Passionate FamilyChapter 4 free porn video

Laura Moore was the happiest woman in the world as she looked at her son sitting across from her at the breakfast table, sipping at his orange juice. She was glad, in a way, that her new husband had been called away on business, for it gave her a better chance to become acquainted with Billy, and it also gave him a chance to become accustomed to his new life with her.
"Sunny side up?" she asked Billy as she took eggs from a carton.
"That's my favorite way, " Billy replied. He fidgeted nervously with his napkin, feeling apprehensive about facing Lisa when she came down for breakfast. He could hardly believe that he had seen her acting so lustfully last night, and he wondered how he could hide his guilt at having spied, and at having masturbated while imagining he was fucking her. Even now, he felt guilty about the way he could not keep his eyes off his mother's enticing body. She had a pair of tight slacks on and a bright-colored blouse, and when she moved, he could see her buttocks jiggle in a way that caused his cock to jump. He tried to put her out of his mind, but she was there, and she had a beautiful body--as beautiful as Lisa's, he imagined.
He knew he shouldn't have peeped at Lisa last night, and that he shouldn't be watching his mother's body now. And he was becoming very confused as his mind searched for some excuse for his uncontrollable actions, for his ecstasy during masturbation because of his desire for his sister... and his mom!
Laura put his eggs on his plate and sat it before him, running her hand through his sandy hair. "Don't look so serious, Billy, " she said with a little laugh. "If anything isn't right, please let me know. You know this is your home, too, now."
He managed a weak smile. "Nothing is wrong... honest. I guess I didn't sleep too good... it was all so new and different. But I'll settle down real quick."
His mother sat across from him and sipped at a cup of coffee. As he ate, Billy wished that he could find the answer to his problem by simply confiding in his mother, but he'd die before he would expose Lisa's lust and his own shameful spying. How could he face Lisa? Maybe he was as evil as Ma Baylor had said he was. Maybe it had been a mistake, coming home.
"Good morning!" Lisa sang merrily from the doorway. Her face glowed and her brown eyes danced. She walked over and kissed her mother on the cheek, then came around the table and planted a warm kiss on Billy's cheek.
"I'll fix my own eggs, Mom. You chat with Billy. After all, I'm a big sister now... almost grown up."
"Yes, " Laura said wistfully, "both of you are almost grown- ups."
Billy had blushed when Lisa had kissed him, but now he stared at her open-mouthed. Had he really seen her last night, or had it been a dream? Was it really the same person? She looked so sweet and pretty, nothing like the wantonly moaning and writhing girl on the bed last night. She looked as if a lewd thought had never entered her mind.
Billy suddenly felt like running and hiding. He had never been so confused. He was here with his mother and sister, whom he loved and who he knew loved him, but his mind was filled with obscene ideas. He felt a need to be punished for even entertaining such thoughts. Maybe Ma Baylor was right. Maybe he had played with his penis too much, and had gone crazy. Maybe, in his craziness, he had only imagined all those things last night!
Billy was almost asleep. It had been a wonderful day. They had walked in the woods, then Laura had taken them to the zoo in town, and they had eaten lunch at a rustic old inn. Then the three of them had played badminton--something entirely new to Billy, but he had enjoyed it immensely. Dinner had been delicious, and after watching TV for a couple of hours, he was ready for bed. He had taken a slow, relaxing bath, and his mother had called goodnight through the closed door. He'd been afraid she was coming into the bathroom and had covered his penis with a washcloth, but Laura had respected his privacy and told him she knew he must be tired.
Now, he was reliving the day in his mind. He felt secure. His mom and sister had driven all his fears away with their love and thoughtfulness. He was home, where he belonged. He was just dozing off when he heard the now familiar "Oooohhh... Lord... it's so good..." and he sat bolt upright in bed. His heart began to pound, and the sound pierced his soul. He wondered if he were going through some monstrous, nightmarish ordeal that he was destined to endure every night of his life. Thoughts of the night before flashed across his mind--Lisa, naked, using her fingers to drive herself to heights of lewd ecstasy--and he saw the pinpoint of light that came through the small hole in the wall. He should have covered it, he thought, but he had forgotten. His mind had been too filled with the cock-stirring sight on the other side of the wall.
He tried to tell himself that tonight he wouldn't look... it was dirty and it was wrong. His own sister! But even while he was battling himself, he began to climb out of bed. The body in the next room had a fascination that he could not overcome. Time seemed to drag as he walked across his room toward the peephole in the wall. He just had to look at the obscene acts. In his mind and heart, there was no other choice. Billy tried to tell himself that he wouldn't be a part of this, but it didn't work. The magnetism of his sister's naked body was far too much for his immature emotions to cope with. Thoughts of the delicious night before dominated his thinking as he heard the repeated moans and stared at the pinpoint of light coming through the wall. It was just too much for him to battle, and he finally surrendered completely.
He tried to ready himself for what he knew he would see, but when he pressed his face against the wall and peered into his sister's room, he was still shocked at the scene.
Lisa was on the bed again, her legs spread open, as she had been the night before, but now she had a hairbrush in her hands! Billy couldn't believe it. He wondered what she could possibly do with a brush that was exciting, but Lisa was quick to show him. She grasped the brush by the bristles and lowered the thick brown handle to the tight, pink slit between her widespread legs. Her lips moved hungrily--her pink tongue circling them, and her other hand went to her pussy, opening it wide with her fingers so that she could run the smooth rosewood handle up and down along her flowering pussy flesh. Billy could see the handle as it pressed first against her swollen clitoris, and her gasps made his cock begin to jerk with desire. Lisa strained her thigh muscles as she spread her legs even wider to get more feeling from the sleek, caressing brush-handle, and as it contacted her passion-flushed love-bud, she moaned aloud.
"Oh, oh... oh..." she cried, pulling the brush handle back and forth along her glistening pussy, the motion increasing in rapidity as the heat in her loins increased. Billy could see perfectly the soft little hair-lined opening of her cunt as the blunt tip of the brush moved up and down over it, moving easily in the wetness of his sister's cuntal flesh like a hard brown cock.
Billy was surprised to hear himself groaning, and he felt hot all over. Lisa was too much--far too much! Yet, he watched as she began to writhe in naked joy, bucking her body upward to meet the pistoning brush handle, her inner passion showing in the hot flush of her cheeks and breasts. "Oh, God... I can't stand it!" She groaned as the knobby head of the brush handle sank suddenly deep into her tight vaginal passage.
Almost without realizing he was doing it, Billy began to stroke his hand along his already hardened cock, and so hot had he become that he soon started jerking it madly, unable to wait long for that wonderful thrill of release that would come with ejaculation. His eyes glazed with teenage lust and his breath came in gasps as his eyes riveted on the lewd view of his sister's luscious pussy being violated so brutally by the brush handle. In seconds, he felt the sperm shoot from his bloated cock-head, and he sank to his knees with a groan of lusty fulfillment, his whole body given over to the overpowering sensation of orgasm.
After that, watching his sister masturbate became a nightly ritual for the young boy. And each night, Lisa seemed to become more and more aroused and more violent in her writhings as she masturbated herself, sometimes with the hair-brush handle, sometimes with her fingers. She thrashed wildly about, exposing her lust-maddened pussy to her spying brother. And each time, she prolonged her session, and Billy rapidly learned to masturbate to climax as many as three times nightly. Sometimes, after he had finished and had gotten into bed, he could hear her moaning in pleasure, long into the night.
But during the day, not a sign of the obscene nighttime acts ever showed. The routine had become almost automatic for Billy. He would take his bath, kiss his mother goodnight, then lie in bed, waiting for the sounds from Lisa's room to begin. Then he would crawl to the wall and press his eye to the small peephole, getting there quick enough sometimes to watch her undress and spread her body on the bed, where she began to lewdly tease and caress her breasts and then her cunt. The firm white moons of her buttocks bounced provocatively as she reared and bucked, while her fingers plunged deep into her hot moist pussy. Billy began to live for the nights, when his secret world became a living dream of pleasant, fulfilling lust.
Then one night, he didn't hear the usual sounds from Lisa's room, and he wondered what had happened. Had she tired of the sex game? He felt a vague disappointment, but just as he was falling asleep, feeling somewhat guilty at his own disappointment, he heard the sound of shuffling feet and hoarse whispers, and it was coming from Lisa's room! He sped to the wall and applied his eye to the hole. Bright moonlight lit Lisa's room from the window, making the figures and shapes inside it appear as shadows.
He peered closely, trying to identify the silhouettes. It seemed to be Lisa and a man. But how had a man managed to get into her room? Had he come in through the window? He watched the shadows as they stood close together near her bed, and the whispers became more discernible.
"You're so young and exciting, " the man was saying in a husky tone. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her lips. Then his hands roved her lovely, little-girl body in all its enticing nakedness. Eagerly he massaged her pert breasts and rubbed her curved buttocks, and Billy heard his husky whisper: "You are so lovely... so beautiful and sweet..." Billy heard her expel her breath in a long sigh, and he thought he saw her body shiver. Then the man took her hand and put it on his huge, erect penis. Lisa held it for a moment, then began to stroke her hand up and down its rigid length.

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