A RoseChapter 6 free porn video

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I awoke just after noon in a bed of pregnant wives, and one no longer pregnant wife, and a baby nestled in front of me. His blue eyes captured mine. I worried I would roll over on him when I slept. Eva reminded me she would be vigilant about that. But she wasn’t being vigilant. She slept.

“What?” I murmured.

“Ssh,” Helena sounded behind her. “Let her sleep.”


“You didn’t awake when the baby bawled. She did and fed him before sleeping again.”


“She’s mortal, Joe, like we will be.”

“But she recovered so quickly,” I managed to say.

“I think we’ll be mortal, but not quite like humans. Perhaps it was a lingering connection between Junior and her, but I think it’s more like you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I think we’ll be resilient to injury and sickness, like you are. I think we’ll age slower, but we will age. Someday, who knows how long, our hearts will give out. Other things, violent things, could kill us. We could bleed out. But that won’t happen, unless the world becomes chaos. We will be protected.”


“I think so.”

“But won’t we lose them when we lose their connection to the eternal wanderers?”

“Try connecting,” Eva murmured.

“Sorry to wake you,” I said.

“It’s okay,” she smiled. “I never thought I’d miss sleeping, but it’s so ... relaxing,” she giggled. “And the wild juxtaposition of dreams. So...”


“Of course they’re surreal. That’s supposed to be what surrealism is. But I was thinking more ... unhinged. A release from the bland phenomenology of everyday life.”

“Has your life ever been bland?”

“Nor for a while,” she grinned. “Still...” Her stomach growled. “Shit, I’m hungry!” she exclaimed.

My wives and I laughed. Shira offered to make breakfast, hopping out of bed gracefully somehow. Despite being mortal, she seemed to move easier with her burden than the others. Of course she had a month less time being pregnant, but her well trained dancer body managed to adapt to its significant change, going with the flow I guess.

“Shouldn’t you...” I started.

“I’m fine,” she chuckled, hiding her sexy bulging ebony body in a diaphanous robe, so not really hiding it, and proceeded to make a feast of eggs, bacon and waffles.

Since everyone was awake and Shira worked on the other side of the loft, we no longer whispered.

“Who should I contact?” I wondered out loud. Choices like Seraphine or my dad seemed too connected. Other reasons might allow the contact.

“Try Bob,” Helena suggested.

As far as I knew, Bob had no other influence than Simon. To be certain, I concentrated exclusively on my baby as conduit and power source like I had when he remained inside Eva. “Uh,” he sounded, and his amazing eyes went a little wider, but he revealed no other response. He felt something, but nothing disconcerting. I closed my eyes and found Bob midway through a lengthy day of internship. A baguette with brie had fueled his tired body, provided by Seraphine, along with another cup of black espresso. I gave him images of Michiko and Seraphine fucking him, Michiko receiving his seed, getting her pregnant, while Seraphine rode his mouth. Neither looked pregnant. I sensed his body flush and his cock harden and nearly ejaculate. I also sensed a wave of needed energy. “What the fuck?” I heard him think. I chuckled after I retreated from his mind.

“Works?” asked Eva with a mischievous grin.

“You sensed it?”

“I always did when little Joey was inside me. I guess I still do.”

“Cool,” I smiled.

“Naughty boy,” she smirked.

“What did he send?” asked Zhenzhen, so I sent the image to my wives.

“Ooh fuck,” I heard from the kitchen.

“You okay, Shira?” I asked.

“Just horny all of sudden.”

“You want me to...”

“Yes. Please. But let me finish breakfast.”

“I could help?”

“Don’t distract me.”

“You can distract me,” said my French wife, climbing over me and sending my cock into her pussy. The image had affected me as well. I turned her over and took control, staying on my knees so as not to press on her large stomach. We fucked slowly. I fondled her larger tits. Helena and Eva took over, sucking them. Junior lay there in front of Eva. For some reason he didn’t bother me. Spooned behind Helena, Zhenzhen watched, smiling at me.

Despite the distraction, a thought took my mind. “What about you?” I asked Zhenzhen.

“What about me?”

“I had two major minions from my two parents. It must be why I have been ... chosen I guess, with my father, even though from the enemy side, having the stud nature I have, and mother being clever or smart or something, a companion to Nick in nature if not in reality. But Xo...”

“Master is the master of the mind,” she reminded me.

“Yes,” I moaned, feeling Angelique’s pussy shiver around my cock in a small orgasm. I looked at the smiling, blushing French beauty. “Sorry.”

“I don’t mind,” she responded breathlessly. “You’re still hard, still fucking me, and I find it weirdly sexy that you’re conversing with my wife. It’s not like your mouth can be otherwise occupied, kissing me, what with my big belly.”

“True,” I chuckled, and the muscular contraction of my diaphragm effected my cock, making Angelique moan.

“Keep talking,” Angelique insisted afterwards, glancing at Helena who leaned forward and kissed her.

“You were saying?” I said to my cute Chinese wife. Another chuckle caused another moan from Angelique, muted by Helena’s lips.

“There’s a channel from our combined minds in him,” she rubbed her belly.

“But still,” I pointed out, “As far as I know, none of Xo’s blood exists in me. No constructs in my mind of his presence, unlike Nick and Simon.”

“In order to function as a minion.”


“Then you’re certain that Nick didn’t father you.”

“Yes,” I moaned. Whether Angelique writhing beneath me, creating sweeter pleasure against my cock, especially when she lifted faster against me, or gasps and quickening breath, Helena letting her breathe, attaching her lips to a nipple, but nothing else could distract my focus. My thrusts became rapid as I watched her climb towards ecstasy. She led me to it, and soon I jetted my potent cream deep, and the pulses sent waves of pure pleasure throughout my body. I saw her feel it equally, in her eyes and her undulating body. All senses experienced it, the eyes especially witnessing the sharing. The connection felt overwhelmingly like love. As powerful as any emotionally, even greater than telepathic reverberations of several minds.

“Wow,” I said, and she beamed and chuckled.

“I told you talking to Zhenzhen was sexy.”

I returned her chuckle and she moaned, an aftershock obviously sweeping through her. Turning to our adorable Chinese angel a moment later, she asked, “You were saying?”

“Uhm,” Zhenzhen murmured, obviously affected by the explosive shared climaxes, “When Master helped Seraphine and Gia compartmentalize Simon’s influence for different reasons of course, he connected through your connection with our future son, and therefore traversed through your brain. And like he did with them, he rewired you, constructed his presence inside you.”

“For when he is no longer present.”

“When he dies, Joe. He accepts death. Even welcomes it as a last experience.”

“As does the angels. Even Naomi.”

“And me when it comes.”

“And me,” said Helena.

“And me,” said Eva.

“But you can wait for as long as possible,” I said.

“Of course,” they all replied.

“Is Xo certain it will be his last experience?” I asked.

“As certain as anyone can be. Nothing exists of the mind after death. Like trying to enter a dense stone.”

“But some say the spirit emerges. The soul. Entering the aether, so to speak. Joining other spirits. Perhaps entering new consciousnesses. Or even becoming visible as ghosts.”

“All myths, Master thinks. To appease mortal concerns. To bring hope or meaning or purpose to finite lives. Reincarnation. Heaven or hell or purgatory. He thinks he should be able to sense such ethereal presences.”

“I imagine him sitting beside a mortal at their moment of death.”


“But perhaps it’s another plane. One beyond our own consciousness.”

“Of course,” she smiles. “Like I said, his certainty comes from experimental proof, but as physics has shown, there are always things beyond our understanding.”

“We understand the details,” I thought out loud. “Words. Meanings. Descriptions. Always material things. The building and working a machine. A blade of grass. Even atoms and molecules. Things we can sense. See at the subatomic level. Watch work. As if the biological, the natural was just another sort of machine. Witnessing differentiation and causation in DNA. More and more understanding.

“And yet can we ever understand how it all came to be? All us singular consciousnesses moving through the present like pushing through a windstorm. Always passing through the past and into the future at a continuous point containing within it awareness and experience in thought and memory and gaining new experience from all that has been constructed or exists around us at that continuous moment. How can all that happened before, millennia, epochs, vast periods of time, have brought us to this present, this reality separate for each one of us? Physicists may have proved theories at the largest and smallest scales, but even they haven’t been able to find how those two scales can coexist, creating string theory which hardly seems provable, but who knows?

“Even those perplexities and paradoxes I think pale to the why of our constant movement through time. That continuous, relentless, inexorable movement, impossible to be anything but what it is. And the vastness of the point. And its specificity. What surrounds us. All the accidents and arbitrariness of it.”

“Simon would have said life is a miracle,” said Eva. “Just another word for the inexplicable.”

We nodded and shrugged.

“Go eat,” ordered a naked beauty standing beside the bed. “I have a cock to restore.”

Giggling or chuckling, our wives did as commanded. Shira handed me a tiny sandwich. One bite containing everything she had made. Waffle and egg and bacon. A napkin followed, and then a small cup of OJ and a larger mug of coffee made how I liked it. After a swallow of the hot, sweetened bitter liquid, the cup got set aside. She slid beside me, on her side, her head facing her challenge, my flaccid penis. It already began to rise by the time she reached for it and brought it into her mouth.

Her upper leg had lifted, opening her damp and fragrant sex to me. She didn’t need me to ready it, but she enjoyed my attention nevertheless. Like a young man often requires, I brought her an orgasm good enough to sate her extreme horniness for the moment.

She got me hard and straddled it, riding me slowly and enjoying the moment. After a few more strokes, lifting the extra weight of her belly became less and less appealing. Like I had with Angelique, turning us over, I balanced on my knees between her thighs, keeping my torso above hers, and began the steady and slowly quickening thrusts that brought us both the gradual climb to ecstasy. And like with Angelique, at least at the glorious end of the earlier fucking, our eyes connected, watching pleasure writ on our faces the other caused. Several minutes later, probably nearing a half hour, we reached a wondrous crescendo together, made once more more powerful by love.

“Thanks,” she murmured unnecessarily.

“My pleasure,” I nevertheless replied.

We again lay on our sides, but face to face this time. And we kissed softly and joyously. My stomach announced its need for more food. We separated lips and laughed.

Once out of bed, Eva brought me my robe and a kiss, Junior cradled in her other arm. She and he took our place amongst chaotic and dampened sheets.

Angelique prepared a new waffle for me. Helena poured fresh coffee into the mug I brought with me and placed on the high surface that served as a separation between kitchen and the rest of the loft. I sipped and savored my delicious breakfast with my delicious wives.

Over the afternoon, angels and others, including Lindy and the three pregnant Helen clones, near their own time of birth, came to coo over Junior.

Late afternoon, soon after the parade ended, I got a message via telepathy from Nick to expect a couple visitors. I heard the motor of the elevator and it opened to two older, conservatively dressed people, both well into their forties. A large, portly Caucasian man of indistinguishable heritage, but his last name, Jones, presumed at least his father had a British lineage, and a petite Chinese woman. Not only did their physical presence differ. The man’s ruddy, slightly rosy face, and eyes that glinted with amusement, and a wry smile presumed frequent pub crawls with friends, though his accent, a generic American, made it more likely to be bars. The woman couldn’t have looked more serious.

After introductions, just the two lawyers because apparently they already knew who we were, my wives and I sat with them at our worktable. They both opened expensive leather attaché cases and pulled out a large pile of papers. I knew what this signified.

“Doesn’t this happen after a will is read?” I asked.

“Not if you want a smooth transition,” said the man handing a sheaf of papers held by a large black clip. An obscenely large number stood out, 8 digits long.

“What’s this?” I asked

“Your trust. Nick created it for you. Xo just added to it. Just sign it to gain access. This first sheet has the account number and contact numbers. You keep it.”

Removing the clip, I pulled aside the top page and looked through the rest of the document. It listed several businesses in which Nick had been partner. And several buildings: either homes or business offices all over the world. I found the building we were presently in. And the campus outside Boston. And the theater/camp in Bass Lake, Minnesota. Turning back to the list of partnerships, I noticed one missing and smiled.

“Serpentine?” I asked.

“Nick gave it to the mother and daughter who have been running it,” the man explained. “I recently visited suburban Boston for that purpose. Of course, it’s hardly a profitable business. The opposite actually. Nick always funded it and their salaries.”

“And my trust will take that over?”



“It has nonprofit status and is good for taxes,” the man shrugged.

“So I’ll be paying the salaries of Lindy and her company?”

“Including yourself,” he smiled. “Not directly of course. Mother and daughter administer the funds.”

I initialed a bunch of things and signed the last page.

“And all these other documents?”

“Change of ownership.”

“Quite the gifts,” I pointed out.

“We’ll take care of the consequences,” said the Chinese woman.

“I should hope so,” I chuckled.

“It’s not as bad as it seems,” said the man. “You’re already part owner.”


“And Zhenzhen partly owns Xo’s possessions,” said the woman, handing papers to my Chinese wife.

“I do?” Zhenzhen replied.

“Yes,” the woman nodded. “Profits will be shifted to your account, already rather flush.”

“But any substantial funds needed will be provided by Joe’s trust,” the man added.

Amongst the several initialing and signing Zhenzhen and I did was one handed to Helena. “This if for your mother’s land,” said the man to her.

“But my brothers and sisters?” she asked.

“From what I understand,” said the stout lawyer, “only your youngest half-sister and her husband has shown interest in staying there and managing the farm and the villa. If the oldest of them had lived...”

“I understand. Her husband had to move on after her death.”

“Yes. Your sister will have it free and clear. No taxes. Any profits will be hers except for a small percentage going to you.”


“She thought so, too. She actually thought it should be a higher percentage.”

Helana laughed. “It doesn’t look like I would need it. And the other half-siblings?”

“Your mother’s and stepfather’s wills will take care of them.”

“Good not to step on any toes.”

“Exactly as intended for all of this,” the man agreed. “The less toes the better.”

After the lawyers left, the excitement and repetitive tedium of signing relentlessly left with them. The vacuum became filled with emotion. The reality of the purpose of what happened.

“Shit,” I said.

My wives agreed.

That evening in the theater, a frail Nick stood on stage. Xo didn’t look any better. All the angels except my wives looked much stronger thanks to whatever my telepathy had done during moments of climax, and Gia had proved the efforts to affect their survival to be fruitless, but weakness had never been an adjective to describe them, and I could see them weak.

Rosa stood beside Nick, looking a little tired, but a little meant a lot compared to normalcy. Her gorgeous face and body, her great pride and her deep compassion remained. “I continued my work as secret gadfly against European conquest, at least when it became too cruel. But the writing was on the wall probably from the beginning. Only tribes in difficult places, mostly in the depths of the jungles remained untouched by European control. So I assimilated in a way. Generations of nurses. A great disguise if I say so myself, for my continued work as an assassin. Both a killer and a savior. I would pretend my death and a niece would arrive, somehow already trained and looking remarkably like a young me, and take my place. I also pretended to be nurses. Always doctors actually, but gender made that unacceptable for most of my time. Always clinics on the periphery of cities serving the natives, but with a reputation that brought Europeans as well. A last resort for ailing Spanish or Portuguese. An occasional doctor would come to learn about the remarkable success, studying under male doctors of native heritage, not knowing these doctors learned from me. Willing to learn from a native, a woman would be too much to be acceptable.

“There were a couple exceptions. I spoke of the last one, the one who accompanied me when I came to San Francisco to greet Nick. He was actually a mix, but had a strong aristocratic upbringing that might as well have made him European. The first, nearly a hundred years before, had, ironically, the same name, Carlos, but did not share a mixed heritage. No, the man was pure Spanish.

Rosa, well aware of her attractiveness, a voluptuous body capped by a gorgeous face, knows how distracting she can be when a doctor visits to learn from her, though they don’t know it’s her knowledge that the native male doctor shows them. Usually it annoys her if it’s too persistent. How can they learn if they allow such distraction? Sometimes, if rarely, she enjoys her own view of the stranger. Doctors tend to be arrogant assholes, and only pure horniness, and the need for a strange cock owned by a man who at least has some intelligence, gets her by her reluctance to be in such a man’s presence for any length of time. This one’s different. And she’s not even sure why.

The man’s handsome to say the least. And confident to a fault like most are in his profession. It annoys her, as it often does, and yet it also adds to his charm. He has a wry smile suggesting amusement at lesser minds. Though condescending in nature, it actually looks cute on him. And when he flashes it at her, she senses it’s not her to whom he condescends. It’s as if he’s sharing his amusement with her. And she can’t help agreeing with the sentiment. Though her doctor, her beard if you will, has skills and intelligence, he tends to be quite dense.

The wry smile changes. He starts looking curious at her. And confused.

After the successful surgery, he steps up to her. “Could we talk?” he asks her.

“Let me wash and change,” she tells him. “Meet me outside.”

Cool air greets her when she exits the clinic building. She can taste late fall. Corn has been harvested below, in the valley beneath the foothill mountain on top of which her clinic has been built. Alpaca, whose product she wears as a thick coat, nibble grass in another area of the valley. Everything looks especially beautiful lit red by a setting sun, including the man waiting for her at a small table at the edge of the mountain. The long dark leather coat he wears improves the look. He smiles and waves.

On the table rests a bottle of red wine, some bread and sausage and another bottle of olive oil. “I thought you might be hungry,” he says, pouring the wine into two silver chalices. “This is a gift from my family’s vineyard. My favorite vintage. Don’t worry. I brought more bottles for your clinic.”

She sips it. “Very nice.”

“Thank you.”

While tearing off bread and drizzling the oil on it, she says, “But this isn’t my clinic. I’m just head nurse.”

“Are you?” he asks, watching her place sliced sausage on her bread and biting into it.

She studies him while she chews. His wry smile returns. “Why do you say that?” she finally returns.

“Observation? I watched the doctor.”

“I thought you just watched me,” she smirks.

“Who can blame me? You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

“For an Indian?”

“For anyone.”

She grins. “You’re no slouch in the looks department either. I imagine you have to fight off the senoritas.” For some reason he suddenly looks glum. “What’s wrong? Don’t take compliments well?”

“It’s ... complicated.”

“Being handsome is complicated?”

“It’s true I attract the ladies. I also know how to charm them. Why pretend to be modest when you know I’m not?”

“No you’re not. You’re quite sure of yourself.”

“You mean arrogant.”

“I’m reserving judgement. You attract ladies like shit attracts flies. What’s wrong with that?”

He laughs at her rude language but immediately becomes serious. “I could have the choice of almost any woman, but I chose only one. The wrong one as it turns out.”

“She cheated on you?”

“She married my brother.”

“Why? Is he more handsome than you? Smarter?”

“No. Definitely more arrogant. He was born first.”

“Ah. Then this girl...”

“Second born female of another wealthy family, but situations made her essentially first.”

“It was arranged? Then...”

“It’s more complicated than that. I suppose if I knew she couldn’t be mine, maybe we would have just been best friends. I wouldn’t have loved her. She has an older sister who ended up running off with some cad. I think my brother scared her. He can be intimidating, and a brute when he’s drunk. But there still was another choice my mother could have made. Another family of similar wealth. The daughter’s beautiful but vapid. And she wanted me. Had a crush on me. Has a crush I should say.

“Father, who’s a strong man, a macho man, except when it comes to my mother, saw my deep affection for Cecilia, and tried steering mother towards the empty-headed Daria. It might have even worked if my drunken brother hadn’t tried to rape the girl. At least that’s what she cried and her parents saw her ripped bodice when they came to her. I’m still not sure if what she claimed happened. It could have been her using more sense than I give her, or him wanting Cecilia, or maybe both of them.”

“He would take Cecilia from you.”

“Yes. He did. He’s an asshole.”

“And Daria?”

“We’re supposed to marry when I return. To tell you the truth, this was as much a delaying tactic as it was genuine curiosity about your clinic’s remarkable success. I know my culture. Love doesn’t matter. A wife is secondary to a man. Meant to bear him children and raise them. I can even find a mistress more to my taste.

“But it does matter. I suppose I could just gaze at her, enjoy her body, but every time she talks, she sets my teeth on edge. She’s ... idiotic. And maybe worse, I’m partly to blame for her infatuation of me. Cecilia and I had a game. A game of seduction. A sort of contest to see who could tease best. Except it wasn’t exactly a contest. We’d teach each other what a man or a woman would find enticing. Easier for a woman to entice, of course.”

“Not necessarily. Physical attraction goes both ways,” she winks.

He laughs. “Maybe. But she taught me to charm.”

“And you charmed Daria.”

“Yes. And usually we’d end the seduction by kissing each other. Usually it ended the game on a playful note. Sometimes it angered the girl, or more often the boy. But they got over it. With Daria ... I guess she was never convinced I preferred Cecilia over her.”

“I don’t think she’s as stupid as she pretends. I think she’s calculated. And what annoys you is her narcissism. She’s petty and seems interested in the shallowest of things. Her appearance. Gossip.”

“You may be right, but that certainly doesn’t make me want her.”

“You should stay.”


“Stay here. I can make you into the best doctor in South America, or Europe even.”

“I knew it. I saw him glancing at you as if for permission.”

“He can be a bit dense and unsure. Maybe we could even rescue Cecilia.”

He shakes his head and sighs. “No. She’s loyal to a fault.”

“But what about your brother?”

He smiles. “She knows how to fight back. I learned how to fight even though I chose a different path. She demanded I teach her everything. She’s a tough girl. I imagine my brother will find out how tough.”

“Men tend to overpower women. Thus rape.”

“She’s quick and spry and clever. He won’t know what hit her. I mean he will, but not how.”

“That’s good.”

“Yeah,” he replies sadly. But his wry smile reemerges. “You’ll have to convince me to stay.”


“How do you think?”

“I think I like the way you think.” She stands and pulls him to his feet. As they walked to her hut she asks him, “You ever fuck her?”

“Cecilia? No. Too loyal as I said. A promise is a promise to her, and she promised to be a virgin bride. But we did most everything else.”

“Then you do have some experience.”

“I’ve fucked whores. Recently, since I had Cecilia as my focus before the disaster.”

“I’m better than any whore.”

“Oh? How so?”

“I’m sincere.”

“Not mercenary.”

“Exactly my clever boy.”


“I’m a lot older than I look.”

Once behind the door, she kneels in front of him and pulls out his cock, already hardening and revealing a respectable length and girth. “Nice,” she comments before pulling it into her mouth.

“I want to see you,” he moans.

She fists him while answering. “Sometimes a man cums just seeing me.”

“Modest, aren’t you,” he chuckles within his moan.

Once more she removes his cock and replies, “Truth is truth,” and returns to her sucking. Her eyes smile at his when he removes his clothing, revealing a taut, strong body. Moments later he cums, his groan louder than he expects. She swallows it eagerly.

“Sit,” she tells him, gently urging him to her palette. He lowers onto it. She spreads his legs, and brings his hand to his flaccid penis. “You can touch yourself,” she suggests.

She removes her clothing slowly in a dance. Her sensuality thrills him. What she reveals thrills him much more.

“You’re perfect,” he murmurs. “The perfect woman. Like a fantasy of a woman.”

“I’m real. Touch me.”

“So smooth,” he murmurs, caressing her calves and moving up to her thighs. “I can feel your strength, and yet there’s softness.”

“Like Cecilia?”

“You’re thicker,” he sniffles. “Her legs were much thinner. Coltish.”

“Did you ever taste her?”

“Yes. It surprised us both. We both liked it though. I liked her scent when we played, and wanted to taste it.”

Rosa moves closer, bringing her sex to his mouth. Taking her full buttocks in hand and squeezing them gently, he pulls her against him as his tongue explores. “Like ambrosia,” he moans before continuing to lap at her.

Quietly panting, it becomes a louder moan when his tongue slides against her clit, and louder still when he grips it between his lips and sucks. When lips release, his tongue continues exploring the edges and depths of her pussy while, after wetting it, his thumb presses and rubs at her most sensitive spot.

“Well practiced,” she moans.

“Yes, and she could suck me well, too,” he replies, fingers slipping in where his tongue has been, carefully. “But she only tasted my cum once, by accident.”

“You liked it when I swallowed?”

“Yes!” He returns vigorously to his task.

“You can fuck me with your fingers. I have no virgin barrier to worry about.” His efforts bring her close. “Feel behind my pubic bone. Some rougher flesh. Yes! Stroke it! Suck my clit. Bat it with your tongue. Fuck. Yes. More. God!” she climaxes.

“Mmm,” he comments while swallowing her plentiful liquid.

Same as A Rose
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Devon was right -- I had plenty of time to get better and I did. It started when Devon woke up. She had ideas on how she could help me get better. The training program started with a shower; it let me explore her body and have my body explored by her hands. Devon was a tiny female. She didn't come to my shoulder and I outweighed her by at least seventy-five pounds. She was not lacking in curves though, especially since her breasts were a little too big for her frame. They were incredibly...

3 years ago
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My Play With A Rich Aunt In Bed

This is Vinay working in a software company and staying in Hyderabad. I have athletic body and very good experience and a pro in pleasuring rich hot aunties. Hot rich Aunties and girls from Hyd Reply to my mail for such experiences. After my graduation in Tamilnadu, I got placed in a software company in Hyderabad as developer. I was staying with my friend based out of Hyderabad in a 2 bhk where the apartment has two floors. We were staying in the ground floor and his aunty was in the first...

1 year ago
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Girls Best FriendChapter 7

It was not that Lee had never watched his mother and father in the act of making love... he had, and on numerous occasions over the past six months, since he'd installed his secret peek-hole, but he'd never seen anything to match the vigorous performance his Dad was putting on this morning... and by the appearance of things, neither had his Mom! Right from the start, when his father had jumped up and torn off his clothes until he'd stood before her naked... almost boastingly naked, Lee...

2 years ago
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Saturday at ElizAbeths Part Two Martins Perm

Saturdays at Elizabeth's Part Two Martin's First Perm Each visit at Elizabeth's Salon begins in a standard routine. Before clients are ready for beauty treatments they are taken to a very feminine and elegant version of a locker room. There they must change into a standard lycra athletic body suit and sneakers. In an interesting twist and motivational technique the clients begin wearing a dark black lycra body suit. As they advance in their feminization the color of suit...

4 years ago
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Accustomed to Her Face Ch 07

We Dance You are warm and sleepy and content. You are lying on your side facing me, your nose tucked under my jaw in my big old canopy bed in my big old bedroom in this big old Victorian house on the hill. You can feel my rib cage slowly expanding and contracting against you – I’m dozing. You smile and nuzzle my neck. I stir and kiss your forehead. The feather comforter and blankets weigh perfectly – the linen sheets embrace your naked legs. You can smell our commingled sweat and the ripe...

3 years ago
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Shared Cindy Judys story part five

This story can be found online at the now-abandoned blog, “Shared Cindy”. As it's a true story and far too good to be allowed to disappear, I'm putting it on my blog here for everyone's pleasure. This is part five, and finally Judy is getting to enjoy Joe's thick cock. Enjoy! Going in The sexual tension in the room was palpable and no-one moved. Slowly and confidently, Joe reached under Judy's gorgeous, round ass and pulled her closer to him and the edge of the overstuffed arm of the couch. All...

1 year ago
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MagicChapter 12

Sean was tempted to stop by Suzie's house on the way home from work, but after being in the hot kitchen at Dairy King for a couple of hours he stank. It was so bad that even he could smell it. It was a mixture of grease and sweat that would have brought tears to Superman's eyes. It wasn't a mild little odor, but a true stench that was capable of killing any mosquitoes that ventured too close to him. Upon reaching the path to Suzie's house Sean stood there thinking about the beautiful...

3 years ago
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Internet Sex Match

Chapter 1 Bill, a 35 year old man, 2 years after a divorce from a woman he wasn’t sure why he even married. She hated life where they lived, a place she grew up in, and she also wasn’t a big fan of sex. She enjoyed it sometimes, but not as often as Bill would have liked. She didn’t want kids, but that was told to him after they married. Love is blind in so many ways and Bill was caught in a marriage that pretty much lost any love there was, a few years into it. Then one day, his ex...

3 years ago
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One Long Weekend Part Three

While me and Diem were kissing madly. Gabby had Gotten out of the water and was coming up behind me and ripped my shorts down. And Pushed me and Diem into the pool. When I got up for air Gabby was there smiling at us and said "One more time." She preceded to squat down and remove her Bikini Bottom (by the way they where spongebob) and Piss on my shorts that she still had in hand. Meanwhile Diem was up to her own mischief and I felt a tugging on my cock. She was giving me a BJ...

4 years ago
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Brazilian Teenager Part 2

This is a followup to the Brazilian teenage story I posted here recently.You may remember about some cock teasing by a group of teenage girls on the beach and then a little more intimate fun, by chance, in my apartment.Well, some time passed after the chance, but incredibly sexy, meeting with the girl. Giselle, as I found out her name, and there were no chance meetings. I even went to the beach as regularly as I could to try and accidentally see them, but no luck. They didn’t come back, so I...

1 year ago
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Our First Threesome

This is the true story of our first threesome experience (MMF). I am Steve, and my fiancée is Diana. We are a slim and attractive couple, both in our mid-thirties. Diana is around 5ft 8ins, very attractive, slender, with brunette shoulder length hair. I am 6ft 2”, medium build with short dark hair. We had been on the swinging scene for a couple of years but due to a hectic everyday life we rarely managed to meet people or go to parties etc. Diana and I had discussed meeting a single guy for a...

1 year ago
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DistributionEpilogue A Happy man

October 2009 Amanda had everything worked out, she thought. She'd done a good job of convincing everyone that sacrifice was necessary, but she had not foreseen the pitfalls that presented themselves. No one could have. We were married in December, 2008. Mona and Patrick changed schools after Christmas vacation. Paige's parents came for the wedding, but after deciding that they would prefer to live next door, where my office was located, they returned home to Boston, temporarily, they...

2 years ago
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Ebony tease

The idea of it had always got me hot, always gave me a stirring feeling, but until that weekend, never before had I imagined it would become a reality…. My husband Harry’s little brother was in his second year at Nottingham university. He had planned to come home for the Christmas break but being as students usually are, broke, he had made the decision to stay in Nottingham and work the break to get some extra cash. So we decided to take the weekend off and pay him a visit instead. Chris was...

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In the Jungle Ch 01

I’m declaring a contest of my own… of sorts. If you go to my author’s page, I have submitted the first chapter of 3 stories on the same day (10/30/15). I will write and post the next chapter of the highest rated story every week or two (or maybe three) until all the stories are done. These should all be pretty short stories, around 3-4 chapters. If there is one or more stories that aren’t well received (less than 4.25 rating), I will post a summary and ending to them, so that those readers...

3 years ago
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Dont Ask Questions

To say I was pissed off would be an understatement, I was as mad as a ... I was a volcano about to explode. For two weeks my husband had teased me about this upcoming weekend, as it would be a combination of our wedding anniversary and Valentine's Day. In preparation I had even gone out and purchased some new and expensive lingerie only for him to arrive home driving his brothers 4 x 4. What I thought was going to be a full romantic weekend was to be a weekend of fishing at the cabin owned...

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Another unexpected Guest

A friend text me yesterday complaining that his girlfriend had throw'in him out of the home.so I asked if he wanted to crash here at my home a night or two while she settled down? he agreed. he comes over with a friend of his, a 22 yr old black girl, her name was Adele. we chatted a while and Scott received a call and had to run over to somebodies home todo something. so Adele and i were chatting and as i played ps4. As we talked i started to go through the Ruko an stopped on the internet and X...

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EvilAngel Monica Mavi Tattooed Teen Monica

Shy, 19-year-old Monica Mavi has sex on camera for the first time! Spanish madman Nacho Vidal introduces the tattooed, blue-haired teen, soon caressing her natural breasts and rudely rimming her asshole. Monica perches her plump rump on a stool, moaning when the crazy, super-hung stud pumps her tight cunt from behind. Monica pries open her cheeks in a rowdy ride on the hung stud’s thick schlong. The passionate tryst features kissing and a hot blowjob, climaxing as splashes of sperm...

1 year ago
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The Waif Part 2

"Chris, I love you.” Don’t say that honey. What am I going to do? I had just finished making love to Cass, a young 17 year old runaway I had picked up last night on Montreal’s infamous ‘Maine’. I met her when she’d propositioned me. I had turned her down. However, when I looked at her, it had torn my heart. She looked so tired, dirty and hungry, and there she was out on the street late at night. The fact that she was not a regular streetwalker was obvious. She had offered her services for just...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 9 The Herald Interlude

Technically she was a coach operator and so it was noted on her pay slip from Red Triangle Lines Corporation, and the ship she flew was only a D 180 Long Range Shuttle, but she called it ship and despite the fact that she was the entire crew of the ship, she considered herself a star ship captain. Out here in the Fornax satellite it was not necessary to operate full size Leyland or the truly big MB Space Buses. She never had more than ten passengers and her shuttle had room for 180...

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The English Teachers Tongue

My name is Will; I’m 5 foot 8” and nicely toned with blonde hair and deep green eyes. I’m 18 and recently finished my A levels. This story is about an encounter I had with my English teacher, Mrs Richards. Mrs Richards was hot, and I mean ridiculously hot. She was petite, and no taller than 5 foot 4” and roughly 42. She had the most amazing red hair, it was bright orange and looked almost metallic in the light, and flowed just past her shoulders, but she usually kept it in a pony tail or bun....

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JapanHDV Mao Chinen Miss Mao Chinen is a dental assistant and she loves to be drilled by patients

Mao Chinen is our dentist office assistant. She is a very capable assistant and the dentist relies on her to prepare the patient for the treatment they will receive. But this dentist is a bit lazy so he often just leaves the office with the front desk girl to some nearby hotel to fuck. Since he is so often gone fucking the front office receptionist, she has the office to herself to enjoy and do as she pleases. What sometimes happens because she is so sexy is that patients will come on to her...

2 years ago
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Cynthia MartinChapter 61

On Wednesday morning, Pamela Castle was in her office at the Illinois Department of Human Services. She was going over a list of adoptions scheduled for the week and was checking the list against her paperwork. Pamela considered it her job to protect children from a fate worse than death: being adopted by inadequately qualified parents. Going down the list she found a new name, Kristin Elizabeth Crowley. She frowned as she read it. Pamela was not comfortable with anything new. Checking her...

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Driving in Snow Ch 11

Chapter 11. Pool. Ann decided that she wanted a swimming pool. I asked her what was wrong with the campus pool. She replied that we cannot go skinny-dipping in the campus pool. I decided that she had a point. We talked to a pool contractor and came up with a plan to build a small pool in the woods. It was late in the season to build pools so the contractor was anxious for the work. The permitting is either a really big hassle or it goes right through without a hitch. Our’s went through...

2 years ago
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Twins Revenge An Adult Story

I had been next door for about ten minutes. My swim trunks were around my ankles. My towel was in the grass. I could feel Mrs. Levi tongue swirl around my cock. I looked down to see her huge breast rub against my legs. She had almost all 9 3/4inches of my cock down her throat before she gagged and spit me out. She licked my big naked balls and put her index finger on my ass hole. I was close to cumming. She smiled as she inched her finger in my ass, and jacked my cock with her small...

3 years ago
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ibiza night

It was 2002,I took a holiday to Ibiza with a girl I had been seeing for about a month,kind of a fuck buddy thing going on,well,to me it was. We booked the holiday for 10 days so there was plenty of time to fit a lot in,but mainly we were there for the clubs,the pills and the thrills,anyone that's been to ibiza will know what i'm talking about.Back home we were serious into clubbing too,that was our lifestyle cos we were young and enjoying ourselves.Anyway one night we were out,I think it was at...

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Kevins Wife is Still a Dirty Slut

"What do you think, sweetie?”Arabella gave a seductive twirl in her new scarlet dress, bought especially for the occasion. It was cut daringly low at the front, showing a considerable expanse of her large braless breasts. This view was improved even more when she bent over, causing her huge melons to flop forward and practically spill out of the front.The danger of wardrobe malfunction wasn’t helped by the two thin shoulder straps, which seemed quite loose and insecure, and liable to slip down...

Wife Lovers
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Jasmines 35th birthday

    I have 2 guys that wants to take me out somewhere for my birthday. Benjamin and Stephen. I'm so confused right now. I don't know what to do. I really like them both. I been talking to Benjamin for 3 years now. One year after I moved here. I meet him at the local grocery store.     He was hawking me as I was doing my weekly grocery shopping. I was shocked by the way he was checking me out all over the store. I'm not the prettiest woman on earth or have the greatest body. I'm 5'6 197...

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Solace Rosanna Ch 19

2003: The day was overcast with the threat of rain, but Rosanna was prepared, as always, with her umbrella tucked in her shoulder-bag as she walked uptown to Matilda’s office. She recalled the times Solace had appeared at several of their meetings looking as if she’d been through a hurricane, hair plastered, soaked and wind-blown, but sexy, nonetheless. Damned sexy. On one such memorable occasion Solace had raced into a rehearsal-late–and dropped her belongings into a nearby chair. She had then...

4 years ago
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Spanked by the Boss

I stood outside the office door with David, my Manager. We had been summonsed by Mrs Shute, the Sales Director. I noticed David was sweating. Looking quite alarmed in fact. He looked at me and said “sorry.” I asked “what for?”   “This” he answered, pointing at the office door.   “What do you mean David?”   “Look, I know you have just graduated from University, but you read your contract didn’t you?”   David was sweating more profusely. He is about 30 years old but his hairline is...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Karla Kush E Equals MC Black Cock

Karla Kush is wearing glasses, so she must be smart, right? Eh, we will just have to go with it. She is tutoring these two big black guys who do not seem to be interested in math at all. But they are interested in Karlas big fat ass. They watch her at the whiteboard, but cannot stop picturing their black cocks all over her face. Karla can sense the tension, so she makes an offer to incentivize these voracious minds. Every time they get an answer right, she takes off a piece of her clothing....

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Sophias Revenge

Visiting SonyaI enter the hospital to visit my Aunt Sonya, as I have every few days lately. She's in the final stages of cancer, and I'm very sad about that.She's not my real aunt, but she's always been like the mother to me that I wish I had. I don't mean to put my mum down. She has done her best, but when it comes to affection, I don't get any from her. Aunt Sonya has always filled that gap."Is she awake?" I ask the nurse at the station near her room."Yes, she's just had breakfast and a wash,...

2 years ago
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My Mother Educates Me about Sex

Follow on from Went Camping with my Mother Thank you to every one who read it, hope you like this oneThe night my mother and I came back off our camping trip was the start of something special, I lay on my bed after having a shower, thinking about my mam and what she did to me last night. I can’t wait for her to tell me about the birds and the bees.My hand was in my pyjamas and around my hard cock gently playing with it; I had my eyes shut picturing my mother’s tits and wanting to suck on...

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Wedding Day

Doe is so happy to be marrying you, so excited about the wedding. She wanted to make the wedding as special and wonderful for you as you know it will be for her. So Doe agreed to make this your fantasy wedding, the wedding of your dreams. She let you plan out whichever details you wanted, and she planned the rest. You got to plan the guest list. Standing at the alter, looking out over the rows of guests, you see a crowd of beautiful women, all dressed up in their prettiest dresses, hair done...

4 years ago
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Rachels Ravishment Pt IV

It seemed like Saturday was here in the blink of an eye. One minute it was Thursday afternoon and I was flopped on the floor of my room where Maitena had left me, dozing in post - orgasmic bliss and the next it seemed like I was getting ready to meet her. I had occupied the last day and a half with small, stress free pleasures like sleep, blatant avoidance of study and, after catching my step-sister Cybele in my room again, nitpicking at her about everything and nothing, although mostly about...

Oral Sex
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just going to go home

I drove up the final road and the drive and got out The air felt stifling even though I had removed my bra and panties under my sun dress before the drive Home I grabbed the bags of groceries and walked up The door was ajar and I figured my boyfriend was home before me even though he said he would be late I pushed the door open with my foot and walked to the kitchen then just as I put the bags down I was Grabbed from behind and something thrown over my head at the same motion the collar...

3 years ago
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Getting Dirty in the Shower

Glistening sweat sliding down such a gorgeous body. Deep grunts and loud moans echoing across tall walls and through the furiously deepening ecstasy of two bodies moving as one heightening to the climax of, the running back breaking the last tackle before reaching the end zone. Just another practice ending before next weeks football game. Jerry, 20 years old, full collage scholarship for the football team, standing a hair over 5’8” and built a little smaller than most athletes. Like any other...

1 year ago
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The Room

Julianna wakes up naked from her uncomfortable slumber, her arms are tied to her back and she is left hanging from the ceiling. She would be facing the ground just like her bare chest if not for the fact that the long hair at the back of her head is tied to what she presumes to be the same rope that is dangling her and forcing her to strain her neck to face the front. Though looking around might have been a great way to determine her current state, the one who kidnapped her had also secured...

2 years ago
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Blessing In Disguise

‘Have fun at your conference!’ I waved good-bye to Professor Jones and headed home. I was excited that Wednesday I would be free from class. Mrs. Jones and Professor Dubois were leaving from Boston’s Logan Airport Tuesday morning for a conference in Los Angeles. I skipped out of class ready for a crisp fall day. Tuesday morning the phone woke me up. I reached for it, knocking my alarm clock off the nightstand. ‘Star! Star! They’re dead! Professor Jones is dead!’ Instantly awake I began to...

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Awakening My Trans Nature Eleventh Experience Po

It was 9 a.m. and reality was, yet again, being the iceberg to my fantasies. The landlady/concierge/Mistress buzzed me on the intercom and said I was to come down and she had a parcel for me to deliver to Shona. I pointed out I had a meeting with the personal tutor in the afternoon but might be able to do it in the morning. Come down she said with finality and ended the conversation. In her office she gestured me to 2 bags “that bag contains items for Shona and the other bag is what I want you...

1 year ago
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my grandparents and me

The story sounds better in first person and in a perspective of past tense. I have changed it a few times to make up for tense problems and fluency, so please do not criticize the verb and tense agreements as I am sure that I have missed more than a few mistakes. this is my first story and it is fictionCharacter description I am a twenty-one year old male living in Oregon. I am 5’8” and have muscle tone, but am slightly overweight. Granddad looks more or less the same. He is Caucasian, has...

3 years ago
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BFF SecretsChapter 11

Helen promised she would be as secretly naughty as she could, as sort of a rebellion against the dictates of life. The young teen could not act out too openly, though. Her Grammy Logan doted on her, and both she and Gramps would be heart broken if they knew just how perverted she could be. The young teen restrained herself as much as possible, at least at first. Helen allowed herself to be included in the family discussions and activities while anticipating more exciting moments to come....

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A couple of years ago I had a girlfriend named Sara, we met at work and were starting to have a great relationship. In the bed things started to get interesting and we got more and more kinkier ever time. We would tie each other up and and play with each other. Then we started using chains and gags and having a great time. Now, she has always had bisexual tendencies but at the time I didn’t know about them. One Halloween she asked me if I would dress up as a girl for her. I asked her why but...

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Boy Stud2

Ok, two weeks before my dad gave me quite a variety of porn magazines and his permission to jack-off as much as I wanted for a week. Then he told me not to jack off for a week. And now, he’s sworn me to secrecy and wants me to get naked before he gives me my gift. So I stripped. I got down to my underwear, then with an encouraging nod from my father, I pushed those down too. I was nervous, and even though it seemed that my dick had been hard more than it had been soft in the last...

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A month to die

A month to die. By Tvstar Dear fictionmaniacs I hope you like this story comments are welcome, write me at: tvstar2@@gmail.com Prologue "Where am I?, where was I?, I was at work, wasn't I?.... My head feels like it was made of lead, hot lead; heavy, incandescent, pounding." "Why Are my eyes closed?, I can't see a thing, I can fell a blind fold... Where am I? I can feel I'm naked, but is not cold, there is a soft Surface under me like a leather couch, I should be scared but I...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ko Diya

Namaskar dosto aap ko dost rahul ek baar phir aapne new story lekar aa gaya haii iss story mai mai aap ko bataungaa kii kaise maine aapne mousi kii bahu ko choda. Please padh kar mail jarur karna At I will be waiting. Tooo hua uuu ji jab mai aur archu chudai mai mast the tab humne darwaza band nahi kiyaa thaa aur bhabhi neee hame dekh liyaaa tha aur bhabhi. Hum see uss time tooo kuch nahiii boli aur phir karib 10-15 din baat jab mai archu kiii ghar gaya tab bhabhi ne kaha raj mujhe kahee...

2 years ago
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Carree Loves Billy AwakeningChapter 3

I thought to put one finger on my butthole and one on my clit, but to do that I would have to lean forward too much and I was afraid of the blanket falling down. That would have to wait for a more private session. As the girl on the screen said "do me doggie", he pulled his dick from her pussy to let her off the couch. She knelt on the floor and spread her knees and lowered her head to a waiting pillow. I must have been distracted the first time I saw this, because I hadn't noticed that,...

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Women want More

The pillow talk of new millennium couples in the 2010 INDIA TODAY-AC Nielsen-ORG MARG sex survey tells an unprecedented story of women's arou*al being thwarted and of romance gone sour. Call it the Eat Pray Love moment in the life of the modern Indian woman. Just as the lead character, Elizabeth Gilbert (Julia Roberts in the film) was asked by her Balinese healer to "pray for sex", the survey finds Indian women meditating intently on the prayer beads of fulfilling and wholesome sex.Shatter...

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Brother SpyChapter 3 The Mark III PEEPER

Another flash genius struck while I was in the shower the next morning. Paint over the damn light. Simple solutions work best. I also decided to control the power to the camera through my own control panel. I didn't want the girls turning off the radio and ruining my show. I incorporated the change into the Mark III PEEPER. It worked flawlessly. The fixed camera still bothered me. I looked up small servomotors on the Internet. I found a place that sold a two axis movable platform with...

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A Film Star

Hi dad what’s up? Reet can u plz come home now? Sure i am there in 30 minute. Ok but mind it some 1 waiting for u. Who? Well its a little surprise but some 1 special u never met before her. Ok i will there in 30 minutes. Reet u r 10 minute late, sorry dad u know fucking traffic jam, ok come with me in guest room, I was in very well dressed, blue skirt with sleeve less shirt nude around under knees. Having nice light make up on face, perfectly matching with my dressed, specially nail color both...

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As you know from my more timeline updated stories living in a country town can be a blessing or a curse. Long before I met my husband there was a hot man that I was chatting with on a regular basis here on squirt. Through various chats and of course video conferences we are always horny to meet up and the opportunity doesn't always present itself. Even after my husband and I where married Jack and I kept in touch, it didn't feel at the time like cheating as it was always a mutual jack off...

1 year ago
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Teenage Years Are Hardby Edipus (address withheld)***A boy spies on his neighbors and gets drawn into a bisexual, foursome. (mf-teens, 1st, bi, inc, voy)***I hit puberty late, as a result I was always smaller then most boys my age. This, added to fact, I was nearly six months younger than most of the k**s in my school.I discovered masturbation at the age of 13, and wore sores on my member and hand due to the amount of time per day I played with myself. I found that although sex and girls were a...

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First time massage from my Dads contacts

I found my dad’s porn stash by accident one day. He had gone away on business and I was in the loft when I found the bag. There was the usual wank mags, videos and I thought that was all. So I pulled out my cock and started to wank. He had some good, hard core, heterosexual stuff. As I pulled my s*******n old cock, I was really enjoying this stash when I found a little black book. Inside was his contact list with whores, escorts, cinemas and other acquaintances. Mostly there were places a long...

Porn Trends