Cassie and Coalie
- 2 years ago
- 36
- 0
I awoke just after noon in a bed of pregnant wives, and one no longer pregnant wife, and a baby nestled in front of me. His blue eyes captured mine. I worried I would roll over on him when I slept. Eva reminded me she would be vigilant about that. But she wasn’t being vigilant. She slept.
“What?” I murmured.
“Ssh,” Helena sounded behind her. “Let her sleep.”
“You didn’t awake when the baby bawled. She did and fed him before sleeping again.”
“She’s mortal, Joe, like we will be.”
“But she recovered so quickly,” I managed to say.
“I think we’ll be mortal, but not quite like humans. Perhaps it was a lingering connection between Junior and her, but I think it’s more like you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I think we’ll be resilient to injury and sickness, like you are. I think we’ll age slower, but we will age. Someday, who knows how long, our hearts will give out. Other things, violent things, could kill us. We could bleed out. But that won’t happen, unless the world becomes chaos. We will be protected.”
“I think so.”
“But won’t we lose them when we lose their connection to the eternal wanderers?”
“Try connecting,” Eva murmured.
“Sorry to wake you,” I said.
“It’s okay,” she smiled. “I never thought I’d miss sleeping, but it’s so ... relaxing,” she giggled. “And the wild juxtaposition of dreams. So...”
“Of course they’re surreal. That’s supposed to be what surrealism is. But I was thinking more ... unhinged. A release from the bland phenomenology of everyday life.”
“Has your life ever been bland?”
“Nor for a while,” she grinned. “Still...” Her stomach growled. “Shit, I’m hungry!” she exclaimed.
My wives and I laughed. Shira offered to make breakfast, hopping out of bed gracefully somehow. Despite being mortal, she seemed to move easier with her burden than the others. Of course she had a month less time being pregnant, but her well trained dancer body managed to adapt to its significant change, going with the flow I guess.
“Shouldn’t you...” I started.
“I’m fine,” she chuckled, hiding her sexy bulging ebony body in a diaphanous robe, so not really hiding it, and proceeded to make a feast of eggs, bacon and waffles.
Since everyone was awake and Shira worked on the other side of the loft, we no longer whispered.
“Who should I contact?” I wondered out loud. Choices like Seraphine or my dad seemed too connected. Other reasons might allow the contact.
“Try Bob,” Helena suggested.
As far as I knew, Bob had no other influence than Simon. To be certain, I concentrated exclusively on my baby as conduit and power source like I had when he remained inside Eva. “Uh,” he sounded, and his amazing eyes went a little wider, but he revealed no other response. He felt something, but nothing disconcerting. I closed my eyes and found Bob midway through a lengthy day of internship. A baguette with brie had fueled his tired body, provided by Seraphine, along with another cup of black espresso. I gave him images of Michiko and Seraphine fucking him, Michiko receiving his seed, getting her pregnant, while Seraphine rode his mouth. Neither looked pregnant. I sensed his body flush and his cock harden and nearly ejaculate. I also sensed a wave of needed energy. “What the fuck?” I heard him think. I chuckled after I retreated from his mind.
“Works?” asked Eva with a mischievous grin.
“You sensed it?”
“I always did when little Joey was inside me. I guess I still do.”
“Cool,” I smiled.
“Naughty boy,” she smirked.
“What did he send?” asked Zhenzhen, so I sent the image to my wives.
“Ooh fuck,” I heard from the kitchen.
“You okay, Shira?” I asked.
“Just horny all of sudden.”
“You want me to...”
“Yes. Please. But let me finish breakfast.”
“I could help?”
“Don’t distract me.”
“You can distract me,” said my French wife, climbing over me and sending my cock into her pussy. The image had affected me as well. I turned her over and took control, staying on my knees so as not to press on her large stomach. We fucked slowly. I fondled her larger tits. Helena and Eva took over, sucking them. Junior lay there in front of Eva. For some reason he didn’t bother me. Spooned behind Helena, Zhenzhen watched, smiling at me.
Despite the distraction, a thought took my mind. “What about you?” I asked Zhenzhen.
“What about me?”
“I had two major minions from my two parents. It must be why I have been ... chosen I guess, with my father, even though from the enemy side, having the stud nature I have, and mother being clever or smart or something, a companion to Nick in nature if not in reality. But Xo...”
“Master is the master of the mind,” she reminded me.
“Yes,” I moaned, feeling Angelique’s pussy shiver around my cock in a small orgasm. I looked at the smiling, blushing French beauty. “Sorry.”
“I don’t mind,” she responded breathlessly. “You’re still hard, still fucking me, and I find it weirdly sexy that you’re conversing with my wife. It’s not like your mouth can be otherwise occupied, kissing me, what with my big belly.”
“True,” I chuckled, and the muscular contraction of my diaphragm effected my cock, making Angelique moan.
“Keep talking,” Angelique insisted afterwards, glancing at Helena who leaned forward and kissed her.
“You were saying?” I said to my cute Chinese wife. Another chuckle caused another moan from Angelique, muted by Helena’s lips.
“There’s a channel from our combined minds in him,” she rubbed her belly.
“But still,” I pointed out, “As far as I know, none of Xo’s blood exists in me. No constructs in my mind of his presence, unlike Nick and Simon.”
“In order to function as a minion.”
“Then you’re certain that Nick didn’t father you.”
“Yes,” I moaned. Whether Angelique writhing beneath me, creating sweeter pleasure against my cock, especially when she lifted faster against me, or gasps and quickening breath, Helena letting her breathe, attaching her lips to a nipple, but nothing else could distract my focus. My thrusts became rapid as I watched her climb towards ecstasy. She led me to it, and soon I jetted my potent cream deep, and the pulses sent waves of pure pleasure throughout my body. I saw her feel it equally, in her eyes and her undulating body. All senses experienced it, the eyes especially witnessing the sharing. The connection felt overwhelmingly like love. As powerful as any emotionally, even greater than telepathic reverberations of several minds.
“Wow,” I said, and she beamed and chuckled.
“I told you talking to Zhenzhen was sexy.”
I returned her chuckle and she moaned, an aftershock obviously sweeping through her. Turning to our adorable Chinese angel a moment later, she asked, “You were saying?”
“Uhm,” Zhenzhen murmured, obviously affected by the explosive shared climaxes, “When Master helped Seraphine and Gia compartmentalize Simon’s influence for different reasons of course, he connected through your connection with our future son, and therefore traversed through your brain. And like he did with them, he rewired you, constructed his presence inside you.”
“For when he is no longer present.”
“When he dies, Joe. He accepts death. Even welcomes it as a last experience.”
“As does the angels. Even Naomi.”
“And me when it comes.”
“And me,” said Helena.
“And me,” said Eva.
“But you can wait for as long as possible,” I said.
“Of course,” they all replied.
“Is Xo certain it will be his last experience?” I asked.
“As certain as anyone can be. Nothing exists of the mind after death. Like trying to enter a dense stone.”
“But some say the spirit emerges. The soul. Entering the aether, so to speak. Joining other spirits. Perhaps entering new consciousnesses. Or even becoming visible as ghosts.”
“All myths, Master thinks. To appease mortal concerns. To bring hope or meaning or purpose to finite lives. Reincarnation. Heaven or hell or purgatory. He thinks he should be able to sense such ethereal presences.”
“I imagine him sitting beside a mortal at their moment of death.”
“But perhaps it’s another plane. One beyond our own consciousness.”
“Of course,” she smiles. “Like I said, his certainty comes from experimental proof, but as physics has shown, there are always things beyond our understanding.”
“We understand the details,” I thought out loud. “Words. Meanings. Descriptions. Always material things. The building and working a machine. A blade of grass. Even atoms and molecules. Things we can sense. See at the subatomic level. Watch work. As if the biological, the natural was just another sort of machine. Witnessing differentiation and causation in DNA. More and more understanding.
“And yet can we ever understand how it all came to be? All us singular consciousnesses moving through the present like pushing through a windstorm. Always passing through the past and into the future at a continuous point containing within it awareness and experience in thought and memory and gaining new experience from all that has been constructed or exists around us at that continuous moment. How can all that happened before, millennia, epochs, vast periods of time, have brought us to this present, this reality separate for each one of us? Physicists may have proved theories at the largest and smallest scales, but even they haven’t been able to find how those two scales can coexist, creating string theory which hardly seems provable, but who knows?
“Even those perplexities and paradoxes I think pale to the why of our constant movement through time. That continuous, relentless, inexorable movement, impossible to be anything but what it is. And the vastness of the point. And its specificity. What surrounds us. All the accidents and arbitrariness of it.”
“Simon would have said life is a miracle,” said Eva. “Just another word for the inexplicable.”
We nodded and shrugged.
“Go eat,” ordered a naked beauty standing beside the bed. “I have a cock to restore.”
Giggling or chuckling, our wives did as commanded. Shira handed me a tiny sandwich. One bite containing everything she had made. Waffle and egg and bacon. A napkin followed, and then a small cup of OJ and a larger mug of coffee made how I liked it. After a swallow of the hot, sweetened bitter liquid, the cup got set aside. She slid beside me, on her side, her head facing her challenge, my flaccid penis. It already began to rise by the time she reached for it and brought it into her mouth.
Her upper leg had lifted, opening her damp and fragrant sex to me. She didn’t need me to ready it, but she enjoyed my attention nevertheless. Like a young man often requires, I brought her an orgasm good enough to sate her extreme horniness for the moment.
She got me hard and straddled it, riding me slowly and enjoying the moment. After a few more strokes, lifting the extra weight of her belly became less and less appealing. Like I had with Angelique, turning us over, I balanced on my knees between her thighs, keeping my torso above hers, and began the steady and slowly quickening thrusts that brought us both the gradual climb to ecstasy. And like with Angelique, at least at the glorious end of the earlier fucking, our eyes connected, watching pleasure writ on our faces the other caused. Several minutes later, probably nearing a half hour, we reached a wondrous crescendo together, made once more more powerful by love.
“Thanks,” she murmured unnecessarily.
“My pleasure,” I nevertheless replied.
We again lay on our sides, but face to face this time. And we kissed softly and joyously. My stomach announced its need for more food. We separated lips and laughed.
Once out of bed, Eva brought me my robe and a kiss, Junior cradled in her other arm. She and he took our place amongst chaotic and dampened sheets.
Angelique prepared a new waffle for me. Helena poured fresh coffee into the mug I brought with me and placed on the high surface that served as a separation between kitchen and the rest of the loft. I sipped and savored my delicious breakfast with my delicious wives.
Over the afternoon, angels and others, including Lindy and the three pregnant Helen clones, near their own time of birth, came to coo over Junior.
Late afternoon, soon after the parade ended, I got a message via telepathy from Nick to expect a couple visitors. I heard the motor of the elevator and it opened to two older, conservatively dressed people, both well into their forties. A large, portly Caucasian man of indistinguishable heritage, but his last name, Jones, presumed at least his father had a British lineage, and a petite Chinese woman. Not only did their physical presence differ. The man’s ruddy, slightly rosy face, and eyes that glinted with amusement, and a wry smile presumed frequent pub crawls with friends, though his accent, a generic American, made it more likely to be bars. The woman couldn’t have looked more serious.
After introductions, just the two lawyers because apparently they already knew who we were, my wives and I sat with them at our worktable. They both opened expensive leather attaché cases and pulled out a large pile of papers. I knew what this signified.
“Doesn’t this happen after a will is read?” I asked.
“Not if you want a smooth transition,” said the man handing a sheaf of papers held by a large black clip. An obscenely large number stood out, 8 digits long.
“What’s this?” I asked
“Your trust. Nick created it for you. Xo just added to it. Just sign it to gain access. This first sheet has the account number and contact numbers. You keep it.”
Removing the clip, I pulled aside the top page and looked through the rest of the document. It listed several businesses in which Nick had been partner. And several buildings: either homes or business offices all over the world. I found the building we were presently in. And the campus outside Boston. And the theater/camp in Bass Lake, Minnesota. Turning back to the list of partnerships, I noticed one missing and smiled.
“Serpentine?” I asked.
“Nick gave it to the mother and daughter who have been running it,” the man explained. “I recently visited suburban Boston for that purpose. Of course, it’s hardly a profitable business. The opposite actually. Nick always funded it and their salaries.”
“And my trust will take that over?”
“It has nonprofit status and is good for taxes,” the man shrugged.
“So I’ll be paying the salaries of Lindy and her company?”
“Including yourself,” he smiled. “Not directly of course. Mother and daughter administer the funds.”
I initialed a bunch of things and signed the last page.
“And all these other documents?”
“Change of ownership.”
“Quite the gifts,” I pointed out.
“We’ll take care of the consequences,” said the Chinese woman.
“I should hope so,” I chuckled.
“It’s not as bad as it seems,” said the man. “You’re already part owner.”
“And Zhenzhen partly owns Xo’s possessions,” said the woman, handing papers to my Chinese wife.
“I do?” Zhenzhen replied.
“Yes,” the woman nodded. “Profits will be shifted to your account, already rather flush.”
“But any substantial funds needed will be provided by Joe’s trust,” the man added.
Amongst the several initialing and signing Zhenzhen and I did was one handed to Helena. “This if for your mother’s land,” said the man to her.
“But my brothers and sisters?” she asked.
“From what I understand,” said the stout lawyer, “only your youngest half-sister and her husband has shown interest in staying there and managing the farm and the villa. If the oldest of them had lived...”
“I understand. Her husband had to move on after her death.”
“Yes. Your sister will have it free and clear. No taxes. Any profits will be hers except for a small percentage going to you.”
“She thought so, too. She actually thought it should be a higher percentage.”
Helana laughed. “It doesn’t look like I would need it. And the other half-siblings?”
“Your mother’s and stepfather’s wills will take care of them.”
“Good not to step on any toes.”
“Exactly as intended for all of this,” the man agreed. “The less toes the better.”
After the lawyers left, the excitement and repetitive tedium of signing relentlessly left with them. The vacuum became filled with emotion. The reality of the purpose of what happened.
“Shit,” I said.
My wives agreed.
That evening in the theater, a frail Nick stood on stage. Xo didn’t look any better. All the angels except my wives looked much stronger thanks to whatever my telepathy had done during moments of climax, and Gia had proved the efforts to affect their survival to be fruitless, but weakness had never been an adjective to describe them, and I could see them weak.
Rosa stood beside Nick, looking a little tired, but a little meant a lot compared to normalcy. Her gorgeous face and body, her great pride and her deep compassion remained. “I continued my work as secret gadfly against European conquest, at least when it became too cruel. But the writing was on the wall probably from the beginning. Only tribes in difficult places, mostly in the depths of the jungles remained untouched by European control. So I assimilated in a way. Generations of nurses. A great disguise if I say so myself, for my continued work as an assassin. Both a killer and a savior. I would pretend my death and a niece would arrive, somehow already trained and looking remarkably like a young me, and take my place. I also pretended to be nurses. Always doctors actually, but gender made that unacceptable for most of my time. Always clinics on the periphery of cities serving the natives, but with a reputation that brought Europeans as well. A last resort for ailing Spanish or Portuguese. An occasional doctor would come to learn about the remarkable success, studying under male doctors of native heritage, not knowing these doctors learned from me. Willing to learn from a native, a woman would be too much to be acceptable.
“There were a couple exceptions. I spoke of the last one, the one who accompanied me when I came to San Francisco to greet Nick. He was actually a mix, but had a strong aristocratic upbringing that might as well have made him European. The first, nearly a hundred years before, had, ironically, the same name, Carlos, but did not share a mixed heritage. No, the man was pure Spanish.
Rosa, well aware of her attractiveness, a voluptuous body capped by a gorgeous face, knows how distracting she can be when a doctor visits to learn from her, though they don’t know it’s her knowledge that the native male doctor shows them. Usually it annoys her if it’s too persistent. How can they learn if they allow such distraction? Sometimes, if rarely, she enjoys her own view of the stranger. Doctors tend to be arrogant assholes, and only pure horniness, and the need for a strange cock owned by a man who at least has some intelligence, gets her by her reluctance to be in such a man’s presence for any length of time. This one’s different. And she’s not even sure why.
The man’s handsome to say the least. And confident to a fault like most are in his profession. It annoys her, as it often does, and yet it also adds to his charm. He has a wry smile suggesting amusement at lesser minds. Though condescending in nature, it actually looks cute on him. And when he flashes it at her, she senses it’s not her to whom he condescends. It’s as if he’s sharing his amusement with her. And she can’t help agreeing with the sentiment. Though her doctor, her beard if you will, has skills and intelligence, he tends to be quite dense.
The wry smile changes. He starts looking curious at her. And confused.
After the successful surgery, he steps up to her. “Could we talk?” he asks her.
“Let me wash and change,” she tells him. “Meet me outside.”
Cool air greets her when she exits the clinic building. She can taste late fall. Corn has been harvested below, in the valley beneath the foothill mountain on top of which her clinic has been built. Alpaca, whose product she wears as a thick coat, nibble grass in another area of the valley. Everything looks especially beautiful lit red by a setting sun, including the man waiting for her at a small table at the edge of the mountain. The long dark leather coat he wears improves the look. He smiles and waves.
On the table rests a bottle of red wine, some bread and sausage and another bottle of olive oil. “I thought you might be hungry,” he says, pouring the wine into two silver chalices. “This is a gift from my family’s vineyard. My favorite vintage. Don’t worry. I brought more bottles for your clinic.”
She sips it. “Very nice.”
“Thank you.”
While tearing off bread and drizzling the oil on it, she says, “But this isn’t my clinic. I’m just head nurse.”
“Are you?” he asks, watching her place sliced sausage on her bread and biting into it.
She studies him while she chews. His wry smile returns. “Why do you say that?” she finally returns.
“Observation? I watched the doctor.”
“I thought you just watched me,” she smirks.
“Who can blame me? You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
“For an Indian?”
“For anyone.”
She grins. “You’re no slouch in the looks department either. I imagine you have to fight off the senoritas.” For some reason he suddenly looks glum. “What’s wrong? Don’t take compliments well?”
“It’s ... complicated.”
“Being handsome is complicated?”
“It’s true I attract the ladies. I also know how to charm them. Why pretend to be modest when you know I’m not?”
“No you’re not. You’re quite sure of yourself.”
“You mean arrogant.”
“I’m reserving judgement. You attract ladies like shit attracts flies. What’s wrong with that?”
He laughs at her rude language but immediately becomes serious. “I could have the choice of almost any woman, but I chose only one. The wrong one as it turns out.”
“She cheated on you?”
“She married my brother.”
“Why? Is he more handsome than you? Smarter?”
“No. Definitely more arrogant. He was born first.”
“Ah. Then this girl...”
“Second born female of another wealthy family, but situations made her essentially first.”
“It was arranged? Then...”
“It’s more complicated than that. I suppose if I knew she couldn’t be mine, maybe we would have just been best friends. I wouldn’t have loved her. She has an older sister who ended up running off with some cad. I think my brother scared her. He can be intimidating, and a brute when he’s drunk. But there still was another choice my mother could have made. Another family of similar wealth. The daughter’s beautiful but vapid. And she wanted me. Had a crush on me. Has a crush I should say.
“Father, who’s a strong man, a macho man, except when it comes to my mother, saw my deep affection for Cecilia, and tried steering mother towards the empty-headed Daria. It might have even worked if my drunken brother hadn’t tried to rape the girl. At least that’s what she cried and her parents saw her ripped bodice when they came to her. I’m still not sure if what she claimed happened. It could have been her using more sense than I give her, or him wanting Cecilia, or maybe both of them.”
“He would take Cecilia from you.”
“Yes. He did. He’s an asshole.”
“And Daria?”
“We’re supposed to marry when I return. To tell you the truth, this was as much a delaying tactic as it was genuine curiosity about your clinic’s remarkable success. I know my culture. Love doesn’t matter. A wife is secondary to a man. Meant to bear him children and raise them. I can even find a mistress more to my taste.
“But it does matter. I suppose I could just gaze at her, enjoy her body, but every time she talks, she sets my teeth on edge. She’s ... idiotic. And maybe worse, I’m partly to blame for her infatuation of me. Cecilia and I had a game. A game of seduction. A sort of contest to see who could tease best. Except it wasn’t exactly a contest. We’d teach each other what a man or a woman would find enticing. Easier for a woman to entice, of course.”
“Not necessarily. Physical attraction goes both ways,” she winks.
He laughs. “Maybe. But she taught me to charm.”
“And you charmed Daria.”
“Yes. And usually we’d end the seduction by kissing each other. Usually it ended the game on a playful note. Sometimes it angered the girl, or more often the boy. But they got over it. With Daria ... I guess she was never convinced I preferred Cecilia over her.”
“I don’t think she’s as stupid as she pretends. I think she’s calculated. And what annoys you is her narcissism. She’s petty and seems interested in the shallowest of things. Her appearance. Gossip.”
“You may be right, but that certainly doesn’t make me want her.”
“You should stay.”
“Stay here. I can make you into the best doctor in South America, or Europe even.”
“I knew it. I saw him glancing at you as if for permission.”
“He can be a bit dense and unsure. Maybe we could even rescue Cecilia.”
He shakes his head and sighs. “No. She’s loyal to a fault.”
“But what about your brother?”
He smiles. “She knows how to fight back. I learned how to fight even though I chose a different path. She demanded I teach her everything. She’s a tough girl. I imagine my brother will find out how tough.”
“Men tend to overpower women. Thus rape.”
“She’s quick and spry and clever. He won’t know what hit her. I mean he will, but not how.”
“That’s good.”
“Yeah,” he replies sadly. But his wry smile reemerges. “You’ll have to convince me to stay.”
“How do you think?”
“I think I like the way you think.” She stands and pulls him to his feet. As they walked to her hut she asks him, “You ever fuck her?”
“Cecilia? No. Too loyal as I said. A promise is a promise to her, and she promised to be a virgin bride. But we did most everything else.”
“Then you do have some experience.”
“I’ve fucked whores. Recently, since I had Cecilia as my focus before the disaster.”
“I’m better than any whore.”
“Oh? How so?”
“I’m sincere.”
“Not mercenary.”
“Exactly my clever boy.”
“I’m a lot older than I look.”
Once behind the door, she kneels in front of him and pulls out his cock, already hardening and revealing a respectable length and girth. “Nice,” she comments before pulling it into her mouth.
“I want to see you,” he moans.
She fists him while answering. “Sometimes a man cums just seeing me.”
“Modest, aren’t you,” he chuckles within his moan.
Once more she removes his cock and replies, “Truth is truth,” and returns to her sucking. Her eyes smile at his when he removes his clothing, revealing a taut, strong body. Moments later he cums, his groan louder than he expects. She swallows it eagerly.
“Sit,” she tells him, gently urging him to her palette. He lowers onto it. She spreads his legs, and brings his hand to his flaccid penis. “You can touch yourself,” she suggests.
She removes her clothing slowly in a dance. Her sensuality thrills him. What she reveals thrills him much more.
“You’re perfect,” he murmurs. “The perfect woman. Like a fantasy of a woman.”
“I’m real. Touch me.”
“So smooth,” he murmurs, caressing her calves and moving up to her thighs. “I can feel your strength, and yet there’s softness.”
“Like Cecilia?”
“You’re thicker,” he sniffles. “Her legs were much thinner. Coltish.”
“Did you ever taste her?”
“Yes. It surprised us both. We both liked it though. I liked her scent when we played, and wanted to taste it.”
Rosa moves closer, bringing her sex to his mouth. Taking her full buttocks in hand and squeezing them gently, he pulls her against him as his tongue explores. “Like ambrosia,” he moans before continuing to lap at her.
Quietly panting, it becomes a louder moan when his tongue slides against her clit, and louder still when he grips it between his lips and sucks. When lips release, his tongue continues exploring the edges and depths of her pussy while, after wetting it, his thumb presses and rubs at her most sensitive spot.
“Well practiced,” she moans.
“Yes, and she could suck me well, too,” he replies, fingers slipping in where his tongue has been, carefully. “But she only tasted my cum once, by accident.”
“You liked it when I swallowed?”
“Yes!” He returns vigorously to his task.
“You can fuck me with your fingers. I have no virgin barrier to worry about.” His efforts bring her close. “Feel behind my pubic bone. Some rougher flesh. Yes! Stroke it! Suck my clit. Bat it with your tongue. Fuck. Yes. More. God!” she climaxes.
“Mmm,” he comments while swallowing her plentiful liquid.
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Wife LoversIt was a five year stint of keeping my ass to the wall and never dropping the soap. It was five years of greasy guys giving me the once over - five years of learning to have eyes in the back of my head. Five little years for selling blotter acid to the wrong person. Five years I would never get back. When they let me out, I was 26 and the only place to go was my grandmother's house. Things could have been a lot worse. Grandma was happy to have me. She was happy to see me out, to see me getting...
This story developed out of a girl friend’s fantasy. It’s an attempt to write it the way she felt it. It’s also a first attempt — feedback welcome! Some mornings, the daily round just isn’t enough, especially in summer. The heat makes you restless, more conscious of your body. You sense possibilities. Something should be happening. You dress carefully, looking at yourself from time to time, posing, allowing your mind, and your fingers, to wander just a bit. You feel the silk of your inside...
Hi readers, hope you are doing well and have already caught the first part of lonely kastury ( In case you wish to send review comments or suggestion drop me an email at Now I am back with part 3 as I am not able to find part 2 (lost while ISS was having this server problem) but promise to find it and post asap. But till then here is part 3 so that you can enjoy this lovely but lonely housewife in her private moments. Don’t forget to...
I hate my life. I should have stopped about an hour ago and gone home. I am stalling. I don’t want to go home. I finished grading all my papers and I am just sitting admiring myself in my mirror. Today was Thursday, the last day of school for me. We were taking this weekend off. My husband and I are going on a mini vacation. A swinger resort. He finally convinced me. I wanted him to go on his own but singles cost way more. Plus, I would get to see the type of women he is actually into. Today...
IncestI wake with the memory of her message fresh in my mind and a little smile wakes me properly. I bounce out of bed excited for the plans that I'd formed last night after I'd messaged back, "11 am, you know what to do."I have a good few hours before then so set about changing the sheets, tidying up a little, though the place is pretty clean and in order anyway. I head out to the pool for some laps to wake my body up then pop to the shops and buy some supplies, food, drink, a bikini. Taking a...
MILFI had no idea that I would ever want to suck cock, until it happened unexpectedly.Ken and I had been friends for a long time; we had been married to sisters at one time. Now I was married to a different woman, and we were living in California.I still stayed in touch with him, as we were the best of friends.He was working in Portland, Oregon, and I was working in Southern California at the time. I had called him up to see what he was doing, and he asked me if I'd like to come up and work on the...
Gay MaleVampires are not fertile. Vampire female cannot bear a child and similarly, vampire male cannot conceive a child. Dead flesh is not able to produce life. But that doesn't mean that they cannot indulge themselves in pleasures of the body. What I have in mind is not mating between vampire noble and human girl, so very popular. Typically, vampires do not mate with humans for other purposes than for gaining power in human society. They do not derive pleasure from this, they derive pleasure from...
SupernaturalI was a sophomore in college and my best friend (John) and I were rooomates. Seemed if he had a girlfriend then I didn't and vica versa. One night we had gotten pretty toasted drinking. He had a girlfriend Shelly who was pretty hot. Shelly was teasing me about jacking off listening to them fuck. John said yeah if you would wait she could come to your room and get twice the fun. He and I laughed and Shelly giggled. Pretty soon John had coaxed her out of her jeans and blouse and she was...
"Hi Mom".... All of the sudden as I was just getting ready to shoot my load into her little ass as looked up and there she was standing in the doorway of the bedroom with a look on her face I'd never seen before, Andrea was trying to talk to her mother but couldn't get out a sentence because I had my cock all the way in her tiny ass, every time she tried to talk she would moan, I was so into shock it never occurred to to me I should probably pull out of her. I stared at Melissa trying to think...
I let out a loud sigh. The salad bowl managed to fall off the counter and shatter on the kitchen floor. This, of course, sent pieces of glass, lettuce, carrots and everything else all over the tile and even under the dishwasher. Great. I knew my son Tim would be here any minute and I wanted us to have a nice dinner alone. But after getting back from the gym and this fiasco, I would lucky if I was out of the shower when he got here.I started to sweep angrily. My husband was gone again. Always...
First period was Honors Seminar, which was mostly a bull session for whoever the teachers decided was brainy enough. Depending on our so-called talents, we also got credit for research reports, original poems and stories, paintings, or whatever. It was a pretty eccentric bunch. The classroom layout was a circular sofa about 25 feet in diameter. I snuggled up with Pietre Agoras as usual. As he often did, Pietre was wearing a tank top and some gauzy lounge pants. Across the circle Ben Daire...
Chapter 13 - The Old ManShanika and Yolanda stood together watched as the negro slave girl's most recent master disappeared down the path to the cabins."It's time for you to get ready to go back home," Yolanda said. "Let's get you washed up." The colored lady led the black slave into the barn and handed her chain over to Elois, the young attendant. Maya and Darla, the mother and daughter, had already been bathed and were waiting for the rest of the slaves making the return trip to be ready. The...
You should really read 'My First' first! My phone rang a few hours after my CL cock sucker, ass fucker had left to go to the gym. It was Chad, the big hairy bear that had earlier given me my first anal fucking. He asked how I was doing, which I thought was very kind. I told him that I was fine, still enjoying the moment of his penetration and stroking. He said that he finished his workout and had just showered. Then, to my surprise he asked if I would like him to drop by on his way home, for a...
Gay Male- [ ] This is a story about this beauty I met at a wedding. Her name is Rosa. She is a tiny, shy, ball of joy that will light up your world with her beautiful smile and infectious laugh. I didnt want to go to this wedding. I knew hardly anyone there I was fighting with my girlfriend who was on a trip out of town. I hit the bar early at the reception and tried to small talk my way till the end of the evening. Im now a few drinks in and this short curly haired brown eyed beauty caught my eye as...
Lady of the house Crystal Rush is willing to do anything for her new foster kids. The young stepsiblings are looking for her love, affection, and a little extra nourishment. In fact, Crystals foster daughter, Carmen Rae, is absolutely thirsty for Crystals tits! She wants to suck and nibble on her pretty nipples. At first, Crystal is appalled. But after a little consideration, she realizes she needs to the roll of foster mom to its utmost. Her new foster kids lick her titties and then ravish her...
xmoviesforyouIt was a little over a month since that night when Hawk told me about his past. I was sitting on the couch watching TV. Mom had John for the weekend and Hawk was at work. Tomorrow was Hawk’s birthday and I knew I wanted to do something special for him. I couldn’t decide what to do. I had already ordered the cake from the local Safeway, (a white cake with chocolate frosting and a raspberry middle, with the words Happy Birthday Hawk written on it in yellow frosting). I knew that Amy and...
After their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion. After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex. For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties. Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy — even when forced to "Clean-Up" partners of both sexes. Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming addicted to the taste of male and female cum juice...
Calum, meet Cassie It was a rainy Saturday afternoon, and Calum was daydreaming on the bus. Gazing absentmindedly out the window at the passing scenery, taking in it all and none of it. He stirred to life as the bus drove into the outskirts of the town he was vacationing in with his Aunt, Anne 'auntie Anne' and his cousin Sarah. 'My stop soon' he reminded himself, cautious of the stop he was to get off at. On arrival he alighted from the bus with a bounce, he was...
After finishing my make-up I looked at myself in the mirror and frowned. My make-up was fine but I was wearing panties, pantyhose and a bra. I had a date with Connor in about an hour and this was our third date. Connor is 25 years old and a true hunk of a man. He is 6’4” with brown hair and as cute as can be. Our previous two dates had gone extremely well and his goodnight kiss from last Thursday implied that he wanted more. That was just fine with me because I did too. That was my...
Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 15 By Missy Crystal The alarm clock woke me up at the usual time. I got up, took off my pajamas, folded them and put them away in the bottom drawer of my dresser, then replaced my panties with white cotton briefs. A dark blue cotton t-shirt, white athletic socks, a pair of jeans and sneakers completed my transformation. I went to the bathroom to wash up and brush my teeth, carefully studying my face in the mirror. Satisfied that no trace of Jenny...
“Don’t brush it so hard,” warned Carla, as if she was the expert. “You can damage the tablet.” She stood behind me, ready to step in. I saw her tucking her long blond hair behind her ears. Slowly and very carefully, I brushed millennia old dust away from cuneiform inscriptions that might reveal the secret I was searching for my whole academic career. Sweat rolled down my forehead, blinding me for a moment. My white t-shirt was already soaked and I had to find a dry spot to wipe away the salty...
This happened when i was 21, from my first post (which was a real story and so is this one) i hadn't had much luck with women, i was very shy and if you read my first post, then you know she was the one who made the first move, well now me and my hommie Mike who i call Meeklo cause he's a white Mexican, (Meeklo is the name of a white Mexican in blood in and blood out a Mexican gangster movie)had been out smoking some weed or herb what ever you want to call it, cause i had just got my medical...
Tom lay there on the bed in Jessica's room, catching his breath from the hot lusty fuck he'd just enjoyed with the sexy brunette. He'd never envisioned that he was actually seducing a virgin at Jessica's age but the fact that he'd just been the first man to ever have sex with her made the hot fuck they'd just finished all that much more enjoyable. Tom had decided at the very last moment that he wouldn't blow his cum load deep in her pussy since he felt sure Jessica didn't have any...
A hotel can be a harrowing place, especially working in one as a front of house manager, poor Auntie Nixx, the complaints from Joe Public are endless, on the late shift one night, the reception phone rung,it was mid evening fairly quiet in reception. "hello Iwould like to complain about the noise coming from the room next door, we think there is an a****l in the room!Damn, I took my red manicured taloned hand away from my left erect nipple, just getting horned up too. "a****l what do you mean"...
On Friday he came home around midday. He went upstairs and came down with two suitcases. "I left your clothes on the bed. Hurry and get dressed." A few minutes later I came down dressed in a black leather mini skirt and black leather bra. Our trip in the car went by in silence. After an hour and a half we turned down a forrest road. 10 minutes later we went through a gate and along a track until we arrived at a cabin. We we went inside. He had me make some lunch. After we'd eaten we went to one...
I was driving South towards Taylor's apartment. It had been a couple of weeks since my last visit. Her sister Chloe and her mom had arrived over the weekend. I still wasn't quite sure what Taylor had in mind in how we would be able to have fun with her sister with her mom around. I pulled into the apartment complex, narrowly avoiding running over an athletic blonde out for her early morning jog. I drove towards the back of the recently completed complex, which seemed to have more...
Many so called erotic writer are , in reality, just a bunch of sick fucks. They have to have the woman, usually a wife, raped by real sleezy men. Men that if we can read a persons personality in his stories. In my stories, the women, usually a wife, is treat with the respect due her. She is naturally a sex object by many horny men but these men usually have some form of humanity about them. Many writer's characters are completely devoid of character. They are bosses or friends...
Hi Beautiful Aunts and Girls. This is Harish. Age is 23.Now from Bangalore. My native iS coimbatore. I am fan of ISS from very long day. Let’s start a incident If any Lovely Aunts and Girls in Bangalore, chennai and Coimbatore need very hot chat and Extreme pleasure in Bed contact me at You can believe me everything will be confidential. It’s a incident happened few days back. Now I going share my own life story to you all. I booked a bus seat from Coimbatore to bangalore in the middle of...
"Daddy, I am almost 30 and still single. What is wrong with these guys? I haven't had a relationship with a boy that ever lasted more than 3 months." Sherrie whined."Honey, I am you Dad. I will always be on your side. But you have just stated One true fact, one fiction, and one absolutely false statement. The One true fact is that you turn 30 in a month. The fiction is that, there is nothing wrong with the, to use your term, 'boys' you allow into your life. You have a new boy about every three...
Oliver: I left the house on Thursday morning feeling inordinately pleased with myself; Jack and I had pressed Vera pretty hard the evening before and she'd borne up well under it. Oh, I was well aware that she still had concerns and reservations, but she was gamely dealing with them. I considered that we'd actually broken new ground -- and experienced a level of intimacy sorely lacking in our relationship over the past few years. All in all, it appeared to me that the shakeup of our...
The Great Hollywood ClubYour name is Cam. You look like you! If you want a description, look in the mirror. You are a pizza delivery man, living in Los Angeles, the pay is good, and it helps with the rent. Unfortunately for you, you haven’t had sex for six months, ever since your bitch of an ex-girlfriend Claire dumped you for Dominic, a total dick, and has some annoying fancy office job while getting a company BMW car. However, one night is about to change your life forever. One warm summer’s...
I was inside checking the fridge when Melissa made the call so I didn’t hear the conversation but I heard the yelling when it started. I came outside once I realized what was happening and just caught the very end of it. Lavi and Syliva were sitting around in uncomfortable silence by that point. Melissa was crying, her phone screen still lit up but the call over. “Baby,” I reached out for her but she held up a stiff arm to stop me. “No ... not right now. I need a few minutes.” She headed...
As the cold weather begins to roll in I find myself spending more and more time in the library because…well I love books and I love to read and you never know who you will meet but there are always bound to be intelligent good natured people. In this particular library I was browsing away one day when I spotted her for the first time. I could not take my eyes off of her as she seemed like a goddess to me. She had just begun to work at the library and I would find myself spending lots of time...
Christie had fallen asleep the night before in the arms of Liam. She had sex with a man called David, who she picked up in a bar, all whilst Liam watched and masturbated. David had then left and Liam and Christie had fallen asleep together spooning.Christie woke up the next morning a bit dazed and confused. She had a bright light streaming into her bleary eyes and she could hear a peculiar humming sound.She felt cold and was lying on something hard. Slowly her eyes adjusted to the light and...
ExhibitionismRelaxing Chloeby edintx99The house was dark when I drove up. I left the car in the circle drive, unlocked the front door and went inside. Shoes off, I padded down the marble foyer and turned right at the kitchen. She was home! A small floor lamp in corner was on, silhouetting her shape. She didn’t know I was there, just kept making a sandwich on the butcher block counter. I watched, silent.I knew it had been a long couple weeks for Chloe. She had hopped back and forth over five continents in...
After the short funeral service out side on the front lawn of the house Tim took three of the jerry cans inside and poured fifteen gallons of gas in the carpets. When he came out it was like he might have been saying a silent good bye. He stood at the door for a short while. After a minute he struck a kitchen match and threw it inside. There was a whoosh and the inside of the house was filled with flames. Tim drove his golf cart to the wooden bridge. He poured his remaining can of gas out...
A New Start in Life Part 15 This is a gentle tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl. I will continue with this story as long as you want me to or it comes to a natural conclusion, this will continue to be a gentle sentimental journey. We went to Uni our tutor asked Shoni if she was ok, our Shonali was back, she told Miss Thompson that she...
Going freelance was the best thing I ever did. Granted, it wasn't a big bold choice on my part. My company _downsized_, and my entire department got _outsourced_. Once I was told these very words, I was glad to go. Who wanted to work for a company that used stupid made-up words like that! What happened when a company expanded? Could they be said to have _upsized_? What did _upsized_ really mean? Nothing! Or some sort of mild gastro-intestinal distress- -I myself rarely suffered from an...
She was tired of always being the good girl. She went to church, obeyed the speed limit, visited or called her parents every week and was always on time for work. She always followed the rules. It was exhausting. Why couldn’t she break a rule every once in a while? One night she had had enough. There was a bit of bad girl in her that was screaming to get out. She dressed conservatively with an edge to it. She wore jeans that were just a little too tight. They showed every curve of her body. The...
Group SexCharacters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 5'4 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigail's sister, white, 5'2 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7” cock Jolene, 16, 5'4 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns 28, friend of Nadia, white, 5'8 Black hair Green Eyes 36D breast. Swan like neck Julia Johns, 13, daughter of Emily, white, 5'0 Black hair Green Eyes 32C breast. Swan like...
“Are you OK? Do you need any first aid?” as he noticed a gash above her right eye. “I think I’ll be OK but the tow truck won’t be here till 12:30. Do you think I could stay a while since the rain is a bad as it is?” He accepted without hesitation. He brought her a fresh shirt because the shirt she was wearing was soaked, exposing the plump breasts of the schoolteacher. “You can change in the bathroom on the right, down the hall.” “Thank you so much,” she said as she made her way down the...
Well, that was a fun time. Did little Stephie wephie like having those nice men's dicks in her ass and swallowing lots and lots of their yummy spermies? Is sweetie snookums little rosebud all stretched out from the attention it got. Oh look, there's still lots of icky sticky cum on her sissy face and lips. Mom, why don't you take her into the nursery and wash her up. Then give her a bottle of NutriFormulaZ, with the sedative in it. I'm sure that after playing with the boys she could use a...
I stared out of the patio window while I took a sip from my large, no extra large gin and tonic. It was early morning, I don’t know what time but it was very dark out there. I had slipped out of my bed leaving my lightly snoring husband fast asleep. I stepped back slightly so that I could see my ghostly reflection in the glass. Not bad for 28, but then I always had a good body even from a early age. I looked myself up and down, my body only stopped from being naked by a pair of scanty knickers....
Hi friends Rahul here am from Varanasi. I am daily reader of ISS. Here am telling u my first exp in our mother tongue. So friend’s main aap logo ko zyada paka karapni story shuru karta hun. Ye kahani us samay ki hai jab main sex ka matlab bhi nahin samjhta tha mere pados me ek aunty rehti thi unka smrity tha wo gazab ki khuvsurat aur sexy thi unko dekhkar hi mera lund khada ho jata.unka ghar mere ghar ke samne hi tha jisse hamari achchi jan pehchan ho gayi thi. Wo ek divorced lady thi ek din...
When Mike's wife, Sue, wins a weekend break for one in Scotland, it suited both of them that Mike should go instead. The problem was that the organisers wouldn't let her change the name on the ticket. Fortunately, Sue had a ready solution: Mike could simply pretend to be her. Things may have been less eventful if Sue hadn't purchased such a large pair of false breasts for him. As it was, the new Mrs Susan Martin found she had a number of admirers, to whom she had great difficulty in...
THE PARTNERSHIP June recognised the woman she was standing beside at the counter of the department store. She could not remember her name but knew she had seen her somewhere before. They were both in the lingerie department about to pay for their goods. In the woman's arms were two outlandish night dresses and several pairs of underwear that were definitely too big for her. "For the mother-in-law?" June inquired, and the lady replied, "Actually no, for my husband." June just...
I had gone to Salt Lake City on a business trip; but this time my sweet wife had joined me to stay there for a full week. We had enjoyed the trip so much; dinners outside, sunny days, too much sex during the nights…Now we were getting back home, in a long overnight flight…Ana was a bit tired, but she looked beautiful and sexy. She was wearing a short summer dress for the flight, with a pair of nice high heeled sandals.She also looked hot with her tanned body…Anita was not wearing a bra because...
Twenty year old Vash woke to the screams of people and gunshots. “What the fuck is going on?” Vash said to himself as he walked to the front door and opened it to see a horde of bloody zombies attacking people and eating their flesh. “Holy shit,” Vash yelled as he slammed the door shut and ran to his sister’s room. “Serenity, we have to leave,” Vash yelled as he threw open the door. “What the fuck Vash don’t you know how to knock?” Serenity yelled. “There’s no time to argue. We have...
It was 15 years ago my mom and dad had been separated, my dad had left my mom when she was 23, saying he was going for a business meeting and never returned, all she had got was a letter saying he was sorry and he was not happy with her. The event left my mom in charge of her two kids, my sister, Uma, a year older than me, now at 19, a shapely young woman, full of joy and life, a perfect figure you might say, a 36-24-36, and myself, Raja, at 18 just out of junior college, well built, very...
IncestSorry for the delay, bad couple weeks at work. I hope you enjoy this installment. As always, if you vote negative (or positive for that matter), I'd love a comment to hear why. ----- Chapter #1 - Hurt and Crushed Brandon slumped into the passenger seat, still in a daze from what had just happened. He and his girlfriend Jeannette had just had sex in a dressing room to fulfill the dreams of a classmate. His brain was still fuzzy, but after a few minutes of her driving him home, he was able...
Saskia is a slender sexy sweet student, a shorthaired beautiful brunette with tasty tiny tits and boyish bumsAs she feverishly fancies me, she tries to seduce me, showing off on occasion almost all of her private partsShe still keeps some secrets for me between her lovely looking legs, I know well how hard her nipples can getKind of weird that I kept my cool on those occasions, as she is awesomely attractive, wearing only a little slipI am hot as hell as well for her, as she looks exactly like...
The day I met my future husband was the day he took my virginity and made me his slave.I can still remember even the tiniest details about that day, even though it was over 30 years ago. I was early spring, just before what was then known as ?Easter Vacation.? I could describe the weather, the exact hue of blue in the sky, the sounds, even the smells in the air. But you wouldn’t be interested in that.I was a sophomore in high school, not a particularly outstanding student, nor a popular...