An Orgy Of Grapes free porn video

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There was only one bottle of wine in the refrigerator, a white sauv blanc, and there was not enough for everyone. Sophie closed the door and chewed on her thumb looking around the kitchen for something that could save her from the worst dinner party in history. There were was a small pile of coats and handbags in the corner. Five dirty dishes sat in the sink waiting to be washed. Other than that, the kitchen was cleaner than it had been in months.

Maybe she could just serve ice cream, it’s not like alcohol could save the evening. The whole dinner had been a disaster from go to whoa.

June stuck her head in through the door. ‘Can I help?’ she asked brightly.

‘I think you have done quite enough for one evening.’ Sophie said, flicking her head to the left. Her mousy brown fringe obediently followed so that she could give her best friend, her sternest gaze.

June smirked. ‘Yes sorry about that. Although I didn’t start the argument between Bill and Sarah that ship had well and truly sailed before they even arrived.’

‘Did you have to say something about her jacket?’

‘It was meant as a compliment’ June said, raising her hands defensively.

‘Yes, one of the famous June Steinberg back handed compliments. Also please, for me, stop flirting with Justin. He is new to the office, we only just met and you know this whole dinner thing is a pretext to see him socially, as he won’t ask me out.’

‘Ok, ok… I’ll behave.’

‘Thank you.’

‘But if things don’t work out between you two, can I have him? The man wears cowboy boots. It would be criminal to let him out alive.’ Sophie rolled her eyes.

This was the last thing she needed, to be competing with her best friend over a man. June was slender around the waist, fit, blonde, busty, beautiful and witty. Worse she had worn an absolutely stunning green dress, which fitted tightly to her body and teased the viewer with just the right amount of cleavage. June loved green, and green loved her.

Sophie shifted uncomfortably in her own choice of attire. She had chosen jeans that were that bit too tight around her legs and a black shirt which fitted well to her petite frame. The fringe was new, and she was proud of it, but being new she still wasn’t 100% used to it. So she lacked the confidence that June seemed to exude.

But, then again, confidence had always been Sophie’s problem. She just couldn’t talk to men. Every time she tried something in her stomach would claw its way up through her throat and grab hold of her tongue. Tonight was going to be different though. Tonight she was going to impress. At least that had been the plan, before everything had gone to shit.

‘Anyway weren’t you getting wine to placate our bickering couple?’ June asked.

Sophie winced. ‘I’m out.’ She crossed her arms. ‘Ice cream?’

‘What about the bottle I brought?’ June asked, pointing toward the bags. She sauntered across the kitchen, her high heels clicking against the hard wood floor, to where the coats were lying. She bent down and pulled out a green bag that was only big enough to hold a bottle of wine. ‘You are a life saver’ Sophie said clapping her hands. The label on the bottle was dirt, faded brown with something written in strange foreign letters on it. Sophie thought that it looked home bottled, because the inside was a dark liquid. However, at this point in the evening, she was desperate.

‘Present from my sister’ June said, as an explanation. ‘It came with a letter saying ‘I thought you would enjoy this!”

June’s sister was backpacking in India or Indonesia or one of the ‘I’ countries that didn’t speak English. She had turned hippy a few years ago and had gone out into the world to find her-self. June had confided that ‘finding herself’ was code for flitting from beach to beach, picking up boys and having an indecent amount of sex.

Of course for Sophie indecent was more than once every six months. She had been single for longer than was decent of a woman of twenty five. That thing in her stomach had a lot to answer for.

She pulled five glasses out of the cupboard as June opened the bottle. The cork flew out with a soft pop.

June poured the wine into the glasses. It was a deep red, almost black and, thick like syrup. Sophie wrinkled her nose, tt seemed of clover and herbs and something else that Sophie couldn’t recognise. She wasn’t a fan of red, but it was all they had. June filled all five glasses, emptying the bottle, and together they carried them into the next room.

Bill and Sarah were staring at each other in stony silence. Bill and Sarah had married straight out of High School. Since then things had gone sour. Bill yearned for the glory days, but Sarah kept him on a short leash. Her only ambition was to start a family, but they were struggling to conceive. Bill also wanted to travel, which Sarah was against

Justin, the stud from work, just looked uncomfortable. Sophie feared he might just stand up and make his apologies and leave. But to her relief he ran a hand across his thick stubbled jaw and smiled at her. She caught his eye for a fraction of a second before looking down at her feet. Damn stomach monster.

‘Wine, wine and wine. So you can all quit your whining.’ June laughed lightly, placing the wine in front of Sophie’s guests. Sophie gave her spare wine to Justin without a word and found her chair. The two men quickly picked up their glasses. Grateful, for something to break what had obviously been an awkward and painfully silent few minutes.

‘To friends, and peaceful mediation.’ June smiled raising her glass. Sarah stared daggers at her, but they all toasted and together drank. The liquid swam around her tongue, delighting it with strange foreign spices, grapes and honey. She swallowed and enjoyed the pleasant after taste which lingered long after leaving her tongue and mouth warm and tingling. The warmth slipped down her throat and a heady sense of wellbeing followed.

‘Wow!’ Sarah exclaimed, the first positive comment she had made all night. ‘This is excellent.’

‘It is, isn’t it?’ Sophie agreed. There was nodding from around the table. Conversation seemed to pick up, as they all latched onto a positive subject that was being shared by all. June explained where it had come from, and even Sarah was laughing as June told stories of the trouble and mischief her sister found herself in. Bill started trying to deconstruct the flavour, talking about tannin and various other things.

‘Our resident expert just came back from wine tasting.’ Sarah explained with playful mocking tone ‘Don’t tell anyone he doesn’t really know what he is talking about.’ Bill scowled at her, but the argueing had become teasing and a moment later they kissed and made up.

Justin then asked Sophie about work and for once she met his eye. She forgot about June’s instructions to avoid work and be interesting, the stomach monster seemed to be otherwise occupied and so they started sharing gossip about the various people they both knew. They talked and drank and laughed. He told her about his last job and she told him about her ambitions for management. ‘You should go for it.’ He smiled.

‘Maybe I will.’ She smiled. It was getting quite warm and the wine had left a pleasant cloud in her head. Sophie slipped out of her jacket. She took a moment to put back on her hosts hat, and noticed that there was quite a bit of laughter around the table. All for the good.

It wasn’t until Bill pointed out the obvious that she noticed what was happening in her own body. ‘Is it just me or it getting really hot in here?’

‘You could always drink more’ Sarah laughed, kissing him.

But Sophie had to admit, it was getting very warm. She would go so far as to say it was hot. Her head was buzzing and her skin was burning pleasantly and felt really sensitive. She was also quite thirsty. She took another drink from her own glass finishing off the res
t of the wine.

Justin was talking to June now who was playing absently with her hair. June had always been something of a style queen and the sexy green dress had a split in the side and was showing off her short legs to great effect. She was leaning back in her chair, her full bust thrust forward, eyes staring intently at Justin and a secret little smile on her lips. Sophie should have been jealous, but strangely she found herself staring at her best friend’s breasts.

Sophie was a 34c. She was proud of her breasts, but had always been a little envious of June who was a 38d. That combined with her sense of style and natural beauty made June something of a magnet for men. Usually Sophie felt secretly jealous, or envious, but now as she stared at her friends breasts, Sophie found herself fixated on the shape of June’s hard nipples poking through the dress.

Embarrassed she looked away. Bill and Sarah were talking quietly, their foreheads touching. They would kiss occasionally. Sophie had known Sarah longer, but Bill had always been a good friend. She wondered what it would be like to kiss Bill. To feel his lips on hers, his tongue in her mouth. To feel his hand slide through her hair, as it now did through Sarah’s. Sophie wondered if Sarah was making his cock hard.

Sophie panties was wet. Her skin was tingling and she found that her hand had been caressing her thigh. For how long? She didn’t know. She felt strange. Hot, thirsty and after a quick check she found that her own nipples were hard.

‘Could I have some water’ Justin asked. His face was flushed red. Sophie, unwilling to speak, nodded, and led the way to the kitchen. She poured him a glass. Something was drawing her to him, almost against her will. It felt unnatural. She forced herself to stand on the other side of the kitchen. He drank deeply from his glass of water.

She stared as he wiped water away from his chiselled jaw, the muscles rippling in his arm. His eyes were on her and he was breathing heavily, as if he had just finished exercising.

Something inside her seemed to click and blood flooded her genitals, opening a flood gate of lust and desire. What was happening to her? She tried desperately to keep it together.

‘So are you enjoying the job?’ She asked, Fuck me. Fuck me in my bedroom. Fuck me on the coach. Fuck me with your eyes. Fuck me whilst I’m on top. Fuck me hard. Fuck me fast. Fuck me Justin.

‘Yeah it’s ok. The commute is a pain.’ Fuck me in my mouth. Fuck me between my breasts. Fuck me side ways. Fuck me from behind while we are standing. Fuck me upside down. Take me outside and fuck me on the swing. Fuck me in the chair. Fuck my hand as it wraps around your hard cock.

‘Public transport is a bitch.’ She agreed. Fuck me missionary. Fuck me doggie stile. Fuck me reverse Cowgirl. Fuck me cow girl. Fuck me 69. Fuck me until I’m screaming your name. Fuck me until you are screaming mine. Fuck me up the arse.

That last one surprised even her.

June was in the kitchen. She struck a pose at the doorway, leaning against the door way with her arm above her head, exposing all her curves. God she was sexy. She smiled and then within moments she was in Sophie’s arms. Her ample breasts pushing against Sophies. The two women held each other. This was exactly what Sophie needed. Human contact. Safe, non-embarrassing, female human contact.

‘I’m feeling very sexy right now. I wonder what was in that wine.’ June leaned back her eyes staring into Sophies, her full lips twisting into a sly smile. Sophie realised she was breathing fast. She couldn’t move her eyes away from those lips. She glanced up into Junes eyes, then back to her lips.

Their soft lips met. Sophie had never kissed a woman before, there was none of the stubble, nor did June try to stick her tongue down Sophies throat as so many of Sophie’s clumsy lovers had in the past. This was soft delicate. Sophie could taste June’s lipstick as she sucked first on one lip and then the bottom.

‘That was nice.’ Laughed June.

Sophie looked across the kitchen at Justin who was staring at them. There was a bulge in his pants. Sophie looked at it and bit her lower lip, before bringing her eyes up to his. ‘You just going to stand over there or do you want to come here and fuck us?’ Sophie smiled. Whatever this wine was doing to her she liked it. She liked this new confident woman who went after what she wanted.

Justin slowly undid his belt as he crossed the kitchen. Sophie sank to her knees. She undid the button on his jeans and unzipped him. June moved in around him and pulled his pants down around his cow boy boots. At last his erection sprang out to salute Sophie. He was long, circumcised and looked delicious.

Wasting no time she wrapped her small hand around it. Enjoying its heat as it slid into her mouth. She began to play with it using her tongue, circling one way and then the other around the circumference of the head. She started to bob her head up and down, taking his cock deeper into her mouth, inch by glorious inch. Her hands wrapped around his tight arse, thrusting in time with her bobbing head.

June’s green dress was on the floor. Sophie watched as June started kissing Justin. Their lips and tongues working furiously against each other, as Sophie sucked hard on his manhood. His hand went to June’s breast and started teasing her nipple through the fabric of her bra. She moaned as he moved to her neck kissing and biting it before moving up to her ear lobe.

Sophie started bobbing faster and Justin forgot about June’s earlobe. His eyes went wide and his mouth opened as he gasped for more air. She pulled away from his cock, a thin film of saliva trailing from her mouth to the tip of his penis, and alternated her head job by pumping at the base of his dick with her hand.

June planted herself next to Sophie and took Justin in her hand. ‘Its nice to share.’ She winked before placing her own mouth over the tip and started to go to work. Sophie took the opportunity to pull her own shirt over her head, slip out of her shoes. Undid her jeans and bra and pull down her panties. She tossed them on top of the bags and coats.

‘God you’re beautiful.’ June said. The compliment took Sophie by surprise. It was a strange compliment to hear, with June on her knees half naked and her hand around the penis of the man that Sophie had been crushing on for weeks.

She was just about to return to Justin and June, when she heard moaning in the other room. ‘Wait stop.’ She said. They all looked at each other smiling wickedly. ‘Want to see what Bill and Sarah are doing?’

‘I think I can guess.’ June laughed.

Sarah’s mouth was wrapped around Bill who was leaning back in the dining chair his hand resting on top of Sarah’s head. Sarah had removed her shirt, which lay discarded on the floor next to her bra and panties. Her skirt was still wrapped around her hips, hiding Sarah’s hand which was busy between her legs. Petite breasts swung back and forth as her head bobbed up and down.

Sophie wanted to take those breasts between her fingers and pull on those hard tiny nipples. Massage them between her forefinger and thumb. Pulling them, pulling them until Sarah cried out and begged her to stop.

The stomach monster inside her cried out, telling her that this was crazy. This wasn’t her. She was quiet and shy, a wall flower who pined after what she wanted. Not a wanton nymphomaniac slut. But another part of her wanted to fuck everyone in the room. Each of them and all of them.

She was going to.

Sophie felt the length of Justin’s penis pressing between her buttocks. His hand wrapped around her and caressed her stomach and thighs. She began to undulate her hips grinding against his erection. His breath, hot against her ear, grew heavier as her buttocks worked his manhood.

Suddenly June was there. Completely naked, she seated herself on the edge of the table, directly in front of Sophie. He
r long, blonde hair fell over her shoulders and arm and down between her beautiful breasts. June’s mouth opened in a gasp as her fingers slipped deftly over her own womanhood. Sophie licked her lips as she watched June masturbate with her left hand, whilst June’s other hand pulled on her heavy, dark nipple. ‘Oh god…’ She cried.

Sophie leaned forward and took hold of her best friends waist before pressing her face against June’s pussy. She breathed in the smell of her friends sex and then began working on June’s labia with her tongue. Slowly she traced the letter ‘A’ with her tongue, exploring and teasing June’s pussy before licking a ‘B’ and then a ‘C’. ‘Oh my God!’ June cried louder than before. ‘Oh God! Jesus YES!!’

Then it was Sophie’s turn to cry out as she felt Justin entered her. His hands grasped her hips as he began to fuck her. His long thick cock sliding in and out of her in a slow rhythm. Each thrust sending jolts of pleasure into her pussy which cascaded out into the rest of her body. She moaned her soft swan song with each lunge.

In time it became too difficult to offer cunnilingus to June, whilst being pleasured by Justin. She raised her head and caught sight of Sarah who was straddling Bill in reverse cowgirl. Her small breasts bounced up and down in time with her movements. Sarah’s eyes were closed and she was moaning ‘Fuck, Fuck, Fuck’ over and over again. Sophie could clearly see Bills penis appearing and disappearing from beneath the shaved strip of hair between Sarah’s legs. Sophie delighted in the visual image of Bill’s penis fucking Sarah even as Jason’s cock fucked her.

Then June was there sucking on Sophies hard nipple, her tongue circling the aureole as her fingers slipped between her legs. Justin had increased his speed and was using shorter, shallower strokes. Occasionally he would pull out, only to have Sophie cry out as he entered her again.

Suddenly he was out of her altogether and June was pushing past her and mounting him. Sophie felt a moment of disorientation and regret before she pulled herself together. She pressed her own breasts against Junes back and reached around with both hands to pull on her nipples. ‘Ahhh’ June cried out. For a moment Sophie thought she might have hurt her. ‘No don’t stop.’ June insisted as she began to ride Justin.

She took her time playing with June’s ample bosom as she moved up and down on top of Justin. Sophie could see Sarah was still riding Bill but her eyes were now on Justin and she was biting on her lower lip.

She wants him, Sophie realised. Pure hearted, holier than though, monogamous and only too happy to rub that in everyone’s face Sarah, was lusting after Justin. Just as Sophie came to this realisation Sarah stopped and climbed off Bill. Her naked body slipped across the room and she took Justin’s face with her hand and kissed him. Then she took Justin’s hand and pulled it between her legs.

‘Be back soon.’ Sophie whispered to June.

‘Miss me.’ June whispered back with a cheeky grin.

Sophie turned and with hips swaying moved slowly to Bill. ‘Hi.’ he said in a husky voice.

‘Hi, back at you.’ Sophie replied taking his wood in her hand and guiding it between her legs. His arms circled her and she sighed as she felt him inside of her. She rode him in a slow canter. He wasn’t as long as Justin but he was thicker and it wasn’t long before her breathing became more laboured and the first moans escaped her lips. He bucked his hips into her, in time to her rhythm, and it seemed there was no end to his stamina.

‘Oh Bill.’ She moaned, ‘Oh Bill, Oh Bill, Oh Bill.’

‘Sophie.’ He cried in return, burying his face between her boobs. They stayed like that for a while screwing each other slowly on the chair. Losing themselves in each other and forgetting the other cries of pleasure filling the room.

‘Care to share?’ June whispered into Sophie’s ear. Sophie slowed and eventually stopped to rest against Bills cock until it was filling her.

‘I don’t know.’ She smiled wickedly ‘Bill, what do you want? A double blowjob from the two of us? Or keep fucking me?’ She moved her hips slowly back and forth during the last sentence causing Bill to moan.

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This is a true story that happened to my wife while we were separated some years ago. Sally had a room mate named Susan and they were both nice looking ladies and still are for that matter. They were similar in appearance, build. hair color, breasts size and could pass for s****rs. Hell I even wanted to do Susan myself but it was too close and could have killed what we still had. They were regulars at a local bar and dance hall and most every weekend you could find them there dancing and...

1 year ago
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Orgy of Delight

Judy Morris led Matt by the hand. She opened the door to her living room and entered ahead of him, a wry smile on her face. Her 17 year old playboy was blindfolded, and dressed only in his khaki combats. On the previous weekend she had promised him a surprise. For a whole week he had wondered what it might be, knowing that she was able to cook up some sexy schemes. Matt was even more confused when on the day, she said he had to have a black sash tied around his head. Entering the room, his...

3 years ago
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Orgy At The End Of The World

[Re-titled version of a previous horror-based erotica. 2nd ever story, still progressing.]It had been 3 long weeks since it all kicked off. The end of the world as we know it. Martha had fallen victim, so had all the rest of the family, the neighbours, friends, co-workers. He'd heard that there were survivors dotted around the country but didn't hold out much hope. He just wasn't that lucky. Still he plodded on, the car was still going - just - but he knew before long the petrol would just be...

3 years ago
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Orgy Surprise At A Festival

Bella is a slut that I know that whenever I am feeling down or in need of a good blowjob, well she could write books on how to make a man cum!  So Friday evening around 7:00, when things were dead at work, I closed up the store and gave her a call.  She said to come on by that she was up for a little fun. Now Bella had bigger tits than a porn star when she was 12, or so she says, and now that she is almost 30 they have grown to the point that I bet even nuns look at her in appreciation and a...

2 years ago
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Orgy at Pooh Corner

"Ow!" cried Piglet, "That HURTS!""Shaddup and hold still," growled Winnie the Pooh as he guided himself into Piglet's tight orifice with one paw. The other paw he held to his nose and snorted the white powder on the back of it. Soon Pooh's eyes blazed with fire as he mounted his porcine friend and began thrusting himself into the reluctant pig. His fat belly limited his ability to penetrate fully, so Pooh finally gave up and turned to Roo, who was watching hungrily and had her hand down her...

4 years ago
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Orgy In Train With Mom 8211 Part 2

In the first part of this episode, my mom and I boarded a train to Chennai with the intention of fucking in our first class cabin. We ended up being joined by a group of young guys who agreed to pay to fuck Sarayu. A few of them also ended up agreeing to be sucked by me and we were having a great time. Towards the end of this first part, we were interrupted and later joined by a young, black American stud who also paid money to be able to fuck my mother. We pick up the action here in this...

3 years ago
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Orgy or notyou decide

I was 19 years old and boy do I remember that night like it was yesterday. My friend Kay just moved into her new apartment, I already had my own place and had a roommate named Mindy. Mindy, Kay and I have always been friends since high school. Mindy and I decided that we wanted to have a girls night out, just relaxing drinking beer, chatting. We called up Kay and asked her if she was up to it, which she was. We all agreed that night beach would be the most relaxing.We went to the store and got...

1 year ago
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Orgy With Cousin Sister

Hi friends, I am Krishna from assam. Let me describe you all about myself. I am an average assamese boy, with 5.8 height and a massive tool. The sex story is about me and my cousin sis who is 3 yrs younger to me. She is 5.3 and her stats her 34-30-32. Little bit on the bulky side. This happened a few days back when I visited their place in duliajan. Let’s get started :) Kindly mail me your feedbacks in Instrested girls/aunties from assam can mail me and we can have some fun :) Please don’t...

4 years ago
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Orgy On Private Beach

Hi, I am priya, this is my first story here, and its real incident happened with me and my friend while I was studying in college. My figure is 32 26 30, wheatish complexion and my friend figure is 30 26 32 This incident happened during our college time, just after our semester exams ended. We were very bored due to exams so we decided to go for some picnic. In total 6 people were there, we two girls and four guys. Guys decided the venue, and said it’s surprise for us, so we didn’t ask much...

4 years ago
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Orgy in the making

This is a true story that happened to my wife while we were separated some years ago. Sally had a room mate named Susan and they were both nice looking ladies and still are for that matter. They were similar in appearance, build. hair color, breasts size and could pass for sisters. Hell I even wanted to do Susan myself but it was too close and could have killed what we still had. They were regulars at a local bar and dance hall and most every weekend you could find them there dancing and...

2 years ago
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Orgy In Train With Mom 8211 Part 4 Last Part

Sean said, “I’m hungry! Let’s get some food.” We had a lot of food packed. There were sausages, hot dogs, some sandwiches, pizza, salad, a dish of Maggi noodles, and a few other things in our bag. We laid it out and sat back, all of us still naked, to eat. Karan picked up a hot dog and said, “This is too dry. I need some sauce.” As I started digging in the basket for ketchup, he moved over. He stuck the hot dog into Sarayu’s pussy, working it in and out of her wet cunt till it was dripping in...

1 year ago
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Orgy fantasies

Shelly Cooper’s eyes were beginning to fail her after twelve hours on the road. She had hoped to make it straight through to Atlantic City tonight, but realiz- ing that she still had four hours of hard driving ahead of her, she resolved to stop at the next town for some- thing to eat, and maybe even a little cat-nap in the car. Her travels today had taken her across Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and now into Pennsylvania. The road sign up ahead read: “Exit 11A, Bible Grove...

3 years ago
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Orgy at Candy Pass

Jake sat at his desk which displayed the sign: Jake K Larrell, Vice President. Candy Pass Bank. Opposite him in the client armchair lounged young Nita Bramble and J K could see clear up between her sexy white thighs; and she knew it! He’d heard Miss Bramble was an ambitious young female who cultivated older men. Apparently she was even on good terms with Councillor Morgan; which was impressive. She was petite, almost childlike built with a precision that ensured a second glance from any...

2 years ago
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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 2

Judy Rider settled down on the bed and lit a cigarette. She was bored with the late night television talk show and restless. From time to time she glanced out the window. Pam and Chuck were still grappling in Chuck's Chevy. Poor Pam. Past thirty and still under the thumb of her mother. Not that my life is so wonderful, Judy thought ruefully. Bob never seems to come home any more. I wonder if he really is working late. If he doesn't come home soon and fuck me I'll go crazy. She inhaled...

1 year ago
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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 3

Penny Rider, still a virgin, tiptoed past the bathroom door and paused. She heard the shower running and knew Billy was inside. She heard him singing as she moved her ear to the door. If he was showering, he was naked. She liked spying on her brothers when they were undressed. She licked her lips. She always watched them when they thought she wasn't looking. It was her favorite game, spying on her brothers when they were naked and sometimes even jerking off. It had been awhile, maybe as...

1 year ago
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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 4

The next few weeks passed slowly for Pam. She lived in a permanent state of horniness. Chuck bored her and her pussy ached for new adventures. But her mother kept admonishing her to be chaste even while she brought her own lovers to the house. Then one day when Pam dropped in at her brother's house she found him home alone. Judy and the children were out for the day. This was her perfect opportunity to talk to Bob about her problems with their mother. As they sat in the den and chatted,...

3 years ago
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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 5

Pam remained confused. Bob seemed distant after their lovemaking. She told Chuck not to phone, said she needed time to think. She gave up all plans for finding her own apartment. Maggie criticized everything she tried to do and the blonde became more depressed than ever. One day she decided she had to talk to Bob again. If he was angry at her, she wanted to talk about it. If he felt guilty because they'd committed incest, she wanted a chance to convince him that what they did was good and...

2 years ago
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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 6

Jimmy leaned across his sister and switched off the bedside lamp. He fell back on the pillows, pushed the covers back and reached out for Penny. Giggling, the little teenager snuggled close to her brother. She wriggled down until her face was in inch from his prick. He snickered as she made a grab for him, but didn't object when she pushed her face against his cock and balls. In the weeks since she'd lost her cherry, brother and sister had been fucking regularly. Penny enjoyed fucking...

2 years ago
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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 7

Maggie Rider finished combing her long, red hair and stood back from the mirror. Not bad for an old bag, she thought. She examined her throat. No one would guess she had a son Bob's age. She didn't look a day over forty and she knew it. Pam had left for work. Maggie had just showered and dropped the towel on the floor. Poor Pam. So shy and withdrawn. Only able to attract a jerk like Chuck. Poor child. Still naked, her generous tits spilling down, Maggie dabbed perfume between her thighs...

3 years ago
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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 8

One day Penny stayed home from school. She felt bored and restless and horny. She was annoyed at her brothers. They were both acting silly lately and their lovemaking no longer excited her. She was ready for the big league, an older man, but she didn't know how to go about meeting one. She spent the morning in her room, waiting for her mother to go out. Before she left, Judy entered the room and gazed at her daughter. "I'm going now," Judy said. "Are you sure you're sick? You look...

4 years ago
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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 9

"Someone's out there!" Pam hissed as Judy stroked the tips of her nipples. The two women were in bed, enjoying a matinee. Despite Pam's alarm Judy continued fondling her tits. She wasn't concerned about someone being in the hall. If it was one of the kids they wouldn't dare intrude on their mother. And it couldn't possibly be Bob. He was safely out of town on business. "It's probably Penny," she said to her sister-in-law as she pushed a hand under her ass. "Why don't we wait...

2 years ago
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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 10

Bob opened the door a crack and saw his wife in bed with their youngest son. Billy spit his mother's tit out, sprang up and fell to the floor. "Dad!" "Don't get in a sweat, Son," Bob said as he closed the door behind him. Judy giggled as she helped the teenager back into the bed. "Dad's not mad," she murmured. "It was his idea." Billy looked perplexed. He hid his face in his mother's breast. She motioned to Bob to sit down while she comforted the teenager. "She's a good...

1 year ago
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Orgy in the Woods

I couldn’t wait to leave town. It had been a really tough week and I was going through one of those “down” cycles where every minor setback seems like the end of the world. I decided late Thursday afternoon that I would leave early the next morning for my little cabin in the mountains. My family had owned it for years and recently it became my “responsibility” when my uncle passed away. It was located outside a small town in a wooded area nestled in the mountains. Well, mountains is maybe an...

2 years ago
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Orgies Mothers and Daughters and lots of men

On a recent e-mail from a friend in the States, he was keen to know what it was like when you are in an orgy. He has always fantasized about group sex but like most men, never had the opportunity to indulge.Of course this site is full of orgies and gang-bangs, good looking guys with beautiful females, all carrying tats and begging for cum showers, committing degrading sexual acts, like demented insatiable sexual b**sts.That for me is one of the drawbacks of modern porn, it's too mechanical and...

3 years ago
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Orgies Can Solve All Kinds of Problems

Introduction: This was meant to be the piece that loosely ties up the arc of a few of my other pieces. Orgies Can Solve All Kinds of Problems For all the things that can be said about my wife, Amy never let it be thought that she isnt smart. So it was only a matter of time before she became aware of my indiscretions. To be truthful I think I was getting a little sloppy. I would come home late without calling, smelling like other women, but it wasnt like her hands were clean either. Our...

1 year ago
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Orgies Can Solve All Kinds of Problems

For all the things that can be said about my wife, Amy never let it be thought that she isn't smart. So it was only a matter of time before she became aware of my indiscretions. To be truthful I think I was getting a little sloppy. I would come home late without calling, smelling like other women, but it wasn't like her hands were clean either. “Our” daughter, after all, was just the result of her cheating on me (not that I minded). We'd had it out in a pretty loud row. Plates were...

3 years ago
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Orgies With My AuntChapter 2

The simple truth of the matter was that my Aunt Maggie was not old enough to be my mother. It was an indisputable fact that she was a full decade younger than my mother and it would be a physical impossibility. That having been said, I am unable to contest the inevitability of her being eleven years my senior although in today's society such matters either in favor of the male or the female seem of little concern to all concerned expect those persons with an agenda of jealousy for some...

1 year ago
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Orgies With My AuntChapter 3

The day that my mum found out I was diddling her younger sister, my Aunt Maggie, was a day that I would remember with the opposite of fondness for quite some time. It was a sunny Sunday right after church and my mum had come over to our flat for tea and cake. That was not at all unusual because she was all on her own now and she liked Maggie's company because she always had some risqué story about the girls at work that would make her laugh and giggle like a naughty schoolgirl. We had an...

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Orgies With My AuntChapter 4

The recently concluded disastrous Sunday was really not as bad as I thought it was at the time. In fact, My mum was much more understanding of the way her sister Maggie and I managed to get a lot closer than blood relatives are intended to become. Our mutual friend Mary was a slut of the worst sort, but she was extremely giving in the sense of making certain we both experienced proper releases when push came to shove. The (ever ready to copulate) Mary called Maggie early the next Saturday...

3 years ago
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Orgies With My AuntChapter 5

My deliciously shaped Aunt Maggie and I saw things eye to eye in matters of carnal priorities. Of course she took the female point of view and I took the male point of view but we agreed completely about which position was best, how long one should lick and fondle breasts and nipples before actually inserting a long hard shaft in a ladies willing pussy and a complete lack of squeamishness when it came to oral pleasing of another’s offered buttocks My Maggie often bragged to her sister, my...

1 year ago
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Claire D Lune in AllegroChapter 2

The passionate interlude in the darkened shop entranceway between Claire Darcy and Arthur King had been a spur of the moment random impulse but Claire knew the unfortunate marriage to her anally obsessed spouse was soon to be a closed chapter in her life. Her lush garden was still trembling with the strength of Arthur's violent thrusts and the delicious stretching caused by his unusually thick shaft. She had not washed his spunk from her slit hoping that he had possibly managed to put her...

3 years ago
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Wife swapping in panchmari

Hi friends, this is my real experience of swapping which i want share with u without hesitation and also this is my first submission to iss to read it rate it and leave a comment. First i introdusc my self we r couple aged about 28 and 26 living in bhopal i am working as a n doctor and my wife is housewife. After 2 year of marrige hum dono ka ek doosare se bore hone lage the. Wife ka sex main intrest bahut low ho gaya tha.aisa nahi tha ki meri wife ki dikhne mai koi kami thi per phir bhi ghar...

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