They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 12 Friday August 6 2010
- 3 years ago
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Friday, August 13, 2010
“In the Matter of the Marriage of DeRizzo,” the judge called. Leanne and her attorney shuffled up to the bench, followed by Gus and his attorney.
Gus didn’t need to be there, Leanne’s attorney had explained. The terms of the divorce were contained in an agreement filed with the divorce decree that he had already signed. When Jake scanned him, he saw that Gus regretted letting Leanne and the children get away. He had been told it wouldn’t do any good, but he had wanted to show up anyway.
Jake sat in the back of the courtroom. The judge, Leanne, and her attorney were talking too quietly for him to hear. He could have eavesdropped but didn’t bother. Gus had glared at Jake, but the conditioning Jake had installed earlier ensured that there would be no trouble.
Jake filtered out everything but Leanne’s emotions. She was unmoved by Gus’s forlorn face. Gus had killed the tender feelings that Leanne had once felt for him. Instead, she focused only on what her lawyer and the judge were saying, and her anticipation of becoming more fully Jake’s that weekend. Jake sent her a wave of affection and desire. She made no outward show of response, but she did send a burst of similar emotions back to him.
After a couple minutes of testimony by Leanne, and without Gus having spoken, the judge approved the decree and ordered the marriage dissolved. The parties filed out of the courtroom. Jake followed. Gus and his attorney were already gone by the time Jake got to the hallway. Leanne thanked her lawyer and said goodbye. She cocked an eyebrow at Jake. She was ready to leave.
Jake nodded and she turned to go. Jake followed her down the escalator to the lobby and out the front doors. At the car, Jake opened the passenger door and handed her in.
“Are you ready to get on with your life?” Jake asked her when he was seated behind the wheel.
“I’m looking forward to it,” Leanne said.
“Our flight isn’t until 2:30. Would you help me with something?”
“Of course.”
Jake started the car and headed for the farmhouse.
“I need to practice taking control of mind readers,” he said. “I’m going to start today with my father. I’m pretty sure that I can do it easily, but I was hoping you would go with me, sort of as back up.”
“What do you need me to do?”
Jake explained what he had learned from Harris about using loyalty to take control of people.
“He’s the first mind reader that I’m going to do it on. I’ll install the loyalty control and remove the others that are already in place. I expect him to be less dangerous when I’m done, but he is very cunning. If he has me fooled and thinks he can use the circumstances to take control of me, I want you to intervene.”
“It could be dangerous.”
“If something is going on that I don’t see, yes. But I really expect it to go smoothly. If he does try something, he won’t know that you’re there, so you’ll have the jump on him.”
“What should I do if he attacks you?”
“Probably put him to sleep,” Jake said. “Or you could ring the nerve to his transmitter.”
“Ring it before you go in. That way if he tries something, we’ll be able to deal with him safely.”
“Ohhh, smart,” he said, giving her a smile. “That will show us exactly what he thought he could get away with.”
Jake turned onto the driveway and drove up to the front door. He parked pointing away from the house so that the tinted windows hid him and Leanne. He could sense Harris sitting in the kitchen, waiting for Jake to come into the house. Jake didn’t sense anything unusual in his attitudes or emotions. He installed the loyalty control. He put the strength about halfway between the high and low levels he had experimented with on Cox the previous day. It should be more than enough. Then he ringed the transmitter nerve and removed the various controls he had installed over the months Harris had been in custody.
Jake got out of the car and approached the front door, observing Harris carefully. Harris was aware of the changes. He felt his newfound loyalty to Jake and accepted it. Jake saw that he had been expecting it ever since Harris had shown Jake how to install the loyalty control in Cox.
Jake entered the house and sat at the table.
“I should start stocking Cokes so that I can join you without having to drink coffee.”
“Sure, that’s a great idea. I’ll make sure no one else drinks them.”
“Forget all the commands I’ve ever given you. We’ll start again with just a couple of new ones. First, don’t leave here or to contact anyone but me.”
“Second, don’t do anything to hurt me or my loved ones. Don’t try to take control of us.”
“Of course not.”
“Third. Continue to oversee the Coxes and keep doing your writing assignments.”
“Yes, Jake.”
“Last, don’t tell anyone anything about me or my loved ones.”
“Not a word. Can I ask you a question? How did you install that control from outside?”
“My range is farther than you probably expect.”
Jake watched Harris look through his mind. Harris’s eyebrows shot up.
“It turns out that recruiting other mind readers has been very productive,” Jake said.
“That’s amazing what you’ve done with each other’s ranges. But I still have to be concerned. What if one of them turns against you?”
“I’ve been very careful who I changed.”
Harris shook his head. “I wasn’t lying when I said that things are inherently unstable when there’s more than one mind reader. I hope you don’t get hurt.”
“We’ll consider this a grand experiment.”
Saturday, August 14, 2010.
Jake sat in front of a nice but unassuming home in a stately neighborhood near the Tulane campus. Jake could sense his grandmother inside. His grandfather was also there. No one else was home.
Leanne was at the wheel of their rental car. They had slept in and then had a leisurely brunch at their bed and breakfast in the Garden District before driving over to his grandmother’s.
Jake hoped he could pull this off without hurting her. Or her him, for that matter. He was feeling benign after spending the night with Leanne.
When he first planned the trip, he had thought that it would be a chance to cheer Leanne up after her divorce. It turned out that she needed no consolation. In fact, what had happened, away from the bustle of Jake’s busy life and the unremittingly-intrusive presence of the other mind readers, had been a chance for them to focus on each other, and to bond more completely than they had before.
He hadn’t really thought they could become more intimate. After all, Jake already knew all about Leanne and her life. He had been feeling her emotions and hearing her thoughts for months. And yet, once they were alone, they had transcended their previous relationship. It wasn’t just that they were learning more about each other, they were sharing themselves more deeply, voluntarily, and without fear or shame. Jake had never felt acceptance like that. It was too bad that they only had the weekend before they had to go back.
Jake forced himself to take the confrontation with his grandmother seriously. This really was a dangerous situation. He didn’t want to put Leanne at even more risk because he was being lax.
He studied his grandmother’s mind, found the hooks he needed to install the loyalty control, and inserted all the parts, except the last one — the link to him as the object of her loyalty. That would have to wait until she had a concept of him. He doubted that Harris had mentioned him to her.
He pulled out his cell phone. He suddenly felt nervous.
Leanne reached over to him and squeezed his hand. “It’s not every day you meet someone as important to you as your grandmother, Jake. You have good reason to feel anxious. When people have the power that mind reading gives them and there is nothing to restrain it, a lot of them turn into monsters. You can’t know what she is like or how she will react to you.”
Jake smiled at her. She could read his mind more incisively than he could see it himself. She was becoming an essential sounding board for him, helping him to clarify his thoughts.
Jake punched in the phone number and initiated the call. He sensed his grandmother’s irritation at the ringing of the phone.
“May I speak to Lydia Harris, please?”
“Mrs. Harris, my name is Jake Fielding. My father is Glen Harris. I believe that you are my grandmother.”
“Lord have mercy. Are you sure? That Glen is your father, I mean. Because if he is then I am certainly your maw-maw. As much as I’d like to, I can’t deny that that scalawag is my boy.”
“No, there is no question. For one thing, we share an ability that I inherited from him and, he tells me, from you.”
“Then you have my sympathies, mon cheri. Ain’t nobody happy who has this curse.”
“I’d like to talk to you if I can, grandmother. There is much I need to learn.”
She hissed. “Child, that’s a very bad idea and I won’t permit it. Hasn’t your father told you anything?”
Jake slid the last part of the loyalty control into place. It wasn’t quite as strong as what he had done to his father.
“Oh, my,” she said softly. “You be a very dangerous child. How did you do that?”
“I’m parked in front of your house. May I come in? We can talk.”
“The damage is done, cheri. Come on up.”
Jake disconnected the call. He opened Leanne’s door, escorted her to the front door, and knocked. It was opened by a heavy, elderly woman in a housecoat.
“You’re a handsome lad, more so than your father,” she said. “Come in. Have a seat in the parlor. I’ll get some refreshments for you and your pretty lady.”
Jake sat on a sofa and Leanne sat next to him. Jake sensed his grandfather lying in bed further back in the house.
“The strength of the control seems to be adequate,” Leanne said.
“I want to find the minimum strength that I can get away with.”
“Careful, my love. If you try to get by with too little, it could be tragic.”
His grandmother returned with a tray. She set it down and served them coffee and a doughnut-like pastry.
“Here is cream and sugar, if you like it regular,” she said. “And have a few of these beignets. They’re a bit of a specialty of mine.”
She seated herself close to them. She did so, Jake noted, so that she had them easily within her range. That was okay with him. He did not see any reason to keep secrets from her as long as he had her loyalty.
“You and your woman have something special, don’t ya,” she said. Then her eyes opened wide. “No wonder. She’s a reader, too. Which one of you controls the other?”
“Neither, Mrs. Harris,” Leanne said.
“Grandmother, let me introduce you to Leanne DeRizzo. She is, indeed, special to me.”
She scanned Leanne and him quickly.
“How can that be? It would be simple for one of you to snatch up the other.” She turned to Leanne with a knowing smile. “ Ma cherie, you could solve a lot of arguments that way.”
“I’ve never liked the kind of man my father is,” Jake said. “Leanne and I are trying to do it differently. So far it’s worked for us. I think that we value what we have too much to be tempted to take control of one another. I’ll be glad to tell you more about it when we have more time to just talk, but I have some important questions to ask.”
“Fire away, shoog.”
“I’ve managed to get the Council mad at me. I’m afraid it’s turned into a shooting war. I need you to tell me everything you can about them.”
“Oh, that’s very bad, Jake. You need to swallow your pride and make nice with them. You can’t expect to stand up against them. Not even with two of you. They are too strong.”
“It’s a little late for that, Grandmother,” Jake said and told her about the assassination attempt.
“Then you see how they are ruthless,” she said. “I can try to intercede for you.”
“No, I don’t think that will be necessary. You see, there are more than just the two of us. And we have other advantages, too.”
She scanned him again. She raised her eyebrows when she learned about his range.”
“No! So that’s how you took control of me without even being in my house.”
“And I hope it will work with the members of the Council. There are 12 of us, Grandmother. That should be enough to take down the entire Council, all at once.”
“Lord have mercy. Twelve! All in one place. I have to tell you, young man, that there isn’t a mind reader out there who wouldn’t expect one of you to take over the others.”
“My father says the same thing. We’ll find out, won’t we?”
“I don’t like the Council. None of us do, but those of us who have been around for a while do like the fact that we don’t have to watch our backs. At least not until you came along.”
Jake nodded. “I won’t bother justifying what I’m doing. I don’t see that I have any choice but to strike back at the Council. If I’m successful, I’m going to replace it with something better. I’ve been giving it a lot of thought.”
“But better for who, shoog? Giving up one council of despots for another, or for a king, would not be an improvement.”
“We’ll see, Grandmother. None of my people are particularly ambitious. That’s why I selected them. I’m much more interested in mind readers being able to coexist than I am in using them to get more power.”
“That sounds very nice, Jake. I hope that your good intentions prevail. I’ve been around long enough to know that it doesn’t always work like that.” She took a sip of her coffee. “Well, let me tell you about the Council. When I was a girl, most of us mind readers were concentrated in the northeast — Boston, New York, Jersey and Philly.
“For the most part, we believed in live and let live. At least officially. Behind the scenes, there was a lot of envy. If someone was able to parlay his talent into money, it seemed there was always someone who came along behind to take it away, usually by taking control of the successful mind reader. And some of the people who were snatched ended up being degraded in the worst ways.
“To escape all that, my family moved away. My father settled here in New Orleans when I was still a little girl. He started a construction company. He was an indifferent manager, but he had a knack for bidding. He always seemed to bid just the right amount. Eventually he teamed up with other builders. He handled the contracts. They did the actual construction. He made a comfortable living without having to work hard.
“It was just after Daddy died and I had taken over his business that the Council formed. It was in the early sixties. They organized the Atlantic seaboard from New England down to D.C. They did two things that put them on top. First, they expelled other mind readers from their cities. Second, they hunted down and crushed any who challenged them. They made sure that everybody realized that they were the strongest telepaths and that they would take down anyone who stood in their way. It only took a couple of years before they had everybody organized and were exacting tribute.
“You didn’t fight them?” Jake asked.
“No. Once Daddy was gone, I was the only mind reader here. I knew I couldn’t stand against them alone. Because I wasn’t making huge amounts of money, my assessment wasn’t very high. In fact, I think because my operation is so modest, they mostly forgot about me, and that was just fine with me. I was never very enterprising. I just wanted to live here quietly without interference.”
“What happens when a member of the Council dies?”
“You’re asking about how they handle succession. The answer is I don’t know. Nobody really does except them. Lord Boston died in 2002. Another mind reader, not a relative, mind, rose up and claimed Boston’s seat on the Council. I figure that the Council decided among themselves who they wanted, but that’s just an educated guess. Everything took place behind the scenes until the announcement was made.”
“Have you ever been to one of the Council cities?”
“Lord, no, not since we moved away. These days nobody would even think of such a thing.”
“So you don’t know about where they live?”
“I’ve never been there, but the locations of their offices are hardly secret.”
“But if I wanted to find out their home addresses?”
“That may be the same place for a couple of them, but most of them have too many employees to run their affairs out of their homes. Except maybe New York. He lives in a big office building. He might have enough room for living space.”
Friday, August 6, 2010 Jake got home just before five p.m. He got caught up in the early rush hour traffic and the going had been slow. He wandered into the kitchen. Annabelle and Brenda were working on dinner. Looking out back, he saw Shannon, Brian, Julie, Carol, and Christine by the pool. Boris was not home. He had said he was going to catch up on paperwork that he had been neglecting in favor of his duties to Jake’s family. Jan, Leanne, and Kara were in Leanne’s room. Leanne was...
Friday, August 20, 2010 “It’s unusual seeing you out here,” Jan said to Jake. “You went to all that trouble to get this house, and you’re the person who uses the pool the least.” Jake had been sitting by the pool in the late afternoon sun with Ellen, Shannon, and Kate when Jan and Christine had puttered up in their bass boat. “School starts on Monday,” he said. “The summer is almost over. I won’t have many more chances. Besides, I hoped you’d come by and join me.” Jan pulled a lounge...
Friday, August 6, 2010 The door to the garage opened and women started coming in. Brian brought up the rear. The front door opened and more women filed in. “Jake!” Julie cried out. She ran over and kissed him, followed by Carol, and Christine. Emily gave him a kiss on the cheek. Kara patted him fondly on the cheek, as did Leanne. Lizzie gave him a rather stiff kiss on the cheek and then went to Boris and kissed him on the lips. “Everybody, we have a guest,” he said and introduced Donna as...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 “She’s already awake?” Jake asked. “She’s almost always the first up,” Harris said with a yawn. “I usually sleep until seven. Then I release them one at a time to use the bathroom.” “How are they enjoying their stay?” “What do you think? Except for bathroom breaks they spend all their time lying on their mattresses, paralyzed. They hate their lives. The only reason they don’t hate me, too, is because conversation with me gives them a break from staring at the...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 “Kate, this is going to be hard for your mother,” Jan said. “Why don’t you let me handle the introductions?” “Is that her?” Kate asked, nodding in the direction of the waitress. “Yes,” Jake said. “She looks so much older.” “These three years have been hard on her,” Jan said. It took a couple of minutes for Marie to find her way over. She wearily pushed herself away from the bar and walked over, frowning. “You are too young to drink,” she said to Jake. She looked...
Monday, August 9, 2010 Annabelle, we need you out here in the entryway. Yes, Jake. She appeared a moment later. “Annabelle, you need to pretend that you were escorting Mr. Hamilton out the door when he fainted. If he presses you for information, say only that. If he demands that you say more, tell him you have other duties, excuse yourself, and leave.” “Okay, Jake.” “Everyone else, go back to where you were when Jan put Hamilton out. Leanne, will you stay here, please? We’ll pretend I...
Monday, August 2, 2010 “I haven’t gotten to the best part yet,” Ellen said excitedly. “You’re not going to believe what happened the day before we flew back.” Leanne and Kara already knew about it, of course. They had been reading it from Ellen since she and Jake had gotten off the plane the day before. “Jake made friends with a guy at the American Embassy and got us an invitation to a diplomatic reception at the Élysée Palace.” “What’s that?” Julie asked. “It’s the residence of the...
Sunday, August 8, 2010 Dom Jake was irritated that his session with Ellen had been interrupted. He had expected to make significant progress breaking Ellen’s will that night. Oh, well, he thought, while a good slave would have provided him much entertainment, some of the family didn’t really understand the nature of dominance and submission. Protecting the family was much more important than anyone play toy, even one with as much potential as Ellen. Ellen looked fearfully at Jake, aware of...
Thursday, August 12, 2010 “The MRI was inconclusive,” Dr. Worden said. “We’d like to schedule the electrophysical study next.” “No,” Ellen said. “No more tests. Please arrange for Jake to be discharged.” “But, Mrs. Fielding, we need to learn what happened to Jake yesterday. If it happens again, it could kill him.” “If you’ll give us a referral to a cardiologist, we’ll follow up.” “Any other cardiologist would just have Jake admitted to a hospital for this same test.” “Perhaps. But we’ll...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 Jake dropped two handfuls of Wal-Mart bags on the kitchen counter at the farmhouse. The light of sunrise was shining in through the window. He went back into the car, brought back a McDonald’s bag, and handed it to his father who had been sitting at the kitchen table, watching him without saying a word. He glanced into it. “I’m sure they’ll enjoy a hot meal.” Jake selected one of the Wal-Mart bags and handed it to Harris. Harris pulled out a drip coffee maker, a...
Monday, August 2, 2010 Kate’s eyes widened. “Really? What?” “There’s some good news and some bad news. Let’s go someplace where we can get some privacy.” Jan took Kate’s hand and lead her out of the kitchen. “Boris, would you come and deliver the news?” “Yes, ma’am,” he said and followed. Jan, Kate and Boris sat at one end of the dining room table. Jake, who had been out of the loop when it came to Kate’s treatment for two weeks, decided he needed to get a feel for how things had...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 Jake tossed on the bed again, awakened from a shallow sleep by yet another siren. “C’mon, Jake. Go to sleep,” Shannon mumbled. Jake rolled out of bed. It was three a.m. and he was exhausted. But with the strange bed and the strange place, his sleep was fitful. He got himself a drink of water and stared out the window into the night. There was still a lot of activity down at the ground level. Traffic noise seeped in through the window. He had to get some sleep. He...
Sunday, August 8, 2010 Jake sat with his arm around his grandmother. Granddad was well into his sermon and was getting charged up. Jake normally enjoyed listening to his grandfather preach, but he had other things to think about that morning. Although he wanted to focus on his own problem, Jake had not seen Gramma that often lately. He glanced into her mind to see how she was doing. Gramma was paying more attention to the sermon than Jake was. He wondered how she did that. She must have...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010. Darrell pushed his chair back and stood. “Uh oh,” Alice said nervously. “Is this going to turn into a scene?” Darrell stomped across the lounge toward them. “Only if we let it,” Jake said. Jake made Darrell scared of him and Alice. “That’s strange,” Alice said when Darrell suddenly went back to his table, sat down, and stared down into his beer mug, his hands trembling. “Did you do something to him?” “Yeah, I did. He’s a little unstable. I didn’t want to have...
Sunday, August 15, 2010 “We’re going to be here for a long time tonight,” Jake said. “We’ll be planning and training. I’ve removed Carol and Julie’s rings for tonight. We may very well need help from both of you before this is done.” Julie looked pleased. Carol looked ... She looked happy and unusually calm. There was a story there, Jake thought, but he had a meeting to lead. “I plan to overthrow the Council this week. I’ve been sketching out an operation with two phases. In the second...
Thursday, August 5, 2010 Jake walked slowly over to Lizzie who was seated halfway down the dinner table. He pulled her chair back, turned it away from the table, and knelt between her legs. She looked at him with a confident smirk. “Lizzie, I want you to know how happy I am that you moved here and joined us, joined me,” Jake said to her softly. He took Lizzie’s right hand in his, giving Lizzie a rush of pleasure to her clitoris at the moment his hand touched hers. Then he moderated it to a...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 “So what do you have to say about the numbers?” Alice asked, looking up from her salad. Jake finished chewing a bite of steak. He was eating with Alice in the conference room at Diana’s. Financial reports for July were lying around the table. He and Alice had been reviewing them when their lunch had arrived. “It’s about what I expected. I was disappointed that June and July numbers were down until I realized that the year-on-year numbers were up modestly. That...
Thursday, August 5, 2010 Jake knocked on the door to the Motel 6 at 8:30 on the dot. Emily opened the door a crack to see who it was. He had read as he approached the room that they were awake though not yet dressed to face the day. “Jake!” Emily squealed. She threw open the door and launched herself at him. She jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around him. “Emily, you’re not dressed,” Lizzie snapped. Jake had to admit that there were a whole lot of Emily’s legs showing. She slid...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 Jake and Alice found most of the women sitting at the kitchen table when they got home. “Ellen’s out?” Jake asked. “Another date with Boris,” Leanne said with a smile. “Probably another night of torture,” Kara said. “What do you mean?” Jake asked. “When Boris dropped her off last night, she was so horny I could feel it,” Nina said. “Fortunately she had help dealing with it.” “Did she?” Jake asked. Leanne blushed. Jake turned to her with one eyebrow...
Saturday, August 7, 2010 “Your ability to hear thoughts should have started to emerge by now,” Jake said to the assembled class of new mind readers. “Is there anyone here who is not catching at least some thoughts from other people?” “I’m not sure that I am,” Nina said. “Then let’s test you under optimum conditions. I’ll think of a number, keeping my mind clear otherwise. If you can’t pick this up, then you aren’t yet ready for today’s lesson. Here’s the first one.” Jake pictured a die...
Thursday, August 19, 2010 “I was surprised at the findings by Ellen’s neurological examination this morning, so I ordered another MRI,” Dr. Mitchell said. “I just came back from looking it over with the radiologist.” He paused for a minute. He had come into the room while they were readying Ellen to go to the airport. “And?” Gramma said when she could not contain herself any longer. Dr. Mitchell shook his head. “I was surprised by the reduction in her aphasia and the improvement in her...
Sunday, August 8, 2010 It was just after midnight when Jake got home. He could feel Ellen’s arousal as he drove up. It must have been a good date with Brian. He found her in the kitchen with Leanne and Kara. As soon as Jake sat at the table, Ellen got out of her chair and knelt next to Jake. She looked up at him beseechingly. He reached over and pinched her nipple. She threw her head back and breathed in sharply. “I’d like to hear about everyone’s evening,” Jake said, “but it seems my sub...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Only the calmness that Shannon had given him kept Jake from screaming out in horror. Jake turned on Greenlee. “What happened to her mind?” Jake watched as Greenlee recollected losing his temper when he couldn’t bring Ellen to consciousness for questioning. He had focused all his energy on her brain, dragging tracks across the surface, destroying swaths of brain cells. Jake activated Greenlee’s testicle pain circuit. Greenlee screamed. Jake gloried in his agony....
Monday, August 9, 2010 “It’s day seven for the second wave,” Jake said. “Your capacity to read emotions, thoughts, and desires has manifested fully. Even Julie and Carol are nearly there. Now that you have developed the raw capability, you are ready to learn how to use it. We’ve already gone over the basics, so let’s work on something more advanced.” Jake took a drink of his Coke and set it back down on the kitchen table. “When you get a chance, I encourage you all to go out into public....
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Jake didn’t notice the phone falling to the bed. He fought a wave of panic, followed by a wave of nausea. He looked over at Shannon who was watching with concern. “Shannon, please, make me calm.” He knew he sounded pathetic but couldn’t bring himself to care. Instantly, he was back in control, his mind sharp, determined to do what was needed. He put the phone back to his ear. “We’ll get through this, Alice. Tell me what happened.” “We almost had him, Jake. We...
Thursday, August 5, 2010 Jake drove toward home, feeling unnerved at how his circumstances had changed so quickly. His phone rang. It was Alice. He was comforted by the sound of her voice. “I had the most fun this afternoon,” she said. “Oh? What did you do?” “I took a couple hours off and went shopping with Mona. We got her some casual stuff for school and then we went to Neiman Marcus and spent a fortune.” “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” “You’re not going to believe the body that girl...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 The wail of a siren rose and fell in pitch, but its volume did not get softer like one would hear if a fire truck were driving past. His chest hurt. It burned. It also felt like he had been punched repeatedly. The air he breathed was cold, dry and metallic. He was being rocked back and forth. He forced his eyes open. There was a man in a blue uniform shirt sitting over him. Kara was sitting next to the man, staring down at Jake. They were swaying with the same...
Saturday, August 7, 2010 “You seem upset,” Jake said to Lizzie as he sat at the kitchen table and grabbed a sandwich for himself. “I’m not sure how I feel. I’m grateful, but I wish she hadn’t done it.” “Who is she and what did she do?” “Leanne bought us a bunch of furniture,” Emily said. Jake looked over at Leanne who was ignoring them and calmly eating her sandwich. “Oh? Tell me the story.” Jake said turning back to Lizzie. “Leanne took us to some furniture stores this morning,” she...
Saturday, August 21, 2010 “So you’ve decided to spare the Coxes’ lives?” Jake shrieked like a little girl. The last thing he had expected was to hear someone’s voice. He lurched around to find Kara standing above him. “Crap! You scared me,” he said and let himself collapse against the side of the hole, making himself even filthier than he already was. “Jake, you are not going to kill yourself and leave my baby an orphan,” Kara said, handing him down a bottle of Gatorade. He opened it and...
Sunday, August 8, 2010 Jake shuddered and then lay still, smiling. Jan slumped down onto him, laying her head on his chest, breathing heavily. Jake had always felt privileged when he was with her. It was not just because their relationship had started with her being an unobtainable object of desire, or because of their easy camaraderie, or because of the respect and admiration he felt for her. It was also because she made him feel wonderful when they were together. She loved him ardently,...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 The receptionist for Gaylord Bishop, attorney-at-law, asked Jake’s party to take a seat in the waiting room. Jake sat next to Jan, gave her hand a squeeze, and sent her a surge of affection. She squeezed his hand back. After finishing with Shannon’s treatment, Jan and Jake had focused on each other, enjoying their first chance at physical intimacy since he and Ellen had gone to France. Jan had taken control of Jake’s arousal, letting him approach climax but not...
Monday, August 9, 2010 Jake went to the window and closed the drapes. It was getting dark outside, and with the curtains drawn, it was too dark to see. Alice, would you give us just a little light? Alice turned on the bathroom light and closed the door most of the way so that there was just enough light to see. She sat down in a chair against the wall. Alice was in shadow, but Jake saw her hitch her dress up and put her hand between her legs. You’re not just a spectator, Jake sent her....
Monday, August 2, 2010 Jake kissed Alice chastely at the front door. “I’m glad you’re joining us,” he said. “It’s the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me. Well, not the treatment. That was boring.” “Sorry, they can be that way. But try to get another treatment every day. Also, the sooner you move in the better. Kara manages the household. She can help. For instance, she can hire movers to bring your stuff here. The more time you spend with the rest of us the better.” Alice...
THE OFFICE SLUT part twoYou may remember my last encounter with the office slut and what fun we had together.Well it was a hot summers day and the birds were singing,it was great to be working outside.It was a large garden and the clients were out so I had the place to myself; and I was working in a was secluded park of the garden.I was daydreaming a bit and pondering if I could have a crafty wank or not when........My mobile rang:Are there you are Mr Kingdom,are you working at 110...
Roger looked around the room, everyone was quiet as they waited for him start the latest story. With the help of Doris of course. Naturally they were also awaiting the return of Derek and Larissa. Roger didn't know how many, if any of them, knew of the reason for their sudden disappearance or if they were just as ignorant as he and Doris were. Everyone had showered and changed into casual clothes. Roger and his two son-in-laws Christopher and Allan were dressed in slacks and polo shirts...
Why the Professor is not a cuckold. (This story is presented in two parts. The first part introduced the main adult characters and their activities while naked on a hot August night. This is the second part, where some interested parties engage a professor and get an informal class; it is intended to answer the questions raised in reading the first part. For those who want a fast answer, there is an section titled “In Summary” near the end. But that skips Nadia’s anal train and the rest of...
On the seventh day, Marshal Sean arrived to inform them that they were all due in court the next day for the hearing on the girls’ old Master. Jacob, Jason and both girls were required to be there. That night Jason required considerable time to calm the girls down as they still feared their old Master. The next day in court the charges were read aloud by the Royal Judge. “Master Daren, you are accused of punishing by whipping two underage slave girls without a hearing on at least four...
Fifteen year old Jason was returning early from his fathers shop in the dusk of a cold December day, when he spotted the two children crouched in the entryway to his fathers home. “What are you children doing here?” he inquired, as he approached. “Master, may we go inside for a few minutes?” the closest begged him from the darkened entryway. “Why are you not at home? It is past time for children to be indoors in this weather,” Jason told them. “We no longer have a home, Master,” the...
July 29, 1995 Down on one knee to get the angle on the green, I squinted in the bright high desert sunlight. I lined up the eight-foot putt. Satisfied that I had the break figured out, I got up and crouched over the ball, took a couple of practice swings, and then struck the ball firmly with my putter. The ball rolled slightly uphill, and then broke sharply to the right ... straight into the cup. I let out a yell, and thrust my fist skyward. "Another birdie for Mr. Too Hot to Touch,"...
Hope you enjoy, Myra Foil. Myra's RL rapedate Dec 4 2010 Whole day I was feeling very horny. It's saturday Dec 4 and I had to do some RL groceries. It was cold outside and there was about 2 to 3 inches of snow so I had to put on warm clothes which isn't very sexy. After I got home I turned up the heating and took off most of my clothing. I needed pain so I put crocodile clamps on my nipples and shoved an inflatable dildo up my ass. I inflated the dildo to it's maximun size to...
The date is Valentine’s day, 2010. No matter how hard you tried, you just could not get the day off at work. You were understandably upset, but you kept your cool and I just said, ‘honey do what you have to do, I’ll be waiting at home for you with something special.’ This eases the frustration of the day, and next thing you know you’re released. As you head home you think of the vague promise of happiness that you’re headed to. You’re so excited because we had missed the last 2 Valentine’s...
Fun Times with Friends on Saturday, April 3, 2010 Chapter One I’ve been thinking about it ever since he called. “Hi babe. How are you doing?” he said in that low sexy voice of his. I checked the caller ID for his name and then I knew for sure that it was him. “Oh, Eric, hello lover, I’ve missed you very much,” I said in return, wishing that I would’ve thought of something more clever or enticing to say. Eric continued, “Hey, I’m going to be in town this weekend and I was wondering if you’d...
Introduction: My Master picked me up for a torture session My Torture session with RL Master oct 31 2010. My Master ordered me to go naked underneath my long coat. Only wear high heels. He picked me up in front of my house in his Mercedes. After i got in he ordered to open my coat to show my nakedness. Like that we drove the 30 minutes drive to his farm. After arrivel he ordered me to leave the coat in the car and get out naked in the cold air. He put a leather collar very tight round my neck...
This issue dedicated to my writing buddy, Eric. May you live long and Prosper! Caleb Jones presents... Excerpts from the upcoming Post-Great Shift issue of... "The TV Guide" You Are Not The Only One To Get Shifted! When the Great Switch happened, and almost all people all over the world were suddenly thrust into the bodies of random other people, everyone - including those of us here at TV Guide - were too busy adjusting to new bodies and the great mess that followed to do...
Fun Times with Friends on Saturday, April 3, 2010Chapter OneI’ve been thinking about it ever since he called. “Hi babe. How are you doing?” he said in that low sexy voice of his. I checked the caller ID for his name and then I knew for sure that it was him. “Oh, Eric, hello lover, I’ve missed you very much,” I said in return, wishing that I would’ve thought of something more clever or enticing to say. Eric continued, “Hey, I’m going to be in town this weekend and I was wondering if you’d...
The date is Valentine's day, 2010. No matter how hard you tried, you just could not get the day off at work. You were understandably upset, but you kept your cool and I just said, 'honey do what you have to do, I'll be waiting at home for you with something special.' This eases the frustration of the day, and next thing you know you're released. As you head home you think of the vague promise of happiness that you're headed to. You're so excited because we had missed the last 2...
Love StoriesOctober 2010 (Breakfast In Bed) This story is dedicated to the real Juggs. Yes, she's a real person and this story is based on one of my fantasies about her. Thanks, Juggs, for being such great inspiration! Warning: I'm sure you're all sensible people and don't need me to tell you that messing around with asphyxia can be dangerous, but consider yourselves told anyway! "Ohhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh! Oooooooooohhhh!" moaned Tony, breathlessly. "I ... I'm ... I'm gonna cummmmmm!" "On...
The Teahouse Of The August Moon The Teahouse Of The August Moon was a very nice movie made back in 1956 staring Glen Ford, Marlon Brando, Eddie Albert, and Paul Ford. It took place after WWII on Okinawa. That was all that I could think about as I had my building constructed. My ‘Teahouse Of The August Moon.’ I had it all thought out and designed. I had an Oriental designer help me decorate and furnish it. It was going to be a romantic restaurant for couples only. By couples I meant...
In the main parlor, Jacob had had his apprentices rebuild the fire in the fireplace to take the chill out of the air. The entire household was up as the noise had awakened all of them. The parlor was warming up nicely when the Marshal and the others arrived. “You girls sit over by the fire,” Sean directed as they came in. Jacob was standing near the fireplace. He was very surprised to see the girls dressed in towels. Daren and his henchman sat on a sofa. His lip curled when he saw the girls,...
8:15AM At the Stinson household, Peggy gathered up her schoolbooks and ran for the door, remembering at the last second to call out a pleasant goodbye to her Mother, Ann and to her brother Davy who was going to be home with an upset stomach. Two blocks later just before reaching Kathy's, with whom she'd garner a ride, she remembered her English assignment which was due that morning was still on the dresser in her bedroom. She waved to Kathy who was waiting by her car, signaling her to...
"So are you gonna tell us all about the sexy stuff poppy?" asked Marianne who was now sitting up with her legs crossed at her ankles and her little five —year-old pussy in plain sight. "Of course sweetie pie, you don't think I'd keep you waiting do you?" "Oh goody. Thanks poppy," she said with a giggle as she absently fingered herself. Roger took Doris's hand as he turned to each of his family in turn. "You know we could have given this night a title, except that Doris here's...
August 5 Dear Diary, Wow is college gonna be fun, my new room mate, Sally is such a dear, and let's be honest about this, she has a wonderful mouth!!! The thing I think I like best is the communal shower area, where it looks like you can get either as much cock or pussy as you need!!! When I told mom about the shower, she got kinda envious and wished she was gonna be able to suck all that fine young cock!!! I don't think I'd better tell Isaac about that part though, he's not exactly the jealous...
EroticTuesday, June 1, 2010 The apartment was empty. Jake called Jan’s house and told his mother that his plan had fallen apart and that he was back home. He took off his suit coat and tie and sat down in the living room with his book bag. He had already finished the paper for Jan’s class. He had two final exams the next day. It would not hurt to put in some extra time studying. Jake remembered that he had not told Finch to sign the affidavit at the lawyer’s office, so he called him. “This is...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010 “It’s crazy, that’s what it is. I’m beginning to worry about her mental health. And you just went along with her.” Jake looked down at his orange juice. He was alone with Leanne. All of her children were still asleep. He felt like going back to sleep himself. “Leanne, I’ll admit that I didn’t challenge her premise. No, that’s not entirely true. I made sure that it wasn’t just lust talking or some other motivation like that. And I’m pretty sure that it’s not a mental...
Thursday, June 17, 2010 Dinner turned into a big affair with Boris and the Harrison women joining the eight people currently living in the DeRizzo house. They barely managed to crowd around the table. The main topic of conversation was the pending move to the house on the lake. Plans had been made to take Julie and Brian over to look at the house the next day and choose their bedrooms. The master bedroom was to be Jake’s where he could be with his women, but the women would each have their...
Thursday, June 3, 2010 Instead of going to school, Jake rode his bike over to the DeRizzo house. Despite the seriousness of his errand, he felt buoyant. His mother had been in high spirits that morning. She had also been very affectionate. She had kissed him soundly when she woke him up and hummed as she prepared for work. She had come up behind him while he was making toast, given him a hug from behind, and told him that she loved him. He forced himself to look serious and knocked on the...
Saturday, June 19, 2010 “What are you guys hiding from me?” Julie asked. Jake read Julie and saw that they had a problem. He decided to keep quiet and watch it play out. Maybe he could figure out what to do. “What do you mean?” Kara asked. “Not you. Jake and Mom and Ellen,” Julie said “Huh? Hiding something?” Leanne said, her confusion apparent in her voice. “Right. Jake has been linked to you and Ellen all night. Why were you shutting Kara and me out?” “Julie, darling, Jake hasn’t...