Brady Bunch Story Challenge; Past Ass, Brady Phases,That's CrazyChapter 6 free porn video

Brady Crazies
Author’s Note: Marcia thinks that a girl who is suddenly interested in Greg is actually using him so that Greg will vote for her as head cheerleader--over Marcia. That girl’s name was Pat. This is Sci-Fi.
Marcia and Pat both attended Westdale High School. The two schoolgirls along with their families had volunteered to colonize the moon after arriving on a space shuttle earlier in the year 2278.
The two schoolgirl-cheerleaders had gotten themselves in a peck of trouble! They knew it was wrong to talk and giggle and snort taking the focus off their teacher Marcia and Pat just live every other high school girl were aware that the parents and school board had agreed to toss out the feel good, lax discipline responsible for the alarming rise in students that were not held accountable.
Moon School was part of the colony that had been developed under the dome covering part of the moon. However, this school resembled a high school with the values and disciplinary actions of a typical school back on earth in the 1970’s.
There was no nonsense and resolve to create a classroom environment with accountability and student growth. When those high expectations were not met punishment was swift and painful and this included paddlings even for high school girls when merited. Shockingly it was not the last option, spanking was the first resort. Pat knew that was the bottom line and so did her friend.
The talkative high school sophomores had never been paddled and most likely never have been on earth. However, this was Moon High and when they had been caught disrupting class not for the first time they were sent to the principal’s office. Marcia and Pat were aghast and shocked when they were told they would be paddled. Furthermore since their act of disobedience had occurred together, that is how they would be spanked.
Marcia and Pat looked at each other nodded and bolted from the room. They ran down the locker lined hallway, down one corridor after another outward until they reached the tunnel that led to the Quiddage Stadium.
They ran past students and teacher’s classroom doorways as their annoyed principal held the school’s wooden paddle in his hand was hot on their trail. Just as the principal rounded the corner to the hallway that led to the stadium he saw their tails just before Marcia and Pat slid on the slick waxed floor and fell hard on their butts.
The principal of Moon Dome High did not want to disturb on- going classes, so he decided Marcia and Pat would be paddled in the empty stadium tunnel hallway. The high school sophomores got up rubbing their butts then suddenly saw the wooden paddles and fled into the sanctuary of the girl’s toilet. They high fived each other and congratulated themselves on their clever ploy to prevent their paddling.
“Hey you can’t be in here. You have to get out of here.” Becky smartly told the principal.
“Becky, finish your business and get back to class unless you want to take part of their paddling!”
“This is Rebecca of Moon High heading back to class.” Becky said as she wiped her wet hands across her jean-clad bottom.
Marcia and Pat were perplexed, befuddled and filled with fright.
While their bottoms were not side by side their backsides were in the air. Their bottoms could be compared now that both had their skirts pulled up and their panties had been pulled down to their knees. They were different in shape, expanse and texture.
Pat assumed she could get out of her paddling and save her friend’s butt in the process. Mr. Spacely their principal of Moon High was all about the bottom line. The plan was to climb out the window, catch the people mover to Future World and escape their fate by her daddy the Lunar Farmer to write a big fat donation check in exchange for not spanking her precious bottom or bosom buddy. It wasn’t that bad a plan and it might have worked if Pat had plunged her rear seat out the window first. Marcia went first and comically gummed up the works when her robust bum got stuck in the window ledge.
Pat trapped by the rounds encased in denim was caught pulled into one of the door less stalls and pushed bottoms up over the toilet between the tiled short privy walls. There was no reason to rebel now, so she just let it happen. However, Pat would never believe what happened next. She squealed and whimpered as she felt her red checked skirt lifted and her denim hued panties being pulled down off her bottom. The Lunar District naughty schoolgirl regardless of her age was afraid of being paddled. The chestnut-brown long hairstyle of the brown haired schoolgirl suddenly felt an icy breeze waft across her milky white soft bare moons with a thrilling chill.
Meanwhile Marcia was wedged with her fleshy white butt stuck pointing upward in the window. The snotty schoolgirl no matter how hard she tried could not extricate herself out of her self-imposed bondage. Her thick upper thighs and handfuls of cheeks may be fleshier than her friend Pat’s. However, Marcia’s broader back porch fared no better than the more petite Pat’s bottom. Both were very red and blistered to a fiery state. Neither had been able to handle the paddle without tears of pain and congested ruddy faces. “Pat has the test it is in her bra.” Marcia said.
Pat turned over the test. However, she insisted it was Becky who had taken the test and given it to Pat while she was in the bathroom.

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