A Thousand Years Of Peace Book 2Chapter 14: War. No Matter How Good The Win Is, Some Of God’s Children Still Die free porn video

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When breakfast was done, the Taylors went to the lower deck where the 223’s were parked. The side door had just been opened and Bull Dog and the other pilots were in their planes. Sam was standing by the chairs where the shield team would sit. Most of the shield team was standing with Sam watching the 223’s.

“Well, I see you didn’t fall overboard.” John shook hands with his assistant.

Jenny gave Sam a hug, “At least not more than once.”

“No, sir! I see the Marines are still watching your back, Mr. President.” Sam looked at the four Marines dressed in their finest.

“I’m going to talk with them. Dress uniforms are not going to get the job done today.” John laughed.

Within two minutes, two of the Marines scamper off towards the elevator.

John was back with Sam when the 223’s all lined up. Bull Dog and J-Hawk (Commander Wilson) led the planes through the big side doors. The Shield Officer was on his phone talking to Control. The planes were floating until they were clear of the ship then they turned and took off at full power, disappearing with a big roar, “Where are they going, Sam?”

“Bull Dog and Tin Man are going to be watching our stern. Their job is to keep that landing deck clear. Commander Wilson is J-Hawk and he and his wingman Hawkeye are to keep the bow of the ship clear.” Sam said quietly, “John the Admiral has the best of the best watching and protecting this ship.”

“Sam, this may be the largest air battle involving just fighter planes in the history of mankind before we are done today. We won’t leave here until all of the ISIS threat is eliminated from this part of the world. The Admiral knows this and that is why we are so close to the action. That is also why he and I agreed to go with our mental shields.”

“How are you feeling?” John asked.

“More alive than I have ever felt in my life and yet...” Sam stated.

“You have a love interest in harm’s way,” John added.

Sam thought for a minute, “Yes Sir.” Jenny had heard the question and the answer.

“Sam, we will get through this. We have had our other children in harm’s way. Tony and Willa in Russia and now in Mexico along with Peter and Patty. Johnny and Teresa in Cuba. She’ll come back to you, Sam.” Sam stood 6’2” and John looked up at the man that was becoming like another son.

“Yes, Mam, I will do my job.” Sam shook his head to clear the cobwebs.

“I never had a doubt.” Jenny smiled.

As John and his team waited for the Marines to move up to the upper control room, the mess was setting up a big table and setting a buffet lunch on it.

“Are you hungry boys?” The Admiral asked.

John laughed, “Boys eat all the time.”

When the Marine Sergeant and the Lance Corporal returned with combat greens on, John kissed and hugged all his girls. The Sergeant led John and Sam and the boys up to the control room. The Admiral lead the group into a side room where the nice buffet spread was laid out with sandwich fixings and fruit. “Eat up boys, this may be a long afternoon.” The Admiral informed.

The wait felt like many hours. John continued to talk to the two boys. He asked Ben “Do you have a girlfriend yet?

Ben looked away and shook his head no.

Willy looked at his dad and nodded his head ‘Yes!’

John pointed to his nose with his index finger in the sign of quiet to Willy, “Is she pretty?”

Ben looked at his dad and gave up. He didn’t know why he thought he could get away with his denial, “Yes, she is very pretty. Her name is Stacy.”

“Thank you, Ben, I didn’t mean to impose. I was just trying to help the time pass. War is best known as hurry up and wait.”

“Thank you, dad.” Ben smiled, “Hurry up and wait! I’ll remember that.”

“When your dad said war is hurry up and wait, he confirmed for me that he has been there.” The Admiral shared with the boys, “This is always the hardest part of any war. God says the battle will last about two hours. That will seem like ten minutes. When it is over, your stomach is going to tell you it’s hungry. Until that moment you would think your stomach has left you.”

Willy looked down at his stomach and gave it a comforting pat.

The Captain looked in, “Sir we have over 200 aircraft that have just now shown up on our long-distance radar. They are heading our way, sir.”

John stood up and gave each of the boys a 4 oz. bottle of water. He also handed each a banana and a delicious oatmeal and chocolate chip cookie that was wrapped in a napkin. Sam also took a water bottle and a cookie. John did too. The two Marines followed suit with water bottles and cookies.

Over the com channel came “Listen up. F-223’s allow the F18’s to take on the choppers. F-223’s your job is to take on the F-35’s. You have 144 rockets, make them count.”

There was a chorus of “Aye, aye sir!” over the intercom.

John looked around, Ben was in his position with his safety line connected. Willy was in his position with his two safety lines on. Sam was standing behind watching, “Sam come fire the 50.” Sam had fired one at Quantico, Virginia when he went through the FBI School. Everyone had their helmets on that were tied into the intercom with all the pilots and controllers.

Within a minute there were a hundred things going on all at once.

Bull Dog and Tin Man were chasing two F-35’s across the stern of the Lincoln. The Auto’s on the stern opened and peppered Tin Man, he, “SCREAMED.”

“TIN MAN?” Mary yelled, “Admiral the Auto’s just shot up Tin Man.”

“I’m okay, I’m transporting. One, two and three.” If Tin Man had counted to five he would have been blown to bits. He had pulled his AI module and transported to the flight deck of the Lincoln. He quickly made his way to Control. Once there he entered to face the Chief Flight Officer, “Did I get him, Sir?”

“Yes, Tin Man, you are the first to shoot down an F-35.”

“How can I get back into this battle?” Tin Man asked.

“Leave your AI here and go assist the President.” The CFO pointed to the walkway outside of the Control Room.

“YES, SIR.” Tin Man jumped towards the door. Once through it, he looked at the action. The Marshall was on the 50. The Marines were on a 20-mm M61 Vulcan cannon that is identical to what the F-18’s carry. It was obvious the 50 needed a more experienced hand, “Marshall?”

Sam looked at the helmet with Tin Man written on it, “Yes Tin Man?”

“Can I try my hand, sir?” Tin offered.

“Take over.” Sam moved out of the way. He watched as Tin Man flipped the toggle switch to fully automatic and shot down three Black Hawk Helicopters coming at them about a mile away in three minutes. He then took aim at an F-35 that was coming out of the South in their direction.

The F-35 turned into an explosion.

“Good shooting Tin Man,” John announced.

“Sir, can I take over for you?” A pilot with WASH on his helmet asked Sam.

Over the intercom, a woman’s voice asked, “Tin Man?”

“I’m here helping out White Eagle. I got a few dozen targets in front of me. Two bogies. Wash just joined me.”

“You okay Wash?”

“Rocket missed my shield, took out one of my engines. I’m okay. 10-4” Wash shared.

Sam returned to his position to stand behind John.

Off to the southeast, an F-35 blew up. Bull Dog announce, “That was three.”

“I’m at four!” J-Hawk announced.

Another explosion towards the rear of the ship.

“Now, I’m at four also.” Bull Dog stated.

Inside the control room, the Captain announced 22 to 4.

The Admiral looked over and released a lung full of air. They had about 30 minutes on the clock. He was standing on the left shoulder of the Radar Technician. He nodded and went back to watching the Radar. He announced into his mic, “We have four bogies coming over the bow.”

“Eagle, can you get the two on the left?” J-Hawk asked.

“I’ll get the left two,” Ben said.

I’m on three.” J-Hawk shared.

“I’ll clean up the mess!” Hawkeye stated.

Ben took a deep breath and with his right hand sent a shield towards the first F-35. He followed up with his left hand sending another shield. His dad had told him, in the battle, all of them would find new abilities. The planes hit his shields and glanced down towards the ocean. One of the F-35’s bounced off the Lincoln’s Bow. To his right, another explosion happened then another one. Big pieces of F-35’s landed on the Flight deck.

Over the intercom, “Way to go Eagle. He got both of his. Admiral, our Lady is going to need some paint.”

“We’ll worry about that in Hawaii.” The Admiral stated.


“Two bogies coming up the stern.”

A little voice said, “Okay!”

Soon that little voice added, “Got um!” The noise that went across the flight deck was horrendous. It had to be into the hundreds of decibels. The Marines hit an F-35 and it crashed into the side of the ship’s shield. It too made a horrendous noise. The whole ship shuddered from the vibration.

“Captain, I do believe we are in a battle.” The Admiral was trying to get his hearing back.

“The tally is 58 to 6. The Nimitz has lost two F18’s. Pilots are okay. We have also downed over 100 Black Hawks. The Marines, Tin Man and the F-18’s have chewed them up pretty good.” The Captain reported.

The Admiral looked at the position clock. 90 minutes had passed since Tin Man had shot down the first F-35. We are still shooting down an F-35 every minute and a half. God says there will be a quick break in the action at around 100 planes. That leaves 42 planes, so we got around another hour of the battle. Maybe I can shorten that hour.

“Two more bogies coming at the Stern.” Over the intercom.

“Okay!” a little voice said.

The boat protested with a shutter and a rattle as the horrendous waves of noise traveled across the flight deck.

“Got UM!”

“Good job General.” The Admiral said over the intercom. This was Numbers 4 and 5 for Willy.

Hundreds of voices on the intercom. Short two or three-word discussions.

“Tin Man?”

“I’m at 5.”

“I’m at 11, coming in to reload. General?”

“Okay Bull Dog! Ruff!”

“Ruff!” Bull Dog floated in and sat as her crew brought more fuel and twelve new rockets. In ten minutes, her plane was ready to take to the skies again.

“Bull Dog?”

“Yes CFO.”

“Get ready to fight. We have what looks like four bogies coming at the bow.”

“Everyone?” J-Hawk asked, “Eagle take the left one.”

“10-4,” Ben informed.

“I’ll take #2,” J-Hawk said.

“Me for three,” Hawkeye added.

“I’ll take #4.” Bull Dog added.


Ben’s Shield hitting an F-35 was about half as loud as Willy’s.

That seemed to be the trigger this time. Ben lowered his shades on his helmet. Three loud explosions and more pieces of F-35’s all over the bow end of the flight deck. The Navy crew quickly moved out to clean up the mess on the flight deck.

“J-Hawk and Hawkeye take over the cover of the Lincoln. Bull Dog go HUNT.” The Admiral directed his team.

“YES, SIR.” Bull Dog screamed. Over the next ten minutes, Bull Dog tallied ten more hits. She led two bogies in front of White Eagle. He reached out with his TK and pulled the tail wings off the two bogies. They did a corkscrew dive into the ocean. She also had four others shot down chasing her by J-Hawk and Hawkeye.

“Two bogies coming at the stern.”

“Okay!” The little voice said followed by two very loud noises from the stern.

“Three bogies coming at the bow!”

“I see them!” Ben’s young voice announced.

“Eagle take two?”

“I’ll take two,” Ben said.

“I’ll take #3. 10-4.” J-Hawk added.

“Two bogies coming mid-ship on the Starboard side.”

There were explosions everywhere. Tin Man nailed the right bogie. John hit the second bogie with his shield. The F-35 just bounced up. Sam hit it with his shield. The F-35 exploded knocking everybody on the walkway down, except for Sam. Ben and Willy were somewhat protected as their portion of the walkway were covered by the Main Ship’s shield. Sam was thrown against the outside wall of the Control Room. His back about 5” from his backbone hit the safety ring sticking out about 3”. Two of his rib bones were broken.

A voice that John knew well uttered, “owwwwww.”

John turned over and got to his knees. He made a circle checking everyone. When he got to Sam he realized his Marshall was in trouble. Sam couldn’t breathe.

“Marshall?” a woman’s voice over the intercom.

“I got him.” John eased a very white Sam down to a sitting position.

“Sam?” John asked.

“Back!” Sam squeaked out.

“He’s got a rib broken, I’ll fix,” John reported.

At the two-hour mark, The Captain’s report was, “92 to 7.”

Bull Dog continued her hunt.

“Sir we have another fleet starting to show up on the long-distance radar.” One of the Lieutenants informed the Admiral and Captain.

“It’s about time for the Kuznetsov to show up.” The Admiral informed. The Russian Kuznetsov Air Craft Carrier today has a complement of 40 of the Mikoyan MiG-29K and 20 of the Sukhoi SU-30’s.

“Sir they are launching their SU-30’s.”

John’s phone rang. The display showed “Mother Bear”.

“Hello, this is Admiral Wiggins of the Abraham Lincoln.

“This is Mother Bear. Is White Eagle available?”

“Mother Bear, he is coming in the door now.”

“Mother Bear?” John asked.

“I’m here White Eagle.”

The Captain handed John a slip of paper. On it was 99 and 7, “Mother Bear, I just got handed a piece of paper with the numbers we saw months ago. 99 and 7. That leaves 45 F-35s still in the sky.”

“Do we have a green light to play in the pool?” Vid asked.

“Absolutely Mother Bear, Green Light to Play in the Pool,” John said loud enough for all to hear in the control room.

The Admiral moved away and keyed his mic, “F-223’s, go to plan E-1. Please sound off and disclose your number of rockets.”

“Bull Dog 2.”

“J-Hawk 1.”

“Bull Dog and J-Hawk land and reload.”

When the Admiral heard he only had 29 rockets in the other 9 F-223’s, “When Bull Dog and J-Hawk return, I want three of you at a time to land and reload.

Over the intercom, all heard many “Aye, aye, sir.”

Willy was getting bored. He moved over to Sam, “Are you okay Sam?” He did not realize his question went out over the intercom.

“Your dad fixed me up as good as new!” Sam said.

“Admiral, we are getting a hail from the pilot of an F-35. He is asking for Political Asylum.”

“Sir, the lone F-35 is nearing our stern. His plane shows it has radiation coming from it.”

“Nuclear Bomb. Willy push that last bogie as far away as possible.” The Admiral directed.

“Okay.” Willy looked to Ben, “Come!” They ran to the end of the cat walk on the stern. They each grabbed a tie line.

Ben pointed to the stern and said, “There.”

The two boys hit this lone F-35 about a quarter mile behind the Lincoln with their shields. They were able to push it another quarter mile further away. Both boys had thrown two shields at it, “Got him, Admiral.”

“Everyone come into the Control Room Now!” The Admiral ordered. He then called the Engine Room, “This is the Admiral, Warrant Officer Briggs, give us all you can, we may have a Nuclear Explosion a half mile behind us.”

“Understood Admiral.”

Overall channels, “Prepare for a Rogue Wave. Move indoors. Secure all doors and windows from storm surge. Do this NOW!”

Ben picked up Willy and headed for the door. The Marines, Tin Man along with his assistant Wash scampered through the door ahead of them. Sam pushed John in after them. As Ben turned to enter there was a very loud noise with a mountain of water rising out of the sea behind them. Sam bent down, “Go, Ben!”

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Rosita and LaToya were examining new case files when I got into the office. “I thought we got everyone checked in,” I said, realizing in horror that I had put on Dr. Li’s panties by mistake. “Two last minute additions,” Rosita groaned, holding up a folder. “Guess who?” I looked at the folder and sighed. “The Ambrose twins?” I asked. “Again?” “Says they were working in a strip club and got the cops called on them,” Latoya said. “I should think so,” I said, unloading my things. “They’re...

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Chaos and Order The War Eternal Small Wars

Chaos and Order: The War Eternal "Small Wars" An Urban Fantasy Tale (Set in the Consultant Universe) Magic has always existed and is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can actually be taught to cast spells. Only about 1% has the ability to earn a Magic-User 3rd Class license. In a country of 300 million that means there are potentially 3 million professional practitioners. ...

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Katherine and Edward

Katherine felt attracted to him the very first time she saw him. He was different than the other men she knew, not that she knew that many, but there was something altogether safe and yet demanding about him. He looked her straight in the eyes, unlike boys her own age, and he showed his interest in her, in an open and pleasant manner. They met at a party of the better circles. She had come there with her two sisters, both older, and both married. The youngest in the family, she was used to...

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Hogwarts Rule Book

while looking around Hogwarts a character finds a special book. The book allows rules and descriptions of students/teachers to be written and will make it seem natural to all but the owner of the book. uses it to make his stay at Hogwarts more enjoyable for any of the characters in any year that the rule book is found in . the rule book is found in the room of requirement on the seventh floor of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. in any year of hogwarts school of witchcraft and...

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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 6 Becky is Queen of the Jungle

For just a second, time stood still. The girls were electric with excitement as Becky’s enormous bicep trembled with power, seeming to grow as she stared down at Jake. The boys murmured nervously as Jake’s whole body trembled with fear, seeming to shrink as he stared up at Becky. Then she brought her fist down onto his face, sending a shower of blood and teeth across the ring as a sickening cracking sound filled the air. It was the most violent, one-sided display of power that I had ever...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 21 Minefields

Federation Fleet The Washington led her fleet towards the captured Space Docks where they circled the Earth, at five hundred thousand miles. Ken stood on the flag bridge with his wives and watched the American ships maneuvering in front of them. "Admiral, the American fleet is joining up. They have fifteen destroyers and four light cruisers," Lieutenant Jinnah Chin reported. "Thank you lieutenant, we will stick with the plan," Admiral Tammy Thompson said. "Yes, Ma'am. I am sending...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 14 Off to War

“No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.” - Ronald Reagan Jason left the meeting with Ixal, Lisirra and Corvus. He was joined by Julia, Perdita and Razza along with Kalalal and his team. They met with the excited Gromelix and went for a flight together for half an hour before they climbed into an assault frigate to fly to the updated Battleship waiting outside the asteroid. “Your ship looks huge next to...

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Dawn of the Federation Book II Darkness on the Edge of SpaceChapter 3 Hammer Of War

Despite understanding Trip's explanation for his banishment from Buran Malcolm did the (in his opinion) logical thing the next day and ignored the request to stay away. Fighting his way through the crowded corridors of his ship he began to understand though, why Trip wasn't so keen on letting him see the carnage. Just about any panel that could be opened was actually open with either a human or Vulcan head stuck in it, surrounded by cables, pipes and engineering tools. It didn't really...

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Building a Nest of Our Own16 Leaving Home in Search of War in the Name of Peace

“I hope everyone said their goodbyes.” Al stroked Solomon as the Peaceful Avenger neared the edge of the Goozmn system. “It’ll be some time before we return. We won’t be gone for long, but with time dilation, it’ll likely be years before your loved ones see you again.” “That’s why we brought them with us,” Zita reminded him. “As for everybody else, they’ll miss us, but they’ll have plenty to keep them busy in the interim.” “That was the plan. I’m just reminding you what we’re...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 7 Breakfast at Soursquos

John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 2

Day Two. November 1, 2018. Sleep came easy for the four. Tony was seeing a fierce gun battle in his dreams when a young voice woke them up around midnight, “Amigos, Brad, and Tony. Need help now!” “Who is it?” Tony asked in Spanish, he had just learned the night before. “Diego sir.” “Give us a minute.” “Hurry. There is someone following me.” Brad was the first to appear. Dressed in shorts, tee-shirt, and sneakers as he fastened a belt with a holster & gun around his hips. He saw...

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Winter War Legend of the Snow Fox

In a move that has shocked the political world at large; the governments of Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have concluded and signed a treaty of mutual non-aggression. The released statements of many world leaders has ranged across the spectrum, from ones of rejoicing that the prospects of another great war in Europe has been avoided, to others who unofficially are seeking more information or are involved in a series of ‘intense discussions’ with allied...

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Act of War SOS Book 2Chapter 12 Colonial HQ

Proxima Centauri I had done what I could, I had laid out in great detail the enemies defenses and capabilities, I had been called before the President of the Colonies and had told him the same thing, that the enemies defense and offensive capabilities far outstripped ours. I had told them all how they had wanted peace, that they claimed their was a threat to the universe from another dimension, I now was in fleet HQ and a meeting of the Admiralty, the President and key members of the...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 23 Explanations of War

Introductions were made and most everyone was seated. They were short one chair. Pappy elected to lean against the wall rather than get an extra chair from his or BB's apartments in the barn. He wanted to know what was going on and wouldn't take a chance of missing something. Though he loved Sean, he still wasn't completely comfortable with this Wizard business and controlling the animals. Sean was sitting in a highchair beside Seth. Martha's motherly manner settled everyone and even...

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Heather Peace and Roxanne McKee lesbian sex

After her successful role as Louise Summers in the UK soap Hollyoaks she was offered a major role in the BBC drama called “Lip Service” which is set in Scotland and is about lesbian relationships.Although Roxanne has always been a sex symbol she’s never really shied away from, not-only playing, raunchy roles but also stripping off for glamour mags as well. All very tasteful but she had been approached many times with cash to go further but she’s always said no.Now just turned 30, she’s a 5ft...

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Roxanne McKee fucked by Heather Peace

After her successful role as Louise Summers in the UK soap Hollyoaks she was offered a major role in the BBC drama called “Lip Service” which is set in Scotland and is about lesbian relationships.Although Roxanne has always been a sex symbol she’s never really shied away from, not-only playing, raunchy roles but also stripping off for glamour mags as well. All very tasteful but she had been approached many times with cash to go further but she’s always said no.Now just turned 30, she’s a 5ft...

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Roxanne McKee cums hard thanks to Heather Peace

Roxanne McKee gets some first-hand training!After her successful role as Louise Summers in the UK soap Hollyoaks she was offered a major role in the BBC drama called “Lip Service” which is set in Scotland and is about lesbian relationships.Although Roxanne has always been a sex symbol she’s never really shied away from, not-only playing, raunchy roles but also stripping off for glamour mags as well. All very tasteful but she had been approached many times with cash to go further but she’s...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 15

Returning Home! The destroyer landed on the planet Nanux. John had everyone take a walk, to observe the planet. It had been stripped of its wealth, the soil was dead without nutrients or even earthworms. John got intuitively it needed a good dose of chickens. He thought of Funston and got the same sense that the ground had just been overused for thousands of centuries. Then it had been covered. Nanux had been used until there was no more life in it. John asked everyone to form a circle and...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 20 Malfoys Hogwarts Escort Service

Chapter Twenty – Malfoy’s Hogwarts Escort Service Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, cream pie, grope, magic, preg, spank, unif The Yule Ball had been a wild success for Harry Potter and Ron Weasley; they had used the animal magnetism potion Harry had concocted from the Spellbook of Desires to great effect. They hadn’t been able to seduce the girls they had...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 9 Battle for SOL Part one

Federation Fleet Ken stood on the flag bridge of the USS Washington and watched the gate open for his ship. Looking at his wife Jessica he said, "Okay, let's find out what is going on." "Yes, Sir. We are dropping out in three ... two ... one ... Now!" The Washington dropped out of fold. The two assault cruisers, Grizzly and Orca, and the seven destroyers were flanking her. The destroyers spread out in a half circle to protect the three ships. Sensors came online and flashed their...

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Act of War SOS Book 2Chapter 2

2502 The C.S.S. Icarus. I sat in the pilots chair of the Icarus; the Colonial fleets most advanced stealth recon ship, every system was designed to avoid detection, it could operate in atmosphere as well as deep space, it was also the smallest starship to be equipped with its own wormhole generator. I activated the pilots chairs impact field, it generated an inertial dampening field around the chair keeping me in place as well as protecting me during space travel. I powered up the ships...

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Act of War SOS Book 2Chapter 7

The Governors office The Governor held up her hand to Jacob. "Explain what you mean Jacob." She said. Jacob looked at me. "We first suspected something by his ships registry, Janus went over it with a fine tooth comb, it is a Colonial ship, what ever that means, not Earth gov." He said staring at me. "So the government made some changes?" Jan said. Jacob shook his head. "If that was it I wouldn't be in here, but Janus discovered what they did to the ships A.I." Jacob said. I...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 11 Strategy

Palace of the Queen, Merka Planet Remza Universe Recta 9: Conference Room 4.6 Preliminary Strategy Discussion Attendees: Gen. Nastovor Sarajengus — Head of the Armed forces for the Azayal; Chairman. Adm. Maron Mergazengis — Chief admiral of the Azayal Fleet. Adm. Pawela Hage — Intelligence Chief combined forces. Jacob Peck — President of the Flock of the Una. Grefel Magoo — Director of Intelligence of the Una. Queen Mergal Ravengus — Queen of the Azayal. Lisirra Chamadar — Crown...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 4 War College

“They’re on our right, they’re on our left, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us; they can’t get away from us this time.” – Chesty Puller The gym was huge and was one of two hundred on campus. It comfortably accommodated ten thousand students. Along the back-wall, AIs attended to registrations. Each group was allocated two instructors. They introduced themselves as Uzliumbax AI instructors and said they developed the exercise routines and led martial arts training. Jason was bumped...

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The Eighth Warden Book 3Chapter 16

“Now, tell me what the hell is going on,” Marco said. “What is Tir a Tir? We’re supposed to be looking for Tir Yadar!” He’d been crankier than usual ever since getting stabbed. “We are,” Ellerie replied. She’d refused to speak openly while they were still out on the streets, so Josip had found an inn that had enough rooms for everyone, plus a private dining room for the group to get together. “We have a good idea of the route to Tir Yadar, but we didn’t know where to begin. Now we do. Tir a...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 21

The Appointed President meets the Elected President. John awoke some time later. He was on the floor. He looked around, there was a Golden Retriever lying next to him keeping him warm. His head had been on a pillow. He was all alone, he called out, “Johannes?” “I’m in here John, we did it. We did it.” The dog woke up and looked at John, “Mesha?” John barely said. The dog got so excited, she was in his lap washing his face and ears. Mesha was a purebred Golden Retriever that John and his...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 2 Phi Theta Rho Party Again

Late on Saturday afternoon Dave shifted into his job as one of the bartenders for the Circle. Just as he was ready for a first customer, Emma came racing up to the bar. She was alone and only wearing a monokini, unlike a few hours earlier when her parents and younger sister had visited and she was dressed conservatively. She extended her body over the bar and kissed Dave. “Thank you for being so nice to my parents and sister.” “Of course. They’re nice people. I take it they don’t know a...

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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 10 Becky the Protector

I awoke to the sound of a slamming door. Out the window we could see Sean stomping off to the gym. “Wow it actually did take him two hours to do his paperwork,’ I said. “He must be really mad.” “Hey there are lights on in the gym already,” Rosita said. “Who else works out at 8 pm?” “Becky,” I gasped, as I scrambled to put on my shorts and tank top. As Rosita and I approached the gym, we saw Sean bursting through the doors into the counselor’s gym. We hurried inside, and ran through the...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 2

A Little over six months before in our Nation’s Capital in Washington DC. The nation was in arms. People were angry. President Tripp had made many changes, exposing the corruptions of the people running our government. He was indeed cleaning out the swamp. Past presidents and a wife had been put in jail. Two other Presidents had died. Three Supreme Court Judges had also been arrested. A fourth Judge had also given up her seat. With the killing of one of the Supreme Court Justices in 2016,...

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A Mothers Lottery Win

A Mother's Lottery Win By Julia Thomas Chapter 1 My mother and father had got divorced and we were living in a small village just south of Birmingham in the UK. I am 10 years old and my name is Andrew Carter. Since the divorce I had not seen my father because he had run off with another woman and had taken everything and left my mother totally penniless. My mother had continually tried to get a job to no avail. We both have lived in the house for some twelve months. I...

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War and Peace

I've written before about my late husband who wrote on here under the name Davedax, in these days of superheroes and "ex special forces guys" courtesy of ridiculous Hollywood films, I was actually married to a largely unsung super hero, he was a part time police officer in the Royal Ulster Constabulary, which after the shameful Good Friday peace agreement became known as the police service of northern Ireland, please note the deliberate omission of capital letters! I have actually had...

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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 7 Becky Teaches and Megan Learns

That afternoon I went out to the lake to inspect the canoes. We didn’t let the kids out on the lake until the third week, when we had them under control, but I wanted to be ready. On the way to the lake I passed the gym, and peaked through the windows. All the girls were packed inside, some of them using free weights, and some of them doing pushups, all under the direction of Becky Finklestein, who strode about the gym in a powder blue shorts and t-shirt that clung to her monstrously muscular...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 4 The Anomaly

“After breakfast, I would like all of you to come up to command central and have a look at an astounding object the sensor operators have found,” said Andrea chewing her almond croissant with relish and sipping a cup of coffee. “I am going up in five minutes and I would strongly recommend you do not delay and as a result miss what they have found.” Andrea would not respond to any questions and led everyone up to command central where there were five sensor operators working and manipulating...

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