Just Another Day in the Fall
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Brooke was a fiery redhead, with bright green eyes and a light dusting of freckles across her upper chest. Unlike Gail, she actually took me to her bedroom before pushing me back onto her bed and undressing me. She obviously had more experience than Gail, as she climbed on top of me and sank all the way down my cock in a slow motion. She was able to get all the way without too much discomfort, but when I reached up to caress her tits, she grabbed my wrists and prevented me.
"Those aren't for you, Jimmy... Christ..." Her lower lip crept up to be captured by her teeth as she shuddered through a hard climax. She fell forward in the throes of it, still holding my wrists. The action pinned me under her on the bed, and I just held off as long as I could as she rode me through two more cross-eyed orgasms. Finally I told her I was about to cum, and she just pushed harder and faster against me until I groaned and came inside of her. She climbed off pretty quick, on kinda shaky legs, and handed me a towel that had been waiting on the nightstand. She thanked me, asked if I could find the door, then locked herself in the bathroom. I couldn't help but notice that she grabbed her cell phone before the door closed. As I got dressed, I could hear her on the phone, relating the whole story to whoever was on the other end.
I wasn't surprised, the next Friday, to get a call out of the blue.
"Hello? Is this Jimmy?"
"Uh,... yeah. Who's this?"
"My name's Cora, Jimmy. You got anything going on tonight?"
Cora lived in the extremely nice part of town, and it took me a while to find the place. When I did, though, I wasn't disappointed. Cora was dark-skinned, with long black hair and shimmery brown eyes. Her figure looked absolutely incredible, but she never let me see her naked body. She took me into the garage, which was larger than some homes I had been in, and laid me down on an air mattress which had obviously been put there for just such a purpose. She undid and pulled down my pants, jerking my dick a few times before grabbing a purple tube and popping it open. With a glance and a warning not to talk, she squirted some cold clear goo onto my dick, making me gasp. She ran the lube all over me, then grabbed a hand towel and dried off her hand. She stood up and lifted her miniskirt, but before I could see much of anything, she squatted down over me, with her back to me, and started working my lubed cock into her. Even with the lube, it was rough going, and I could have sworn I heard tears once or twice, but she kept it up until I whimpered that I was going to come. At that, she stood up quickly, and I spurted all over my shirt.
As I swore, and tried to get the shirt off, Cora gathered up all the supplies and threw them into a toolbox in the corner of the garage. She waited as I got my pants on, not saying a word, then guided me to the door without making a sound. I was used to the process by now, and didn't bother trying to initiate conversation, just made my way to my car and pulled a spare t-shirt out of my trunk before driving off.
On Monday I finally broke down and told my buddy Mike all about it. He listened, wide-eyed, as I spilled my guts.
"Whoah... fuck, dude, are you serious?"
"Hell yeah I'm serious. I guess I'm gonna get another call this Friday. I heard Cora talking on the phone before she let me in. Amy or something this time around."
"That's fuckin crazy, man! I can't believe you didn't tell me this shit before!"
I leaned my head back against the headrest, staring at the car's ceiling.
"They said if I told, then that'd be the end of it."
"Shit, man, I get that, but then why the fuck are you telling me now? I mean, I won't tell nobody, but aren't you worried about them cutting you off or something?"
"To tell the truth, man, I'm getting to where I don't really care any more. The chicks are all drop-dead gorgeous, but it's almost like jerking off. None of them want me to muss their fucking makeup, or to bother them once they're done, and it's just turned into this fucking game of one-upsmanship with them."
"Fuck, man... you know most guys would fucking kill for that, right?"
"I know, man... and I woulda, too, but now, I dunno if it's worth it."
"... Hi. Ummm... is this Jimmy?"
"Yeah, that's me. Is this Amy?"
"What? I mean... yes... I'm Amy."
"Amy, look. I'm not so sure I want to do this tonight. I'm just not feeling all that up to it."
"You're not?"
Her voice became urgent, a taste of fear creeping into her tone.
"Oh, but... but please? I mean... Gail said that you were... that you wanted to?"
"She did? Listen, Amy... I'm really tired of the way things have been going. I'm just... I don't think tonight is a good idea."
"Jimmy... Jimmy, please. I need... I... I really wish you'd let me... you know."
"Amy, what's the big deal? I'm done playing blow up doll for you and your circle of friends, OK?"
There was a pause, but I could hear her breathing. Finally, she took a deep breath.
"They're... they're not my friends... not really."
"Amy... Look, I'm gonna go, OK? I'm done, I think. Tell the rest of them thanks, but I'm finished, OK?"
"Jimmy... please?"
Something in her voice made me stop. I didn't know what it was, but I couldn't hang up on her. I heaved a loud sigh, and rolled my eyes.
"Fine, Amy. Whatever. Where do you live?"
"Uh... can I come to your place? My... parents are home, and..."
"My place?"
I looked around my filthy room, dirty laundry piled in various stacks. The bed which hadn't been made since the sheets had been washed a month ago.
"Uh... Sure... my parents are out for the night playing Pinochle with some friends. Lucky us. Look... could you give me an hour or so before you get here?"
I was almost sweating when I got done with my whirlwind cleaning, and as soon as I sat down to cool off a bit, the doorbell rang. I glanced at the clock to confirm that it had, indeed, been an hour almost on the dot. I stood back up and made my way to the door, opening it with a flourish, which I meant to be sarcastic. When I finished, the top of my head was facing the doorway and my eyes were cast down at my knees.
"Thank you, Good Sir," came a voice. My eyes flew open and I couldn't help but glance up at Amy. Her voice was nothing like it had been over the phone, when it had been hushed and whispering. This voice was like warm honey. It was so soft and rich, with a sweet husky ripple to it. Those four words had made my spine shiver, and I wanted to see the face that went with the voice.
Her face wasn't as beautiful as her voice, but it was close. Amy was cut from a different cloth than Gail and the others. Her features were small, like most of her frame, and she had an almost pixie-like face. Her black hair was worn short, but was styled in a windblown fashion. She wore almost no makeup, which made her large eyes all the more impressive. Her lips were in a slight smirk, as she was holding a somewhat regal pose, her chin thrown back just a touch, and her nose tilted upwards. My gaze wandered down the rest of her, almost with a will of its own. Her breasts were large, but somewhat hidden by the sweater she was wearing. It wasn't bulky, or thick, but hid just enough of her form to keep one guessing. Her waist likewise appeared to be fairly slender, and her hips didn't flare much at all. Overall, she was extremely cute, with a decent chance of being hot. I smiled a little bit at this. I'd know soon enough, I figured.
"Wha'ss the smile for?" She asked, some confusion creeping onto her face.
"You surprised me... I wasn't expecting someone with a sense of humor. Are you sure you found the right house?"
She laughed at this, but it was a little too forced and a little too loud. I raised one eyebrow at her reaction, and she slapped a hand to her mouth, but struggled to control another few giggles. When she was somewhat under control, she leaned in to me, beckoning me close with a finger. When I was within range, she glanced left and right with a conspiratorial air, then whispered.
"I'm... a little drunk."
With that, she erupted into a huge belly laugh, holding her sides as the tears started to roll. I stood there, not sure what to say to this proclamation, until she came to a screeching halt with a mighty hiccup. Another followed, then another, and she was trying to laugh in between them. I sighed and grabbed her elbow, leading her into the house and closing the door behind her.
"Come on, Amy." I said, heading for the kitchen.
"What? We gonna fuck now?"
This set off another laugh, but it lasted only a second before another loud hiccup stopped it. For this I was glad.
"No, Amy. We're not gonna do anything but get you some water and laid down."
"Huh? Nuh uh... we gotta fuck, Jimmy." She punctuated this statement with a particularly hard hiccup.
"Not in your condition we don't. What the hell were you thinking, getting so drunk anyway? You didn't drive, did you?"
"Ta... Taxi." She said. Her demeanor was switching rapidly, and she seemed to winding down in an awful hurry. On a hunch, I switched our direction and aimed her for the couch. She almost made it, collapsing onto her stomach about a foot shy of the couch.
"Amy? Amy, are you OK?"
I got no response of any kind, so I reached down and shook her shoulder. Still nothing. I stood up and took a deep breath.
"I... I think I'm gonna be sick..."
"Probably. That's what the bowl's there for. Just empty out your stomach and you'll feel better."
One of her eyes cracked open at my words, and she stared at me, confused. I waited, and watched as the realization swept across her face. She sat up, far too quickly, and immediately started to heave. I had placed the bowl in the right place, though, and nothing got ruined. Except maybe her dignity.
When she was finished she fell back against the couch with a flop. She threw one arm across her eyes and curled her legs up against her stomach in a little ball. I took the bowl in the kitchen and rinsed it out, then grabbed a Gatorade out of the fridge and brought the drink and the bowl back out with me. She saw me coming and looked away, shaking her head slightly.
"It'll help, trust me. Keep you from getting sicker." I left out the part about giving it some color, in any case.
With a little reluctance she took the drink and started to sip it. I helped her to sit forward, and told her to drink as slow as she could. I sat back onto my heels and just watched her. She watched me, too, but neither of us said a word.
About halfway through the Gatorade, she started to tear up.
"I'm so sorry!" Her words came at the front of a huge sob, and she jammed her fist against her mouth as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She looked so distraught that I couldn't resist reaching out and wiping one of the tears away. Her eyes widened and looked right into mine. I could see the fear there and backed away.
"Amy... you got nothing to be sorry about. My parents aren't going to be home for a long time, and nothing got ruined. How are you feeling?"
She sniffled a bit, then just nodded her head. Her eyes reminded me of a caged rabbit.
I sighed, and then stood up. Her head jerked up to watch me, then followed me as I moved across the room and sat down in the recliner. I could see her tension ease the more distance I put between us, and when I sat down, she sighed a little and took her hand away from her mouth. She even managed to get out a timid smile.
"You... probably think I'm pretty pathetic, huh?"
I just shook my head, hoping she would keep talking. She looked around, taking in the room while avoiding my eyes, and then finally uncurled and put her elbows on her knees, leaning forward with her gaze on the floor.
"Jesus..." she whispered.
"Amy? Can you tell me what's going on here? Are you OK?"
She glanced up at me, without raising her head, then looked back down and talked to the floor.
"Yeah... I guess. I'm really sorry, Jimmy. Gail made it sound so... easy. And her and the other girls were all talking about it, saying how great it was. I told them..."
She broke off for a moment, but quickly got herself under control.
"God, I can't believe I'm gonna tell you this... but you deserve to know, I guess. Maybe it explains stuff. Maybe it doesn't... I'm a virgin, Jimmy."
I couldn't help but smile at this, and she was looking at me as I did. The tears started to leak out of her eyes, and I hurried to explain myself.
"No, Amy. No. I'm smiling cause I am, too."
Amy just scowled at that, and I realized what I had just said.
"I mean... I was. Before Gail. And... the others. But that's..."
"... yeah. It is. That's just... sex. It feels good and all, but it's like... those girls don't even want me to touch them and stuff. They're just using me for bragging rights or whatever."
Amy was watching me intently, and had even raised her head as I spoke. When I finished, she gave me a long look, then let out a half-hearted chuckle.
"I guess that does sound like them... They gave me the most godforsaken time about being a virgin. Always teasing, always making comments about it. Finally one day Gail came to me and asked if I was interested in hooking up with someone. I was so embarrassed, but she said that she knew a guy who'd be willing, so I went along with it. When I found out she was talking about you, though, the guy they'd all been talking about, I tried to back out of it."
"Back out? Why?"
Amy dropped her eyes, but kept her face up, and I watched as a blush crept across her neck and cheeks.
"Cause you're... uh... big? Or something?"
"Oh." I could feel my own blush spreading.
"Anyway, she said that if I backed out now that she'd make sure the whole school knew about the whole thing. How I was still a virgin, and that I was too scared to go out with a guy she set me up with. She told me how she'd make sure that I didn't make the cheerleading squad next season, and how she'd make sure my life was a living hell in every way she could."
"Why would she do that?"
"Because... because she thinks it'd be funny."
"She what? What do you mean, funny?"
Amy closed her eyes, taking a breath to steady herself.
"I overheard her the other day. I was right around the corner, but she couldn't see me. I heard her talking with a friend of hers or something. She was saying how it would be hilarious for my first time to be with someone who was huge. She said she couldn't wait to see how I was walking come Monday, with it being my first time, and with me being smaller..."
"Wow..." I couldn't think of anything more profound to say at that moment. I had known that Gail was a bitch, but... that was just crazy.
"Yeah. I was so scared, but I knew I had to do it. Finally, I decided to just hit my father's liquor cabinet before I left, so maybe I wouldn't remember it or something. Maybe it would make it not hurt so much."
"Amy, I'm sorry. Gail's such a bitch. Well, fuck her. We'll just tell her that we did it, and that'll be the end of it."
Amy looked me right in the eye, her gaze clear for the first time. After a moment, a tear formed in her right eye and drifted down her cheek.
"You... you don't want to?"
The question hit me like a train, sending me reeling.
"Just because Gail set it up, and bullied me, and I'm scared... doesn't mean I'm not curious..."
That's all it took. The blood roared from the rest of the body into my swelling prick.
"I... uh... I mean, you... want to, still? Are you feeling OK for that?"
She crinkled her face a bit at that.
"I'm fine, Jimmy. I... didn't have much. I'm pretty much of a lightweight. But if... if you don't mind... maybe we could... ?
"Mind? Amy, it would be my pleasure."
With that, I leapt up and threw myself into the same formal bow that I had used at the door. I extended one hand to her and she placed her hand in mine. I pulled her to her feet, and embraced her. My arms went around her waist, and her wrists locked behind my neck. We stood there for a moment, looking at each other, unsure of what to do next. At the same time, we both let out a little chuckle, then I leaned in closer and brushed her lips with mine. She responded by turning her head slightly and leaning into the kiss. Our lips pushed together and her mouth parted. I responded in kind, hoping I wouldn't mess it up. This was something that none of the 'others' had bothered with, and I hadn't had much of an opportunity for kissing before then. Those thoughts flitted through my brain, but didn't linger. It just seemed so natural, kissing her that way. When her tongue fluttered up against my lips, I met it with mine, and she let out a little moan. I took that as a good sign, and I parted my hands on her back, sending one up to her shoulder blades, and the other down towards her bottom.
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Thank you to all the readers who have left such encouraging feedback! I welcome any feedback, so even if you mark me low, please let me know why. Ta very much, and hope you like this next chapter. ******************** As the sun rose over the tree covered bay, Ragnar descended into the bowels of the long boat to awaken Bruni. Seeing the hammock empty of his friend’s slumbering form, Ragnar entered the private chamber quietly, checking on Kate first. His lush female was completely stretched...
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I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here. co-workersChelsea tries to resist the charms of Jeremy,her jackass co-worker. I had to shake my head as Jeremy Pax came into the teachers’ lounge. I was under the impression that the new person always has to earn their place — you know, serve their time before they were accepted among the supremely ignorant with degrees, or at least that’s how I think of the staff at the elementary school I work for. It...
“Oh me too. Cindy, I wonder if the Reverend’s father is still living and single?”She rolled her eyes; “Here we go again, my mother the match maker.” Cindy took pride in her appearance. Her five, foot-five 40D, 34, 44 stats would make any man drool. Her greatest features are her long red hair, button nose, ruby-red lips, and captivating emerald-green eyes. She also has a voracious appetite for sex. Her actions often caused a lot of friction between her and her mother, a religious fanatic who...
Straight SexHi this is Sanjay again. This in not true story but getting from chats with woman friend of mine. Rohit had gone to Delhi and I was bored sitting alone. Just then mobile rang. “Hello Amit. You are very busy these days. You not called or come home for more than a week.” “Sorry Sunita, I was busy. It is election time for local bodies. Listen I arranged for meeting with Kishore for the contract. The contract is Rohit’s if you want it.” “Of course, we want it Amit. This is first big contract for...
I was in shock when I first saw him he was SO hot! He was 6'1 dark dark brown hair almost black, nice build not to strong or to lean, and his face was like a face of an angel. I jumped up on him in like a hug and he wrapped his arms around me tightly pushing me hard against his body. We started making out hard, deep and passionately right on the front step in front of my house. His lips were so soft and our bodies felt so good pressed hard together. My pussy started getting really wet fast and...
First TimeTaking you by the hand as we leave the bar, rushing out through the door and into the parking lot. Leading you behind the building as you skip a few steps behind me. Turning the corner and finding a darkened area, very little traffic and prying eyes I turn you around and kiss your lips deeply and passionately. My hands slide down your back underneath your skirt. Sliding over your ass, squeezing firmly and teasing your skin as our tongues dance with one another. Feeling my finger slide between...
I had been looking for company on my favorite adult web site and things had been very dry with covid-19 darkening our doorsteps. Everywhere you looked the signs of the times were saying, “Stay home, be safe, wear a mask and stay six feet apart”, Abstinence seemed to be the only answer. Still there comes a time in a man’s life, when his own hand and assorted toys no longer are found appealing. It’s a time when blue balls out trump precautions, sexual urges out-weigh social distancing and a man...
“Message from the United Kingdom. The Queen has personally ordered them to capitulate. It was an order-in-council, that is, taken with the approval of the Privy Council. The Prime Minister has formally tendered his resignation, but is prepared to remain as a caretaker until you arrive in London or send an emissary to pass your instructions along to them. Parliament has been dissolved, along with the Scottish Assembly, and the First Minister has resigned as well,” Victoria told me...
Blaster collected some horses for us in the morning and we rode off, before most of the shops had opened. Business was bad, fewer customers, less money. Fewer citizens, fewer monthly taxes being paid, fewer constables, more crime... it was a vicious cycle. The 'taint' effected just about everything. The merchants had my sympathy, but I lost a wife... top that. With barely a break for lunch, we took every King's Gate we could. Magically eating the leagues that would have taken days of...
Chapter 5 Rod plainly didn't believe me, but my challenge was too weird not to call what had to be a bluff. Would a young teen who had just been molested by his mother act as if he had been the villain? Well, maybe, but that would be getting ahead of my story. Rodney probably figured he could secure me at Wendy's for a couple hours while he confronted mom. My brother preened briefly at Wendy's front door. He knocked, and after several seconds delay, Wendy's father appeared. The...
Cassie could tell by the look on her supervisor's face - and the folded piece of paper held ever-so-carefully in his hand - that she was not going to like what he was about to say. "Cass, gather your things. We need to talk." She stared at him for a moment, not comprehending. "Gather my things? Josh, what do you-" "I need you to pack up your things and come with me." Slowly she gathered up what few personal possessions she had in her office - a few pictures, her business cards - and stepped...
BDSM"Something special" turned out to be an adult novelty shop. I was amused at first but when the saleswoman behind the counter appeared to know Jennifer I became a little worried."Hey Jennifer, I haven't seen you in a few weeks. How have you been girl?" the saleswoman said, giving Jennifer a friendly hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. The woman was tall, taller than me at least. She looked very fit. It was obvious she worked out from the toned arms and legs she was showing. She was wearing a...
My birthday fell on a Wednesday, a school night, and my aunt (who I lived with) had made sure that I would be spending it in bed. To be honest, I didn't really mind all that much, I wasn't much into the whole club idea anyways. So, on my eighteenth birthday, I laid down on my bed and drifted slowly off to sleep. Suddenly I woke up, I had no idea what had woken me, I was just awake. In fact, I was so tired that it took me a minute to even realize that I was no longer in my bedroom, in fact I...
One of the problems of the Pacific: It's a long fucking way from here to there ... no matter where here is, there is waaaay over there. That single problem gives way to the second problem: Where do you find enough fresh food to keep the crew healthy? In the case of the Galapagos, one goes to Saint Christopher. For the crew of the Pretty Penny, Saint Christopher presented a no brainer. They were, after all, the Nevis and St. Christopher Navy. To sail to Saint Christopher, the Intertropical...
On the third day of Hrive ‘Isia The sound of laughter, gaiety, and joy greeted Gilraen as she made her way through the village. Her thoughts were her own. She wove her way around couples, and families, as well as various merchants who tried to catch her eye. Gilraen had no reason to speak with any of them, her goal was not to strengthen friendships, or empty her father’s coffers. She sought knowledge, knowledge that only one woman in the village could give her — for a price. The weight of...
Hey guys, it’s been a while. Let’s get to the next part! Narrated by David. I woke up with a smile. I was still exhausted from last night’s adventure. The night came rushing back to my mind and straight to my dick, which was now rising high. I could still feel my body feeling tired. The clock chimed 11 o’clock. “Damn, it’s already late,” I thought. “Everyone must be already awake.” I got up and quickly did my morning chores, and headed straight to the kitchen. The noises coming...
IncestIt was early that morning when I realized I had left my books at Tiffany’s house over night. Tiffany just happened to be a friend I was tutoring. We were close friends, and I knew it was the only way we would be able to hang out. She was an incredible cute blonde, who flirted with boys more than studied. I left my house earlier than usual to pick up my books before school started. I finally arrived at Tiffany’s house. She noticed I had left them last night, and directed me to her room while she...
EroticThe port bustled with activity. Merchants argued with tax collectors. Venders haggled with customers. Slaves were busy loading and unloading goods into the ships. The merchant ships, filled primarily with goods from China and Persia, were heading west to Athens or south to Alexandria in Egypt. Only a few would likely have room for passengers. First she would have to locate the Port Master to find out which ships where heading towards Athens. She strutted along the port towards the Port...
It was one of those short but deep naps that seemed to erase what had been going on for the past hour. She was aware she was in bed spooned into a warm body. But it took the mussed red hair in front of her eyes to jog her back to an awareness that she was in bed with Sioban. Smiling she thought, There’s such spontaneity in young people. Raising her head, she looked at the clock. OMIGOSH it’s 6:13! Stirring the body pressed into hers she said, “Wake up Sioban.” The redhead stirred, said,...
Your cart has one wonky wheel and it's getting more annoying as you push on. You are about to say screw it and go to checkout when you see me. I am standing with my back to you and as your gaze travels down the small of my back, over my firm ass barely covered in tight cut-off jeans shorts and then down my tanned hard legs the word "Damn" escapes your mouth. I turn around just as I bring two plump fuzzy peaches to my nose and deeply inhale. Our eyes meet and you stop in your tracks. My big...
The Parents Lawrence (Larry) Childers, author of children’s books aka L.C. Compton Alyssa Childers, ex-wife, mother of Stacy Bud Wilson, owner of second-hand store/traveling picker Sara Wilson, redhead, mother of Belle and Casey; Brazilian heritage Chuck Arnovsky, weather computer geek/hacker for hire Joanie Arnovsky, also brilliant computer mind Dr. Mitchell (Mitch) Harris, general practitioner/emergency room physician Arianna Harris, mother of Angel, formerly very conservative and...
It had been about 2 weeks since I caught Hannah trying to cheat her way through school and had my way with her. She had pretty much ignored me since. Which worked for me since the less she was around, the less mess there was around the house! I did catch her checking me out here and there when she was around. Normally I sleep in the nude so in the mornings, I just throw on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt and I had caught her more than once surreptitiously checking out my bulge. Damn those...
For all indian sex stories dot net readers, I hope you have all read the first part of the story and here is the continuation of it. Here I will tell how we met first, my reader and her husband. And I am really sorry for the delay in Naughty Story Season 1 Episode 2. It has to wait for some time as I have to just take a break from that sex story because something else happened in my life. I am captainyours 24 years old from Kerala and feel free to throw feedbacks to So, I don’t think I...
Lana was late getting home and her cell phone was going to voicemail. I had received a call from Steven's Kindergarten, asking me who was coming to get him, as Lana had not showed at the school at her normal time; and it was now over half an hour after Steven was scheduled for his usual afternoon pick-up. I retrieved Steven, which required my leaving the office a bit early, and we were both finishing a makeshift supper of hot dogs, potato chips, and sliced apples. I had tried for about the...
MilfLongue! Do you find yourself constantly jizzing in your pants when you see an older woman? What about a MILF with those luscious goddamn tits? If that is the fucking case, then I invite you to check out a tube site specifically designed with horny fuckers like you in mind.It’s called MILF Longue! Here, you will find all kinds of MILF-centric videos featuring the older women that get you off. A niche site that every MILF fan needs to check out when they are ready to bust a nut, it may just...
Mature Porn SitesSeeing What I Could See Pt. 5 Another fantasy of a high-school aged boy and his middle-aged bbw Aunt "A" in the mid 1960's. Upon visiting with this lady in her final years, these stories just may had been possible. It was winter time and I was on Christmas break from school. It was brought up at Christmas dinner that I go to my Aunt and Uncle's home to do some final yard clean-up the next day after lunch. The thought of yard work was...
I’m twenty years old and have enjoyed many times the company of a female as well as fun with a few of the guys whom I have known since school days.Let’s go back to the time I was about eight years old. It was when I was jerking off my cock in the storage room in our home. Guess the room was to have been a bedroom but our parents never finished it and it became the back room where we kept everything from camping gear, Christmas ornaments, clothes, to a bed which was my play bench. When I wished...
Her First Affair IVirishmik60 We'd now been having this affair for three weeks. We'd yet gone to dinner, dancing, anything but meeting and fucking. We'd just left Marty's house in separate cars, then parked hers and drove on. Thinking I was on the way to some other place to fuck right away Marty was surprised when I pulled into the restaurant parking lot. Since it was but mid day, I figured we still could do with something to eat, besides each other. After about 90 minutes and a tasty lunch,...
Wife Lovers