- 2 years ago
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The Plummer house had a sun deck on the second floor, over the kitchen area. Lately, it hadn't been used much since the house's occupants were usually in a state of semi-nudity or nudity, or probably expected to soon be in that state. Even though the sun deck was really an unenclosed part of the upper floor, there was much more danger of being seen there.
But that's where Suzanne and Xania now stood, fully clothed. Suzanne had asked Xania to meet on the sun deck wearing something respectable, precisely because it would eliminate the temptation to fool around and because she wanted to have a serious discussion. Because of the sun deck's remote location and lack of in-house camera system, it was an ideal place to have a private conversation.
Suzanne said as she admired the view, "Xania, I need some advice on a really difficult matter."
Xania said jokingly, but also with serious intent, "You do realize I'm not a psychologist or counselor, right? I only play one on TV."
"Of course I know that. But you've been pretty wise with your words lately, and I don't know anyone else I can discuss this with. You see, for a long time now I was so caught up in the quest of getting the Plummer family sexed up that I never really stepped back to look at the bigger picture. Now that my goals are pretty much accomplished and my schemes are more or less successful, I can look at what I've done. Sure, in most ways it's great and I wouldn't change a thing even if things didn't always go as I'd planned. But in other ways I look at what I've done and feel ... distressed. Guilty."
Xania cocked an eyebrow at her former roommate. "Guilty? Why? It's not because of the incest factor, is it?"
Suzanne shrugged that off with a chuckle. "What, that? No. Hardly. It's mostly about Susan. I try so hard in all my schemes to use them to make people happy and at the very least do no harm, but I feel like I've abused her. More to the point, I've brainwashed her. I mean, look at her! Yeah, she's happy, okay, pretty much deliriously happy all the time, but she's practically non-functional in the real world. I've warped her brain! Every day, every single day for weeks on end, I would literally talk to her for a couple of hours at a minimum about how great Alan's cock is, how there's nothing better than sucking on it, and so on. Basically, I totally brainwashed her!"
Xania pointed out, "But her old conservative beliefs were a form of brainwashing, too. Except that she was profoundly unhappy deep inside back then, and look at her now. She IS deliriously happy."
Suzanne replied, "So you're saying the end justifies the means. Well, that's my motto too, usually, and I don't have any problem with that. Usually. But the problem is I went too far! Way too far! I mean, I praised Alan and his cock so much that it's downright unhealthy. And the funny thing is, I think it boomeranged back on me and I ended up brainwashing myself in the bargain! I praised him to the high heavens so much that before long everyone in the house started believing it, and Alan picked up on it and his confidence surged and he started porking girls everywhere he went, and that reinforced the praise and the whole thing just grew and grew in some kind of recursive positive feedback loop!"
"And that's a bad thing?" Xania asked, trying not to smirk.
"Well, not for Alan, obviously!" Suzanne laughed. "He's totally loving life, as usual. But look at Susan. And Brenda. Even Katherine a little, though her case isn't quite so bad. My brainwashing has turned them into such addicts for Alan's cock that it's just not healthy. I feel terrible. I'm worse than the Moonies and the Hare Krishnas put together!"
"If you were able to change Susan that much, why not just change her back?"
"That's the problem, and this is what scares me! I LIKE what I've wrought! Susan and Brenda are naturally submissive and I'm naturally dominant. I like turning them into nymphomaniacs and sex pets. I get off on it! It's something I only just realized this morning. I've been telling myself that what I've been doing is necessary to further my scheme, but a lot of it isn't. I kept pushing and pushing 'cos I wanted to see Susan be completely and utterly sexually free and wild, but I pushed way too far. Then others got caught up in it, like Brenda. And ME! That's what's so ironic. How did I wind up just another nympho in Alan's growing harem when I'm the one who schemed to bring the harem together in the first place? It's my own damned fault. But I'm having so much fun that even though I know I should be stepping back and changing things, I just can't."
"Or simply don't want to."
"Or don't want to, yeah." Suzanne had a sour look on her face, like she'd just bit into a slice of lemon. She hated admitting these things to herself, much less to her friend.
Xania thought about all of that. "Hmmm. Curious. I can definitely believe everything you said. But is it really all that bad? Sure, things have turned out pretty strange and extreme, but as long as it works and everyone's happy, what's the downside? Aside from your wounded pride, that is. Isn't everyone having the time of their life?"
"Yes, but, well, it's mostly Susan that I'm worried about. Brenda seems happy as a clam and I hardly did anything to change her into what's she's become. She saw what was going on and eagerly dived in head first. I doubt there's any way to change her back even if all of us worked on it together. But Susan! She's my best friend and I betrayed her trust in a fundamental way. I kept telling myself it would be okay because it was for her own good, but at some point I crossed a line from saving her from her prudish ways to turning her into a mindless sex toy simply because I could. That really hit home when I attempted to do some shopping with Brenda and Susan this morning. I mean, Susan's just not functional in the real world anymore! If she were to go shopping on her own, I could seriously picture her winding up licking her way up and down a zucchini as she mumbled about her Tiger, oblivious to all the people staring. And who's to blame for that? ME! Some best friend I am!"
"So where do you think things should go from here?"
"Xania, basically I'm asking you to keep me from my worst excesses. I don't want to go back to how things were two months ago, but we need to put Susan on a more even keel. Can you talk to her and test her?"
"Test her? How?"
"Well, for instance, do a little shopping with her before you go. I'm sure we'll discover some last minute things we forgot to get in the next hour or two. I'm just as bad as she is now, so if I went we'd end up scandalizing the whole store. Again. But you could go and just kind of observe from a distance. See how functional she is. Maybe I'm a big part of the problem and she'd be fine without me there blathering about Alan's big tasty cock every five minutes."
"Okay, I can do that."
"And talk to her. Since I am, for once, caught in my own web, I don't have much perspective. But maybe you can see where she is, and where a more healthy sexual level is, and try to dial her back down to the healthy level."
"Well, I'll try. But frankly, Suzanne, I don't think things are as bad as you fear. For one thing, you forget about the time frame. Everyone in this house is going through a sexual explosion. It's like when someone gets converted to a new religion and they become a complete fanatic about it. I had an aunt like that who was born again. For like six months I could hardly stand to be near her. Everything was a miracle. If her husband wanted chicken for dinner and she'd bought chicken that day, it was a miracle. Now she's still religious but she has perspective about it. She looks back to her fervor then and has a good laugh. I think that's what's happening here, too. You're all feeding on each other's energy and excitement, but that can't go on forever at such a fever pitch. Things'll chill out, but the harem and your extremely joyous sexual life together will still be there."
"You think? God, I hope you're right. To be honest, I've started to worry about Susan just completely flipping out."
"No, that's not going to happen. Suzanne, you and I are both very sexual beings, but we've had vastly different lifestyles since college. You've gone down the normal suburban path - in your own distinctive style, mind you, but still a pretty vanilla path, all in all. I on the other hand live in Santa Monica and hang out with some of the freakiest and most sex obsessed people on the planet. And what's interesting is how they all manage to keep it together in the real world. People leaving a wild orgy to do their shift at some boring place like Taco Bell. I see things like that all the time, especially in the porn industry where almost everyone has a second job to keep afloat financially. It's really not the lucrative industry everyone thinks it is, except for a couple of fat cats at the top who rip everyone off."
Xania sighed, thinking about how she had to struggle to get by working as a dental assistant, something she didn't really want to do. Then she continued, "But I digress. My point is, I've seen a lot of people come and go, people who can keep their shit together and people who can't. Susan can definitely keep it together. She's very well grounded with those traditional values of hers. It's just that now she's adjusted her value system to include odd things like the 'Big Tits Theory.' That's one of the wackiest excuses for submissiveness I've ever heard, but it works for her and it makes her happy, so what's the harm, really? She needs a value system to live by and she follows that, well, religiously. She's an extremely predictable person and she's not going to flip out. Trust me."
"I suppose I knew that already, but it's good to hear you confirm it."
Xania nodded. "The fact is, Susan's world has changed. It's filled with sex, sex, and more sex. So her adjusted value system is a good fit with her new reality. If Alan's medical treatment came up and you didn't take steps to quote, brainwash her, unquote, she'd be helping him out but beating herself up about it every single day. Sure, her attitude now is a little over the top, but things are a little over the top around here in general. For instance, where's Alan right now? Isn't he off fucking that bitchy Heather chick?"
Xania prodded, "Probably? You think he went over there to play model trains with her?"
Suzanne grinned wickedly. "Okay, definitely." Her gaze drifted from Xania to the view of the neighborhood as she lasciviously licked her lips. "If I know my Sweetie, he's balls deep in her ass right now and melting her brain through sheer lust." Just thinking about it sent little shivers racing up and down her spine.
"Oh, you can bet on it. He and I talked about Heather some earlier and I advised him that she needs regular vigorous buttfucking to stay more or less in line, since that seems to be her preferred hole. I'm sure that even as we speak she's bent over and screaming his name as that big telephone pole of his slides in and out of her taut bronzed butt."
Suzanne found herself feeling hot and overdressed all of a sudden. Her gaze returned to Xania and she began to mentally undress her. Xania's outfit, while conservative, still exposed some cleavage since she hadn't brought any clothes with her that didn't.
Suzanne's eyes were glued there, down Xania's creamy valley. If I can't have my Sweetie at the moment, Xania's legendary tongue, "The Snake", will certainly do in a pinch! I love the things her tongue can do to my pussy; it's almost like a little Alan Junior, stabbing in so deep! ... No. I came here for serious talk. I can't lose my willpower every five minutes like some people around here or there would be chaos.
Suzanne forced herself to look up to Xania's face. "Yes, please continue."
"So as you see, that's the reality of the Plummer household now. The frantic pace of sex may slow down, but he's still got to do his thing six times a day. You all are having a non-stop barrel of fun in your new harem lifestyle. So we don't want Susan to change back TOO much, now do we?"
"True," Suzanne replied. She found herself thinking, Heather's pretty smoking hot. I wouldn't mind taming her ass myself every now and then with a big strap-on. I'll bet I could teach her some humility! Yummy. But knowing that Xania was waiting for her to say more, she had to give herself a little shake to get Heather out of her head.
Suzanne continued, "But we've also been extremely lucky. We need to be grounded so we could deal with any disaster that might befall us. For instance, what if Alan were to go somewhere far away for a month or more? Even something relatively small like that could push the new Susan over the edge, don't you think?"
That brought Xania up short. She nodded. "Well, that would be tough, and there would be a lot of crying and gnashing of teeth. But the thing is, you all have each other, both as sexual outlets and to lean on emotionally. Sure, sometimes one or more of you can get carried away, but ultimately you're all best friends and lovers. Frankly, I envy you. I'm pretty much on my own up there in a big and heartless city."
Suzanne stepped forward and enveloped Xania in a hug. "Thanks. You ARE really good at this counseling stuff. Now can you go have a talk with Susan before you leave? I know you don't have much time before you have to head back north."
"It would be my pleasure. I was already planning on talking to her anyway about some of these same things. I may not really be a psychologist, but she thinks of me that way and I'm happy to do what I can." Xania smirked and licked her lips. "Besides, she tastes good."
Suzanne had to stifle a grin. "Thanks. And remember, the offer to join our group is always open."
Xania looked regretful. "I know that, and it does look like a better and better offer all the time. But I have to be honest, it would never work out with me. I can't open myself up to Alan because I know he could never be enough man for me, not if I have to share him with so many others, and maybe not even if I didn't have to share him. The bottom line is, as you know, I'm highly sexed and my appetite for it has only increased since college, if you can believe that. So I need a lot more flesh and blood cock than he could ever deliver, maybe more than any one man can ever give me. If I ran around with other men, which I would, that would cause no end of trouble for the group. I just can't settle down with any one guy, period. But I do look on your group and envy you all."
They continued to hug for a long time. Suzanne felt like a great weight had lifted from her shoulders.
Chapter 2Back in the Morgan house, Heather, who was bent over with Alan impaled in her behind, went rigid as she heard the sound of her father Frank knocking on her bedroom door. In her mind's eye she saw him turning the knob to her door and walking into her bedroom. She could picture his red and angry face as he discovered that his "Precious Princess" had a boy's cock buried balls deep in her ass, and in her own bedroom no less! Her anal sphincter clamped down painfully tight onto Alan's erection, her fearful crushing grip rendering it impossible for him to pull out. Paralyzed with terror at the prospect of being discovered, she couldn't think of what to do.
"Princess? You in there?" Frank asked in his booming voice.
Both Alan and Heather stared in horror at the door handle as it jiggled.
Alan, realizing that Heather had only a few seconds to answer before her father came charging in, tried to ignore how her asshole was doing its damned hardest to crush his cock to a pulp. Despite the increasing pain, he wasn't growing flaccid at all. If anything, the danger and excitement was just making him more aroused and engorged. He managed to whisper in her ear, "Tell him he can't come in. Say you're not decent!"
Willing to grab any lifeline, she yelled at the door, "You can't come in! I'm not decent!" There was no need for her to feign panic at this point. For the life of her she couldn't remember if she'd locked her door or not.
At the same time she said that, there was a rattling of the door knob. Both Alan and Heather very nearly passed out from sheer terror, but luckily that's all it was, a rattling.
Then Frank said from the other side of her bedroom door. "Oh. So that's why your door's locked. What are you doing?"
Heather turned her head to look at Alan, forgetting momentarily that she could see him perfectly well in the mirror in front of them. Her expression desperately, silently, begged him for help. The close call with the doorknob rattling had scared the wits out of her in a very literal sense. She was trembling all over in fear, despite the fact that the door was really locked.
But Alan was thinking clearly and quickly, largely motivated by the fear of Heather's big and bulky father beating the shit out of him. He whispered into her ear, "Exercising in the buff. What do you want?" He was very grateful that the bass heavy instrumental dance music was still playing, to help drown out his whispers.
Her eyelids fluttered as she pushed her ass back against him. Regardless of whatever else was happening, the danger of being discovered was a huge turn-on and she was powerfully aroused, even though she didn't want to be. She wanted to say or do something to get herself out of this mess, but all she could think about was how deliciously wicked and wonderful it felt to have her ass completely stuffed with cock.
Her entire asshole squeezed powerfully around his shaft as a form of non-verbal approval for his good suggestions. The delicious innuendo of saying something so deceptively simple to her father appealed to her tremendously, especially since it was technically true.
Sighing loudly, and with a melodramatically grumpy undertone, she said to the door, "Exercising in the buff. What do you want, daddy?"
"Oh." Obviously Heather wasn't about to open her door, and clearly her father was somehow disappointed by that. "Uh, Princess? Your mother and I got you a present for today and she wanted me to give it to you. Could you please open up?"
She groaned loudly, in lustful frustration, shuddering. She could feel a tremendous orgasm coming on and hoped her groan didn't sound as wantonly orgasmic as she felt.
"Yes Daddy, just a sec." She sighed mightily towards Alan, rolling her eyes.
Frank asked, "What's taking so long? It's taking you like a minute to answer each of my questions. Are you on some kind of slow drug or something?"
This time she sighed more convincingly. "No, Daddy. I'm finishing up my reps. I can't just stop my exercises in the middle." She had a naughty thought and added, "I'm just finishing up flexing my gluteus maximus to the max, okay? I'll be done in a minute."
"Well, hurry up. I don't have all day."
Heather should have taken the opportunity to get herself together. She at the very least should have thrown some clothes on while letting Alan find a good hiding place. But she was so aroused that she couldn't resist doing exactly what she said, and flex her gluteus maximus, the muscles in her ass cheeks. She squeezed and released, over and over, trying to get Alan to cum right away.
As she flexed and squeezed, her butt repeatedly crushed Alan's trapped erection, but she wasn't as tense as before so he felt a lot more pleasure than pain.
He urgently whispered, "What are you doing?! Stop and let me out! We have to do something!" But at the same time, as her ass relaxed and his cock started to have some freedom of movement, age old natural rhythms and instincts took over. He found himself thrusting in and out with the inch or two of mobility that she allowed him, rather than withdrawing completely. It just felt too good to do anything else.
At the same time, he was so frightened that he was on the verge of passing out. If he could have made his penis go flaccid he could have pulled it out easily, but the problem was that he was simply too aroused. Even thoughts of a naked Henry Kissinger eating fried chicken didn't do the trick as usual. After only two or three thrusts he regained enough sense to at least try to pull out once and for all, but her ass was just too tight. He only ended up thrusting back and forth even more than before.
She misinterpreted what he was doing. Despite his clear words, she didn't think he was trying to pull out; she thought he was taking advantage of the situation to give her an even better fucking than before. She thought, Oh God! What a stud! He doesn't care about the danger. In fact, he thrives on it! How can I resist?! He's all man!
She was so overcome with this that she let out a yell, forgetting the danger. Luckily, it was a wordless cry, but it was loud enough to be heard over the music and through the door.
"Princess! What was that?" Frank rattled the doorknob some more, though to no effect.
That finally snapped Heather out of it. She struggled to pull herself together enough to yell at the door, "I just stubbed my toe. I'm coming!"
Alan figured that at this point she'd make an effort to relax so he could pull out and he could hide. He looked around for possible hiding places. He considered her bathroom. That seemed a lot better than the closet, since the closet doors were closed and opening them to close them again might sound suspicious, even over the music on the stereo.
But unfortunately for Alan's peace of mind, Heather remembered that "coming" has two meanings. She imagined that she'd been yelling "I'm cumming!" to her father and that got her so aroused that she really did start to climax.
Alan could feel her ass trembling like an earthquake was hitting it, and realized that she was getting off. He whispered forcefully and urgently, "NO! Not now! Do something useful!"
With great determination, she managed to damp down her orgasm before it really got going. It was a good thing, too, because she was so unbelievably aroused that she was liable to scream like a banshee if her control slipped even a little bit more. However, being ordered not to cum in and of itself was a big turn-on for her. In fact, just about anything Alan did or said at this point was going to be a turn-on for her, because she was that far gone.
All these events were happening quickly. (While there had been long pauses, Frank had been exaggerating when he'd said that it took her a minute to respond.) But this time it had been over a minute since Heather had said that she needed to finish her exercise repetitions, and that was far too long. She finally decided to do something about her dad.
Looking at Heather's face through the mirror, Alan saw a steely look of fierce determination take light in her eyes. The powerful vise-grip of her asshole on his cock, rather than slackening, actually increased. Alan felt his eyes starting to cross from the crushing pressure Heather was now, deliberately, exerting on him (of that he had no doubt). She then reached back with both hands to grasp his hands where they hung limply at his sides and, imperiously, settled one of his hands on her muscular ass cheek and the other she drew forward to cup and knead her breast on that side.
The look in Heather's face convinced Alan that she'd made her decision already. She wasn't going to let him "out" while she faced her father, which also meant she had no intention of putting any clothes on.
As quickly as that, she'd turned the tables on him. Now she was the one calling the shots and he was the one along for the ride, not vice-versa.
Alan was concerned, but he figured it was a little better that at least she was finally doing something about her dad and not just making him fuck her ass some more while her father waited impatiently. That was madness.
Clutching Alan's hands to her intimate flesh, and still deeply impaled on his throbbing manhood, Heather locked eyes with him through the mirror and jerked her chin towards the door.
Alan's eyes widened with comprehension, and when he nodded, the two of them started carefully shuffling sideways, in unison, towards the bedroom door together.
When they got right in front of the door, Heather snuggled her ass back against Alan, making sure she securely had him deep inside her mighty anal grip. She then tightened her buttocks and spread her thighs a little wider for him to ensure he wasn't going anywhere. She let go of his hand that she'd been keeping pressed onto her ass cheek and reached out to unlock the door. Her other hand kept his other hand pressed into and gently kneading her cupped breast.
Because they were both so close behind the door when Heather opened it, she could only open it up less than a foot before the wood would be pressed against her front. Standing upright on one leg, she leaned sideways at the hip until just her head, neck, and a part of one bare shoulder could be seen through the slightly opened doorway, but the edge of the door demurely hid the rest of her nudity (and Alan) from her father's sight. She hooked her other leg up and back around Alan to help steady herself.
If Alan had ever had any doubts about Heather's general level of fitness and athleticism, this one little move put a lot of those questions to rest. He also realized that although where she'd placed his hands on her body was intimately sexual, they were also in almost (but not quite) perfect places to "spot" her for the pose she was now in, leaning over to look out the door. As crazy as it was, she knew what she was doing and just how to do it.
"Finally!" Frank complained as he saw the door open a crack.
But Heather was in her element, now that she'd recovered from the shock, and she went on the offensive. "What?!" she rudely barked. "You know how much I hate to be interrupted when I'm exercising."
Frank looked down at the fuming face of his wild child daughter. (At least, he assumed that she was fuming, although the red flush on her face was actually due to something else.)
Frank was a military man and very straight-laced. He had no incestuous feelings toward Heather; he would have been repulsed and appalled by the very idea. On the other hand, he was a red-blooded heterosexual male with a healthy sex drive who certainly admired a gorgeous curvy female, even when she happened to be his daughter. He felt his erection growing, not so much by what he could see as by what he imagined lay on the other side of the door. (Little did he know just what a sight that would be, with Heather still rhythmically flexing her strong ass muscles around Alan's pulsing rod.)
He also was aroused by Heather's disheveled, uncombed, and unbound hair. He was struck by how similar a woman who had just been exercising looked to a woman who had just had sex. (Again, little did he know.) But remembering that this wasn't just any young hottie, but instead his own daughter, he forced himself to do the gentlemanly thing and look away.
"Easy there, girl, easy." Frank chuckled. He was very accustomed to his daughter's imperious moods and they had less effect on him than just about anyone else. After all, he was a veteran in frequently dealing with similar moods when it came to his feisty wife Helen. He said jovially, "I just wanted to give you a little present from your mother and me, especially since we both now think you're old enough." He reached out with a small box.
Heather impatiently reached out to grab at the box. She had to adjust to let go of the door handle and grip it with her other hand so she didn't fall over.
Frank had no doubt she could make the adjustment, but it was still fun to see her wobble ever so slightly as she shifted before stretching her arm out through the open doorway for her present. Of course he had no idea that the main thing keeping her upright was the throbbing dick deep in her butt and a pair of hands desperately clutching at her chest and ass.
Alan had been doing his best to stay still, quiet, and calm. He thanked his lucky stars for the throbbing bass music, because it seemed to him that the squishy noises coming from Heather's ass could be heard a mile away. The last thing he wanted to do was encourage her insanely dangerous behavior by thrusting in and out, so he didn't. But he sure as hell wanted to pound her into the door with his dangerously aroused dick, and then keep fucking her until she begged for mercy, and then fuck her even harder after that.
Frank pulled the box back just as she was about to reach it. He wasn't going to let her jerk him around and bitch.
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Things started moving fast between Christmas and New Year. Fed Ex had started delivering daily bundles of information from the auditors about the Mid Atlantic car rental acquisition. UPS started delivering crates of office equipment for Jeanna's office and for our new offices. With the gym having a commercial address freight was cheaper to have everything shipped there than to a residential address. Lorrie, Marcy and Ching Lee were running back and forth to get everything set up at...
A full shot of adrenaline makes me horny as hell. It must work that way for other people as well, because when we got home Red and I went into the bedroom. He even locked Mike and Gwen out. When I looked at him questioningly her said, "Unless they want to join in, fuck em." At that point he pulled me to him. We both smelled of beer and cigarette smoke. Neither of us smoke, but it looked as though we were the only ones in Georgia who didn't. The smell was disgusting, but I didn't give a...
One and one-half seconds later, the place went bat-shit. Mom very carefully curtseyed, then I did as well. We hugged really emotionally for just the right amount of time. She waved and left the stage. Time for some non-country music, which my Society knew I would call on the fly. I went back to my keyboard helping up Cathy, giving her a peck on the cheek and sat down. My inventory was running through my head, then it came to me. I called James, Johnny, Richard, John and Steve up on stage as...
A man is driving down the road and breaks down near a monastery... He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, "My car broke down. Do you think I could stay the night?" The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, and even fix his car. As the man tries to fall asleep, he hears a strange sound; a sound like no other that he has ever heard. The next morning, he asks the monks what the sound was, but they say, "We can't tell you because you're not a monk." The man is...
Dear Brianna, Hi, it's your friend Lily. At least I hope I can call you my friend. Although with all that I dumped on you about my life in my last letter I'm concerned that you might not want to receive another letter from me. With that in mind I want to say that I will do my best not to revisit the dark side of my life with you. Instead I'll try to focus more on the wonderful things that have happened to me since I joined the family of Master Will, and Mistress Marissa. One of those is...
HOSPITAL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. EARLY FRIDAY MORNING The assassin strolled out of the alley. Turning toward the hospital, he kept to side streets as much as he could. He worried that one of the people going to work at the hospital might stop and offer him a ride, if he stayed on the main thoroughfare. The chance was slim, but still there. I don't want anyone to wonder about me, or after the hit wonder about the guy they just gave a ride to, he mused to himself. The Ghost needs to remain just...
It was while the group was milling around after the meeting that Adam remembered something he had wanted to ask people for a few days. "Do any of you guys know Sadie Strutt?" he asked. Adam got blank stares from some of the people and head shakes from the rest. "I think Katey has worked with her," Leslie said. "I'm sure Veronica has. Why?" "I have a class with her," Adam told them. "She walked with me to the library Wednesday. I had things scheduled on Thursday and Friday, and...
The worst of all possible things happened to Laura. The same night after her afternoon with Karen, as she was nursing her bruises and ravished pussy and burning nipples, Trina phoned her. "Hi, Laura," Trina said brightly, a tone of voice Laura hadn't heard from her in weeks. "It's me. Trina. I been missing you. Had to talk to you, hope you don't mind." Oh god! Laura thought, feeling her heart flutter. What's happening here? "Of course I don't mind," she said. "How could I...
We celebrated Melanie’s birthday on July twelfth with the news that Sly and Lily had officially adopted her and Stephanie. Both girls loved their new parents and had settled into a stable life in the village, even though Melanie had done two bit parts in movies and Sly had accompanied her on location as her bodyguard. I think Sly was happy to be where he could actively protect her. When I talked to Sly about what he had done as a profession before he retired, he just said he was a security...
"Where the hell did this shit come from?" McMullen raged to Harper. "How the hell did the L.A. Times come up with this stuff?" "Hell, I don't know," Harper said, looking at the front page again. The headline read, "SCAM OF THE EARTH". "There's supposed to be nobody that knows some of that but you and me!" McMullen said, even more pissed. "I haven't talked to this Bairnsfether character. It must have been you." "I didn't say anything," Harper said. "Dale, I've got just...
“We are certain it is Oonagh?” Mage Cixi asked. “Her Daoine Sidhe, yes. There are also signs of civilians amongst the footprints we tracked to a portal,” Mage Adelaide replied. “A lot of tracks,” Mage Natsuko, her second-in-command, confirmed. “Over one hundred separate prints, possibly more.” “Worrying,” Cixi admitted. “We had a ready team there in minutes, but they clearly expected that,” Adelaide replied. “I wasn’t faulting you or your people, Adelaide,” Cixi stated. “Merely saying...
Calara stepped out of the armour-equipping frame in the Dojo’s armoury and hurried into the corridor, breaking into a jog as she headed for the grav-tube. She’d heard a brief summary of the disastrous confrontation with John’s guide from Alyssa, but after discovering that her girlfriend had been injured, all she wanted to do was rush to her side. She leapt out of the blue anti-gravity field on Deck Two and caught up to Rachel, Sakura, and Alyssa in the corridor, the blonde being supported by...
An accused bank robber was tried for his crime and was found guilty. Just prior to being taken away, he looked the judge in the eye and asked, “Would it be okay if I call you a son of a b ... ch?” The judge’s face reddened as he bellowed, “It most certainly would not! I would add more time to your sentence.” Nodding, the defendant said, “What if I THOUGHT it?, Would that be okay?” Although annoyed, the judge restrained himself and calmly replied, “Yes, I suppose that would be okay....
I probably should go back to making jewelry between jobs. With winter coming on, we weren't going to be prospecting. We might squeeze in one more trip before next spring, I thought. We did have a few more weeks of good weather, so I planned to fly every day till the weather went to shit. Since it was well after lunch Wilson and I went fishing, when we got back to the barge. "You know maybe I'm wrong about the dam," Wilson said. "So what, I am wrong a heck of a lot more than I'm...
When the four new comers to Ulm, Germany, stepped out of their hotel on the banks of the Danube River they had no idea where they were going and they had no idea what to expect. They had not had any time to study this German town before leaving home or to prepare any sort of itinerary because they knew they were not really here as proper tourists. They were here to see Carrie Pearson and her family and all else was secondary to that. They were going up to see the girl at the cancer clinic...
“David I don’t believe in destiny, but I’m sure that we were meant to meet,” Trudy said as she slowly slid off my piss hard-on when we woke up in the morning. “You are a really great friend David. I knew you would do everything I asked of you without complaint or demands anyone else would have made. In a strange way you feel like a brother to me. I never expected that at all when you dropped down in the seat next to me on the bus for our first day of high school together.” A hand reached...
Flashback – Masha and Louise – Furniture shopping Yes, I should have known better. We arrived at the furniture store, walked inside and the women in the store began to recognize me. I know because they pointed at me and began to whisper to their friends. I am thankful that this time they didn’t come up to me or cheer and clap like the women at the fast food place. Unfortunately Louise noticed and said, “Auntie Masha they recognize you here too.” I frowned and replied, “Yes, unfortunately...
‘‘What kind of emergency?’’ I asked. ‘‘The President was found in the study unconscious and unresponsive, they are trying to revive him. It doesn’t look good,” the agent said. He was interrupted by another agent, ‘‘Washington wants to know if there is a judge close by if we need one?’’ the second agent asked. ‘‘Yes, former Maryland Supreme Court Judge Tony Slaughter. He is retired but still on the docket rotation for special cases,’’ I said. I gave them the judges unlisted phone number,...
“You could never underestimate an audience. They had paid to get in; they had paid for drinks; they intended to get something and if you didn’t give it to them, they’d run you right into the ocean.” —Charles Bukowski, Women 24 AUGUST 2020 I came back from Chicago with lots to think about. It’s completely possible to manipulate the NSAT to get placement where you want. The old man in me always suspected there was some way people rigged the results of the tests to get what they want...
I didn't do my cleanup in the gym. Going to school was something I wanted to do; I would have felt I was taking advantage if I didn't. Coach was aware of today being Jill's birthday and I had no qualms in not swinging a mop over the gym floor. And if he didn't want to pay for this week, that was fine. After all, I hadn't done anything to earn any money. When I got home, Mom's Lexus was in the driveway but I didn't see Wanda's car. I opened the door to let Bozo out. Wanda and Jill...
Winter 1994-1995 Now that we were the majority, everybody got to play musical chairs with the various committee assignments. Science, Space, and Technology was interesting, and I thought I did well there with the Internet bill. Likewise, Veterans Affairs gave me the place to do the Gulf War Veterans Bill, and that was both timely and useful. Still, both were backwaters as far as anything useful was concerned. Science would do all sorts of wonderful things, like hold hearings on the NASA...
Melinda arrived back at the house while I was in the middle of my two o’clock exercises. She popped into the room, waved a big bag at me, smiled and departed. Ciera gave me a questioning look but I ignored her. The last thing I wanted to do was get into my personal situation with someone as young as Ciera Goodman. Besides, I had to focus on my exercises. “Very good,” Ciera told me with a nod. “Maybe we should try to have our sessions somewhere with fewer distractions. You seem really...
“Sierra? Love?” Alistair’s voice, faint but audible, drifted in from outside the library where I’d been loitering all afternoon. I stopped and stepped to the door, poking my head out to see my husband and brother come around a corner next to the library. “Here! I’m just looking at some books, and talking to...” I turned back to the elf, whose face looked slightly flushed for some reason. “I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.” The elf opened his mouth to reply, just as Aedan gasped and...
Turning to regard the new speaker even as the others, Tenchi felt something in the location he normally associated as his brain simply freeze. In his twenty-one years he'd done and believed he had 'seen', many a great thing. Some of which could even be termed 'miraculous' Perhaps even godly. This however was the first time he could specifically remember seeing someone who actually looked ... Well, like one always expected an alien to look. She was blue! His mind instantly shooting...
Besides a love for porn, there are a few other things my readers share in common. First off, most of you live in a room in your parent's basement for zero rent. You have no employment, no aspirations, and no opportunities for advancement.The UnfuckablesSecond, you all love the shit out of video games. They help you to forget just how useless and fucked up you are. I mean, look at you. You're surrounded by crusty cum incrusted Kleenex and the detritus from a thousand pizza boxes.None of you have...
Twitter Porn AccountsJeana lies down on her bed flustered while scrolling through her Instagram feed, trying to get her mind of her coming week. Thanks to her loving mother, Jeana now was forced to babysit a little twerp named David; for an entire fortnight. Jeana scrolls from picture to picture looking at all the fun she could be having over Her summer holiday. Not to mention that she had spent the last few months going to the gym, enduring the constant stares from the 'chads' who roam the gym like they own it; at...
FetishHi my name is Sasha Hillenburg. I am 6'4" have brown hair, and eyes to match. This is the story of the time I almodt turned my friend into a baby. It all started on a Saturday night she came over and I asked " want to make a bet?" of course she said yes. " loser does what the other says for the rest of there lives." again she said yes. So the deal was that we had to play truth or dare and do the nastiest things ever. I won. I am married and I can not have a baby so I decided she would be mine....
Erotic Fiction.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Sixes and SevensChapter 16Copyright© 2018 by Always Raining
Bobby Becomes Pussy, the Babysitter Part I By Tammie Latte "Bobby, how would you like a job working as a babysitter for a week or two?" my mom asked as I entered the kitchen wondering what kind of cereal I was going to have for breakfast. "Aunt Julie has a friend who has to go away unexpectedly on business and needs someone reliable to watch her little boy until she returns. It pays big bucks and Aunt Julie is willing to help out whenever she can. The job is yours if you want...
Time: July 4, 8244 4:00 PM At sunset I broke up my meeting with my council and wandered into another communications room which was in contact with the civilian section of Babylon. I moment later I was addressing a CL-2 militia Priest who was near Babylon's primary train terminal. It clearly looked as if he wanted to kneel before me, but current law discouraged that. He called me by my name instead and stood there trembling. "Name?" I asked, trying to look friendly. "Nusrat, oh Servant...
Alan went upstairs to get his sister. That naturally led to another attention-getting session in her bedroom. Katherine was much less reserved. As soon as he'd walked into her room, she'd noticed a big wet spot on his shorts and a long stiff hard-on straining against it. When he started to kiss her, she pulled his shorts way down and got busy stroking. Between their kisses she purred, "Oh, Brother! I can feel from your slickness that Mommy has been working on you. But you're not...
*All participants are willing and over the age of 18. This is a fantasy story, if it offends you please do not read. As always, feel free to leave feedback* * Daddy awoke this morning to an empty bed, which was something that didn’t normally happen in this house. Babygirl loved being in bed with Daddy and usually took full advantage of staying there as long as possible with him. This morning was different though. She had woken up before him and snuck out to the kitchen to prepare him...
“Hey babygirl… it’s time to go for a ride.” “Oooo Daddy! I love riding with you. Where we going?” “Daddy’s taking you to a breeding party.” “A breeding party? Sounds exciting, what is it?” “Just like it sounds, babygirl… Daddy’s taking you to get you thoroughly bred by lots of stranger daddy cocks!” “Oh Daddy… you have all the best ideas!” “Of course, babygirl… now put on that thin little short dress real quick and your fuck me shoes before Daddy gives you a spanking…” So babygirl puts on her...
Chapter 1 It was Friday evening at long last. As I shut the back door, I was relishing the prospect of the weekend ahead. Tonight, out with my friends to the pub followed by a take-away. A lie-in Saturday morning, just getting up for lunch time opening, then off to the football match. Saturday night would see me out clubbing, and Sunday? I'd wait to see what delights Saturday night brought. Mum had my tea ready for me. As the door closed she walked across to the cooker, put on...
After patiently waiting for what seemed like way too long. The moment was finally minutes away! They where both nervous yet confident about the evening ahead of them. Tre had made the plans for the evening. he hoped at 5'8 200 pounds with black hair kept shaved close. Tre was wearing a very nice shirt and tie looking his best in hopes of impressing the woman of his dreams. Babygirl was perfect combination of wonderful and sexy. She is 5'2 with the perfect body in her dates eyes! She is a BBW...
The Whore of Babylon By Cassandra Morgan My mother is a whore. Go on. Roll the word over your tongue. Feel how crass it is. How vulgar. It is a word filled with spite, with judgment, filled with scorn. It is a dirty word about what most consider to be a dirty business. It is a brand that identifies her among all other descriptions. Still, that's who she is. She's a hooker. A lady of the night. A working girl. Think of her as you will. Think of me, her child, as you will. She's...
I figured it was time to do a story of my own, something simple and cute. As always I hope you enjoy & please leave comments, Enjoy Ours A Daddy & Babygirl story By Auora ————————- Oww I cry out as I bend over and grab the counter top. Daddy comes rushing into the kitchen Whats wrong babygirl? My tummy hurts daddy I tell daddy. Its okay babygirl come here as daddy take me and get me to sit on the bar stool.Babygirl were is the baby? As daddy feels around on my tummy. I just laugh for a...
Daddy was at work, and sweet babygirl was doing some errands on her day off. As she drove to the grocery store, she reflected on something Daddy had told her several times over the past few months during playtime; “Sweetie, you know that I love and trust you absolutely. We’ve played with others in various threesome and same-room scenes, and we’ve both really enjoyed how it enhanced our own playtime. If you encounter a situation where you meet someone while on your own and you really want to...
An einem herrlichen Tag inmitten des Sommers , wachte ich auf.Streckte und reckte mich sitzend auf meiner Spielwiese.Auf der ich immer alleine einschlief , seitdem mich Maria verlassen hatte.Eine viel zu Eifersüchtige Frau , die sogar im hohen Alter ihre unsicherheiten nicht im Griff hatte.Ehrlich gesagt , fand ich ihren Körper wirklich extrem sexy für ihr Alter.Es machte mir nichts aus , das Sie ein paar Kilos zuviel hatte.Es war alles gut verteilt , wenn ihr wisst was ich meine (LOL).Deswegen...
—This is my first attempt at having a work of fiction read by others. Constructive criticism is encouraged, or you can tell me it sucks. So long as it is done in a cordial manner, all comments are welcome.— * Before it happened, I could have been labeled as ‘average.’ However, more specifically, I was a dreamer, a video game aficionado, and a kid who wished his life was more than it was. By the time I was 16, this disdain for the normalcy of my life led me to kendo, karate, studies of ancient...
The Young BabysittersA year after our first 4 couple orgy, (See 4 Couple Fun) all four wives had their babies. Since the eight of us had become open in our group relationship, it was common to see one or all of the new moms breastfeeding when we got together every week. Generally at our now every other week gathering on a Friday night, we each hired a babysitter to take care of the babies. Our babysitter was fifteen year old Alex, short for Alexandria. She was a cute girl with shoulder length...
In reality, I'm a grown married woman who goes by the nickname, Babygirl. I have had some incestuous encounters with her real dad when I was a teenager. The whole experience taught me that sex is fun and exciting as daddy was never mean to me. He is now deceased. Oh how I have longed to become friends with an older man, one who can step in and play the roll of my daddy. So I went searching online and found one, I will not give you his real name, I will just refer to him as, "Daddy." Daddy...
The mood at Friday morning's breakfast was extremely tense. When Susan woke up, she'd vowed to herself that she would let Katherine do all the pleasuring of Alan before school, since her appointment with Xania the therapist was in a matter of hours. She'd made the same pledge the day before though, and only had mixed success in following through on it. Both Susan and Alan were aware that Katherine felt she wasn't getting enough attention from Alan lately, and the constantly horny...
Blowing CometComet, my 5 year old golden retreiver, and I have been playing for a coupleof years now. But until recently I've never been able to get him to mountmy mouth. It finally worked.We usually start out playing around on the floor with each other. I'll gethim a bit excited, then reach under him and rub his sheath. As soon as myhand makes contact he stops and stands perfectly still. He knows what iscoming.I'll stroke his cock a few minutes till it starts peeking out. Then...
Comet Quetzalcoatl—technically Comet C-2014/UN271, but called Comet Q because of some inane conspiracy theory connecting it to the gods of the Aztec calendar—curled across half the sky, visible even in the daytime, looking to Lena like the arched eyebrow of a disapproving parent.Surely the end of the world was at hand.It meant nothing of course; the comet was just another dead space rock from the Oort Cloud, unfortunate enough to be visiting Earth’s neighborhood at a time when science was...
ExhibitionismWith my face buried in the pillow, muffling my voice as I scream, “I… ‘mmm… ccuuummmmiiinngg… Aaaahhhh.” A shattering shutter racks my body as I gush out my slightly viscous nectar into the fluffy towel waiting beneath me. Since the first time I came in my bed and had everyone except my sister, who knew the truth, thinking I had accidentally wet my bed in my sleep, a towel has been a part of my bedding. Like an earthquake with after shocks, the powerful orgasm gave way to ever...
It’s 3am and babygirl is asleep in her bedroom… her k**s and m***y asleep in their rooms. Daddy is awake and horny so he drives over to babygirl’s house and quietly walks over to her window… pushes the window up. Babygirl wakes up and wide-eyed looks at daddy with surprise… she whispers “No Daddy! You can’t come in! What if you wake the b**s?” Daddy just smiles and says “Well, baby… you just better be quiet!” as he climbs in the window. Baby is a good little girl and is nakk** so when daddy...
Fulfilling my babys fantacyYou and I have been having trouble letting each other know what our fantasy's are.You finally told me about your transsexual interests thinking that I would think your weird.But was happily surprised that I fully supported you.We had been chatting with fairdesire for a few months and I wanted soo badly for you to fulfill your fantasy.I seen several raffles for to win trips over seas and bought several.I WON THREE !!!!!Oh my goodness, I had a hard time keeping my mouth...
Fulfilling my babys fantasy You and I have been having trouble letting each other know what our fantasy are. You finally told me about your transsexual interests thinking that I would think your weird. But was happily surprised that I fully supported you. We had been chatting with fairdesire for a few months and I wanted so badly for you to fulfill your fantasy. I seen several raffles for to win trips over seas and bought several. I WON THREE !!!!! Oh my goodness, I had a hard time...