AfricaChapter 8 free porn video

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"Together again at last for my tales," Snake began with a wide smile, stretching his already tightly stretched old face. Again he wore the well washed black denim shirt and jeans that seemed to be his uniform.

I surveyed the room, another large suite, this time in a beautifully restored old hotel in the center of Paris. The angels were all there, and Lindy of course. Absent was Eva, entertaining Bob and Christa. Two of Helen's clones replaced her, the always lusty Spanish beauty, Consuela, and the much more serious but just as beautiful brunette native of Paris, Angelique, Helen's favorite look-a-like.

The two brilliant musicians, Angelique in fact a genius, had been busy rehearsing both new and older music for a weekend of concerts at the Paris Opera the following week. The quartet of Helen clones, calling themselves the Quadruplet Quartet or Double Q, mostly rehearsed days, so their nights were free. They had a master class with a prestigious Parisian music school that particular day. Their residency had been the reason Snake had us gather in the beautiful city of light, as much to see them perform as to continue their collaborations with Lindy's dances and plays she wrote or directed (mine being the latter).

It had been a day for reunions. Early afternoon, my wife and Eva and I met Christa and Bob at the airport and, once we got Bob his room in the beautiful hotel, separated into two contingents. Bob and Eva went out sightseeing while Christa joined my wife, literally, in bed.

"God I missed you," she said after she came on my cock for the third time, meeting my own intense cum and swallowing my wife's sex liquid she had lured out with her tongue. We had gone from me pressing my pelvis against her widespread loins as she lay beneath me while my wife straddled her head to me laying back with two beauties nestled against me along my sides when she made her sighing comment.

"We missed you too," Helena told her, kissing her across my chest. "But I heard you've had some fun."

"It's nice having Michiko in bed with me," Christa responded. "But I have a feeling it may be our last, or nearly our last time together that way. I could see the love your friend has for mine, and it's mutual."

"Us too," I said. "I suppose Michiko gave you two permission to play in her absence."

"Bob and I don't click," Christa told us. "I enjoyed him. He's a sweet young man. But to me it was all about bringing Michiko to ecstasy, and for Bob as well. Her lover and I placated her insistence by a shrugging, ambivalent response, but we knew the truth of it already. He'll explain our decision more thoroughly later."

"I was referring to your two lovers, actually," said Helena. "The older man and the young woman."

The smile on Christa's lovely face made us happy. "Oh them."

"Yes them," Helena giggled. "They sound delightful."

"Mmm. Delightful, yes. Perfectly delightful. He's a sweetheart, handsome, and a real gentleman. He's confident, and yet not at all arrogant. I mean, I suppose one could chastise him for robbing the cradle so to speak, or getting a chippy for his middle age. You know the cliché of the man getting rid of the old model for a new one. But it's not really like that. He divorced his wife a couple years before he ever met Maria, and it sounds like he did so in defense of his sanity. I guess she's quite the shrew all done up in a perfect hostess façade. He confessed he had not been a saint, had had his share of affairs and often with women Maria's age, but it had as much to do with a loveless bed and a hefty libido than any search for a replacement. He didn't leave her for youth. He left her when he realized how unhappy he had become, at least at home. It didn't even surprise him all that much when she ended up with someone else as soon as the divorce finalized. Someone they both knew. A supposed friend. Of course he felt sorrier for the man than the least bit jealous.

"No, Maria came later. She actually pursued him, though with a slightly curvier than usual model's body and her fresh, girl-next-door face, I'm sure she caught his eye. His business, as distributor of clothing and accessories, brought him a pool of young women whom he confessed he fed upon. Both secretaries and sales people tended to be women in his business if they weren't gay men. They tended to be pretty shallow though, or limited in their intelligence, so focused on the outer layers I suppose and not what happens within. But Maria proved to be different.

"First off, she hadn't been hired as a fashionista, but as a business intern. And not as commander and delegator like Chris, but as a network builder, computer networks to be exact."

"So she's a nerd," I said.

"Yes she is, smart like a nerd and obsessive in her focus. Being typically a boy's world, like the world of fashion being a woman's, those that countered the usual gender can often be homosexual, as if being of the opposite gender's mindset required that opposite's sexual preference."

"I never knew that about nerds," I said.

"Perhaps it had more to with being surrounded by horny and desperate and zit crusted adolescent boys, like an exotic dancer being continuously gazed at by fat old men, that might have turned her towards women," Helena suggested.

"Poor horny boys," I said.

"It may have been a relief," said Christa. "They didn't feel bad about being too shy to ask her out, and could continue safely masturbating to her imagined body.

"Anyway, she was a double threat, both brilliant in business and computers. When she entered her masters program in business, a professor, a friend of Chris's, realized she'd be perfect for Chris, who he knew had never been satisfied with his computer network, nor his communication with potential clients and competitors. Expansion had been stifled for both those reasons. Not only that, but Maria would gain both independent credit and incredible experience. Everything was win-win."

"From what I hear, your entrance into their lives has also been win-win," I said.

"So far," Christa smiled, but the sadness could be seen.

"Christa," Helena frowned, "you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. You're waiting for Maria to leave you and take Chris with her, or leave the both of you and send Chris off shopping for a new chippy."

"I'm so much older than her, and Chris obviously likes them young."

"Bullshit," said Helena. "What about Michiko?"

"She found Bob."

"And how long did it take for her to finally find someone to love as much as she loves you? They make you happy, Christa, and it sounds like you make them happy. Win-win, right? Embrace it. You deserve it. They deserve you, it sounds like."

It looked like Christa wanted to object, but she relaxed and sighed and nodded, her face taking a loving expression towards my wife.

"Good," my wife smiled back. "I want to meet them."

"Oh boy," said Christa. "It's bad enough me compared to Eva, but you..."

"It won't go there. I just want to meet them. I want to meet the couple that makes you happy."

"They know I love being with you two like this, especially you, Helena."

"But they really enjoy you to make them complete."

"It's different. With Eva it's all about fun and being with an exquisite and unbelievably sexy creature. You have that, too, Helena, but it's so much deeper. One look at you and they'll forget all about me."

Helena had enough. She tackled Christa with her inhuman strength and speed, laid her on her back, straddled her, faces inches away from each other, arms held above her by incredibly strong hands. "I would never hurt you," she said to the older blonde (at least in appearance). "Never. I love you, and I don't love easily. In that way I'm like Eva. We both love the same man and we both love each other and that's about it. Except I love you, too. I love having you here with me, sharing my husband with you. Every time we can get together, I'll love it. It will be occasional, because, among other reasons and unlike Eva, you only like Joe, and that's not enough. But the point is, I love you. I find you incredibly attractive. You may be older, but I think you have never been more beautiful. I know you were young and lovely when you and your girlfriend flirted around, but you gained character and depth and strength and resiliency that awes me. Beauty is more than skin deep, but I happen to love your skin as well and the frame that holds it, that, despite the doubts you have about yourself and loneliness you never deserved, you keep healthy and toned and wonderfully attractive. I'm so happy for you that you found two who can enjoy your body and your character and your sweetness and your mind just like me and Joe have, and you get to be with them all the time, and they get to be with you as well. I want to meet them because I know, since it's such a perfect match, that I will be meeting new friends. I want you to show them off to me. I want to see you proud and happy and no longer lonely and unloved. Got it?"

"Yes, Mistress," Christa grinned, her eyes shiny with joy. "Make love to me?"

I watched them kiss and grind pussies. I watched my wife being loved and cherished by her lover with every kiss and stroke of Christa's mouth and fingers as she explored the amazing flesh of my wife until, having teased her by bypassing her pussy, lingering on her legs and toes, she finally made love to that wondrous orifice within which contained her womb and our embryo.

I watched my wife return the favor after a huge climax, spending even more time exploring, and narrating the exploration, approving every discovery, bringing Christa to an explosive orgasm at the end that rivaled and probably surpassed all those before it.

"Oh Helena!" Christa screamed.

I masturbated throughout their lovemaking, keeping myself in rigid readiness for a very long time. I didn't care if I came. My cock simply exemplified the pleasure I took in watching them.

They smiled at me after Christa returned to the more mundane world after her ecstasy. My wife's cheeks shined with juices as her face hovered above the source of them.

"I want to watch you two make love," said Christa.

"With pleasure," my wife grinned, her eyes focused on the leaning tower of flesh jutting from my loins. Like a cat ready to pounce, she approached it. Only when she possessed it, sending it inside her throat, did she catch my appreciative eye. Lifting off, her tongue laved my cock. After a kiss to its head, she slid on top of me with more catlike movement. We kissed long and deeply, her hot, damp slit sliding along the bottom side of my cock with a gentle, subtle caress.

The kiss ended when my glans lined up to her pussy lips. She moaned when she pulled back and sent it in a long, slow journey into her deepest depths.

We kept it slow, lingering on every moment of contact of cock in cunt. Our eyes treasured each other as well, and our hands soon traced those treasures. Faces got caressed, and then torsos. I may have lingered longest on her breasts, and especially the taut dark nipples, but that only occurred mostly later, when things began speeding up. She on the other hand took on my nipples early before caresses went south, to our conjoined flesh, to my balls, and, in the end, to my anus.

She balanced on me using her knees only. As we raced ever swifter towards completion, her fingers kept busy entering my lower orifice and rubbing her clit, the latter accompanied by caresses of my wet shaft as it passed nearby. My hands stayed with her nipples, squeezing and twisting and pulling ever harder as she got ever closer to climax. She reached it when my mouth took over abusing one nipple, and my hand moved down to send a finger into her anus, fucking her with the same speed as my cock. One chew of her teat ended up triggering it. The ripples that resulted, surrounding my cock, still and deep, resting against her cervix at the tip, became my trigger. We throbbed together and flooded the already well filled chamber of her cunt with sexual fluids. Inevitably they seeped out past my big flesh plug, drowning my balls and causing a pool to cool beneath my ass.

"Wow," said Christa.

Both my wife and I agreed.

Later, after my wife and Christa shared a shower, mine already done, we left to meet Bob and Eva at a nearby restaurant, leaving her with them after we each got an affectionate kiss from our lover, Helena's much more so.

From there we headed to Snake's suite and for our dinner and more reunions. We hugged and kissed Lindy, me getting the most affection this time.

"Can I join you tonight?" she said into my ear as we hugged.

"I'd like that," I replied. Then realized, "We have a friend."

"And a second bedroom," Helena reminded me.

"She'd like that," I said.

We nodded.

"Unless Miwa joins us," I told Lindy, "We're on our own, just the two of us."

"Okay," Lindy said, smiling her incredible tilted smile. A second kiss became even more amorous.

"I can tell," I told her afterwards.

"Can I get some of that?" asked Consuela, hand in hand with her half-sister.

She kissed me ferociously. "I need you," she told me afterwards. "How long until things start?"

"Half hour," my wife replied after going blank.

"It'll do," said Consuela, pulling her sister towards the smaller bedroom. "Coming Joe?"

I shrugged towards my wife and my girlfriend. They both shoved me in Consuela's direction.

By the time I closed the door, Consuela had pulled off her summer dress, revealing nakedness. "Pants off. Lie down," she ordered me. I did as commanded while watching Consuela reveal Angelique's matching bra and panties beneath her shirt and slacks. Kneeling before the French beauty, she pulled off the pale blue bikini style panties.

"I'm wet enough," she proclaimed. "Straddle his face."

Her shy half smile revealed Angelique had no objection. I soon found my mouth attached to a scrumptious little pussy while I felt the mouth, tongue and hand of my horny Spanish cutie helping harden my nearly hard cock. Small breasted and with asses not a lot more full, they nevertheless had the form nearing the perfection their Mistress represented, and the view definitely affected me. Consuela's skilled lips and tongue did the rest.

I soon felt a tight, slippery, hot pussy replace tongue and lips. I reached out blindly and found the pert mounds of Consuela's breasts, caressing them and the nipples that crowned them with care. They ended up close to my torso as the horny Spaniard joined me in feasting on her half-sister. Tongues played together within that small place in a weird and wonderful sort of French kiss. The twin attack brought Angelique the first orgasm, her flesh shivering inside and out above me.

That left everything concentrating on Consuela. While I continued my oral ministrations on Angelique, she leaned forward and began sucking Consuela's clit, her mouth and tongue following it as Consuela kept speeding up her ride. With Angelique lowered, I got to view her lovely round ass and could see Consuela's breasts and excited face. My hands had never really left those breasts, and I squeezed harder and twisted and pulled her nipples.

It didn't take long for Consuela to crest. She went still inches above me where our loins worked, and I took over the full activity of fucking. My rapid thrusts and Angelique's mouth, now working with much greater ease, sent Consuela into screaming ecstasy everyone in the suite, and in fact any neighboring suites, couldn't help but hear.

Eventually she calmed and relaxed on top of her half-sister's back. She nudged a little. "Still hard, Joe?"

"Unh-hunh," I said into Angelique's pussy.

"Good. Let's switch."

Instead of switching, Angelique demonstrated her quiet command of things by rolling off me and onto her back. I crawled between her pale, open thighs and guided my turgid flesh into her tight cunt.

"Ooh," she commented happily. She waved Consuela to her mouth, and Consuela smiled and straddled her face. I leaned over her and added my tongue to the cunnilingus while my hands began working on her tender, pert tit flesh.

As I thrust deep and built speed, Angelique clung to me. Her legs captured my ass and lower back while her fingers scraped my upper back, luckily with short nails that could do no damage. Lost in pleasure, cumming quickly and cumming again every few seconds, her distraction lessened the effectiveness of her mouth, pretty much using her tongue as a spear which Consuela managed to guide where it did the most good. But since I helped, lapping at her clit and pussy lips, we managed to bring Consuela at least one more good orgasm.

Once that was achieved, I concentrated on the friction Angelique's pussy brought my cock, increasing it while she met my ever more frenzied thrusts with her own until another, ever higher orgasm took her over and I fucked into it until I found my release, and pumped my semen deep inside her rippling cunt.

"Si bonne, " she muttered breathlessly. "Si chaud."

Her half-sister had collapsed beside her, leaving her mouth for me to kiss. It was warm and soft and loving.

"Tu es un grand amoureux," she murmured.

"Merci," I replied.

A quiet knock on the door signaled the end of the threesome.

In our usual positions, with Lindy beside me, Miwa between her legs and Helena between mine, Naomi sitting close enough for us to see her pad fill with drawings, Consuela sat as close to me as possible in an armless chair and with Angelique in her lap. Everyone dressed minimally in chemises and nighties. Angelique wore only her shirt. Consuela put on her light cotton dress that I knew contained nothing beneath it but bare flesh. I wore a t-shirt and boxers.

"It was a small entourage that left the jungle capitol for the last time" Snake began, "just Salomé, Ahchkah, a daughter from my sister/wives and some sons, and bearers and four young women from my old tribe. Oh, and Chintoo, our translator."

"No light skinned whores?" I asked.

"They wouldn't have garnered the interest other tribes had for them. Tall, lean and dark appealed to the Southern tribes."

"Like you?" asked Lindy.

"Exactly like me. I had my first inkling of it when I first met Chintoo at the village closest to the Southern border. She had been captured, a slave basically, but really had stumbled into capture."

"Another outcast?" asked Helena.

"More a victim, giving us a view of the cruelty we faced going south. A lot of territorial battles had been flaring up, and she had the misfortune to be in a village overtaken by ruthless warriors hell bent on rape. She escaped into the jungle. Her mother and sister had not been so fortunate. It brought her safety the deeper she went, because the warriors feared the jungle. Those of their kin had gone in and never come back. Only her tribe had a tenuous relationship with the jungle people, and only in the least threatening way possible. They traded, but the trading contingent consisted exclusively of women with perhaps one man as guard to their welfare. Any threat to the welfare of either side could have catastrophic consequences, so they took care to keep things civil if they wanted to sustain the trading, which both found beneficial."

"She had been part of the trading," I guessed.

"More a sort of trainee mentored by her mother, but yes. She knew the jungle language to some extent."

"So why be enslaved?" asked Lindy.

"A combination of prejudice and a lack of trust. She could gain too much information and threaten the security of the jungle."

"Like a spy?" asked Lindy.

"Exactly. She could gain knowledge and bring it to other tribes besides her own. Ones more threatening. Unlike the jungle people, the south had at least three separate languages and various versions of those, and she understood the basics of all of them. Her tribe was the least of the village's worries."

"Because they traded with the village?" I asked.

"That and they were very very small."


"Or their progenitors."

"No wonder she reacted to a really tall man," said Lindy.

"It's more than that. One thing the southern tribes shared was a version of a god/king."

"Like Zeus or Odin?" I asked.

"Basically. Tall and lean, with a long face and skin as black as a moonless night. A great warrior. Unkillable"

We nodded. "She must have known of you," I asked.

"But she'd never seen me."

"But she knew..."

" ... I am eternal."

"Wow. No wonder she bowed. Maybe she fainted."

"Most might have. Not her. Despite her diminutive size, she was as strong, mentally, as any woman I have ever met."

"Sounds like true love," said Lindy, and we all laughed.

Snake's chuckle ended in a sigh. "Indeed."

"So the women of your tribe..." Lindy began.

"The new whores. And the bearers too would be valuable. My tribe represented human beauty to them. In fact many of the tribes bred darker skin and taller people to the point they got closest to my people than anyone else."

"Then the Pygmies must have been treated terribly."

"They had their territory at the edge of the jungle, and their cunning kept them going, but yes, they had little respect and the threat of extinction cast an ominous shadow. Ironic, isn't it, that the man with perfect features, even to them, which cast them in such a dim light, but whom even they couldn't help being awed by and worship, ended up as their protector. Of course Chintoo made me very desirous of such an outcome. I loved her and I loved her people."

"So did you trade for her?" I asked.

"I suppose I didn't have to, being the king and everything, but yes I did. I always traded fairly. They got a pale, skilled whore for her, and a clever one at that, because she deserved the best of them to match her price."

"Was she a whore?" I asked.

"No, but she was well loved nevertheless."

"You were still king when you met her?"

"This was one of the last of my lengthy journeys, but I remained king at that point. I had heard of her, I suppose in a similar way as she had heard of me. Things get embellished when talking about something as unique as an eternal wanderer, or a brilliant young Pygmy woman among regular sized people. But in our case, if anything, tales on either side failed to grasp the magnitude of our existence. She discovered a god and I discovered a wonder of humanity.

"Imagine a girl on the cusp of womanhood, a bud just opened or a fruit just ripened, the attraction becomes perverse in its need to be resisted because of the innocence threatened shattering. Imagine combining that with a full grown woman, mature beyond her years in her wit and her wisdom. Her jutting breasts, like adolescent buds yet bigger, and her wide hips and thick, taut buttocks, with not all that much beyond those most feminine aspects, short legs and abdomen, made her a pure representative of sexuality, like a fertility doll without the big tummy. But her bigger than expected head held a magnificent brain hidden behind a face, not beautiful or even all that pretty, but somehow charming and so incredibly expressive. Soulful maybe. But not in the least bit ugly. I needed her for her multiple languages, but I wanted her even more."

"As one of your harem?"

"That's complicated. We both wanted it, but her size made us afraid of impregnation. I can never shoot sterile ejaculate. But yes, she became a significant lover. I just never shot inside her pussy except during her period. Luckily she had an insatiable desire for my cum and I enjoyed her sweet juices. And I filled her rectum countless times. We fucked normally, and we both loved it, but I pulled out and sought a safer receptacle for my seed once she came on my cock. Not having her as a lover turned out to be unacceptable for both of us as much to sate her high libido as for the pillow talk afterwards.

"We met almost two years before we set off to her homeland. During that time, I groomed her as Sam's replacement. She learned his skills as communicator, essential to a translator, and her charm made it easy. She charmed all my friends and mates and children. My sister wives never had a problem with her, despite her freakish size, probably due to their painfully crippled brother. Ahchkah had the biggest reaction to her, but ended up loving her almost as much as I did. They became best friends and bed mates when I wasn't there or even when I was, though they shared the bed platonically. Neither had lesbian inclinations. They shared me when we made love, with Chintoo almost always enjoying my mouth, but they took their joy from each other purely in seeing the other climax."

"Gods," both of Nick's companions roar, the hyper-diminutive Chintoo on his mouth and the aging mother of several of his children on his spurting cock.

They settle along his side after their orgasms abate, Ahchkah resting her head against his sleekly muscled chest while Chintoo rests hers against his thigh, her eyes ever curious about his flagging manhood and her small tongue tasting the mix of sex juices on it. Despite her lack of interest sexually in women, the mix of orgasmic fluids, as long as Nick's is a main ingredient, pleases her taste buds and other aspects of sensual pleasure.

"So, my king," says Ahchkah, "we leave today?"

"You know I am no longer king," says Nick.

"You will always be my king," Ahchkah murmurs.

"And you have always been my queen," Nick replies, kissing the nappy hair at the top of her head. "As long as you're ready, we will go."

"I feel fine," his chief concubine replies, "although the fucking may have not been the best idea."

"You thought it a great idea a moment ago," Chintoo reminds her friend.

"Ruled once again by my horniness," Ahchkah sighs, "forsaking any reason I may have."

"Face it, you cannot get enough of him," Chintoo points out.

"You, too," Ahchkah responds and the women giggle. "But yes, my most impressive love, though I may walk funny for a while, I am ready."

"You'll walk better than ever with his fluids inside you, easing any aches," Chintoo argues. "So stop complaining. I just wish I could have been so filled."

"Speaking of which," Nick interrupts their dialogue, "this seems as good a time to ask you, my love. When we meet your people, do you wish a companion from them?"

Her mind rejects the possibility immediately, but she pauses, as she often does in characteristic thoughtfulness, imagining a man pumping seed inside her. When she pictures the face and body of the man, she shakes her head. "I want no other man but you. I have felt you spurt into my womb when it is absent of egg, and it is enough. What purpose would it serve except to salve some maternal need I might have? No minions could be conceived because of it."

"Do you feel such a need?"

"Like a whisper in a windstorm. Perhaps it will be louder later. Perhaps someday we can risk you seeding me."

"I can never imagine such a risk," says Nick.

Chintoo shrugs. "I can."

Plenty of tears get shed at the parting, his sister/wives, at least the oldest and youngest, shedding the most. The middle one, the clever one, ever stoic, swallows hers. He has slept with them the previous night. But they all share ill health from premature aging and have lost their libidos. The early morning fuck occurs out of horniness, both within him and his concubines before they finish packing. His daughters too shed tears, both for his parting and the parting with him of one of them. Two of his daughters whom he reluctantly seeded with incestuous offspring have the most difficulty at the parting. The youngest and oldest of his sister/wives bore them. Though they shared a bed with him just long enough to become pregnant, it was enough intimacy for them to feel that much closer to their father. The daughter accompanying him comes from the middle sister's womb, the youngest of her brood of three, and has not yet achieved her menarche. As feisty and bright as her mother, she would be a companion to him once it is reached and another year or two passes to achieve a level of maturity he requires of the conceivers of his minions. To be vulgar, she represents the most prime of breeding stock. Their children would be formidable. If not leaders, as highly influential to any tribe lucky enough to have them as the middle sister has been for the jungle empire.

Impressive describes the entourage, especially to those people they plan to encounter in the south. Both the male bearers and the four women from Nick's tribe show the least mix of Semitic blood. They retain the graceful litheness of long, lean bodies. Their skin has a range of darkness, but only in relationship to each other, only a shade or two lighter than Nick. And their beauty only suffers as well in relationship to Nick and each other. And the men have been chosen as much for their abilities as hunters and warrior as for their looks. Nick has been given the cream of his tribe for his entourage, revealing the importance he still holds amongst them despite his long absence.

Same as Africa
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Keeping the Cleaner Dirty

I was laying in my bed, watching a downloaded porno on my headphones, as I had private room, enjoying the feel of my hard cock in my hand, the sensation breaking my boredom. Suddenly I heard a gasp. Looking up I saw that the cleaner had walked in, and i had not heard her knock. I quickly put my cock back in my pants, but the blush on her face showed that she had obviously gotten a good eyeful of my manhood! In an awkward silence, she quickly mopped the floor, and hormones still coursing...

3 years ago
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Highway Memories

As she drives down the highway, her mind wanders to the last time that she and her lover were together. She could still feel the first embrace of his arms, the first kiss on her lips, and the smell of him after being apart for so long. Oh how she missed him during those weeks that they could not be together. How she longed to be with him, if even for a few brief moments, but she knew the reasons why they could not be together and accepted them no matter how much it hurt her heart. She could...

2 years ago
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Good Girls Arent GayChapter 6 I am Queer

A few minutes later as consciousness returned, I noticed my hands were freed, and Laura and Stacey caressed my face, giving me tender kisses. Their dildos were absent, and they rested next to me gloriously naked. Stacey whispered in my ear, "Girl, that's what loving women means. Now, ya need to figure out what you are." Enjoying their caresses, I considered my predicament, and the consideration shined a light upon me in a sudden dawn of courage. I was a queer! Fuck the world. Fuck...

3 years ago
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Pygmalion ProjectEpilogue

It was Wednesday of the first week of school. Caitlin and Jordan had just come home. Extra-curricular practices had not yet started, so they took the regular bus. As they walked from the corner bus stop, they were nearly bowled over by Trish McNamara, a sophomore who lived three doors down. Trish was a freckle-faced flaming redhead. She had a nice figure and attractive features, but was still afflicted by braces. She was considered a nerd by many of her peers because she was at the top of her...

1 year ago
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Parking Lots Can Be Fun

They were in the car driving to meet some friends for dinner. This meeting had been planned for several weeks for tonight. They had both come home from work in time to change clothes and head back out the door. As they drove, Ted was quiet and Terri asked, “What’s wrong, baby?” “Nothing’s wrong, why do you say that?” he responded. Terri touched him on his leg and said, “I ask what’s wrong because I know you. You are being very quiet and I can see it on your face. Something is wrong and I want...

3 years ago
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For Friends and Family Part 25 The Thread of Life

For Friends and Family 25 - The Thread of life Parts Sophie looked at me and burst into tears, this was the first time I had seen such raw emotion from her, I took her into my arms and comforted her, stroking her and patting her back, she was devastated, sobbing "I never meant for all this to happen, it all got out of hand, I'm so, so sorry" As I held her I crooned, "Sophie, Sophie calm down, just calm down and start from the beginning." Tears were streaming down her face as she...

4 years ago
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The ForcePart 13

From the tone of her voice, I knew that Susan was nervous at first - but when I didn't show any outward signs of concern, or even interest, she quickly got over it, and became much more willing to ask questions and participate. As long as it was Diane's hands on me, I was able to control myself pretty well. But when I finally felt Susan's delicate fingers touching me, it didn't take long before my fight to remain 'relaxed' began to crumble - after a few minutes of Susan's hands on my...

2 years ago
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“Don’t forget to call me if you catch an earlier plane home from the conference or if your plane is delayed,” said Florence. “I want to know either way, so I can be ready.” “OK,” said Erwin. “Why are you so obsessive about this vacation?” “Because your company owns you for the next five days,” she said, “but the minute you get off the plane, you are mine exclusively for three full weeks.” “Don’t forget,...

1 year ago
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A Dangerous Game With My Ex Husbands Nephew

I had always found my ex husband's nephew, Oliver, handsome even before my ex husband and Iwere married. He had that strikingly handsome face and sweet personality that you could not resist. During the years I was married to Oliver's uncle, there was an absolute physical attraction between us but obviously we were family at the time we couldn't do anything that was truly and unforgiveably forbidden.A few years after Oliver's uncle and I split, I bumped into Oliver down at the Leisure Centre one...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Christmas Present

Sara set at her desk working on a file when her phone rang. Her husband was on the other end of the line, "Hey babe I just bought a gift for one of the boys out of the paper. Can you run by the guys house and pick it up for me?". She told him she would, got the address and got back to work. The rest of the day flew by and it was quitting time before she knew it. The 35 year old brunette got her stuff together and put her coat on as she headed to her suv wondering what her husband had bought....

1 year ago
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A Berlin dream

When I was 19, I went in Berlin, in Germany, with a few friends, on a holiday trip.I wasn’t a virgin, I’d had several girlfriends in the past, and although I was young, I knew pretty well what sex was. I always had this fantasy about older woman. Not saggy wrinkled granny, but curvaceous busty mature women, with love and passion to give. I’d never acted on those fantasies, because I’d never had the opportunity, and because I was rather scared. It was just a little secret for me to have. I would...

1 year ago
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Home gym

"You don't mind working out at my place tonight, do you," asked Frank? "No, that's no problem," Denny replied, "as long as I get my reps in, I really don't care where I do it!" "Good," Frank said, "then let's get to it!" Both men were serious weight lifters who spent much more time and energy working out than the average ever "joe" would, and it wouldn't be unusual for either of them to spend four hours a night lifting and pulling the iron plates that gave them the heavily muscled appearance...

3 years ago
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Maa Aur Babar Boss 8211 Ekti Love Story

Eta amar prothom story. Amar jiboner ekti sotto ghotona. Eta LOVE story Na SEX story apnarai bolun… Amader 6otto poribar,baba maa r ami. thaki durgapur e. mayer naam Shipra(name Changed),house wife. babar naam probir, central govt. job koren r ami Probal Ekhn engineering porchi,1st yr e.amar mayer figure ta r 5ta sadharon grihobodhur motoi. 36-32-38.Gayer rong ujjol forsa,kalo silki chul komr porjonto r pink lips.. baire berole saree poren r ghore nighty nahle house coat poren. Ghotona ta suru...

3 years ago
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A Kink in Time Part 2

Judi held my cock in her hand, gripping it by the 'handle'. It was flaccid, but when her lips kissed the head, I could sense her lips touching my skin. "Oh", I exclaimed. "I felt that." She then put my dick in her mouth like a popsicle and moved it in and out. The sensations were firing off in my head and I could feel my shaft growing hard in her mouth. "How is that possible?" I was flabbergasted. Judi squeezed my balls and I felt that as well. Selima said, "We don't know what...

3 years ago
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No more secret now 1

Hi.. Yes it's me Diksha.. As i've said, i'll gonna tell u 1 secret of mine. So here it goes.. My bf & me has known each other since long time.. He's z first guy whom i had sex( vaginal & anal both). No need to say, both were so painful for the first time, that don't wanna have sex again.. But after some more fucking n sucking i started to enjoy.. N now, i just love when my bf suck my clit while fingering my ass hole, i just cum on his face, and truly speaking he also love this.. Then...

2 years ago
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Allowed to watch

My wife works in an office with several women. They all are early to mid thirty years old. Company dress code is gentlemen must wear suits with ties and ladies dresses or skirts. My wife likes working there partly because of the way she is required to dress. She is very much a woman. I mean finger and toe nails perfectly polished always. Her hair is naturally a mousey brown but she keeps it extremely blonde. It comes to her shoulders and is cut with bangs. This look on her makes look like a...

2 years ago
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Vogue in the Classroom

Carl Gates sat in the classroom. He was half-bored and half-agitated. The 44 year-old former auto manufacturing worker had been put out of a job when the plant closed down. He enrolled at this community college to get a certification in heating, ventilation, & air conditioning. The program included a few core class requirements. He and several other students were waiting for the instructor to enter the room. It was to be the first day of presentations for the African Diaspora in Latin...

3 years ago
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One Big Horny Weasley Family chapter 17 reformatted

Chapter 17- Interludes It was the burning sensation on her arse that woke Ginny. Still half asleep she reached down to rub at the sore spot and found another hand there. She felt around a bit and realized it was a woman’s hand. This finally pulled her up out of sleep and she remembered what had happened and why her arse was so deliciously sore. ------ She had been looking for a second shot at her bungled Friday night date when she ran into just the person she was looking for,...

3 years ago
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The dark corner an untold story3

The entire town was in dark sleep. The moon is trying to peep into the secret world through the clear sky I slowly made my way to the down stairs. I reached the ventilator in the middle of the steps. I can see the very dim light of bed lamp from the ventilator. I slowly crept to the ventilator without making noise. After completely reaching the ventilator I could hear small sounds. I sat on my knees and peeped through the ventilator. Now I could see them. My mom is on the bed. Her blouse hooks...

2 years ago
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Cog in the Machine

She had long ago given up her name. Of course, the vanilla world insisted on her using it still, but at times like this she was 440-424-135. A machine somewhere on the Internet assigned that number to her at her request. It was who she was now to the extent that it mattered. She lived with her Master. He too had a name in the world, but using it herself would imply that she was an equal to him rather than his possession. She called him Master when they were with each other, and he called her...

3 years ago
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Second Chance At LovePart 5 Jenny

The next morning, when I got on the school bus, there weren't very many seats empty. I sat down with Jenny Trimble. Jenny is in eighth grade. She is short, about 5'-1". She is starting to develops some very nice curves, but she was just starting to develop. We talked on the way to school. Jenny had a nice personality. She was fun to talk to. I started to think that it might be fun to go on a date with her. I thought about it during the school day. I decided to ask her on the way home from...

4 years ago
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To Catch a Merchant PrincessChapter 4

Alicia sat cross-legged beneath a cherry tree in the garden, blissfully savoring a few of the ripe fruits, plucked directly from the tree. As with the day before, her parents were simply too stunned by her sudden shift in behavior to articulate their disappointment. She knew the reprieve wouldn't last long, but she planned to take advantage of every moment. A beam of sunlight shone upon her spellbook, open in her lap. The spell to soothe sore and chafed nipples from nursing a child...

2 years ago
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Do It Yourself ProjectChapter 3 Help Arrives

In the hallway outside Judge Goldstein's Courtroom, Jeff and Mary were in an exuberant mood. Jeff had his arm wrapped around Mary's waist. He leaned into her and put a kiss on her forehead. "Mary, I'm sorry to have put you through this." "Luv, it's as much my doing as yours." A smart aleck, walking down the hall, called out, "get a room." The couple began laughing, Mary sang out, "tried that, didn't work." An embarrassed Father Tim advised the couple, "Jeff!, Mary! There is...

2 years ago
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Heart of a Slave

HEART OF A SLAVEA slave is an individual born with a slave spirit. No one can make an individual have this spirit; nothing can be done to create this state in an individual's being. No one trying hard or wishing for this sense of spirit can develop it within themselves and no Master can cause it to occur.A slave is an extraordinary human being who is born with this slave spirit - as much as they are born to breathe, or have gifted talents like design or music. A slave is extraordinary, rare and...

3 years ago
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The Real Thing latex fetish BDSM

by Thndrshark I'd lusted after her for some time. Having followed her through the small amount of modeling she had done, I had grown to be an avid fan. Not only because she was innocent and beautiful, but also because it was clear how much she loved bondage and submission. Living the life of a fetish model, I was always surprised that she complained as much to me about not being able to truly submit. Her last boyfriend was handsome for sure, but not into the "scene" as they say, and...

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Girl FagChapter 36

All my brothers were gone along with Daddy to hit the junkyards. They'd taken the big Mack Super tow truck and the old flatbed ten-wheeler we used for hauling stuff. Steve's Mach I was there, the old Deceiver, but he wasn't and I figured he was driving Lisa's car, since he'd left me a note saying he was at Lisa's place and he'd be back about noon to pick me up. It was only gonna take about four or five hours to get to Seattle maybe, so we didn't have to rush too much. I was just...

2 years ago
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Too Close To My Girlfriend

Hello everybody! My name is Sanjay Shetty. I am from a non-orthodox family and little bit liberal towards me. I was never denied for any my request; actually I was more pampered in my school days. They never thought of restricting me. Using this, I grew into cool guy, I used to go around, make a mess and have fun. But I was good too. I am good looking too. I joined gym in my school days and now I have a solid body structure. My friends often tell me that even teachers would want me on bed for I...

3 years ago
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Hank Wakes Up The NeighborsChapter 5

Two of Mina's slave girls were in deep trouble with her, having lost track of time in the kitchen that night. They ate each other out when they were supposed to be using Pastor Gilbertson. She punished them rather severely later that evening, when she caught them red-handed. They were made to perform cunnilingus on her, but she refused to do the same for them. There were supposed to have been at least four women besides Mina fucking Guy, but he only did three that night counting her. The...

2 years ago
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Losing my virginity to my cousin Courtney

in life. I don't know but whatever it was, I was attracted to Courtney. I always knew I had cousins and relatives that I had never met but I never thought much of it. Courtney was on my dad's side of the family, along with a lot of my other family such as my aunt,cousins,etc. I met them all in the summer when I was about 10 years old when they came to spend a week or two at our house. I met my cousin Michelle,Jason,My aunt Susan, and of course Courtney. It was my first time meeting them...

2 years ago
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Me and Lucy Liu

I've always liked Asian chicks, I don't know why but I've had a soft spot for them for as long as I can remember but I'd never thought that I'd meet one like the one I met the other night in the bar near my apartment and I certainly never imagined that I'd meet such an illustrious celebrity like Lucy Liu nor did I imagine that I'd end up actually fucking her.I was in the Shamrock Bar on a quiet Wednesday night, drinking alone and just trying to relax during the week. It was a quiet night and...

1 year ago
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When cuckolds sulk

Robert was sulking again, this evening of all evenings! The one when his sister Emma came to dinner, when she learned just what a to heel faggot her brother really was. Kerry checked her watch. Yes, it was already evening and still Robert was sulking. She had arrived home earlier that afternoon and directed him to cook the evening meal. She had invited her sister in law Emma over for dinner and now, yes now, it was time to show her just how to heel Robert was. It wasn't just that Robert...

3 years ago
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Billy Rays Big Day

Ahh... What a day. You just woke up on this saturday morning from the sun breaking through the window. Looking around you dont see your wife, she must be making breakfast. You get out of bed and ready yourself for the day. Looking in the mirror you see the person that everyone else sees for a moment, Billy Ray Cyrus. This is a the start of a good week. Your family has been spread apart across the globe for so long its nice to have them all under one roof again, and this time for an entire week...

2 years ago
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A slaves rent in a house full of girls

Saturday? I was full of nervous and excited energy. I could hardly believe my luck and half expected it all to be some big disappointing joke. But there was no chance I would risk passing this up. I gave the taxi driver the address Sarah had given me and sat quietly in the back seat, running over the conversation in my mind again and again. Sarah, the gorgeous, fierce blonde from the office had approached me in the late hours of our office party and made me a proposition. "So, I live in a big...

2 years ago
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Morning sex with a sensual divorced lady

I had met this wild woman during that boring conference at Chicago.Mona was a real slutty divorced bitch; a sensual brunette in her late forties, but she was still in the mood for wild sex. An insatiable bitch…I woke up Saturday morning in Mona’s hotel room and I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. I wanted to keep fucking her all morning long; but the pressure in my bladder was extreme. This sexy divorced lady and I had taken many glasses of red wine the night before.I came out of the...

2 years ago
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The Conceit

The light was weakening. The rosey fingered twilight a sema. She turned to the chair in her bedroom, glanced outside, lifted the chair, and threw it out of the window. The shards cascaded on the cobbles below. Passersby looked up, swift footed, in shock, as adversity manifest. She had ran, and dived, thinking of a dolphin. She flew. Not for long. Her general misfortune combined with the earth, the early morning, nourishing mountain mist, in serene satisfaction. She ought to have looked...

3 years ago
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Kids Growing UpChapter 5 Amy

In school I was a member of what we called the 'Service Club'. We were the ones with the red jackets who, for instance, directed people coming into the gymnasium for a basketball game. I liked doing that job because it meant that we got in free to not only the game but also the dance held afterwards. Some of my fondest memories were of dancing while holding girls bodies up against mine as we slowly moved across the dance floor. One girl in particular stood out because she always had a...

2 years ago
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Killing Daddy Blue

Wednesdays were always boring for Holly, and this one was worse than most. Her usual trade didn’t hit the streets until the end of the week when they got paid, or until the welfare checks came. This wasn’t the week for the welfare checks. It was cold, and there was a light mist falling that promised to turn into snow very soon. She could move up a few blocks to the ritzy section of town, but the cops paid more attention there, and Daddy Blue didn’t like having to pay off the uptown cops. They...

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I Forgot to Tell My Wife

Hot Wife Wendy gets a surprise visit from a realtor and his client. My name is Chris Cavanaugh and I’m a typical man. Yes ladies, I sometimes forget to tell my wife stuff I should. You know? Like dinner plans, or guests coming to see us, company get togethers or other details I may forget. It’s not on purpose but I know it’s important for my wife, Wendy to know these things in advance and be prepared. Well this story is about one of the many times I FORGOT to tell Wendy about an appointment...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 293

Tuesday morning, Meg Kimbrel awakened early. As she lay there in bed, she thought about yesterday afternoon and last night. She was now the proud owner of a brand new, bright red Jeep Grand Cherokee, and she even had a prepaid Visa card to buy gas with. She, Steve and Marcie had stopped by her house on the way back from Denver. While there, she scooped the cat boxes, then petted and fed her animals. She had also picked up a set of pajamas and a change of clothes to wear while at Steve and...

3 years ago
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Banged A Delhi Girl

Hi everyone, this is my second story here. I’ve been reading ISS for almost 5 years now. Finally, I decided to pen down all of my experiences. I am Ayan from Delhi and open for any kind of interaction or relationship with any female but only if I find you safe enough to have something with you. So, coming to the story now. This is about my ex gf whose name was Isha. She was hot as fuck. Her boobs were not very big but her waist and ass were just perfect. She was a Punjabi and belonged to a rich...

3 years ago
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The Shortest Night

"Just be gentle with her, man," Harold told his brother. "Sheesh, Hal," Lance said. "Why act the heavy, suddenly?" Sam was the girl of dreams, the woman he planned to play in quartets with for the rest of his life. She trusted him. So why was his big brother acting like he was her big brother these last three days? "Because she'd tell Lauren, for one reason." Hal had only met Lauren through Lance, and her parents weren't exactly thrilled about her dating a college guy four years...

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Mother and Daughter

Quick note: this is one of my darker non-consent stories. If you need a happy overall ending, you might want to read my other story in progress instead (Anya and the Fighter). *** A pair of harsh, naked bulbs lit the basement of the secluded house - no ordinary house. The owner had converted it into a dungeon of sexual perversion and hell. Small, rectangular windows were barred, letting in the eldritch light of the moon. Outside, owls called as they tracked their prey. Inside the...

3 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 02

Stan woke up, and rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling. ‘I’m sorry, love, what was I thinking?’ he softly told the beautiful dark eyes that only he could see. Arriving at work, he said ‘Hi!’ to Elaine, who replied, ‘Good morning! Did you enjoy yourself last night?’ Stan walked almost to the door from reception to his office area, stopped, half turned to Elaine and said quietly, ‘Yes, thank you, Elaine.’ Before she could ask any more he opened the door and walked through. Elizabeth...

1 year ago
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Priyas Rejection Tutorial presents "Priya's Rejection Tutorial"(A free version of the same story WITH PHOTOS is available on sat down on a small bench placed on top of the college building?s terrace. ?This is a wonderful, warm place to sit and think. Come, join me,? she tapped the seat next to hers.?Wow, I?ve been in this college two years, never seen this spot before.? Priya said. ?So quiet and secluded.??And warm,? Kavya said. ?Check out the view from here. You can see the...

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The Boss

She reached under the table and unzipped her bosses pants. They were attending a conference together and she wanted him to know she was there to please him. As she grabbed his cock he looked surprised at her and she smiled. "Are you enjoying the dinner Mr Jones?" she said as she grasped his cock. She ran a finger over the tip and saw the look on her boss's face as he tried to appear normal. She then gabbed his balls and squeezed them. She looked at him and said "I am having a ball of a time. I...

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Brief Hospital Visit

The nurses all greeted me in their warm friendly way as I made my way past their station and towards the suite I had for a few days of R&R. One of the benefits of having your name on the hospital facade is having a private luxury suite for when you need some special TLC. I work 18-20+ hour days for long periods of time, sometimes a couple of months straight before completely burning out. That’s when having this small sanctuary for retreat comes in handy. As I walked past the desk, I noticed...

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TittyAttack Karlee Grey Tits Out For The Boys

Its sure to be a great day outdoors for Karlee. She lounges out in her favorite chair, releases her massive tits from her swimsuit, and starts to just straight up vibe. She‘s quite the relaxing time reading, until her brothers bumbling buddy came to bother her. He was over to borrow the car, and Karlee was holding the keys. Before she threw them to him, he got an amazing look at her perfectly shaped tits. Damn, now thats a sight he will never forget. Before he goes to pull out the car, he...

4 years ago
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Ashley part 14

"Come on," mum insists as she arranges me and my sisters against the outside wall. "Can't not get a photo of this, my four beautiful girls!" I smile as I hold hands with Bryony, who holds Cassie's hand, who eagerly grips onto Dorothy's hand. Today is a big day for all of us- the first day of school after a long summer holiday, and it's a big day for me in particular, as it'll be my last ever 'first day of school'. Obviously, when I say 'school' I'm not including things like sixth...

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