Sally And DukeChapter 3 free porn video

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The expected entry did not come immediately, however, and Sally lifted her head to look down over her quivering breasts and see John Blodgett's massive bulk crouched over her. He was sliding backward, crab-like, over her naked body until his head was positioned over her widespread thighs and with sudden horror it dawned on the girl what he had in mind. She cringed in terror.

"Oh no... please, I can't... I never have!" she pleaded, with her husband's employer, her horrified grey eyes fixed on his head that was dropping lower and lower as his big hands spread the white inner sides of her thighs yet further open. "Oh, my God... not like that, not like that..." she moaned.

Blodgett's breath came in excited pants that stirred the sparse, light brown pubic hair which fringed the narrow cuntal slit, pink and wet with the moisture of the innocent young bride's unwanted arousal. Her disgrace complete, she lay as if transfixed, her eyes still mutely begging him not to commit this unnatural act upon her defenseless body. With a decisive, unhurried movement he pulled apart the two fleshy cunt lips that guarded the inner sanctum of her femininity, and feasted his lusting eyes on the coral pink pussy flesh.

Sally felt the warm expulsion of his breath waft over her secret, sensitive vagina and she gasped as, her head still raised, she saw his long tongue emerge from his mouth and then, seconds later, felt its hotly electric contact against her cringing young pussy.

Her stomach jumped and her whole body jerked in disbelief as his strong, pressing tongue forced its way up into the quivering channel of her openly defenseless cunt. Faster and faster, the tormenting instrument of her debasement slid in and out of her unwilling pussy that was automatically dilating to receive the invading tongue despite her horror at the outrage he was committing on her innocent body.

"Uuuuggghhh... no... my God!" she moaned in utter humiliation as she continued to watch her unnatural ravishment by his bestial mouth. This could not, simply must not, be happening! It was some nightmare, she thought, as his long wet tongue slithered furiously up into her moist, velvety cuntal slit. "Stop it, John, God, I can't stand it... please, stop?" she entreated him, choking with shame as she perceived with even further horror that unwelcome quivers of lewd enjoyment were beginning to radiate through her subjugated body from his depraved assault on her warmly throbbing cunt.

His hands suddenly slid under her firm buttocks that were desperately grinding into the cushions of the couch in a useless effort to escape the obscene ravishment he was inflicting upon her. With his big fingers spread wide, he cupped and squeezed her tender flesh, separating the twin ass cheeks almost brutally while with his mouth and tongue he continued to lick obscenely at the gaping pink split between her legs with lewd wet smacking sounds. She saw that he was looking expectantly at her tear streaked face and knew that he was watching for her reaction and complete surrender to his animal like conquest of her proud, moral nature. That he would not get, she was determined; although in her trapped position she was forced to accept his abuse, he could not control her mind! Oh, Ray, darling, I'm doing it for you... but I pray that this won't change everything between us... I never thought it would be like this, or that John Blodgett would be such a sadistic beast as to degrade me in this humiliating way... God, what was happening to her was already beyond the wildest fears of her imagination... yet there was nothing to do but lie there while he sucked with insane fervor at her traitorously acquiescing vagina and try to keep her suddenly treacherous, unfamiliar body from responding to the unexpected blissful excitement he was awakening in her.

Her husband had once hinted he would like to have sex with her in this depraved way, but she had immediately rejected his tentative suggestion as beyond the limits of decency, marital or otherwise. She had not known it would feel like this... how could she?

As he labored over her, unceasingly thrusting his tireless tongue far up into her warmly pulsating vagina, John Blodgett gloated over the successful outcome of his conquest. What a fabulous piece she was! Even tear streaked and contorted, her face was still pretty and as for her supple, youthful body, it was a thing of beauty that he was going to get a real kick out of fucking. For all her chilliness, there was a hot streak in her just waiting to be uncovered and stimulated into raw passion. Ruthlessly, his lips explored the moistened folds of her clinging vaginal lips until they settled on the tiny erect bud of her clitoris. Sally gasped in shocked pleasure as he enclosed the throbbing little sensation center with his teeth and laved his hungry tongue over it in circles until she cried out with involuntary wild happiness and thrashed her hips from side to side in uncontrollable lewd excitement. Finally, he let his tongue slide downward again, into the seething wet crevice of her vagina. He fucked her orally, thrusting his thick hot tongue up into the widely dilated slit while she whimpered and mewled in cadence with his lewd swirling movements around the inner walls of the soft, hair-fringed cuntal lips.

Her bursting groans of pleasure filled the living room and the big German Shepherd sat alertly watching the obscene movements of the naked pair on the couch. As Blodgett thrust ever deeper into the velvety warm depths between the young housewife's legs, he saw Sally's small hands twisting in their desperate struggle and then abruptly give in and move toward him involuntarily until her fingers locked in his thick hair and pulled him further and further into her greedily clasping pussy.

He had her now! She was hopelessly entrapped by her own awakened and unfulfilled desires... ready to be taken by him in any way he wanted to do it.

Sally, too, knew that her body was no longer responding to the dictates of her outraged mind but was on an uncharted course of its own... God, what could she do... nothing! Her buttocks were jerking rhythmically with the thrusts of John's tongue as he sent spasms of erotic sensation such as she had never dreamed existed through her love hungry body. Suddenly, without warning, his tongue darted downward toward the forbidden, puckered little hole of her anus. She gasped with shock... but the gasp trailed into a rapturous moan of surprised bliss at the maddening contact of his pleasure giving tongue against the sensitive, secret opening. She wriggled ecstatically in the grip of sensual emotion that traveled headlong through her entire being.

"Oh don't," she protested, "not that... my God... don't," but her hips rotated automatically with the effort to force her agonized rectum up against the hard thrusting tongue.

Laughing to himself, he continued his demoralizing assault on the tight little hole of her anus as she thrashed under him in utter degradation, unable to control the involuntary quivers of her buttocks as the delicious but unwelcome pleasure rippled wildly through her.

"Dear God... please, John..." she groaned, raising her head to plead with her sodomizer as he labored up between her cruelly stretched thighs, "Please stop!" she begged him, realizing with horror that she had completely lost control of herself and was at his mercy, a mere object to be humiliated and further disgraced... ruined. But it was useless to appeal; he licked insanely on and on at her gaping wet loins until the unbelievable pleasure had reduced the young bride to a state of raw, pulsating passion that was beyond the bounds of any reason or thought of right or wrong. She knew, dimly, that she was committing adultery... but she could no longer fight the lover who was giving her an intense physical rapture that she had never before felt or even dreamed could exist in this world.

"Oooooh... ooooh, John... it feels so good!" The shameful admission burst from her tortured lips before she could choke it back. "It feels so good... oh, my God... more... more!" she begged him, thrusting her hips upward while her fingers again twisted in his hair and she pulled his head even closer to the openly throbbing slit of her vagina. She was wild with excitement and the insane desire for more of this incredibly enchanting sensation.

John Blodgett grinned sadistically as he plunged his lizard like tongue into the seething depths of her cunt while she pushed hard up against his face in total subjugation to his will. Her soft brownish pussy hair grazed his cheeks as her buttocks rolled in rhythmic spasms of carnal joy and her passion distorted features revealed how completely he had broken down her pride and self-respect. Christ, he was going to get a kick out of this... screwing the hell out of her pliant young body. He was going to ram his rock hard cock all the way into that hot, wriggling little belly and shoot her full of sperm until she yelled her head off. God damn, it was going to be good!

Sally thought she would go stark raving mad with delight from his wildly licking tongue that was sending ever widening circles of eroticism through her naked belly and loins. Breathlessly, she looked down at his head held in her little hands as she pulled the hot lash of his strong tongue deeper inside her and it swirled around the clasping walls of her desire soaked vagina. It felt so wonderful she hoped it would never, never stop... but, it was stopping... he was withdrawing the instrument of her pleasure from her... she looked up at him, suddenly aware again of the humiliation of her position and the way he had debased her.

"You're nice and hot now, honey," he chuckled huskily, "all ready to be fucked... oh, you're never going to forget this, little girl... I'm going to fuck you til you can't walk."

The helpless wife lay on the couch paralyzed, her knees raised and her seething pussy spread unceremoniously wide open to him, her heaving breasts quivering with suddenly raised goosebumps as she stared at the rigidly erect cock extending from his loins like a massive club. It seemed to swell to even greater dimensions as she gaped at it in horrified disbelief.

"No, please..." she shuddered, yet felt tingles of unwanted excitement in her loins as he moved deliberately up over her and bent his head over her breasts, seizing a nipple between his teeth and nipping the hard little bud painfully so that she groaned with the sudden hurt that at the same time caused further fluttering tremors of delight in her churning belly.

"All right, Sally," he hissed at her. "Now I'm going to fuck you until you beg me for it. Take my cock and put it right in that hot, tight little cunt of yours," he ordered.

Sally winced at the impact of the obscene words. Fuck... cock... God, she could not help but be excited against her will by the very startling sound of such coarse terms... but she must not let herself be excited in this salacious way. If she could no longer control her body, she had to at least keep this lecher from subjugating her mind and thoughts. Dear God, everything was lost if she...

"Come on," he snapped impatiently, "I said take my cock and put it up in your cunt." His eyes were inflamed with unholy lust as he gloated down at the innocent young girl.

"Oh, John... don't ask me... no, I can't," she sobbed in her humiliation, yet moved her unwilling hand down until it was only inches from the monstrous penis. Tears ran down her lovely, contorted face and she shook her head in shame and fear.

"You dumb little cunt!" he snarled. "Do what I tell you, bitch, put it in!"

"Oh, my God..." she moaned, touching his throbbing cock and then enclosing its bulk in her little hand... God, it was big... bigger even than it had looked... warm and rigid in her fingers.

Blodgett began to lower his hips while Sally spread her legs even wider apart and slowly drew the heavy shaft toward the tiny, wet hole of her vagina. With the smooth, thick head she penetrated the cringing folds of her pussy, her heart pounding with both dread and anticipation. She shivered at the first touch of the rubbery, bulbous tip against the sensitive edges of her moistened vagina. She hesitated, unable to go on, and he shoved his hips forward causing an instant, sharp pain as the hard member strained against the tight entrance of her vaginal channel.

"Aaaaaghhh," she groaned and he pushed harder, forcing the ponderous tip through the elastic opening and cruelly stretching her tender cuntal flesh. The pain was unbearable! "Aaaaggghhh, God, it's too big! Please, you're tearing me... please, God!" she choked and screamed at him to stop, but he only grinned with sadistic, evil pleasure at the discomfort he was inflicting on her and deliberately continued his slow, torturing entry into her, unwilling pussy.

"Ooooohh, oh God," Sally wailed as the lust thickened cudgel slipped up into her, inch by agonizing inch. Then, suddenly overcome by his mounting desire, the insensitive businessman tired of watching her cringing body trying to take his oversized penis, and he pushed forward with one brutal stroke, ramming his long, swollen cock up into her unstretched passage with pile driving force.

"Aggggghhhh!" Sally screamed as the blood engorged tip forced aside the tightly clinging walls of her pussy and raced unendingly up into her covering belly until his hairy, sperm filled balls struck her rounded, tight clenched buttocks with a dull obscene sounding smack.

"Ooooh, God... !" she groaned. He had torn her apart, she was sure, and she dared not move for fear of further injury to her aching vagina. She was full... her whole belly full with his cock... she could feel it all the way up inside her to her womb.

Grimacing with satisfaction, he lay heavily on her for a moment, breathing hard, then he moved his cock forward deep inside her yet another fraction of an inch, bringing a tortured gasp from her lips. He did it again and again, enjoying her shamed, agonized groans until they began to change, unmistakably, to whimpers of a more sensual nature. Her passage had gradually adjusted itself to the unnatural size of his blood hardened cock and as he rocked back and forth over her, forcing his penis to new depths, she could not seem to control the sounds which burst from deep in her chest.

He raised himself over her prostrate, spread-eagled body as she whined helplessly under him, and he said with lascivious satisfaction, "Now tell me you want it, Sally. Beg me for it."

She stared up at him endeavoring to resist the lewd suggestion as her hips began to wriggle involuntarily and of their own volition. Her eyes pleaded with him to spare her this ultimate degradation.

"No... please, John... isn't this enough?"

"Damn it, I said beg me! Come on, ask me to fuck you... tell me you want it!"

"Oh, God... why... why do you need that, too?" He was taking everything from her -pride, morals, all of it!

"I want to hear you beg, you stuck up little bitch! Beg!"

"A-all right," she sighed hopelessly, "Do it to me... I--I want you to do it to me."

"Not like that. Say 'fuck.' Ask me to fuck you!"

"Fuck me... Oh God... yes, yes, fuck me!" she almost screamed it at him through her clenched teeth and tear-streaked her face as she uttered the unforgivably obscene word. Her capitulation to his demands was complete... she only waited now for whatever was coming, unable to reason or think or feel anything beyond the big throbbing cock that was buried in her tender belly.

As he resumed his thrusting motions up into her with smooth, short strokes, she abandoned her earlier determination to fight the salacious pleasure that was again threatening to engulf her treacherous body... she was too weary and sick with remorse to struggle any more... she wanted to be carried along on the crest of the rolling waves of excitement that followed each plunge of his cock into her tightly clasping pussy. And as he gradually increased his pace as well as the length of his strokes, Sally felt herself going... going along with him... her entire body tingling as she squirmed under him on the couch. He dropped his open mouth to her face, licking at her lust-contorted features, and she captured his tongue between her lips and sucked at it hungrily while she mewled, kitten like, in debased acceptance of all that he was doing to her. She pushed her hips up from the couch cushions to meet his downward plunges and give him still deeper entry into her steaming cunt.

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Sally And Her Big Bear Part 4

Chip. While Sally and I showered, I took her in my arms and thanked her for the pocket watch. She kissed me, thanking me for her new big teddy bear and the pencil set.  We then resumed showering as we continued talking.She asked, “What did you think of the DVD, honey?”“It was amazing, then when Brandy and Jenna joined you, I nearly lost it. What just transpired in the hot tub was beyond anything I thought would be conceivable.”“Well, honey, there’s still more to come and I want to thank you...

3 years ago
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Sally And Her Big Bear Part 3

Before I knew it, the alarm on my watch went off and I quietly got out of bed. I went to my study, unlocked the cabinet and took out the copper pencil holder set. I went over to Sally's study and placed the gift wrapped box on her desk. Returning to our bedroom, I jumped in the shower and after drying off, began to shave. As I dried my face, I felt two arms wrap themselves around my waist and a warm body press against my back.Pulling the towel from my face, I saw my wife's reflection in the...

1 year ago
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Sally and the Salesmen

Last January Sally had to go to Minneapolis on a business trip. "Minneapolis is beautiful in the summer," I told her, "but during the winter it's pretty cold. I doubt that you'll get out of your meeting hotel much. What will you do during your spare time." "I don't know,' she replied, "maybe I'll take in a movie. Or just hang out in the hotel bar." With this last line, she gave me a smile and her eyes brightened. I thought I knew what she was thinking but I had to ask. "What are you thinking of...

Group Sex
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Sally with Bob at the Nude Resort

It had only been two days since I took Sally to the airport on Friday so she could go spend a little quality time with our friend Bob. In his wanderings online he had found a nude resort he thought might be fun, but the rules of the resort stipulated no single males. He wanted Sally to go with him. About a month earlier, we had spent a long weekend with Bob at his farm. One afternoon, he and Sally went swimming in a stream that runs through his land. They wound up skinny dipping, and one thing...

4 years ago
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Sally sorts out her issues

James and Sally had been through a rough patch in their relationship. Their sex life had ground to a halt and both being only 24 years of age James was seriously considering looking elsewhere to fulfill his desires. He would never of left at this point as he loved her but no sex in 7 months not even a blowjob had put a real strain on things. James had received several offers in the past when out with his mates but always passed them up thinking things would get better soon but they hadn't. One...

4 years ago
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Sally Anne was Naughty

Number 22 of a series of individual stories. Sally Anne was Naughty by SONIA e-mail [email protected] Please send comments!!! Chapter 1 - The Invitation My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had various adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. I always let Sally Anne dictate how and when I dressed up. We were extremely happily married although Sally Anne has some slight lesbian interests. She generally satisfied these needs by dressing me...

2 years ago
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Sally Summer of Sex Ch 18

The Fourth of July Anticipation Sally couldn’t sleep. She looked over at the clock, ‘3:17’ stared back at her in glowing red numbers. The last time she looked it had said ‘2:53.’ What an interminable night. She writhed around under the covers and turned on her other side in thought and anticipation. Her thoughts were filled with only one thing, Kyle Peterson. Tomorrow, no! now at least it was today. TODAY! She smiled. Today she would be going with Kyle — Kyle Peterson, a widower, and his...

4 years ago
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Sally And Billys Romance Grows

It was a little before nine when Sally knocked on Billy's door. He had been up for a little more than two hours and was happy to see his girlfriend. “Sally, I am so glad you came over this morning. I am looking forward to spending the day with you. I have just finished my homework. Are you done with yours?” “Yes, Billy. I did my homework as soon as I got up this morning. Now, if you don't mind, I would love to go somewhere where I can show off my new boyfriend.” Billy recognized Sally's need...

Love Stories
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Sally Annes Birthday Treat

Number 13 of a series of individual stories. Sally Anne's Birthday Treat (email [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - Shopping My wife Sally Anne and I had had many adventures with me wearing panties or fully dressed as a woman. Most of the times I dressed up there was an underlying aim of sex and being in daring and sexy situations. Sally Anne's birthday was approaching and she had decided she wanted a romantic evening...

3 years ago
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Sally Decieved

Sally, If you want to see your husband again you’ll follow the instructions below. You will dress in the clothing which you will receive shortly, make sure you Wear everything; you will then be at the Hotel Castor by 8pm Enter the bar and sit in the 3rd booth at the far end of the room. You will be contacted with further...

2 years ago
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Sally my niece The mountains are hot

“Hey Boss, glad you could join us sleepy head.” Don was standing at the stove, along with Brenda making us breakfast. “Uncle Mark!” I heard a squeal from behind me, and arms were around my neck from behind. “Hey Alexandria. How ya doin kiddo?” I was trying to hide my confusion, but decided I’d just ask. “You did tell my I could borrow the place this week right Don?” “Oh yea buddy, we just thought we’d drive up, and see how the place looked, and make sure you had everything you need....

3 years ago
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Sallyrsquos Guilty Pleasures

Sally’s Guilty PleasuresSally was the local dealer… dealer in guilty pleasures, that is. In other words, she was the only Girl Scout on the block. If you wanted cookies, you had to track down this cookie girl and share some of her “stash”. Each year, I would see her in her green vest going door to door taking orders and later delivering the boxes. Sally was kind of plain until she smiled. Then her face would beam like the sun. She had skinny legs and a slight figure. Her blonde hair was...

2 years ago
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Sally Jill

It wasn't unusual for someone to insist on renting a porn movie for the Saturday night viewing party; and usually it was Bob. Sometimes it was so bad that they spent more time laughing at the bad acting and poor plot line then becoming aroused by the film. The small group of close friends: Bob, Sally, Jill, and Kathy, had been enjoying this weekly ritual for several months. Now, if the porn movie were good enough, they'd all masturbate alone later – except for Jill, who would climax during...

1 year ago
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Sally the Groupie

This happened around 10 years ago, when my wife Sally was in her late forties and at the height of her sexuality. We were on vacation and stopped for the night in a city that shall remain unnamed. After checking into our hotel, we saw that the hotel had a bar with a live band and dancing. Sally suggested it would be fun to go dancing that evening. After dinner we returned to the room and got ready for going to the bar. Sally had a number of outfits that showed off her assets to best advantage....

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Sally and Billys Romance Grows

It was a little before nine AM when Sally knocked on Billy's door. He had been up for a little more than two hours and was happy to see his girlfriend. “Sally, I am so glad you came over this morning. I am looking forward to spending the day with you. I have just finished my homework. Are you done with yours?” “Yes, Billy. I did my homework as soon as I got up this morning. Now, if you don't mind, I would love to go somewhere where I can show off my new...

3 years ago
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Sallys Secret Lover

Sally's Secret LoverChapter 1I wonder why it is, Sally Denham thought quizzically to herself, that nothing in life ever turns out quite the way you think it will? Take me, for instance, a born and bred New Englander -- what am I doing in Quiggville, Tennessee? I'm not even sure I like the South (perhaps 'approve of' was more the term), yet here I am practically committed to spending the rest of my life here! Once Ray gets his partnership we'll be committed for sure.Funny, how the expression had...

1 year ago
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Sally Captured

Sally CapturedBy Aspererus ([email protected])Chapter One        I’d seen her in the halls at school quite often but she wasn’t in any of my classes so I didn’t have much contact with her.  I did manage to find out her name was Sally though.  There was just something about her, she did something for me, or to me I guess.  I don’t know what it was exactly, I suppose it was that petite little body of hers and those nice perky little titties with the erect nipples.  I’d seen her try to cover...

1 year ago
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Sally gets a suntanPt2

It feels very nice having your th!@#$$n year old,naked,virgin neighbour straddle your naked body.Her small young pert tits ,with their hard nipples, facing you.Her peach fuzz pubes glazed in her pussy juice gently tickling you belly,and her virgin pussy leaking more juice on you,leaving a little pool .Sally looked at me,smiled,winked and reached behind her back,her little fingers searching for my solid cock. She found it and wrapped her little hand around me and began stroking my incredibley...

3 years ago
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Sally gets a suntan Pt1

This story goes back to the early 80's. I was living in a small village in the Cotswolds,a small semi detached cottage in a picturesque setting.I was 27 and had been there for 3 years.Next door there lived a couple and their daughter Sally. In the 3 years I had got to know them well and I had watched as Sally grew and developed. At this time it was just after her t@#$^=÷nth birthday and she had blossomed into a very beautiful young woman. She was tall and slim.Long legs,long brown hair and a...

4 years ago
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Sally was very worried. Colin, her boss, called her into his office before she had left for the evening and given her a final warning. "Either improve your sales or get out." Sally was a pensions sales rep, but for the last six months she had had no takers. There had been many meetings and promises but no one would make a final commitment and sign up. It was not that she wasn't trying, she had more prospective clients than any of her colleagues but they just wouldn't close the final deal....

1 year ago
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Sally Plus Two

Sally was forty-three years old when she first had sex with two guys at once. Her son and daughter were both away at college. She was still married at the time but that had already grown into a hollow sham of a relationship. She partly blamed herself. Her sexual appetite was strong and her husband over the years sensed he was never able to fulfill her needs. Eventually he stopped really trying and their lovemaking grew mundane. Her desire for passion and sexual fulfillment had gone past...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Sally Meets the Neighbors

Several years ago I took early retirement and we bought a second house in Florida. My wife Sally had always wanted to live near the ocean so we bought a place in a Miami suburb. It was a few miles away from the ocean but was affordable. It also had a small pool in the backyard. Sally, who is four years younger than me, had lived and worked in northern states all of her life and was very excited at the idea of spending winter afternoons lounging by the pool. Lying around the pool all day seemed...

Group Sex
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She had tied Tim in the same way as the man in the porno. She told him he either participated in what was going to happen, or that she would leave him and tell everyone why This is a partly true and partly fiction story.True Part.Some years ago, I worked as a tutor and had several students for one-on-one training in English, Math, or I.T. At that time, I also did computer repairs as a hobby, and people would bring in their laptops for me to either fix or upgrade them.One student called Sally...

1 year ago
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Sally My Niece My down fall

I let my hands drift aimlessly across each of their sexy backs, down to their sweet asses, lightly, but firmly cupping each one bringing their warm soft cunny’s lightly brushing the outside of each of my thighs. Sally started moving slightly first, bringing her leg up to allow her cunt to brush my leg more forcefully. I looked down at Alex, after hearing her moan softly, and she was bringing her hand up to caress my throbbing dick. She wrapped her hand around it, and started stroking slowly,...

3 years ago
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Sally and Jenny foursome

It’s a feeling most men will probably never experience, the moment when your cock brushes against another cock, as a sexy young girl tries to wrap her mouth around the two of you, as she attempts her first double blow job. Sally’s mouth was stretched wide, as her tongue flicked over the purple head of my cock, her left hand stroking my hard flesh up and down, her saliva lubricating me. Her head bobbed from my cock to Mike’s, a young black man, who she had been dating for several months. Her...

2 years ago
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Sally and Jenny foursome

It’s a feeling most men will probably never experience, the moment when your cock brushes against another cock, as a sexy young girl tries to wrap her mouth around the two of you, as she attempts her first double blow job. Sally’s mouth was stretched wide, as her tongue flicked over the purple head of my cock, her left hand stroking my hard flesh up and down, her saliva lubricating me. Her head bobbed from my cock to Mike’s, a young black man, who she had been dating for several months. Her...

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This story is completely fiction. Sally is a very interesting girl with a very handsome boyfriend. She was really excited because her birthday was coming and she knew she was going to have a good time, she was going to be 17 in one day and couldn't wait. Her parents really trusted her boyfriend Tony, he's 19, muscular guy with green eyes, 5'9 tall and wide chest. Every girl's dream at high school. Sally was 5'6 tall, with round and firm breasts and ass, brunnete with dark brown eyes and a...

First Time
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Sally A cautionary tale

Part one of five parts. The other parts will follow if the first part is considered suitable. Sally. A cautionary tale The situations described in this narrative have all happened in the recent past. The acts themselves have been dramatized for erotic effect. In two days it would be New Years Eve and Sally was in the depth of despair. It was almost two years ago that her mother had been killed in that horrible car accident and much had happened since then. Probably the worst, for her, had been...


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