TandraChapter 31 free porn video

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The ladies promised to make lunch, if I went out and ploughed. I put on my coat and boots, and let Dog out for a run. I started the truck, and visualized in my mind, where my first pass would be in preparation for the truck to remove the snow. The truck was all of a sudden a hundred metres away. Great sheets of snow were falling still. It was as if I had ploughed, using a space ship.

"What did you girls do?"

I could hear them chuckle, then do it again, as they relived the sight of me wondering what had happened. They had made sure with Carlton, that it was safe to make a spectacle of myself first.

I focussed my mind, and was able to interface with the machine. It was a simple computer, that could only speak to me in a monotone. A fairly complex routine was in place, to make sure I didn't hit anything. I found out that there was a small inertial compensator, a motor strong enough to pull only forty three gees. There was everything here, to allow me to fly anywhere in the system, if I had enough time to take a long trip. There was even a field that was minutely configurable in front of the plough. I could plough a path many metres wide, and direct the snow wherever I wanted, just like a snowblower.

I checked with Carlton, and did the rest of the driveway, then for fun, I used the computer and ploughed the entire length of the Hydro road. It was over thirty kilometres long, and I had to return, so I made the sixty kilometre trip, in a little over three minutes, and threw back the new and the packed snow at the sides of the road, more than twenty metres.

Carl and his boys ploughed in the winter, when there was little drilling to be done. I could see him doing this, and having as much fun as I just had. He would make a fortune in Buffalo, if they could get the cars off the roads first.

I parked the truck in the usual place, and went to the snowblower. "Did you girls do anything to this?"

"No, Henry," came from Susan, along with a laugh. I knew they were watching, and I gingerly put it into gear, did the path, and the large decks. My cautious pace pleased them even more.

I shook myself, and came in. The girls had hurried, because they knew I would not be long. The youngsters came down after a shower. Roger wanted to sit in my lap, and I convinced him to eat like the rest. Apparently the pickup was not all that they had accomplished. They said they only wished they could add invisibility to the vehicles.

They told me all the things they had accomplished, when I was away having fun. I remembered the recording device in my body, and left after lunch, to get the data copied elsewhere.

As I uploaded the data, I thought of Mom and all she did for me, and the rest of us. If the base AI had been as strong as Mom, it would not have suicided. Mom would have never had the base get this run down, if she had to run the extraction equipment herself. Mom would not have allowed the lunar AI to get control of the system defences, in the first place. She reminded me of myself, in some ways. She would do what was necessary to be done, and fuck the law. Her military shield, enhanced memory and computing power, had been what we had to have, to survive. There wasn't a base computer to compare to her, even though she was a simple tug.

I went to the supply of crystals, I got. The large translucent one of a blank personality, the red, of the mad lunar AI, some of the smaller simpler units, and last of all, the burnt out one, of Mom. If only I could put Mom's memory crystals into the base, things would be run right.

"Wait!" I said out loud to myself.

I ran and got Mom's copy of her memory. Her processor crystal had originally been much smaller. Her intelligence limited to the capacity of the hosting computer, and the matrix that formed her crystal. She had made herself much smarter, and more capable. Could she possibly run the entire base, and the system on top of it?

I didn't have all that much hope in getting Mom back into her ship, no matter what I had said. It was far too damaged in the hull, and the computer. There was a chance for her to live again.

I returned, and got the memory crystals I had taken, along with the burnt out processor, from the ship. She had left copies of her early years in the base and I got those too. I took a grav sled, and went far under the base. Many of the lights here, did not work. I was stopped by a shield hundreds of metres short of my goal. I identified myself, and I was not given clearance.

The repair shop had just the tool.

I went one floor above the computer and pealed back the wall. Things were different, but not too much. I used as much care as I had on the moon. I rechecked everything twice, because this was Mom, and if I failed she might never come back.

The barrier was gone now, and the door opened to the controller. I took all of Mom's crystals, and pushed into the zero gee, of the base computer. The distance seemed further somehow, and the way slightly different. Five dimensions can confuse anyone. I passed the place, before I recognized it. I reached out and touched crystals to slow down and then go back.

The room was larger. Crystals covered all the surfaces, and there, almost in a corner, were the grey ones, that were burnt out. The main processor was no larger than Mom's updated one. I pulled them out. Like Carlton, I put the diagnostic program running, and found I did not have a suit on. The display came in, with just my communicator to help. AI memory was severely low. If Mom required more, she was going to get them.

When the program was done, I installed all of the memory, and set the repair modules to working. Long hours later, I knew that waiting here was futile. I took all the useless crystals and started out.

An hour later I knew I was lost. I had no suit with telemetry, and no beacon to guide me back. I began to look more closely at the patterns of the crystals. One particular place, I think I passed many times. I put a dead crystal on its side among the others, and continued my search. I thought I searched this level and went up then up again. At the highest point I found the dead crystal.

My search was now over four hours, not counting the time I took to bypass the security, and the time I waited for the repair module to complete its job. I wearily descended and searched as I went. I reached the lowest level, and found the AI room again.

I floated in and saw that a few more hours were necessary. I needed to piss for a long time and went in my pants, because I didn't want anything to short out. I went back and forth to dry the pants some, and have something to do. I lost the room about every third pass. Finding the room the last time, I vowed to stay, till I was done.

The time finally came and I carefully inserted the new blank crystal into its new home, and ran the repair module again. There was nothing here for me to do, so the quest began again. A few hours later, I found a rope stretched across an intersection that was not there before. I went to it, and lost it twice, before being able to lay my hands on it.

I tried to cast my thoughts, and only received static, just as I thought would happen. I jerked one side then the other, and tried again. One side became slack and suddenly Star was in my arms. She hugged and kissed me frantically, as she yelled in her mind, that she found me. Moments later Sandy came. I kissed her fiercely. I could understand her, but it was difficult with the static, but I got her idea.

Hand over hand I slowly pulled the other rope and found myself following the path. Moments later my hand fell on Amy. One second she was invisible, and the next in my arms. I kissed her the same as the rest. Her relief was not too difficult to see.

She directed me to pull the rope and she would follow. Topaz was next, and again I almost missed her. I could see tears of joy in her mind. I had an idea, and got her to hold onto my pants, and I pulled her forward with me.

Secric was waiting for me to come. She kissed me with a passion I had never seen in her before. She only passed me the idea that it was urgent. I got her attached to Topaz's ankles and she refused. I stood my ground till she went along with my idea. One moment, I was pulling the rope, and the next I was on the floor. A second later Topaz fell on me, and I quickly moved her for Secric came next.

I kissed her long and hard, but there were others in there.

The rope was pulled gently till it was taught. I could feel small tugs on the rope, and Star came into view.

"Leave the rope, I will take care of the rest. There is a strange ship in the system, and it has made its way through all the defences. Carlton has the most data. Go."

"Carlton report." I screamed, as I ran to the nearest transmitter.

"Yes, sir. An unidentified craft coming from north of the plane of the elliptic, has slowed to only thirty lights. Its course will bring it to Earth in seventeen hours and thirty seven minutes. Rough estimates indicate its mass to be around six hundred thousand tonnes, making it only a light destroyer."

I stopped at the pad and gave my destination. Nothing! I did it again with the same results. The transporter was down. Of course, the computer was working at integrating the new personality. There was no way of sparing processing power for anything else.

I ran again. Carlton's voice continued, "Its origin is unknown. It can detect the mines and destroy them, and has a shield that can protect it from our dimensional shift weapons. I am unable to find out how this is done. It has fired its weapons, and they are no different than our own."

"Carlton, did you do an inventory of our weapons?"

"No, sir"

"What is your present complement?"

"Eleven distortional weapons, a quark flux lens, and three shift torpedoes"

"What is the last, I have never heard of it?"

"It is a very old weapon, that was put in when this hull was built. The design characteristics make its removal for newer weapons impractical. It will search for the moment in time, that the ship uses, to look through its screen. If it is able to find the time, it will compute when the next event will occur, and attempt to penetrate at that time. The power is low, and all modern shields, have found ways to protect against it."

My mind was working feverishly, as I continued. Penetrating the shield. The only thing I knew that could penetrate a shield was a galvanized pipe. Would they do that to this new shield? What could I put in them to do enough damage, if they went through?

If the current weapons were ineffectual, then perhaps the very old would work. Best to try both. How could I get a pipe to penetrate a ship travelling sub-light? I knew that the ship had to decelerate, when it was at the Mardaf Limit, unless they had found a way to circumvent it.

In this system it was around the distance of Jupiter from the sun. If they were going to decelerate here, then they were still fast enough to use a lot of kinetic energy, if they hit a stationary object. All ships had weapons to clear their path ahead of them. This one was able to detect mines, that were hidden in other dimensions.

But they didn't have any guns behind them for meteors, because meteors would not be able to harm them in that quadrant. They would be looking for powered missiles there only. All I needed was to throw a spear at them. Yes. One made of galvanized iron. If a tractor beam was very long, it could throw a spear pretty fast. At least, I hoped.

"Carlton, if you were to take an iron shaft with a mass of five kilograms, while in space. Place that, at the maximum distance of your tractor beam, and move the beam rapidly forward, how fast would the shaft go?"

"Using other data, I believe about twelve to the power of five kilometres per hour."

"Convert to base ten?"

"Roughly thirty thousand kilometres per second. Or ten percent the speed of light."

"Shit that is fast, but is that fast enough?"

"Fast enough for what, sir?"

"I was talking to myself, but I have found a secret, that you have to keep."

"Understood sir."

"A piece of iron when covered with zinc, can penetrate a shield, if the shield is set to low power. I have been considering the idea of using small masses of this material to penetrate the intruder's shield, even if they are set on high. The kinetic energy alone, would cause severe damage. If we could put them into the path of the ship, they would cause even more damage because their velocities would be added. They are too fast to throw from the rear. I was considering throwing from their beam."

"We would be subject to their broadside, and would last less than a microsecond sir."

"What if we threw into their path, and they intercepted the projectiles. We could be long gone for retribution."

"That may work sir. Our velocity would be added to the velocity of the kinetic weapons, then the power would be increased further."

I was just at the ship now. "Carlton is the inertial compensator integrated yet?" I said with my voice.

"Two hours and fifteen minutes, till completion. Sir"

"Can you get us through the shield with the computer down?"

"Working; Yes, sir."

I jumped aboard and the door closed immediately. "Go into stealth mode and proceed to the house."

I put on my command suit, and jumped through the opening to the front door. I had to stop and punch in the code and the door opened. I raced to the phone.


"Hello Doris. It's Henry. I am in a bit of a rush, and need to talk to Carl. It is very important."

"What did you two talk about, he has not been this happy in years?"

"Doris, I am sorry, but I am in a hurry, and don't want to be rude."

"Oh, I will get him, then."

"Hello Henry, what's up?" Came from Carl.

I could hear the extension being picked up. It didn't matter who was listening anyway. "That big contract I was talking to you about, got a big, big rush put on it. We are in need of all the galvanized pipe, and conduit you can lay your hands on. Amy Corp, thinks this is a life and death situation, the way they are rushing around. Would you organize your yard, and purchase as much of the galvanized product, you can get? Price is no object the principles told me."

"What is the total weight you might want? That way, I have an upper-limit."

"Carlton, what is your maximum weight capacity now?"

"Eighty three thousand nine hundred and thirty kilograms, Sir."

"Mr. Carlton the president, thinks eighty three tonnes would do the trick Carl. Do you have enough credit to get that much?"

"If you can get the money to me in three days, there is no problem. Will scrap pipe, be of any use?"

"Try for the new stuff, and if the total is not reached, then add the scrap. We can clean it up, and use the pieces. It is the corrosion fighting properties, I am looking for. Oh, by the way, Mr. Zero is coming over in about four hours to see about the drilling contract."

"Ok, Henry, get off the phone, and let me start on this job."

"Sure Carl, and bye Doris." Letting him now, get this matter straightened out. I returned to the ship, and said, "Back to the base." I jumped off the ship and found the women running towards me. The children were too slow and lagged behind. Susan was breathless, "What are we going to do?"

I tried to project a confident front, and said, "Carlton and I have some weapons, and we have an idea that my take them out. I am going to throw galvanized iron at a relativistic speed. Along with all the weapons he has. Carl is getting the stuff as we speak."

"What can we do?"

"I would like all the command suits we have, and twenty or so of the standard suit. One of these days, we have to get one that can be used in battle. I was thinking of wearing multiple layers of them."

Blue added quickly, "There are some battle suits in the armoury. There has never been a need for them, and they were only kept because of regulations."

"Would you and Nova check them out, and if they are any good, bring a couple of them here. Take Sandy and Star, and bring back a few sets of your best hand weapons. I doubt if I will even see the enemy, but I feel much better with a gun in my hand."

They ran off, and Susan asked, "Do you still want the other suits?"

"Yes, get them, in case the battle suits are useless."

"Chris, will you get me a few of those heavy duty controllers?"

She did not even answer, but ran off to get what was needed. I looked around, and found one missing. "Where is Roger?"

Kitten answered, "He was so upset when you disappeared, we had to take him to the auto doc, and get him sedated. His muscles are being improved as he sleeps. He was the one that knew where you were, and Susan came up with the rope idea. Each of us, were going in to search for you. What were you doing?"

I was so wrapped up in the emergency, that I had locked my mind closed. "I put Mom's memory into the computer, and a blank processor. I didn't know if I could ever bring her back otherwise. That was a brave thing to do, in going in after me. Especially when it was my fault, for going in unprepared."

"That is what family is for, Henry."

"Yes, but thank you anyway. I need to pack some provisions for a few days too."

"Carlton prepare a course, to intercept the enemy, and pick up the ammunition from Carl. Is there anything else that we could do, to better our chances?"

"Yes, sir. No, sir."

This brought forth a titter from the girls. I went back to the ship and stripped off my dirty clothes, and went into the shower. The water felt beautiful, but time was short. The younger girls started to bring in some of the supplies, that I had purchased in Toronto, as I stepped out of the cleanser

On the large monitor, I saw two grav sleds being pulled by Blue and Nova. When the procession got closer, I heard Blue's complaints, that the suits were not checked out enough.

The ship's tractors easily picked up the first bulky suit. Small shield units covered the entire suit, even the face. The suit was thick on the chest and back, and much too small for me.

"Will the suit fit me?" I asked, as I walked to the hatch and jumped down.

Blue did not even look up from the tests she was doing on the second of six suits. "The projectors migrate to fit even you. If any were damaged, they are rotated out, while another takes its place. There is even a repair feature for extended action. The suit has an old type of military AI. It has an objectionable attitude, and is hard to work with. My advice is to shut it off, and go on manual if it gives any problems. I will feed the specifications to your ship."

"What can the suit do?"

"Its AI is the strongest feature, if it will cooperate. It basically is a small one woman space ship, with its strong anti-gravity field and shielding. Wastes are recycled so you could live for months in the suit. It has a built in recognisance unit, up to the fifth dimension. There is an impressive array of weapons."

"What are the bad points?"

"As I said before, a nasty AI. It is a defect in all the suits, and the only ones to get along with them were people with strong personalities. The other suits came in and were stored by Carlton. A cold can of beans, and an old favourite, fruit cocktail, fed the inner man.

The battle suit did indeed adjust to my size. It took twenty minutes for the modules to rearrange themselves. I stretched and bent, to see the limits of the suit. It adjusted again, to take all of this into consideration. While this was happening, I continued to work on a strategy with Carlton.

I could hear a mental voice, vaguely feminine, that was demanding attention. Keying the mental switch, an over-loud voice said, "You are not of the Tandra race. Why are you wearing this state of the art weaponry?" The suit seized up, and refused to let me go, as it gave out an alarm about how a low order barbarians, stealing Tandra property. The voice was so loud, that I had to enter my mind, and turn the signal down going to my brain.

Carlton came to my rescue first. "This biotic unit is a human. It is a crossbreed of the Tandra, and is authorized to protect this system for the Tandra, with any means possible."

"Who are you to tell me this?"

"I am Fleet Admiral Henry Buchanan's personal pinnace. He is currently head of system security."

"A male in such a high posting, is preposterous. Give me your classification, in your security section." A long stream of data flowed into the suit. The AI found the situation unbelievable.

"I am not going to allow this barbarian use this valuable Tandra property. Your data must be in error."

I was finding the situation humorous, but time was wasting. "Suit, you will serve me to the best of your abilities, or I will personally have your entire line of AIs removed from these units, and a much more capable unit installed."

"You do not have the authority."

"Carlton, remove this suit from me. Use the controller if necessary. I am going to remove each of the computers from these suits, and throw everything into a recycler."

I felt tractors pluck at the edges to no avail, then a heavy duty controller started at my abdomen, and started to slice the suit towards my head. It soon reversed course, and parted the suit down one leg towards the computer unit itself.

"Stop. This is against the law."

"Yes, it is. You are participating in a mutiny, and I find you guilty."

"Stop. I will allow you to wear the suit."

"Continue cutting Carlton."

"Stop. What is it that you want?"

"You have to be one hundred percent committed to my goals, or I will have to leave you behind in pieces. All Tandra society will know of your failure, and all of your kind, will be destroyed because of your pettiness." The cutter was coming very close to the computer now.

"Stop. I will work toward your goals, to the best of my ability."

"Carlton, pause a moment."

Same as Tandra
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Ashley was different that most girls; she was never as sexually inclined as early as the other girls her age. She knew what sex was and she knew that it felt good, but she never put enough thought in to realize that she could do it on her own. It took the help of a friend for her to find out. She had medium length brown hair, and slender body, and would often get a tan from a tanning bed. Her breasts were large enough to snuggly fit a smaller C cup bra. Ashley had a good looking body,...

3 years ago
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Amandine an Unpopular Girl

We cornered Amandine under the bleachers. She looked around, not exactly afraid, but clearly wanting to escape. It was too late. There was no way out. "Come on Kayla," I said, "I don't really give a shit if she's wearing the same skirt I am." "The bitch has to pay!" Kayla said. Kayla was a beautiful girl, tall and lean, with blonde hair past her shoulders. She wore a tight tee shirt and tighter jeans. Her ass was amazing. She had cold, brilliant green eyes, which stared at poor...

4 years ago
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The Client On The Sixth Floor Part V

While you do not need to read the previous parts of The Client to enjoy this one, it will greatly enhance your reading experience. *** New York, New York!  Wow! No wonder they’d named it twice!! Mattie wrinkled her eyes against the glare from the sun as she stepped from the aeroplane. Simon’s hand was on her lower back, guiding her and, given how she’d slept for almost the whole flight, she was glad as she felt a little bit wobbly on her feet. It was SO bright, no low winter sun here, not...

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Eddys Garage Ch 04

These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. Part four of five: A date gone bad, Halloween This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow * Of course it wasn’t all easy as that, Laura’s mother showed up at the shop with all kinds of accusations. It was a bad call on her part. All three girls bit right back at her, they never gave...

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Gokharna Escapade with an Indian MILF

This happened when I was in Goa last month. I was there with a bunch of my friends and we wanted to do a road trip. We started off from Bangalore - India in a nice little hatchback loaded with alochol and guitar. Except the driver everyone was drunk even by the time we reached half way. we decided to spend the night at Gokharna and then drive to Goa in the morning.We booked ourselves a swanky new motel by the paradise beach and started along the mountain to reach the Om beach. NOw Om beach is...

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Bartlett Ch 02 Li and Me

This is the second installment in the Bartlett series! Thanks in advance for any responses: I’ll try to incorporate suggestions into future stories! This story has more plot and explanation. Part 1 got off on a bang (pun intended) but I wanted to insert some backing plot, too. ***** The more Li and I got to know each other, the more I began to deeply care for her. Despite the blatantly sexual nature of our first meeting, we found ourselves to be surprisingly compatible. She told me of her...

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With My Friend8217s Mom

Hi my name is prabhu. This story happened when I was in 13th . I dun have a good physic but am good looking thin guy n am handsome too with a 7’inches dick which is enough to satisfy gals n woman. I am a frequent visitor to my best friend karans house. As I used to live alone in the so many times I used to sleep over at his house. He lived with his family his father was in Geneva and he lived alone with his mom and sis. I used to take his mom to market or dropped his sis to coaching on my bike....

4 years ago
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Early Morning Ride

Having been on the horse for the last few hours Sasha finally returned to the stable block and upon putting the horse in the stall, took off her riding jacket and undid her blouse to let some air get at her body, the sun was now so hot and between the perspiration and her getting turned on with the movement of the horse between her legs was feeling horny, riding always had this affect on her and she made her way back to the yard as the delivery lorry turned up.The two guys who always made the...

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The new Mrs Harris chapter 9

I woke up early the following morning, with a mixture of nerves and excitement at the prospect of meeting Melissa later. Allen was still sleeping beside me, and I lay a still as I could as I didn't want to waken him up. We had had sex twice last night and I was relieved to have woken up without the horniness that usually plagued my mornings. I lay thinking about what to talk to Melissa about tonight, where we could go to? My thoughts were interrupted by a big hairy arm reaching around...

2 years ago
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Six Months To LiveChapter 2

It's been almost two month now since I decided to get even with God, and started fucking everyone I could get my hands on. The only requirement is that they be married. The best pussy out there is another man's wife. It's the most erotic and illicit turn on possible. My stomach has been bothering me lately and I had to go back and see the doctor. He took more x-rays and said it wasn't good. The cancer was progressing more rapidly then expected. Whatever I was doing was speeding up my...

3 years ago
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ready for anything and doing it

I was visiting a buddy and as we talked it turned into sex talk. I was telling him I've had sex with my woman twice this year because she was Ill and and I was Climbing the walls, and was almost up for anything. He said anything I told him Yes. He then told me his woman was into facials and jacking guys off such and he likes to watch. well a few weeks later we were out parting and went back to her place he said we should go swimming I told them I have my suit on they said OK cool and I striped...

2 years ago
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The Man From Sears Mensroom

I opened my email a couple days ago and there was a message from the gentleman I met in Sear's mensroom. I became very excited as I read it, "my wife will be out of town for a week visiting our daughter in Utah, I would love to get with you. I will be waiting to hear from you". I don't normally suck the same cock twice, but my mind went back to the day I met him, remembering the copious load he fed me and the way he talked to me, I decided I needed to suck his cock again. My email read "I...

4 years ago
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Stepsister Seduction Chapter 8 Jenna has fun With Anna Then Kelly Joins Them

Kelly and Jenna didn't get home until almost 7:00 in the evening. As Jenna walked into the front room, she was surprised to see Anna there. "Hey Anna, what are you doing here?" Jenna asked, smiling. Anna smiled at Jenna, "well I was bored at home, so I thought I would come hang out with you." Jenna looked at Tim, and noticed him sleeping, "what did you do, wear him out?" She asked Anna jokingly, not knowing how right she was. Anna looked at Jenna with a half smile, not wanting Jenna to...

3 years ago
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The Right Man

Probation agent Chrissy Huyett knows she’s in trouble the moment twenty-three year old Taylor Yeager steps into her office—ironic because the one in trouble is Taylor. He’s on probation for assault and battery, the result of a bar fight that got him arrested, then convicted, then placed on probation for eighteen months, which includes court-ordered anger management. He had just come from court and the intake unit assigned Chrissy the case. And now she’s looking up at Mr. Yeager, as she calls...

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Hockey Sticks and Roses

Without question, the hardest thing I ever had to do as a mother was to tell my son that his father and I were getting a divorce because I was a lesbian. On the surface, we were a typical well-off middle-class suburban family. Josh's father and I had good careers; he was a marine draftsman, and I was a nurse. Josh was a typical boy for his time and place. He lived and breathed hockey, and sometimes it seemed little else interested him. We lived in a nice house in a nice neighborhood, my...

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Our wild night that almost wasnt

My wife, Lora,and I were planning on going to a local swingers' club one Friday night, but after eating dinner I had a headache. Lora told me to go lay down, and that it was not a big deal; the club will be there another night. However, her mom was watching our son overnight and I didn't want to waste that. So after taking a couple of pills and a cool shower, I decided, 'The hell with it.' If they didn't have the music blaring, I may have a fighting chance. We arrived around nine and the place...

Group Sex
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first time meeting the bull

My girlfriend jill has had me locked in chasity for a couple of months now .she has let me out twice since she locked me up.She has been getting an old boyfriend of hers named james to screw her and she has been loveing it and i have to say its been a huge turn on for me also .she goes and sees him and then comes home to me so i can clean her.jill had told me that she had convinced james to come over and show me how a real man *ucks.i was nervous and excited it was all set up for the next nite...

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Reclaimed In Full Chapter 3

I went to my locker to grab my clothes and keep back my bunker gear. The first week back at work was rough and tiresome; just the way I liked it. I was done for the day but was not looking forward to going home. Home! A place where your loved one live and where you long to spend most of your time was only a dream at the moment. After talking to Carol, I had managed to get her approval to go back to work. Going back to work not only gave me the upper hand in the decision making, but also...

4 years ago
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Until His Anger is Spent

‘Is the front door locked? Don’t lie to me,’ He said. ‘No, Sir,’ I confessed. ‘Well, you had best leave it open. Get in position and lay out what you think I’m going to need to punish that body,’ He said. ‘Yes, Sir,’ I whispered, and heard Him hanging up.   i walked into the bedroom, nervous over the stern tone in Master’s voice. I went to the toy box, unsure of what He wanted. He sounded quite frustrated, so I took out the whip, the paddle brush, the ruler, the nipple clips and the butt...

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Lottery winner got laid part 2

Well a few days had past and all arangement where made for the presention of the cheque, we had made the holiday plans, and I had fucked Carmen again at her place as well as getting a bj at the office cumming in her mouth a few times. The day arrived and we recieved the cheque and sat down with money advisers on how to invest in these rather financial bleak times.The day arrived to go on our cruise, The 3 of us set of for the port all excited as we got on the liner we settled into our cabins...

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Covid Release for Three

After her divorce, Nicole decided to leave the “big city” and return to her hometown on Virginia’s coast. Nicole and her ex, Brad, had gotten married right out of college.  Things were great, until they weren’t.  When they learned that Nicole couldn’t have kids, the relationship and future they had planned were suddenly gone and they struggled to replace it.  When Nicole turned thirty, she put her foot down, insisting that they needed to spice up their listless marriage. They took up golf. ...

1 year ago
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Dream Mistress Pt2

I awoke in the middle of the night flat on my back and was admittedly having a hard time opening my eyes as there was something crusty covering my eyelids and it wasn't until I remembered the familiar taste of my own cum that I remembered why I was in my little makeshift office naked, covered in dry cum, and the after effects of stretching out my own ass for hopefully my new Mistress. Admittedly I walked a little funny to the bathroom where I took a hot warm shower contemplating what I had...

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Preachers WifeChapter 6 Solution

The next day Janet called a family meeting and explained to the girls her intention that John wear rubbers when he fucked them during their fertile days. She told them that she believed that they were too young to have children of their own, and besides, it would cause talk if such young girls turned up pregnant. The plan was not popular with the twins. May especially objected, but after June whispered in her ear for a few minutes she calmed down and accepted her mother's plan as better...

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Jennifers College Years Ch 01

Greetings, my Literotica Readers! This story starts the third book on the exciting life of Ms. Holston, titled ‘Jennifer’s College Years.’ It is here that I found a new editor, and she has helped to make Jennifer and her stories more memorable for you. I want to thank you, Alice Jones, for helping me make my stories so much better. I couldn’t have done it without you. Please leave comments and feedback. They help me make the next story even better for you. So please, take a moment to vote and...

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Tony was a very successful lady’s hairdresser. He had three salons in the town centre each of which offered top quality styling as well as manicure, pedicure, aromatherapy, and massage services.He was very good at his job and only employed the very best staff. His services were pricey, but no-one complained because he gave great value and in fact his clients simply adored him. It didn’t hurt that he had a very “camp” style or speech and gesture and even some of his staff assumed he was gay.Tony...

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I fucked my virgin niece

Hi ISS readers, this is my second story for you. I think you have enjoyed my first story. I hope you’ll like this story too. This was happened when I’ve come back to Bangladesh after completing my study. Then I was in 21. Then the weeding ceremony of one of my cousin sisters was arranged. I have a lot of cousin elder and younger both to me. So we enjoyed the weeding very much. We all the relatives were crowded in the weeding center. The home of my cousin was very large and complex. So, I was...

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Dark Redemption Ch 12

I knew we only had an hour and I wanted something exciting to happen in front of Peter and I. It was thrilling to cause the direction and to insist these two women make love to each other. But I wanted this to be very female. This was not just pornography. This was eroticism. I wanted to seem, and for Peter to see, how women excite each other. The women were aroused now. The small room was getting hot and there was the intense smell of fertile female genitals in the air. The women were moaning...

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Sneaking In With Natalie Alyn Lind

By LemonTalk Codes: MF, inc, handjob, BJ, cream-pieDisclaimer: The following is completely fiction; it never happened and never willA/N: Found this story I wrote way back in early 2016 but never posted because I thought Natalie was too young/unknown at the time...but since that's no longer the case, enjoy this one from the vault, lol.Getting interrupted while watching porn was as frustrating and awkward enough at the best of times but getting caught in the act by my own new step-sister knocking...

1 year ago
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18Eighteen Britt Blair Job Perk

Job descriptions usually don’t include fucking the boss’s daughter, but most bosses don’t have daughters that look like Britt. Not only is she hot, she’s horny to boot. She’s chilling by the pool when her dad’s employee creeps in. Britt sounds as sweet as she looks when she tempts this guy into secret poolside sex. He doesn’t take much convincing. Soon we’re seeing her little ass bounce as she rides him on a lounge chair. The sound of her ass...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 64

I breathed a massive sigh of relief that I wasn’t to be the center of attention. “Yes, Mistress! Right away!” I said, running straight to the bathroom to get our gear. It took me a few minutes to fill the enema bag with the necessary warm water and gather up everything that would be needed. When I returned, I saw that Jess was kneeling on the towel, her face to the floor. I pulled a rubber glove onto my hand. I squirted some lube onto the enema nozzle and worked my gloved hand over...

1 year ago
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Magic Happens Chapter 4

MAGIC HAPPENS CHAPTER 4 As I stepped out of Karyn's car, I wondered how she had talked me into this. When she told me about this private adults only party, I had let her choose my outfit. Her choice of outfits for me was one I never would have thought of before my swap. I stood before Karyn in a black satin and lace French maids dress, it had a built in bodice, a flared skirt that showed off my white nylon clad thighs. My white panties nearly showed as I balanced in the white 5in...

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Down on the Farm Ch 01

College is a big drain on the finances, so finding work was an absolute necessity. I’d transferred to this particular college because my folks were no longer paying my way. Several student loans, one scholarship, and a lot of luck had been required to gain admission. The bulk of costs were covered but my bank balance failed to meet the daily needs. Things like laundry, gasoline, dates (when I had any), clothes, and etc were not covered. I required work. The student employment office was the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 57 Land of the Rising Sun Part III

June 23, 1994, Oguni, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan My first week in Japan flew by, and a routine developed. Sakurako would wake me; I’d exercise and run, then shower and have breakfast, and share tea with Sakurako. After breakfast, I’d meditate, and then have my training session. After lunch, I’d work in the garden, or, as I had this day, wash the floors in the house. Hiroshi would accompany me back to the cottage and we’d talk while I washed up and dressed for dinner. After dinner, I’d spend...

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Cecil Corliss Young InvestorChapter 8

I picked Cindy up at the agreed time. Connie and George told us to have fun. Both were beaming. They loved Cindy and they certainly thought well of me. I had made reservations at a nice restaurant and we had dinner before we went to the hall for the dance. The slow dances were fun. The fast ones were not so much. My foot was still giving me pain if I stressed it. Cindy was at least understanding. She had a lot of friends, so occasionally she had a friend sit with me while she danced with the...

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Dentists Chair

*Author’s Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. ***** Chapter 1 Arthur Petitjean wanted to groan, not so much from the pain in his mouth, but from the boring topic of conversation Dr. LeMoine droned on and on about as he drilled on Arthur’s tooth. That was the problem with Dr. LeMoine. The man was a good and thorough dentist and seemed to be a very compassionate man to all his patients. But the problem was, the man was about as...

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My Real Sex Life Part I

Hi, my name is Deva (not real name) let me briefly tell you about myself. I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic body and average looking. I have my Own Business and I’m a Martial Arts and Yoga Trainer in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai gyms. (Why so many places you will know in the stories. I actually got this opportunity to share my stories with an unfortunate car accident which I have recently met in Hyderabad with a drunker girl – friend. She was a little high that day for...

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Sex God

Earth is a great place, full of beautiful women and handsome men. As a Sex God, I can't imagine a better place to live. See, I possess a power that many dream of. I can make each and every sexual fantasy come true. Ever wanted to see what your hot neighbor looks like naked? Ever wanted to have your cock sucked by your favorite actress? I know you have. I, however, don't need to stop at daydreaming. *** It's a warm Friday evening, similar to any other Friday evenings, really. It's a great time...

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JulesJordan Ava Addams Big tit MILF Ava Addams is a Bra Buster

Busty Babe Ava Addams shows off her magnificent mammaries in this Bra Bustin’ scene with Markus Dupree. Ava’s black lace lingerie can barely contain her bountiful bosom as she shows off her curvaceous body to the camera. She slides down her panties a little so we can observe her perfect ass in all of its glory then finally, what we’ve been waiting for, Ava takes off her bra and let’s those giant puppies breathe! Ava squeezes and shakes her huge rack in the sun before heading inside to meet her...

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Park Bench

You are out for some exercise in your sweat shorts and sneakers. The weather is great. Perfect for a walk or a run. Fluffy cumulus clouds dotting the sky as the sun drifts in and out behind them. But it's a weekday and not a lot of people out and around.You see them sitting on the park bench as you come around a bend in the running and cycling path. Two young people, late teens. Laughing and giggling. They see you and settle down as you see her hand swiftly jerk away from his crotch. What are...

Quickie Sex

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