SleepwalkerChapter 68: Showtime free porn video

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"Hampton." I answered the phone on the third ring. I would have gotten to it sooner but I was distracted reading a case file. It was just background on one of the cases currently ongoing in the office. I tried to keep up just in case I got called in to assist.

"Special Agent Rebecca Hampton?"

"That's me, who's this."

"Ms. Hampton, this is Sheriff Dobbs with the Fresno County Sheriff's Department. I just got a missing person's call that fits the profile you asked us to watch for."

My heart lurched at the sudden surge of adrenaline. I slapped the folder closed and grabbed for a notepad. "Thank you for calling, Sheriff. What do you have?"

"A young lady by the name of Elizabeth Street didn't come home last night. Actually her car came home but when she didn't show up at breakfast her parents checked her room and she wasn't in it. They called us, and I've got a deputy out on site right now. I'm sure it's probably just routine but I thought I'd better call you just in case. Miss Hampton, is there anything going on we need to know about?"

Fresno. Shit! That was a five hour drive. If I could fly I could be there in three but then I'd have to use a rental.

"Sheriff Dobbs, it is imperative that what I am about to tell you stay under wraps until we are sure. Is your line secure?" I grabbed my cell phone out of the desk and sent a text to Paul. "Grab your bag. It's show time."

"Yes ma'am. I'm calling on my private line in my office with the door closed and I am alone. Is it really that bad?"

"Elizabeth Street is in the top ten on a list of potential targets for a serial case I'm working on. She fits the profile of all three previous targets. Do you have a CS unit in your department?"

"We're not completely in the dark ages here, Agent Hampton, although I usually wouldn't send them out on a missing persons. They're a little busy right at the moment. We had an officer shot last night and they're going over the area."

"That's okay, Sheriff. If it's my boy they wouldn't find anything anyway."

"Excuse me? Agent Hampton, I resent..."

"I'm not trying to belittle your personnel or their abilities, Sheriff, but this guy has killed three times and not left a single piece of physical evidence behind."

"Then how do you know they were even related? I think I'd have heard about something like this going on in my back yard."

"Not likely, the girls were in locations much too far apart to be connected. But the crimes are too identical for it to be coincidence. As to how we know they're connected, I'm not at liberty to discuss that. Hold on a second..." Paul was just coming into the office; he had a small duffle bag over his shoulder. I waved him to a seat. "This may all be nothing, Sheriff, but I need everything you can find out about where this girl was last night. My partner and I are leaving now, call me back with whatever you find out and they'll forward you to my cell phone. If you can spare the time, have your man dust the girl's car. I don't expect him to find anything but you never know when you might get lucky."

"Shit. I'll get you what I can. I'm serious about my CS team being tied up; any chance you can bring someone with you?"

"I'll see if I can get someone over there from Sacramento or San Francisco. Thanks for calling, Sheriff. I know it's a lot to ask, but try to keep a lid on this if you can. If it turns out to not be my guy I don't want to tip him off that we're on to him."

"Anything else?" he asked in voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Not unless you've got car I can use. Then I can fly up. Save a couple hours driving time. Otherwise, just call me right away if anything else comes up."

"I'll have a car for you at the airport. Keys will be in the security office."

I was more than a little shocked at the offer. Most locals don't like us poking our noses into their back yards. "Thank you, Sheriff. That's very generous of you. I'll see you in a couple hours."

Rod was standing in my door by the time I hung up. I gave him the run down as I gathered up my necessities and then Paul and I were in the elevator. Eleanor, Rod's secretary and right hand was already on the phone to get us a flight out of Burbank. LAX was geographically closer but you never know what traffic is going to be like around the airport. The 405 is an iffy freeway at the best of times. Burbank is a nice place to fly out of if you can find a flight that meets your needs and don't have a problem boarding the old fashioned way, meaning outdoors rain or shine. Even on a busy day, they got you through security in reasonable time. Parking could be a problem. The airport itself demanded premium rates but there were several places that took advantage of that to offer extra services for comparatively reasonable prices. Just give them your flight information and they would make sure your car was washed and ready when you got back, and shuttle you back and forth, all for a fee that only seemed excessive rather than exorbitant.

We had barely cleared the parking lot when she called with the bad news. No one flies direct from Burbank to Fresno. The best you could get had a stop in San Francisco and estimated flight time of over three hours combined, plus a layover. Out of LAX, United could have us on the ground in just over an hour flight time plus taxi at both ends. She gave us the terminal and gate information and said she would have someone meet us at the curb to take us through.

We made the plane with ten minutes to spare. Two uniforms met us at the curb. I left my keys in the ignition, grabbed my travel bag from the trunk and followed the other uniform through the terminal. I called Rod and told him we were airborne and my phone would be off.

LA to Fresno in June is bit of a traumatic climate change. LAX is right on the coast. The temperature difference alone was over thirty degrees. And there is a big difference between a breeze coming in off the ocean and a city landlocked by agriculture. I felt like I was melting before we got to the car but there was no place for the sweat to go with the extra humidity.

Eleanor had called Sheriff Dobbs with the flight information. I was surprised to find him waiting at the gate for us when we landed. I was also surprised to find that Dobbs was a fifty-ish man in excellent shape. The name and voice had conjured up the image of an overweight country stooge waiting for his retirement. A lot of top brass wore suits. Dobbs wore the uniform and it was obvious he wore it proudly. He looked like he just stepped off a beat somewhere to meet us. I shook his hand and introduced Paul.

"I'm surprised to see you here in person, Sheriff."

"You asked me to keep this quiet. If I have to explain to a uniform why he had to pick up the FBI at the airport, how long do you think it would take to get out?"

"I see your point. Have I missed anything important while I was in the air?"

"Parents say she went out with friends last night, said she'd be home by midnight or call. She's always been good about being home when she said so they didn't think anything of it. Her car was in the driveway when they got up. She runs in the mornings so she gets up early. She was supposed to be to work at eight o'clock this morning and when she hadn't shown up by six thirty they started to worry. She runs parts for one of the local shops and she dresses up to thrill the mechanics. Only parts girl I ever heard of that makes tips. Anyway, her mom knocked on her door and when she didn't answer she looked inside. The bed hadn't been slept in so she called us. I left instructions with the department that I was to be personally notified of any and all missing persons calls until further notice."

"Didn't they want to know why?"

He smiled. "Of course they did. Fortunately around here, 'because I said so' still means something." He laughed. "Assholes called me on a missing dog and emailed on a cat that missed his bedtime."

"Sounds like you run a pretty tight ship here, Dobbs. You're a credit to the uniform."

"Thank you. CS says they'll have someone free by the time we get there. I've taped off the whole house and yard until you get there. We cleared a path in and out through the neighbor's yard to their back door. No one in or out any other way, until you say so."

"Do the other Sheriffs know you play nice with feebies?" Paul asked.

"Fuck 'em. We're all on the same team. I don't care who makes the big plays as long as we win. Be a shame if this girl died because I was worried about you hurting my feelings. You're in the Black Marquis. There's a light in the glove box, but I imagine you don't want to draw a crowd if we can avoid it. I'll lead you in. Key's on the visor."

We arrived at the house shortly after 1:00. Not bad considering I'd only known about the case for four hours. The girl had been missing less than 24 and I was already at the crime scene. I had to wonder how much different the world would be if every missing persons case got this kind of attention. It was a nice quiet neighborhood. The lawns all nicely mowed and struggling not to turn brown in the summer heat. The houses ran in three or four different floor plans and almost every yard had at least one good sized tree in it; a planned community that had grown up. Even money said there was a park not more than a couple blocks away. The house across the street had a real estate sign in the front yard proclaiming its availability. A cable van was parked down the street and the driver was on a ladder checking connections.

A dark skinned woman with arms bigger than Dobbs's, hair cut short, wearing 'cop glasses' and carrying what looked like a tackle box walked towards us as we came up the sidewalk.

"Sheriff," she said.

"Good afternoon, Helen. Sorry to pile on the work today. This is kind of a special case. This is Special Agent Hampton of the FBI and her partner, Agent Freeman. You will be working directly with them on this case. You are at their disposal until further notice. Any and all conversations are strictly confidential. You are not to repeat or discuss anything you may hear. Also, Agent Hampton has sole discretion on what is done with anything you collect."

She whistled and said, "That's not going to make Armstrong happy."

"I'll deal with him when the time comes. Agent Hampton, Helen Ford, she's all yours."

"Nice to meet you, Ford. How'd you come out on the shooter?"

She shot a startled glance at Dobbs.

"It's okay, Helen. I don't care about what you tell her, just about what she tells you. I already told her why you were tied up this morning."

"We know where he was, what he was firing, and that he is fucking good with a rifle, other than that we got pretty much nothing. No footprints, no fingerprints, no shell casings, nothing. He might as well have flown in, shot Joey and flown out again."

"Any idea as to why?" I asked. Hey, a cop got shot, a friend of theirs. I wasn't going to blow it off just because it wasn't part of my case. What do you think I am, CIA?

"None," Dobbs answered. "Henderson is new to the force. He hasn't had time to make those kinds of enemies. He was shot while finishing up after a routine traffic stop. Another few seconds they wouldn't have gotten him. He was waiting for a semi to go by before walking out street side to get in his car. Trucker said he suddenly jerked and went down. Driver was a vet. He'd seen men get shot before so he knew what he'd just seen. Slammed on the brakes, stopped the truck between Henderson and his best guess where the shot had come from, then climbed out the passenger side to check on Henderson. Joey was down and not moving. Driver called it in on the car radio. Took the shotgun out of the rack and dragged him behind the car so he could do basic first aid. It was a clean shot, in and out. Soft spot on the shoulder, just missed the collarbone. He was only out because he hit his head when he went down. Driver did what he could then settled in to guard him until help arrived."

"Only one shot?" Paul asked.

"Just the one. I talked to him this morning in the hospital. He said he never heard the shot."

Paul gave me a look and asked where this all took place.

Dobbs looked hard at Paul for a second. "You're not thinking this was a diversion to get to the girl, are you?"

"Just speculation, Sheriff. It may be coincidence. How far away was it?"

"Shit. Four, maybe five miles tops."

"And I'll bet every cop on this side of town burned rubber to get there. What time was it?"

"Eleven thirty," He answered in a voice suddenly hot with anger. "God dammit! Easy's always home by midnight. Fucker shot my boy to get his hands on her. Ford, you didn't hear any of this. You hear me? I hear one word; I'll know where it came from. Let's get to work."

I filed Dobbs's use of Elizabeth's nickname away for future consideration and got to work. We started with the car. It had prints all over it, except on the driver's door. The area where you would normally put your hand to close the door was blank. No prints at all. Ford was good at her work, I'll give her that. She collected several hair samples and a used condom from the back seat. I doubt it would do us any good. Looking at it, it had been there for a very long time. The trunk had the usual tools for changing a tire and a duffle bag with a complete set of toiletries, a complete change of clothes consisting of jeans, t-shirt, socks and two changes of underwear.

We had just closed the trunk when a woman screamed. We all spun in search of the sound when it came again. There was beige Ford Explorer with real estate placards on the doors, and a compact sedan parked across the street. I remembered seeing the two cars pull up but my brain had written them off as normal.

Suddenly the front door burst open and round woman of about fifty came running out. "Help, somebody call the... Sheriff! Sheriff, come quick she's not moving." Ford dropped her collection box and the four of us, guns out, ran across the street. A young woman was ushering a small boy out the front door. If he was her son then he was close to having a baby brother or sister to play with. She bustled the boy out to the car and the two of them got in. He in the back seat; she in the passenger side front. That meant there was at least one more civilian in that building.

The real estate agent intercepted us before we got to the door. "She's in the master bedroom, Sheriff. End of the hall on the right. My client is a paramedic and he says she's alive.

"Anyone else inside?" I asked.

"No one."

I put my gun away. "Better call an ambulance, Dobbs. Ford, go get your toy box and let's see what we can find. How long has the house been empty?"

"About a month. He was killed in Europe while he was on business. They only had the one little boy and she took him with her to her mother's house up in Lodi. We just got the listing a few weeks ago.

We made it through the front door; the entryway was tile. We stopped there and waited for our eyes to adjust to the reduced light before proceeding down the hall. I figured we might as well let the guy know we were coming. "Federal officers. Sir, please do not move. We'll be right there."

We were waiting for Ford to show up with her box and clear us a path to the girl. She handed out rubber gloves and those little paper slip covers for our shoes. "I doubt this is going to do any good, we've already had three adults and a kid roaming through the house. I'd like to talk to the agent before we move and see if we can determine the route they took before we go further."

"Can I come out?"

"Not yet, sir. How's the girl?"

"Seems to be sedated. I've only touched her enough to verify she's okay but it'd have woken her up if she was just a sleep. Besides, I don't see how she could sleep like this."

"What do you mean?"

"She's bound up pretty loosely, but it's still an unnatural position, wouldn't be comfortable. Most people don't sleep well if they're not comfortable. Besides, there's a difference between unconscious and asleep."

He had point there. Unconscious and asleep look very different. It's a subtle difference to be sure, but if you've been around enough, you learn to tell the difference. Experience makes all the difference. You cross a hurdles like that in this business. Like when you can tell a dead body from an unconscious one without checking the pulse.

Dobbs brought in the agent and she pointed out how they had moved around the house. They had started with the kitchen because if the woman doesn't like the kitchen you're not going to sell the house. It's a quick way to qualify your buyer and see if you're wasting your time. The kid had been into everything, opening cabinets, playing with the back door. The kitchen passed inspection and since they were that close she took them out back to see the yard next. Then they came back in and she started down the hall. The master bedroom door had been closed so they did that room last. When she opened the door she found the girl, screamed, and rushed out. That pretty much settled it. They'd tracked over the whole house, including bringing in dirt from the back yard. I could see Ford losing hope as the woman went on. She'd still do her job but there was not much chance she was going to find anything.

"Go ahead and go in, the hallways going to be a total loss by now; the carpeting has had plenty of time to relax and then they all traipsed through. No chance of picking up a residual footprint pattern."

We proceeded down the hall to find a man in his early thirties kneeling next to Elizabeth Street. The girl was lying on her side and it was instantly obvious what he meant. No one sleeps with their arms behind them taped from elbow to wrist. Her shoulders were going to hurt like hell when she woke up. Her legs were taped over her jeans at the knees and ankles. There was more tape over her mouth, but she was breathing easily.

Ford took a couple pictures, then had the man ID any spots he'd touched. More pictures once he was out of the way then she started dusting the tape for prints. Why was I not surprised when she didn't find any? She took a pair of scissors and very carefully cut the tape away, starting with her ankles. She took care to get it off in one piece, working slowly to make sure the surfaces and edges were as intact as possible. She bagged each piece separately for examination in the lab later. Street never moved, not even when she peeled it off of her arms. You ever pull a piece of duct tape off your arm? I'm a tear it off quick kind of girl. Most people are if given a choice. Yeah it stings but it's over quick and then it goes away. Ford peeled it off little by little and my arms hurt just watching it. When she got the piece around her mouth and head she cut it next to the jaw and laid it out so she could try and peel as much of the girls hair free as possible without cutting any of it. The ambulance showed up while she was working on the hair and waited for her to finish. I think one of them knew the girl. He was kind of jumpy and nervous the whole time and kept glancing from her to us.

When Ford had everything she could get, including scrapings from under the girl's nails, she let them take her. Dobbs told the paramedics to tell the hospital that he wanted a full rape kit done. We left Ford to her work and went to tell her parents the good news. They were huddled on the front porch with her younger sister, probably fearing the worst. I was pretty sure we weren't in danger of disturbing anything but I let Dobbs lead us around through the neighbor's yard to the back door anyway.

My head was starting to hurt from all that was going on. I had a gut feeling that this was our guy, but it made no sense. He had taken her in his usual style, no witnesses, no evidence. Yet he had gone out of his way to attract attention. If Paul was right about the shooting, then it really made no sense. Unless... Suddenly I had a bad feeling about this.

Mrs. Street burst into tears and hugged Dobbs when he announced that Elizabeth was alive. The little sister hugged her daddy and I made it a point to ignore the moisture in his eyes.

"She's okay as far as we can tell," Dobbs said. "I'm having her taken to the hospital so they can check her out and keep an eye on her until she wakes up." He glanced at me and I took the cue that it was my turn at bat.

"Mr. and Mrs. Street, is there some place we can talk privately?" I glanced at the little girl. She couldn't be much more than ten. I definitely didn't want her to know what had just happened. If I was right, it no longer mattered if anyone knew we were here, but there was no point in scaring her any more than necessary.

"Molly," Mr. Street said, prying his daughter off of his leg, "why don't you go clean up and then we'll head over to the hospital and pick up Lizzy, okay? Go on. We need to talk to the detectives before we go." When the girl was gone he came back to me. "You're not detectives are you?"

"No sir," I answered, reaching out my hand. "Special Agent Hampton, FBI. This is my partner, Agent Freeman."

"What's going on here, ma'am? Don't get me wrong. I appreciate your being here and everything you've done, but I watch the cop shows and they don't even take a missing persons report until they've been gone for twenty four hours."

"Maybe we should sit down," Mrs. Street offered. We all took chairs around their kitchen table.

"Thank you. The first thing I have to do is ask you not to repeat anything that we are about to discuss. Excuse me," I turned to Dobbs. "Can you put someone with Elizabeth at the hospital; I don't want anyone besides the doctor near her until I talk to her." He nodded and I turned back to the parents. "My partner and I are tracking a very bad person. He has killed three girls that we know of over the last three years. Your daughter fits the profile for his targets."

"How closely?" Mr. Street asked.

"She was in my top ten of potential targets."

He got angry. "Then why the hell wasn't someone protecting her? Why weren't we told?"

"The geographic area that we are watching covers all of California, Arizona, and Nevada, Mr. Street. There aren't enough officers to watch everyone. And in this case watching any of the girls could cost us the trail. The killer is very careful, Mr. Street. If he spotted any of his targets being watched he might pull up stakes and leave and it may be years before we get even this close again. How many more girls are you willing to let him kill to save yours?"

"That is not..." Mrs. Street started.

"I know," I interrupted. "It is not a fair question. But it's reality."

She started to say something else but her husband put his hand on hers and she stopped. "You could have told me. I could have watched out for her."

"And what would you have watched for?" I asked. "What would you have done if you thought someone was after her? How would you have protected her?"

"I was an army Ranger for seventeen years. I can protect my family."

Dobbs spoke up, "We think he shot an officer last night just to distract us."

Street sat up a little straighter at that. "How can you be sure it wasn't a coincidence?"

"We're not sure yet, but from what Ms. Hampton has told me about this guy I think it's pretty likely. Mr. Street, if he shot a cop to distract us, do you think he'd hesitate to do anything at all to you if you got in his way?"

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Going for a walk

20 years ago, I guess you would have called me a player. I was young, fairly good looking, self employed as an artist with a long list of clients, and lived in a great condo on the near north side of Chicago over looking lake Michigan. I dated a steady bevy of beautiful women, almost all of whom, wound up in my bed. Life was good. As time goes by though, we mature and eventually I wanted to move from the hustle and bustle of city life. My art, these days, had grown into a lucrative...

4 years ago
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The Dirty DoctorsChapter 7 The Interview Dr Harris

Peter and Linda walked into the office and met Dr. Harris. The doctor is an African American. They met in the middle of his office and after shaking Peter's hand and kissing Linda on the cheek, he pointed to a plush sofa and told them to sit down and get comfortable. Across from the Sofa was a plush matching chair where he sat down. Dr. Harris said, "So tell me Linda, why did you and Peter come to see me dear?" Linda put her head down a little and said softly, "My husband and I are not...

2 years ago
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The Continent of Menoross has been at war for nearly twenty years. The four largest nations in this world all have reasons for war, as well as the means to wage it. These nations are; Remis: A land of organized legions of well trained and well armed soldiers, who fight with unity and tactics. The women of this nation are renowned for being gorgeous and intelligent. Thorin: A northern land of snowbound mountains and hardy warriors, who fight with ferocity and great individual strength. The women...

1 year ago
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BFFS Luna Light Jaycee Starr Nia Nacci Carwash Cuties

Every guy has the fantasy of getting their car washed by some super sexy ladies. Today, BFFs Jaycee Starr, Luna Light, and Nia Nacci make one lucky studs dreams cum true with the car wash experience of a lifetime! The hotties are working for donations, so our stud whips out his fat wad of cash. Every dollar he drops gets him a little more exposed skin to gawk at. When the ladies finally make their way inside with the lucky guy, they share his veiny dong, giving him an orgasmic blowjob. Then, he...

3 years ago
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The Early YearsChapter 7

I am feeling a little lethargic today. I was able to get about 4 hours of sleep over night. I feel rested for some strange reason. Perhaps it is melancholy. Perhaps it is nerves. I do know the darkness is there. I can see it. I can feel it. But it does not scare me. I may not be out of the woods but I have a bright torch and a spare (backup!) at the ready. I always do the backup thing. In all facets of my life. You name it and I have a backup or spare in place. I may have also forgotten...

1 year ago
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Doctors Visit

I have a doctors apt today, I’m going to get a rash looked at that’s on my inner thigh and also I have an anal tear(its not what your thinking due to a recent surgery that I had I got super constipated and pushed to hard) that’s no healing right. I made the apt. with doctor Peria, she is rather attractive blond that works at my local clinic and I made the appointment with her for this very reason, I don’t think that anything will come of it but if someone is going to ber fondling my junk and...

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Hubby8217s Desire Fulfilled

Hi guys this is over 2nd story here. Our first story was “how swap has changed our life”. I hope you enjoy this and let me know me if you do. After having swap with that couple we decided not make any further moves of swapping as my wife was not comfortable to see me having sex with other women. I too didn’t force her for this. As the time passed and after having some discussions we came to conclusion that we can have a threesome MFM as she does not have any problem having sex with other man...

3 years ago
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Apocalypse BluesChapter 24

Minutes later... “We choose you, then. Be our Sheriff. We need one who can set this county straight. It’s been on the wrong path since before Doomsday, even more so since. We need law and order here, and not of the kind that Sheriff Aston Milam gave us. I followed his orders before, thinking that you were a menace, but you actually make sense. Stay ... and be our Sheriff, at least for now,” one of the deputies urged me. “I agree. So does God. You will resume your trek westward in time, but...

4 years ago
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Nine Months Month One

Thanks to Robyn and Chris who gave feedback and support on the earliest drafts. 9 Months - Month 1 It felt strange, my hand inside Jamie's. Hers seemed so much bigger than mine. I marvelled at how realistic the body suits were. There's no way I'd have been able to detect the difference between my real and the nano-skin. Our line drew closer to the check-in. I fidgeted with my fringe, cursing again how much extra work the hair extensions caused. Normally, I'd have insisted we...

2 years ago
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Winds of ChangeChapter 21

“Grant, can you come to Broadsword?” Jerry asked over the intercom. “I’ll be right there.” “Can we come also?” asked Sabrina. “Sure.” The three moved quickly to the rear entrance of Broadsword’s bunker, and were surprised to see the amount of activity on and around the boat. Jerry was on the bridge when they approached the boat, and he urged them to come aboard, and said, “Skipper, I’m afraid I missed some things in my first appraisal of this boat.” “How is that?” Grant asked, “I was...

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book of fortune part four

When they got home he went up to his bedroom and closed the door. He took out his book and thought about what to write. He wanted Margret and Brenda to suffer for their relentless torturing, but he didn’t want anyone to know. He took his book and wrote, “Mom will get a call to come back to work because there is an emergency that needs her attention and will take her all night to fix. When se is gone Margret and Brenda will be overcome by the need to make me happy. They will do anything to...

2 years ago
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Keeping It In The Family 8211 Part 4 Asking A Favor From Her Son

Another day at the Kumar residence, everyone had gone to their respective colleges and places of work. Meanwhile, Nidhi was at home in the middle of the day after finishing all her chores. She was wondering what to do with Yashika’s situation. She didn’t detest homosexuality. The reason for her worries was what society’s reaction would be. Truth be told, she did like the time when Yashika would fuck her. Had this been just one of her friends, she would be happy giving it the name of just a...

1 year ago
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A new job a new friend Chapter 2

I had arrived home just after five o’clock pm, and Bob was out the front mowing the lawn. Bob was shirtless, and for a man in his mid-forties Bob was still in reasonably good shape, not quite a six pack but definitely not the standard beer belly most men of his age had. I sat in the car admiring my gorgeous husband, running my hand up my skirt, pushing my soaked G-string to the side and rubbing my still swollen clit while visualising my first day at work, and all the naughty fun I had with...

1 year ago
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Wild Weekend 1

The Smith’s had a chocolate lab named Gus, which Jessie would be taking care of for the weekend as well. The Smith’s lived in a large 2 story house way out in the middle of nowhere. The closest neighbors were probably a mile away. Jessie was looking forward to the alone time without her mother’s constant nagging. Jessie had stopped by the Smith’s house last week to get a tour of the house and find out the feeding schedule for Gus. The Smith’s had a pool and a Jacuzzi which she was...

3 years ago
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Ohh Mom Pt 1

Alright this is my first story ever. I just wanted to say that some of these parts are true and some are just fantasies that Ive had. Im open to all criticism and comments. If you have an idea that you would like to share for one of my next stories sent me a message. ————————————————————————————————– I was your typical horny 17 year old teenager. I went to school, had fun with friends, and completed treacherous homework. I didnt have that many friends and I had never had a girlfriend. Hell, I...

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Long Desire Of Having Cousin Sister Came True 8211 Part I

Hello Everybody… I am a fan of ISS… but it took a long time to narrate my own story which is 100 percent real and not even a single word would be false. This is one of those golden times that I am going to narrate in my first real story. My name is Rahul 29 years old and this happened 8 years back. After my 12th standard due to some financial problems in my home I dropped my studies for few years. Later my cousin Sister suggested coming to Ahmedabad and doing a job and simultaneously continuing...

2 years ago
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Lennies First DateChapter 2 Version 2 2000

As excited as I was to think about using the condoms that night or over the weekend, well it just did not happen. When Lennie came back from the gas station bathroom, she had a worried look on her face. I asked her what was the matter, but she just seemed to be far away and hardly paid any attention to me. I drove home in silence, when we got there Lennie hurried off to bed, not even giving me a hug. The rest of the weekend we just stayed away from each other. She spent the biggest part of...

4 years ago
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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part VI 8211 With Boy Friend 1

Up to now you read that how I lost my virginity to my own uncle when I was 14 years old. Since then, I never looked back. I became a very sexy girl and wanted to have sex all the time. The more I was having sex, the more my desires developing for sex. There was only one aim in life that is to have sex as many as times as possible. My body started developing as I was growing. When I was 17 years old and was in class 12, I was fully developed as a girl. My boobs were become bigger and I used to...

3 years ago
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El of a ThingChapter 14

THURSDAY 1:45 P. M Junction of Vankell Portal and The Nexus "Michael, what in the worlds were you thinking." Asked Elnore, as the group stood within the confines of the Nexus. Mike then sent him a synopsis of what had transpired in the 'Time Freeze' bubble. As Elnore mulled over the implications of this, Mike said, "After giving Mazal the key, I couldn't very well leave him to the tender mercies of Kalish. Not at least without trying to blunt the blow some. Just hope it was enough to...

1 year ago
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A new you

You stumble into the dark basement in your new house, the house was a real steal, you bought it at auction, it had a checkered history which put a lot of people off, the previous owner was declared dead, although the actually story goes, that they literally disappeared one day. Thankfully you were never one for superstition and legally the house and everything inside it is now yours. You continue to rummage through the dark basement, the light of course was broken so your trying your best to...

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The Battered LampChapter 17 The Decision of the Mother

Sunday, January 26th – Kamifurano Fumi was drawn out of sleep by a strong set of hands on her. "I need to sleep, Ando," she protested, pushing his hands away. They were like iron, not letting go. "I mean it. You've had enough for one night." "I need more, little slut," Ando hissed. Fumi sighed, opening her eyes. She could just make out the form of the handsome, young man she had fucked in exchange for staying in his hotel room. Her ass was full of his wonderful cum and he had...

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My Best Friend Jessica

I was always a little jealous of her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. 5’4 115 pounds, perfect ass. Prefect everything, at least that was how I saw her. Most of all she always had the perfect boyfriends. Even though I had never been with another girl, I would fantasize about her. It freaked me out a little bit. I never thought of myself as a lesbian. I had been with my fair share of guys. But Jessica was different, she was my college together, and we were going to live together...

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My first experience with Ssbw

This a story I have amalgamated in my head from a few stories I read a few year back and couple of my deepest fantasies that perhaps make me a bit scared...but turn me onA few years back I was working as painter/builder I use to do the odd jobs for family and friends and sometimes friends of friends.coming back home from Uni break. At the time I was horny rampant teenager but this change my sexuality forever.This was kind of an usual job as I was for a friends of parents which I did not know...

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My Girlfriend Finds Her True Love

We started living together when we were not yet married. I was working nights at a computer processing center as a computer operator. My name is Jim. My girlfriend is Amy. We had met earlier in college and had formed a couple. Our sex life was good for me, but Amy always seemed to have problems cumming. She had been abused by a boyfriend in high school when she first started dating at 16 and she had never seemed to overcome the fears she had of going all out in the sex department. Since I was...

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Sex with cousin

Hi this is Kavitha, I am regular reader of ISS and thought for a long time before submitting my real experience. I am kavitha 32 married and have 2 kids still maintain a good figure and my hubby works for an mnc and he will away from home for almost 15 days per month, during last summer two of my cousin sisters came to my residence to spend their summer vacations, both rajini and haritha are sisters and elder sis rajini is around 20 years old and younger haritha is around 15 years both of them...

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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 21

Whee! This was fun. I was sitting behind Zeus as he took off and landed and took off again in the blue and red Quicksilver GT500. He had 'us' carry some heavy payloads – meaning I had to carry some rocks in a borrowed backpack – to see how it handled. That's about when the fun stopped. The GT500 was a tandem (fore and aft) two-seater with a range of just over 200 miles – if you traveled real slow, like 50 miles per hour. It weighed 1000 pounds and had a maximum payload of 1100 pounds,...

4 years ago
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Andreas DilemmaChapter 5

The worst week of my life started as normally as any other. I was still happily filling in for Mother’s PA and learning just how amazingly her company meshed with the rest of Spellman Group. Rainbow Talent hustled finding clients work, Spellman Financial made them money on their investments, Spellman Legal negotiated them outstanding contracts and YES Media furthered their careers. All was normal until about ten on Tuesday morning. I was standing by my mother’s desk with a folder of...

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Son Showed A Glow Of Sex 8211 Part 1

Hi..! I’m new to This site… Let me introduce myself. I’m ramya.. I’m from Hyderabad. I’m 5.2feet. I am white in complexion and have long hair till my ass. My size is 36-34-36 I’m 36 now.. I got married when I was just 14. My husband is 32 that time .at that small age I don’t know anything about sex.. He used me like a doll in his bedroom… I can’t bear the pain… He uses to give.. He have a cock only up to 4.5″ But at my 14th age that is a rod… As the time passes I became pregnant when I was 15…...

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Two Moms Two Sons Part 8211 2

Friends, in this part i have explained everything in each and every detail. Pehle vale part me sirf basic basic btaya tha. Asl me jo bhii hua tha uska kuch ansh apne pehly part me pdha. Ab is part me ab ache se jan paoge k qa hua tha. Hum sb hum shadi vale ghr ki trf chl pde. Qki raat ka tym tha or rasta bhi shii nhii thaa to humei by foot hii jana pdaa. Hum sb ghr pahunch gye. Thke hone ki vjh se Mom ne Mama se kaha k jldii se unhe room sone ko de diye jaye. Ramesh Mama thoda ghbrate hue, ”...

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Morning by the Pool

It was the first Saturday after our pool had been filled. The water hadn’t really had time to get warm, so I hadn’t really been swimming in it yet. My husband had taken a swim as soon as it was filled on Wednesday, and had gone in after work Thursday and Friday, but only briefly. I had stepped in deep enough to know that it was still too cold for me to go swimming. He had gotten me up early to celebrate our new status as pool owners. We would be having guests later in the day for our first...

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Her Costume Showed It All

My beautiful young wife was a volunteer at the local church pre-school, years ago. It was the Fall Festival and all the volunteers were assigned booths for the kids to dunk for apples or find toys and win small prizes. The Festival was the church’s version of Trick or Treating without the goblins or scary costumes. My wife was dressed as a Maid of Honor from old English period, I suppose you would say. She just wore a silk dress from the Thrift Store and had her hair done up with small...

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Why Didnt I JustChapter 23

We ended our picnic a short time later, without any further excitement. We packed up our trash, and decided to go out exploring on my bike. It was a fun time, made especially so, by having Connie riding behind me, holding on, and enjoying the ride. We got back to her house at nearly five, exhilarated by the freedom of being out riding through the countryside. Now that I'd cooled down from my earlier sexual frenzy, I was just as happy that we hadn't continued our explorations on the towels....

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A ride to heaven

On of my first jobs was working in a factory in the next town. After I had been there a while a rather nice girl called Mas (not her real name but just for this Story) started working there to. As the weeks passed Mas and i started to get on really well and our friendship developed. We both used to also catch the same last bus home and were normally the last ones on it. Mas would also normally sit on the row in front of me so we could both sprawl out and chat the 45 minutes ride back to the...

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Ashleys Offer PT2

It was early evening, but Dan thought he could see a touch of her nipples poking thru her bra. It may have been his imagination, but he was about to find out. Holding the door open for Ashley-Nicole, he flipped the lights on, thankful the maid he had hired had come thru earlier in the day. Holding up a finger, he led his prize directly to the bedroom, and letting go of her hand, he walked over to a small case. Holding his fob to it, there was ‘click’ as it unlocked, & Dan flipped it open....

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Alexis Crystal Erotic Summertime Massage with Alexis Crystal Turns into Poolside DP

It’s summertime and Nerdy Nikki is poolside, trying to slip his cock inside Alexis Crystal, who’s looking extra fuckable in the bikini she’s sporting. The two have their hands down each other’s pants when they’re interrupted by stud massage therapist Kristof, who invites Alexis over to his table for an erotic rubdown. Although Nerdy Nikki is out of luck for the moment, he continues to hang around the pool, with the hope he’ll eventually get his cock wet. Meanwhile, Kristof is oiling up...

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Godless and Faithless2 Chapter 2

She was a severe woman at times, with admittedly prudish and old-fashioned notions. Other than that, she was a very good listener with cute kids. They reminded Rayner of the kids he cared for back home. The kids he ultimately failed to help. From behind him came a tap on his shoulder and he turned to see Tessa. “You move silently. How long were you behind me?” “With the way things are going in town, I have learned to move quietly and with a sense of haste.” She moved past him to open the...

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"Mother, I'm so embarrassed!" Heather whined. "Can't we please just go home?" "I promise to be a good girl, really I do!" "I'm sorry, dear," Beth Peters replied gently, "but I'm afraid that we're way past the point of no return." Heather sat glumly in one of the three leather easy chairs that formed an arc around the front of the desk of Nancy Rogers, who was the headmistress of The Private School For Wayward Girls. The sullen eighteen year old and her mother sat silently while waiting for Mz....

4 years ago
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A prayer might be answered

The contract work on a drill-ship was too lucrative to pass up. Arrangements for my k**s was hard to setup. With so many Kristen needed help 7*24 and quality care is very hard to find. Pretty dull work but heavy skill and it paid off. Informed all computer connections are monitored. So I stayed away from this site. Got back Saturday and I've been hugging my babies ever since. No cock for a month. All work and no play makes Andie a bad girl. And Kristen is the best. She has basically...

2 years ago
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The Former Boys Club

The Former Boy's Club By The Professor "Aren't you a little old to go trick or treating?" My mother's voice surprised me. I hadn't heard her come into my room. I had been trying on my dad's old army fatigues. They fit just about right. I was the same height as my dad - six feet - and the same weight that he had been when he was in the army. Of course he had put on a few pounds since then, but he was as slender as I was when he had been in the army. "Oh, Jack and Darren and I are...

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The Convert

"Well dear", the wife said. "I think it is time I moved to the lounge for we will start to board in fifteen minutes". Her husband finished off his coffee and gave a nod as he got up. "Have a pleasant trip", he said. "If you decided to stay longer just give me a ring with you new flight plans and give my regards to Heather". With that his wife walked towards her flight gate, there was no kissing or hugging, that sort of intimacy hadn't been associated with his marriage for decades. He...

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Bitch in Heat0

They reached the intersection at the same time, and man and dog turned to follow the same street Sara was on, both having to wait for a stop light. The rottweiler sidled up to Sara and stuck his snout into the crotch of her shorts, making snuffling noises. Sara giggled, but somewhere back in the the most primitive part of her brain, something dark stirred as she felt the dog's snout press against her crotch. "Otto, no!" The man pulled back on the rottweiler's leash, and the dog...

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