

"We should have just done this with memoranda," she said. "I don't see anything very serious here. I'm supposed to be at our headquarters in California right now."

Paul said nothing. He took solace in Pender's statement. He thought Richardson would understand, too, having been in the business world for decades. They sat for three minutes in silence.

Allison Greene finally made a grand entrance. She swept in with an air of self- importance and a scowl. Greene was a woman in her late fifties. She had black hair with chestnut highlights and an olive complexion. She had once been slender, but time had added girth to her backside, as well as to her self esteem. Her attire suggested that her self-image had not yet caught up to reality. She had that 'strapped-in-tight' look. Despite her age, her face was wrinkle-free, suggesting some surgical intervention.

"So sorry, everyone!" she sighed loudly as she took her seat to Richardson's right. To his left was Pender. The committee sat in a row facing Paul who was alone facing them on the opposite side of the long table. Paul saw that the group had some files in front of them. He recognized Bert Loehman's personnel file. He also saw the Policy Manual.

Richardson brought the meeting to order. He read aloud the policy section that Paul had broken and a narrative of the facts. As he finished he asked Paul to comment.

"It's all true, as Mr. Richardson stated," Paul said. "When I took the action I knew that Bert Loehman's offense was a case for automatic discharge. I decided against it for a good reason. We need Bert to help us with a lawsuit in which we are defendants. We also need his help in presenting evidence in the case of a fraud committed against Dunn by an employee of a government agency. Firing him would have ruined all that."

The members of the sub-committee were expressionless and sat looking at Paul. He felt that were waiting for more.

"Other than this, he has a spotless record. He's going to retire in a few months with forty years' service. I thought that the deviation was warranted," Paul added.

"Why didn't you go through channels?" asked Richardson.

"It would have taken weeks," Paul answered. "News of it would have leaked. Our opponents would have found out, and that would have meant they would be aware of what we had found out."

"Did you take it easy on this employee because you've known him for a long time?" Pender asked.

"I would have been tempted to," Paul answered, "but the other factors made that irrelevant."

"You did this favor for Mr. Loehman so that he would say whatever you dictated to him." Greene hissed out. "Aren't you pursuing personal vendettas?"

"No," answered Paul, keeping calm, "everything that we have is documented and supported by fact. We have corroboration."

"That brings up the 'other matters'," sneered Greene. "You have corroboration in the form of stolen goods. You conspired with an employee of the State of Illinois to steal drawings and deliver them to you."

The accusation alarmed Paul. No one knew of Audrey's delivery of the drawings but a few people. There was no reason for Allison Greene to know it, except for one of those trusted persons to have leaked it.

"The drawings that I received were taken fraudulently from Dunn," Paul stated. It was hard to keep his cool, but he did... "I rightfully took them back into our custody. The person who brought them to me received them voluntarily from one of those responsible for committing the fraud. I'm traveling to Illinois on Thursday to present our evidence to the State authorities. No one on our side has committed any dishonest act."

Greene was undeterred. "How can we believe this preposterous story?" she cried. "You've made it up! You are subjecting this company to criminal prosecution!"

"I have plenty of evidence to say that I did not make it up. My meeting with the Illinois officials is a fact on the record," Paul responded.

"You had an affair with the secretary of the plaintiff's attorney. You took her to your cabin on the Upper Peninsula. Is that true or false?" demanded Greene.

Greene revealed herself in her final hysterical thrust. Hopkins was her source.

"But, who is Hopkins' source?" he asked himself as the two other board members looked at Greene in amazement.

Paul looked for a clue in Greene's expression and it told him that she knew that she'd said too much. She was probably hoping that Paul had not caught the misstep—but he had.

"Whatever Hopkins knows, Grafton knows, too," Paul reasoned to himself.

It would be an easy next step to figure out that Paul would present the drawings to Wilton as evidence. The phone call that had delayed Greene had probably been Hopkins instructing her. Her tirade was a last-ditch attempt to abort the presentation to Wilton. Paul sensed that the desperate ploy meant that he was getting close to them.

"The woman mentioned and I had a relationship," Paul said. "I took her to my cabin. At the time the lawsuit against us did not exist. We are both single. We have since broken off our relationship. You don't have a right to delve into this. I'm sorry that you've made this personal," Paul declared. "I can prove the dates if I have to."

"I think that we should order him to put this whole thing on 'hold' until we can look at it more. He should deliver those drawings into our custody," demanded Greene. Paul half-expected her to pound her fist on the table.

"This sub-committee doesn't have that authority, and I don't think a delay is in order," said Richardson, shaking his head.

After a few seconds of silence, Richardson asked Paul if he wanted to add anything. Paul declined. Richardson dismissed Paul.

"We'll write our recommendations in a report to the Board," Richardson said.

"Put it on the record that I believe Paul," announced Pender as she rose from the table. "I have a plane to catch to California.

She and Paul walked out of the meeting room together. Paul looked over his shoulder. Richardson had a burdened look and Greene looked even angrier than before.

Paul and Elizabeth Pender waited for the elevator together.

"I hope that you have good luck on Thursday," she said.

"I need more than luck. Some support from the Board..."

"Look, I'd like to help you," Pender interrupted. "I can't. I have responsibilities in California." She glanced at Paul, who must have looked disappointed. "Don't worry," she added, "you can handle it."

Paul returned to his office and sat behind his desk with a fresh coffee. The inadvertent disclosure by Allison Greene made him question the trust that he had in those closest to him. It was a gnawing feeling to know that one of them had betrayed his confidence. He decided to figure it out later. It was too late in the game to have an effect on events, which were charting a course of their own. He called Audrey. She was the only vulnerable link in the chain.

Paul: Audrey, Paul Crane. Can you talk now? I just want to check on things.

Audrey: Yes, I can talk. Something happened this morning. Craig Morehead told me that he had money from Grafton for me. He wanted to give it to me tonight.

Paul: What did you tell him?

Audrey: I put him off for a few days.

Paul: Audrey, don't take that money under any circumstances! How did you put him off?

Audrey: He thinks that part of the deal is that I promised to sleep with him once the money started flowing. I told him it was my time of month.

Paul: Why does he think that you plan to go to bed with him?

Audrey: Well ... he told me he wanted it and I didn't exactly say no.

Paul: You should not have done that! How long can you hold him off?

Audrey: Probably until the end of the week; maybe over the weekend.

Paul: Grafton and Hopkins know that I have the drawings. I just found that out. I don't know how they found out. How did Craig act? Do you think that he knows, too?

Audrey: No, he acted like he can't wait to get me into bed!

Paul: It means that Morehead is being double-crossed by his partners. We're still on for Thursday. Keep a low profile until then. Stay away from Morehead!

Paul didn't like what Audrey had told him. He knew that her promise of sex had clinched the deal with Morehead. It was a bold move—too bold. His inexperienced protégé was playing with fire.

He turned his attention to the leak to Hopkins.

In addition to Paul, there were five people who knew of the status of the drawings. He trusted each of them.

He knew that it wasn't Marge, and he had taken Ted Wilson into his confidence many times with never a reason to doubt him. Jim Spencer wasn't a viable suspect. He was a rising star with a good salary. Risking it all for a quick payoff would make no sense.

That left Audrey and Bert Loehman. Audrey was out of the question. Her testimony was damning to Grafton and Morehead. She was the prime source. If not for process of elimination, Bert would have been a poor candidate, too. After the disclosure of his careless release of the files, he had worked hard to help Paul put together his case. His work had been thorough and well-done. Bert knew that Paul put himself at risk by not firing him when Bert knew that what he had done warranted it.

Paul reasoned that the leak had been a careless accident. It could have been to a spouse, a friend, or coworker. It could have been any of the five, but Paul suspected Bert. He had been guilty of carelessness already.

Whatever had been leaked, Paul felt that he still had the upper hand. The evidence in his hands was ironclad and would remain so, regardless of leaks. In a few days he would put it all in Wilton's hands. The leak was too late to stop it. Paul was reluctant to pursue its source. If it turned out to be Bert again, it would be more fodder for the Ethics Committee. It was a matter better left alone.

Paul flew to Springfield on the early bird on Thursday. Ted Wilson, Jim Spencer and Bert Loehman were with him. When they arrived at the State Office Campus Paul called Audrey, and she made her way to Wilton's office and arrived just before them. Finally, two groups of lawyers showed up. There were three from the Agency, and two from the State Attorney General's office. All told, there were ten people waiting to see Wilton. No one said much as they waited.

Craig Morehead was always interested when a large group was gathered around Wilton's office. This occasion was no exception. He ambled by, glancing into the anteroom. It was easy to pick out Audrey with her long blonde hair. Once Craig saw her, it was easy to recognize the other familiar faces. He saw Paul sitting next to Audrey holding the very tube of drawings that he had entrusted to her. Craig saw the tightly-drawn expressions. It was easy to guess the purpose of the meeting. Just seeing the 'Peoria group' waiting without having been invited to the meeting was enough.

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The Bridge Party by loyalsock

"I still can't believe that Joe still gets it up three times a week," exclaimed Kimberly Farlow to her bridge partner Marion Hart, "my god, you two still do it like newly weds!!!" "No way," shot back Marion, "when we were first married we did it twice a day every day!" All four women at the table roared with laughter at that one, and Barb Knox added, "I would give anything if my Tom did it once a week," which caused another round of guffaws. Billie Harris, the hostess for today's party, snuffed...

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The Bridge

The bridge was neither long nor wide. A simple wooden structure spanning the narrow but deep gap between the disappointments of the past and the uncertain future. To introduce myself, I am Lyle Jedermann, now thirty-eight years of age. A man formerly distinguished from other men only as the husband of Gloria, thirty-six, and the father of Robert, age twelve, and Anna, age eight. A very satisfying family situation but having a weighty set of obligations. To meet my obligations as a husband and...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 15 Toll Bridge

At around 2 in the morning, after several hours of partying in the Riverdale cellar, most of the guest as well as the Riverdale occupants themselves started heading for bed. The Riverdale boys had in fact been able to convince the Navaho boys to visit them, and on finding themselves with their girls for the first time in days had gone fuck crazy for hours before they even said hello to the girls (not that the Navaho girls were looking to talk either). Only four couples remained past 2...

1 year ago
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The bridge party

"I still can't believe that Joe still gets it up three times a week," exclaimed Kimberly Farlow to her bridge partner Marion Hart, "my god, you two still do it like newly weds!!!" "No way," shot back Marion, "when we were first married we did it twice a day every day!" All four women at the table roared with laughter at that one, and Barb Knox added, "I would give anything if my Tom did it once a week," which caused another round of guffaws. Billie Harris, the hostess for today's party, snuffed...

Group Sex
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Gangbang at the Cement Bridge

I think back, from time to time, about my years in high school. It was Texas, the 60’s and many of us were beginning our sexual awakening. Fucking your girlfriend wasn’t something that happened on a regular basis, but there were girls that liked to fuck and didn’t mind sharing their bodies. Pat and Marie were two of these girls and were best friends. They may not have been the most beautiful girls in our school, but they weren’t ugly either. I remember back when we were Sophomores in High...

3 years ago
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The Bridge Club Ch 08

Massimo had told Christina about the bet. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why he would do that. To fuck me over, sure. But he was forfeiting the bet by revealing our secret. Did he hate me that much? I had to know. So I called him, and set up a meeting at the fitness club. I didn’t mention squash or tennis. He knew why I wanted to meet. Massimo swaggered into the club as he always did. Even now, he was checking out the hotties in their sports bras. I had to sit on my hands. The...

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The Bridge Club Ch 06

Abigail’s sexual education became a priority for both of us. Once she discovered that she wasn’t ‘bad’ at sex, Abigail became intensely curious about sexual positions and activities which she had yet to try. She still couldn’t just come out with it, or say ‘Let’s do this’. But she started asking me ‘Have you ever …?’ If the suggestion came from me, she was more than ready to try it. I had achieved my goal with Abigail. But I wasn’t about to just dump her. Her fragile new confidence would be...

3 years ago
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Camping at Ayers Naturel Bridge

I had to go on business trip to Sheridan WY. I asked my wife Allison, if she wanted to go on a road trip, she always does. As we were travelling along I-25; Allison noticed a sign for historical site on the old Oregon Trail. The name for the site is Ayers Naturel Bridge; she asked if we could stop, I told her on the way back we will. As promised we stopped on our way home. Ayers Natural Bridge is a beautiful oasis in the middle of the high desert of Wyoming. After driving five miles down a...

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The Bridge

true story unique Experience Today at the super hot day buzz me the whole time so nasty things through my head, my husband is in five days at work and today he comes home at last. Normal case I him. Around his neck and we have the same sex after such a long time but today I'm going to let him annoyed and fidget something I pull me in sexy underwear, a nearly transparent bra and thong with slot, thereby Think about how I like to dance him on the nose well. A mini and an upper part where I have a...

1 year ago
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Bridge Jack Off

Joey and I were sitting in the front seat of his van, the bridge was up, and we were stuck in traffic. As I looked around I saw we were stopped next to an eighteen wheeler and the driver was looking very intently down at my body. I like to tease old perverts so I casually opened my blouse and gradually gave him a great view of my bare tits and nipples. I was wearing shorts so it would have been a little difficult to show off my pussy casually. I looked out over the river and could tell that we...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 5 On the Bridge after the Order of the Strap

I went to the bridge and ordered Mother to dock with the next passenger compartment. Sally had followed me to the bridge and noticed a couple of things needing attention. It was all she could do to keep her hands off the controls. Finally after noticing my amused look and realizing I knew what was going on, she asked if she could handle the problems. I said, "Sure, but if there are any serious problems tell me immediately". They were normal maintenance items that could have waited, but I...

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Bridge WorkChapter 2

"Catch," she said and tossed the six pack at the dim figure sprawled below her. A thin drizzle fell outside the shelter of the bridge. Cars passing overhead made splashing slithery echoey sounds. She pulled off her raincoat, her sweater, her t-shirt, and bra. She dropped her jeans and panties and sat on the sleeping bag, the thin mattress did little to soften the cement. She bent forward and took off her running shoes and socks and slid her pants the rest of the way over her knees and shins...

1 year ago
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The bridge party redux

"It's your bid, Kimberly," Marion said, "we don't have all day, you know!!!" "Keep your shirt on," Kimberly replied good naturedly, "I'm thinking, I'm thinking!!!" "About what," Barb chimed in, "it certainly mustn't be about bridge, you've been half a step slow all day!!!" "Oh give her a break," Billie offered, "when you've gone without for as long as she has you get a little antsy!!!" As the other three women cracked up, Kim replied snippily, "I bid two hearts, and I got some last night if...

She Males
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The Bridge

It was late at night. Very late! She and Tom were walking home after a great night of drinking and dancing in town. Giggling they made their way up Frankton Street up towards the overbridge. The night around them was quiet, most people were sound asleep, but as they reached the overbridge she could see the lights of cars rushing past beneath it. It was surprising the number of cars considering the time, but this was a big city, it was always on the go. As they walked Tom placed hand on her...

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Under the bridge

The passing traffic looked like a blur to Keyaron's eyes, fuzzed lights in a sea of glare. Anything beyond that was just a foggy haze of looming shadows, and blackness. The sound of passing cars and trucks were hard, but nothing hit him as the constant shock of the cold. Bradford was bitter some nights, and it wasn't even snowing. It was the type of cold that cut straight through whatever you were wearing.Not much further and maybe he could forget a bit of cold for a while. Keyaron kept his...

Gay Male
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Thrilling Sex With Colleague Under The Bridge

Hello, I am Sakthi Suriya and this is my second story here. I am 24 years, 6 ft fair complexion, athletic built with a 7-inch thick tool. Thank you all for your response for . This story is all about how me and my colleague Shivani (name changed) had a thrilling sex encounter under a bridge when it is was raining heavily. She is around 5’10” height and she is a bomb with a cute and seductive face, big boobs and a perfect curvy ass. I work in an MNC at Hyderabad and our company is on the...

1 year ago
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Under The Bridge

I've always admired a shapely calf and ankle. I couldn't say why. 'Personal aesthetics', I suppose. Then again, my appreciation of beauty was a little different to most. But I could certainly enjoy the simple things of life. Like calves and ankles. Kelly taught me to admire 'the thigh' without saying a word. It was difficult to avoid. The precocious length of her skirts ensured regular inspection. They were firm and deeply tanned and I swore her skin shimmered. It was clear she thought...

2 years ago
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A Bridge Between WorldsChapter 10

Word spread quickly to the four tribes of the Jinn, bringing news of the death of King Farzan. In the Palace of the Water Jinn, all the leaders of all the tribes had gathered together to bid farewell to their fallen friend. The courtyard was filled to capacity, and many additional spectators lined the walls and parapets of the palace. With all eyes on the funeral procession making its way to the central tower, the crowd fell silent as Salim, Nadir, Ardashir, and Mike escorted Farzan to the...

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Bridge WorkChapter 4

"You're awake," the voice he knew so well murmured beside him. The crash still rang in his memory. As always when he remembered it, and when did he not? there was the bitter thought that anywhere else on that road, he'd've had time to grab the wheel and kick Steve awake. Cold air brushed his cheeks. A truck roared overhead. He felt a wave of bitter anger and loss and futility. A hand found his thigh and slid around to his cunt. "Let's fuck," the voice drawled lazily, "I'm tired of...

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259. MRS BRIDGES (CH 3) SEE ALSO PARTS 1 2 It was a while later that Joe came out of the hospital, by the time he had got home my cook and myself had established a fairly regular pattern of sexual enjoyment, within the bounds of my fairly secluded old home, at any time after she had taken off her coat and knickers each morning, it was an...

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60 MRS BRIDGES AND THE SILVER MASTERThose of you that know me will know, that I am known at home as the Silver Master, I live near Dover in Kent, in the UK, it`s an old farm ½ mile from the village, though not a working farm it works as a place of solace for some of my patients, I being a registered consultant in sexual mental anguish.That really means I`m what is locally known as a shrink! However, the twist is that I am a sadist myself and I have a hidden dungeon that I use for my work, and...

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I Dream Of Bridgette

Introduction: Bridgette B. is one of my favorite pornstars and so when I came across this photoset of her in a harem girl outfit, I knew I had to make a story of it! This story is a sexy parody of the old TV show "I Dream of Jeanie” but with a few sexy twists! I hope you like the story as much as I liked writing it! * * * *Tony Williams sat in the holding position, awaiting permission to enter the runway and take off. His small Cessna 340 twin-engine plane was fueled and ready for its...

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Steven George the DragonThe Obstructive Bridge

STEVEN CONTINUED on his journey in the morning with a light heart, a ridiculous hat, and sore feet that were slowing his normal walking pace. He changed socks in the morning, washed out his first pair, and hung them from his pack to dry. He discovered that he had blisters from the previous day and they made walking painful. He had traveled only 11,256 steps that day when the blisters got the better of him and he was forced to make camp to tend to his feet. He used a pinch of the wise woman’s...

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It was eight thirty in the evening on a Friday but unfortunately for Bridgette she had to stay to finish the project in the laboratory she and colleagues had started earlier in the week. The vaccine had proved a difficult one to manage but success had been accomplished and she just needed to ensure all the proper documents were straight before they presented their accolade to the many ministers, heads of departments and other dignitaries at the forthcoming press conference on Monday...

4 years ago
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Bridgets Revenge

"I'll be home when I'm home" Bridget screamed, looking back at her mother as she slammed the screen door behind her. Bridget's mother threw her hands in the air in total frustration, knowing full well she had lost her young girl and was now looking at a very confident and independent young lady. Bridget walked down the front yard to the driveway where she met her friend Mike in his 1995 Mustang convertible and hopped in, ignoring her mother as she looked out the window. "Drive!!" Bridget...

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Banging Bridgette

Bridgette and I would talk all the time through text messages since we had similar jobs. We both worked for a large telecommunications company in the IT department. We did not work in the same location but it was fun comparing notes with each other. We would complain about the dullness of our jobs, the long hours, and of course the pay. In the last series of text messages she complained about her husband not fulfilling her needs in bed. She said he was barely...

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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 6

“Crap,” she thought, green eyes snapping open. Dustin had given her specific orders before falling asleep last night. “I want to fall asleep tonight with my cock in your mouth and it better be in your mouth when I wake up in the morning,” was the last thing he’d said to her. The last thing the slender blonde wanted was to be punished again. Glancing fearfully upwards at Dustin’s face, she discovered his eyes were still closed and he was breathing easily. At least he was still asleep....

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The MassageAtlanta Cheshire Bridge Remix

So now here I am at home that evening after a great happy ending massage on Cheshire Bridge road. Friends are over as usual downstairs playing music with some fish on the outdoor grill. I’m up in my bedroom reminiscing what just happened a few hours ago on the other side of town. A happy smile comes over my face as I grab my Gin and Juice off of my table and run down the stairs to join in the excitement. As I see my girlfriend car pull up and park on the curb line I feel a twitch down below....

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The MassageAtlanta Cheshire Bridge

Anyhow several weeks ago I was in my company car, it was 2001, heading to meet with some field employees in the Cheshire Bridge Rd area. As I drove down the street I noticed a sign that said “Sauna, Stress Relief”. My 7’’ dick immediately twitched, but I couldn’t stop, so I made a mental note to come back. That time is now. As I rounded my car around the driveway into this place back parking area, I knew what could happen inside. I would pay a door fee, go to a private room, get naked and...

2 years ago
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On the Bridge

The day was unbearably hot and now the cool night air feels great as we walk. I missed you so much. It’s late and there’s no one else out, as if the world is ours. On a park bench we kiss deeply and our hands roam over each other. The passion is increasing. I can’t stop gazing at you. Your eyes, the curve of your lips, the way your hair frames it all. The moonlight is just enough. I want to burn this image into my memory After a while we get up and walk. The path slopes towards the trees and...

3 years ago
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The Perverted Bridge Club

Chapter 1: You think you know some people. You and your wife are relaxing at home one Saturday afternoon when two fellows, Matt and Chad from your bridge club stop by unannounced. “Why, Hello there, boys,” says your wife brightly as she invites them in. “To what do we owe this unexpected pleasure of your company?” “Hello, Heidi, Hello Clay,” they say, greeting your wife and you and taking a seat in the livingroom. “We are sort of at loose ends this afternoon, so we thought we would drop by...

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Bridge Of Sighs 2 Francesca

As usual I won't recap Bridge Of Sighs, you will have to read it first.So we got to the last - but - one day of our trip. I had suggested to Richard that we .. or I try to get 'our waitress' in for a threesome. I had seen her with her girlfriend so I knew she was gay or bi. I was reasonably confident she'd fancy me, but of course she might have been you know FAITHFUL! MONOGAMOUS! a GOOD girl!I sure hoped not.I told Richard, rather teasing him, that if he approached her she'd think he was an old...

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