Fantastic Breasts and Where to Find Them
- 2 years ago
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The next day, Sally and I walked out of the house toward the driveway. I was driving to the store for enough ice cream for the whole family, and Sally was going along to make sure that I got some of her favorite flavor: spumoni.
We had taken only a few steps off the veranda when a car came whizzing down the street. The passenger window was open and I spotted a gun barrel poking out. This may have been a drive-by shooting and it may have been something else, but I was terrified that Sally would be shot! I dove at her and knocked her to the ground just as a double load of shotgun pellets smashed into me. The car kept on going, and I never had a chance to get a good look at the license plate.
My body caught all of the shot headed our way, and Sally was not injured. I wasn't either, but my shirt was ruined from all of the holes punched in it by the buckshot. My ring's protection extended to buckshot, apparently, because I was not even bruised by the pellets that hit me. A few hung in my shirt and there were more on the ground around me. I had been shot with #00 buckshot by somebody who knew what he was doing. Without my ring, I would be dead, or, at least, in the hospital for a very long time.
Sally was practically a basket case of tears and nervous shakes. I had to carry her inside. The whole family traipsed up to the bedroom behind me where I lay Sally on the bed. The damage to my shirt was obvious, and there was no way I was going to wiggle out of telling the truth about what happened.
Dad opened the show by saying, "I have known for some time that you have had an especially active guardian angel, but this looks to be more than that. Come on and give us an explanation, and don't try to fast talk your way out of a complete story."
"Okay, Dad, you are right. I have a very personal and active guardian, but it is no angel. Take a look at that ring that I found nearly two years ago and still wear. In fact, I could not get it off my finger if I wanted to. For practical purposes, that ring has become a part of me!
"I have no idea how it works, so I just tell myself that it is magic, and I don't worry any further about it. The ring is dedicated to serving me, and it works in a multitude of ways. One thing it does, and y'all have just seen an example, is that it makes my skin impervious to injury. So far, every attempt to penetrate my skin has ended in failure. Those fights where I was attacked by wooden bats were stopped by my skin acting as body armor. Knives can't cut me, and neither can buckshot.
"I have no idea what regular bullets would do, and I am not going to experiment to find out. I certainly don't intend to shoot myself with various guns just to see what the bullets can do to me. As far as I am concerned, I will dodge when I can and take my chances otherwise.
"Another thing that the ring has done for me it to make my sex life a Hell of a lot more interesting, both for me and for my partners. If you wish, I will give you the specific details, but I think that my girls would be embarrassed if I did. Therefore, I will stop there with that comment unless you insist.
"The other significant thing that the ring has done for me it to increase my brain power. I can now read a 500-page book in less than two hours and remember virtually everything that I read. An interesting result of that is that I can split my attention among several topics at the same time. For example, I can sit in the classroom and listen to the teacher drone on and keep up with the lecture. Also, I can read a book on an entirely different subject, and I can think about other things, all at the same time. I have kept my secret in school, but I may be eventually found out.
"That's a synopsis of my abilities to date, but I have just recently thought about working on ESP and some other things. Okay, does anybody have any questions?"
There was a complete silence as I asked that. I had not expected any questions at that time, but I was pretty sure that some would come along when they had a chance to think about the ramifications of what I had said. And, yes, I had deliberately not mentioned the effects of my aura because I did not want them to think that I was trying to influence them any more than any teen tries to control his parents.
"Oh, by the way, please don't mention this to anybody. I don't want to be treated as a freak, even if I am one."
Dad asked, "Can your ring do any of that for the rest of us?"
"No, I'm afraid not. The effect is limited to the person wearing the ring. I wish that I could enhance all of you, but there seems to be no way that can happen. Maybe, if I can get ESP and other paranormal powers to work, then I can enhance you, but don't count on it."
"Okay, Son, we'll just muddle through our lives as ordinary folks. But, if you ever get that far, please keep me in mind for enhancement."
"Right, Dad. You will be one of the first ones on my list, and so will the rest of y'all."
Dad started to turn away, and I said, "Dad, can I talk to you for a few minutes? Something is bothering me, and you may be able to help."
"Sure, come on to my office. We can be comfortable there, and you can feel free to talk about anything you wish.
"Dad, I don't think that was just a random drive-by shooting. For one thing, it was just too professional. I am having trouble figuring out who is trying to kill me. Do you have any ideas?"
"Well, assuming that it was a professional job, who do you have as an enemy who is rich enough to afford it. Frankly, I can't think of a single person whom I can call a name for. As far as I know, your only rich enemies are the Old Guard on the City Council and a few of their cronies. The problem is, I can't figure out why they would want you dead, unless it is to stop you from pushing your way onto the Ways and Means Committee.
"If that is the reason behind trying to kill you, or, at least, scaring you off, the next question has to be what they are trying to hide at those committee meetings. The only way we are going to find that out, probably, is to keep pushing until you win your case."
"You must be right, but I don't know of anything else that they would want to keep secret. If they were taking big bribes from somebody, then they would want to keep that quiet, but why would anyone be foolish enough to try to bribe the low grade politicians who live in Dothan?"
"Bill, I have no answer to that question. I think that you are going to have to be the one to answer it. You are in a good position to hear what is going on in the various committees, and you have some contacts, Rachel Anderson for example, who can help you. I suggest that you confide in Rachel and see what she can dig up. She might know something without realizing it."
"Thanks, Dad. That is a great idea. I knew that you would be able to help me out."
This was the weekend, but I had Rachel's cellphone number, so I decided to call her before something made me forget. It rang for the maximum number of times before I got switched to the answering device. "Rachel, this is Bill Watkins. Something serious has just happened. Somebody has tried to murder me and make it look like a drive-by shooting. No, I did not call the cops. I tell you why when we can talk privately. Please call me back at either my home or my cellphone number. I'm waiting for you."
I heard back from Rachel in less than 10 minutes. She didn't say anything to explain it, but I could tell that she was breathing hard. I assumed that she and her husband had been doing some family exercise. That was none of my business, so I didn't mention it. I described the shooting and said, "Dad suggested that I discuss the matter with you. When are you available?"
"Bill, I'll be by to pick you up in about 40 minutes. We can go to our favorite coffee shop, unless you have a better idea."
"No, that's fine. I'll see you then. Goodbye."
Rachel was true to her word, and she picked me up in front of my house. This time, I looked carefully before I went outside. I didn't want any more shooting in my neighborhood. She drove to the coffee house and we requested one of the small meeting rooms. We were both well known there, so there was no problem with the management letting us do what we wanted.
As soon as we sat down, Rachel wanted to know the details about the shooting. I told her everything I knew, including a description of the car. One of the side effects of my mind expansion is that I have a perfect memory and never forget anything. While I was waiting for Rachel to pick me up, I ran the shooting through my brain and now had a detailed description of the car and even the license plate number. Fortunately, Alabama still keys the license plates to the issuing county, so I saw that the car was registered in Houston County, this one. That would make it much easier for her to trace.
Rachel could do that without raising too much suspicion, and I was glad to give that part of the investigation to her. Meanwhile, I now knew exactly what the shooter looked like, and I had a pretty good idea of the driver's face, though it had been in too much shadow for any detail to show up. Both were White, but that was no surprise.
The real question was why somebody would be after me. The only thing that we could come up with was that it was somehow related to the City Council lawsuit. I could not come up with a logical reason for that to be true, but we quickly eliminated all of the other possibilities, and that one was left. Sherlock Holmes would have been proud of us!
At that point, we were out of ideas and started brainstorming. Rachel suggested that the root of the problem might be that I was moving in on somebody else's territory. Just as some animals are very territorial, so are many politicians. Maybe somebody was pissed off at me for moving in on his political territory, and he was making an irrational try to push me away.
That could certainly describe some of the Old Guard. They would not take lightly to the threat that a high school whippersnapper was going to muscle in on them. The very irrationality of their reaction certainly pointed in that direction.
Okay, suppose that was the root cause of the antagonism toward me. Granting that did not explain where the muscle was coming from. We wildly speculated further, and I came up with the idea that one or more of the Old Guard was involved in an illegal gang-style operation, and he was calling on some of the men from that group to lean on me.
Both of us agreed that I had come up with a pretty wild speculation, but it did explain all of the facts that we had at our disposal. Moonshining (producing and selling illegal liquor) was still the major drug activity in this part of the South. Some people drank moonshine because they liked it, and some people drank moonshine because it was a way to stick a finger in The Man's eye. In any case, it was a big business in Houston County, and no amount of effort had been able to stop it for very long.
Houston County borders on the Chattahoochee River, and the swamps over there were the ideal place to brew moonshine. Legitimate businesses also operated in the area, so heavy truck and automobile traffic were fairly common on those back roads. Thus it was easy to haul raw materials in and finished product out without tipping off the Feds (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms). It was easy to conceive of one or more of the Old Guard having a hand it such an operation. As I thought about it, I could see that some of the politicians did seem to spend more money than their legitimate businesses justified.
Okay, we now had a working hypothesis, but what were we going to do with it? I announced to Rachel that I had suddenly become very interested in taking a look at those swamps to see what I could find. Rachel reacted with horror! She rightly pointed out that I was considering doing something very dangerous, bordering on the suicidal. I assured her that I would be okay, but she was too concerned for me to be willing to work with me on this.
I had now reached the point where I had to trust Rachel with part of my secret. "Rachel, did you ever wonder how I was able to survive those attacks in school and the one today? Well, let me demonstrate." I took my pocked knife from my pocket and opened it. Rachel did not pay much attention until I suddenly lay my left hand on the table and stabbed at the palm with the knife.
She was horrified as the knife came down on my bare hand, but she was as puzzled as anyone would have been when the knife did not penetrate. "Rachel, what would have happened if I had done that same thing to your hand?"
"Oh my God, my hand would have been pinned to the table by the knife blade passing through it. How did you do that? Was it some sort of stage-magician's trick?"
"Absolutely not! Here, look at this." I took my wallet out of my pocket and laid it over my hand. I stabbed again, and the knife penetrated the wallet until it got to my hand, where it abruptly stopped moving. Rachel was still not convinced, so I handed her the knife. "Okay, you Doubting Thomasina, you try to stab me and see what happens, or, rather, does not happen."
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Reddit Cameltoe, aka r/Cameltoe! You gotta admit, in some situations, cameltoes can be very fucking hot. And for those who are not virgins, you know that I do not actually mean the toes of a camel. Now, if you are ready for that juicy cameltoe action, you are more than welcome to explore what r/cameltoe/ has to offer. This is a rather simple subreddit filled with all kinds of naughty cameltoe content.Of course, Reddit is a free website, that is a given. So you can always just browse through the...
Reddit NSFW ListThe girls were becoming more comfortable with me as the day went on, so we talked and touched each other more and more. We had to be back aboard by 7 PM for and 8 PM departure, which was fine because we were at the 7 PM seating for dinner. We were in our room by 6 PM and were on time for our dinner. One of the couples was not there but the other was. They had gone on the catamaran and had a good time. They said it was crowded, but they had seen a couple of dolphins, a sea turtle and even a...
I woke up at 10:35 a.m. from a crazy night, realizing today is the day I was to hang out with Zac. I got up and went to my dresser, getting a orange bra and lace panties that matched, and put them on. I went to the bathroom and began to brush my teeth, as I turned on the flat iron. After I was finished brushing my teeth, I started straightening my hair and put on a red bandana. I walked from the bathroom to my closet and grabbed a white tank top and a pair of jeans. I changed and walked...
Straight SexJon and Bill were best friends. Jon did not know till recently that Bill had a big secret. It was that he had been fucking his little sister nightly for four years. It started with just getting naked and touching each other but soon he was fingering fucking her and she was sucking his cock. Then he just had to put his cock in her and once he fucked her cunt he could not stop. He loved her tight hole around his big cock. He went to her room and fucked her every night. Sometimes when they were...
Imagination 15 "Good morning, Frilly!" Lying on my back with two heavy weights on chest, a tight sleeping corset holding me rigidly and Sister Sarah giving little Henry a real working over didn't mean 'Good' to me at all, but what options did I have? "Good morning Sister Sarah." "More choices this morning, Frilly. You can make the first one before you get up." Great news! My bladder was telling me in no uncertain terms that I needed to go as a matter of urgency and I'm sure...
It was Friday night at the Dangerous Curves strip club and the place was near capacity. I stood by the door, eyes constantly scanning the room for any potential trouble. But I was distracted this night. I was planning something for a coworker's birthday.Aah, speaking of coworkers... I thought to myself. There's the birthday girl now.... I looked toward the center stage where Ginger was beginning her dance. Her long, red hair flowed down her back as she moved, her hips undulating as her perfect...
Group SexIt was a few days later when I came up with my next naughty idea. Tommy was at work, and I had the day off, so I decided to go to Tommy’s room and check what kind of porn he watched. All boys, all men, have porn on their computers, and I wanted to see what he was into so I could give him his favorites. Since Tommy trusted me and was good about giving me his password, I logged onto his laptop and went to check his browser history. I smiled when I saw that he and I visited a lot of the same...
Hi stories readers! I am follower of this site from last 2 years and now I am narrating my story which was fulfilled after my 15 years. I am 27 with 5.8 height; fit personality and from Hyderabad. Heroine of this story is my aunty who is my mom’s 4th sister. This is my first story so please bear with me for slow narration, sorry for any mistakes and correct me if I am wrong. Any women and friends can reach me on my mail lovingdynu(at) for improvements or for any physical help. I like...
IncestSummerwas finally here and I was just blossoming intoexistence. My breast had filled out and become a perky C-cup, my ass was perfectly round and filled a pair of jeans out nicely. My hair was long and dark just resting above my waistline. My skin slightly sun kissed from our beach vacation to celebrate the ending of a another school year. It was the summer of ’96 and I was listening to ‘Strawberry Wine’ on the radio in my bedroom and singing along. I had gotten a job at the local teen club,...
My wife Kara and I have been married for 6 years. We love to hang out and party at different clubs, and sometimes if we're lucky, we'll pick up a chick or two and bring them back to our place and fuck for hours. My wife loves sex with other women, she says its more intimate. Either way, at 5'6" with long blonde hair, 36D tits, tiny waist and amazing ass, my wife is a total knockout. I'm a pretty decent looking guy, did 4 years in the Army as a Cav Scout, and yes, if You ain't Cav, You...
This story is about my wife – Rani. She is extremely beautiful, i mean having perfect figure of 36 32 and 38. I love her bumps. We are married for the last 4 years and don’t have any kid till now. We are planning to have one child but to continue sex adventure, we always postpone our planes. Let come to the story, We are staying in Hyderabad on rent at 2nd floor. On first and 3rd floor there are some Negros students which are staying and completing their studies. All are 6 feet plus heights and...
Then Betty added how do you like the game? Did I play my part well? As she walk into the living room sat on the sofa. Open her legs wide, and ask do you want this funky pussy? Do you wanna get funky with me. He look at her stroking her wet pussy with her fingers. He said I love the game, and you played your roll better than anyone I've ever met. Then he unzip his pants. Took off his shirt and under clothes. Walk over to the sofa, sat beside her. Look into her eyes and said yes. I want that...
EroticDanny would kill me if he ever knew, ever found out ... I had watched his mom pleasure herself. Bad enough that, but that I had in turn, jerked off watching her do that, though of course no one would ever know. Certainly never my best friend Danny, though we had years ago sworn to one another as kids growing up together, we'd never lie to one another, or keep any secrets. Up until now. And it's not like I was looking for it, or expected it to happen. It just did. But once it did, once it...
It was Monday afternoon when Dani decided to go for a bike ride. Dani was 30, working in a small town, living alone in a small apartment…it wasnt great but it was all he need it. He loved to go out in nature, take his hammock, a few beers, role a few cigarettes and just chill. There was a good spot for this from where you could see the whole town, and being Monday the chance to see someone was so little. So he made his bag and went out. As he got to the spot, opened a beer and drink it all….ahh...
A Lawful Touch by Andy Hollis I slammed the kitchen door behind me, dropped the bag of groceries on the counter with another bang and gave my mother my best glare. "What part of 'no' don't you understand?" I half shouted. "Now, Kimberly, there is no reason for you to behave this way," she said, grabbing the bag before it fell over. "You asked another creep of a boy to take me out?" "Justin is a nice boy, the least you could do is go out one time?...
My friend Jimmy and I were riding our bikes out of town to a creek where we liked to fish. We were finally out of school for the summer and all of our parents worked, giving us all the time in the world to fish.When we got there we were disappointed to see someone else there fishing already. As we approached we realized that it was a lady and that she was wearing a pair of cut off blue jean shorts that showed the bottom of her butt cheeks and a cut off T-shirt. As we got closer she heard us and...
I’m a really terrific liar. It’s a talent. I know it sounds awful. My mom totally grounded me like a billion times when I was in high school, for being a liar that is. My lying is problematic and I worry about it. Sometimes I can’t decide if I’m a “good girl” wrapped up in a “bad girl”, or if I’m a “bad girl” wrapped up in a “good girl”? You decide. But actually I’ve found my lying to be a very useful talent. But that’s another story. I don’t really know why I lie so much. Maybe it’s because...
It was one busy film shooting day in a remote village in Kerala. The hero of Asin’s movie Mr. X and Asin struggled hard to get the song scene perfect. The close encounters during the filming process kindled an uncontrollable fire of lust deep inside X. The smiling face of Asin turned him on over and over again and his cock became hard as a rock inside his tight jeans. During the break he moved over to her and said, “Asin, I am very horny for you and want to fuck you now” “What?” Asin asked in...