- 4 years ago
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"Hampton." I answered the phone on the third ring. I would have gotten to it sooner but I was distracted reading a case file. It was just background on one of the cases currently ongoing in the office. I tried to keep up just in case I got called in to assist.
"Special Agent Rebecca Hampton?"
"That's me, who's this."
"Ms. Hampton, this is Sheriff Dobbs with the Fresno County Sheriff's Department. I just got a missing person's call that fits the profile you asked us to watch for."
My heart lurched at the sudden surge of adrenaline. I slapped the folder closed and grabbed for a notepad. "Thank you for calling, Sheriff. What do you have?"
"A young lady by the name of Elizabeth Street didn't come home last night. Actually her car came home but when she didn't show up at breakfast her parents checked her room and she wasn't in it. They called us, and I've got a deputy out on site right now. I'm sure it's probably just routine but I thought I'd better call you just in case. Miss Hampton, is there anything going on we need to know about?"
Fresno. Shit! That was a five hour drive. If I could fly I could be there in three but then I'd have to use a rental.
"Sheriff Dobbs, it is imperative that what I am about to tell you stay under wraps until we are sure. Is your line secure?" I grabbed my cell phone out of the desk and sent a text to Paul. "Grab your bag. It's show time."
"Yes ma'am. I'm calling on my private line in my office with the door closed and I am alone. Is it really that bad?"
"Elizabeth Street is in the top ten on a list of potential targets for a serial case I'm working on. She fits the profile of all three previous targets. Do you have a CS unit in your department?"
"We're not completely in the dark ages here, Agent Hampton, although I usually wouldn't send them out on a missing persons. They're a little busy right at the moment. We had an officer shot last night and they're going over the area."
"That's okay, Sheriff. If it's my boy they wouldn't find anything anyway."
"Excuse me? Agent Hampton, I resent..."
"I'm not trying to belittle your personnel or their abilities, Sheriff, but this guy has killed three times and not left a single piece of physical evidence behind."
"Then how do you know they were even related? I think I'd have heard about something like this going on in my back yard."
"Not likely, the girls were in locations much too far apart to be connected. But the crimes are too identical for it to be coincidence. As to how we know they're connected, I'm not at liberty to discuss that. Hold on a second..." Paul was just coming into the office; he had a small duffle bag over his shoulder. I waved him to a seat. "This may all be nothing, Sheriff, but I need everything you can find out about where this girl was last night. My partner and I are leaving now, call me back with whatever you find out and they'll forward you to my cell phone. If you can spare the time, have your man dust the girl's car. I don't expect him to find anything but you never know when you might get lucky."
"Shit. I'll get you what I can. I'm serious about my CS team being tied up; any chance you can bring someone with you?"
"I'll see if I can get someone over there from Sacramento or San Francisco. Thanks for calling, Sheriff. I know it's a lot to ask, but try to keep a lid on this if you can. If it turns out to not be my guy I don't want to tip him off that we're on to him."
"Anything else?" he asked in voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Not unless you've got car I can use. Then I can fly up. Save a couple hours driving time. Otherwise, just call me right away if anything else comes up."
"I'll have a car for you at the airport. Keys will be in the security office."
I was more than a little shocked at the offer. Most locals don't like us poking our noses into their back yards. "Thank you, Sheriff. That's very generous of you. I'll see you in a couple hours."
Rod was standing in my door by the time I hung up. I gave him the run down as I gathered up my necessities and then Paul and I were in the elevator. Eleanor, Rod's secretary and right hand was already on the phone to get us a flight out of Burbank. LAX was geographically closer but you never know what traffic is going to be like around the airport. The 405 is an iffy freeway at the best of times. Burbank is a nice place to fly out of if you can find a flight that meets your needs and don't have a problem boarding the old fashioned way, meaning outdoors rain or shine. Even on a busy day, they got you through security in reasonable time. Parking could be a problem. The airport itself demanded premium rates but there were several places that took advantage of that to offer extra services for comparatively reasonable prices. Just give them your flight information and they would make sure your car was washed and ready when you got back, and shuttle you back and forth, all for a fee that only seemed excessive rather than exorbitant.
We had barely cleared the parking lot when she called with the bad news. No one flies direct from Burbank to Fresno. The best you could get had a stop in San Francisco and estimated flight time of over three hours combined, plus a layover. Out of LAX, United could have us on the ground in just over an hour flight time plus taxi at both ends. She gave us the terminal and gate information and said she would have someone meet us at the curb to take us through.
We made the plane with ten minutes to spare. Two uniforms met us at the curb. I left my keys in the ignition, grabbed my travel bag from the trunk and followed the other uniform through the terminal. I called Rod and told him we were airborne and my phone would be off.
LA to Fresno in June is bit of a traumatic climate change. LAX is right on the coast. The temperature difference alone was over thirty degrees. And there is a big difference between a breeze coming in off the ocean and a city landlocked by agriculture. I felt like I was melting before we got to the car but there was no place for the sweat to go with the extra humidity.
Eleanor had called Sheriff Dobbs with the flight information. I was surprised to find him waiting at the gate for us when we landed. I was also surprised to find that Dobbs was a fifty-ish man in excellent shape. The name and voice had conjured up the image of an overweight country stooge waiting for his retirement. A lot of top brass wore suits. Dobbs wore the uniform and it was obvious he wore it proudly. He looked like he just stepped off a beat somewhere to meet us. I shook his hand and introduced Paul.
"I'm surprised to see you here in person, Sheriff."
"You asked me to keep this quiet. If I have to explain to a uniform why he had to pick up the FBI at the airport, how long do you think it would take to get out?"
"I see your point. Have I missed anything important while I was in the air?"
"Parents say she went out with friends last night, said she'd be home by midnight or call. She's always been good about being home when she said so they didn't think anything of it. Her car was in the driveway when they got up. She runs in the mornings so she gets up early. She was supposed to be to work at eight o'clock this morning and when she hadn't shown up by six thirty they started to worry. She runs parts for one of the local shops and she dresses up to thrill the mechanics. Only parts girl I ever heard of that makes tips. Anyway, her mom knocked on her door and when she didn't answer she looked inside. The bed hadn't been slept in so she called us. I left instructions with the department that I was to be personally notified of any and all missing persons calls until further notice."
"Didn't they want to know why?"
He smiled. "Of course they did. Fortunately around here, 'because I said so' still means something." He laughed. "Assholes called me on a missing dog and emailed on a cat that missed his bedtime."
"Sounds like you run a pretty tight ship here, Dobbs. You're a credit to the uniform."
"Thank you. CS says they'll have someone free by the time we get there. I've taped off the whole house and yard until you get there. We cleared a path in and out through the neighbor's yard to their back door. No one in or out any other way, until you say so."
"Do the other Sheriffs know you play nice with feebies?" Paul asked.
"Fuck 'em. We're all on the same team. I don't care who makes the big plays as long as we win. Be a shame if this girl died because I was worried about you hurting my feelings. You're in the Black Marquis. There's a light in the glove box, but I imagine you don't want to draw a crowd if we can avoid it. I'll lead you in. Key's on the visor."
We arrived at the house shortly after 1:00. Not bad considering I'd only known about the case for four hours. The girl had been missing less than 24 and I was already at the crime scene. I had to wonder how much different the world would be if every missing persons case got this kind of attention. It was a nice quiet neighborhood. The lawns all nicely mowed and struggling not to turn brown in the summer heat. The houses ran in three or four different floor plans and almost every yard had at least one good sized tree in it; a planned community that had grown up. Even money said there was a park not more than a couple blocks away. The house across the street had a real estate sign in the front yard proclaiming its availability. A cable van was parked down the street and the driver was on a ladder checking connections.
A dark skinned woman with arms bigger than Dobbs's, hair cut short, wearing 'cop glasses' and carrying what looked like a tackle box walked towards us as we came up the sidewalk.
"Sheriff," she said.
"Good afternoon, Helen. Sorry to pile on the work today. This is kind of a special case. This is Special Agent Hampton of the FBI and her partner, Agent Freeman. You will be working directly with them on this case. You are at their disposal until further notice. Any and all conversations are strictly confidential. You are not to repeat or discuss anything you may hear. Also, Agent Hampton has sole discretion on what is done with anything you collect."
She whistled and said, "That's not going to make Armstrong happy."
"I'll deal with him when the time comes. Agent Hampton, Helen Ford, she's all yours."
"Nice to meet you, Ford. How'd you come out on the shooter?"
She shot a startled glance at Dobbs.
"It's okay, Helen. I don't care about what you tell her, just about what she tells you. I already told her why you were tied up this morning."
"We know where he was, what he was firing, and that he is fucking good with a rifle, other than that we got pretty much nothing. No footprints, no fingerprints, no shell casings, nothing. He might as well have flown in, shot Joey and flown out again."
"Any idea as to why?" I asked. Hey, a cop got shot, a friend of theirs. I wasn't going to blow it off just because it wasn't part of my case. What do you think I am, CIA?
"None," Dobbs answered. "Henderson is new to the force. He hasn't had time to make those kinds of enemies. He was shot while finishing up after a routine traffic stop. Another few seconds they wouldn't have gotten him. He was waiting for a semi to go by before walking out street side to get in his car. Trucker said he suddenly jerked and went down. Driver was a vet. He'd seen men get shot before so he knew what he'd just seen. Slammed on the brakes, stopped the truck between Henderson and his best guess where the shot had come from, then climbed out the passenger side to check on Henderson. Joey was down and not moving. Driver called it in on the car radio. Took the shotgun out of the rack and dragged him behind the car so he could do basic first aid. It was a clean shot, in and out. Soft spot on the shoulder, just missed the collarbone. He was only out because he hit his head when he went down. Driver did what he could then settled in to guard him until help arrived."
"Only one shot?" Paul asked.
"Just the one. I talked to him this morning in the hospital. He said he never heard the shot."
Paul gave me a look and asked where this all took place.
Dobbs looked hard at Paul for a second. "You're not thinking this was a diversion to get to the girl, are you?"
"Just speculation, Sheriff. It may be coincidence. How far away was it?"
"Shit. Four, maybe five miles tops."
"And I'll bet every cop on this side of town burned rubber to get there. What time was it?"
"Eleven thirty," He answered in a voice suddenly hot with anger. "God dammit! Easy's always home by midnight. Fucker shot my boy to get his hands on her. Ford, you didn't hear any of this. You hear me? I hear one word; I'll know where it came from. Let's get to work."
I filed Dobbs's use of Elizabeth's nickname away for future consideration and got to work. We started with the car. It had prints all over it, except on the driver's door. The area where you would normally put your hand to close the door was blank. No prints at all. Ford was good at her work, I'll give her that. She collected several hair samples and a used condom from the back seat. I doubt it would do us any good. Looking at it, it had been there for a very long time. The trunk had the usual tools for changing a tire and a duffle bag with a complete set of toiletries, a complete change of clothes consisting of jeans, t-shirt, socks and two changes of underwear.
We had just closed the trunk when a woman screamed. We all spun in search of the sound when it came again. There was beige Ford Explorer with real estate placards on the doors, and a compact sedan parked across the street. I remembered seeing the two cars pull up but my brain had written them off as normal.
Suddenly the front door burst open and round woman of about fifty came running out. "Help, somebody call the... Sheriff! Sheriff, come quick she's not moving." Ford dropped her collection box and the four of us, guns out, ran across the street. A young woman was ushering a small boy out the front door. If he was her son then he was close to having a baby brother or sister to play with. She bustled the boy out to the car and the two of them got in. He in the back seat; she in the passenger side front. That meant there was at least one more civilian in that building.
The real estate agent intercepted us before we got to the door. "She's in the master bedroom, Sheriff. End of the hall on the right. My client is a paramedic and he says she's alive.
"Anyone else inside?" I asked.
"No one."
I put my gun away. "Better call an ambulance, Dobbs. Ford, go get your toy box and let's see what we can find. How long has the house been empty?"
"About a month. He was killed in Europe while he was on business. They only had the one little boy and she took him with her to her mother's house up in Lodi. We just got the listing a few weeks ago.
We made it through the front door; the entryway was tile. We stopped there and waited for our eyes to adjust to the reduced light before proceeding down the hall. I figured we might as well let the guy know we were coming. "Federal officers. Sir, please do not move. We'll be right there."
We were waiting for Ford to show up with her box and clear us a path to the girl. She handed out rubber gloves and those little paper slip covers for our shoes. "I doubt this is going to do any good, we've already had three adults and a kid roaming through the house. I'd like to talk to the agent before we move and see if we can determine the route they took before we go further."
"Can I come out?"
"Not yet, sir. How's the girl?"
"Seems to be sedated. I've only touched her enough to verify she's okay but it'd have woken her up if she was just a sleep. Besides, I don't see how she could sleep like this."
"What do you mean?"
"She's bound up pretty loosely, but it's still an unnatural position, wouldn't be comfortable. Most people don't sleep well if they're not comfortable. Besides, there's a difference between unconscious and asleep."
He had point there. Unconscious and asleep look very different. It's a subtle difference to be sure, but if you've been around enough, you learn to tell the difference. Experience makes all the difference. You cross a hurdles like that in this business. Like when you can tell a dead body from an unconscious one without checking the pulse.
Dobbs brought in the agent and she pointed out how they had moved around the house. They had started with the kitchen because if the woman doesn't like the kitchen you're not going to sell the house. It's a quick way to qualify your buyer and see if you're wasting your time. The kid had been into everything, opening cabinets, playing with the back door. The kitchen passed inspection and since they were that close she took them out back to see the yard next. Then they came back in and she started down the hall. The master bedroom door had been closed so they did that room last. When she opened the door she found the girl, screamed, and rushed out. That pretty much settled it. They'd tracked over the whole house, including bringing in dirt from the back yard. I could see Ford losing hope as the woman went on. She'd still do her job but there was not much chance she was going to find anything.
"Go ahead and go in, the hallways going to be a total loss by now; the carpeting has had plenty of time to relax and then they all traipsed through. No chance of picking up a residual footprint pattern."
We proceeded down the hall to find a man in his early thirties kneeling next to Elizabeth Street. The girl was lying on her side and it was instantly obvious what he meant. No one sleeps with their arms behind them taped from elbow to wrist. Her shoulders were going to hurt like hell when she woke up. Her legs were taped over her jeans at the knees and ankles. There was more tape over her mouth, but she was breathing easily.
Ford took a couple pictures, then had the man ID any spots he'd touched. More pictures once he was out of the way then she started dusting the tape for prints. Why was I not surprised when she didn't find any? She took a pair of scissors and very carefully cut the tape away, starting with her ankles. She took care to get it off in one piece, working slowly to make sure the surfaces and edges were as intact as possible. She bagged each piece separately for examination in the lab later. Street never moved, not even when she peeled it off of her arms. You ever pull a piece of duct tape off your arm? I'm a tear it off quick kind of girl. Most people are if given a choice. Yeah it stings but it's over quick and then it goes away. Ford peeled it off little by little and my arms hurt just watching it. When she got the piece around her mouth and head she cut it next to the jaw and laid it out so she could try and peel as much of the girls hair free as possible without cutting any of it. The ambulance showed up while she was working on the hair and waited for her to finish. I think one of them knew the girl. He was kind of jumpy and nervous the whole time and kept glancing from her to us.
When Ford had everything she could get, including scrapings from under the girl's nails, she let them take her. Dobbs told the paramedics to tell the hospital that he wanted a full rape kit done. We left Ford to her work and went to tell her parents the good news. They were huddled on the front porch with her younger sister, probably fearing the worst. I was pretty sure we weren't in danger of disturbing anything but I let Dobbs lead us around through the neighbor's yard to the back door anyway.
My head was starting to hurt from all that was going on. I had a gut feeling that this was our guy, but it made no sense. He had taken her in his usual style, no witnesses, no evidence. Yet he had gone out of his way to attract attention. If Paul was right about the shooting, then it really made no sense. Unless... Suddenly I had a bad feeling about this.
Mrs. Street burst into tears and hugged Dobbs when he announced that Elizabeth was alive. The little sister hugged her daddy and I made it a point to ignore the moisture in his eyes.
"She's okay as far as we can tell," Dobbs said. "I'm having her taken to the hospital so they can check her out and keep an eye on her until she wakes up." He glanced at me and I took the cue that it was my turn at bat.
"Mr. and Mrs. Street, is there some place we can talk privately?" I glanced at the little girl. She couldn't be much more than ten. I definitely didn't want her to know what had just happened. If I was right, it no longer mattered if anyone knew we were here, but there was no point in scaring her any more than necessary.
"Molly," Mr. Street said, prying his daughter off of his leg, "why don't you go clean up and then we'll head over to the hospital and pick up Lizzy, okay? Go on. We need to talk to the detectives before we go." When the girl was gone he came back to me. "You're not detectives are you?"
"No sir," I answered, reaching out my hand. "Special Agent Hampton, FBI. This is my partner, Agent Freeman."
"What's going on here, ma'am? Don't get me wrong. I appreciate your being here and everything you've done, but I watch the cop shows and they don't even take a missing persons report until they've been gone for twenty four hours."
"Maybe we should sit down," Mrs. Street offered. We all took chairs around their kitchen table.
"Thank you. The first thing I have to do is ask you not to repeat anything that we are about to discuss. Excuse me," I turned to Dobbs. "Can you put someone with Elizabeth at the hospital; I don't want anyone besides the doctor near her until I talk to her." He nodded and I turned back to the parents. "My partner and I are tracking a very bad person. He has killed three girls that we know of over the last three years. Your daughter fits the profile for his targets."
"How closely?" Mr. Street asked.
"She was in my top ten of potential targets."
He got angry. "Then why the hell wasn't someone protecting her? Why weren't we told?"
"The geographic area that we are watching covers all of California, Arizona, and Nevada, Mr. Street. There aren't enough officers to watch everyone. And in this case watching any of the girls could cost us the trail. The killer is very careful, Mr. Street. If he spotted any of his targets being watched he might pull up stakes and leave and it may be years before we get even this close again. How many more girls are you willing to let him kill to save yours?"
"That is not..." Mrs. Street started.
"I know," I interrupted. "It is not a fair question. But it's reality."
She started to say something else but her husband put his hand on hers and she stopped. "You could have told me. I could have watched out for her."
"And what would you have watched for?" I asked. "What would you have done if you thought someone was after her? How would you have protected her?"
"I was an army Ranger for seventeen years. I can protect my family."
Dobbs spoke up, "We think he shot an officer last night just to distract us."
Street sat up a little straighter at that. "How can you be sure it wasn't a coincidence?"
"We're not sure yet, but from what Ms. Hampton has told me about this guy I think it's pretty likely. Mr. Street, if he shot a cop to distract us, do you think he'd hesitate to do anything at all to you if you got in his way?"
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(Introduction) I am a 47-year-old man from Bhilai, India. I am an engineer by profession and work in a Public Sector Undertaking. I presently reside in our Company quarters at our beautiful self contained Township. I am happily married but still get attracted to other women. I look reasonable attractive for my age and maintain my body well. I like to talk to other women in my friend circle, wives of my neighbors, servant maids and legal younger girls. I have a list of women in my fantasies...
Straight SexGradually Dave's naiveté slowly disappeared; a more confident Dave Segrove appeared. He had accepted her continued employment at the Pink Pagoda. He trusted her implicitly, and he knew Bobby wouldn't let anyone hurt her. His boys adored her, and loved it when she came over. Dave decided it was time for Nancy to meet his parents. He had already informed them of his new love, letting them know she had a rough childhood a harder time when she was a teen; leading to alcoholism, and drug abuse....
I had taken over driving, just mulling shit over.“Nothing much. Do you wanna see where that goes?” There was a sign: Naturist Beach. Clothing Optional.I pulled up just past the turn off. Renee was looking back at it. She turned to me blushing and bit down on her grin.“Well?” I challenged her. After the shit she pulled with Keith the other night, I was fucking game if she was.“Hmm, that’d be interesting,” she said.I shrugged. “We’ve got plenty of time. It isn’t much further to the lake house. We...
She was short, maybe 5’2” tall with huge 42DDD’s. Her breasts were splendid and I played with them constantly. She adored the attention. She was chubby; but looked great. Crystal had thick, curly shoulder length brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. We sat on the couch and watched TV and I lazily flipped around. She said her stomach had been upset all day and she felt began to get very nauseous. I felt bad for her because she was not one to complain. Crystal had already changed from her...
About eleven at night my two ladies came home, and having receiv'd rather a favourable account from Martha, who had run down to let them in, for Mr. Crofts (that was the name of my brute) was gone out of the house, after waiting till he had tired his patience for Mrs. Brown's return, they came thundering up-stairs, and seeing me pale, my face bloody, and all the marks of the most thorough dejection, they employed themselves more to comfort and re-inspirit me, than in making me the...
My wife Clarice and I were at a party at a friend's home. We had just finished our meal on the patio and some of our old friends had begun drinking in earnest. I was standing beside my best friend Tom while we watched our friends make fools of themselves once again. My wife Clarice and I had moved back to my hometown two weeks before and this was the first social function we had been invited to since. My best friend Tom and I were talking and watching Clarice dance with some of the other...
Authors Note: Hey guys! I'm unlocking the story now that the story is set in motion. We have photos now too! Write your own storylines, and create whatever fantasy you want in this world! Let's get BLACKED! - Baz No one knows exactly how the Black New World Order began, only its end result: the permanent advancement of Black Men to the forefront of breeding. Whether in the snowy ski lodges of Sweden or the desert planes of South Africa, white and asian women found themselves helpless in the...
InterracialHi friends my name is raj[name changed] I I'm going to tell about my new sex experience wit my new house maid. So I have told u before that I have fucked my house maid but now who I fuck was sister of my old maid. This happened one day suddenly my old house maid Stella fell ill n stopped coming for work she used to send her daughter for some days even she has nice sexy figure she used to wear tight dresses her we could notice her boobs she is dark but really sexy n cute she used to come then...
EroticAt an Officers Call back at the Crater, David addressed them. “Well gentlemen, we have done as much as we can to prepare. We hold strong positions in that the enemy will find it difficult to climb the flood banks in front of them. Our only weakness is if they get behind us. Their artillery could be a problem but if they are like the needle guns used in India they only have a range of about a mile. Our mortars could give them a nasty surprise so the only real problem will be the aircraft if...
Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...
Hi iss ke site ke deewano, main bhi is site ki fan hoon aur kai saalo se is site ki story padh padhkar apne aapko mast huyi hoon aur apna ek real experience share karne jaa rahi hoon aapke saamne. I will 1st intro myself mera naam Farheen (name changed) hai aur main mumbai mein rehti hu, i m single and my figure stats is 36(boobs) 34(waist) 40(hips) hai. Bohot saare ladke mere body parts ko dekhte the mujhe achcha lagta tha par i always had an attitude of my figure, ab main sidhe story par aati...
Please vote. Please give me the support of your vote. All characters in this story are over the age of 18-years-old Summer Romance Never Forgotten, #5 We all have lost a love one and think about what may have been with that person instead of being married to the one we married. As if it all happened yesterday instead of forty years ago, Robert remembered having sex with Emma. Emma took Robert by the hand and led him down the hallway to her bedroom. As did the other four bedrooms in the...
Australian wonder Savannah Bond is a beautiful, busty and bored blonde on holiday in Bali. Her husband brought her all the way out here but she isn’t exactly having the time of her life- yet. That is until she catches the eye of a muscular bartender. He’s no local either, in fact he’s a bit of a world traveler himself and promises to give her an experience gained from his travels that she’ll be thinking about for years to come. With the pool to themselves, he begins...
xmoviesforyouSo, i went back to the local glory hole in the next town over and parked in the back of the secluded parking lot overlooking the entrance. There were quite a few cars but as you all may know from previous posts I do not like to just go in and not know who I am dealing with. After waiting a while and scoping out all the cars I noticed an older guy, maybe mid 60's sitting in his car nearer the entrance. He was watching people go in and out too.After a few more min I got out of my car and casually...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Part 2 Sofa cushions and an oversized pillow were arranged on the floor in a make-shift bed, and the four women stood around it nervously milling among each other naked and giggling, drinking wine and playing slap & tickle, feeling each other up and comparably remarking on their body parts – their breasts & nipples, their legs & butts, the girls admiring of Maggie’s big tits and sumptuous ass, and Maggie nostalgic for a time when she was as youth-lean...
IncestThree of my girlfriends and I decided to go out on a ladies night to a local upscale bar in Monmouth County, NJ, that we know and frequent, for a few drinks and some dancing. Beforehand, in a group text, we kept joking about what the night might bring. Would it be mild or wild? Of course, we chatted about what we would wear. We agreed upon a wardrobe theme: tease. We planned to each drive separately or took Uber, not knowing how the evening might turn out.Here is a little information about my...
CheatingThe Homecoming by Heather Ann Scared and worried about how I would be accepted, I walked through the snow toward the front door of the house I grew up in but had not seen for years. The world around me seemed to be holding its breath in anticipation along with me. Standing there for a moment, I took a deep breath and then rang the doorbell. The first face I saw was that of Momma when she opened the door. She looked like I remember only a little bit older, but still a...
I had told her I was in the mood for a ‘hard session’. I had been building some frustration after my session at Ben’s with Charlie, wishing I had let Ben go ahead and let him do whatever he wanted to me in front of Charlie, rather than restrict him as I had, but I had also determined I wanted to go much further than Ben’s average. Even the extras that Ben had added that summer was not helping with my craving; having learnt the extent of BDSM play undertaken by my sister and others that I knew,...
She drank from her water bottle and as she put it back down his hand slid onto her stomach. She turned her head to look up at him and remarked ‘that’s very forward.’ He replied ‘so is this’ and kissed her. The jolt of electricity rushing down her body was all she needed to turn and place her hands on his chest and run them up over his shoulders to his neck and pull him closer. His arms circled her waist and ran up her sides brushing discreetly past her breasts to cup her face and gently break...
Naughty Nancy was not nuts. She knew enough to keep her secrets private and her privates secret. Which is why, although she delighted in a certain kinky treat for herself, she knew enough to never get into trouble. Which was what attracted her to a daring but promising web site The opening line was delicious, humourous and exciting: It's moderator declared, " I wouldn't be caught dead naked in public! " The site originated in the U.K. so, while the expression 'not caught...
Hi myself Aditya .. I am a medical student(mbbs 1st year) studying in delhi and I am good in nature and of course with well buld body with hieght 6 ft. The incident took place jab main apne college se ghar jaa raha tha .. Let me start my story Main apne college se ghar jaa raha tha metro se.. To 2-3 station baad ek ladki chadhi boht faad thi jaise sabko chudai ke liye chahiye hoti hain . Sab metro mein usi ko dekhne lage . Usne red colour ka kuch pehn rakha tha jisme se uski clevage jyada hi...
Now alone Hilary collapsed in tears, sobbing her heart out. Sobbing because she'd been kidnapped, beaten, and raped. And because her future seemed to only hold more of the same. After a tearful while Hilary had cried herself out. So she wiped away hers tears and took a deep breath. "Today has been shit," she sighed out loud, "But tomorrow is another day!" With that determined thought she climbed onto the mattress, pulled the coarse woollen blanket over, and swiftly dozed off. The...
Unfortunately for you, and pretty much everybody involved, school starts today. This means that you have to wake up at a reasonable hour, so your 6 AM alarm is going off. You turn it off and head downstairs from your room. You're the first up today; you've been big on getting to school early ever since free use became a thing. First dibs and all that. You turn on the lights and grab your backpack from the living room, where you see your younger sister, Jane, passed out with some stranger on top...
Netflix on the tv i wait for him on the couch , wearing my little white panty with the Qos logo over my cage the little white tshirt with Blowjob queen written in fron on my fake silicone sleeve tities iam ready for the guy who is making me his propertyI never could have imagine this happening to me, but the days passed and he started buying me the sissy thing he wanted me to wear until i had become his little sissy princessat fist it only was a bj , i met him at the park as i smoke weed and he...
All of us came down, from the first floor room of my sister. As you remember, in the first episode, I had described my fucking my pregnant younger sister, who had come home for delivery. The delivery was four months away and I was happy that I had sufficient time to fuck my sister to my cock’s content. “Now your sister is here, you will find me suddenly old,” said my mother. “No’ I said. “My mother is always like a new bride to me. Everyday I repeating my first fuck with you we had long...
IncestSeveral “hours” later, after what seemed hours of being with her, I knew I liked it for sure, and that is I had to admit that I loved being “milked” by her. In other words, I had to say, to myself as well as her too, that I absolutely loved it when she pinched her nipples together and that milk sprayed heavily all over me. It didn’t matter. No it didn’t. I couldn’t get over it as she happily, merrily, and freely pinched them together, and as she did one or the other exploded. It came out so...
IncestPart 3Not So Subtle SeductionWe kissed lightly, exploring. Her breath warm and damp against my mouth.Gaby made little whimpering noises as we kissed, turning me on even more. Her hands were everywhere, exploring me, searching, feeling, touching…My hands too were busy…from time to time we got in each other’s way but found ourselves adaptable, our excitement rising. Gaby began to push on the top of my head. I got the message right away and slid down to taste her nipples after gently kissing...
It was polly's birthday and I had been invited up to Norwich to spend the weekend with her. I arrived Saturday morning and was greeted by Polly at the front door." Hi Micky, thank you so much for spending my birthday weekend with "It's my pleasure Polly " I replied I had got too know Polly over time on xhamster, she is a gorgeous young lady with an amazing body and a wonderful sexual mind. Apart from that, I have learnt that she is also a cum slut, who loves hard cock."So what's the plan for...
It had started out to be a fun-filled day tour of the snow-capped mountain. Billy Jo was glad to be out of school for the entire day. Her teacher, Mr. Hardcastle was nicer than usual and even allowed her to sit in the seat right next to him right behind the driver. Billy Jo was a bit older than she really looked and at eighteen she gave the appearance of a much younger female. Most of the others were older than her because this was an upper class outing restricted to the third and fourth year...
My wife of s*******n years was receiving doggy style for the first time in our lifes in front of my eyes.. She was complete naked and on all fours, her former superior was kneeling behind her. He looked in my direction and our sight crossed. My wife had her eyes closed and was moaning. He was looking constantly at me and started to pound her harder. My wife began to moan louder, I felt ashamed, because the whole situation was starting to be humiliating. He looked away and I was thankful for it,...
The Club had been her idea. It had started from a quite innocent conversation prompted by a guy we both knew who had been ripped off at a strip joint. She had wondered why men like strip clubs and I had told her about one of my very few visits to one in Phoenix. I told her the girls were mostly university students working their way through college, Nice, bright, intelligent girls with stunning looks and bodies to die for. And how touching was strictly prohibited, but how sometimes there might...
"Do you want to fuck or are you still crushing on me?" Certainly I was staring at Carmencita, staring at her body. Indeed, I had lingering feelings for her even after she had rebutted me. And under normal circumstances, I might well have been staring, or frequently looking her way. No amount of grief could change that she was in every inch and fibre pleasing to behold. However, on this occasion, the cause of my fixation on her, rather than any phantom romantic impulse, was shock. When she...
New Friends Christopher couldn’t believe the week he was having, although the rest of his day after Jessica went on without a hitch he couldn’t shake the thought of the blowjob. Karen had more experience, but the way Jessica’s mouth ran, the obscenities that streamed from her mouth, the way she guzzled every drop of cum like it was water in the desert, it all excited him so much. He spent half the evening in his bathroom relieving one hard-on after another. His energy was quickly drained and...
Alison Rey is on the phone arguing with her boyfriend again. For the life of her, she just can’t get him to eat her pussy. Despite her asking him over and over again, he just doesn’t want to compromise. When he accuses her of being a lesbian, she tells him she doesn’t have time for this nonsense and hangs up the phone. Irritated with his unwillingness to please her, Alison goes online to look for a lesbian escort who can get her off. When she finds an escort that’s to...
xmoviesforyouGrandpa Tucks Me InChapter OneOne year, I went to spend my summer vacation with my grandparents. I hadn't seen much of them for years after they retired and moved away. So I wanted to be with them while I could, before I went away to college, or got a job or something. My clearest memory of that summer was discovering my awakening hormones. I remember one night touching myself underneath my summer pajamas. I was fascinated by the intensity of my feelings. A few minutes later, Grandpa crept...
It was an innocent question that opened the floodgates. “Robert, how come you never see any of these girls more than once or twice?”“Mom,” he said, “it’s horrible; not one of these girls is interesting to me, not one of them excites me. Even if I had the chance I wouldn’t want to go to bed with them.”I laughed, “I thought a boy of your age wanted to go to bed with every girl he saw.” I think my laughing angered and emboldened him. Richard looked at me for a long time and said, “No mom, I just...
I'm going to narrate how our family started fucking. I have given importance only to the storyline and so sex will be a little bit brief and the events would be in detail. I am Karan(23) Software engineer in a leading MNC in Bangalore (INDIA). I'm going to narrate you the true incident that happened in our family when I was 17 (a six years ago). We were living in madurai (INDIA). My family is a small one with my Mother Tara (36), father Ganesh (39) and my sister Preethi (18). My...
Inside, she saw Evan face down with a towel wrapped around his waist on a massage/training table being iced and worked on by the trainer, who it looked like was trying to gently massage some of the swelling from the fight out of his joints. Evan’s face was looking away from her, so Cadee didn’t know if his eyes were open or shut. The trainer looked questioningly at her and was about to comment, till she quieted him and he recognized her from Evan’s in-ring ramblings and seeing her near the...
"Dance for me, Princesa. Pirouette, tiny dancer." And I twirl around the room, doing penchés, retirés, and Arabesques, giggling and spinning for my Daddy. Loving being his little one and dancing to please him. Pleasing him in every way I can. My arms are lifted into the second position and I go up on pointe. But I glance over along my arm, then cry out. "Daddy! Please, help me, Daddy. It's gone!" Shaking myself awake I reach over. Trying to touch my Daddy. I shiver with fear that he might...